Elizabeth: November 1561, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: November 1561, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp410-423 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1561, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp410-423.

"Elizabeth: November 1561, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp410-423.

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November 1561, 21-30

Nov. 22. 675. N. Stopio to Mason. (fn. 1)
Wrote as usual, since which time the intelligence sent herewith has arrived. Expects to hear from Mason, whose letter, written about the end of September, has not arrived. Any letters given to Sebastian Rizzo, merchant, will reach the writer. Letters are more than due from Constantinople, and their delay causes anxiety. — Venice, 22 Nov. 1561. Signed: N. St.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 2.
Nov. 23.
Keith, ii. 132.
676. The Queen to Mary, Queen of Scots. (fn. 2)
1. By letters brought by Sir P. Mewtas the writer is glad to see that her good will is so well interpreted. As for the answer as he reported it, she sees no cause to be so well satisfied therein as she looked for. The writer only requires the ratification of a treaty passed by Mary's commissioners, and she stays therein. Considering that when Princes treat with open assembly of Ambassadors, the world (and especially the subjects) judge that the amity is not sound, she thinks it better to communicate either privately to Randolph, or by her own letters, the just causes that move her to that stay. If the same be to be allowed in reason, Mary shall perceive that the writer will require nothing but that which honour, justice, and reason shall allow her to ask, and which Mary ought to grant.—Manor of St. James, 23 Nov. 1561.
Copy, much mutilatedby damp. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 23. 677. The King of Navarre to the Queen of England.
Praises the manner in which Nicholas Des Gallars has executed his office at the Convocation at Poissy for the union of the differences of religion.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 23 Nov. 1561. Signed: Antoine.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Par M. De Saul, alias Nich. De Gallars. Fr. Broadside.
Nov. 23. 678. Somers to Throckmorton.
1. On the 16th inst. received Throckmorton's letter of the 14th, by William Killigrew. Apologises for his silence. In a packet by Mr. Carew's servant, Griffith, he sent three letters; by Mr. Challoner another, and a fifth by a scholar named Smith. Thanks him for his letter. The matters therein contained are now spoken aloud in this Court and the town. They discourse of conspiracies, practices, poisonings in hand, and runnings away from the Court, and refusal to come, and apprehensions of physicians, apothecaries, and priests. Joining these to the diversities in religion, it seems that now begins to break out matter to occupy their best heads. In a few years there would be unus pastor et unum ovile if that realm, standing in the midst of Christendom, fall that way.
2. On the 17th, arrived there the Protonotary De Foix, and next day M. De Morette. The day of De Foix's arrival he sent to have audience, wherein he had no resolution, for that Mr. Secretary was not then in the Court. Morette also sent requiring to have audience first. However, on the 19th De Foix was appointed to come, and Morette the next day, on account of De Foix's first coming and asking audience, and also that he came from the French King, and the other from a meaner. De Foix has gone through, but Morette is waiting for another audience this day, and so to follow within a day or two.
3. As for Throckmorton's revoke, Cecil tells the writer that he remembers it still, but he cannot see Mr. Dannet prepare himself, for indeed he would fain shift it off to the spring, alleging his often weakness. This day, suing to Cecil with Davyes for the payment of his advance, he told them that if they were paid three months aforehand, then would Throckmorton be bound to tarry out so long. Somers answered that there was already half a month past, and the rest would soon be over. Cecil said that the Queen was determined to send one out of hand, and that he would therefore entreat the Lord Treasurer to pay him for two months. To-morrow the money shall be received and brought over by Davyes. The writer is sorry for his long absence, and begs Throckmorton to bear with him. Davyes makes account to depart on the 26th Nov. and comes by Rye and Dieppe. Cecil writes to him by this bearer, and speaks of a letter from the Queen to the Queen Mother, which he will receive herewith. The Queen is in very good health, so are all the Lords. All is quiet here, the matters of Ireland are compounded, and good order upon the borders of the north. All foreign coins,—the crown sol and of Flanders excepted,—are cried down. Jones and he have been with M. De Morette, who has taken it in good part. The old great envied matter lies asleep, and nothing so much countenanced as that any effect is in anywise looked for. "Put out, I pray you, these three lines."
4. The Queen is yet at St. James's. (fn. 3) —London, 23 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd.: From Mr. Somers to my father. Pp. 4.
