Elizabeth: March 1561, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: March 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp16-33 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp16-33.

"Elizabeth: March 1561, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp16-33.

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March 1561, 11-20

March 11. 24. The Earl of Argyll to Cecil.
Could not pretermit the present occasion of his brother, Lord James, going towards him to let him know his earnest affection towards the Queen for her benefits, and to offer his services to her in anything that is not against his duty. Expressions of friendship for Cecil, and desires credit for Lord James.—Edinburgh, 11 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 11. 25. The Earl of Glencairn to Cecil.
Reminds him of his suit unto Lord Grey for the exchangement of his pledge; but being let by the disease of him who should have released the other, and hearing that the Queen would transport the pledges out of Newcastle; he desires that his pledge may remain at Newcastle at his expense. Sends his commendations to Lady Cecil.—Edinburgh, 11 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[March 12.] 26. Harangue of M. De l'Isle to the Scottish Council.
The King of France desires to condole with them on the death of his brother, and of the consequent dissolution of the firm alliance formed by his marriage with Mary, Queen of Scots, which he is sure must equally grieve them. The King has also given him charge to accompany his deputies, whom he sends in order to perform the office of friend, which the King of France has always done towards Scotland, and to assure them that the Queen of Scots desires to bury the memory of all past offences, and to show them the sincere love which she bears towards them, for which he desires them to render in return their perfect obedience to her, so that they may not make her regret having been so benign. In order that they may be more certain of the amity of the King, he has expressly charged the speaker to declare to them that he has offered to the Queen their Sovereign to continue the alliance which has always been preserved between the two kingdoms. The Queen Mother has also desired him to assure them that she would always assist in strengthening and maintaining the continuance of the said friendship.
Copy, in a Scottish hand, injured by damp. One of a series of documents of different dates. Fr.
[March 12.] 27. Answer of the Council of Scotland to M. De l'Isle.
They are much grieved at the death of the late King, who they are sure, if he had lived, would have looked into the troubles that lately sprung up in Scotland, and punished such of his ministers as were the occasions of the same. It is great comfort to them, however, to hear that he is succeeded by a Prince of whose great virtues, considering his youth, they have heard so much. They desire that there should be perfect friendship betwixt him and their Sovereign. As for his offer of reconciling them with the Queen, they are not otherwise affectioned towards her than becomes good and obedient subjects, and are willing to recognize the Queen's goodness with all submission and humble service. It is not very necessary to admonish them to do that which they acknowledge to be their duty. They beg that the King will be pleased to consider that there are no subjects in Europe more ready to serve their Sovereign than they are their Queen. They further desire him to thank the Queen Mother for her expression of goodwill towards them.
Copy, injured by damp. One of a series of documents of various dates. Fr.
March 14. 28. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Recommends the bearer, Emanuel D'Orango, a Portuguese gentleman, sent by the King of Portugal with offices of congratulation, as he says. Understands, however, that his chief errand is to let the English trade to Guinea, if any be meant, which the King of Portugal mistrusts, because of the merchants rigging and preparing their ships that way.
2. There have been lately some jars between the great parties about the Prince of Condé's matter, but all were made friends again to outward show; nevertheless, in most men's opinions some great matter will follow shortly hereupon on one side or the other, or else one of them must leave the Court; which is not thought meet for the greatest to do, and the other is not minded to do. Reminds the Queen for his revocation. Since the Earl of Bedford's departure he has been troubled anew with his old disease of colic and stitch in his side.—Paris, 14 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 14. 29. Randolph to Cecil.
1. At this assembly of the Lords there were neither so many of them as were looked for, nor the matters so great as not to be easy to be resolved upon. It was thought much better that Lord James should take his journey out of hand than attend the end of the Parliament, before the beginning of which they trust to have him home again; for which cause they have summoned the Parliament against the 20th of May; which is greatly to the discontentment of the Ambassador and his faction. In the meanwhile Cecil will have sufficient matter proponed for him to consider. Lord James departs on Tuesday the 18th inst; he despatched this day a good part of his train, as the Laird of Pitarrow, Mr. Robert Richardson, and Mr. John Wood, to the number of twenty horse. The Lords that come with him are these: Lord Saltoun, who married the Earl Marshall's daughter; Lord Liveston, who married Lady Fleming's daughter; the Lord of St. Colm's Inch, who shall marry the Laird of Grange's daughter; with as many as his safe conduct licenses. On his arrival Cecil will understand more of the state of the country. He is right glad of this occasion which is offered of seeing the Queen of England. On the day of Lord James' departure Randolph will write again, and send it in post, and also by Lord James; and Lethington will do likewise.
