Elizabeth: November 1561, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: November 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp396-410 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp396-410.

"Elizabeth: November 1561, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp396-410.

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November 1561, 11-20

Nov. 12. 658. Windebank to Cecil.
Since Kendall's departure Mr. Thomas has had his health very well, as this bearer, Mr. Killegrew, can inform him. In the morning from eight to nine o'clock he has one who reads Munster with him; that done, he has his hour to learn to dance, and in these two things is the whole forenoon consumed. After dinner at one o'clock he goes to a lesson of the Institutes. Towards three he has one that teaches him to play on the lute, wherein, and in one hour's reading of Josephus De bello Judaico, he bestows the whole afternoon. After supper he lacks no company to talk with for learning the tongue that way, and besides either recordeth on the lute or takes some other book in hand.—Paris, 12 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 14. 659. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. In his late letters he informed the Queen that the Guises intended to retire from the Court. The 20th ult. the Cardinal and the Duke of Guise departed thence. The Queen Mother and the King of Navarre showed themselves willing to have them reside at Court, and counsel the King in his affairs, but they would not be entreated to make any longer abode. They departed in good terms, as it appeared in open show. They were accompanied by the Dukes of Nemours and Longueville, and other great personages, and they mustered six or seven hundred horse. Within two days after departing there broke forth a conjuration of some moment, the one part containing the stealing away of the Duke of Orleans, who was chosen to be capo di parti for the Papists and miscontented folks; the other part contained the poisoning of the King of Navarre, his wife, the Prince of Condé, and the Admiral. The Duke De Nemours is charged to be the principal author of the embezzling of the Duke of Orleans, who solicited the Duke to go with him at his time appointed from the Court; he should have been carried by Nemours to the Duke of Savoy, and so to the King of Spain. A physician, an apothecary, and others are charged with the poisoning, and are apprehended; some have confessed, but the principal authors are not yet discovered. When this news came abroad, the Court was strictly kept, and the guards on all sides reinforced. M. De Corsolles, Knight of the Order, was sent from the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre with a letter to the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise, entreating them to return, because the King needed their advice in matters of great importance. Corsolles found them at Nanteuil, about fourteen or fifteen miles from the Court. There was a long and very earnest conference amongst them, but they did not return to the Court. The Cardinal, early the next morning, departed from Nanteuil in speed towards Lorraine, and the Duke of Guise the following day for the same place. Their sudden departure has caused great suspicion at Court, for they intended to have kept the feast of Allhallows at Nanteuil. On the day the Duke of Guise departed from his house, the Duke De Nemours, accompanied by Louis De Mirandola, younger brother to the Conté, and Octavian De Fragose, departed secretly from this town in post towards Savoy. It is reported that the Duke of Orleans has confessed that Nemours persuaded him secretly to withdraw from the Court and commit himself to such as would look to his safety and good bringing up, and thereby eschew the danger that hung over his head, because the King was thought not to be long-lived, and therefore to draw himself from them who gaped after his death.
2. These matters work great fears in the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, the rather for the King of Spain has lately, as well by his Ambassador here, as by M. De Ozanzo (a gentleman of the French King's privy chamber who came lately from Spain), used great threatenings for their proceeding in religion here; and lastly by Conté De Horne, who had audience of the King on the 30th ult., coming in post from Spain, and passed from hence into Flanders. He is sent to give order in the Low Countries that the Protestants do not prevail there too much, and to punish such as lately made assemblies at Valenciennes, Tournay, and other places in Hainault and Artois, after the manner as they do here. And to augment the fears of the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, some ministers of Spain have rumoured that the Queen means to join the King of Spain against this Prince. It will greatly advance her causes to inform them that she desires nothing but amity between their realms. The more they are certain of her amity, the bolder they will be to advance the Protestant religion in this country. Unless he is much deceived, the Queen's state at this present stands in better terms than any monarchy in Christendom.
