Nov. 1. |
1641. Bedford to Cecil. |
1. The Duke is sick; the cause he takes to be the fear of
success in these matters that the Earl of Murray travails in.
The other Lords are well and stand constant in their common
cause, so does the Duke, who has heard by Murray's letters
what he has done. |
2. The Earl of Argyll continues steadfast in this their
action. She has offered him pardon and her favour if he
would do some mischief in Ireland. He answered that it is
no private case, but a common matter, and that of himself he
can do nothing therein otherwise than the other Lords shall
agree unto. There is with him the Earl of Buchan, Lord
Boyd, and others, who all and these here wholly depend upon
the Earl of Murray. |
3. Asks what shall be done for example sake on such as
have attempted to flee into Scotland. Cannot deal therein
by the laws of Marches, and by the martial law he is loath to
proceed.—Newcastle, 1 Nov. 1565. Signed. |
4. P.S.—Received hers of the 29th ult. Is grieved that
things will frame no better. The Duke has heard from the
Abbot what likelihood there is of any goodness, and remains
sorrowful yet constant in the cause he has in hand. This
news will be the overthrow of 300 gentlemen of Scotland.
One thing comforts them, that they see his great carefulness
and goodwill showed in this cause, whereof the Earl and
Abbot in their letters hither make report.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary.
Pp. 4. |
Nov. 1. |
1642. Drury to Cecil. |
Asks his answer for delaying Wilson. Still would win
credit with the venture of his life. Would not have dealt
with Wilson's case if it had not been for the Queen's service
against her contraries. It is thought that the Earl of Morton
will not long be out of Edinburgh Castle, he being suspected
of the Queen.—Berwick, 1 Nov. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary.
Pp. 2. |
Nov. 2. |
1643. Bedford to Cecil. |
1. This morning received the Queen's letters, and others
for the Queen of Scots, and sent them all to Mr. Randolph. |
2. Is going to Berwick. Yesterday passed by here a French
messenger with the Queen's passport.—Newcastle, 2 Nov.
1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary.
Pp. 2. |
Nov. 2. |
1644. Scrope to Bedford. |
Bothwell and his garrison have departed, but the Master
of Maxwell has obtained at the Queen's hands 300 horsemen
with some footmen, which will be at Dumfries within three
or four days. The feud between him and the Johnstons continues, and such as disobeyed his calling are proclaimed outlaws, and it is thought that upon the Master's return he will
ride upon their spoil; which, if it takes effect, then he (the
writer) is without hope to keep this frontier in quiet. Craves
the continuance of this number here until these causes be
decided. Has received a letter from the Master demanding
redress of certain attempts.—Carlisle, 2 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3. |
Nov. 2. |
1645. Smith to De L'Aubespine. |
Requests him to forward certain letters addressed to him
which, as he is informed, were enclosed in the French Ambassador's despatch to the King.—Angers, 2 Nov. 1565.
Copy. Fr. P. 1. |
Nov. 3. |
1646. M. De L'Aubespine to Smith. |
Would have forwarded his letters if any had come, but
there has been no courier from England for eight days.—
Châteaubriant, 3 Nov. Headed: Young De L'Aubespine's
Copy. Fr. P. 1. |
Nov. 4. |
1647. The Archduke Charles to the Queen. |
Has received her letters of 12th August, sent by Adam
Snickowiez, in which he is glad to see her great favour towards
him.—Vienna, 4 Nov. 1565. Signed: Carolus.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 5. |
1648. Bedford to the Queen. |
1. Is grieved that Murray's coming up displeased her.
Notwithstanding her inclination to peace, he fears they are not
so effectually meant as it is by her. The Queen is not only
content to continue her evil speech of her (which he is
ashamed to write), but also gives ear to blind prophecies,
tending much to her dishonour, whereof he hears not by
any of these parts, but by the Papists themselves, who much
mislike the same. |
2. As for the Earls of Murray and Argyll, and many others
depending on them, as the Laird of Grange (as able a man in
war or peace as any in Scotland or France), the Controller of
that realm, the Laird of Pittarrow, and others, are now undone, whose peace cannot be made without the lives of some
of them being taken. And all those of the Gospel, whom she
had well bent unto her, are now in no small number undone. |
3. The enterprise of Eyemouth continues in talk. Shall
the days of Trewe be held in Lord Darnley's name? Craves
her to signify her pleasure touching the Earl of Sutherland,
whose stay here is to little purpose, and to him, being sick,
very painful. He stands upon the restoring of his blood and
inheritance.—Berwick, 5 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary.