2. All men found it good that the Ambassador should lack no kind of honour that might be shown him. On the 11th inst. he arrived, convoyed by Lord Seaton with 120 horse; he lodges where M. De Randan lodged. The Laird of Lethington saw him that night from the Lords. There supped with him at the Controller's, the Clerk of the Register and Mr. John Spence. The next day he desired to speak with the Lords, who being assembled at afternoon in the Duke's house, sent to convoy him two gentlemen. After all kinds of courtesy showed him he entered into this purpose,—That they were not ignorant by such gentlemen as had come before him what the French King's desire was, and also the Queen's pleasure, notwithstanding for that he was directed unto the whole Estates in Parliament, he had nothing to say until they were assembled. This was the effect of all his talk in public. The most that misliked any man was that he refused to drink at his departure. Will write more largely of these matters next time.
3. The Duke is brought into marvellous doubt unto what end all these matters tend; he knows not of whom he may be assured; the day after the Ambassador was there, he sent for the writer and declared the above written purposes and said he could find nothing but manifest deceit, and required him by all means that he could to entertain the Queen's good opinion of him and his goodwill to forward her weal. Gave him as many good words as he had received. The Duke willed him not to doubt in his inconstancy, for though that were his fault, reason must needs make him confess that the Queen was the preserver of his life, and the creature upon earth unto whom he is most bound, and loved next to his eldest son. He has at no time written to the Queen of Scots. The Earl of Arran intends to send very shortly some special man into France to solicit such matters as he has to confer with the King of Navarre and the Constable. James Ormiston was appointed; Forbes has no will of that commission, and Sander Clerke has utterly refused it. So it is not yet resolved who shall be he. Whoever he be, he shall communicate with Cecil according to the tenor of the enclosed letter.
4. The Ambassador may well give fair words as he has not much money. The Controller, by whom he should have been furnished of the Queen's revenues, was discharged by the Lords not to intermeddle further with the receipt thereof, it being against one article of the contract made at the conclusion of the peace that a foreigner should bear office; and besides, he is not sufficient to answer for so great sums as are to be received. They have therefore appointed another, with caution to receive what he can, but to disburse nothing until the Queen's will be further known. This was done before the Ambassador's arrival.
5. For that many at this time seek to pass into France, the Lords have proclaimed that no man of lands other than merchants shall depart out of the realm without their licence, until the end of the Parliament. It is not yet certain whether the Ambassador will tarry the return of the Lord James, but it is thought that he will remain to work, in the mean season, what mischief he can. It is quietly concluded that before his return there shall be no Parliament begun. Has communed with divers of the Lords, as the Earl of Argyll, who has written to Cecil by Lord James; with the Earl Morton, who also sends a gentleman with the Lord James, and as many as ever were "ours," and finds them all in words as heartily affectioned as ever. It is bruited that Sir Ralph Sadler is likely shortly to come hither; is content to let the bruit wander to keep some men in suspense. It proceeded first out of the Controller's mouth, and came to the writer from Mr. Justice Clerk. Some have said that at other times, when like matter has been demanded, it has been done by honourable personages, or one famous man at least; so they reckon themselves to be less esteemed than in times past, for that this man is none of that race or sort as at other times have demanded the like. The Earl of Huntly was in his journey, but is now stayed. His trusty man, Mr. Thomas, has been here and returned again; he seeks greatly Lord James' favour, and thinks to lead the Duke in a line. The Abbot of Kilwinning has made many motions to go into France, the chief occasion thereof is suspected to practise for the Bishop of St. Andrews; he would willingly have been in this company, but "non convenit Judœus cum Samaritanis." Concerning the hostages, he has received this answer; that seeing the time is not long that they have to remain in England, their request is that they might tarry where they are, for the commodity of sending to them from time to time. To the intent their charges may be defrayed, they desire to know what it comes to, as he has written to Lord Grey. They would not have been so long unpaid if they had known that they should have paid it.
6. As for William Cante, who took the Portingale, they wish that he and all such were out of the world; for what they have committed against the Spaniards, they desire that they may have as they deserve, as also for taking of the ship within the Queen's waters. Against the Portingales the Lords say that the fault is in themselves, that the same letter of marque continues so long unredeemed, for that it has been once offered to them for 12,000 or 14,000 ducats, and until either that be satisfied for which it was granted, or the letter redeemed, they have some defence to do as they do against them. Some motion shall be thereof next Parliament.— 14 March 1560. Signed.
7. P. S.—Earl Bothwell seeks all means to be reconciled; knows not what shall ensue thereof.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
[March 14.] 30. The Earl of Arran to Cecil.
Is grateful for Cecil's goodwill, and offers his services. Divers occasions move him at this present to despatch this bearer into France, unto such personages and about such affairs as he shall shortly understand. Has given special instructions to the bearer to communicate with Cecil, and to use his advice; also to assure him that the Earl's mind is not alienated from the goodwill and affection of service towards the Queen of England.
