Elizabeth: September 1561, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: September 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp286-300 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp286-300.

"Elizabeth: September 1561, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp286-300.

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September 1561, 1-10

[Sept.] 468. Pasquinade on the Cardinal of Lorraine.
1. Fourteen lines in French commencing:
"Je ne scay le lieu ou tu pourras estre."
2. The writer wonders where the Cardinal will be able to abide, as the French dislike him so much that they will have him neither as master or servant; the Italians know his tricks, the Spaniards cannot endure his rage, the Germans abhor incest, the English and Scots hold him to be a traitor, the Turk and the Sophy are Mahometans, whilst he believes in nothing. Heaven is shut against the unbeliever, the devils would be afraid to have him in hell; and in the ensuing Council the Protestants are going to do away with purgatory. "Et tu miser, ubi peribis?" (fn. 1)
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 1. 469. The Queen to the Queen of Navarre.
Having heard of her safe arrival at the Court of France, the writer has ordered her Ambassador to present her congratulations. Expresses her intention of preserving amity with the King of France, and desires her to credit whatever Throckmorton may communicate.—Enfield, 1 Sept. 1561.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. (fn. 2) Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 1. 470. Intelligences.
1. Paris, 24 Aug. 1561. The Bishops are still at the Conference at Poissy, discussing matters of religion and the affairs of this realm, touching its justice and its finance. Although there have been many meetings, nothing has been concluded. Matters of finance will be remitted to the general Chamber. As regards religion, it is feared that they will make arrangements which will be prejudicial rather than beneficial to the Catholic faith. Nothing certain is decided respecting the Council.
2. Naples, 30 Aug. The intelligence respecting the Turkish fleet is confirmed; but instead of fifty galleys it consists of more than eighty. Our fleet, consisting of fiftyfour galleys, will sail in a few days for Tunis, under the command of the Prince of Melfi. The earthquakes continue in Basilicata and Salerno, and the inhabitants are about to leave the towns and dwell in the fields.
Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 2.
Sept. 1. 471. The Lord James to Cecil.
Has always been earnest to procure the amity between the two realms by all lawful occasions, yet some accidents fallen out between the two Queens have constrained him to come to some particular overtures, that seem to serve for the preservation thereof. Doubts not but Cecil understands the whole, as he [Lord James] has taken boldness to write to the Queen of late. Albeit he has received no answer, yet will he continue to crave Cecil's favour in that matter, knowing the affection that he bears to that purpose; by the procuring whereof he may not only establish a quietness between the two realms for the present, but also profit posterity. Refers him for the rest to the bearer.—Holyrood House, 1 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 2. 472. Verses to Queen Mary. (fn. 3)
Verses addressed to Mary Queen when she was presented with a Bible and Psalter, and the keys of Edinburgh, on her entry into that town. Four stanzas, each of eight lines, beginning,
"Welcome, our Sovereign, Welcome, our native Queen."
P. 1.
Sept. 2. 473. George Butsyde to Randolph.
Has been a prisoner with Lord James Maconell these ten years, being betrayed and laid in as pledge by Sir Ralph Bagnalle, who was lieutenant of the forces in Ireland, for 500l. promised for the ransom of Sir James Croft and himself. Sir Ralph obtained the money from Edward VI. but has not redeemed his promise. He prays Randolph to be a means with the Duke and the Earl of Argyll to obtain leave for him to go into England, to follow the law against Sir Ralph. Is well assured that he may be released for 100l., or less. If he could have half a year's respite, he would recover the whole of Sir Ralph. The writer comes from the best blood in Devonshire and Cornwall, as he shall understand by Sir Peter Carew.—Kinton, 2 Sept. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 3.
Sept. 2. 474. Gresham to Cecil. (fn. 4)
1. Sent his last on the 30th ult., wherein he mentioned having received of the adventurers and staplers 25,000l.; since then he has received of the staplers the whole sum, and this week he trusts the merchant adventurers will clear the rest; which he assures Cecil is as worthy a service as ever they did, considering the little credit and great scarcity of money here. The Bourse of Antwerp is quite altered, for there is no credit to be had, considering the great bankruptcies that have lately chanced, and more are daily expected because the Kings of Spain, France, and Portugal owe them more than they are worth. Has had much to do with the Queen's creditors to content them with this little portion of money; he has nevertheless brought his charge to a good purpose, and prolonged the debts due the 20th August, into two payments, viz.: to pay the 20th February next, 37,069l., and on the 20th August 1562, 74,187l., as appears by the note sent herewith. Requests diligence may be used in making them for recovery of the old, intending to bring them home himself. He has not sought to prolong the debts due the 20th November and December, for he sees such misery amongst them, and they do all they can secretly to set over the Queen's bonds to relieve themselves, for no part of that debt was paid this twelve months, but put over. He sees no other remedy but for the Queen to make a payment, as well for preserving her credit as the merchants', which would more advance her honour than all the money is worth that is owing, which amounts to 62,280l. 16s. The Lord Treasurer has appointed 20,000l. to be paid in February next, in part payment of the debt due in November and December. Hopes that the said sum may meet the debts due in November and December, and with it he trusts to give her creditors contentation, and prolong the rest according to her instructions. Since his last there are two more bankrupts, one a Florentine, the other a Spaniard, and also two in Spain for 200,000l. which will cause many more. Anthony Fugger's house is much doubted, for King Philip owes him at least 1,200,000l.