Pp. 4. |
Nov. 5. |
1649. Bedford to Cecil. |
1. The Lords at Newcastle, understanding the Queen's
pleasure by Murray's letters, and now put out of doubt by
the coming of the Abbot of Kilwinning, that she means not
to aid them with force, remain very heavy and perplexed. |
2. The talk of Eyemouth continues, and whatsoever be said
or seemed to be done by this Queen to the contrary by colouring things till she see opportunity, he cannot but be induced
to believe the contrary, but that wars will fall out ere long.
He only wishes that such as be now their friends do not shortly
become their enemies. |
3. The Earl of Argyll has done great things upon the
countries of Athol and Bothwell, and others also, hoping upon
some aid to be procured by the Earl of Murray, whereof he sees
no success, it is to be feared he will join with the wild Irish.
That Queen has sent some force against him. |
4. That Queen has made proclamation that upon pain of
death no person bring victuals to Berwick market; and has
sent to Lord Hume to see as well that the same be observed,
as also that none of her realm pass into England without his
licence. |
5. Will by his next letters write unto him Jenkinson's
honest dealings with him. |
6. Prays him to help with resolution whether the days
of Trewe shall be done in Lord Darnley's name, and also
to have the Earl of Sutherland.—Berwick, 5 Nov. 1565.
Signed. |
7. P.S.—Has heard that the Queen of Scots has these two
days been sickly, it thought to be breeding of child.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4. |
Nov. 5. |
1650. Bedford to Leicester. |
1. How welcome the news that the Earl of Murray writes
and the Abbot reports to these Lords he can himself consider.
There is by these dealings overthrown a good duke, some
earls, many barons, lords, and gentlemen. Above the others
he bemoans Murray and Grange, whose affections as well
privately, as to his Lordship, as generally to the whole realm,
he knows, and what service Grange might have done in this
behalf, if it had been followed, he will not speak of. |
2. There is no help for them but to commit themselves to
their Prince's will and pleasure. What has England gotten
by helping them in this sort ? even as many enemies of them
as before it had friends, for otherwise that Queen will not
receive them to mercy. He therefore looks that wars will fall
out before many weeks. |
3. That Queen has cassed some of her bands, that he thinks
be but a policy in some part to await thereby some better
opportunity, whereas either she shall have from Spain or her
uncles some money, or else to copy some reason when they
not be so ready as they be. |
4. That Queen has sent some men against the Earl of
Argyll, who has made great spoil upon the countries and
houses of Athol and Bothwell and others.—Berwick, 5 Nov.
1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4. |
Nov. 5. |
1651. The Queen to the Marquis of Winchester. |
Desires him to give order that the men of Dunkirk may
have liberty to export 800 quarters of wheat. As others have
been denied this favour it is to be done with secrecy.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 4. |
Nov. 7. |
1652. Randolph to Cecil. |
Received the Queen's letters on Sunday last, and has
travailed with this Queen, to that effect he was commanded,
and finds her conformable to anything that can be required
touching these matters in question between the Queen and
her; willing to do all things she may with her honour.
The safe-conduct is granted, and any shall be welcome
that it please the Queen to send.—Edinburgh, 7 Nov. 1565.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 7. |
1653. Passport for Christopher Cockburn. |
Passport for Christopher Cockbourne, nephew to Captain
Cockbourne, repairing after his uncle into France, to go with
George Gardyner and Sandy Hey, Scottishmen, to London.—
Berwick, 7 Nov. 1565. Signed by F. Bedford and W. Page.
Orig., with seal. Endd. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 7. |
1654. Smith to Cecil. |
1. On the 21st ult. there came from the Queen Mother
a letter, copy whereof he sends; whereupon he took his
journey towards Angers, asking first the courier who took the
Queen's letter. Arrived at Angers the 24th October, and
not hearing of his letters, sent a lackey to Nantes, to inquire
at his lodging, and the ambassadors there, if there were any
letter for him. Sent also Sadler to L'Aubespine, with a
letter, copy whereof he sends him. The 4th inst. was brought
his letter, dated at Michaelmas Day, and sent as he wrote by
Chalmer. Perceives his letter was not opened. |
2. Irish matters shall want nothing but a Bellingham. In
his mind it needs nothing more than to have more colonies,
to augment their tongue, laws, and their religion. |
3. The 6th inst. De Mauvisiere arrived here with news of
Scottish matters. Here men talk daily of robberies and
murders done by the highway almost in all places, and yet
they think it enough to hang men in effigy.—Angers, 7 Nov.