Copy, in Randolph's hol. P. 1.
March 15. 31. John Shers to Cecil.
1. As long as he stays at Venice (which will be till after Easter) he will not forget his duty, nor in travelling homewards, when he finds means to send his letters. From Rome the news is, that on Monday 3rd inst., the Pope sat eight hours in his consistory for the process against the Caraffas, and gave his sentence. Upon the following Wednesday (5th inst.) at 8 o'clock p.m. the "Barisello" came to Cardinal Caraffa (who was asleep in bed) and told him to prepare to die; from thence he [the Barisello] went to the Duke, his brother, the Conté D' Aliffa, and il S'Leonardo Di Cardine, with the like message. On the following morning the Cardinal was strangled in the castle, and was then buried at Santa Maria Transportina; but on the Friday following, the 7th inst., about 5 o'clock at night, his body was taken up again, and removed to the Minerva, because he was a Cardinal.
2. The Duke, the Conté D'Aliffa, and il S' Di Cardine "were all three cut shorter by the head" the same day, and the trunks, with the heads, were then carried to the foot of the bridge of St. Angelo, and remained there certain hours as a spectacle to the world. The Duke was carried with more honour, for two carried torches. The other two were carried naked without any respect, and then the three were buried at the common place where they bury thieves and all malefactors. What will become of the others that are yet in prison for the same matter, or of the three Cardinals of Monte, Naples, and Pisa, will be shortly seen.
3. Men begin to seek out the cause of the death of this sect for the Caraffas, for they were as ill men as needs be; yet their evil life would not have brought them to this end if another affair had not chanced at this time.
4. This morning the writer learnt from good authority a long history of the matter. That in the Conclave there was much practise for a Pope between Carpi and Mantua as to which should stand; so there was much craft used by the Duke of Florence for this "Medichine," and because this Caraffa had all the voices of the Cardinals made by Paulo IV., the Duke of Florence wrought with Caraffa by promising first 100,000 crowns; then it was doubled when it would not suit, and at last they concluded upon 300,000 crowns; and because it should not appear this Pope was made by money, a confession of debts were devised, and writings made, subscribed, and sealed, and put in hand to be delivered to the Caraffas as soon as "Medichine" was Pope. Upon this, Caraffa with his band fell to that side, and he was made Pope. The bills of debts were delivered, and for the non-payment of the money the Duke of Florence devised with the Pope to get the bill again into their hands, and promised fair to the Caraffas, and got the Duke with his household to Rome again, before he suspected anything. The Cardinals also were there. The Duke of Florence and the Pope supposed by imprisonment of them and by searching their houses, to recover the bills, but they were not in the Pope's dominion but at Naples. When the Marquis of Montebello, Antonio Caffara, perceived his two brothers in prison, he saw what was meant, and got the bills and came to Venice to consult with some friends. From Venice he went to King Philip in Spain, and declared to the King and his Council that the Duke of Florence was debtor to his brother and him for 300,000 crowns, and being a great Prince, they could not recover their due without some aid, and desired the King to take the bills and give such recompence as he thought meet, and laboured also for his brothers. The King accepted the same, and here arose the ruin of the other Caraffas; but of Florence they will see hereafter. The Pope will not seem to have committed them to prison for this cause.
5. King Philip seeks to have Sienna again, and will serve his turn for payment of such money as he owes the Duke of Florence for the wars of Sienna, with the bills for the 300,000 crowns. At present the Duke has 4,000 labourers fortifying Sienna; some think the charges so great that Philip will take another sum of money and allow Sienna to remain unto Florence.
6. There is nothing new concerning the Council at Trent since he wrote last.
7. News from Constantinople state that the Turk arms forth for the Goletta and Malta with all diligence. There is no news concerning the doings of the Duke of Savoy; his Ambassador has arrived here, but has not yet presented himself.—Venice, 15 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 15 March 1560. Pp. 8.
March 15. 32. William Bromfield to Cecil.
The Queen will have a good bargain if Marc Antonio [Erizzo] will deliver saltpetre at 3l. 5s. per cwt. and 20,000 bowstaves (six and a half feet long) at 9l. per 100, provided both are equal to the sample. The whole value of saltpetre and bowstaves will be 6050l.—The Tower, 15 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[March 15.] 33. Agreement with M. A. Erizzo.
M. A. [Erizzo] has agreed to deliver the following parcels at the sums specified; viz,
20,000 bowstaves, six and a half feet long, at 9l. the 100.
6,000 bows ready made, saving the horning, at 13l. 10s. the 100.
Brimstone, as per sample, 18s. the cwt.
Saltpetre of Naples, as per sample, at 3l. 5s. the cwt.
