Elizabeth: March 1561, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: March 1561, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp33-47 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1561, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp33-47.

"Elizabeth: March 1561, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp33-47.

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March 1561, 21-30

March 21. 58. Lord Grey to the Lords of the Council.
Has appointed Captain Tremaine to accompany Lord James to the Court, both for honour's sake and to see him well used by the way. Has chosen Tremaine because he is a gentleman of good behaviour, courtesy, and well trained; and also for that he stands in the favour of the Lords of Scotland by reason of his valiant service in the journey at Leith.—Berwick, 21 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 21. 59. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Has received his letter of the 12th requiring his opinion as to some man to be a marshal of this town. Sir Ralph Grey, who has lately recovered of his extreme sickness, and a lusty gentleman, young and toward, of a great livelihood and willing to serve, ought not to be forgotten. Doubts not but that his own and Sir John Forster's instructions will within a while make him able to discharge that office reasonably well. Prays him to take the repair of Andrew Tremaine in good part, whom he sends with Lord James in company for honour's sake. Tremain's diligence in ordering his charge deserves great commendation.—Berwick, 21 March 1560. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 21. 60. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Has certified his proceedings in justice with the Lord Warden of Scotland at their meetings at the days of march, together with the want of justice for the parts of Liddlesdale; for whose disorders the Warden is not able to answer. He therefore desires that the Lords of the Council will write to the Council of Scotland for the assisting their Warden, so that he may be answered for the disorders in Liddlesdale. Is forced to write the more earnestly for that the Liddlesdale men came into Hexhamshire on the 19th inst., and there made open reif; yet they were so hastily pursued that there are sundry of their horses won, and they themselves went very straightly away on their feet through the mosses on the high land, where no horseman could pursue them. It plainly appears that they are bent to make disorder if their power reach thereunto. They have taken encouragement by reason of Lord Bothwell's arrival. Desires to understand the Council's pleasure, whether he may have liberty to do such displeasure to the Liddlesdale men as he is able, seeing that he cannot be answered for them. Touching the apprehension of Thomas Flowd, the coiner, he wishes to know the Council's pleasure for the conveying of certain forms of his which he has.—From his house near Alnwick, 21 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 22. 61. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Received his letter of the 6th, with a P. S. of the 8th by Mr. Sawle, Lord Robert's servant, who arrived here on the 19th inst. Has advised him in his business the best he can, and has procured him letters and directions from a nobleman of his acquaintance of that country, the Viscount of Polignac, to his friends and ministers there in favour of the said Sawle.
2. Understands that the Pope has caused the Duke of Palliano, Count D'Aliffa, and another to be beheaded, and Cardinal Caraffa to be strangled. D'Aliffa was brother to the Duke of Palliano's wife and privy to the murder. There is a bruit that the Turk has lately overthrown certain ensigns of the Emperor in Hungary, and makes a great army to have to do this year with Christendom; the Venetians, suspecting which to be towards some part of theirs, begin to arm apace by sea. The Pope, fearing Malta, has sent thither Ascanio De la Cornea. There is some talk of a little jar between the King of Spain with the Pope and the King of Navarre, for that the Ambassador of the latter was there placed as an Ambassador, notwithstanding the Pope's interdiction and excommunication of the said King, by which the King of Spain holds Navarre. The Queen of Scotland is gone towards Rheims, where she minds to lie this Easter, and then goes into Lorraine, where she minds to receive Lord James, her brother. Some think that he will be very welcome to her. Knows not whether it will be so, considering his religion and her earnest affection to the contrary. Leaves to Cecil's consideration whether it will be necessary for the cause or for his safety to come hither at all.
3. Divers of the Earl of Arran's discharged men-at-arms repair daily homeward, very evil satisfied. Some have required passports, and more daily come to him. They are compelled to leave their armour and horses, which, together with the defaulting of nine months' wage of twelve, makes them little in love this way. It would be greatly to the advancement of the Queen's service to entertain a good many of them. The poor man, the bearer hereof, whose mishap Cecil knows, has prayed to be recommended. He is such a one who in doubtful times may do good service. Will not be able to come to the knowledge of the Queen of Scotland's doings, for that some of his instruments are left behind, and others cannot go where she will be. If Cecil has a minister in Almaine or those parts by whose diligent ear he may come to the knowledge thereof, it will be good.