1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4. |
Nov. 8. |
1655. Randolph to the Queen. |
1. Delivered her letter to the Queen of Scots on the 5th,
and after declaring what sorrows divers of her friends took
to see the state of her country, he required of her certain
answers as to the reparation of the injuries done to her, and
for the performance of that which she had offered. She asked
what things she was grieved with. He said he knew not
all, but was assured they must be great. What is it, said she,
that would content her. He said he knew not her mind.
How may it be known, she said. He answered that he
thought it could be best to have them entreated of by
commissioners. |
2. The next day she told him that she had thought upon
the matter propounded yesterday by him, that she would
write to the Queen, and that whosoever should come from
her should be welcome, and that for the safe-conduct it should
be made as he would have it. Upon this point they stood
long. She would not but it should be as well subscribed by
her husband as herself. He let her understand in what sort
the Queen had dealt with the Scottish Lords, specially with
Murray, which also the ambassador had written, whereof she
liked, and in many sore and grevious words uttered her
impatient mind to hear him spoken, or that anything could
be in him why he should be beloved or favoured. She had
rather lose half her realm, than have Murray in the state he
was in this country. Of the others she is content to hear
with more patience, but the whole burden is laid upon Murray.
Would to God that the rest had had the same regard to the
honour of God and amity of both the countries that he had.—
Edinburgh, 8 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 5. |
Nov. 8. |
1656. Randolph to Cecil. |
1. It is here come to all men's knowledge that the Queen
is determined to give no support unto the noblemen, which
was published by the Queen herself immediately after the
receipt of the French Ambassador's letters by the French
courier. The Queen's husband being that day hawking,
and not intending to return for five or six days, was sent
for. He came at 11 at night, and being made participant
of these joyful news, returned the next morning, Sunday,
by 7 o'clock, to his pastime, where he is yet. All the contrary faction are utterly discouraged, and think themselves
undone, religion overthrown, and what amity soever be made
between the princes, the subjects will be sore against it.
Whosoever shall deal in these matters must bring
somewhat with him that may be plausible to the Protestants,
and favourable towards the Lord of Murray, or else they shall
find so many conspire against anything that they intend to
be at. For Murray, some think that he should not desire
to return, but live in Almain for a time, and not to be
beholding to England. Others would that he should seek
with the rest to come home, and think that he may be received.
Lethington is of this mind, and is making his way, and
already meetly looked upon, and told the writer that seeing
there was no better way, he would rather do so than send
himself. Oaths and bands are taken of all men that are
suspected to take part against the old enemies, and to acknowledge Lord Darnley King, and liberty given them for
their religion to live as they list. |
2. It was concluded in Council that he should have his
will for the safe-conduct, notwithstanding all former promises
made to the King that no act should pass or public instrument made that his hand should not be at it.—Edinburgh,
8 Nov. 1565. |
3. The following are the names of the new Counsellors:
Earls Huntley and Bothwell, Mr. James Banfourne, parson
of Flyske, Mr. John Lyslaye, parson of Owne, and the Laird
of Cragmillar. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4. |
[Nov. 8.] |
1657. Randolph to Cecil. |
1. Of the state of the noblemen out of Scotland he can
say somewhat, which matter he cannot yet see which way it
can be brought to good where nothing is meant, whatsoever
may be said. He fears also that so much shall be yielded
unto this Queen, that if she can be won, his mistress shall
have double loss of the hearts of those that loved and
honoured her above any prince living, without other respect
or cause than that she favoured God's word, and before time
had well deserved of them. |
2. The bruit among them is that the Queen is so afraid of
her own estate that she dare give no support. That there are
no more that favour this action but the Earl of Leicester,
because he envies the felicity of this King. Mr. Cecil for
another respect, "you know what I mean," the Earl of Bedford
to have somewhat ado, Mr. Throckmorton that can be content
with no estate. It is also said that a great controversy is lately
risen between the Duke and Leicester. Such things as these
feed their fantasies, and of these pretty inventions he knows
that the late courier brought a budget full. His man
heard that the Earl of Sussex and Lord Lumley should be
commissioners. |
3. The godly would have other, specially Cecil's self.
Wishes that he had dwelt still in Dutchland. Wishes it were
Sussex and Cecil. Lethington will seek to enter again into
credit, and is sorry that any knows that he has been a
meddler in this matter.—"Written as my other letter."