Orig., in Bromfield's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 16. 34. The Queen to Gresham. (fn. 1)
A supplication having been made to her by John Lane, merchant of London, complaining that being owner of a ship taken from the French in the time of Queen Mary, the same has been arrested at Antwerp by such as pretend they were the former owners. Although proofs have been produced out of the Court of Admiralty that it was a lawful prize, yet he cannot obtain sentence, and they have imprisoned his factor, the master of the ship, thereby wasting more time upon colour of nets and other things taken in her. Hereupon she authorizes him to repair to the Governors of Antwerp and signify in what sort Lane has cause to complain. If he perceives by their answer that they do not intend to satisfy him by speedy order of justice, he is to inform them that she is surprised her subjects are so slightly considered in their just causes. As it concerns her honour to maintain her subjects in their just petitions, it will be necessary to provide such other remedy for them as shall for their cases accord with equity and reason.
Draft. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
March 16. 35. [Basilius Johannes Herold] to the Queen.
1. By a happy augury he had addressed her, in anticipation of her accession to the throne, by a congratulation prefixed to his edition of Marianus, (fn. 2) in which he had proclaimed her virtues to the world. The pressure of her affairs is doubtless the reason why he has hitherto had no reply to this address. Bale had undertaken to deliver it to her; but his silence keeps the writer in uncertainty as to the result. It happens most opportunely that "our old Agylaus" is going into England with a dedication of his labours to her, by whom the writer sends the present letter.—Bâle, 17 Cal. April. 1561.
2. P. S.—Though a German, the writer sends her a few congratulatory lines in Italian.
3. Appended are fourteen lines of Italian poetry, beginning,—
Doni di Deo, di sorte, e de natura.
Orig. Hol. Add. Lat. and Ital. Pp. 3.
March 16. 36. The Earl of Bedford to Throckmorton.
1. Upon his return hither he has earnestly laboured for Throckmorton's coming home, as well privately to the Queen as openly to the Lords, and therein has received both good words of him to his great commendation and assured promise that he shall immediately upon the return of the Lord James be revoked and Mr. Knollys sent in his place; and this promise shall be declared by the Queen to Lady Throckmorton.
2. Has declared to the Queen the good opinion that the French Court has of her proceedings, as well in religion as otherwise. Has also declared to the Earl of Pembroke and Cecil what the Admiral told them. Was a long time this day with Lady Throckmorton, and declared to her the Queen's promise, and showed her many things of her husband and his estate. Finally, he has not left undone anything that Throckmorton desired. Acknowledges his obligations to him and wishes that he might so pleasure him as he deserves.
3. The great matters whereof the world was wont to talk are now asleep, having had some fits both hot and cold. Cecil is now more than any other in special credit and favour and does all. Has earnestly moved him, and he has pro- mised to work for Throckmorton's revocation when the time afore spoken of comes about.—London, 16 March 1560. Signed.
4. P. S.—The great matter has within these four days been revived more than of a good while before. Desires to be commended to Somers.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Throckmorton's son. Injured at top of second leaf. Pp. 3.
March 16. 37. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Pp. 2.
March 16. 38. Thomas Stewart to Cecil.
Has spoken of late with some of the Earl of Lennox's special friends; who (because the Queen of England may not labour presently in his affairs,) have thought good to essay their own credit for obtaining his pardon from the Queen of Scots, and also that he and his wife may have leave to enjoy their own in Scotland. Reminds him that he and the Earl of Pembroke thought that the Earl of Lennox's friends should labour in his affairs, because the alteration of the times was a stay to the Queen of England.—Edinburgh, 16 March. Signed: Thomas Stewart of Galston.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 16. 39. Thomas Stewart to the Earl of Lennox.
Has spoken with his Lordship's friends and shown them his whole proceedings at his last being in England; who consider the Queen of England's good mind towards him, and also that the alteration of the time has stayed her from labouring in his affairs at present. Wherefore, being assembled and having consulted, they essay their credit with the Queen of Scotland for obtaining for the Earl good favour and pardon, and have written to her that he and the Countess may enjoy their own in Scotland. They have desired the writer as of before to pass and present their suit to the Queen; and also to advertise him of their purpose and not to pretermit at any time, but to be diligent in his own affairs by the advice of the Queen of England; for they perceive that he is much bound to her. As soon as he gets his despatch from the Queen of Scotland the writer will advertise him at length, or come himself.—Edinburgh, 16 March. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 16. 40. Thomas Stewart to the Countess of Lennox.
