Elizabeth: August 1564

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: August 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp184-195 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp184-195.

"Elizabeth: August 1564". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp184-195.

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August 1564

August 1. 590. Instructions to treat with the Spanish Ambassador.
1. First, that the trade may be open on both sides, and that all proclamations to the prejudice of the intercourse on either part may be suspended.
2. That the edicts made in the Low Country prohibiting the bringing of English cloths thither, or the resort of any of the Low Country to Emden, may be revoked or suspended.
Hol. Draft by Cecil, and endd. by him: 1 Aug. 1564, ap. Enfield. Pp. 2.
August 3. 591. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Received on 22nd ult. his letters, the commission for the debatable grounds, and the letters of instruction to him and the Warden of the Middle Marches. Has ridden the ring of his wardenry and seen every place.
2. Hears that Lady Margaret shall come into Scotland with the Earl her husband, and asks his advice or rather Her Majesty's pleasure herein, as well for having him to the walls as also because peradventure some gentlemen of Yorkshire would accompany them into Scotland.
3. Is without money, for the 500l. for the works is gone already upon imprests.
4. The soldiers now, at Michaelmas, are behind for a whole year, and in these parts there is none to be had.
5. He and the Lord Warden mean to meet the Lord President at Newcastle, and after the assizes to keep their warden courts.
6. Received his of the 27th ult., and perceives his indisposition and lack of legs to walk.—Berwick, 3 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 4. 592. Smith to Cecil.
1. The Princess of Condé is dead. The Duke of Boullion has again his government of Normandy. The Duke of Savoy the 30th ult. came through this town from the Court with 200 or 300 horses and mules home to his own country, but the Duchess tarries still at the Court. The Duke of Ferrara is in the Court, and the Duke of Florence is looked for. The Court is yet at Roussillon. The plague continues at Lyons, and in this town and almost all about. At Lyons and hereabouts, and about the Rhone, men dare eat no fish, nor fishers lay their engines and nets, because instead of fish they take up the pestiferous carcasses which are thrown in.
2. The twenty-five prisoners in the galleys at Rouen desire order for their deliverance. It is bruited that the King will return back, because the plague spreads southwards, and victuals wax dear and scarce.—Vienne, 4 August 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 4. 593. Advices from Italy.
1. Genoa, 4 Aug. Arrangements for the protection of Corsica.
2. Rome, 12 Aug. The Spanish Ambassador has departed hence. The Duke of Nemours has applied for a divorce from his wife upon the plea that she is a Huguenot.
3. Vienna, 10 Aug. The body of His late Majesty is still in the chapel, and will be removed to Prague.
4. Ferrara, 15 August. The exequies of the Emperor Ferdinand were performed here very sumptuously.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 3.
August 5. 594. Bedford to Cecil.
Before departing from the Court moved him for two tithes lately belonging to this charge. Prays him to speak to the Lord Treasurer that the same be called in, as was promised him; also to send money for the works and the soldiers, and to hasten the resolution for the Yorkshiremen, or others in their places.—Berwick, 5 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 5. 595. Leonard Chilton and John Fletcher to Challoner.
1. The deputies of the owners of the eight ships arrested by Don Alvaro De Bazan and of the nine arrested by the Corrigidor at Gibraltar have certified that they will follow the suit no further; but the present writers will not give over with the rest. Chilton will prosecute for the Harry Sackford and Fletcher for the Anne of Orwell, and the process goes in the name of Robert Grimbell. They have written to Alvaro De Trugillo to take pains therein, whom they will pay at Seville. Thirty mariners are still in captivity, most of whom cannot get bread, and if one is shipped another comes in his place. They are more burdened with burying them than with maintaining them.
2. Of the armado, the galleys are not come to Malaga, and only fifteen "challupas" are appointed to go, which are is Port St. Mary.—Cadiz, 15 August 1564. Signed.
3. P. S. — A new Corrigidor is appointed for this city, named Follano Benavydes. Signed by Chilton.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Torn. Pp. 4.