Orig. Hol. Add., by Randolph: To Mr. Secretary's own
hands, only to himself. Pp. 4. |
Nov. 8. |
1658. Randolph to Leicester. |
It is thought grievous here that the noblemen receive so
little comfort; the bruit is here that they shall be chased
again whence they came, or be forced to seek some other
land. Such lamentations as he hears would move any man's
heart to pity, since this Queen has published that the Lords
shall receive no support of Queen Elizabeth. Fears it will be
found some day that greater account might have been made
of their goodwill than is; for if there be living a more
mortal enemy to the Queen than this woman is, the writer
desires never to be reputed but the vilest villain. Knows
that for the present his mistress shall have what she can
demand; and yet he that is sent to travail between them
shall have little help of other men that before time have
been friends in Scotland. His part is heavy herein, for
neither is he favoured of the Queen, nor has that credit
with others that before he had. Murray has given him
warning that for his sake he enter not into further suspicion
than already there is of him. It is here bruited that he
[Leicester] only of the Council favours their cause; but the
commendations sent of late in the ambassador's letters, and
Mauvissier, make the Queen to conceive well of him, which
she has published, and makes great advantage thereof.
Great vaunt is made here that the Duke is her friend, and a
new discord risen between his lordship and him. Will write
from Berwick, where he may do so more boldly. The Queen
is like to lose all the goodwill she had in Scotland. Harry
Killigrew is harder upon him than ever Browne the Treasurer
was.—Edinburgh, 8 Nov. 1565.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4. |
Nov. 8. |
1659. Bedford to Cecil. |
The rumour of that Queen meaning to fortify Eyemouth
continues. Sent half a dozen to view it, who found nothing
there. The holding of the days of Trewe is stayed till
answer be known to Her Majesty of her last despatch to
that Queen touching the treaty to be had. Approves of his
advice for the stay of the 600 men last sent hither. Never
was any so abused by a villain as he has been by Jenkinson, of whom he means to write to the Lords. — Berwick,
8 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3. |
Nov. 9. |
1660. Bedford to Cecil. |
1. By the bearer, a courier of the French King's, returning
from Scotland, lets him understand things are quiet here.—
Berwick, 9 Nov. 1565. Signed. |
2. P.S.—This Queen has heard of his sending to see Eyemouth and makes no account thereof, for she sent thither a
little before to see it.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 9. |
1661. Randolph to Bedford. |
1. The bearer, Mr. Goodman, is well known to Bedford by
the long and good trait that has been of him as if he had
lived all his life in his lordship's company. Finding this no
convenient place for him, has counselled him to repair unto
England.—Edinburgh, 9 Nov. Signed. |
2. P.S.—It is written to this Queen out of England that
there has been a great controversy between the Duke of
Norfolk and the Earl of Leicester. It is thought that the
Earl of Sussex and Lord Lumley shall come hither; thinks
they are not fittest for this purpose, for the good account this
Queen makes of them. Bedford's visitation of Eyemouth
makes him to be spoken of throughout all Scotland.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 9. |
1662. Charges at Berwick. |
A rate of the daily and monthly charges of 100 horsemen
and 600 footmen supplied in garrison in September last,
which to the last of this month amounts to 1,885l. 14s. 8d.