2. It is expected with this fair wind that the King of Sweden has arrived in England,—Antwerp, 2 Sept. 1561. Signed.
3. P. S.—Francis De Tomazo (late the Queen's post), being deceased, he recommends John Spitewell, the post at Dover, to the office; he can speak French, Spanish, Dutch, and German, and is an Englishman, and as good a post rider as any in Christendom, and is wise and trusty. He was servant to the writer for eight or nine years, to whom he committed great charges in Spain and other places. Sir John Mason knows him, for at Gresham's suit he helped him to the postage at Dover, for that he married Parttois's daughter, who was post before.
4. Enclosed with the letter is: The note of the prolongations from the 20th August 1561, until the 22nd August, 1562, in Antwerp. Signed by Gresham.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Sept. 3. 475. T. Harvey to Cecil.
Understands from Sir Thomas Chamberlain, Ambassador in Spain, of Cecil's kindness to him; and hopes the Queen is satisfied that his coming over, or tarrying here, is not of any evil mind or lack of good will to serve her. After the commandment he had received in Spain by the Ambassador there, he took occasion to go thither, and because he had to pass through France he thought good therefore to give an account of himself to Throckmorton, and would have done so long since if Gresham had been here, by whose means he might have conveyed his letters. Prays Cecil to supply his wants, and obtain licence for him to live this side the sea and serve the Queen there.—Louvain, 3 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 4. 476. Frederick, King of Denmark, to the Queen.
Complains of the misconduct of certain of her subjects in the island of Vuespende, in attacking and robbing his subjects, spoiling his fort there, and defrauding his customs. —Fredericksburg, in Sealand, 4 Sept. 1561.
Orig., with fragment of seal. Injured by damp, and slightly imperfect. Add. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 6. 477. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen. (fn. 5)
Has received her letter (dated, Lees, 25th August,) concerning the King of Spain's complaint that certain English and Scotch pirates had robbed his subjects under colour of a letter of marque. On her arrival in Scotland she set forth commandment and inhibition to all her subjects that they should not pass to the seas under pretence of letters of marque. Has given strait charge to search for Marychurch, Whitehead, and Johnston; who, when apprehended, shall be delivered to Randolph. Has commanded that no pirates shall be aided in any of her havens, and that none of her subjects shall buy and sell with them, but that their ships and goods shall be arrested and their persons presented to justice.—Holyrood, 6 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Sept. 6. 478. Lord Wharton to Cecil.
The Master of the Rolls can well report the present state of the decayed fortresses and castles, the order made for the enclosures, damming of passages, and repairing of houses. If the French gentlemen now in Scotland come through this realm, they will see the least number of well-horsed men that has been on these Borders any time these forty years. That matter, and the lying of officers at their charges and gentlemen marchers at their houses, is to be considered. Greatly commends Cecil's choice of the Master of the Rolls to serve in this weighty affair. Thanks him for his goodness.—Helaugh, 6 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 6. 479. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
1. John Fothergill arrived yesterday with 1,400l., and the rest to make up the full pays which the Lord Treasurer writes he will have now made wholly for the half-year ended at Midsummer. Also for Michaelmas is assigned to be received upon such debts as are owing to the Queen in Yorkshire. Lincolnshire, and the north: Perceives that of 26,000l. of supposed debt, there is not presently levyable 2,000l., but depends on pleas, and most part already discharged, so that that which is "sperate" for the most part must be of the next half year's rent, which being Martinmas ere it be payable, with the said good debts will not be above 5,000l. and odd. The debts here and growing betwixt this and Michaelmas, being no less than 25,000l., hereof, as far as he dare for offending him, he has written to the Lord Treasurer.
2. His Lordship writes to discharge the workmen, wherein he has spoken to the Surveyor and Controller, who affirm that if it be meant that the works should go forward with effect next year, the charge cannot be much limited, and that if the workmen are discharged, they must needs be paid for their service done, which besides their victual will amount to 4,500l. and odd. Nevertheless of such as be sick and weak he will make what shift he can for lightening of charge. By commandment (although he had no money but for Christmas quarter) he discharged in April 500, chiefly by staying such money as they owed to the victuallers and merchants of the town, whom he promised to pay before Midsummer. His breach therein makes much exclamation upon him, and causes them and others to forbear dealing with him, or to make him or any officer here privy to their debts, but had rather stand to the payment of the parties, by means whereof there is no defalcation to help any such discharge.