Nov. 24. 679. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
1. Has instantly received from the Warden of the Middle Marches, four books of certificates touching the inclosures of the frontiers, whereof he incloses a schedule, whereby appears how forward they are in that good service.—Huntingdon, 24 Nov. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Will advertise him with all speed as the monthly certificates shall come to his hand.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 24.] 680. Enclosures on the Borders.
A note of the certificates for the enclosures on the frontiers, declaring the number of acres in every ward and wapentake, which are already appointed and set forth to be enclosed by the commissioners, with the names of the surveyors who have travailed therein. Sum total of the acres, 3,144.
Pp. 2.
Nov. 25. 681. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Since writing to the Queen on 7th Oct. he has seen letters written by the Rhinegrave from Saxony, where he has been staying with the Elector since the marriage of the Prince of Orange at Leipzic, and from thence has sent letters into France. He is very familiar with the Count Von Swartzenburg, one of the first leaders of cavalry in Saxony, who provided Philip of Spain with 1,000 horse in his late war. The Elector of Saxony keeps the Rhinegrave with him, in order to take him to the marriage of the Duke of Lunenburg with his sister.
2. The Pope and the King of Spain lately sent to the Swiss on the Rhætian border and their confederates, warning them not to receive Italian fugitives, nor to interfere with the Bishop of Como's jurisdiction, and not allow any books to be printed by means of which heretical errors might be disseminated in Italy. They have replied boldly that they have never received criminals, but that they cannot drive away fugitives for religion; that they have never touched the property of the Bishop of Como, and that no heretical books are published in their territory, and that they would take care that none abusing the Pope or King of Spain should be printed.
3. Duke Albert of Bavaria and the Duke of Wurtemberg, eldest son of the Elector Palatine, were lately at Neuburg, with the Palatine Wolfgang, and have contracted the son of the Duke of Wurtemberg to the daughter of Wolfgang, Duke of Neuburg. The Emperor is now in Bohemia, and Maximilian is at Lintz in Austria, both having left Vienna on account of the plague. The Emperor requires tribute from Bohemia, in order to fortify the frontiers against the Turks, and has desired them to state what forces they can furnish. They have replied that if their own King were given to them they would perform all his commands. Maximilian remains firmer than ever in religion, but shows every respect to his father, accompanying him to Mass as far as the door and meeting him when coming out.—Strasburg, 26 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 4.
Nov. 26. 682. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Sir Thomas Challoner, appointed to be her Ambassador in Spain, arrived here on the 18th inst., intending to depart in great diligence, having obtained the King's passport. Advised him to visit the Queen Mother and the King and Queen of Navarre on her behalf; whereupon Challoner and he went to the Court of St. Germain on the 20th inst. Challoner presented her letters to the Queen Mother, who asked him how the Queen was satisfied with the reformation of De Sacconaye's book and the order taken in the matter; to which he answered he had charge to thank her for her proceedings therein. The Queen Mother gave order to M. l'Aubespine to make Challoner's passport forthwith, and shortly after they took their leave.
2. Challoner gave the Queen's commendations to the Prince of Rochesurion, who was the only one present of the Princes of the Blood at that audience. They were then taken by M. De Corsolles to the King of Navarre's chamber, where the King came to them shortly after, where Challoner assured him of the Queen's amity to him and his wife. The King said he desired to be in her good opinion before any other Prince.
3. Throckmorton then said the King might make in France as great a proof of his zeal to advance the true religion as the Queen had done in England, for now there was good opportunity to do so. The King then asked if he thought they were not forward enough; for to compare it with a twelvemonth since he might perceive a great change. The writer acknowledged the proceedings of the Queen Mother, and of the King and his wife; but was sorry that they intended to do an act that would destroy all that was done by sending a Knight of the Order and the clergy of France to the Council of Trent, whereby it appeared the King meant to recognize the authority of the Pope, and submit himself and his realm to the censors of the Church of Rome. The King answered that the clergy would be limited in what they shall do there. Throckmorton said that after they had acknowledged on the King's behalf obedience to the Pope and the Church, it was immaterial whether they consented to the canons that shall be decreed, for the majority shall carry the same, or the absolute power of the Pope. The King answered that the matter had not gone so far but it may be stayed. Throckmorton desired him to remember that the Queen by the Earl of Bedford, and sundry times by him, desired the French King and him to communicate to her their determination concerning the Council of Trent, and the sending their clergy thither. He has often declared to him and the Queen Mother, that the Queen would accept a free General Council, and she is of the same mind still; but as this Council is ordered, she sees no reason why they should send their clergy. The Almains will not accept it as it is, and he has always said that the King would not send his clergy unless it was a free Council, and such as the Princes of Almain would accept. The King wished he had used this speech to the Queen Mother, and as he had taken his leave of her, he desired that he might deliver the same to her, to which Throckmorton answered that he would gladly he should do the same. The King then desired that the Queen would by her Ambassador request the King of Spain to have consideration of him and his wife for the kingdom of Navarre being wrongfully withholden from them. His wife, to whom it belongs, reposes more trust in the amity of the Queen than in any other. And he thereupon desired Challoner to have his case recommended to the King of Spain, when it pleases the Queen to give him charge to do so.