Was of mind to have come and passed his time with the Earl and her, but his Lordship's friends have desired him another way, as his Lordship's writing will show. Desires her to send his other writing to Cecil, of which she shall receive a copy. For a month since departing from her he was at evil ease, as the bearer will show. The common bruit of Scotland is that Lord Darnley is gone to France to be a suitor to the Queen of Scotland; and sundry have been inquisitive of him if it was true, whereof his answer was that he was ignorant thereof. The bearer will declare the news in Scotland. Thanks her for the gentle entertainment of the boy he left with her, and for her favour to himself. Trusts to return soon. Sends his hearty commendations to Lord Darnley and Master Charles.—Edinburgh, 16 March. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp.2.
March 17. 41. The Marquis of Winchester to Cecil.
Has read his letter and the bill enclosed. For his opinion to the first article, the Surveyor of the works has ever had pasture about Berwick for his labouring horses, which he supposes are the three pastures named in his bill, which Mr. Abington would have had, but the Marquis could not agree thereto, for that the Surveyor could not then continue the works. Thinks that the Surveyor of the victuals has pasture for his cattle, but as they cannot go safe during the night there, he requires some other ground. The Surveyor of the works makes the provisions, and keeps the store house and gives order to the workmen, and appoints the clerks. The Controller records the coming in of all provisions, and the spending of it, and controls the checks and pay book by his counter book. And upon examination of these books, the pay book is signed by the Surveyor, the Controller, and the master masons and carpenters. If he had Lord Grey's place he would give order that every man should continue that belonged to that office; and if himself lacked, would provide where he should not disappoint any officer or other man; but if Lord Grey is not of that mind let him have his grief, and let him that he removes have that he should have. If that should increase the Queen's charge any way, or place the provisions in danger, she ought not to suffer it.—17 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 17 March 1560, with Sir Richard Lee's, Val. Browne, Jenyson. Pp. 3.
March 17. 42. Questions about Berwick.
1. A paper of questions as to whether Guisnes law, the Maudlin fields and the Snook have belonged to the Surveyor of the works at Berwick, or to the Victualler, and whether the works can be maintained without them If not, then Mr. Brown may have Stockton for the same.
2. What authority the Surveyor ought to have, and what the Controller? Whether it is necessary that Lord Grey keep that part of the palace which belongs to Mr. Brown's office, or else leave it and go into the castle? If he will needs remain there Mr. Brown may have the castle.
P. 1.
[March 17.] 43. Platt of the Ground about Berwick.
A plan of Guisnes law, with its boundaries near Berwick, containing 122 acres.
Folded sheet. Endd.
March 17. 44. Charges at Berwick.
An estimate of all manner of charges for the fortifications there for one month of twenty-eight days. Total of men 501, of money 1,100l.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 17 March 1560. Pp. 2.
March 18. 45. The Privy Council of Scotland to Queen Elizabeth.
They ask her to grant a safe-conduct to William and Robert Hamilton, with ten other persons, to pass through England to France and other parts beyond the sea.—Edinburgh, 18 March, 19 Mary. Signed: James Hamilton, James Hamilton, James Stewart, Glencairn, Ruthven, Ochiltre.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
March 18. 46. The Duke of Châtellerault to Cecil.
Has requested the Lord James to declare to him how ready the writer is to do his pleasure and the Queen's service for her gentleness towards him and his sons. Asks credit for Lord James.—Edinburgh, 18 March 1560. Signed: James.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 18. 47. Lord Grey to the Lords of the Council.
Has written oftentimes how many inconveniences are like to come upon them [at Berwick] for want of money and victuals. The scarcity thereof now induces such grief, such penury and extremity, that they are able to sustain it no longer without relief. Begs that they may either receive some imprests, or else a general pay until Lady Day in Lent. Large imprests are better than half pays; being with the one both relieved and comforted in hope still of a thorough pay; and with the other always strained and forced to satisfy their creditors with more than their receipts.—Berwick, 18 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp.2.
March 18. 48. The Earl of Arran to Throckmorton.
Thanks for his constant continuance in unfeigned love and amity, which the writer will recompense hereafter. Refers him to his servant, to whom he has given special charge to communicate with Throckmorton at length his whole mind, and "the full effect of his thither sending."—Edinburgh, 18 March 1560. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Throckmorton's son. Pp. 2.
March 18. 49. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Wrote to her on the 8th inst. by El Signor Emanuel D'Aronya; since which time the Prince of Condé's matter has been heard in the King's Privy Council, where he has justified himself, and within these two or three days comes to this town to have the same solemnly done by order of law in the Court of Parliament of Paris. He is already made of the Council of Affairs; and great labour is made to make him and his adversaries friends, which is very likely to be done. The French King minds to go through with the matter of the General Council, and to accept it as it is published, and has commanded his clergy to put themselves in order for that journey; and that he minds to send shortly M. De Rambouillet to the Pope with this declaration. Whereby it appears that, for all this heat and high words, the Queen Mother goes away with this matter, and all others almost at her devotion.