3. His man, whom Cecil despatched from the Court at Gosfield, came not to him till within these two days, by reason that he appointed him to travel into Norfolk; by him he received the Queen's warrant for the hides. If he is not answered touching the lease before Michaelmas he will be forced to depart therewith. Desires licence to depart from the town on his own business, which he will only do when it is well furnished with officers, and by the knowledge and assent of them all.—Berwick, 6 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 6. 480. Gresham to the Marquis of Winchester.
In his last letter, dated the 2nd inst., he signified the prolonging of the Queen's debt (as appeared by the note enclosed) and the scarcity of money here. The Queen must pay at least 20,000l. towards her debts due here in November and December. Has received letters from his factor, Richard Candiller, of the 1st inst., whereby he perceives his Lordship has not paid any of the 2,542l. 16s. sterling which he promised him at his departure should be sent. Has taken up that by exchange of divers men at half usance, and usances at sundry prices, which amounts to Flemish 2,821l. 15s. Desires that payment thereof may be made according to promise, whereby his credit may be preserved, considering he has lent the Queen his credit by exchange for 5,000l., which is of importance to him, having given commandment to Candiller to give his Lordship the note thereof from time to time. Desires him to see his man paid. Sends his commendations to Sir Richard Sackville.—Antwerp, 6 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 6. 481. Gresham to Cecil.
1. By his letter of the 2nd inst. he sent a note of the prolongations at which the new bonds were to be made, and herewith sends the duplicate for more surety thereof. There is one bond made in Glawdoo Bewchi's name, which must be altered to William Spritter. The Lord Treasurer and Mr. Sackville appointed him to take up here by exchange the sum of 2,542l. 16s. sterling for the full payment of 44,784l. 6s., which his Lordship promised to pay immediately upon his departure, for which sum his factor Candiller has daily called, and at the 1st inst. had not received a penny thereof. Has written very earnestly to his Lordship for payment thereof to satisfy his bills of exchange and for preserving his credit, which sum amounts to Flemish 2,821l. 15s., as by the notes shall appear which he has sent to Candiller. Begs that some order may be taken for payment, considering he has already lent his credit to the Queen for 5,000l. sterling, which is of no small importance to him, considering the little credit there is amongst merchants at this time.
2. It is now certain the King of Sweden goes to England, and takes with him two millions of dollars at the least, whereof Cecil has better intelligence by the King's Ambassador than he can give. Here is great talk that the Emperor has become a Protestant, and has consented that priests shall marry throughout his dominions. Some say it is done more for fear of the Protestants for preserving his empire; others say it is a colour to bring the Bishop of Rome's pretended purposes to pass. Has shipped in Oliver Dyrryckesson's [vessel] six chairs (four velvet and two leather); he sent the others a month since. Thomas Cecil is in good health, and has received the 300 crowns that he gave him credit for. Sends his commendations to Lady Cecil.—Antwerp, 6 Sept. 1561. Signed.
3. P. S.—At this instant Mr. Harvye (who was in Spain) came and said that he was wholly here the Queen's minister; he gave him to understand that he was commanded by Chamberlain to make his repair home, for such was the Queen's pleasure. He received a letter from Cecil, by which he promises he may safely come, having no other assurance from the Queen than by her Ambassador. He has written to Cecil. The writer persuaded Harvey all he could that Cecil's letter was more than sufficient. He will not return home unless he has some other assurance, so herewith Cecil shall receive his letters and another which he gave him [Gresham] to be sent to Lord Montague. He remains at Louvain. Mr. Inglefield is there, and intends to come home shortly, as one Prewdeux, Lady Dormar's servant, informed him. Sir John A'Leye has not yet come from the waters of Spa, but he has written that he will be here next week. It is the man that preserved him when the Queen came to the crown.
4. Enclosed is: The note of the prolongations from the 20th August 1561 until the 20th August 1562, in Antwerp.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Sept. 6. 482. Sebastian Spydel to Gresham.
They will shortly finish refining the base money in England, and in two or three months will have the copper ready to take into Germany to extract all the rest of the silver. As during these three months they will have to pay all they owe in ready money, as well for the copper as the silver, and to discharge all their obligations and sureties (amongst whom he stands security for 4,000l.), he begs that Gresham will procure them payment from the Queen, and that he will give them notice, in order that they may take up by exchange at Antwerp by the 20th or 25th October as much as the Queen owes them. In the event of not being able to discharge the whole sum, they will be obliged to ask the Council to take the debt as a set off for the silver and copper which they have to produce.—London, 6 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 6. 483. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
The Turkish fleet has returned to Cephalonia, and will thence go to Vallona, having received intelligence of the Spanish squadron, consisting of more than fifty galleys. Has heard to-day that the Abbot Martinego, who was sent as Papal Nuncio to England, had arrived at Brescia on his way to Rome.—Venice, 6 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 8. 484. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
By the new rate of wages and entertainment of the garrison it was ordered that the stipends of the preacher and the curate (or coadjutor), with certain choristers and other ministers for divine service, should be quarterly paid out of the entertainment of the said garrison. The numbers being now decreased by the 200 sent to Ireland, there will want quarterly 8l. 6s. 8d., or 33l. 6s. 8d. a year, unless the Queen shall take so much to her own burden.—Berwick, 8 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 8. 485. Nicolas Des Gallars to Throckmorton.
