Elizabeth: March 1565, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: March 1565, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp306-315 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1565, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp306-315.

"Elizabeth: March 1565, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp306-315.

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March 1565, 1-15

[March.] 1013. Charges at Berwick.
Estimate as well of the charges and freights of provision for the furniture of the works at Berwick for this year, as also of the conduct and prest money of sundry artificers and workmen there, 449l. 16s.
Orig. Endd. partly by Cecil. Pp. 4.
[March.] 1014. Fortifications at Berwick.
State of the fortifications at Berwick, and estimate of expenses to be incurred about them during the ensuing summer. Signed by Rowland Johnson. Total, 4,340l. 8s. 8d.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 6.
[March.] 1015. Works at Berwick.
Estimates to be sent up by Lee and Portinary. Twenty feet square and six deep of earth cast up, not to cost more than 15s. Rate of pay for the different officers.
Draft by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 4.
March. 1016. The Prince of Condé to his Sister, the Abbess of Chelles.
Is annoyed at the outrage committed on the Cardinal of Lorraine. The union of their two houses is more than necessary. If he had been with the Cardinal he would have given proof of his goodwill by deeds.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. (fn. 1)
March 1. 1017. Randolph to Cecil.
1. After writing his last, there came hither young Murray of Tilliebarne that passed by Cecil out of France. His chief errand was from Bothwell to purchase some favour, either for his return, or by this Queen's means to enjoy such condition as he may live with the countenance of a man of his calling and birth. Of herself she is not evil effected towards him, but there are many causes why he is not so looked upon as some others are. And more favour cannot be showed unto him that was accused to have conspired against her (as before to have taken herself, and killed those that were in chief credit about her, and being committed to prison broke the same and left his country) than unto him that detected the same and is yet detained. Letters also came from the Cardinal, by which this Queen understands with what honour her uncle, the prelate, was received in Paris, and also knows what kindness is like to grow betwixt these two houses, Montmorency and Guise. The first report of it which came to her ears by advertisements he received from him [Cecil], bred her great sorrow, and that heard she wept. This she passed over with a shrewd word or two against him that so encountered him to cause her uncle and cousin to take refuge. This Cardinal seeks still to have foot in Court, or at least credit to save his throat from cutting. One great point he thinks to have won, in having the Prince of Condé to match with the Lady of Guise; the next, to marry this Queen again in France to the King, and for that cause some say D'Oysel has to do at Rome, or upon the young Duke of Orleans, though he be a boy, how little commodity, profit, pleasure, or honour soever it should yield to his niece to take him whom above the money, yea, his own soul, he seems to love. Of this matter there has been here some little whispering; it is now come further abroad against her will, so far it is muttered here, that she altogether mislikes her uncle's manner of dealing. To bestow her he cares not how or where, so that he may be the maker of the match. To meet herewith she imagines what may be the fittest. To follow her own fantasy is not best to be allowed. To be ordered by her own subjects, she thinks that she yields too much, and more than can stand with a princely heart. To addict herself wholly to his Sovereign's devotion she thinks most suerty; to be ruled by her most honourable and profitable.
2. Upon Tuesday Murray caused him to dine with him alone, saving his wife and the Lord of Pitarrow, the controller. They talked of much that he has here written. Doubts were cast in what would be the Queen's part towards this Queen. Greater honour they thought could not be shown than her Majesty to have a Queen in her will, and the country at her devoution to rule as she listed. He acknowledged that these things were of no small value, but the price of them too dear to be bought as is required. They said it is not England that is wished or looked for, but to have the honour and name of heir apparent. Murray said they would find more contentment in the Earl of Leicester, for of him they have knowledge and some assurance of his virtue to their contentment, for the other is uncertain; and if it fell to-morrow he trowed that it would breed them more trouble than commodity; and no less sorrow to their mistress than to any of themselves. The Lord of Pitarrow said he would be glad if they would lay aside these respects of honour, pleasure, and commodity, and go roundly to work of either part, to see what is God's honour and the weal of both the countries. And if this be it to have their Sovereign marry with a good Christian, and for both the realms to live in friendship, he would that both the Queens would lay apart these worldly opinions, and in this point would that they lacked somewhat of their wills; for where all is in will, reason is not the guide. And for Lord Robert he supposes that he yields so much unto reason as he is to be the mean to unite these two countries together. What has he lost of honour? He has enough for any man that fears God, or can be content to live under a law. He bid him weigh the dangers he spoke of, and he should find them less for him to marry abroad than with any at home. If he marries with the Queen, the nature of his countrymen will hardly bear it. If he takes there any other, yet will it not be enough to avoid suspicion. He spoke plainly.
