Elizabeth: September 1561, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: September 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp301-318 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp301-318.

"Elizabeth: September 1561, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp301-318.

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September 1561, 11-20

Sept. 11. 494. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 1st inst. M. D'Oysel came to the lodging of the writer at Paris, and declared that the Duke of Guise had required him to come and visit him and make his hearty commendations, from whom he said that he had in charge to say that, forasmuch as the Queen had shown more favour to his niece of late than was looked for, he acknowledged himself and his house much bound to her; and because Throckmorton had used the part of a good minister he offered him all the pleasure he could do him, and desired him to employ him in anything wherein he might stand him in need. D'Oysel said that Throckmorton must marvel to see him, considering that he was in mind to pass into Scotland with the Queen; the change of which journey was for two things, the one was that he suspected that the Queen of England judged otherwise of him than he deserved, viz.: that he handled some practice that might occasion evil terms between the two Queens, which his journey into Scotland might have wrought. The other reason was that he doubted how he would have been welcome to divers of the Scottish nation, which is not yet so arranged that the Queen can give perfect assurance to any whom they mislike. He then set forth at great length his great desire to have a perfect accord between the two Queens, and the good offices and counsels that he had given to the Queen of Scots and her uncles in that matter; who would leave no reasonable thing undone to procure her amity. In the end he said that he would not pass into Scotland, or meddle in those affairs, until he ascertained that the Queen of England conceived better of him, as he knew what credit and authority the Queen had in Scotland.
2. Throckmorton desired him to thank the Duke of Guise, and said that the Queen had made it apparent that she desired amity with the Queen of Scots, and that if she and her uncles meant sincerely, there was no doubt that a good understanding would be established. He also told him that he knew not but that the Queen conceived honourably or him, but that he was the best judge of what he deserved.
3. On the third of September M. D'Esguilly, one of the masters of the household to the Queen of Scotland, sent to his lodgings to know when he might come and speak with the writer's wife. In the evening he came and delivered a letter to her from the Queen of Scotland, and presented her with two basins, two ewers, two salts, and a standing cup, all gilt, and which weighed 398 oz., and used further many courteous words on the said Queen's behalf; which done, he departed without any speech with Throckmorton, who was compelled to keep his bed.
4. (fn. 1) The Pope has changed his mind respecting the Cardinal of Ferrara, who continues his journey, and on the 1st inst. made his entry into Lyons. The Protestants have leave to propose their articles in the assembly of the clergy on the 10th inst. The Queen of Navarre has arrived at Court. At Orleans she went to the assembly of the Protestants, and there publicly and solemnly presented the confession of her faith. She refused the Popish churches, and has used this manner in all her journey hitherwards.
5. On the 4th inst. he received a letter from Sir Thomas Chamberlain, by which he writes that he has passed the danger of his sickness, but yet very weak. He writes that the marriage of the Prince of Spain is now somewhat overtly talked of, to be certainly with his aunt, and that she upon the assurance shall depart to have the governance of Flanders until he may recover his quartan and accomplish other things needful on that side. This is thought there the meetest and most profitable match for both, and for the weal of that country.
6. On the 8th Angelo Mariano came to his lodging; he minds to take his journey into his own country forthwith; and said that he was now quit of his pension, and free of service and oath to the crown of England. The Queen of Navarre is come to this Court, where she has been six or seven days. Desires to know whether he is to go to her without a letter, and take his occasion upon the letter which the Queen wrote to the Queen of Navarre long ago. She is the chief setter forward of religion of any in this Court. Has received a letter from De Soult, which he sends to her.
7. On the 7th inst. the Count D'Eu, the eldest son of the Duke of Nevers, was maried to the Duke of Montpensier's daughter, whom the said Count fetched lately out of Spain. Great preparations were made against that day, but her mother dying three or four days before, all was laid aside, and the joy turned into mourning, saving that the bride was married in her rich apparel, but the bridegroom mourned.
