Elizabeth: February 1565

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: February 1565', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp290-306 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1565', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp290-306.

"Elizabeth: February 1565". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp290-306.

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February 1565

Feb. 1. 957. Lethington to Cecil.
1. Received his friendly letter of the 25th ult., much to his comfort. Willingly embraces his affection to do good in this matter. Since the beginning of their acquaintance has wished to conform himself and his actions to the imitation of Cecil's, so in this will follow his footsteps as nigh as he can. In divers of Cecil's former letters has perceived as it were the linaments, yet not of long time in any other, the image of his good meaning so lively expressed as in his last.
2. He writes that whosoever has gone about to draw him into any suspicion of the contrary, has done him wrong. Assures him he never knew any man here go about any such matter, nor yet could at any time perceive the sincerity of his meaning to be called in doubt, either by the Queen or those about her. The writer has found some lack in Cecil, in that he was either too slow or too fearful in setting forward the work which he knew to be good for both the countries, which conceit he did not dissemble to him in his letters, yet as of purpose accused his slowness to encourage and spur him forward; so on the other part he defended and excused his doings to himself and others, imputing the same rather to the nature of the cause than lack of goodwill, as indeed on that behalf Randolph has made manifest to them by communication of such letters as contained any testimonies of his devoution. There is no earthly thing he more delights and rejoices in than private friendship, and betwixt themselves, which, for the places of credit they occupy, must be the chief instrument to establish the like betwixt these two Princes. Points out what glory it shall be, not only whilst they live but after death, to be named the chief doers in so godly a work as the union of these two nations. Urges him to go forward in the work he has already built upon so good foundation; and to this end he will join with him as he shall devise for the purpose.—St. Andrew's, 1 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
Feb. 3. 958. Enemies and Friends of the Earl of Lennox.
1. Enemies at the departure of Lennox from England; viz.:—All the Protestants of the realm, the Hamiltons, the Bishops of St. Andrew's and Glasgow, the Abbot of Kilwining, the "alliants" of the late Cardinal of St. Andrew's and all the Scotts; the Earl of Argyll and all the Campbells; the Earl of Glencarne and all the Grahams; the Earls of Eglinton and Cassells; Huntley's house and James McConnell of the Isles; Lord James and Lethington in their hearts mislike Lennox; the Earl of Morton (Chancellor), the young Earl of Angus, and all the Douglasses, with the Justice Clerk Macgil; Lords Maxwell, Erskine, Livingston, Fleming, Yester, and Borthwick; the Earls of Montrose, Rathoes, Marshall, and the Leslies, being Protestants. "Of these may be won [to the Queen's purposes] (fn. 1) partly in hope that Darnley will embrace religion (which I doubt will never be), partly by preferment of spiritual lands, partly by money, and partly put in force by the authority and in respect of other insolent pretences."
2. Friends hoped upon at his depature; viz., the Humes and Karrs; the Earls Bothwell (of no force now), Atholl and Errol; the Lords Ruthven and Seaton. "The Queen being his chief countervaile, thinketh for the Duke's overthrow, if she can bring it to pass, to advance Lennox as her heir apparent, failing of her issue . . . If the Queen can bring it about, division shall follow. The overthrow of religion is pretensed. The French to be reconciled there and their aid again to be craved . . . . Take care ye suffer not Châttherault to be overthrown, and in the end advance him who shall become enemy to this realm . . . . And therefore betimes seek ways to stop the tide and fill their hands full at home, which may well enough be done."
Orig. in a Scottish hand, headed: 3 Feb. 7 Eliz. For Sir Nicolas Frogmertyne. Endd. Pp. 4.
Intelligences from Abroad.
Feb. 3. 959. Intelligences from Spain, 31 Oct.; from Brussels, 14 Jan.; and from Rome, 28 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 4. 960. Bedford to Cecil.
Suit being made for Mr. Bennett's office by divers there, trusts he considers of his long service, and what would become of him and his if he should be sent from it. Asks him to stand good to Captain Wood and Rowland Forster. Sends a letter from Lennox to his wife. Received a letter this day from the Council of the last ult.—Berwick, 4 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 5. 961. Randolph to the Queen.