Endd. Pp. 4. |
Nov. 10. |
1663. Bedford to Cecil. |
1. Prays him to procure resolution for the Earl of Sutherland, who lies sick, and also order how he may deal with such
as have attempted to go into Scotland, or shall go. Asks
that there may be a pay, for there has been none this twelve
months. The Scots have lately fallen to stealing in the
Middle Marches.—Berwick, 10 Nov. 1565. Signed. |
2. P.S.—If of the 600 footmen last come, 200 were left to
make up their garrison, 1,000 men might be discharged.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 10. |
1664. Bedford to Leicester. |
Is sorry to hear how hardly Murray was handled there,
having an evil welcome and a worse farewell. The Lords at
Newcastle are in very heavy case to see their common cause
have no better success. Many of them privately might very
well provide for themselves, and recover their country and
their Prince's favour, but Murray is exempted of all favours
and hope thereof.—Berwick, 10 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Much mutilated. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 10. |
1665. The Queen to Smith. |
1. Whereas he has been advertised of the coming into this
realm of Murray, and others of Scotland, and of the said
Earl's acts unto her, he shall understand that M. De Foix
has had conference with her. He said that the King had
been advertised by the Queen of Scotland that certain
of her noblemen had rebelled against her, and that the Queen
of England had granted them both men and money, and
therefore Queen Mary had requested the aid of France. The
King, therefore, required Queen Elizabeth to let him understand whether she had so done. |
2. Recites the answer she made to the ambassador, which
she wrote to the French King the 10th instant. Smith is to
declare unto the King that as she has not hith erto done, nor
meant to do, anything in this matter but what may stand
both with her honour and amity, so she never meant to give
any such aid as has been reported, and that she would
not fail to aid the Queen of Scots in suppressing any
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 5. |
Nov. 10. |
1666. The Queen to Charles IX. |
Has received his letter of the 20th, and heard M. De Foix
touching the affairs of the Queen of Scots. Has written to
Smith to let him understand her answer.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 12. |
1667. Randolph to Cecil. |
1. It is known that the Earl of Murray is come to Newcastle, and how he sped at the Court. His enemies lack no
matter for them to triumph upon. His friends think him
unhappy to have put so great trust where so little hope was
of any good. They are now resolved to provide the best
they can for themselves, and had as lief receive it gratis
at this Queen's and King's hands as by any other. James
Ormeston is come from the Duke with his submission, and
shall have his pardon granted. Many others do the like.
Murray and Grange stand in worse terms, and yet he believes
they shall have liberty to live out of the country and enjoy
their livings. About this Lethington travails. Argyll may,
when he will, make his peace with better conditions than any
of the rest. From his lordship received the enclosed letters
by a friend. His credit was what earnest means had been
made unto him to serve the Queen and King, with offers of
free remission and quiet enjoying his own, without restitution
or reparation of anything done by him or his in the time of
these troubles. He answered that in all things he acknowledged his duty to Her Majesty; and on the other being lawfully chosen and admitted King, he would also obey them both
next unto God, for the maintenance of whose Word received
in Scotland he and his brethren with whom he had joined,
are determined to adventure land, life, and goods. He had
no other quarrel nor sought other ends; wherefore the same end
that his brethren took he would do the like, and without
them would consent to nothing. Wherefore he desired the
writer to advertise him of their state since their coming into
England, and advise what he found best for him. |
2. He did not discomfort him by saying plainly that all support was refused them, but left him in suspense until further
knowledge of the Lord of Murray's return to Newcastle. He
added that he feared that little good could be done this
winter, and that in the meantime ambassadors should intreat
of these controversies, either to make some final end to their
Lordship's contentment, or to give his mistress better occasion
to make wars than yet she had, seeing how large offers their
mistress makes to her goodwill. Since Murray's arrival at
Newcastle letters have passed unto him. |
3. This is the state of all that were partakers in this cause.
Now their goods are more greedily taken up than ever, and
for ready money sold for half the value. Upon Saturday
last there was sent a charge to the Laird of Lochleven to
deliver his house. The bruit is common that the Queen
is with child. The nurse is already chosen. Lethington has
charge to make a collection of as many things as he thinks
she shall be charged with by the ambassadors, and to
provide answers for the same. This was "rounded" unto
him by a friend. Asks that this may be the end of his
travail in this country.—Edinburgh, 12 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4. |
Nov. 12. |
1668. Bedford to the Privy Council. |
1. Details respecting the pay of the garrison. Complains
of the conduct of Jenkinson, who having a commission to
arrest pirates, has arrested Charles Wilson, notwithstanding
the Earl's protection. Wilson (having been in wait for
Bothwell and others returning from Flanders) chanced to
hit upon the Earl of Sutherland, which upon signification to
the Queen was not misliked. Bedford having no other
vessel at this port, thought Wilson needed to be employed, as
he advertised the Queen and Cecil on 1st September. |
2. When the troubles of Scotland waxed hot some aid was
looked for to have been given to the Lords of that realm,
Her Majesty's friends; but Wilson's service was chiefly to
be employed to bring to Berwick the Countess of Murray,
she being great with child, and desiring to come hither to
be delivered. Wilson was preparing for this when Jenkinson
came to Berwick with one of the Queen's ships, and a
commission to arrest pirates, Wilson above all other. Bedford gave Wilson his writing for protection for twenty days,
from 8th October, but during Bedford's absence at Carlisle
Jenkinson arrested Wilson, and carried him away. "So as
the good lady having been above five sundry times at the Fife
side with her train, awaiting for her passage, sometimes eight
days together, not lying one night where she lay another
and riding in that case so near her childing, above eight score
miles to and fro, having most of her stuff, as plate and
other things, with her, which whether the same be lost or not
is not yet known. All which was taken in hand upon Mr.