4. The King of Denmark has lately sent an Ambassador, who came in post with ten horses; cannot yet learn his errand. Trusts that he will give such good order for Irish matters that the charges spared there and commodity arising from the same may help to bear the entertainment of the amity of Scotland. Wrote to the Queen from Orleans in behalf of one of O'Connor's sons, who makes his humble submission; prays Cecil to procure a good answer for him.—Paris, 22 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 22. 62. John Shers to Cecil.
1. Advices from Venice, 22 March. By letters from Rome of the 15th inst., it is written that Cardinal Caraffa and the others were executed, as he wrote in his last. It is in all mouths that the obligations delivered for the Duke of Florence for 300,000 crowns to make this Pope was the cause of their deaths. The rumour increases that King Philip will take Sienna from the Duke of Florence again ; and for the one part of the debts contracted, pay the Duke with the obligation for the 300,000 crowns, as a debt to the Duke of Paliano, the Cardinal, and the Caraffas. The debt was to make this Medici Pope. The Marquis of Montebello will be recompensed with a certain "yn trade" within Naples, with which he is satisfied. The Duke of Florence is now at Sienna, fortifying the same, as also at Grossetto. He forbids victuals to be carried to Port Hercolo and Orbitello, in which places there are only Spaniards for the ward, and their number is increased. Letters from Naples inform him that men are being levied, which is likely to be for this end, and for provision against the Turk; but it is doubtful whether it is for one or both.
2. The three Cardinals that remain in prison are Monte, for two wilful murders with his own hands, (a father and son;) Pisa for falsifying of writings in Paulo IV.'s time, for false witness, and for perjury; and Naples, because he is of the Caraffas. They say the two first must die, as Cardinal Caraffa did. Naples may be committed to perpetual imprisonment, and lose his hat and living. The three have twelve days given them to answer to their accusations. Trani that was appointed to appear has fled; some say he is in Venice, others, that he has gone to Geneva. Instead of these it is said the Pope will make ten more new Cardinals against Easter.
3. The Pope still makes a great show for the Council at Trent. First, he has chosen the Cardinal Morone as Legate to the Emperor; for France he has selected Ferrara, but he alleges excuses and has refused, and in his stead Salviati is appointed. Boromeo goes to King Philip. Mantua and Puteo must be at Trent before Easter, as Legates for the Council; Warmiensis, Seripando, and Simonetta will follow as assistants. Divers officers have passed through Venice thitherwards.
4. The Duke of Savoy has had a second overthrow, and treats for an agreement; and if they will acknowledge him for their Lord touching temporal government, he will suffer them to live as God guides them touching religion.
5. Letters from Constantinople of the 20th ult. advise that the Turk had eighty galleys in readiness, and prepares fifty more, besides corsairs and foists, which will make above two hundred sails.
6. Guido Janetti is still a prisoner and none are allowed to speak with him, and no surety can be admitted, for there have been offered to the Legate 400 crowns [?].—Venice, 22 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 22 March 1560. Pp. 6.
March 22. 63. Stephen Beton to the Bishop of Glasgow.
Intends to visit him, "giving attendance only upon the wind." Besides there is no ship that comes into France but is countermanded by the Lords, under pain of death and treason, to receive any passenger without their licence, which his Lordship understands that he neither seeks or pursues, notwithstanding that their proclamation contains the "tynsall" of livings, gear, and benefice. For such affairs as the writer has to communicate, he will give the hazard to come. If the Prior of St. Andrews anticipate his coming, the writer asks the Bishop to labour with the Queen to entertain him with good words and give no further credit to him until the coming of the writer, who will truly show her his proceedings. Intends to pass in a Flanders ship, and afterwards take the post.—Langoring, 22 March 1561. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Received penultimo Martii, 1561. Pp. 2.
March 22. 64. Another copy of the above.
Add. Endd.: Against the Lord James, — by Forbosse. Pp. 2.
March 22. 65. Passport for Norval and Boyd.