4. They then went to the Queen of Navarre, unto whom Challoner used good words from the Queen, for which the Queen of Navarre thanked her, and told them that she had written to her not long since, and sent the same by M. De Foix, a kinsman of hers. The Queen then took him by the hand and made him sit by her, and said to him the Queen's credit is great, and the more so for standing so firmly in God's cause. She was glad to hear that the candles and candlesticks were removed from the Queen's chapel. The Queen of Navarre then said she would tell him a secret, but she must not be made the author of it, and desired him to write to her [Elizabeth] that it may not be used thereafter. Within the last few days the King visited her, and walking aside to talk of things meet for his age, he said, "Good aunt, I pray you tell me what doth this mean, that the King my uncle, your husband, doth every day go to Mass, and you come not there, nor my cousin your son, the Prince of Navarre? I answered (quoth the Queen), Sire, the King, my husband, doth so because you go thither, to wait upon you and to obey your order and commandment. Nay aunt (quoth he), I do neither command him nor desire him to do so. But if it be naught (as I do hear say it is) he might well enough forbear to be at it, and offend me nothing at all; for if I might as well as he, and did believe of it as he doth, I would not be at it myself. The Queen said, Why Sir, what do you believe of it? The King answered, The Queen, my mother, M. De Cipiere, and my schoolmaster doth tell me, that it is very good, and that I do there daily see God; but (said the King), I do hear by others that neither God is there nor the thing very good. And surely, aunt, to be plain with you (quoth he), if it were not for the Queen my mother's pleasure, I would not be there myself. And therefore you may boldly continue and do as you do, and so may the King my uncle, your husband, use the matter according to his conscience for any displeasure he shall do unto me. And surely, aunt (quoth he), when I shall be at my own rule I mean to quit the matter. But I pray you (said the King), keep this matter to yourself, and use it so that it come not to my mother's ears."
5. The Queen then asked him if this was not a great comfort to them all to hear thus much from the King; but she said she was afraid lest he be too toward, too virtuous, and too good to tarry amongst them; for she had heard of many acts and sayings of the late King Edward, of England, who did not live long. She thought this would be acceptable to the Queen. They then took their leave and departed to Paris, from whence Challoner took his voyage towards Spain on the 23rd inst.
6. The Grand Prior and M. Danville have, since their coming to this side, as well in the Court as elsewhere, set forth the good usage that they received of the Queen at their being in England. Danville acknowledged the same to him. The Grand Prior did not speak with him at the Court, which he thinks the rather proceeds from a private mislike of him for a matter betwixt them than for any other thing, for he has spoken well of his good usage there.
7. On the 23rd inst. Lignerolles, who has been before to the Queen from the Duke De Nemours, was apprehended at St. Germain, who has confessed the Duke's enterprize concerning the carrying away of the Duke of Orleans, and killing the Prince of Condé. A secretary of the Duke is also taken. Lignerolles lately came from Savoy to this Court, where he saith he left the Duke at a house of his own there.
8. M. De Guise has lately been entreated by the Queen Mother to return to the Court, but has excused his absence with good words, and great assurance of his fidelity to the King.
9. In his last letters the writer informed the Queen that the annates in this realm were granted again to the Bishop of Rome, and that the faculties of the Cardinal of Ferrara, his Legate, were despatched also. By means of the Chancellor of France, the Court of Parliament of Paris will not as yet admit the same; so these matters hang in suspense, whereunto he thinks the King of Navarre consents, to see to what end the Pope will bring the restitution of his kingdom of Navarre, who has promised so to travail therein with the King of Spain as that the King and Queen of Navarre shall be satisfied, in case they remain in the Romish religion. The Cardinal does not intend to leave here for some time. A few days since the Cardinal was contented, at the Queen of Navarre's request, to assist at a sermon made by her minister in her chamber, where he allowed very well of the preacher. The Queen, to recompense his conformity, was present at a sermon made by an Italian friar in the Cardinal's chamber. Thus the Queen may perceive Italians, French, and other nations are more tractable in religion than some of her subjects.