2. The Queen of Scotland goes shortly from the Court towards Rheims; she was once minded to have come first to a house of the Duke of Guise's, called Nantouillet, fourteen leagues from Paris, and thence have gone to Rheims. As soon as she shall be on her way he will advertise thereof. De Seures' revocation continues, and there is now named, besides De I'Aubespine, another to be in that place called M. De Foix, a President of this Parliament, kinsman to the King of Navarre, that was in trouble for religion at the time of Du Bourg's persecution. M. De Sault's coming to England still continues. Understands that he is staid for two causes; the one is that the King would first understand how the Queen takes the answer to the Earl of Bedford's negociation; for they are made to believe by the favourers of the Romish religion that she minds to break with him and demand Calais out of hand, and essay to come by it as she may; which the King mistrusting, begins to give order there already for the better furnishing of the town. The other cause is that the King would first hear how De Noailles speeds in Scotland, being very desirous to bring that realm into its old tune with this country again, and to frustrate her amity with them.
3. There is great bruit of the King of Sweden's coming into England, and that he has sent his Chancellor before to provide for his way, who is already at Antwerp; whereof they are nothing glad, and are not at all in love with his great navy, which he keeps in order. It is said that the Bishop of Arras, among others, is made Cardinal by the name of Granville. Sends herewith the names of all Cardinals made lately as he can learn. Hears not but that the Duke of Guise shall continue still at Court. By a letter from Sir Francis Inglefield from Padua he understands that Sir Edward Carne died at Rome last January.
4. On the 16th there came a brother of Lord Morley, named Thomas Parker. He says he has licence to come out of England, but has brought no letter. He minds to go into Spain, and departs thitherward in a day or two; he has but himself and servant, and their horses. He brings letters from the Bishop of Aquila to the Spanish Ambassador resident here, to whom he has gone this day. Sends an advertisement from Misnia, with the names of all the Princes assembled there on January 30.—Paris, 18 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
March 18. 50. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Sent an account of his proceedings at Naumburg to the Queen on March 4, through Gresham. In the reply of the Princes, mention was made of a writing exhibited to the Emperor by the Protestant States in the Conference at Augsburg in 1559, and which was lately sent to him; although he sent its purport from Augsburg to England on 14 June 1559, still, lest it may have been lost since then, he now sends it at full length. Three days ago the Chief Secretary of the Landgrave wrote, at his master's command, to Mundt at Strasburg by a special messenger, who was instructed if he did not find him at home to wait for his return. Sends this letter with a translation to the Queen.
2. One of the sons of the Landgrave has returned to France, who of late has had the post of Recrod (who is dead) conferred upon him, along with the command of eight ensigns. He is the Landgrave's son by his last wife, and is not in the same estimation as those of the first marriage. Before he had this post he was one of the nobles of the chamber, and had not more than 2,000 crowns a-year; but now he has 100 crowns yearly for each of his ensigns. Grombach and Mandelslo have each 1,200 crowns annually, in consideration of four squadrons of horse each. Duke William of Saxony from his pension and estate has in all over 15,000 florins. Henry VIII. once offered the Landgrave, through Mundt, an annual pension of 10,000 florins, which he declined, as there was war between England and France, and King Henry required him to serve against every one, and this he could not honourably do against the French, from whom he had received great benefits by their restoring the Duke of Wurtemberg. The writer was also instructed by the said King to offer Count William Von Furstenburg an annual pension of 3,000 crowns, which by his advice was not done, and the Letters Patent, under seal, were returned into England. Two years ago the writer learnt from the Landgrave's Chancellor at Augsburg that the Landgrave thought of sending his second son, Louis, into England, who is extolled above the rest for his virtues, and who was with his father at the late Conference. Although the Landgrave hesitated in the matter, Mundt kept to the letter of his instructions and told the Landgrave's secretary that he would say nothing further, but would as the Landgrave desired faithfully write everything to the Queen, and signify her reply. The nobleman who was lately in England is still at Strasburg, and he, together with the other one on whose account King Francis wrote to the Queen, desires Mundt to send their offers of service to her.—Strasburg, 18 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 18 March 1560. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 20. 51. Throckmorton to the Queen.
The bearer, M. De Sault, has required letters for his better furniture of post-horses by the way in England. He is a gentleman of the King's chamber, and lieutenant to the Marshal St. André, and of very great livelihood here, and discreet. He has been noted heretofore to be much addicted to the house of Guise, and yet Throckmorton is informed that the King of Navarre makes good account of him. He minds not to lodge at the French Ambassador's house, but looks to have some lodging appointed more commodious and near the Court. He comes in post with eighteen of his company. The Queen of Scotland is arrived from the Court, and is going further.—Paris, 20 March 1560. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 20. 52. The Duke of Châtellerault to Cecil.