Passport for Robert Norval and Alexander Boyd, two Scotch gentlemen, lately men-at-arms in the Earl of Arran's company in France, with their servants, repairing homewards. —Paris, 22 March 1560. Signed: N. Throckmorton.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 22 March 1561. Pp. 2.
March 23. 66. The Council in the North to the Queen.
Account of their proceedings during the assize at York, 21 Feb. during which 300 causes were tried, and twenty-two persons were condemned to death, whereof fourteen were executed. They also record the measures taken by them for following out their instructions with respect to enclosures, reformation of decay of houses and tillage, retaining of the Queen's farms, and other matters of a domestic nature.— York, 23 March 1560. Signed by the Earl of Rutland, and thirteen others of the Council.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 23. 67. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
1. The decrying of the coin will be some hindrance to the inhabitants in paying their rents; 2,000l. or 3,000l. of new money sent down to be delivered in exchange to the poorest sort would be a singular benefit to them. Desires him to move the Archbishop to bring down some good preachers with him, as the people are far out of order in causes of religion. The preaching of Mr. Elmer and the Dean of Durham has done much good. The lack of preaching is their greatest lack.—York, 23 March 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—Sends commendations to the Lord Admiral and to Lady Cecil.
Orig., the P.S. in the Earl's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 23. 68. Munitions returned to Gresham.
Note of unserviceable armour to be returned to Gresham, viz.: Almain corslets, 120; sculls, 150; morions, 80.
P. 1.
March 25. 69. Lord Grey to Cecil.
On the 24th inst. he was present with the Controller at the muster, both of the old and new retinues. The Controller's clerks offered to muster the works, howbeit they found resistance amongst the English masons, who misused Mr. Jennison both in words and other obstinate deeds; whom he seeks to punish sharply, and has committed divers of the fawtors to the loathsomest and straitest prisons with irons and ill fare; yet much grudging and obstinate repining is amongst the rest of their fellows, and as far as they dare it is like that they will continue it. Asks him to hasten the coming of Sir Richard Lee, with whose better advice and aid they will well enough charm them. Mr. Jennison can sufficiently declare the state of this garrison in respect of this muster.—Berwick 25 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. On the address are the following memoranda: Berwick, 25 March 1 p.m. Received at Tuxford, 28th at 6 a.m.; at Newark 28th, at 9 a.m.; at Stamford 28th, at 3 p.m. Pp. 2.
March 27. 70. The Duke of Guise to the Queen.
Thanks her for her kindness shown to his brothers, the Grand Prior and the Marquis [D'Elbœuf], and himself, as also for the favour which she has expressed towards his house, more especially towards the Queen of Scots. They desire to reciprocate these sentiments.—Corbeil, 27 March 1561. Signed: François De Lorraine.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 27 March 1561. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 27. 71. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Two Almaines, Hans Hoghsins and Christopher Frum Van Raysinbrix, came yesterday with a passport from Sir Henry Percy to pass into Scotland, which authority not being sufficient, he has refused to license them. Having given them his passport to repair in post to the Court, they presently come thither. Does not doubt but that it will be taken in good part that he is not over swift in passing strangers without sufficient power, such as these who came out of France and landed (as they say) against their will at Plymouth. Minds to send Colwich to the Court within a day or two with matters of such importance as may not be committed to letters without surer messengers than the posts in ordinary.—Berwick, 27 March 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—It seems to him and the rest here that these gentlemen Almains are of good experience.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 28. 72. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
Has appointed their next sitting to be held at York instead of Carlisle, as he hears of no great matters there, and as they have appointed to sit at Newcastle before Lammas, whither all the causes about Carlisle may be brought. As the Dean of Durham is left out of their commission he desires that it may be new made, and that there be a new warrant for Mr. Savill's fee, and to let him know whether fines levied in the bishopric of Durham are to go to the Queen or the Bishop. —Hela [Healaugh], 28 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 29. 73. The Queen to Throckmorton.