3. Pitarrow said that for his virtue he loved Leicester; and if they gave them a Papist, he had rather that they took all the rest from them. Of all this Murray said that he had the worst part. He is known to be a travailer to their effect, which he repents not. If it come to pass, let him take the honour who will; it was enough for him to have discharged his duty to God and his country. If it go otherwise than well, the burden is wholly his, for that he is the deviser and the persuader; and being ever had in suspicion for England, either he shall be forced to show himself their enemy, or every word he speaks of them shall be had in suspicion. If she marries a Papist, either they must obey or fall into new cumbers, and he ever be thought the ringleader.
4. Murray secretly said unto him, whatsoever the English did with them they were to strive to bring them from their papistry, for otherwise it will be worse with them than ever it was. The writer hopes now better of the Queen of Scots than ever he did. He sees she takes some despite against the Queen Dowager, and what opinion she has of her uncle the Cardinal he may perceive. His spy, Luserye, her physician, goes shortly away, who for the opinion the Queen has of him is greatly credited, and no man so much amongst them for French matters. Would that he should be well used in passing through England. Within fourteen days he departs hence. Other Frenchman of reputation, credit, and wisdom, or more honest she has not one about her. An Italian of Piedmont, a singer, that came hither with M. Moret, is her secretary for the French affairs. He crept in upon suspicion gathered against Raulet. Hears also that there are means made to this Queen for the Duke of Montpencier, of whom it is said that he shall be made Duke of Bourbon.—Edinburgh, 1 March 1564. Signed.
5. P.S.—A great storm of snow; no one dares to ride to Berwick. Upon Thursday at a great dinner with Murray were Lennox and his son, and most part of the noblemen with the ladies of the Court. Was at this dinner. The Queen sent word that she wished herself in the company, and was sorry that she was not bid to the banquet. It was answered that she might come undesired. Others said they were merriest when the table was fullest, but princes did ever use to dine alone. She sent word again that she summoned them all against Sunday to be at a banquet at the marriage of her Englishman. After dinner they all came to her. All her words were full of goodwill and readiness to do whatsoever with her honour might stand most to the Queen contentment. She talked long of her Majesty's estate, government, and of her pity towards offenders, and in special that she had not followed the steps of her predecessors in shedding blood. He bore her in hand that she began too severe with the Huguenots. That she denied. They talked of her mass; she defended it the best she could. They concluded that the change of her religion shall be so soon as she can be persuaded to better, which she thinks she cannot be by any that yet she has heard speak. He desired her to take counsel of his mistress. Abide, said she, until she come there. He asked when that should be. She said when his mistress would. They talked of her marriage. She said to that she was minded to pray God that her choice might be good. He must be such a one as He will give her. He said that God had made her a fair offer in him for whom he [Randolph] had been oftentimes in hand with her. Of this matter she said that she had spoken enough, except that she saw greater likelihood; nor may she apply nor set her mind but where she intends to be a wife indeed. And no creature should make her break more of her will than the Queen, if she will use her as a sister; if not, she must do as she may, and yet not fail unto her in anything that is in her power. Perceives she bears so much goodwill to the Queen as none the like. In all these matters he desires to be advised what he may further do.
6. At Murray's request asks that "the Master of Marshall" may be set at such reasonable ransom as he is able to pay, to be void of this continual cumber of making almost yearly his entry, and great expense of his living there. Asks that order be taken against the conveyance of horses out of England.