8. On the 9th inst. Peter Martyr came to this town to attend the assembly at Poissy. Although he had no acquaintance with Throckmorton, yet, for the zeal that he bears to the Queen, he sent to visit him; adding that if he had tarried any time in this town, he would have done the office himself. There has lately been some jar and unkindness between the King of Navarre and the Mareschal St. André, and the same grown to some terms and extremity in speech; which is not yet compounded between them. Although (fn. 2) he knows his credit to be so small that his suit can nothing advance any man's case or cause in her sight, yet, knowing that one of the clerks of her signet is lately dead, and hearing that upon suit of Cecil and others in behalf of Mr. Somer, she is graciously inclined to bestow the said office on him, he humbly recommends his case to her favour.—Paris, 11 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Sept. 11. 495. Draft of the latter part of the above, partly in Throckmorton's hand.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 11. 496. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. It is now ten days since Stephen Davis, the writer's man, arrived here with Cecil's letters. Complains that he has not been revoked. Whoever persuades himself that by diminishing of his train and countenance he can greatly alleviate his charge, is not best instructed in the nature of this service. Having lived heretofore with some convenient estimation of the world, which he trusts has been no part to the disservice of the Queen, he can hardly so arrange himself that when his acquaintance has grown to the greatest, he should show now a face of decay and as it were of bankruptcy. Desires to know the mystery of his still tarrying here, contrary to the promises made to him. Finds Somer disposed to retire into England, whose company he would be very loath to forego, as he would be then altogether unfurnished. Albeit Somer has a pension of 20l. from the Queen, he does not think himself tied from all ease and pleasure. Hears that Railton is dead and his office of the signet is now in the Queen's gift; desires that Cecil will continue a good friend to Somer for this office. As for want of him he will be quite destitute, he most earnestly desires Cecil to obtain his revocation. Whatever opinion some have bad of his inclination to a busied humour, it will appear on his return to England that they have misdeemed him, or if any such former fault has been in him, that France has corrected it, and taken it clean from him, as he has unfeignedly learnt what perfect contentation and pleasure of mind it is to lead a quiet and reposed life, exempt from high and weighty matters. (fn. 3)
2. Sends to him rather than to the Queen the book set forth by Gabriel De Sacconay, chanter of Lyons; there are great numbers of the said book in the hands of sundry booksellers of Paris. Desires to know the Queen's pleasure herein. Peter Martyr arrived on the 9th inst. accompanied with the French Ambassador from Zurich, and on the 10th went to Court. Sends the proclamation for decrying of all moneys in France. Mr. Thomas Cecil since the writer's last letter has had three or four fits of an ague, whereof he is now perfectly rid, and gone to his host's house in the country. —Paris, 11 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd., partly by Cecil. Pp. 5.
Sept. 11. 497. Draft of the above.
Endd.: 11 Sept., by Hawkins. Pp. 3.
[Sept. 11.] 498. Henry VIII. against Luther.
1. Transcript of the Preface to the work, having the title, "Regis Angliœ Henrici hujus nominis octavi assertio septem Sacramentorum adversus Martinum Lutherum," printed at Lyons by William Rouille, sub scuto Veneto, 1561.
2. This preface, written by Gabriel De Sacconay, Precentor of the church of Lyons, states that Henry's defection from the Church of Rome was owing to the influence of Anna Boleyn, whom the writer compares to the heathen wives of Solomon. Terms Henry's marriage with her a foul matrimony, engendered by lust. Censures his execution of Fisher and More, and his assumption of the title of Head of the Church. Gives the definitions made in Parliament on the subject of the Eucharist, the celibacy of the clergy, vows, private Masses, and auricular confession, which show that Henry only dissented from the Church of Rome on the subject of the Papal supremacy. Terms Anna Boleyn, Jezebel; and says that she met with the just punishment for her wickedness, being executed for adultery. Compares the defection of Henry to those of David and Solomon and laments that a Prince of such learning and zeal for religion, should have so fallen away. Appended is a short table of the contents of the book.—1561.
Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 7.
Sept. 13. 499. Marsilio Della Croce to Shers.
1. Letters of the 11th ult., from Constantinople, state that the Turkish Ambassador in Persia returns with a decided refusal as to the restitution of Bajazet. The Sophi had sent an Ambassador to Constantinople, who was imprisoned. The Turkish Ambassador has gone to Algiers with orders for the completion of the galleys in hand, and the preparation of one hundred others.
2. Letters from Milan, of the 3rd inst. say that the Marquis of Pescara will proceed to Vigivene and Casale, but will first meet the Dukes of Ferarra and Parma, the cause for which is at present unknown. The disputes between Brescia and Cremona are still unsettled, although the Venetian government has meditated in the matter. The physician of the Duke of Sessa has arrived in Milan, where the Duke will spend the whole of September.
3. Rome, 6 Sept. After having visited Frescati and S. Silvestro, the Pope returned to Rome, where he held a Consistory on the 5th, at which several sees were filled up. The Bishop of Constance is dead; the Pope has given to his nephew, Cardinal Emps, letters of recommendation addressed to the Emperor and the canons of the cathedral. His Holiness will go to Loretto and thence to Perugia without ceremony. He has commanded twenty-five Bishops to go to the Council. Cardinal Monte's business will be finally settled for 100,000 ducats; he will be banished to Pisa with an allowance of 2,000 ducats yearly. Count Broccardo was still in Rome, and had given nothing to the Borromei save fair words. On the 5th the Cardinal of Augsburg set out from Rome on a visit to Cardinal Farnese at Galese, whence he will proceed to Coreto.
4. Letters from Naples affirm that the Turkish fleet, consisting of eighty vessels, had come to Vallona, ours was fifty-four, under the command of the Prince of Melfi, and will sail to Sicily. The earthquake continues in Basilicata and Salerno.