Has had nothing of moment about which to write since he saw Throckmorton. The conditions which they have demanded have been granted this day in Council, namely, that the clergy should not be umpires, that the King, the Queen Mother, and the Princes of the blood should preside at the disputation, and, finally, that the different proceedings should be faithfully recorded by trustworthy persons. A favourable reply has been given, so that to-morrow they go in company with the King and the Princes to Poissy, where the prelates are, and return to the same place in the evening. This day the doctors of the Sorbonne came to demand that they should not be heard, but their request was not granted. To-morrow they will most likely begin with some declaration of their confession of faith, and the prelates will demand time to reply. They have had certain intelligence that Peter Martyr is at Brie-Comte-Robert, half a day's journey from Paris.— St. Germain-en-Laye, 8 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Copy. Endd.: From N. Des Gallars, alias De Sault, the French Minister. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 8. 486. Richard Stonley to Challoner.
Narrates the circumstances by which a sum of 200l., recovered in the courts of law at Seville, is still detained in the Judge's hand, he refusing to deliver it without an acquittance lawfully drawn up by their agent there. Asks Challoner's assistance, and wishes him a prosperous journey and a lucky return.—Westminster, 8 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
Sept. 9. 487. Thomas Windebank to Cecil.
1. Wrote by Mr. Sydnam, a gentleman of Lord Hertford. Since that time their expenses have increased by reason of Mr. Thomas having had a kind of ague through cold, but he is now as well as ever he was. Thomas Kendall continues in very evil case, but within three weeks he hopes to depart. The writer has not felt himself better in health at any time. Mr. Thomas humbly desires his father to pardon him that he does not write. At the writing of this they were with Throckmorton, ready to return into the country, to remain there about ten days. This bearer, one of Throckmorton's men, has desired him to ask Cecil to send him back in about three weeks time with despatches; he is ready to do anything for Mr. Thomas, and therefore Windebank is the more bold to ask this. Throckmorton has shown himself as a natural father to Mr. Thomas during his sickness. He has been of late very evil at ease and pensive, which he gathers from Lady Throckmorton's words and otherwise proceeds of his staying here contrary to his expectations, especially having been so often promised to be called home, which makes him think that his friends there do almost fail him. She also seems to see unkindness in Cecil that her husband is not revoked. Has told her of Cecil's goodwill and travail for her husband, but she is not content.— Paris, 9 Sept. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Mr. Thomas has enforced himself to write five or six lines, which he has done upon a very sudden.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Sept. 10. 488. Randolph to Cecil. (fn. 6)
1. Has received his letters written at Hertford Castle on 3rd inst., and trusts Cecil has his of the 7th, with the letters of the Queen of Scots to Queen Elizabeth. Cecil knows the occasion of the Earl of Glencairn's departure by this time. Trusts that the remedy thereof may be compassed in time. Such as he made account of remain always his. The departure of the noblemen is yet uncertain; they have promised him ten days warning before they depart; he will then advertise to Berwick. The Queen this day departed towards Linlithgow, where she remains two days. The Duke and the Earl of Arran are gone to Hamilton, for that Keneil is too near Linlithgow. These noblemen accompany her this whole journey, though they say themselves no farther than Stirling. Lord James approves of the writer coming home for a few days, so that it may appear to be done on some such occasion as the Queen of Scots may not mislike, which can be best devised by Cecil. In anywise Lord James wishes him to speak with the Queen before he goes.
2. Yesterday he took occasion for some matters of his countrymen to be before the Lords of the Council; he received such answer as for the time he thought might satisfy, as at some other time of the success of their suits he shall have knowledge. Was afterwards in the garden where the Queen was, but for lack of occasion did not present himself to her. Dined this day with the Lord James, with whom he has taken order for anything that may occur, and purposes to be with him at St. Andrews, or any other place. The oftener the writer haunts the Court the greater occasions may be given to win credit. Finds the Earl of Argyll as ever he was. Neither he nor any of his country have sent, or purpose to send, any men into Ireland, that both the Lord Deputy and Cecil shall not have advertisement. Maconel is not yet come to the Court, but is looked for, of whom the Earl of Argyll has promised that he shall do nothing prejudicial to England. He thinks the enterprise against O'Neale to be great, and earnestly to be followed before winter come. The bruit is that some cumber has been in other parts of Ireland, which may hinder the purpose against him. O'Neale says that he will give the Deputy occasion to augment the libel that is put in print against him.