1. Repaired to St. Andrew's, and presented her letter to the Queen of Scots, which was well liked. She lodged in a merchant's house, and her train was few. Randolph for the time which he tarried dined and supped with her. After three days he desired to know her resolution touching the matters propounded at Berwick by the Earl of Bedford and himself to Murray and Lethington. She said that she sent for him to be merry and see how like a bourgeois wife she lived with her little troop, and he would spoil their pastime with his grave matters. If he was weary he might return to Edinburgh and keep his gravity and great embassade until the Queen came, for he would not get her there. Very merrily she passes her time. After dinner she rides abroad. She spoke much of France for the honour and friendship shown her, for which she is bound to love the nation. To lose such friends without assurance of as good no one would advise her. If his mistress would use her as her natural-born sister she would show no less readiness to oblige and honour her than her mother or elder sister; but if she will always repute her as her neighbour Queen of Scots, how willing soever she be to live in amity, yet must she not look for that which otherwise she would. Until they have further proceeded she must apply her mind to the advice of those who seem to tender most her profit.
2. To this long discourse Randolph did not much reply. For her affection towards France he said that whatsoever she had found, her country had felt the smart. As for those matters upon which the Queen of England stood, they were so great that they could not soon be resolved, and it were better to let them come of themselves, than to urge them by force. She denied that she had ever talked of them before. He said that her ministers had.
3. She again expressed strong desire for the Queen of England's amity, whereon he asked if she would give her assistance for the recovery of Calais, at which she laughed. He commended her good mind and opinion of his mistress, and so ended that no small matter should make her over hasty either to enter league with any or to match herself.
4. He asked her how she liked the suit of the Earl of Leicester. She answered that such one as the Queen his mistress did so well like to be her husband if he were not her subject, ought not to mislike her to be hers. "Marry what I shall do it lieth in your mistresses will, who shall wholly guide me and rule me."
5. Made a general rehearsal afterwards of this whole conference to the Earl of Murray and Lethington, who were very glad; but without that principal point whereupon the Queen of England is to decide, they neither dare earnestly press her nor yet of themselves are willing; for that in honour otherwise they see not how she can accord to her advice, or so bend herself unto her. Has found Lethington's dealing hitherto honest. Begs her to send some one hither of experience and judgment to entreat of that matter.—Edinburgh, 5 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 11.
Feb. 5. 962. Randolph to Cecil.
Refers to his letter to the Queen. Queen Mary is wholly advised in these matters by the two Lords, and they are as fully bent to do what they can that both Sovereigns may be satisfied. They assure him this Queen is earnestly solicited other ways, and that necessity compels her shortly to resolve. They desire yet some other resolution than that which was last written to them from him, which they find hard; and, if he remains in those terms, they see not how that may insue here which he desires. Touching the answer of the conference at Berwick, they think it not good that it were hastily pressed, for they think that, when he has again thought of the matter, he will find it not so hastily to be cut off, as perchance it may be, if he remains always in those terms he is found in. They will bend themselves to persuade their Sovereign to apply her mind unto the Queen in anything that may be to her honour. They think nothing well of his return, but wish it to be deferred. All resolutions of this Queen's mind are referred until she comes here, where she will not be yet for 14 days. The four days he was at St. Andrew's he dined and supped at her table. Was desired to by her to tarry with her until she should come here; but, because he knew that it could not be without her discomodity lodging in gentlemen's houses, he desired leave to return here. Purposes to ride to Berwick to see Bedford. The winter was never extremer; sicknesses, for the time of year, never so many. The Queen and her Court have only escaped, who were never merrier. He shall hear a fond tale; up and down this town, these three nights past, there have been about midnight many armed men in the streets, fighting one with the other. The strokes they say are heard, the clamours of men great, no blood shed nor taken of any that came there. Of this matter they lack not to prognosticate many things to come.—Edinburgh, 5 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 5. 963. Charles Cocquiel and Paulus Tucker to Gresham.