5. Letters from Spain of the 24th ult. mention the destruction by fire of the house in Madrid occupied by Don John of Austria, with the exception of a crucifix of ivory, which miraculously escaped. Great tumults have occurred at Orleans by occasion of the Protestants.—Venice, 13 Sept. 1561. Signed, but the signature torn off.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Shers in London. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 4.
Sept. 13. 500. — to [Shers].
1. The Pope has finally resolved to go to Perugia, and will set out on the 30th inst. He will have an interview there with the Duke of Florence, who will give him 500,000 ducats from that city. Last week the Dukes of Ferrara and Parma, and the Marquis of Pescara met at Bresselle. The affairs of France grow worse, the Cardinal of Ferrara will not proceed farther than Lyons.—Venice, 13 Sept. 1561. Signed, but the signature torn off.
2. P. S.—The Duchess of Savoy, the writer's mistress, is undoubtedly pregnant.
3. In (fn. 4) the last Consistory the Pope granted (from the revenues of the Church) 50,000 ducats annually for five years to the King of Portugal, to provide galleys for the protection of Christendom.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 3.
Sept. 13. 501. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
Wrote as usual, since which time the accompanying intelligence has arrived. There is no certain information respecting the Turkish fleet. Some ships are reported as having been seen about Prevesa, but the Turkish fleet cannot yet have reached that locality, nor has it been signalled from thence.—Venice, 13 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 2.
Sept. 14. 502. Eric XIV. to Cecil.
Cecil is sufficiently well informed as to the affairs of the writer from his Chancellor. Throughout the whole of this negociation he has not sought anything but what would be salutary for the Church, and beneficial to the Queen and her realm. Hopes through Cecil's help to be successful, in which case he will thoroughly compensate him.—Torpa, 14 Sept. 1561.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 15. 503. Fords on the Tweed.
"Orders taken at Norham, 15 Sept., 3 Eliz., by the Auditor and Surveyor, for the damming, barring, and stopping up of the fords and passages of Tweed within Norhamshire, and for the making of ditches and setting with quickset the fronts and sides of the towns within the said shire, by the assent of all the most substantial men of the said lordship." The orders are as follows:
1. That the passages leading to the fords hereafter named shall be planted very thick with willows, and also the water side as far as it is passageable. Also there shall be made, of as much length as the passage shall be, a strong double dike eight feet broad and six feet deep, to be double set with quickwood; the same to be done by the townships hereafter set upon the heads of such fords, and by the oversight of such persons whose names are set under the same. The said works shall be finished before the Feast of All Saints.
2. That the overseers shall appoint two of the inhabitants of every township next adjoining the said fords to look to the same, and to give knowledge of any breach or stop in the dikes.
3. That if they shall be remiss in their charge, or the overseers neglect to repair the default within two days after warning, then the Captain of Norham, or his deputy, shall call them before him and punish them accordingly, and give order for the repair of the defaults.
4. That the back and front of every man's house in the said lordships shall be ditched with a ditch four feet deep and six feet broad, double set with quickset.
5. That Thomas Clavering be appointed to send to Sir Georges Bowes for any workmen that may be required out of the bishopric of Durham.
6. Appended is a list of fords, with their lengths, within the different townships, with the names of the gentlemen appointed to overlook their stoppage.
7. The two fords under Norham Castle, called the Swift, are not required to be stopped, as they are under the shot of the castle.
8. List of the towns to be enclosed and ditched, with the names of the persons appointed overseers.
Endd. Pp. 8.
Sept. 16. 504. Nicolas Guldenstern to Cecil.
Hopes that he will excuse his absence from Court yesterday, as he promised, since he was waiting for letters from his master, without which he could not come. The ship with his master's horses has been driven from Mariegat [Margate], and has met with very bad weather, in consequence of which some were obliged to be thrown overboard.—London, 16 Sept. 1561.
Add. Endd.: Ambassador of Sweden to my master. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 16. 505. Thomas Bannister to Chamberlain.
1. Refers to his "formal" letters touching such suits as the writer has in Spain for lack of good justice, and of having sent his servant, Christopher Ward, to him, by whom he understood that Chamberlain had no commission to do what he required, and that he has rather received more wrong than he had before, which was enough; for that they at Valladolid denied his appeal, or at least remitted it from whence it came, where he will have no justice, not only for the 300 ducats which were in question, but they will forge a great matter against him. Begs Chamberlain to further his cause with the King of Spain, that he may have his goods at liberty which are stayed, and also that the matter at the Groyne may be committed for hearing. If one Santillian, (who gave sentence in his favour, who is now at Valladolid, and who knows the whole case,) were called, he would have justice. Fears that his 225 dozen felts, which were stayed, are by long lying sore hurt. Begs that he may have some allowance for them, and for his loss of time.—Signed.