As the ratification of the treaty of Edinburgh was deferred by the Queen of Scots until she might have the advice of her Council in Scotland, and as Lord James is coming to her, Throckmorton is to renew his request for the same. As Lord James passes thither rather of his private affairs than with any public commission, she doubts but that the Queen of Scots will delay her answer as heretofore; the writer has therefore forborne to send Throckmorton's successor, meaning to have this matter ended one way or the other first. Under stands that this day M. De Sault will arrive, for whose entertainment order has been given.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and endd. by his secretary: 29 March 1561. Pp. 3.
March 29. 74. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Yesterday, the 28th, late he received Cecil's letter of the 22nd, and conferred immediately thereupon with the Laird of Lethington, who sends his opinion concerning such offences as have been made against the Portugals. Finds all honest men very desirous that some order were put thereunto. If any overture were made by those from whom the first occasion of the evil proceeded, there are divers who would gladly travail therein, but they wish that the suit should be made to their Sovereign, that by her authority some stroke might be stricken therein; otherwise it will be a matter of greater difficulty, seeing that there are in this realm so many gentlemen merchants and others that support the same, and have bestowed large sums in furnishing themselves unto the seas against the Portugals. The Lion of Leith is presently ready to depart out of the Frith, which is the best ship in the whole country and never better prepared than at present; there are in the same ten or twelve Englishmen. There are also fifteen or sixteen other English, French, and Scotch ships with the same letter of marque. The original is with Gylberde Loggen's widow, of Dieppe, with whom perchance it were good to travail. This controversy had been finished had not the Bishop of St. Andrews and M. D'Oyzel been impediments thereunto for their own profit, who had the said letter of marque in gage. The Queen Dowager also for her part required 5,000 ducats of the 14,000 that was offered for the redemption of the said letter. He has heard that the King of Portugal has levied a tax of 100,000 ducats to redeem the same. Is well assured that it will be bought with 8,000 or 10,000, and that there are two merchants of this town, David Foster and Thomas Tomson, who have some interest in the same, who will willingly agree thereunto. Others have moved him and Lethington to be a means with the Queen's Council that they might have licence to arrive in any of the Queen's ports with such prizes as they could take of the Portugal, putting in caution for their demeanour towards her subjects. This request seemed so unreasonable that since that time they have been noted enemies to their whole cause; whereupon one Captain Murray (who has a ship ready to the seas at Dieppe) intends to sue unto the Queen of Scotland for her favourable letters unto the Queen to that effect, as he is presently in hand with the Duke and the Earl of Arran, whereof he trusts Cecil's letter to him will be a stay.
2. Cannot communicate Cecil's mind to the Lords of the Secret Council, as he will not see many of them before the 20th of May. Thanks him for his Cardinals; will within a day or two requite it with something, the knowledge whereof shall be more to Cecil's contentation than it is pleasure to himself to hear how that pestiferous Prelate seeks to maintain his kingdom. If he can work that the Council may be stayed, it will be judged the best act that ever he wrought.—Edinburgh, 29 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 29. 75. John Shers to Cecil.
1. Thanks for letters for the writer to return home. If the winter had not been so cold, and the mountains yet so covered with snow, he would have been on his journey home, which he intends to be by April or shortly after. If the worshipful young Mr. Cecil is sent to Italy, he will have no want of friends, credit, or honour; for Cecil's name is known over all. Cecil's son will be better able to help himself than the writer can, but to satisfy Cecil, the writer promises that many gentlemen here will favour him to their utmost power. For Cecil's antique heads, he will go to Padua to the best master now in Italy in such matters, as fame goes, and give order for as many as he guesses worthy to be presented to him. He will furnish himself with all sorts of "cartis" to be had, and will take order before he leaves here to have all such rare things as Cecil may command.—Venice, 29 March 1561.
2. P. S.—Guido Janetti is still in prison, and none are allowed to see him without the Legate's licence; his hope is in the Queen's letters, which the writer supposes will deliver him. Certain gentlemen have persuaded the writer to stay longer to help Janetti out, and have promised him such friendship that he does not now think so much of the Pope's Legate's threatenings as he did before.
Orig., in Shers' hol., with seal.Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Mr. Shers to my master. Pp. 4.
March 29. 76. [John Shers to Cecil.]