Desires him to procure passports for Robert and William Hamilton, his servants, who are passing presently towards France to get payment of certain debts owing to them. Edinburgh, 20 March 1560. Signed: James.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 20. 53. The Earl of Morton to Cecil.
Having occasion to send this bearer to his Sovereign, the writer has commanded him to speak with Cecil to see if there is anything in which he may do him pleasure, to whose goodness he is indebted. Asks a safe-conduct for the bearer.— Edinburgh, 20 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 20. 54. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Thanks him for his past benefits, especially that through his friendship only was he saved from his utter undoing; and desires him to procure the rest that ought to confirm his licence of repair to the Court. And till his coming desires him to license Capell to repair to him with such cases of Grey's as Cecil will vouchsafe to advance.—Berwick, 20 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 20. 55. Thomas Jenyson to Cecil.
1. On the 12th inst. there arrived one Philip Athlone, pursuivant-at-arms in Ireland, with thirty-seven Irish hard hewers, who declares that he left eight more on the way, sick, who will come as they amend; for which he says that he had never a penny imprest, either in Ireland or England. The writer desires to know whether the same be true, that order may be taken for their conduct upon the pay. If he had not made provision at Newcastle for 360 chalder of coal, two tons of iron, 8,000 nails and other necessaries, by the hand of Mr. Anderson (the price of which coals he has brought from 16s. the chalder to 10s. 8d.) their limekilns, smiths' forges, and wheelwrights might have play for any work that they were able to do, and they being idle, all the rest must needs have followed. There are come hither in three carts sixtytwo dozen and odd of shod shovels, fourteen dozen and odd pickaxes, when there was not one in store; but the carriage he fears comes to three times more than the value of the principal. There is great lack of furniture and also of workmen.
2. Reminds him again of his suit for Thomas Barton and John Bird; Mr. Grimstone can well declare their aptness, truth, and honesty, who by his painful and just travail here is not clearly void of indignation as well as the said young man.—Berwick, 20 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 20. 56. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On the 15th (fn. 3) inst. there arrived at Edinburgh the Earls of Huntly and Sutherland, with whom he has talked at large of the state of things in their country. Never found in his life at either of their hands better entertainment, or more affectionate words, or heartier desire to maintain amity. They are both right well known to Cecil, and the writer cannot otherwise judge of them than in times past. Cecil shall be more amply informed of them by Lord James. Of the Duke and the Earl of Arran their own letters will amply signify. The Earl of Arran, to avoid all suspicion, has required Alexander Clerke to open to Cecil his full purpose, as by his instructions it shall appear, with large promises to Randolph that whatsoever hereafter he do either Cecil or he shall be advertised thereof. Lord James and he parted great friends. The Duke never uttered to him in more earnest words than at his departure towards this town with Lord James, his affection towards the entertainment of this amity; for otherwise he thinks that it will be his utter ruin. He showed the writer three letters which he was despatching into France, one to the Queen, with remembrance of his duty, and credit unto the bearer Lord James; another to the King of Navarre, with thanks for his kindness towards his son, and request to have his lands of the duchy of Châtellerault released; and to like effect he wrote to the Constable. He purposes as soon as he can hear from thence to send over the Abbot of Kilwinning.
2. At the departure of the writer from Edinburgh on the 18th, the Earl of Huntly had not spoken with the Ambassador, who is now removed to Holyrood, and David Forrest is required by the Lords sometime to keep his company. He is now resolved to remain until this Parliament. Hears not of any great resort to him. The Lords are for the most part ready to depart, and do not return before they hear of Lord James' arrival. For that the Abbot of Newbottle is a wise and honest man, Lord James has required him to prevent the Ambassador from practising in the Merse, and whatsoever is under the Laird of Cessford's charge, which he has promised earnestly to do. The chief other matters are contained in the Laird of Lethington's letter, saving that the writer is required that the suit for Robert Lesley to pass through England into France may be denied. He hopes greatly in the service of Lord James, by whose advice Randolph writes this.
3. Mr. Knox has earnestly requested him to desire the ministers in Berwick that there may be some conference between him and his brethren and them in writing or otherwise according to the Queen's pleasure; which he intends to move to the Governor, of whom the bruit is very great for exercise of justice. Mr. Knox, in certain articles given to Lord James, has mitigated somewhat the rigour of his book, referring much unto the time in which it was written. Has no more presently to write, but that notwithstanding anything to be written by Alexander Clerke, Forbes is sent away into France by sea and departed from Leith the 20th inst. To-morrow the writer returns towards Edinburgh.—Berwick, 20 March 1560. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 20.
Haynes, p. 366. Keith, iii. 15.