7. Lennox and his son are well, and daily at the Court well made of, but now less talk of anything intended by the Queen towards him. The Duke in this point is not yet resolved, but as he has good cause uses himself warily. He had one with him whom he trusts. He [the writer] discomforts him in nothing, nor assures him of what he cannot perform. Divers of the noblemen are come to this great marriage which to-morrow shall be solemnized. Old Captain Bortewicke is gone to God. The Earl of Monteith is much lamented for one of the zealous protestants in this country.
8. Since writing hereof there came out of England from the "Master of Marshall," who declares that he is very straight handled. He is committed to Mr. Slingesby of Knaresbro.' He conceives the more unkindness against Sir Henry Percy.— Edinburgh, 4 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 12.
March 3. 1018. Timber for Berwick.
On 3rd of March 1564 the Lord Treasurer certified by letter to Mr. Secretary that Mr. Whalley had ready 1,500 tons of timber laid at the water side at his own charge for 10s. the ton, provided for Berwick.
Copy. P. 1.
March 3. 1019. M. de la Ferriere to Cecil.
Thanks him for his offers of friendship and for his book. Commends to him Mr. Eden, whose labours are more about celestial than terrestrial matters. Desires to know whether it is true that the Queen intends to marry. — La Ferté, 3 March 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 3 March 1564. The Vidame of Chartres to the Secretary. Fr. P. 4.
March 3. 1020. Petrus Bizarrus to Cecil.
Forwards intelligences of the affairs of Venice, Turkey, Spain, Naples, Mantua, Genoa, and Transylvania. Desires remembrances to Lord Robert.—Venice, 3 March 1556 [sic.].
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: 4 March 1564. Ital. Pp. 2.
March 3. 1021. Marsilio della Croce to Shers.
Forwards intelligence from Constantinople, 23 Jan., and from Vienna, 23 Feb.—Venice, 3 March 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
March 3. 1022. Intelligences from Venice.
Venice, 3 March 1564. Intelligences chiefly respecting the affairs of Constantinople.
Endd. Pp. 2.
March 4. 1023. Intelligences from Abroad.
Intelligences from Naples, 4 March 1565, and from Genoa, 15 March.
Copy. Endd.: From Naples to this Court, 19 April 1565. Ital. Pp 2.
March 5. 1024. Paul Van Dale to Cecil.
Desires that he may be repaid 50,000 crowns, and complains that the Queen's factor has not fulfilled his promise of paying him something last fair.—Antwerp, 5 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 5. 1025. Challoner's Instructions for William Phayre.
Leaves him behind as attendant in the Court of Spain until the arrival of another ambassador, frequently to advertise them home of the occurrents in the Court. To prosecute the suit for the delivery of the prisoners at St. Sebastian. He will receive a double of the Queen's cipher.—Madrid, 5 March 1564. Signed.
Copy. Pp. 2.
March 6. 1026. Bedford to the Privy Council.
Received theirs of the 27th ult. for the furniture of this garrison this Lent, supplying thereby the want of victuals here with the sum of 600l. Asks them to remember the fortifications. Hears nothing of the return of those that went to Carlisle.—Berwick, 6 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 6. 1027. Bernardino Ferrario to Cecil.
Professions of desire to serve him. Resides in Parma. Sends some particulars of recent occurrences, but supposes that Cecil has already had more precise information.—Parma, March 6, 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
March 7. 1028. Challoner to Phayre.
Sends him the King's sedola, which otherwise he would have shown to the Queen, and also the manner of their dealing. Complains that he has not sent him his passports renewed for Bilboa or elsewhere by sea. Is so weak he cannot ride. Has paid 50 ducats to Cuerton for him.—Bilboa, 7 March 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Phayre. Pp. 4.
March 10. 1029. Lennox to Cecil.
Desires licence to abide here for three months more, in order to proceed in the assurance of his lands to his son; also licence for three or four geldings.—Holyrood, 10 March. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary, 10 March 1564. Pp. 2.
March 10. 1030. Bedford to Leicester.