Remind him of his promise, on which they have made their account.—Antwerp, 5 Feb. 1564. Signed by them as executors of Lazarus Tucker.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 5. 964. Intelligences from Abroad.
Intelligences from Constantinople, 5 Feb. 1565; from Rome, 3 March; and from Genoa, 27 Feb.
Orig. Add. to Cecil. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 5. 965. Another copy of the above, with variations towards the end.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 6. 966. Smith to Cecil.
Prays him to send this packet with speed to Berwick, and so to the Court of Scotland. He can guess from whom it is who desires at this time to tell the first news. The negotiations come by Mr. Borthwick, possibly the bearer hereof. —Toulouse, 6 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: For Cockburn's packet. Pp. 2.
Feb. 6. 967. Christoval Calvert de Estrella to Challoner.
Has been detained at Vallidolid, and arrived here only very recently, consequently has been unable to give much attention to Challoner's business, in which he will now do his best. The Prior of England has commanded him to give to Challoner the accompanying book and letter.—Salamanca, 6 Feb. 1565.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received, 27 Feb. 1564. Span. Pp. 2.
Feb. 7.
Labanoff, i. 234.
968. Queen Mary to the Queen.
Desires justice for Walter Brechin and Andrew Brechin, merchants of Aberdeen, who have been plundered by English pirates.—At the Struther, 7 Feb. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Feb. 7. 969. Bedford to the Privy Council.
1. Received theirs of the 30th ult., and perceives their pleasure is that as well Mr. Bennett, Captain Wood, and Rowland Forster, as others here in his charge, being touched in this matter of coining, should be proceeded upon according to the laws; and after the same done the execution stayed. The first that shall be proceeded upon shall be Partridge the goldsmith, and his man.
2. Intercedes for Bennett, Wood, and Forster; and that Bennett with his life may keep his office still, for else he is utterly undone.
3. Randolph has by his means to the Queen of Scotland (not without some complaints first made upon the Laird of Cessford), obtained so much as now he has better justice than ever he had here.—Berwick, 7 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7. 970. Bedford to Cecil.
1. The mayor and his brethren here, who have commission, lack a lawyer. Partridge the goldsmith, and Partridge's man, shall be the first, and the others he shall stay till he hears of the pleasure of the Council and Cecil herein. By keeping Partridge's counsel Bennett has brought himself into the briars. Of the money for the ship for the Greames there lacks part of the first sum of 400l., and he is driven to levy it as if it were upon the spoil of them in time of service.
2. Here has been of late good justice done by the warden of Scotland, and they have had above 160 bills filed.—Berwick, 7 Feb. 1564.
P.S.—Lord Scrope is looked for at Carlisle in three or four days. As he had done this came these letters from Randolph, who will be here to-morrow. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Feb. 7. 971. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
Gilles Ostman has complained to the court, but has found small comfort. He and others have requested the Regent and Council that certain might be appointed to gather together all such griefs as might be thought meet to be given over at the Diet. The magistrates of this town wish not to have to do with it. The Chancellor has promised them to persuade his son-in-law, M. D'Assonville, to be reasonable. The Count Egmont is parted towards Spain in post. The Turk is arming for the seas. The Duke of Florence is found to be an aider of the rebels in Corsica.—Antwerp, 7 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[Feb. 7.] 972. [Challoner] to Doctor Vasquez.
Intercedes in favour of certain Englishmen who had been apprehended on the charge of being Lutherans.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. In the favour of Barrett's matter. Half torn off. Span. Pp. 2.
Feb. 7. 973. [Challoner] to —.
In favour of certain English merchants, who had made themselves obnoxious to the laws of Spain.—7 Feb. 1565.
Copy. Half torn off. Span. P. 1.
[Feb. 7.] 974. [Challoner] to Don Gomez Capata.
Renews a previous application for a favour which he wishes to be granted.
Copy. Half torn off. Span. P. 1.
Feb. 7. 975. Thomas Parker to Challoner.
Was driven back to the coast of Spain by foul weather. The day they departed from Vermewe [Bermeo] they took a bark laden with salmon and wine. Is glad of the coming of his servant Robert with his despatch. — Castro, 7 Feb. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Chaloner, 7 Feb. 1564. Pp. 2.