10. There is order taken for payment of the King's debts, which rests chiefy upon the clergy, so it is thought all the domains shall be redeemed by them in six years, and the remainder of the debts be discharged in another six years. Notwithstanding the relief by the clergy, the King demands a subsidy payable by such as be not exempt, amounting to three millions of gold, for the order whereof the estates of every province in his realm are assembled.—Paris, 26 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
Nov. 26. 683. Throckmorton to the Queen.
The bearer, Mr. Florence, makes his repair into England to recover certain sums of money due to him for his legation into Denmark, and his pension in the time of Edward VI. That such sums are due to him he takes to witness Cecil, Petre, and others, who were of her father's Council. He brings two mules for her litter, and as much marble of strange and sundry colours as will garnish a fair chimney. The master of the marble mine has shown Throckmorton the fairest, strangest, and best mixed marble he ever saw, and has offered to serve her with it to make sepulchres, fountains, chimneys, etc. If polished they are very costly; he asks for a piece well mixed, the diameter containing eight feet, hollowed meet for the base of a fountain, 2,500 crowns. The colours in sundry pieces of marble are black and white, green and white, red and white, russet and green, red and green, tawney and green, tawney and black, tawney and russet, black, and white simply. Florence can inform her of all these matters at length, who minds to repair into Cleveland, his own country, and to return into these parts.
Copy. Endd.: 26 Nov. 1561. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 684. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. At his late being at the Court with Sir Thomas Challoner (as he was desired by such here as wish for the advancement of religion to try and impeach the sending of the French clergy to the Council of Trent) he used such talk with the King and Queen of Navarre as might serve for that purpose. At the despatch hereof he is in hopes the clergy will not be sent. It would rejoice them here if the Queen would declare to the protonotary De Foix that she means perfect amity towards them, with some words out of the ordinary to the French King, the Queen Mother, the King and Queen of Navarre, and the Prince of Condé. It should be as it were spoken in private to De Foix as a special favour, and to one that has sustained trouble for religion in the time of the late King Henry; and she should so frame her speech that he may think she is more desirous to have good amity with France than with Spain. It would gratify the King and Queen of Navarre, if it should please the Queen to tell De Foix that she intends to give charge to her Ambassador in Spain to move the King for Navarre; and that, inasmuch as the Bishop of Rome and other Princes have showed themselves in this behalf so benevolent towards them, she will not be behind to gratify them in so reasonable a cause.
2. Sends herewith Beza's answer to the Cardinal of Lorraine's oration. It may please him to cause Beza's first, that of the Cardinal's, and this to be translated into English and printed, and to send some into Scotland. Thinks that if De Foix at his return satisfies them in his legation thither and in Scotland, he is likely to be Ambassador in England.
3. There have lately come over two of Sir Thomas Dennis's sons, of the west country, to learn the French language. They have been to him, and intend after staying here some time to go to Italy. He perceives by the Frenchmen lately returned from Scotland that they do not think well of the Scotch, especialy such as seem to bear most rule about the Queen, whereby he suspects there is no great inclination in the Scotch to renew their league offensive and defensive with France. He has sent the Lord James one of Beza's answers to the Cardinal's oration, so that the Queen his sister may read the same in French, in which she delights, for he is sure she has read her uncle's oration already, which was sent long since by De Crocq; requests Cecil to send the same to Lord James by the next.
4. If it pleased the Queen to bestow twenty pounds upon M. De Saulle at his return (which will be shortly), it would be well employed; he has won the estimation of wise men, and is like to have some great credit in these parts. Cecil's son and Mr. Windebank are in good health; his son told him [Throckmorton] that he will so employ his time here as he trusts to please Cecil's expectation.—Paris, 26 Nov. 1561.
5. P. S.—Challoner departed on the 23rd inst. The writer did not receive Cecil's letters of the 14th inst. and the packet addressed to Challoner until the 25th inst. which shall be sent. The writer's wife means to make Lady Cecil her advocate unto Cecil to put him in remembrance to take the ball at a bound, and toss Mr. Dannet hither as soon as possible.