Repeats what he wrote this day to Mr. Secretary. Yesterday received three English books from him, and therewith receiving no word concerning them, he this day sent them towards the Queen of Scotland by a servant of Randolph's, who had hence the gray gelding that was left here by Leicester's man, and which is now sound. Prays him to remember his coming up that he may have licence here before Easter; and further to have in mind the fortifications, for the time of the year now serves for it. The three books aforesaid he has sent to Randolph to be bestowed as he thinks good.—Berwick, 10 March 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 10. 1031. Bedford to Cecil.
1. The marriage of Lord Semple's son is now done. Lady Dacres, wife to Sir Thomas Dacres, late Marshal here, was present thereat, he being her sister's son. She would not go by Carlisle, and so pass by the Master of Maxwell; but came hither, and passed by his safe conduct. She was well used by that Queen, and at her departure presented with a chain worth threescore pounds. The Queen there so misliked her attire, which was very plain and comely after the English manner, that, therefore, she lost the suit of apparel of the French fashion which else the Queen would have given her.
2. Prays him to remember that order be given to make provision for cattle against Easter; and also for the fortications that they may go forward.—Berwick, 10 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 10. 1032. Bedford to Cecil.
Writes by Fowler. Bothwell has been in divers places, as Haddington, with his mother, and elsewhere abroad, and finds no safety for himself anywhere. Murray has made earnest suit to the Queen that he might be put to the horn, and in that suit joins Lethington also; whereunto it is said she has granted. Murray follows the matter so earnestly, as to have said that Scotland shall not hold them both. The matter grows upon words spoken against Murray by Bothwell in France. Will inquire and advertise. Some doubt, for all that, how the Queen takes his coming.—Berwick, 10 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 10. 1033. Smith to Cecil.
Received his letters of 29th Dec. on the 8th inst. They contained two proclamations, and thinks he sent them by a Scottishman. Here is come De Florence, M. de Foix's secretary. When he came to this town the writer sent to ask him to come and speak with him. Next day the writer sent his son to the town, who brought word that Florence must go again immediately, so that he could not write by him. Since Barlow went he has been ill, and despaired of his life. Tarries here to take air.—Peponea, beside Toulouse, 10 March 1564, by the English account. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 10. 1034. Marsilio della Croce to Shers.
Forwards intelligences from Constantinople of 5 Feb.; from Genoa of 27 Feb.; and from Rome of 3 March.—Venice, 10 March 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
March 10. 1035. Intelligences from Venice.
Venice, 10 March 1564. Intelligences. chiefly from Turkey, Venice, Milan, Genoa, and Naples.
Endd. Pp. 2.
March 11. 1036. Conference at Bruges.
1. Instructions for the guidance of Viscount Montague, Dr. Wotton, and Mr. Haddon at the conference at Bruges with the King of Spain's Commissioners.
2. They shall bear in mind the former conferences and treaties on the matter of the intercourse, and frame their answers according to those given to D'Assonville's objections.
3. They shall show the antiquity and continuance of poundage, and that the Queen might reasonably advance it; also that the statute of implements has been moderated of favour. None of the payments for scavage, &c. have been augmented. It is intended that no greater sums shall be demanded by the customers than of ancient time was allowed by the treaty.
4. Where they complain that they have to pay greater sums of money for the custom of woollen cloths, the commissioners may say that the Queen has not so much advantage thereby as her progenitors had by the quantity of wool contained in the cloths; and also that all princes are setting new taxes upon their subjects and people.
5. As for the laws which have been made since the intercourse containing certain prohibitions, these are not new, but in some of them greater pains are added than before.
6. They shall explain the reasons for the prohibition of the exportation of oxen, brass, beer, berrings, wood, &c., which are all wanted in the realm; also the prohibition of carrying things into the realm, as fresh fish, which last may be set at liberty.
7. As for the law that if any Englishman lades wares in stranger's bottoms he shall pay stranger's custom, they shall show that formerly it was not allowed at all.
8. They may, if pressed, release some other prohibitions. They shall have a sufficient memorial and collection made of the ancient statutes and laws. As for the complaints of the subjects of both realms, they shall have a book containing the acts and judgments passed in the Admiralty Courts and before the Commissioners, and see if any of the complaints are the same whereof answer may be made by the book.