Feb. 7. 976. Intelligences from Abroad.
Intelligences from Milan, 7 Feb. 1565; from Genoa, 9 Feb.; from Rome, 17 Feb.; from Tolouse, 10 Feb.; and from Venice, 24 Feb.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 8. 977. Albert Knopper's Receipt.
Acknowledges the receipt of a golden chain from the Queen. —8 Feb. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. 8 Feb. 1564. Lat. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 978. Lethington to Cecil.
Requests redress for Walter Brechin, of Aberdeen, who has been plundered by English pirates.—St. Mynance [?], 9 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 979. Smith to Cecil.
1. The Queen, being so minded, as he writes, not to marry in the realm, cannot mislike the party Cecil takes. But laments that, so good occasions being offered by congratulation and condolence, the time has been so lost. Wots not what to think of the two persons with whom Cecil deals. Not only suspects the first, but knows that he has not the will; he who deals with Cecil now has the will, but is of questionable authority and weight. Hopes soon to have an answer thence, and then will be able to guess what is likely. What this tickling of the French and this desire of interview means, he cannot tell. In his letters to the Queen, Cecil may understand what he means.
2. If they have any understanding of Charles of Austria, this is but a step to amuse, while provision may be made for the rest. The French have time enough to dally; the Queen not so. Knows not how the Queen does or will or may take this French offer. Prays him let him know in his next.— Toulouse, 9 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd., by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 10. 980. Smith to Cecil.
1. Of their Commissioners for Flanders he takes the choice good. The continuance of the Emden trade is not without reason. It shall be always a bridle to the other, if they begin to wax insolent again. Wrote to him who seeks to match the young Duke of Guise with the Scotch Queen They were never more earnest than at this present, and somewhat more earnest than he thinks the Queen here would have them. As for Steward's practise he cannot think it likely to take any effect. Possibly the Cardinal may make a show to put the Prince of Condé in some fool's paradise, as he did his brother. The Cardinal of Lorraine and that house rule as much as they can the Scotch Queen. It is time for the Protestants to look about them. The Pope and Papists are driven, as it appears, to adventure some desperate attempt.
2. They tarry here yet a month or six weeks and then they go to Bayonne, where the Spanish Queen should meet the King and his mother; which done, they go to Bordeaux, where they shall be in May or June. They talk here also of the revocation of M. de Foix, and that De Forest should come thither. That Foix should go to Spain he doubts, and so do others, for that his religion is too well known, and King Philip is very scrupulous in those matters, whom at present they will not offend.
3. Here was a practise in hand to have changed all the Scottish guard, because the most part will not go to the mass, and some served in Newhaven. And the Queen of Scots should have named such as are of the old religion, and had never served nor would serve England. The Earl of Bothwell should have been captain of them.
4. Many who have lands and pensions of the abbeys newly suppressed in Scotland have confirmation thereof from Rome. Was told that they had all, even the pillars of the congregation, and was promised that he should see it. On the 8th inst. the King here sat in the Parliament. That day there were made twenty-four or twenty-eight Knights of the Order. Sends herewith the names of twelve of them. The Duke of Orleans, the Bishop of Auxerre, and divers other knights of the order, shall go five or six journies into Spain to meet the Queen before she comes into France.
5. De Chantonet had not, on the 5th inst., arrived at the Emperor's court, but tarries about Dole or Besançon. He shall be no acceptable person in that court, where are many who cannot favour the practices of the brother of the Cardinal of Arras.
6. Sent him a packet of letters dated the 17th of Dec., with M. de L'Aubespine's packet to the French ambassador, wherein he has his negotiation with the King touching the prisoners in the galleys. What he wrote of the postillion being hanged, it was L'Aubespine that told it him.—Toulouse, 10 Feb. 1564.