6. Perceives Mr. Henry Dudley's state in this King's privy chamber is no privilege to keep him forth of the Châtelet, where he is now a prisoner for debt. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 26. 685. Corrected draft of the above.
Endd.: 26 Nov. 1561, by Mr. Florence. Pp. 4.
Nov. 26. 686. Henry Killigrew to Throckmorton.
By this bearer he may understand why no more money is sent to him, and with what difficulty this was obtained. This morning he wrote to him by the Lord of St. Colms Inch. Beseeches him to see the enclosed conveyed with convenient speed to Francis, as there is a letter enclosed which Lord Robert meant to have sent to M. Danville by the Lord of St. Colms Inch. The other letter came even now from the Lady Marquis. This afternoon Lord Robert and Lord Windsor, shooting a match in the park, the Queen stole out upon them only accompanied with Kate Carey and two others, whom she followed as a maid, "and told Lord Robert openly that he was beholden unto her, for that she had passed the pikes for his sake." It seems his favour began but now. There is now a very great Court here; the Duke, his sisters, the Duchess of Suffolk and Somerset, the Earls of Westmorland and Huntingdon, Lord Chandos, and many more. No more word of the Swede.—London, 26 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 687. Windebank to Cecil.
Has received his letters of the 4th and 14th inst., and perceives by the latter that he is recovered and returned to the Court. Will within three or four days cut off the charge of keeping a horse, which is rather applying from one use to another, for the reading of Munster's Cosmography stands them in two crowns a month, besides the charges of buying now and then a book for Mr. Thomas. He speaks French better than by his writing may be perceived. Will do what he can to send a perfect note of books, although the printers use great difficulty therein. Has not sent the proclamations and other books, because he is sure that Throckmorton does so sufficiently, but henceforth he will fulfil his mind. Hopes that they are yet furnished with money for four months, perhaps for five. Thinks that money would be best sent by means of Gresham or Sir W. Chester.—Paris, 26 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 27. 688. The Queen to Throckmorton.
M. De Morett has imparted to her from the Duke of Savoy his message concerning his estate and the Duchess's, and at his second access he delivered a letter sent to her from the Cardinal of Ferrara, now in France, on whose part he made a long discourse of his affection in respect of the house of Ferrara towards her and her crown. But in prosecuting this message, Morett entered into other matters, as from the Cardinal, to move her to send to the General Council as other Princes, whereunto she made such answer as was meet. In the end he said the Cardinal would himself visit the Queen, if it pleased her, not having commission as a Legate, but as one that had regard for her, or else would send some hither, to whom she made answer that she could allow of the offers of the Cardinal which proceeded from him as from one of the house of Ferrara, but not as Legate from Rome. The first she accepted, but the second brought with it no other matter but such as she has answered before to the King of Spain's Ambassador in the like matter. He at last seemed desirous that the Cardinal should confer with Throckmorton. She informed him that he knew what was meet to be done, and that the Cardinal should understand how effectually Morett had used his message. He is by some gentleman of his to send a letter informing him she takes his letter kindly, and in all things, setting his legation apart, she is ready to retain him amongst the number of her friends. If he will signify anything to her, she thinks it best to be sent by some messenger, or by writing. The Queen will not have anything to do with him in any way in the matters of his legation from Rome, and would be content to see him in her Court, were it not for the office which he represents from Rome. (fn. 4)
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol., but with a few alterations by another hand. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 27 Nov. 1561. Pp. 4.
Nov. 27. 689. Copy of the above, dated 27 Nov., 4 Eliz.
Endd.: Sent by Henry Ollard, merchant of London. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 690. Cecil to Throckmorton.
The bearer, Throckmorton's servant, has been stayed these two days to carry a letter from the Queen to him, but (how it happens he knows not) she forbears the signing. The contents were that he should have signified to the Cardinal of Ferrara how well she allowed of his kind letter, etc., brought by Mr. Morette, who has entered very largely with the Queen in the matter of the General Council. Cecil wishes that the Queen had some counsellors of more credit than himself to deal therein. "These parasites and flatterers do more hurt to Princes than any beasts of the field." Whatsoever his message was from the Cardinal, it lost no grace nor fashion by the Bishop of Aquila's forge, and I (poor fool) forced to bear the blows and stings of these scorpions. Sed potens est Dominus. I hope in God by the Queen's Majesty's letter, when it cometh . . . . . . . (the rest wanting).