3. He could not verbally declare to the Grand Master of Malta her commandment (contained in her letter of 4th Oct.), in consequence of his being sick at his "commandery" far hence, nor has he been in this town since the writer received her letters. The Ambassador to this King from the Grand Master lately desired the writer on behalf of the Hospitaller to write the Queen's answer to him (as he could not come himself), for they were informed by M. De Sevre that Throckmorton had charge to declare her answer unto the Master's letter; whereupon he wrote a letter according to her instructions, the copy whereof he sends herewith.
4. According to her pleasure signified to him by Cecil, he has moved Signor Michael Soriano, the Venetian Ambassador here, for Guido Gianetti, her naturalized subject, now prisoner in Venice. The Ambassador by his next letters will recommend the case of Gianetti to the Duke and Seigniory. The Ambassador said if his case was one of religion there would be great difficulty to help him, because the Seigniory was bent to use great severity in those cases, to eschew all innovations in their State, seeing other States were shaken thereby; but if it arose from any other cause they will gratify her.
5. Through the threatenings of the King of Spain, the enchantments the Bishop of Rome uses here, and the suspicion conceived of civil trouble at home, the King is resolved to send M. De Candalle and twenty-six bishops, two of whom are archbishops, to the Council of Trent. Permission is granted to the ministers of the reformed churches of this realm to preach in all places, so it be done without tumult; and for their better surety, arms are sequestered in all towns from such as are suspected to offer any violence to the ministers. "What the sequel will be God knoweth; but I judge dissipation of the whole."
6. Lately the Duke of Wurtemberg, the Count Palatine, and the Duke of Deuxponts have sent hither six of their ministers to have conference with the ministers of these churches. It is thought their coming hither is procured by such Papists as would make advantage of their dissension in the matter of the Sacrament, rather than have the Church of France reduced to the order of the Protestants. One of the six has died of the plague in this town. There had been no conference at the despatch hereof.
7. By his last letters from the Ambassador in Spain of the 30th September, he is informed that certain English subjects going to Bordeaux for wines were scattered by the weather, and apprehended by some Spanish ships coming from the Indies. Their mishap was to meet upon the coast of Spain near the port, a Portuguese carvel, with all sails set and no one in her, into which they put some of their men and followed their course towards Cadiz; which they would not have done if they had stolen the same. The Spanish captain meeting them charged them with piracy, and accused them of robbing the carvel and throwing the men overboard, and so put nine or ten of them to the torture; who confessing nothing but the truth, were sent to Cadiz and imprisoned. Shortly after the owner of the carvel arrived, and declared that being sea-beaten he abandoned the ship. The Ambassador writes that he has travailed earnestly for releasing them from prison, but only gets fair words and cold deeds for these men and for those of Bristol who met with the like hap not long since. He also writes that lately there was a fire in Valladolid, in which more than 2,000 houses were burned. The Ambassador had not received any resolute answer at the despatch of his letters, for the dispensing of the statute lately made in Spain to the prejudice of the Queen's merchants' traffic in those parts. He also mentions that the King of Spain has sent some of his bishops to the Council of Trent, who have already set forward.
8. Two days after the Guises left the Court, the Constable left, not to return for some time unless sent for. He understands the causes of the Constable's miscontentations are, that he does not allow of the proceedings in religion as they are tolerated. Secondly, that the Estates of the realm at the last assembly persisted that the Constable, the Cardinal of Lorraine, the Duke of Guise, and the Marshals St. André and Brisac, should render an account of all money disbursed by their order, during their management of the affairs; and that those who cannot give a good account shall satisfy the King now in his need, whereby he shall have no cause to exact upon his people. To this the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Princes of the Blood gave a favourable ear. Thirdly, the Constable finds there is some working to take from him the Constableship of France, by way of resignation to the Prince of Condé, like as he was in King Francis's time despatched of the Great Mastership by the Duke of Guise. And to please him for his great stroke they mean to make his son, M. Danville, Grand Ecuyer of France after the death of M. De Boissy, or take it from him, being now aged and not able to exercise it.