3. A doctor of the Sorbonne has preached a foolish sermon to the Queen on Lady's Day; (fn. 7) he would have proved prayers for saints and spoke more good words of the Mass than it was worth. There is great expectation of the Laird of Lethington's return. Out of France there are whispering words that the Duke of Guise is out of the Court. Some wish that these they have were also from hence, others would be as glad to be quit of the Englishman. The Earl of Huntly has sent a son into France to study, who has Randolph's letters, in case he arrive upon the coast, to have good treatment. Has had as good words of him these two days as ever he had. The letter of marque against the Portugales is discharged, in what sort he shall know by the next.—Edinburgh, 10 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 10. 489. Affairs of the North.
Remembrance to Cecil for Lord Grey.
1. Some good order to be made for the release of his ransom.
2. If he return to Berwick, that it be but for half a year.
3. A letter to the Earl of Northumberland, for warning of the Lord Gray of Scotland to enter to his taker.
4. The Queen's letters to Sir Thomas Grey and Sir Ralph Grey, that they being sureties may give warning to Lord Gray of Scotland for his entry, according to the bond.
5. That a letter be directed to the Lord President in the north, and to Lord Wharton, for hearing the matter in controversy between the Earl of Northumberland and Sir Ralph Grey for the Earl Marshal's son of Scotland.
6. That the manor of Whaddon and other the Queen's lands about the same may not be purchased by Mr. Ashfield, but that Lord Grey of Wilton may have it for his money before any other person.
7. The spoil of woods in Whaddon Chase by the warrants that Mr. Fortescue and Mr. Ashfield had. Note, forty trees, worth fifty or sixty pounds, were appraised at twenty nobles.
8. The tithes incident to the office of Berwick and the works.
9. Money disbursed about the Queen's affairs to be allowed by warrant.
10. The 400l. for victuals; the books to be seen.
11. Goodale's warrant for his wages at Berwick.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 10.] 490. Affairs of the North.
Articles not fully answered to Lord Grey of Wilton.
1. Licence for transporting of horses and timber into Scotland.
2. The fortification of Berwick.
3. Warrants of extraordinary charge and for alteration of Constables.
4. The unworthiness of the old garrison.
5. The repair of Scots into England.
6. Goodale's patent, or warrant, according to the former order.
7. The articles of Sir Richard Lee, and that he may himself return to Berwick about the works.
8. The understanding what certain number of soldiers shall remain in garrison.
9. The tenants of Brampton.
10. Mr. Barclay's ransom.
11. The helping of Sir Arthur Grey in his first suit.
12. Money to be prested to Lord Grey in consideration of his great necessity.
13. To have Cecil's opinion and advice for licence, etc. in relief towards his ransom.
14. The state of Wark.
15. The forfeiture of certain money attached by occasion of the proclamation of fall of money at Berwick.
Copy, with three marginal notes by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Sept. 10. 491. Cecil to Windebank.
1. By letters of the 24th, sent by Lord Hertford, perceives their expenses. They are small, but it would satisfy him to understand them more particularly. Has known many young gentlemen of better degree spend a full whole year beyond seas with much less. Has inquired this. Can easily believe that his son, either of negligence or of lewdness, can procure his charges to exceed measure; therefore wishes to see the particularity thereof. Asks him to send the book of expenses, to be subscribed by his son and Windebank.
2. As to keeping horses does not change his opinion, but marvels they sold those they had. Rather covets his son to live six or seven months like a scholar, than to be a wanderer in streets; but if the charge for two horses be only two crowns a month, refers the matter to his discretion. "Let me understand if the default be in my son; for if I see him so untoward and unconsiderate I will revoke him home, where he shall take his adventure with as mean bringing up as I myself have had. Surely I have hitherto had small comfort in him, and if he deserve no better by well doing, I will learn to take less care than I have done." Asks to be advertised of his faults. His old ones were that he was slothful in keeping his bed, negligent and rash in expenses, uncareful or careless in his apparel, an unordinate lover of unmeet plays, as dice and cards; in study soon weary, in game never. If he continue in this it were better he were at home.—Hertford Castle, 10 Sept. 1561. Signed.
3. P. S.—Asks him to send anything meet for his orchard or garden, and an apt man for the same. The garden is new. Wishes to know where they remain near Paris.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Windebank. Pp. 4.
Sept. 10. 492. Nicolas Des Gallars to Throckmorton.