2. P. S.—Has written to his servant at the Groyne to send Chamberlain a copy of his process there, whereby he will understand that they have proved no matter against him. They have put his man in prison, and practised with him that if he would confess 300 ducats to be conveyed out he should be at liberty, and all his goods. The young man, never having been in the country before, and being fearful, agreed to it, and when he had paid the 300 ducats, and was let out, then they set another called the fiscal to begin with him for the goods, whereupon he denied that he had confessed anything, but only by imprisonment and very fear, and also by the law his confession was nothing, for he was under age; and so complained to St. James. Hereupon the Justice of the Groyne was sent for to answer, and durst not appear, the wrong being so manifest that he took sanctuary. The Judge of St. James, named Santillian, sent a commission to the Groyne to examine the witnesses, who found the matter so manifest that they condemned them to return the 300 ducats, with the charges; and he being in sanctuary, he sent to take his horses out of his stalls to be sold in the market-place to pay the 300 ducats. This done, there came another Judge to St. James, and Santillian removed to Valladolid, and the said Judge and the whole Court of St. James came to be at the Groyne, where the new Judge fell in love with the wife of him who did Bannister's servant wrong, and, as common fame went, kept her, and by that occasion the other found such friendship at the new Judge's hand that he called the matter in question again. His servant was condemned again, and his sureties put in prison until they paid the 300 ducats, although he proved that all his money was employed in the country, according to the law. His servant also writes that they have begun another suit against him for 700 ducats, which the fiscal would have for the King. There are no less than forty complaints more of all towns in the realm.
3. Assures him that the Queen and Council are very earnest in these causes of Spain. It is time to look to it, or else it is in vain for any man to go thither, unless he be contented to be robbed of all he has by one practice or another. Sent the first part of this letter with the Queen's letters sent through France. Begs help in his suit at the Groyne or St. James, that if he cannot have his 300 ducats and charges (which have cost him already 450 ducats), yet he may be cleared of the matter which the fiscal begins for the King.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: Received 16 Sept. 1561. Pp. 4.
Sept. 17. 506. Commission to Sir Peter Mewtas.
Commission authorizing him to demand the ratification of the treaty between her deputies and those of Francis and Mary, dated Edinburgh, 6 July 1561.—Enfield, 17 Sept. 1561. Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 17. 507. Nicolas Des Gallars to the Bishop of London.
Yesterday was the second day of the Conference. The Cardinal of Lorraine spoke, and seemed to his own party to triumph; but his speech was so weak that a child would have laughed at it. They were ready to reply immediately, but the opportunity was denied them by the Bishops. There were two principal points in the Cardinal's speech; first, his definition of the Church, the authority of which extended even over Princes, and which alone had the right of interpreting Scripture. Secondly, with respect to the Lord's Supper, he followed the opinion and definitions of the Saxons, in doing which he often contradicted himself, and so mixed up and involved many things, either through subtlety or ignorance, that scarcely any one could make out what he meant to say. It is uncertain when they will meet again, or when they will depart. (fn. 5) —St. Germain-en-Laye, 17 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 18. 508. The Queen to Randolph.
Has received answer from the Queen of Scots to her letter concerning the matter of the rovers upon the seas, and likes her resolution therein. Wishing him to have respect that such of her own subjects as have haunted the seas like pirates were also apprehended, she sends him herewith a letter to the Queen of Scots for answer to hers, with a sufficient clause of credit to be given him. Has also given order for the increase of his entertainment.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. by Cecil's secretary 18 Sept. 1561. Pp. 2.
Sept. 18. 509. Throckmorton to Calvin.
Has informed him by letter of the 12th of August that the Queen has commanded the writer to proceed in the matter of the book which he [Calvin] sent. Has accordingly complained to the King and the Queen Mother, who have promised to suppress it, and to punish the author, which will greatly strengthen the friendship between them and the Queen. The Queen has directed him to thank Calvin for the great zeal which he has shown in her service, and to assure him of her favour when the occasion shall offer.—Paris, 18 Sept. 1561.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 18. 510. Throckmorton to Nicolas Des Gallars.
Returns Beza's oration, and thanks both him and Gallars. Does not agree with his and Beza's opinion that De Sacconay should be proceeded against by law, but thinks that the King should suppress his book, and punish him for his folly. There are certain faults which are better remedied by silence than by open proceedings, of which he considers that this is one. Desires to be informed of the Cardinal's strange definition of the Church, of which Gallars speaks in his letter, and also what they have determined to say in reply.
Copy. Endd.: 18 Sept. 1561. To Mr. Saulle, the French Minister. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 19. 511. Nicolas Des Gallars to Throckmorton.