9. On the 29th ult. Peter Martyr took leave of the Court, and the King gave him in reward for his voyage two hundred crowns of the sun, and on the 31st ult. he departed from Paris towards Zurich, accompanied by certain gentlemen appointed for his conduct.
10. The Chancellor of France and the Admiral have the principal management of affairs in their hands. The Queen Mother and the King of Navarre with the Princes of the Blood bear the show of authority. If the Admiral's credit lasts, the Constable his uncle will be in no way discredited.
11. Understands that the Rhinegrave (who went to present this King's order to the King of Denmark, and congratulate the marriage of the Prince of Orange with Duke Maurice's daughter,) intends to go to Scotland. It is thought that he has the management of the marriage of the King of Denmark with the Queen of Scots. He returns through England and make his reverence to the Queen.
12. There has lately been much trouble at Montpellier about religion, and on both sides a hundred slain. Not one week passes without a tumult in this town for religion, yet the Prince of Rochesurion, assisted by the Marshal De Termes, resides here as the King's Lieutenant to keep the people in order.
13. Upon intelligence lately come to Court that the King of Spain means to send the Duke of Alva into Italy, and from thence through Almaine into Flanders, men here suspect that the King means to compass the Empire to himself after the death of his uncle. He is very forward, if it be true, that three "Bishops electors" are wholly at the King's devotion, who has also won the goodwill of the Duke Augustus by the marriage of the Prince of Orange to his niece, and also that of the Marquis of Brandenburg. So there only remain the King of Bohemia and the Count Palatine to impugn his intent. Notwithstanding the alliance betwixt the Queen and the King of Spain, another man is as meet for her purpose to be Emperor as the said King.
14. Lately one Malezarte (sometime prisoner in England, who is known to the Lord Admiral and Mr. Winter), made an offer to the Admiral of France and others of the King's Council, that when occasion served he would take upon himself to deliver Jersey and Guernsey into the French King's hands. His enterprise grows by intelligence which he has in the Isles, with certain lewd persons, who are too well affected to the French. He cannot learn how Malezart's offer was taken, but he is put in the calendar of those that the King will have consideration of, as a man of service.
15. There lately came to him one La Salle, who is reputed here to be a man of good service for sea matters. He has charge both in the Levant and in these seas, and is the most ancient marine captain of this realm. He seems to have great skill in building all kinds of ships, and has told him that all the ships which have done the greatest service in the Levant and in the "ponent" were designed by him. He is very desirous of becoming one of the Queen's naturalized subjects, and if she will not accept his services he will serve the Venetians. The causes of his leaving this realm, is that he is not answered of such money as is due to him for services and disbursements. He has had here 300 crowns yearly for his entertainment. Desires to know her pleasure by the next, if she intends to entertain him. Has written to the Lord Admiral concerning him, who can inform her whether such a man is requisite.
16. Has declared unto De Vomeny the Queen's pleasure signified by her letters of the 4th ult. Before that time he was sent for to come to Court by the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, and was put in hope that he should enjoy his wife with her goods, without danger of his person. His adverse party being very great, he seems not to stay too much of those promises. He will make some proof of them before he leaves this country now. He said he was loath to leave the certainty of his state and entertainment here, if he might overcome the malice of his enemies, to go to England, and commit himself to casualties.
17. On the 6th inst. M. De Morrete came to his lodging and presented him with a letter from the Duke of Savoy, the copy of which he sends. The Duke sends Morrete to her, to signify that the Duchess his wife is eight months gone with child; he trusts she will be glad to hear this news. He understands by Motrete that the President Sigier and other commissioners of the French King are at Lyons, where they confer with the commissioners of the Duke of Savoy about surrendering the towns in Piedmont, held by the French, and the time of rendition expires in April next. He does not perceive any likelihood of the French rendering the same, therefore there is likely to be a breach of amity betwixt the French King and the Duke of Savoy, and so consequently betwixt France and Spain, wherein the Queen may make her profit.