7. P.S.—Because he should not want news, sends the news of Ronsard, the archpoet of France, sent him from Paris. That busy Bishop of Carlisle has made much turmoil amongst the prebends there. Wishes the Bishop had as much wisdom and goodwill as he has tongue. Goes not about to excuse the prebendaries; as they have done, so let them have. But there is one Michell, whom the writer left his vice-dean, who has almost alone held up that church, he means for worldly policy, and to bring it out of debt; every prebendary in these changes catching for himself and friends what he could. If Michell should be constrained to leave it, he fears the church would not stand long. Knows the fashion of those countrymen well enough; but what betwixt the Bishop and them, this twelvemonth and more the writer cannot get a penny of them. Prays him to help to take some order with them that at the least he may have his duty. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Feb. 10. 981. Stopio to Benedetto Spinula.
Intelligences from Genoa, 26 Jan. 1564; from Rome, 3 Feb.; from Vienna, 2 Feb.; and from Antwerp, 27 Feb.— Venice, 10 Feb. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. (fn. 2) Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 10. 982. Marsilio della Croce to Shers.
Forwards intelligences from Brussels, 20 Jan.; from Genoa, 26 Jan.; and from Rome, 3 Feb.—Venice, 10 Feb. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 11. 983. Bedford to Leicester.
Lord Darnley came hither yesterday, and is gone this day hence. Mr. Secretary wrote of Darnley's coming, which he received not two days before his arrival. Randolph is here for a few days while the Queen be returned over the water again. Asks a favourable answer for these poor men here. Trusts he will procure him leave to come up; the twelvemonth promised is almost expired. Prays him continue his wonted aid to the overthrow of that devise of tippets and caps, and not let the persuasions of uniformity and comeliness take place as to drive out the godly.—Berwick, 11 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 11. 984. Bedford to Cecil.
1. His of the 5th instant he received on the 9th, with letters for Lord Darnley, who came yesterday. Mentions matters of which he this day wrote to Leicester.
2. Asks his help for order to be given for the Lenten provisions, whereof he sent him a note in his of the 30th ult., and to help them to some money. Also for order to be given for the going forward of the fortifications. Also, to remember the pardons for Selby and the rest.—Berwick, 11 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 12. 985. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Arrived here upon Thursday last, and minds upon Monday next to return to Edinburgh, where the Queen will be a few days after. Perceives by Cecil's letter of the 5th what means have been made, both by Lord Robert and him, for licence for Lord Darnley to come into Scotland. Cecil's considerations herein are enough to satisfy the writer (how loth soever he is) that any comfort should be taken here by any to think that through his presence the purpose of the writer should be subverted, or that they that have stood in amity with his Sovereign should be grieved or offended that any such should be licensed to come into the country, of whom there is much conceived against, both by word and writing. Randolph's mind was ever to obey her Majesty, but how to fashion this that it may be both to her honour and contentment he must be supported by Cecil's advice, for he knows not what to think or how to behave himself.
2. The news of the Cardinal coming to Paris was reported to the Queen before the coming of the writer from St. Andrew's, whereat she was sorry, and doubts of the danger that may ensue to him through the malice of his evil willers, of whom she esteems the whole house of Montmorency.
3. Requests that whatsoever is further intended, some signification may shortly be had thereof, before he be forced at the Queen's return to press her for her resolution of those matters propounded unto the two Lords at Berwick.—Berwick, 12 Feb. 1564.
4. P. S.—Is advertised of the Lord of Darnley's arrival. He purposes first to go to his father at Glasgow, and then to the Queen. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 12. 986. Challoner to Leicester.
Thanks him for soliciting his revocation. Some saying there is that the Count of Feria shall be made Viceroy of Naples.—12 Feb. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Feb. 12. 987. Challoner to Cecil.
Thanks for his revocation. Is now packing home the soonest he can. Is too weak to go by land.—Madrid, 12 Feb. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Feb. 14. 988. English Prisoners in France.
1. The King cannot hear of any English prisoner except John Anglibert, who is in the hands of M. de Matignon, and whose ransom is set at 2,000 crowns.—Sent by L'Aubespine, 14 Feb. 1564.
2. P. S.—There are also two others at Havre, and one at Dieppe.—Sent by the same, 20 Feb.
Orig. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 15. 989. Speech of Cecil to M. de Foix.