They have at length been admitted to the Conference, though not on the conditions that they demanded, yet on tolerable terms; for it has been promised by the Princes, that those with whom they dispute should not be their accusers. With respect to the other matters, they must concede somewhat, lest they should seem to avoid the disputation. Yesterday, in a great assembly of the nobility, they were heard by the King, the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Council. Beza on their side, spoke of those things which would allay the tumults which had arisen, and of the best way of establishing true religion. He was listened to with great attention by all until he began to deny the Real Presence, when the opposite party were very indignant, and tried to stop his oration, exclaiming that it was blasphemy. The writer and his party would certainly have been ejected then, had not their enemies been restrained by the royal authority, by which they were compelled to listen to the end. The Cardinal of Tournon exhorted the King not to believe their arguments, but to continue firm in the faith of his ancestors; and demanded that a copy of those things which had been said might be given to him, and a day appointed for him to reply. Only twelve ministers of their party, together with twenty deputies from the reformed churches, have been allowed to enter the Conclave.—St. Germain, 10 Sept. 1561.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10. 493. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Sent his last on the 6th inst., with a duplicate of the Queen's debts that are prolonged, in which there was a bond to be made to Condrat Schetz for 58,756 florins, payable the 20th February next. He has now agreed with him to pay half thereof at six months, and the other half at twelve months, for which there must be two bonds made according to the enclosed.
2. It is still said here that the King of Sweden comes into England with a great navy of about a hundred sails, and brings with him two millions of dollars at least. The bond of Glawdoo Bewchi must be made in the name of William Pritter. Thanks Cecil for promising Mr. Stringer that he would write in favour of his tenants in Yorkshire. Refers the passing of his accounts to Cecil, and prays him to consider the rating in the exchange for such sums as he paid in England, and to move the Lord Treasurer to see his bills of exchange paid for the 2,500l. sterling for preserving his credit, considering he lent the Queen his credit for 5,000l. sterling upon the exchange; and to see that a payment be made of 20,000l. at least to the Queen's creditors, due in November and December next, for preserving her credit. Money is so scarce and there is little credit, that it is almost incredible to write thereof.
3. Sir John Lye arrived here this day; he commends himself to Cecil, and intends to repair home by the end of this month. The writer sends his commendations to Lady Cecil. —Antwerp, 10 Sept. 1561. Signed.
4. P. S.—Since writing hereof he has received a letter from Bastian Spidell, who is the doer for the refining of the money amongst the strangers in the Tower, and in company with Daniel Wolstat, to whom the Queen owes on the 20th November 2,146l. 13s. 4d. He desires his payment here or to be rebated at London, as by his letter enclosed may appear. He made him answer that he intends to be at home by the 20th October. He is bond for him, as he writes to the Queen, in the sum of 4,000l. Wishes Cecil to write whether he shall pay any more money to Mr. Bryckendyne, because he writes that by Cecil's letter of the 24th ult. dated at Harwich, the Queen allows him one month's diet more.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.


  • 1. On the back occur these notes in Cecil's writing:—5 April, L. of Grange two treaties returned; 24 May, the reports very false, of staying of the French ships.
  • 2. This document has subsequently been used as an envelope, and is addressed, "To my very honourable friend Sir Richard Anderson, at Pendley."
  • 3. Randolph to Cecil.
    Sept. 7.
    B. M. Cal. B. x. 151. Wright, i. 71. Keith, ii. 80.
    1. Received his letters of the 1 inst., and delivered on the same day the Queen's letter to Queen Mary; whose letter to Elizabeth he sends herewith. Has himself written to the Queen of the effect of two purposes which he has had with her, all tending to amity and peace. "Your honour can best judge of the likelihood." Cecil having grieved that he had no knowledge of Queen Mary's arrival but from Berwick, assures him that he wrote in the morning of 19 Aug., upon the first assurance that she was in the galleys, and in the afternoon, two hours after she landed. These letters came safely to Mr. Val. Browne's hands.
    2. Cecil exhorts them to stoutness; the voice of one man is able in one hour to put more life in us, than 500 trumpets continually blustering in our ears. "Mr. Knox spake upon Tuesday unto the Queen. He knocked so hastily upon her heart that he made her weep, as well you know there be of that sex, that will do that as well for anger as for grief, though in this the Lord James will disagree with me. She charged him with his book, with his severe dealing with all men that disagree with him in his opinions. She willed him to use more meekness in his sermons. Some things he spake unto her contentation in mitigating the rigour of his book, and in some things he pleased her very little. In special, speaking against the Mass, he declared the grievous plagues of God that had fallen upon all estates that had committed idolatry. He concluded so in the end with her that he has liberty to speak freely his conscience, to give unto her such reverence as becomes the minister of God unto the superior powers. He prays, and has daily prayer, as the preachers were wont to pray for Queen Mary, etc. The bruit that he has talked with the Queen makes the Papists doubt what will become of the world. It likes not them well that I resort so oft unto the Court; I have been there thrice since Sunday."
    3. All marvel most what traffic Lethington makes with Cecil. Queen Mary has found three points necessary to maintain her state: to make peace with England; to be served with the Protestants (in the other she finds not what she looked for), and to enrich her crown with the Abbey lands. Doing these and having a good husband, she shall lead a happy life. Cecil has one with him who can consider these things better than Randolph can write them.