18. The King of Spain means to serve his turn greatly by the Almains, as well for compassing the Empire at the next vacation, as to have numbers at his devotion in case he breaks with this Prince or with any other. He has employed 330,000 crowns, of his last wife's marriage portion, amongst the Almains. The remainder of the Queen's marriage portion not yet paid by the French (which amounts to 80,000 crowns), is not likely to be paid to the King of Spain, for he has not, according to the capitulations, assigned his wife's dowry in Spain. It is thought this will be an occasion of quarrel betwixt them.
19. He understands the King intends next December to assemble all the knights of his order, and of every court of Parliament. Supposes it is to touch some great personages of this realm, as the Dukes of Nemours and Guise, like as it was done in King Francis' time (a year since) to detect the Prince of Condé and others.
20. Hears these men mean to change the Governors of all their places who are well affected to the house of Guise, and amongst others M. De Gourdon is to be removed from his charge at Calais, and M. De Grandmont, who married the sister of the Vidame of Chartres, is to have the same. Also that they intend to reinforce all their garrisons upon their frontiers, because the King of Spain has done so upon his. It is said that the Admiral shall be Governor of Normandy, and the Duke De Bouillon displaced.
21. These men here are in doubt of war next year, which will be dangerous to them for the partialities in the realm, therefore the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre are contented that the Cardinal of Ferrara, as the Pope's Legate, shall use his faculties and the prerogative belonging to the same, which he could not obtain till now. It is done that they may not have too many enemies at one time. The Chancellor of France has very earnestly impugned the granting of these prerogatives to the Cardinal of Ferrara, but was at length commanded by the King, the Queen Mother, and the King of Navarre to seal the instrument. He made a solemn protestation to the Cardinal in the presence of them and the King's Council, that he sealed the same by commandment of his Sovereign, which was against the prerogative of the crown and the realm, the ordinance of the state, and the commonwealth; and would be the cause of bringing trouble to this realm; after saying which he delivered the instrument to the Cardinal. By this he is accounted to be a sincere minister and a promoter of the true religion here, others think to the contrary. He does still and must continue in office, for the King cannot deprive him thereof without sufficient charge, which must be of another nature.
22. Wrote lately to the Queen of certain intelligence told him by John Baptiste Baltrand, which then seemed prejudicial to her; since then he has had cause to think him a "babeler," and a practiser to insinuate himself into her favour for some reward; for lately he and others have been accused here that they go about to practise poisoning in this Court upon some great personages. Baltrand and his confederates have fled, and there is pursuit made to apprehend them. Hopes she will give some order for apprehension of them if they come to England.
23. They are very desirous here to know the negociation of M. De Moret with her, and also his errand to the Queen of Scots, to whom he passes from thence. Therefore the King has sent M. De Foix, a protonotary, kinsman to the Queen of Navarre, to the Queen of Scots for that purpose, who will desire to be accommodated in his voyage thither by the Queen's favour.
24. Here is a bruit that the Duke De Nemours' process is in hand; these men have made great search for him, for they fear his malice, courage, and conduct.
25. The Bishop of Rome has revoked the Bishop of Viterbo from hence (who at his return will be made a Cardinal), and sent hither the Bishop of St. Croce as his Ambassador resident. The Venetians have sent Marc Antonio Barbaro to reside here in the place of Sig. Michaeli Soriano.
26. Understands that this day the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre have sent for the Constable to repair to the Court again, unto whom they mean to show favour, as a thing necessary for their surety, not knowing what the event will be of the doings of the King of Spain, the Duke of Savoy, the house of Guise and Lorraine, and of the Duke De Nemours.
27. Mr. John Belmain, her servant, since coming this side the sea has very honestly acknowledged his duty to her. He hopes she will at his repair unto her let him know her acceptation of his behaviour in these parts.