The Queen being thirty years of age, and the King only fifteen, there is too great inequality between them for there to be much hope of offspring but for few years. In case they had heirs, the seat of Government would be in France, and England would be ruled by a viceroy. France, from its position, is more subject to wars with its neighbours than England. The King of France might wish to assimilate the Government in England to that of France, and so take away the liberties of the people, of which they have more than any other nation.
Orig. in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: 16 Feb. 1564. A summary of my speech with the French Ambassador, at his house on Thursday, in the morning, 15 Feb., De matrimonio cum Carolo rege Francice. Lat. Pp. 4.
Feb. 17. 990. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
The particular merchants he wrote of strive to bring the magistrates of this town to the charge of their suits. They have their most hope in M. D'Assonville. Complains of the language of Nicolas van Eversen against England.—Antwerp, 17 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Feb. 17. 991. [N. Stopio ?] to Cecil.
Forwards intelligences from Rome, 17 March; from Constantinople, 17 Feb.; and from Antwerp (illegible).
Orig. Injured by damp. Add. Endd.: 17 March 1565. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 17. 992. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
Wrote last Saturday, as usual, since which the enclosed notices have arrived.—Venice, 17 Feb. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Hol. Endd.: 17 Feb. 1564. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 17. 993. Intelligences from Abroad.
Intelligences from Constantinople, 17 Feb. 1565, and from Rome, 17 March.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 18. 994. Valentine Brown to [Cecil].
Received the enclosed paper from Sir Walter Mildmay to advertise the writer's opinion to him for the speedy furniture of provisions therein mentioned to be sent to Berwick; he has therefore required the bearer to attend upon him to say his knowledge therein. Desires him to relieve him of his imprisonment. From his house in London, 18 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
Feb. 19. 995. Randolph to Leicester.
Writing unto Mr. Secretary a message from the Earl of Murray, has thought it also his duty to write unto him, especially touching his request towards Lord Darnley, to whom he will do all the service in his power. At Berwick how welcome he was, and how used at the Lord of Bedford's, Leicester has heard. Two nights he remained by the way, one at Dunbar and one at Haddington. He dined by the way at Lord Seton's, and tarried in this town three nights. There came unto him the Lords of Murray and Glencarne, and divers other gentlemen. He dined one day with Lord Robert of Holyrood House. His courteous dealing with all deserves great praise, and is well spoken of. Twice in this meantime the writer was with him; and at his going to the Queen, because his own horses were not come, he lent him a couple of his. Upon Friday he passed over the water, and upon Saturday he met with the Queen, where he hears that he was welcomed, and honourably used. He lodged in the same house that she did for that time, and this day repairs towards his father. It will yet be six or seven days before the Queen be here. Immediately after that ensues the great marriage of this happy Englishman that shall marry Liveston.—Edinburgh, 19 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 19. 996. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Lord Darnley came to Dunbar that night he departed from Berwick; the next day he rode to Haddington. In the way to Edinburgh he dined at Lord Seton's, which was evilly taken by the Douglasses for the discord that is between that house and them for hurting of Francis Dunkeld. At Edinburgh he tarried three nights, attending answer from his father whether he should come to him to Dunkeld, where he was with the Lord Achall, or go to the Queen, who was then at the Laird of Wyme's house in Fife. Upon Friday last (having received word from his father to repair to the Queen) he passed over the water to the Laird of Wemyss, where he has been well received of the Queen, and also lodged in the same house. Here divers resorted to him, and they like well his personage, others doubt what he will prove. Some suspect more than he [Randolph] does himself, that his person may hinder other purposes, as in special whereabout he goes. Others, suspecting his religion, can allow of nothing that they see in him. With some since his arrival he has had some discourse; and of all other can please them least that are persuaded that if he match here in marriage, it shall be the utter overthrow of them and their houses. But (for anything the writer sees) they fear more than they have cause. Has spoken with the Lords of Glencarne and Morton; the one for religion, the other to enjoy his own and to see his friends void of cumber, wish that some other had come in his place. The writer doubts not for all that in all things he will take good advicement, in special to be mindful of that she promised his Sovereign most chiefly in her marriage to take her advice.