    4. On Tuesday last she made her entry and dined at the Castle, coming out of which the first sight she saw was a boy of six years, who came as it were from heaven out of a round globe and presented her a Bible and Psalter, and the keys of the gates, and spake the verses which the writer sends. "Then, for the terrible significations of the vengeance of God upon idolatry, there were burn Corah, Dathan, and Abiram in the time of their sacrifice. They were minded to have had a priest burnt at the altar at the elevation. The Earl of Huntley stayed that pageant, but hath played many as wicked as that since he came hither. He bare that day the sword."
    5. Cecil knows from Lethington why the Duke and the Earl of Arran were absent. Queen Mary has taken a great suspicion of the fortifying of Dumbarton, and has sent one to see it. Randolph persuaded all he could, both in word and writing, that they would show that obedience to her that they themselves would look to have from others, if God put them in that place. If they come to scathe, the old saying will be true, Nemo læditur nisi a seipso. Refers to Lethington's report for what they are who are named Councillors. James Steward's admission stays upon Lethington's report whether he is sworn Englishman. Yesterday Argyll came to this town, to whom the writer will speak in a day or two. The bruit is here of an overthrow of the English in Ireland. "This day there communicated above . . . . . of the Queen's Councillors."—Edinburgh, 7 Sept. 1561. Signed.
  • 4. On the back of this document occurs the following draft in Cecil's hand:—
    [Sept. 11.] The Queen to [Lord Keeper Bacon].
    Sends him a bill signed by her, "containing a matter not to be notified until the proof may be seen," and therefore he is to set thereto the Great Seal, and return it to her, without notifying it to any other than necessity requires.—Castle of Hertford.
  • 5. Randolph to the Queen.
    Sept. 6.
    B. M. Calig. B. x. 149. Keith, ii. 68.
    1. On the 1st inst. received her letters for the Queen of Scots, and gave knowledge incontinent thereof to Lord James, and desired to know from him when her pleasure should be that the writer should present the Queen's letter. Received answer that her will was to speak with him that day at 4 o'clock. At the hour appointed he was sent for by the Laird of Pitarrow, and brought into the presence by Lord James. After he had presented her commendations, and said how happy the country was that after so long absence had at length received their natural Prince, he delivered Elizabeth's letters, which Mary read herself to the end, and in such places where she was not acquainted either with the hand or terms, she used him. After considering the contents thereof she said, "I must needs accept in very good part the Queen your mistress, my dear sister's commendations, and am glad that she is in good health, as I trust she is of mine, which you see in what case it is. For that you rejoice in my return and wish me well, I thank you heartily, and trust that I shall find none other occasion of my subjects but as loving and obedient, and I towards them a good Princess. Touching the Queen your mistress's letters, because I am unacquainted with the matter, I will talk with my Council and speak with you again."
    2. There were present of the Council, the Earls of Huntley and Atholl, the Earl Marischal and Lord James. After conference had with them she said that they told her that they had at other times done somewhat concerning the matter that the Queen wrote of, and she for her part would write the same to her, that neither they of whom she [Elizabeth] wrote in her letter, nor any pirates, should have support or refuge in her realm, but she would endeavour to the uttermost to have them apprehended, as well her own subjects as those of England. She then gave commandment to the Justice Clerk to make inquisition through the whole country for such offenders. After this she required Randolph within a day or two to come again for her letters to Elizabeth. She spoke nothing to him at any time of his tarrying there, but after his departure she told Lord James that she perceived that it was the Queen's mind that he should remain. After some words both in earnest and mirth had between them of his doings in time past, she said, "I am content that he tarry, but I'll have another there as crafty as he." Randolph threatened upon Lord James that these words were rather his than the Queen's ; however it be, there is one of hers presently in England who can play his part with craft enough.
    3. On Thursday the 4th he presented himself to Her Grace for her letters; she willed Lord James to put her in remembrance of them, and Randolph to return on the morrow. At his being with her the next day she said that her secretary would bring him the letters, and prayed him to let the Queen know that she desired heartily that they might live together like good friends and neighbours. The writer answered that he doubted not but when the Queen understood her inclination to so godly a purpose she would find her ready to condescend to any reason that might be offered. The ready way thereunto was not lightly to give credit to every tale that should be brought to her ears. This he said because Sarlabos not two nights before told her that there were above fifty English ships upon the seas, and that Lord Grey was coming towards Berwick with 10,000 soldiers, and that it were good to take heed to Eyemouth and Dunbar. She liked well this motion, and willed him to assure the Queen that it should be well observed. He received for himself good words and also from her uncles. Assured the Grand Prior and M. Danville of their passports, as he was commanded. Touching the treaty, he had no purpose with her because of Lidington's being in England. Has somewhat talked with others, who doubt not but things will succeed to the Queen's contentation. Is given to believe that Queen Mary's meaning is as her words are. Would rather write to Cecil than trouble her further.—Edinburgh, 6 Sept. 1561. Signed.
  • 6. Randolph to Cecil.