28. A friend sent him from the Court the enclosed, as the confession of the Duke of Orleans, whereupon the matters against the Dukes of Guise and Nemours are grounded, wherein there does not appear so much against Guise as Nemours. The Prince De Joinville (the son of the Duke of Guise) is party to the matter. How it will be verified he cannot inform the Queen, or whether it is given abroad to slander the said Dukes; for he thinks they would have been too wise to have to do with a child in so great an affair.
29. The Queen Mother has expected to have heard of the Queen's acceptation ere this time of her proceeding in suppressing Sacconaye's book, which he sent on the 11th ult.— Paris, 14 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 15.
Nov. 14. 661. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
Recommends to them M. De Morett, sent from the Duke of Savoy to the Queen. He has in charge something to say from the Duke to her, and some letters from him [the Duke] to some of their Lordships.—Paris, 14 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 14. 660. Cecil to Windebank.
1. Has not heard since Kendall's coming thence. The note of the books sent was imperfect, for it lacked the printer's name and the year of the impression. "As for my Bibles I have; but the Civil Law only I covet in foliis. As proclamations or edicts come forth, I pray you send me. If any trifling story or small abridgements of their doings be there, I would have them. Commend me to Thomas Cecil, to whom I give (with God's grace) my blessing; wishing myself some comfort to my anxiety of mind had for him."
2. The writer's sister, Margaret, shall be married here at his house on the 24th inst., to Mr. Roger Cave, nephew to Sir Ambrose Cave. How can he best send their money, and when do they want it?—St. James's, 14 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Windebank. Pp. 2.
[Nov.] 14. The Earl of Bedford to Throckmorton.
1. His last letter brought but sorry news concerning religion. Sir Thomas Smith is named to succeed him [Throckmorton], but it is as yet undetermined. The Queen is minded to send to the Princes [of Germany], to enter into a new league with them for religion. The Earl of Sussex in his matters with Shane O'Neil has handled himself very honourably; and after much talk, agreement is made between them, so as he, changing his crooked conditions to civil and obedient customs, has in token thereof put on English apparel. Fears that the one will last as long as the other, and the longest of both no longer than till he come home to his bogs again.—London, 14 . . . . Signed.
2. P. S.—Since writing has had a full resolution that Smith shall [come]. Dares take upon himself to make Lord Robert and Throckmorton friends, if the latter so wills.
Orig., much injured by damp, and in a very fragile condition. Add. Pp. 2.
Nov. 15. 662. Chamberlain to the Queen.
1. Perceiving the delay of the King's resolution upon the continuance of the common traffic, and for releasing of the ships of Bristol and Barnstaple, the writer sought access to him, and told him that having waited a month for his resolution he was forced to put him in remembrance thereof. He also said that their fathers made great account of the common traffic, and that he [Philip] would find that if English merchants had not resorted to Andalusia to send away their hot wines and fruits, the people there could not have provided themselves with corn, wheat being at three pounds the quarter (English measure), and all kinds of cattle destroyed for want of food. The weather continuing the same, greater afflictions are to be expected in those parts, therefore he prayed the King not to defer his resolution.
2. The King made his accustomed answer, saying that he had appointed his Council to debate upon the matter. The writer added, that the Queen marvelled that her subjects are suffered to carry away things rather unprofitable than necessary, and for a commodity more expedient were made to return home empty, as they do every day. He said there had lately happened to her subjects manifest wrongs through his ministers and captains. The writer requested the King to release the ships of Bristol and Barnstaple, and prayed him to conclude upon the common traffic, and to give redress to these disorders lately happened. The King said he would give order out of hand for both.
3. Since writing he has sundry times visited the Duke of Alva, and sent to know the King's resolution, who has given answer that a law being made by consent of the estates, it required good consideration before it could be broken. This is all he can get, unless he should press the King, and cause him to think him too much importunate.