2. Yesterday Murray sent Mr. John Woode, his secretary, to inquire what word of late the writer had heard from Cecil, and he thought some knowledge shall come from the Queen what further resolution she takes of this Queen's words lately spoken unto him [Randolph] at St. Andrew's, in which (having given full signification of her will to apply unto her Majesty as in honour she may, and as in reason she thinks the Queen should yield) she would gladly know how far she may think herself beholden unto the Queen, and whereof she may assure herself, lest through long delay new suspicion arise which will not easily be wiped away, and her mind once altered will not easily be brought unto that stay that she is at. Is glad it stands in these terms between their Majesties. Many more than he pray for the same, and are loth that ever there should be other days than for six years and more have between these two realms in which they have lived in peace.
3. Murray wishes that before he [Randolph] moves this Queen for resolution of the conference at Berwick, or speaks of his return, he might once again hear from him [Cecil], for he thinks by this time he has conferred with the Queen, and has had further occasion to judge of this Queen's mind than before he had. Until Ash Wednesday be past he thinks the Queen will not occupy her mind with any grave matter. Of all others here he finds Murray's care in this matter to be greatest. If this takes other success than he desires, he thinks that neither his own days can be many nor his country happy. He purposes not to see the Queen, as she willed him before she came out of Fife. Lodgings promised him in gentlemen's houses, he has yielded to Lord Darnley, and because his horse were not come he lent him a couple of his. Upon Saturday sent Darnley "my lady's" packet, and this morning received the enclosed to her grace from my lord her son.—Edinburgh, 19 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Feb. 19. 997. Bedford to Cecil.
Recommends the bearer, Mr. Jenyson, Controller of the Check and Musters here, who repairs to the Court.—Berwick, 19 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20. 998. Provisions for Berwick.
Touching the provision of butter, cheese, fish, and Lenten stuff for Berwick, Owen Cleydon thinks that as the soldiers are not able to pay what the same should cost the Queen, the best way is to send 600l. in money thither to be employed amongst the captains.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20. 999. John Bennett to Cecil.
Has never had so great need of Cecil's help as he has now, being brought into this trouble by a man with whom he was no doer, nor ever saw any of his coin in his life, until he brought him 5l., which he [Bennett] delivered to him again. And when the other perceived that the writer would have showed his Lordship of the same money, he besought that he would not shame and cast him away, and so he did not utter him; and within two days after he was taken.—Berwick, 20 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd Pp. 2.
Feb. 21. 1000. Lennox to the Queen.
Acknowledges her goodness in furthering his cause here, and the comfort he has by the proof of the continuance thereof by her licensing his son to come to him for such purposes as he (the writer) informed her of.—Dunkeld, 21 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 21. 1001. Albert Knoppherus to Cecil.
The King of Denmark is well, and sent his forces last month, during the severe frost, into Sweden. Some Swedish ensigns have been captured near Elspurg by stratagem. Has heard that a certain Frisian, named Meinardt, is lurking in the north of England, and that he meditates some attempt against his master's subjects on the British seas. Desires that he may not be allowed to enter the ports of England.—Antwerp, 21 Feb. 1565. Signed.
Orig. with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Feb. 23. 1002. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
Being at Brussels the Lord Chancellor told him that the commissioners appointed for the meeting at Bruges were MM. Mentem, D'Assonville and the advocate Firskul. The griefs to be propounded will be the injuries done to them upon the sea and the great customs that they have to pay. It is supposed that the Prince of Spain will come to the Low Countries this spring, and that Count Egmont will be his governor. The voice goes that the Duke of Florence aids San Pedro Corso, not without the consent of the Bishop of Rome.—Antwerp, 23 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[Feb.] 1003. Conference at Bruges.
Summary of things remaining in controversy, consisting of twenty-one articles relating to alleged infringements of the treaty of intercourse of 1495; chiefly regarding prohibition and tolls, and the malpractices of the company of the Staple.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 11.
[Feb.] 1004. Another copy of the above with annotations by Cecil.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 6.
[Feb.] 1005. The Complaints of the Merchants of Holland.