1. From Venice, 29 March. News from Rome state that the Pope will needs forth with his Council towards at Trent. France has promised to send their Papists thither, whom they call Catholics. On Monday last the officers appointed for the same, and the five Cardinals, appointed Legates, were commanded to be in readiness to repair to Trent with diligence. All men of foresight in these parts conclude that the Pope thinks it meet to make this demonstration to stay France from that National Council there towards, and to give the rest of the world to understand that he means to reform that which is amiss concerning religion; yet in the end men say that the Pope himself foresees that this Council will turn to a mere toy.
2. The Duke of Florence has laboured with the Pope by a gentleman of his chamber, named II Signor Claudio, for the lives of the Cardinals of Mantua and Naples, which he has obtained; but they will lose their hats, and live hereafter either as prisoners or poor priests. The Cardinal of Pisa must follow Caraffa and die a violent death.
3. The Pope has sent to prison one Hieromia à Theatino, and the physician that was so great about Pope Paulo IV., which argues ill for these other Cardinals. Cardinal Trani, who was cited, does not yet appear. The Pope will make twelve more Cardinals against Easter, and the names are given out. Part of the soldiers that were sent to Malta against the Turks were drowned.
4. The Conté of Pitigliano, since the Pope gave his estate to the Duke of Florence, has found means to pacify King Philip, (for he served France before against him, and is now become King Philip's man,) and has received the charge for keeping Port Hercolo and Orbatello; hence it is thought that the King will not only defend the said Conté, but will also take Sienna, as he wrote in his last.
5. Marco Antonio Colonna has sued the Pope for confirmation of his estate of Pagliano, and cannot get a direct answer. He has had counsel to be a suitor to the King of Spain that the recompence once promised to the Caraffas for Pagliano may now be bestowed upon one of the Pope's nephews, and that the Pope will confirm his estate and privileges for Pagliano.
6. From Milan they write that the Duke of Savoy is about to agree with those of the vale of Angrona that rebelled for religion, and will allow them to do as France does.
7. From Constantinople the coming of the Turk's army is still affirmed, and is feared in these parts. Knows nothing concerning the French and Almain matters.
Pp. 4.
March 31. 77. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. The Queen of Scots came to this town on the 20th, and having stayed a day here to look upon such robes and jewels as she had here, took her way straight towards Rheims, where she will continue all this Easter, and then minds to go to Jenville to see her grandmother, the old Duchess of Guise, and from thence into Lorraine to Nancy, where she will continue at least six months. Divers reasons are pretended for this, such as change of air, and to take away some part of her sorrowful remembrance of her late husband; but it is thought rather that the matter of the late motion of a marriage with one of the Emperor's sons may be better and more secretly handled there. This matter is greatly followed by her uncles, but not so well liked of the rest here; it should be looked unto by some minister of Elizabeth's, either in Almaine or in those parts, for the writer being so far off will not be able to come to the knowledge of what is done there. With the said Queen are gone the Bishop of Glasgow, the Abbot of Dumfermline, and M. D'Oysel.
2. On the 19th there arrived in post, with ten in his company, the Ambassador from Denmark; his receiving was not very curious, nor his entertainment at the beginning much better, the fault was imputed to himself sending no word of his coming till he arrived. He was at his lodging in the village of Fontainebleau three days ere he had either audience or any to visit him other than a gentleman who was appointed to keep him company. Afterwards he was better entertained, he dined with the King of Navarre, the Constable, and the Duke of Guise; and though he lay in the village yet the King defrayed all his charges. As far as Throckmorton could learn, his coming rested upon two points, besides the office of condolence and congratulation. The first was that the King of Denmark offered to enter league with the French King, offensive and defensive, the same to be reciprocal. And in consideration thereof (which is the second point) the French King to make a marriage between the said King and the Queen of Scotland, or with some other good party of this realm meet for such a Prince. The cause that moves him to this alliance is that he understands that the matter between the Queen of England and the King of Sweden is at a point; and for that there is but hollow amity between them, he will do what he can to have the alliance of France. The said Ambassador's offers are somewhat hearkened to, but there is no great likelihood of the marriage of the Queen of Scots that way, or of her uncles liking thereof. The Ambassador is upon his return, but goes to the Queen of Scotland to talk with her by the way. In setting forth his master's greatness he said in open table, with the King of Navarre, that his master is the strongest Prince of Christendom upon the sea.