4. Understands two ships have found remedy to load in Biscay with iron. Wonders the King and Council have not made him any direct answer when he has touched them with the treaties and intercourses; the ratification of the same is more than needful, although it was but for the assurance of English merchants haunting the Low Countries. The ships of Bristol and Barnstaple are released upon surety, and some have departed hence, but he cannot obtain the clear despatch of that matter with discharging the surety. There has lately been a stir concerning religion in Flanders, whereby there is talk that the King goes thither for that purpose, or for war. Reminds the Queen of her second promise for his revocation, because his things at home are going to ruin, the care whereof does not make him the best apt to serve her.—Madrid, 15 Nov. 1561. Signed.
5. P. S.—The Prince departed from hence about ten days since, for a place six leagues distant, whereas they say his quartan has left him.
Orig. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Nov. 15. 664. Chamberlain to the Privy Council.
1. It may appear to them by his letter to the Queen how he has procured the King to consider the continuance of the common traffic, which he has long since promised. Does not greatly marvel though it be somewhat long in resolution, for two respects; the one is because it is a matter concluded by Parliament, the other for that in all despatches to be had in this Court there is found very slow proceeding, especially since for these two months the Council has been chiefly occupied about the wars, which argues some suspicion that they have conceived of the Duke of Vendôme's late demand for the kingdom of Navarre.
2. Don John De Ayala is come from Rome. The Pope has concluded upon the King's request, long since made, for the levying of 360,000 ducats upon the clergy for the erecting of fifty galleys, on condition that they shall serve against the infidels and such as have lost their devotion towards his Holiness, and with much ado the King has gotten that they may also serve for the defence of his dominions. He has also obtained that the aforesaid sum shall be levied for the space of five years together, which will help to discharge the cost of the galleys he has in readiness, until the timber and other things may be found out to furnish the other fifty that by this bargain are pretended. The talk goes that the three commanderies shall furnish fifty more, so that there will be 170 galleys ordinarily furnished for this King's service; and therefore he wishes in the meantime that their poor neighbours would prepare. The ships of London lately troubled in Andalusia are clean released; those of Bristol and Barnstaple are also on surety; he cannot, however, get the sureties discharged, although he is promised from day to day. Begs them to have him in remembrance, remaining here without health or money, his diets being unpaid for these six months.—Madrid, 15 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 15. 665. Chamberlain to Cecil.
1. By his letters to the Queen, Cecil may perceive the quietness of this State, and how they continually consult about some alterations that they suspect, or which might happen.
2. He has expected, since the Queen's and Cecil's last letters, his successor's arrival. In the mean time he remains void of health and money, which he mislikes, being certified from home that he has wearied his friend Mr. Osborne, and others that took pains to call for his diets. Wherefore (being six months behind-hand of his diets) they will not leave their business any longer for him. By this means he is in Gresham's books deeper and deeper, who calls for satisfaction, having borne with him since the time of King Edward. Beseeches Cecil to find some remedy for him before he is quite discredited.—Madrid, 15 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: partly by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 15. 666. Guido Gianetti to the Queen.
Wrote last to her upon 11th October. The Ambassador from the King of Navarre to the Pope has been answered by his Holiness touching the restitution of Navarre by King Philip. The application has not been successful, in consequence of the heresy of the King and Queen of Navarre. The Commissioners of the Grisons assembles in October. Twenty-three have made their answer to the five demands made by King Philip. The eldest son of the Duke of Florence has been received at Rome by the Pope and the Papal Court with all the honours usually conceded to the son of a king; he rode by the Pope's side from St. Peter's to the Lateran.— Venice, 15 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Nov. 15. 667. Guido Gianetti to Cecil.