Randolph's promise and mine; and thus waiting for her
passage, was after fresh travail and troubles in the end
disappointed." Complains that he was never so touched in
honour and credit, or so traitorously sought upon to be defaced
as by that vile man.—Berwick, 12 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 7. |
Nov. 12. |
1669. Bedford to Cecil. |
1. Received his of the 4th instant, and sees his sorrow for
the Lords and their common cause. And as every of them
next under God must work his own "dress" (as they call
it), which some may better do than others, all in effect well
enough, one only excepted; so when the "dress" is made, if
any of them be desirous to return home, the writer cannot
keep or let him except he be commanded. |
2. Thinks the Lords mean to labour for themselves the best
they can, and neither to be over troublesome to such as Her
Majesty shall appoint to treat for them, nor yet refuse to
accept her goodness. |
3. Hears that the Queen conceives evil of his doings here,
and his fears are increased, for that since he received her sharp
and heavy letter for the coming up of Murray, he has never
had a word of her pleasure touching anything of her service,
albeit he has written twice since to her. Has rather restrained
himself within his commission, as where the Queen's letters
willed him to put the 300 men (sent to Carlisle) into Scotland
to keep the Lords there, he kept them still in England, whereas
if he had done his commission, there had ensued breach of
peace, and so open war. |
4. Bothwell within these two days has caused some of his
rank riders to spoil the poor victualling Scots that use this
market with flesh,&c., because proclamation was made that
none should bring hither any. |
5. Hears out of Scotland that there is or has been of late
some dissension among the Lords there above with Cecil,
which he is as sorry to hear as the Scots rejoice thereat. |
6. The Scots of Tividale, under Bothwell, are encouraged
by him to ride and commit disorders.—Berwick, 12 Nov.
1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5. |
Nov. 13. |
1670. Mundt to Cecil. |
The Chancellor of the Elector Palatine has informed him
that an imperial diet is appointed to be held at Augsburg,
on 14th January, at which the matter of religion is to be
discussed. He also desires him to come to Heidelburg, as
he has matters to communicate to him which concern the
Queen, and which are not to be trusted to paper. It would
be well if the Queen were to exhort the Elector Palatine and
the Duke of Wirtemburg to take heed lest anything be done
to the detriment of religion, as the Papists are sure to use all
their arts to re-establish their superstition. It is likely that
the Emperor will be present to have his election confirmed,
and to ratify the privileges of the electors and other dignitaries
of the empire. The Queen Mother of France seeks the
daughter of the Elector Augustus for her son, and strives in
every way to make friends in the empire. Last week their
pensions were sent to Grombach and other colonels in the
French interest, to the sum of 14,000 francs.—13 Nov. 1565.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary.
Lat. Pp. 4. |
Nov. 13. |
1671. The Magistrates of Bruges to Viscount Montague. |
Beg that he will obtain permission from the Queen for
them to export wheat.—Bruges, 13 Nov. 1565.
Copy. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 14. |
1672. Bedford to Cecil. |
Asks for resolution of his suits. Yesterday he received
this packet from Mr. Randolph. — Berwick, 14 Nov. 1565.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 14. |
1673. Scrope to Cecil. |
1. Here is lately risen in Annandale a feud amongst the
Johnstons, Irwyns, and the Bells, and much likelihood there
is of slaughter amongst them, whereby he is in doubt of
disorder amongst these Borderers, specially the Greames.—
Carlisle, 14 Nov. 1565. Signed. |
2. P.S.—The Master of Maxwell's office was not in so
great disorder these forty years. He is gone to Edinburgh
to use his endeavour in "atonement" of the Queen and the
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary.
Pp.2. |
Nov. 14. |
1674. The Magistrates of Antwerp to the Queen. |
Petition for licence to export wheat from England.—
Antwerp, 14 Nov. 1565.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2. |
Nov. 14. |
1675. The Magistrates of Antwerp to Cecil. |
Begs that he will aid them in procuring licence to export
wheat from England.—Antwerp, 14 Nov. 1565.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2. |