1. Agrees with him that De Sacconay should rather be prosecuted by the King than by his "procureur," and wishes that Throckmorton should appoint some one to watch the affair. Monday is fixed for them to enter into conference. Is not certain whether all of those who were at the commencement of the Conference will be able to continue there, on account of the great expense, and also because their presence is required elsewhere. The Cardinal's definition of the Church is, the company of Christians, in which is comprised both reprobates and heretics, and which has been recognized always, everywhere, and by all.
2. List of those present at the Conference:—Beza, De Gallars, F. De Morel, Aug. Marlorat, F. de St. Paul, J. Merlin, J. De la Tour, F. De L'Espine, N. Folion, J. Mallot, C. Boissyere, J. Boquin. Peter Martyr entered with them on Tuesday, about which there was great difficulty.—19 Sept. 1561.
Copy. Endd.: From De Saulle, the French Minister. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 19. 512. Bond by Throckmorton.
He binds himself to redeliver to Guilliame Mullat, a merchant of Paris, twelve medals in Corinthian brass of the Twelve Emperors, or 600 crowns, within two months.—Paris, 19 Sept.
Copy. Endd.: The said medals were sent to be seen of Her Majesty on the 20 Sept. by J. Somer. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 19. 513. Thomas Cecil to Sir William Cecil.
Wrote on [blank] by the Ambassador's secretary, and has no news. Is quite recovered from his illness, and intends to return to Paris in a few days, as the winter approaches. Three or four days ago he went with Throckmorton to the Court. Can do nothing for his garden until he has spoken with a man who lives outside the town. Intends sending back Thomas Kendall to England, as he is so subject to illness that he is unable to perform his duties. Signed.
Draft. Endd. by Windebank: 19 Sept. 1561, by Mr. Sommer. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 19. 514. Thomas Windebank to Cecil.
1. Wrote last by Hawkins, one of the Ambassador's men. Hopes that Mr. Thomas's illness will be a warning for him not to fall into the like again, as it came of a cold which he took after his heat at tennis. Hopes that Cecil will not impute other men's lacks to him. The only way in which he can serve this charge is by giving Mr. Thomas counsel and advice, and setting him a good example.
2. On 24 August advertised Cecil what their charges amounted to. Mr. Thomas's illness has made an extraordinary increase in them. Will send him a particular account of all by Thomas Kendall. Desires Cecil to write his strait commandment to them not to keep any horses.—Paris, 19 Sept. 1561. Signed.
3. P.S.—Within these three days showed Cecil's letter of August 17 to Mr. Thomas upon his recovery, who prays him to write that, though by reason of the company that was here (meaning the Earl of Hertford), he has not so well profited as Windebank would wish, yet now he would endeavour to improve. Craves two or three words from him touching the matter that Lady Throckmorton desired him to write about, that she may perceive that he has fulfilled her mind.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Sept. 19. 515. Thomas Windebank to Cecil.
Has complained to Mr. Thomas, who promises so to behave himself that Cecil shall be better pleased with him in the end than he is now earnestly moved against him. Has more hope of his better bestowing his time. The letter which he writes in French is merely of his own doing. Before closing this letter he laid it purposely in place that Mr. Thomas might read it. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
Sept. 20. 516. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Received her letters of the 4th inst. on the 13th by Alexander Bog, a Scotchman, who, with De Crocq, a Frenchman, lately came hither from Scotland through England. On the 14th inst. he sent to the Court for audience, which was appointed on the 16th. According to his instructions he moved the Queen Mother to suppress Sacconaye's lewd book, who answered that it should be suppressed, and the author so ordered that others should beware. She also desired him to let her have the book, so she might cause it to be considered, and thereupon give order for the matter. The King came whilst he was talking with her, to whom he declared the same briefly, who answered he would gladly gratify her in anything in his power.
2. He declared to the King and Queen Mother the Queen's answer to M. De Seurre concerning the coiners of false money, and her resolutions in that matter, for which the Queen Mother gave thanks, and said similar proceedings should be used towards malefactors being her subjects that came hither. He then took his leave, and the Constable expressed his thanks to the Queen for granting his son, M. Damville, passage through her realm with such good usage. He then moved the Constable to show his friendship for the suppressing of Sacconaye's book, and punishing him. The Constable said he would gladly do the best he could, that order should be taken to the Queen's satisfaction. He then took his leave of the Constable, who went to the Queen Mother, who had conversation together in his sight concerning the book which he had delivered to her.
3. The Duke of Guise then presented himself, and used similar speech for permission for his brother's passage through England, as had been granted for M. Damville. He answered that the Queen's expectation was so good of the Queen of Scots' sincere proceedings with her that she liked to show all courtesy and favour to her kinsfolks and friends. The Duke then desired him to inform the Queen that he and his house would be ready to do her any service. Throckmorton then acknowledged to him the favour that the Queen of Scotland had done to him and his wife, both for her letter and present to his wife, which he mentioned by his last of the 11th inst. to the Queen, and now sends a copy of the letter.