3. Though the Prince of Condé has been at Court, he has not yet spoken with the Duke of Guise. He has been lately in this town, and has earnestly followed his matter to be justified by this Court of Parliament by order of justice, which he has not yet brought to pass, notwithstanding the declaration made thereof in the Privy Council. The Estates of the realm prorogued from Orleans assembled together in their several provinces the 13th of this month, according to the King's edict. Those of the Isle of France are assembled at Paris. The said Estates (especially the nobility and commons) would know to whom the money should be paid for the King's use. They thought meet to appoint such governors to the King in his nonage as might be accountable for the same. Therefore the nobility and commons assembled in Paris have declared that the Queen Mother should be removed from the government, and content herself to be tutrix of the King's person and of his brethren; that no stranger be admitted to be of the Council or meddle in any of the affairs of the realm; that no Cardinal, Bishop, or other ecclesiastical person having made oath to the Pope, shall have any place in the Privy Council or management of the affairs, not even the Cardinal of Bourbon, though he be a Prince of the blood, unless he forsake his hat; that the King of Navarre be chief governor, and with him joined in Council all the Princes of the blood, and certain other persons; and that the Admiral and MM. De Senarpont and Rochefoucault have the charge to train up the King. This doing, the Estates offer to go through the acquittance of the King's debts in six years; and refusing it, they say they will pay neither debt, tailes, nor subsidies, but let the King live upon his domain, whereof the most part is engaged. The Church stands earnestly against this, and would have the Queen Mother and the house of Guise in the same authority they were before, and so offer to pay the sum set at Orleans. The Queen Mother, mistrusting the devotion of the rest of the provinces, labours to break quite off from the Estates; and for the King's debts she says that means shall be found to pay them, which the Estates understanding are the more earnest to proceed on with the matter. Further, seeing that she is in danger to lose her authority, she has found means to have it agreed in the Privy Council that she and the King of Navarre shall rule jointly, and that the said King shall be Lieutenant-General of all the realm, and she Governante; and that the catchet or stamp (which she has had hitherto) shall be in a coffer indifferent for both, whereof they shall have several keys, and that one shall not come to it without the other. The having of the said cachet has always declared who is chiefest about the Prince. Knows not whether the King of Navarre has agreed hereunto for policy or from weak courage.
4. The Prince of Condé has gone to the Court, sent for to have his assent to this agreement, of whom men have better opinion than the King, his brother. The Estates cannot be brought to accept this order. If they cannot be won in it, and the rest of the provinces determine as this part has done hitherto, as is very likely, there is like to ensue great unquietness; for the contrary party is very puissant.
5. The Queen may perceive that she has now good opportunity to go through with her affairs at home, and also to give good order to Ireland, and assure those parts of that realm that lie towards Scotland. To bring which to pass there is no means so ready as by entertaining a good amity with Scotland; and though the means may seem somewhat costly, yet the good framing of Ireland, which has lain long rough hewn, and the winning of a nation to her which has been of long time so cumbersome to the realm, will far counterpoise the charges. The matter must be so handled that there arise no jealousy to the King of Navarre and his friends of her good continuance of peace and amity with this King, otherwise it will make him and the rest of that side fall to agreement. There are some who put it into his head that she means somewhat this way, which oftentimes much perplexes him; but fearing no such matter, (whereof Throckmorton uses all the best means he can to assure him,) it will make him and his proceed more earnestly and boldly in the things begun.
6. Is very sorry that the Lord James is appointed to come hither to the Queen of Scotland. The French King, by means of the Queen of Scotland, devises all the means he can to win him to his devotion, and for that purpose has procured the red hat for him, if he will accept it, and minds to endow him with good abbeys and benefices in this realm. If he so much esteems the religion, the honour of his country and himself, that none of these things shall win him, then it is to be feared that they will keep him by fair or foul means. But if he will be won, then he may be, and is like to be the most perilous man to her of all the realm of Scotland. The Queen ought therefore to hinder his coming over of all others. Wishes that neither the Earl of Arran, the Lord James, the Earl of Argyll, the Master of Maxwell, or the Laird of Lethington should come; "who, as they are able to do great things, being once again won to this side, so the stay of them from it and winning them to your Majesty, with some other as necessary, by some good means, would be to your Majesty and your realm of great moment."