57. Memorial for Randolph. (fn. 4)
"A memorial to Thomas Randolph, to execute divers things for the service of the Queen in Scotland, 20 March 1560." (fn. 5)
1. He shall understand that the Protestant Princes of Germany, assembled at Naumburg the 20th January last, for the renovation of the League heretofore made for a mutual defence of themselves against the Pope and his adherents, have sent to the Queen intelligence of their doings, and have required her to continue in her relligion, and to further the same in Scotland, as shall appear by an abstract of the message sent from the said Princes to the Queen. In consideration whereof, for promoting religion, the Queen would that Randolph should declare to such of the Scottish nobility as are inclined to the same cause that she sees daily no in- telligence betwixt one country and another so sure as that which is grounded upon unity and consent in Christian religion. He shall solicit the said states to persevere and augment their numbers. If he perceives any to be perplexed with worldly fears, he shall put them in remembrance in how good case, to all worldly respects, the profession of true religion at this day stands in France, where of late days was great persecution, and now not only is it ceased by authority, but also freedom granted for all persons to live with free consciences. In Germany all the Protestant Princes have newly ratified the Confession of Augsburg. Therefore the nobility in Scotland, observing peace amongst themselves and rendering their duty to their Sovereign in things concerning their obedience, have no cause to fear any power to offend them. But if they should upon pretence of a vain fear yield to contrary practices, or sever amongst themselves, their ruin would shortly ensue. In this manner Randolph shall declare this the Queen's advice.
2. He shall deal with others that are not much affected to the matter of religion, yet given to continuance of amity, in this sort following. He shall lay his foundation, that while their Sovereign is unmarried and out of her country, and the Queen is given to keep peace with that realm, the time is to make an accord between these realms, either for a perpetual peace, or for one to continue a long while. Therefore it shall be devised, whilst the Queen of Scots and that realm is free from the old unprofitable league with France, that either some new league might be made between the Queen of England and her realm on the one part, and the Scottish Queen and that realm on the other; or at least that such articles of the old league in France, as were occasions betwixt these realms, might be omitted or qualified.
3. The time serves to have this matter in consideration. The Kings of Scotland have often seen what ruin came to them by hostility of this realm, which grew by means of the league betwixt France and that realm; yet they were never free until this time to remedy the same, but always tied with the band of France. If it be knit up again, the Queen and her posterity shall most repent it.
4. Randolph shall also put them in remembrance how necessary it is for them to consider whom their Queen shall marry; for if she marries with a stranger, the same inconvenience which was felt in her former marriage, and perchance more also, will ensue. Those who of late have showed themselves most earnest for defence of the liberty of that country, if they be not reconciled in favour, her marriage to any stranger will be their ruin; yea, if they be reconciled, a stranger being her husband will not let, for pleasing her and for his own purposes, to rid them out of the way, and to make one of them an instrument to the subversion of the other; and of them both in the end. The nobility and others should persuade their Sovereign either to marry at home, or else not to marry without some surety of them who ought to succeed.
5. It cannot be thought but that the Duke of Châtellerault and his family, the nobility, and others of borough and town who stood in defence of their country, ought all to be of this mind, for there does not remain surety in any other device. And as to the rest of the nation which did not intermeddle, there can be no probable cause why their Queen should not take such a husband as might bring universal quietness in her kingdom, and sure peace with this realm.
6. In all these matters Randolph shall proceed according to his discretion, and for furtherance of any parcel hereof shall confer with such as he knows well addicted to the cause of religion and the good amity betwixt these realms. Signed: By the Queen's commandment, W. Cecil.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 18 March 1560. Pp. 4.


  • 1. On the last page of this document occurs the draft of a letter from the Queen to Mr. Fitzwilliam relative to the Mint in Ireland.
  • 2. The writer of this letter had published an addition of Marianus Scotus at Bâle, prefixed to which is a long dedication addressed to the Queen. In it he enlarges upon her beauty and grace, and affirms (upon the authority of Bale, Fox, and Thomas Bentham, afterwards Bishop of Lichfield, with whom he was on terms of intimacy,) that she was familiarly acquainted with Greek and Latin, and spoke French and Italian correctly and fluently. This Dedication is dated at Bâle, 1 Feb. 1559. The copy which was sent to the Queen is now in the British Museum. (C. 24, c.), and is elegantly bound in inlaid calf of various colours in the Majoli style, similar to the well known copy of the Cæsar of 1469, which is exhibited in Case XIV in the Royal Library.
  • 3. This date is added in a blank space left for its insertion.
  • 4. Cecil's draft, dated March 17, is preserved at Hatfield House, and forms the text employed by Haynes, while the copy in B.M. Cal. B. x. 135. has been followed by Bishop Keith.
  • 5. This date is an addition, by Cecil, to the title.