Orig. Hol., with seal, the bottom torn off. Add. Endd.: 27 Nov. 1561. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 691. Modern copy of the above.
P. 1.
Nov. 28. 692. Jones to Throckmorton.
Has seen a letter sent from Hamburg by one who was sent for money matters to serve the Queen's turn in the payment of her debts. Hamburg prepares to resist the King of Denmark's injuries, who would violently usurp the prerogative of the Elbe, and already has furniture to build a bulwark at Brunsbuttel. The Hamburgers, considering their whole wealth to depend upon the stream, will in no wise consent unto the King, and are therefore already defied, and twenty-three of their great ships detained in the Sound. Notwithstanding they are constrained to make no account of them, but to proceed to join unto them confederates, wherein their endeavours have been more fortunate than is for the King's commodity. It concerns every Prince to provide that the Dane (who in insolency and monstrous manners exceeds all his predecessors) have not the government of both the east and west sea. Bellona shows evident arguments that next year she is to be employed in some other regions. The King of Sweden, altering his purpose for coming overland, has referred all things till next spring. There is an end made between the Lord Lieutenant and Shane O'Neale, but the conditions are not so honourable as between a Prince and a subject should be. Hostages are to be given, or else O'Neale refuses to come. Some speak not well of the government of Ireland.—London, 28 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 693. Intelligences.
1. Venice, 29 Nov.—Letters from Poland make mention of the arrival of the Archbishop of Riga and a number of the Livonian nobility at the Court of the King of Poland, having come to swear fealty to him, thereby to be defended from the Muscovite. The King received them with great honour, and sent 4,000 gentlemen on horseback to welcome them, and on the following Sunday there was a great banquet. They mustered about 500 horses, and it was said the King intended to bestow one of his sisters in marriage at this time.
2. Letters from Prague state that the Dukes of Saxony Wurtemberg, and Bavaria had met the Emperor there, and it was ordained that the said Dukes' Ambassadors should not for the future accompany the Emperor to any ceremonies to be done in the Church. The cause was partly by a certain competition for places between the Princes of Italy and Almain. Another cause was partly by the competition between Florence and Ferrara. The Emperor has sent to the Duke of Saxony and other Princes to appoint a time for a Diet. The King and Queen of Bohemia had retired to Lintz in consequence of the pestilence being so great at Vienna. Saluzzo has surrendered to the French King, which was done by the King of Navarre; the meaning whereof is, that the Duke of Savoy, having sundry pieces of that state in his hands, might justly be required to surrender them if he should be importunate in his demands for the five forts, which are covenanted to be surrendered next April.
3. It was written from Rome on the 22nd that the Pope still hurried those forward that were appointed to the Council. Cardinal Simonetta tried to defer his journey till after Christmas, but the Pope would not grant it. For better proof of his meaning he has published a jubilee for the success of the said Council. Carlo Visconte was suddenly changed from a lay apparel into that of a protonotary's, which is an evident argument that he expects a hat shortly. The Prince of Florence has left Rome. His journey to Spain will be deferred till the spring, for King Philip will not willingly have his galleys worked any more this winter, having been at the Goletta, from whence they carried many soldiers to Naples. M. De Nemours was expected at Ferrara, to marry one of the Duke's sisters. The French show daily less intention to restore the five forts, and lately they have demanded restitution of Asti and of Nizza. It is taken for certain that there will be war between Spain and France. The day previous to the date hereof there arrived at Venice a French gentleman sent in ambassade to Constantinople.
Orig. Add.: Advices from Venice. Pp. 6.
Nov. 29. 694. Intelligences.
1. Prague, 10 Nov. 1561. 4,000 Turks have been defeated and the greater part of their horses have been taken. They are building two castles near to Julia in positions very prejudicial to the Christians, and have lately attacked a castle named Vezus in Hungary, at which many of the assailants were slain. The Lord of Rosemberg is about to be married, and the Emperor will send the Baron of Nehuns, Great Chancellor of Hungary, with a present of the value of 10,000 florins. Maximilian has gone to Lintz to avoid the pestilence which rages at Vienna.
2. Milan, 26 Nov. Seven bishops have arrived from Spain on their way to the Council, among whom are the Bishops of Tortona and Barcelona. The Catholics of the Grisons have come to blows with the Protestants, and at Lyons the Catholics have killed fifty Lutherans. The Ambassador of Savoy states that his Duke has been informed by the Cardinal of Ferrara, from France, that twenty-six will be despatched thence to Trent; but the conduct of the King of Navarre makes this doubtful. The musters have been made here.