7. There is speaking of assembling of soldiers in the Low Countries of Almain towards the borders of this realm. Whether the King of Spain will countenance some here with the same, to fear others that he favours not so much, or whether they are to be employed against the Turk, (who has lately overthrown certain ensigns of the Emperor,) he knows not. The Duke of Savoy has had much ado lately in his country about matters of religion. Divers evil contented assembled themselves in good numbers in the valley of Angroin, which the Duke sending to redress, the same received the worst end of the staff, and a chief captain of his, named La Trinite, fain to save himself, lost 600 or 700 of his men.
8. There is a secret bruit that for because the Queen Mother perceives herself to be out of favour, she has a device in her head, viz., to get the King sacred as soon as may be, thinking that it will take away many difficulties that are now alleged of his minority, and make him of sufficient authority to appoint such governors as he lists, as his brother did. And for that purpose it begins to be spoken that the Monday fortnight after Easter the Court goes towards Rheims. At the Earl of Bedford being here, finding himself somewhat grieved to the Queen Mother for that the Ambassador of Spain had the lodging appointed for him at Morette, near Fontainebleau, she answered that the Ambassadors were lodged according to their ranks, that is, first the Nuncio, then the Emperor's Ambassador, next the King of Spain's, and then the English; the writer, perceiving thereby that they will place the Spanish Ambassador above him at this ceremony, desires to know her pleasure what he shall do. Last year, at the sacre of King Francis, after her pleasure known therein, he avoided the first precedent by being evil at ease, but if he should now use the like there would be more gathered of it; he therefore desires to know whether he shall repair thither.
9. At the Queen of Scotland's coming to Rheims on the 26th she was received by her uncles, the Cardinals of Lorraine and Guise, the Duke D'Aumale, and Marquis D'Elbœuf, and her grandmother the old Duchess of Guise. Thither was come out of the Low Countries eight days before, purposely to see her, the young Duchess of Arschot, who tarried but one night after her arrival. Considering that she is the sister of the Prince of Orange, and never had occasion given her by the said Queen that should deserve so much kindness, deems that there may be somewhat in hand that way for the Prince of Orange. Understands that the Queen of Scots goes straight into Lorraine from Rheims. If Elizabeth is desirous to keep the said Queen from marrying any puissant foreign Prince, the writer thinks she [Elizabeth] should make a party in Scotland by entertaining a good number of the best there, that all Princes perceiving her to have a great party in that realm would not greatly seek upon a country so much at her devotion. The Estates are prorogued till August next; in the meantime the Queen Mother is joined with the King of Navarre in the government, as was agreed in the Council, and has the cachet. Hears that the Admiral is made of the Council of Affairs, and has special charge of the education of the King.—Paris, 31 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 12.
March 31. 78. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
Gives the same information as that contained in his letter of the same date to the Queen, about the movements of the Queen of Scots, the Ambassador of Denmark, the Prince of Condé, the proceedings of the Estates, the assembling of soldiers in Almaine, the religious disturbances in Savoy, and the changes in the government in France.—Paris, last of March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
March 31. 79. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. On the 28th received his letter of the 21st, by a servant of Lady Fleming's; and thereby understands that his revocation is stayed for two causes, notwithstanding so many promises of his revoke in April. The one, to know M. De Sault's legation, which he thinks is by this time known. The other rests upon the coming of the Lord James of Scotland, who, if he brings the determination of the Council to their Queen to ratify the late treaty, and that she does it, then the writer may come home, and Mr. H. Knollys succeed him. Whatsoever commission Lord James brings he judges that Queen Mary will never ratify it as long as her Council here can keep her from doing so, who have more credit with her than any who can come out of Scotland. Seeing his return depends on this ratification, it follows that he will not come home at all. Cecil should have been plain with him long ago. Comforts himself that ere long poverty will send him home, and make him keep there, or death send him to his long home. And for that he is in evil case for his health, and is fast anchored here, he has sent presently for his wife, and has appointed the bearer, H. Middlemore, to bring her over out of hand before the wet weather approach too fast. Begs that Cecil will procure the Queen's passport for her, and also for her brother, Mr. Francis Carew, and his cousin, Mr. Francis Peyto, who are desirous to accompany her.