9. In cases of depredations they are to declare what special commission was given to hear and determine that kind of complaints. They are to let it appear by indirect speeches that if the merchants of England may not be received with goodwill in the Low Countries, they may have trade in other countries with no small favour. Signed: J. Somer.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 16.
March 11. 1037. Another copy of the above. Signed: J. Somer. Pp. 12.
March 11. 1038. Petrus Bizzarus to Cecil.
Forwards intelligence from Constantinople of Jan. 23.— Venice, 11 March 1565. Signed: Petrus Bizzarus, Perusinus.
Orig. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
March 12. 1039. Murray and Lethington to Leicester and Cecil.
Desire his favour for "the Master Marshall," called of late to enter himself as a prisoner in England, with Sir Henry Percy.—Edinburgh, 12 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 12. 1040. Lord Scrope to Bedford.
The Queen and Council having given him great charge for the cause these gentlemen are sent hither for, and for that their report upon the frontiers of both realms might be perfect, he has taken upon himself to keep them the longer.—Carlisle, 12 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Received the 15th of the same. Pp. 2.
March 12. 1041. Promotion of Cardinals.
List of twenty-three cardinals promoted, 12 March.
Orig., with a few additions by Stopio. P. 1.
March 13. 1042. Murray and Lethington to Leicester and Cecil.
Desire him to labour for the suspension of the late edict set forth by the Queen for tippets and caps. The multitude will think that as the preachers wear the papists' apparel so they approve of their doctrine.—Edinburgh, 13 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. in Maitland's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 15. 1043. Bedford to Cecil.
Has received his of the 9th. Refers him to Randolph's letters. Will cause Lent to be observed here. Captain Brickwell and the rest are returned, having done the service committed to them; the particularities thereof he shall hear by Johnson, the surveyor, who comes hence about Tuesday with the same, being commanded to repair up to the Commissioners for the Treasurer's matters. Sends two letters for Lady Lennox.—Berwick, 15 March 1564. Signed.
Orig., torn on outer margin. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 15. 1044. Randolph to Cecil.
1. This Queen is daily in hand with him to know how soon the Queen will resolve what way she intends to conclude. Of Bothwell's arrival he doubts not but Cecil is advertised, for so the writer desired Bedford. The Queen now altogether mislikes his coming home without her licence. She has already sent a serjeant of arms to summon him to underlye the law, which if he refuses to do he shall be pronounced rebel. Because it is thought that he will leave this country again, and perchance for a time seek refuge in England, the writer is required to write to Cecil to be mean unto the Queen, that he [Bothwell] may have no "receate" within her realm, and that warning thereof may be given to the Queen's officers, as he has already written to Bedford and Sir John Foster. As Bothwell is charged by Murray, when he came last out of France, to have spoken divers dishonourable words against this Queen, and also to have threatened Murray and Lethington that he would be the death of them at his return into Scotland, and as Murray calls for witness of these words Dandie Pringle, dwelling at Newcastle, Murray has written himself, and also desired him [Randolph] to write to Pringle to come hither touching those matters. Pringle at that time was servant to Bothwell, and has promised, if he be called, to verify the same.
2. Wrote to him of Lord Seaton having hurt Francis Douglas, who is yet in peril of his life, and of Seaton being pursued divers ways by Morton and Lethington; for which cause he has now gotten leave to go into France to avoid the cumber that he is fallen into.
3. The Lord of Argyle plainly mislikes the coming home of Lord Darnley.—Edinburgh, 15 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 15. 1045. Marsilio della Croce to Shers.
Forwards intelligences from Vienna, of 28 Feb.; Rome, of 12 March, and Vienna, of 9 March.—Venice, 15 March 1565.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[March 15.] 1046. Another copy of the intelligences contained in the above letter, with a list of the promotions in the congregation of 12 March.
Copy. Ital. Pp. 4.


  • 1. On the same leaf as the letter of the Marshal de Montmorency to the Duke of Montpensier.