    Sept 12.
    B. M. Cal. B. ix 167. Wright, i. 75.
    1. Though he wrote very lately by Sir Peter Mewtas, yet, being at this town at the receiving of the noblemen of France (who this day departed towards the coast,) he signifies the occasion of his being there, and what he has seen of the Queen's officers and those men's doings who have charge of the place. Although Sir Peter Mewtas was well accompanied to Edinburgh with such captains as came with him, which were Mr. Tremayne, Mr. Cornwall, and Mr. Pregles, yet the writer thought it but honourable to convoy him [Mewtas] out of the country. Had also to confer with the Deputy Warden concerning matters of the Borders of accusations against Lord Hume. Had also somewhat to do with the Treasurer for his own particular, but most of all because he knew it was the Queen's pleasure that the noblemen should be received with honour, in doing whereof he never saw in men better wit or more readiness. The Marshal, Treasurer, and Controller, with divers gentlemen, met them somewhat without the Bound Rood, for so far the Lord James merrily promised that they would ride into English ground, as the English did into Scottish. The Deputy Warden, with his company and the Vice-Marshal, passed not their limits. Randolph met them three miles before they came together. Of the noblemen of Scotland there were the Lord James and his two brethren, the Earls of Morton and Bothwell, Lords Borthwick, Hume, and Yester, with about 300, besides the Frenchmen. At the first coming of the writer to Lord James, he desired that no token of unkindness might be used to Lords Hume or Bothwell, because he proposed to convoy them as near the walls as he might. At the meeting were many good words, and also at the departure. The Scots never offered to depart before they had heard all the artillery shot off, and stood within the shot of a harquebuss from the town. It liked all men so well that the Prior swore by his honour that he never heard thing more royal. M. Danville said it was worthy such a Princess as the Queen. Others said very honourably their minds in hearing of the greatest of the company. The Prior requested the writer always to be by him. All things were in such good order that he could rather envy than mislike it. M. Danville commended the harquebussiers, for of them was the greatest number; "the rest were armes pyguys." The Mayor and his brethren met them in the Foregate; he gave and received good words. The Marshal showed that they were welcome. The Treasurer had in one livery twenty persons well horsed, with partizans. He lodged them in his own lodging, well furnished with all things, and plate enough. He gave them their supper and breakfast; not one departed without his belly full of good cheer. He gave to each of the noblemen a gelding better than any they brought out of Scotland. They were the next morning as honourably put out of the town (saving the number of great shot) as they were received. M. Prior desired him to tell the Queen of Scotland what honour had been done unto them. Both the noblemen wrote back to the Queen by two of Lord James' gentlemen. The Scotch Lords went that night back to Coldingham. Learnt of Lord James that the Queen took their departure grievously. She rose that morning to bid them farewell, and to her bed again. She lent to the Grand Prior, to accompany him, of her ladies Seton, Beton, Liveston, and Fleming, as far as Seton, where they dined. That night they lay in Dunbar, and the Earl of Huntly, coming out of the castle, with a fall put his arm out of joint; some are so uncharitable that they wish it had been his neck. He (they say) disturbs the whole Court, yet none give him credit; if this misfortune had not been he had come forward; yet no man can tell whether he be hurt or not.
    2. Now the French are departed, they will soon give a guess into what issue things will grow. The Queen's Mass is terrible in all men's eyes. The Earl of Cassilis told the writer that he would never hear any more. Her uncle, the Marquis, speaks great words, but he does not see in him to work any great matter. There lacks no good will either in her or him. Mr. Knox has written Cecil his mind. Is not always of his opinion for his exact severity, yet he finds it does most good. The Queen has misliked the Provost and Bailies of Edinburgh new chosen, which he does not like. What she minds further cannot be well savoured as yet. The poverty of her subjects greatly advances whatever she intends. From France comes her whole counsel; thither goes St. Colm to fetch a new lesson. The love to the French is nothing augmented by their being here, nor by the Marquis tarrying behind. Hears nothing of the Duke or the Earl of Arran coming to Court. The Earl of Argyll likes nothing in her. James Macconnell, besides what he spake to Sir Peter Mewtas, assures the writer that he will at all times be at the Queen's devotion. Had the refusal of a request he made to the Queen, of which he made M. Danville his mean. Has promised the writer not to have to do with any matter of Ireland that he shall not be privy to. His [Macconnel's] opinion is that there will be no great good done against O'Neil except he be invaded on both sides. Of the same mind is the Earl of Argyll, who says that it were easy to persuade Otho Macconnell and Maciane to take that enterprise in hand. Leaves the consideration thereof to Cecil's wisdom. Desires him to remember the Queen's warrant to the Treasurer that the writer's allowance may be monthly advanced. Great means are made by Scotchmen for English money. Fears that much will go that way. Is ready to return towards Edinburgh.—Berwick, 12 Sept. 1561. Signed.
  • 7. The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 8 September.