4. The Duke told him that his niece forgot at her departure to use that courtesy towards him which is accustomed to be done to other Prince's Ministers; in recompence whereof, and for the honour done to her whilst in this Court by his wife, she sent her that little remembrance, and he [the Duke] trusts they will use all their good offices to maintain good amity betwixt the Queens of England and Scotland. He then moved the Duke to give his help for suppressing Sacconaye's book, and punishing the author. The Duke said he would employ all his power and credit to the Queen's satisfaction in the matter, and desired him to inform her thereof.
5. After these conversations in the Queen Mother's chamber, he thought to resort to the King of Navarre, but he was so indisposed as to keep his bed, that he could not speak with him. He then had access to the Queen of Navarre in her chamber, where she was accompanied by her son and daughter, the Prince De la Rochsuryon, and the Admiral. After presenting the Queen's commendations, he said he trusted that her husband had sent her the Queen's letters which he delivered some time since to the King, whereby she might perceive the affection of his mistress [Elizabeth] towards her, which ought to be of a more assured nature between them than is generally betwixt Princes, in consequence of the uniformity and consonancy of their religion. The Queen of Navarre answered that she had received the letters, and hoped that the Queen would persist in what she had begun for the advancement of true religion, and said that ere long she would write to her; and desired him in the meantime to assure her of her friendship.
6. He then declared to the Admiral what he had said to the Queen Mother concerning Sacconaye's book. The Admiral said that he had done somewhat to have reformation of this matter before this time; and desired to know what answer the Queen Mother made therein. Throckmorton told him all that had passed. The Admiral was glad she had made so good an answer, and said that he would do his best therein for the Queen's satisfaction. Throckmorton requested him to inform the King of Navarre that the Queen gave him in charge to use his friendship in this matter, which he would have done himself if he could have spoken with him. The Admiral said the Queen need not fear the King of Navarre's good affection towards her in this or any other matter, but notwithstanding he would declare the same to him. He was informed that the Admiral before this time did travail to have the book suppressed, and the author and printer punished, but a deaf ear was given thereunto. (fn. 6)
7. By his last of the 11th he informed the Queen how matters stood concerning religion talked of at the assembly of the clergy at Poissy, and that the 10th inst. was appointed to hear the ministers propone their articles and declaration of their religion. On that day, the King, the Queen Mother, the Princes of the blood, and the Privy Council being present, Theodore Beza made the oration, assisted by eleven ministers and twenty persons, deputed from the reformed churches of this realm. It shall appear to her by a letter which Saulle, principal minister of the French church in England, (who has assisted here,) wrote to him, and also a copy of Beza's oration, both of which he sends herewith. The oration ended, the Cardinal of Tournon requested to have a copy thereof, and time granted them on their part to answer the same, which was accorded. On the 16th inst., at the same place, the Cardinal of Lorraine, chosen by that company, made answer, when none was suffered to enter except those that were appointed and called. The Duke of Guise kept the keys all the previous night, and search was made in every corner to find such as were hidden. De Saulle has sent him the substance of the Cardinal's proceedings. De Saulle's fear is (as he writes) that there is little hope of any good to be done at this time against the Papists. How the matter will further break upon this answer will shortly appear, for it is not likely to rest here, but will grow to some other point upon the Cardinal of Ferrara joining them, who is expected very shortly. It is said he is accompanied with divers learned personages in the Papist religion, both Almains, Italians, and Spaniards. Peter Martyr is amongst these ministers; he was not present at Beza's oration, but was at the Cardinal's answer. He has not been heard yet, but has conferred twice with the Queen Mother.
8. Asks the Queen, at De Saulle's return to England, to let him understand her acceptation of his care in informing Throckmorton from time to time of the doings therein, he having no other means of knowing thereof. She will perceive by De Saulle's letter his and Beza's opinion concerning the proceeding against Sacconaye's book, of which mind Throckmorton cannot be till he is commanded therein from the Queen. He has answered De Saulle, the copy whereof he sends herewith. Seeing the Queen Mother and the rest have promised as before written, in his opinion it is better to have it suppressed with silence than that any from her should make themselves party in the matter, and make it as it were to be disputed in law.
9. He sends by this bearer, as commanded, the instrument which was sent to him to be delivered in the Queen's behalf to the Queen of Scotland, which he takes to be the treaty made at Edinburgh, as he has none other.
10. The Cardinal of Ferrara has been these two days at Meudon, at a house of the Cardinal of Lorraine's, two leagues from Paris, and there feasted and visited by his friends. This day he goes to the Court. He will not make his entry into Paris as Legate until the King has heard his errand.