1. That contrary to the treaty of intercourse, the free traffic of wools is to them denied.
2. That the English staplers do not bring their wools regularly, and that they keep up the prices.
3. That they only bring their worst fells.
4. That they mingle wool fells of divers value.
5. That they compel them before they may buy new fells to take the third part of their number in evil fells.
6. That they are compelled to take with 1,500 fells one sarpler of wool.
7. That the English packers use much deceit and fraud.
8. That the weights are not equal.
9. That the buyers have to pay to the treasurer of the staple two florins for every 1,000 fells, and one florin for every sarpler of wool; and also have to employ the servants of the staple.
Copy. Pp. 3.
1006. The Answers of the Merchants of the Staple.
1. That no such thing is contained in the treaty of intercourse.
2. That they have been let by wars and restraints, and that the prices are according to the table in the intercourse.
3. That they bring the best fells they can buy, which sometimes are soiled by carriage.
4. That they do not mingle their fells to deceive the merchants, but send them as they buy them.
5. That they are not forced to buy any old fells otherwise than was accustomed at Calais.
6. That this has been used time out of mind by agreement and composition with the Company of the Staple.
7. That they may return faulty wools and obtain costs and damages.
8. That they have already agreed that the Senate of Bruges should have the standard, and with them visit the weights.
9. That they pay less now than they used to do at Calais; for now they pay Flemish money, whereas they were wont to pay sterling.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 1007. Philip II. to the Queen.
Has seen her letter of Dec. 18, recalling Challoner, whom he praises for his skill in conducting affairs.—Madrid, 26 Feb. 1566. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Lat., Broadside.
Feb. 27. 1008. Randolph to Cecil.
Yesterday received the enclosed letters from Lennox, who is yet beyond the water with the Earl of Athol. His [Len nox's] son has been with him, and came again to the Queen at her coming over the Queen's Ferry upon Saturday last. Yesterday both his Lordship [Darnley] and the writer dined with Murray. His behaviour is liked, and there is great praise of him. Yesterday he [Darnley] heard Mr. Knox preach, and came in company of the Earl of Murray. After supper, after he had seen the Queen and divers other ladies, he being required by Murray, danced a "galiarde" with the Queen. Upon Friday came here a messenger from the King of Denmark with letters, who desires to have more men to serve him of this nation, and that the merchants of this country should forbeare their traffic with Sweden.—Edinburgh, 27 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 27. 1009. Petition of John Biggs and Others.
Andrew White, a Scotish pirate, having taken their ship laden with wines to the value of 400l., and also having taken cloths out of another bark, to the value of 240l., in the Severn, and carried them to Whitehorn, they beg that restitution may be made and the offenders punished.
Copy. Endd.: A letter hereupon is written to the Queen of Scotland, according to the contents within written. 27 Feb. 1564. Pp. 3.
Feb. [29].
Tytler, Hist, vi. 471.
1010. Maitland to Cecil.
Is glad to hear that he has recovered his health. Finds lack in him that he does not fully satisfy his affections. Has at least one merry hour out of the four and twenty, but Cecil labours without intermission. Has no lack for a more grave subject, but purposely forbears to write. Edinburgh, last of February, 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 29. 1011. Madame de Crusol to the Queen.
Informs her of the great esteem and affection in which she is held by the Queen Mother; and if she were one of the "poupines," which the Queen Mother sends, would inform her more at length. Toulouse, 29 Feb. 1555 [sic].
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 29 Feb. 1564, by Malvesgere, "who brought the lyttar and mullettes." Fr. Pp. 3.
Feb. 29. 1012. League between France and England.
1. The Defensive League made between the Sovereigns of France and England, being against every one and for every occasion, the Queen Mother has been asked to explain her intention therein. She understands that the case of either of them being assailed on account of religion is therein comprised.
2. To this the English Ambassadors reply that they do not think that the expression, "when one of us shall be assailed," is sufficiently strong. Lat.
Copy. Endd.: Copy of that which M. de Foix delivered us, for a letter to the Queen's Majesty, wherewith he said she would be content, and our answer to it. Pp. 2.


  • 1. These words are cancelled.
  • 2. The address is cancelled.