Professions of regard and thanks for kindness. Whatever favour he has experienced from the Queen he owes to Cecil's influence. Hopes that he will approve of the accompanying letters, which contain the demand made in the Pope's name upon the inhabitants of the Rhetian Alps, with the reply of their senate given on the 23rd October.—Venice, 15 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 15. 668. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Milan, 5 November.—The Archbishop of Granada, Don Hieromino de Velasco, Bishop of St. Salvatore, the Bishop of Calahorra, and the Bishop of la Crugua [Coruna], had arrived at Milan on their way to the Council. The Duke of Sessa's family have arrived at Villafranca, and he was at Barcelona waiting for the galleys. The Pope's Nuncio, whom he sent to the Grisons, has returned, having left them in their former disposition. They will neither go nor send to the General Council, unless all Princes are allowed to send to the same. In Geneva musters had been taken for 20,000 footmen, the cause whereof is not known, unless it is because the Duke of Savoy would not suffer their salt to pass, as had always been accustomed.
2. The Marquis of Saluzo, who has been some time in King Philip's Court, has returned by subornation to the service of France. The King has given him the title of Marquis and 4,000 crowns worth of land by the year, during his life. He has also given to his eldest bastard son a good abbacy, and good pensions to the rest, on condition that he shall renounce all claims and quarrels in Saluzo. It is thought that this is done to have a colour in some places, which by the treaty they were bound to restore to the Duke of Savoy.
3. Rome, 8 November.—M. Cruiello will shortly depart for Spain in place of the Bishop of Terracina, deceased. Many bishops have departed towards the Council. On the 7th inst. seven left at once, others linger as long as they can. Divers others from Naples are appointed to resort thither, and amongst them the Archbishop of Otranto. Gabrio Serbellone was appointed to view the forts of the whole State of the Church, and M. Odescalcho was to visit the State as Syndic, to see in all places how justice was administered. From France it was written that M. De Candall should repair to the Council as Ambassador from the French King, and twenty-five bishops with him. The Prince of Florence made his entry on Sunday last with great pomp, accompanied by 3,000 horse. The Cardinals Borromeo and St. Fiore being on his right and left, he was brought to the Pope, and went with him that evening to evensong, and sat between the two Cardinals before named. He is often at meals with the Pope, and once a day he is willed to resort to him. His entertainment is wholly at the Pope's charge. The Pope intends to repair the old palace of St. John Lateran, the charges whereof should arise out of the revenues of certain monasteries and churches.
4. Venice, 15 November.—A Venetian ship coming from Cyprus was attacked by two galleys, and severely handled. A gentleman of the house of Foscari had his arm blown off by a piece of ordnance. The State has given order to their Captain in the gulf to repair to the sea and spare no vessels they meet with. This case happened by night, and the doers are not known, but it is suspected the galleys belonged to the Duke of Savoy. Eight galliots of Turkish corsairs have sacked a rich town in Candia, and carried away 400 Christians.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 15. 669. Intelligences from Italy. (fn. 1)
1. Milan, 12 Nov. 1561.—The Provost Della Scala and Geo. Angelo Rizzo, the Secretary of the Secret Council, have unsuccessfully returned from the Diet of the Grisons. The family of the Duke of Sessa has arrived here, and he himself is hourly expected. The Marquis of Pescara has issued a proclamation summoning the attendance of all persons receiving pay from the King Catholic, and will himself attend the inspection.
2. Rome, 15 Nov.—At the weekly Consistory the Pope much lamented the state of affairs in France under the government of the King of Navarre. This morning the French Ambassador provoked a discussion with the Cardinals upon certain articles which he had to present, and asked from the Pope the communion sub utraque specie. His Holiness demanded to see the Ambassador's instructions, which the latter refused to produce, and upon his return was sharply rebuked by the Pope.
3. The fifth Cardinal appointed by the Pope for the Council is his nephew, Cardinal Emps, Bishop of Costanza, whom he is glad to remove from Rome. The French Ambassador says that his master will send thither M. De Candal, with six Bishops, and that other twenty shall proceed thither in spring. The Prince of Florence has gone to Solazzo; tomorrow evening Cæsar Gonzaga will entertain him with great state, as the Boromei and Donna Virginia have done already. Gabrio Serbellione and Jieronymo Grosso have gone to survey the fortresses of the Church. M. Cirvello sets out for Spain on Monday. The Abbate Martinego has arrived from England, where he has entirely failed. An Ambassador has arrived from Bohemia to offer the thanks of the King and Queen for the Rose lately sent thither by the Pope.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
Nov. 15. 670. Randolph to Cecil.