11. Cecil wrote to him lately to know the lowest price or the twelve medals of the Twelve Emperors of Rome, whereof he has written to the Queen, and so has Vergetius. He has spoken to the merchant who owns them, and his lowest price is 600 crowns of the sun. He is contented to send them to the Queen for her to see them, but the writer has bound himself to redeliver them within two months, or else pay the said sum. Sends a copy of the bond herewith, with the medals, by Sommer. As soon as she has seen them and resolved therein, hopes she will signify the same unto him before the two months.
12. He has received another letter from De Saulle, wherein he mentions what has been done amongst them since the Cardinal's answer, and on Monday next, the 22nd inst., they have conference again. Having received Beza's printed oration, he sends both the printed and the written. He desired Beza to peruse the written one, which he has done, so, howsoever the print is handled, the written is a true copy. The Cardinal's answer is also in printing, and as soon as it is done he will send it.—Paris, 20 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 10.
[Sept. 20.] 517. Draft of the first part of the above.
Partly in Throckmorton's hol. Pp. 8.
Sept. 20. 518. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Received on the 13th inst. Cecil's letter of the 4th by Alexander Brog, who came hither with De Croffe [Croc], and likewise a letter from the Queen. He gave the Scotchman a crown for bringing it to Paris. Is sorry he did not receive it before, so that he might have complained before the book was so much circulated. His proceedings therein, and the answers made, Cecil may perceive by the Queen's letter.
2. If the King of Sweden at his coming met with the like storms as have been here lately, he thinks he would wish himself at home again. He marvels at his coming, and what is meant thereby. Cannot understand Cecil's meaning in the note which he enclosed in his letter, wherein he writes of Sir Edward Waldegrave's death, and that his ward shall be unsold. He knows the Queen's mind is that wards shall not be sold nor given, but shall be by Cecil's order better educated and brought up for service of the realm than they have been heretofore. He thinks Cecil has friendly given him a watchword to hold off, and throws out thus much for fear he should make suit to the Queen for the wardship. For various respects he cannot let such an occasion pass in this time of frugality without being a suitor therein. In case he should obtain the ward of the Queen, the mother and her friends would perhaps press him to have the ward of him cheap, and the rather for that one of his brethren married her sister. Thinks the Queen would repute this to be a great reward, and thereby tie him to this place of service longer, which he would not nor could not do, though it were a gift of more value. Finally, to make it a benefit worth thanks, he refers it wholly to his [Cecil's] order and accustomed friendship.
3. In his last letter he mentioned how Mr. Sommer, the bearer, had a desire to be hence, in consequence of his private business, which was the cause of his going this voyage. He says he will return shortly. The writer trusts he will not have cause to make words to move Cecil how destitute he is left, especially of those that can write French, yea, or almost English. Prays Cecil to return him as soon as he can, and so that he may not return with conceit that he loses his time in France. He sends by this bearer some advice to be considered by Cecil and others, which has been lately exhibited to this Prince and his Council, and he is informed that shortly they intend to take order in the matter, that they will do as they have done, namely, robbed all countries of their gold and silver. It would be well that such as are M. De Saulle's friends in the ministry at London should be informed that the Queen thankfully takes his behaviour towards Throckmorton in imparting intelligence to him of the proceedings. Requests him to read M. De Saulle's letters, that he may the better understand the proceedings here in the matter of religion. He thinks it would not be amiss to have The Beza's oration translated into English, and send them printed into Scotland. He has sent the Laird of Lethington one of them in French, and another to Thomas Randolph, by this bearer.
4. Asks Cecil to take order without delay that the medals of copper of Corinth may be returned, that he may redeliver the same before the day limited; or if the Queen intends to keep them, to send the money so as to satisfy the merchant, either by exchange or ready money, so that he may pass harmless of the bond.—Paris, 20 Sept. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[Sept. 20.] 519. Scottish Borders.
1. Statement of the line of demarcation between England and Scotland, before and after being decided by the Commissioners of both realms, viz., from the head of Kershope until the junction of the Eden with the sea, the intermediate localities being specified. The length of the West March from the head of Kershope is said to be about twentyfour or thirty miles, and the circuit of the debatable English March is scarce twenty.
2. The writer, having no skill in maps, desires that "his Lordship" will send down some competent person, whom the writer will accompany during his survey.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 20.] 520. Scottish Borders.
"The bounds and meres of the batable land belonging to England and Scotland," from the point at which the Esk falls into the sea; the English ground being eight miles long and four broad, and the Scottish seven miles long and four broad.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 20.] 521. Liddesdale and Eskdale.
A rough sketch of Liddesdale and Eskdale near the junction of the River Tweed with the Esk and Liddle, specifying the names of the families there resident, chiefly the Armstrongs and Forsters.
Orig., in Cecil's hand. P. 1.
[Sept. 20.] 522. Modern copy of the above. P. 1.
[Sept. 20.] 523. Armstrongs of Liddesdale.