3. Constantinople, 3 Nov. 1561. On 20 Oct. the Ambassador of the Pope arrived with about 200 horses, and had an audience on the 1st inst., at which he presented many costly presents. The Turk has promised to permit the export of corn by the Venetians. The plague has entirely ceased.
4. Prague, 17 Nov. The Emperor has gone to Barduich, which the King of Bohemia has purchased from the Baron of Prenestain. Prince Ferdinand has gone to a castle more at hand. The Venetian Ambassador Michieli made his entry on the 2nd. There is a report that the Archduke Charles is treating of a marriage with the Queen of Scotland, but the Scotch are more anxious that she should marry the Earl of Arran. The Emperor has sent six Ambassadors to the three Electors.
5. Rome, 29 Nov. Last Sunday Cardinal Carpi celebrated Mass at St. Pietro al Populo. The Jubilee has continued all this week. Last Thursday at the Congregation it was determined to refer to the Council the question of the pre cedence between Spain and France. The Cardinal D'Emps and the Bishops are going to the Council. M. Crivello sets out on Monday for Spain. Doctor Imola, reader in canon law, has gone from Padua to Rome, where he is well received by the Pope. The death of Stefano Del Buffalo vacates offices in Sienna to the value of 25,000 ducats, all of which are claimed by the Duchess of Florence. On his return from Rome the Prince of Florence became ill at Sienna. The Pope has published a bull against the Notaries. The post has arrived here this night with letters of the 20th, the contents of which are not yet known. The Pope has this day summoned all the Ambassadors, but for what cause it is uncertain. Intelligence from Naples mentions the intended departure of the galleys for the Goletta. The Pope intends to go to Solazzo and Ostia. The sentence in the suit against the Duke of Parma will probably be pronounced about Christmas.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 4.


  • 1. On the same sheet is the Italian Intelligences, given under 15 Nov. (No.669).
  • 2. Maitland to Cecil.
    Dec. 15.
    Hatfield House. Haynes, p. 375.
    The Queen of Scots received a letter on the — inst. from the Queen of England, dated 23rd Nov., concerning the answer made to the message propounded by Sir Peter Mewtas. He has advised his Queen to defer her answer for a short time, during which he requires his [Cecil's] opinion how the same may be so framed, so as neither party be pained or miscontented. He [Cecil] knows in what terms the case stands, and thinks he is privy to both their intents. Has amply discoursed this matter with him, partly by letters and in conference when they were together. Elizabeth requires that his mistress should communicate privately to Randolph, or rather by her own letters to the Queen's self, what are the just causes that move her thus to stay in the ratifications, wherein he trusts his Queen means not to deal with Queen Elizabeth any other way than by letters betwixt them familiarly, or at least betwixt "us two" upon their knowledge. The impediment why she does not ratify the treaty, he [Cecil] can well enough judge, for he knows how prejudicial it is to her, and what interest she may pretend. "Who can advise Her Majesty, being so nigh of the blood of England, to do a fact which shall make her to be as it were any stranger from it?" Such a love God has kindled in her heart towards Elizabeth that she will consent to anything that may tend to her honour and security, provided the Queen be made sure of her title, which by birth she may justly claim if the Queen should die without lawful issue. Says nothing of the present, which is in controversy, and in the judgment of many has some probability. Unless it may serve to good purpose he has "no will they should enter into purpose why the treaty ought not to be confirmed." If he [Cecil] thinks it profitable to come to the other accord, and that the first suit proceed from this side upon hope that the Queen will deal friendly with them and so pass to an open declaration, he trusts his mistress may be induced to begin, and that she will consent to lean upon his [Cecil's] advice; but to enter into a demand and find a repulse it would much offend her, being of such courage that he would be unwilling to procure the beginning unless he looked for good success. Prays for that amity which has endured betwixt them, that he [Cecil] will write to him how Mary shall deal with Elizabeth to come to that good accord. Wishes that Elizabeth would write with her own hand to Mary, as the latter does to the former, and as frankly as she does begin.—Edinburgh, 15 Dec. 1561. Signed.
  • 3. This single sentence is in Cecil's hand.
  • 4. A cancelled passage here requests Throckmorton to let her understand how Morette is herewith satisfied.