2. Is glad to hear that things succeed so well in Germany, whereof he [Cecil] writes but a watchword. Would be glad to know the Princes' answer to the Pope and the Emperor, to see how it accords with the bruit here. Hopes that he has not sought means too late to stay the Duke of Châtellerault in that amity. A friend whom he sent to see the Queen of Scotland's arrival at Rheims, has returned with the intelligence contained in the Queen's letter. Thinks that the marriage of the Prince of Orange will prove as little for their profit as any yet talked of. If it go forward, it is a drift of the new Cardinal Granville. The Duke of Arschot has married one of his sisters, and the Count of Swartzenberg another. The writer begs that his wife may receive his diets, although it be somewhat before the day limited in the warrant, as he is driven to run upon the score. The bearer has charge to inform Cecil of some things concerning the transporting of money from thence, and the excessive gain that strangers have of the Queen's subjects trafficking in this realm, which they cannot avoid if they make over their money by exchange.—Paris, last of March 1561. Signed: N. Throckmorton, exul mentisque domusque.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 31. 80. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Received his letter of the 20th March, wherein Cecil writes that he was informed that the writer had caused repair and alteration of the Queen's house here, whereby the provision for the sea works was so wasted that they shall be much hindered this summer, and that the Duke of Norfolk was contented to live in the house as it was. In reply, the reparation was not enterprised without cause, for if the house had not been repaired it must needs have fallen down last winter, as yet it is like to do, being only sustained on the outside with props and shores. Has called the Surveyor and the master carpenter to witness the particulars of the provision that he wasted, a schedule whereof is here inclosed. For every groat of the Queen's charges it has cost him three. As for the Duke of Norfolk's contentment to live in it last year, the Duke lay there in the summer, and he in the dead of winter, when the weather would not suffer him to eat abroad in a tent or hall as the Duke did. The house will hold very few of his servants. Desires him to consider his services and charges, without thanks or commendations from the Queen or Council, and that he is ever baited with reports and untrue tales told in his absence. If he were called to answer these by his own mouth, he would think he had some of the friendship that his travail and industry deserved. Trusts that Cecil will open to him his accuser. When the writer comes to the Court he intends to open his knowledge of other men's misacts. Great part of his good service has been in reformation of the waste of necessaries, which deserved better reward than wrong report of spoil and consuming the Queen's stores. If his good service has no better thanks he will learn from henceforth rather to sit still than to rise up and fall.
2. On the 29th a Scotchman having sold certain oats and victuals, to the sum of 5l., was apprehended with the money on his return towards Scotland, by soldiers, who have the money, and desire the rest of 40l. according to the proclamation. The Scotchmen being feared by this chance, and they without money and victuals, are like to keep a lean Easter. Has oftentimes written for the redress of these poor people, with money, in vain.—Berwick, 31 March 1561. Signed.
3. P. S.—The officers of the works report that there is very great store of provisions in readiness to these fortifications, namely, stone and lime. Reminds him of the loss of time on account of the weather and the season of the year.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: With a note of reparations upon his house. Pp. 4.
[March 31.] 81. Repairs at Berwick.
Estimate of repairs done about Lord Grey's lodging at Berwick, amounting to 11l. 16s. 8d.—Signed by Roland Johnson and John Roffe.
P. 1.
March 31. 82. Lord Ruthven to Lord Grey.
Understands by Grey's letter that he has not commission to give licence for bringing horses out of England. Desires him to be a means to obtain the same from the Queen. Would buy half a score if he might.—Toysland, last of March 1560. (fn. 1) Signed: Patrick Ruthven.
Orig. Add. Endd. P. 1.


  • 1. Evidently a mistake for 1561.