Is required by the Queen of Scots to write to the Queen for licence for her to buy within England twelve or sixteen ambling geldings to send to her friends, noblewomen in France. She trusts that as the Queen will not deny her request, so Cecil will procure the licence to be sent hither to her.—Edinburgh, 15 Nov. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 16.
Labanoff, i. 119.
671. Mary, Queen of Scots, to Elizabeth.
Desires her to grant some favour in his passage through England to the bearer, her servitor of St. Colm's Inch, sent to France on her affairs.—Holyrood House, 16 Nov., 19 Mariæ. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 16.] 672. Castle of Wark.
Touching the exchange of the castle and lands of Wark, held by Sir Ralph Grey; gives a list of the different estates in the baronies of Wark and Wooler, with their yearly value, which, after deductions, amounts to 100l. 15s. 2d. The Lord Treasurer, asking Sir Ralph Grey's servant what children he had, was told six sons and two daughters. If Grey be content to make a full exchange of all the said lands, there must be deducted for decayed lands lying waste, and rents suspended in time of war, and for new buildings after any burning, 33l. 6s. 8d.; and for this, land to be given to him in recompence, in case he will not take an annuity.
Orig. Pp. 3.
Nov. 16. 673. Castle of Wark.
1. On the 16th Nov. Sir Ralph Grey's servant came to the Lord Treasurer from the Master of the Rolls, the Queen's Serjeant, and Mr. Gargrave, Commissioners in the north parts, and also from his master, to treat that order might be taken for the castle of Wark between the Queen and Sir Ralph.
2. First, the Lord Treasurer requires of Sir Ralph Grey the redeliverance of the said castle, for that he has not performed his covenants made with the Prince for keeping and defending the said castle.
3. Nevertheless, for that he has sent his servant, Francis Phetiplace, to treat with the Commissioners and the Lord Treasurer upon a reasonable exchange, the Lord Treasurer declares his opinion in the following form. First, that the Queen may take the castle into her charge, with all the lands, tenements, and realties belonging to the same, yielding to Sir Ralph and his heirs a standing rent, as well in time of peace as in time of war, and to take the charges of building and maintaining the said castle, and fencing and enclosing the grounds belonging to the same, which is most requisite for the defence of the frontier, and yet not in the power of a subject to do.
4. If Sir Ralph will thus content himself to enter with the Queen for Wark, then the Queen should take of him the manor of Wooler, with the appurtenances, and so along the water of Till, during the East Marches, which are above the power of a subject to defend. For this consideration, the Treasurer thinks there can be no better motion made between the Queen and Sir Ralph than that before mentioned. Nevertheless, for that Sir Ralph requires that land for land may be had for this exchange, then the Treasurer thinks that it is not for the Queen to take any more of him than the castle of Wark. with its appurtenances, for which he will tender land to Sir Ralph within the same county, if it may be spared, and for that purpose will proceed with the said Francis.
Endd., partly by Cecil. Pp 4.
Nov. 19. 674. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Has received a letter from Mr. Randolph, wherein he writes that the Bishops of St. Andrew, Dumblane, Rothes, Dunkeld, and Moray are come to that Queen. She had watching on Sunday night above forty persons in the Court, whereof it is surmised amongst the people that the Earl of Arran should come to take the Queen with him, or else that she intended some enterprise, which could not take effect. Her watch continues increasing in numbers. At the last day of meeting with Lord James, Sir Robert Carnegie was present to see the order of their proceeding, and report it to the Queen of Scots, by reason whereof their causes were better heard and justice ministered agreeably. — Berwick, 19 Nov. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Asks him to comfort him with good news of his health when God shall send his [Cecil's] recovery.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Forming pages one and two of the sheet on which is written the letter of Stopio to Mason of 22 Nov. (No. 675).