A list of "the Armstrongs that be riders, dwelling in Liddesdale," chiefly at Mangerton, Whithaugh Tower, and Kirsope, with notices of feuds in which some of them have been slain.
Copy. P. 1.
[Sept. 20.] 524. Debatable Lands.
Lists of the Scottishmen (Armstrongs) and Englishmen (chiefly Grahams) in the debatable land, and of "all places within the rule of Bewcastle," specifying the families resident in each locality.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 20. 525. Marsilio Della Croce to Shers.
1. Yesterday morning Guido Ginetti was released from prison. Application had been made for his transmission to Rome, but this has not been done. To obtain his liberty he has given security in 500 ducats to appear before the Ten when required.
2. Letters from Milan of the 10th inst. announce the death of Sigismond D'Este, Signor De San Martino. The currency has fallen at Milan. The two French galleys which were at Rovano have returned to Marseilles, and the two belonging to Baccio Martelli have gone to Leghorn. The Duke of Savoy is in good hope of recovering his four fortresses from France. Signor Giuliano Goselino has arrived at Milan, where the Duke and Duchess of Sessa will be by the 10th of October.
3. It is stated from Rome, on the 13th, that the Pope has gone to Termini, where the monastery of the Carthusians is being built, the custody of which (2,000 ducats) has been granted to Gabbino Arvellone, with the consent of the Grand Master of Rhodes. Cardinal Farnese had arrived at Ronciglione for change of air. Cardinal Pisani had gone to Civita Castellana. Cardinal De Monte would have been delivered from the castle had not a crowd of his creditors appealed to the Pope. His debts are said to amount to 22,000 ducats. The Pope has postponed his journey to Perugia for another week, the Ambassador Vargas having assured him that it would cause suspicion in the minds of many Princes. The Pope, being very indignant at this remark, turned his back upon Vargas and withdrew into his chamber. Vargas complained of this to Cardinal Borromeo. The Bishop of Ischia has returned from Spain, and reports that the King of Spain has directed that the Bishops of all his Italian states shall go to the Council. Ottavio Gonzaga has set out for Spain, having obtained from the Pope letters of recommendation to the King, more than ten lines of which are in his own hand. Count Broccardo will set out within four days with sixty galleys, others say fifty.
4. Letters of the 16th from Ferrara state that the Duke of Ferrara has gone from Modena incognito to the Duke of Savoy. The Cardinal of Este is ill, but not hopelessly. The Turkish fleet had left Prevesa for Constantinople.—Venice, 20 Sept. 1561. Signed, but the signature torn off.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 4.
Sept. 20. 526. Intelligences.
1. Rome, 20 Sept. 1561. Yesterday there was a Consistory, in which were given many bishoprics in different places; it lasted four hours. A secretary of M. De Viterbo, who has arrived from France, narrates the miseries and dangers of that realm, which is lost to the Apostolic See. The Cardinal De Monte is deprived of the three abbeys which he held, and may possibly lose his hat. The affairs of Fabiano Del Monte are accommodated. The Cardinal of Pisa will lose his hat and his life, as probably also will Bartolomeo Di Benevento. The Pope will not leave Rome. The clergy of Spain have to maintain seventy galleys for ten years, twenty of which are assigned to Count Frederic Boromeo, to remain at Civita Vecchia, to whom the Pope has granted 6,000 ducats a month for his expenses.
2. Advices from Naples state that the Spanish armada had gone to the Goletta. The King of Tunis had come to terms with the King Catholic. The Turkish fleet returned into the Strait, and ten galleys had gone to Gerbes. A plot had been discovered in Pampeluna, set on foot by the King of Navarre; some persons have been made prisoners.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
Sept. 20. 527. — to Shers.
Has reported in his previous letter the conferences between the Dukes of Ferrara and Parma and the Marquis of Pescara. It is now stated that the Duke of Ferrara has gone incognito to the Duke of Savoy, the writer's master. The Pope will leave Rome on the 25th inst. for Perugia. The Duke of Ferrara sends to the Court of the Emperor the Ambassador resident here, and in his place has named a doctor of Ferrara named Ronchegallo. This arises out of the question of precedence. Count Broccardo returns into Spain with the decision as to the sixty galleys, according to the wish of the King Catholic. Guido Gianetti will soon be at liberty.—Venice, 20 Sept. 1561. Signed, but the signature is torn off.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 2.


  • 1. At this point begins the draft mentioned in the following number,
  • 2. The conclusion of the letter from this point is in Throckmorton's holograph, It does not occur in the draft.
  • 3. In the draft, (seefollowing number,) the whole of this sentence is underlined.
  • 4. This second P.S. is written on a small slip of paper fastened to the third page of the letter.
  • 5. Appended is the following note:—"I thought good to send you this copy, also, which I received lately. God keep you. Ult. Sept. 1561. Edm. London."
  • 6. At this point ends the draft mentioned in the next article.