August 6. 596. Challoner to Mason.
Asks him to help him hence; he cannot longer continue here without loss of life.—6 August 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Despatched by Coldwell. Pp. 2.
August 6. 597. Advices from Abroad. (fn. 1)
Venice, 6 Aug. The Emperor died at Venice on 25 ult. The Venetians have appointed Ambassadors to congratulate the new Emperor Maximilian. Many strange sicknesses in Rome. San Pietro Corso has given a great overthrow to the Genoese, who have offered 4,000 crowns to him who shall kill Corso. The Pope has dispensed with Don Loize D'Avola to keep his promotions though he is married.
Orig., in Shers' hol. Pp. 3.
August 7. 598. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Desires that he will procure access to the Queen for the bearer, who is a Hungarian nobleman on his travels.—London, 7 Id. Aug. 1564.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 8. 599. The Queen to the Duke of Saxony.
Has received his letters by Henricus Husanus. The additional particulars which he communicated rather raised her esteem for him than fear for the plots of her enemies, the strength of her realm being amply sufficient to repel all their attacks.—Cambridge, 8 August 1564.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by his secretary: By Henricus Husanus. Lat. Pp. 4.
August 8. 600. Cecil to the Duke of Saxony.
The Duke's envoy came at a very inconvenient time, the Queen being on her progress, and he having hurt his foot could not obtain for him such an audience as he could have wished.—Cambridge, 8 August 1564.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by his secretary: By Henricus Husanus. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 8. 601. Henricus Husanus to Cecil.
Being desirous to return, requests a licence to buy two pacing horses for the wife and sister of his master; and also that he may be allowed to export some cloth.—Cambridge, 8 August. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 8. 602. Challoner's Instructions to James Coldwell.
1. He shall post through France to deliver the Queen's letters, and shall come back to Bilboa by sea.
2. He shall send Challoner's letter to Mr. Hooker, whom, if he returns by Exeter, he shall visit.
3. He shall move Challoner's brother to know Lord Mountjoy's price for Hogsden house.—Madrid, 8 August 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
August 10. 603. English Shipping in Spain.
Relation of proceedings in Cadiz, respecting the English ships seized by Don Alvaro De Bazan.
Notarial copy. Span. Pp. 26.
August 11. 604. Challoner to Cecil.
Has waited for the decree which the Duke of Alva promised to send. The Queen last night had a fit. Encloses two letters from Seville, whereby he may see how loth they are to become sureties for the ships. His stay costs the Queen every month 100l., and himself 50l., and since the 4th of April, when he returned to Madrid, he has spent above 23,000 rials of plate. Complains of the heats and sickness, and asks him for the love of God to procure his letters revocatory forthwith.—Madrid, 11 August 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: For Coldwell. Pp. 3.
August 12. 605. N. Stopio to Mason.
Wrote last Saturday, and now sends the enclosed additional news. The King of Spain will aid the Genoese in their expenses in the war of Corsica.—Venice, 12 August 1564.
Orig. Hol. with seal. Add. Endd.: 13 July [sic] 1564. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 12. 606. Intelligence from Abroad.
1. Turin, 12 Aug. 1564. The plague has entered into Avignon.
2. Milan, 16 Aug. The King of Spain intends to marry the Prince either to the Princess of Portugal, or to Maximilian's daughter, or to the daughter of the Duke of Cleves.
3. Genoa, 18 Aug. King Philip has sent to the Genoese ten galleys and 1,500 soldiers at his own charges, for the defence of Corsica.
4. Rome, 19 Aug. The Spanish Ambassador has been recalled for the injury done to Spain by the precedency given to France.
5. Cracow, 12 Aug. The King of Poland is marching into Muscovy.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 12. 607. Roger Bodenham to Challoner.
1. This day received letters from his son-in-law, Francisco De Salzedo, who writes that Challoner has showed him favour, which the writer cannot recompense. Craves his aid in certain matters that he has there.
2. It is a pity to see how ill handled the Englishmen are that were taken in the ship that Don Alvaro spoiled, and the ships (if there be no remedy) lost, and the ship of Bristol is ill handled.—Seville, 12 August 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
August 12. 608. English Shipping in France.
Provanza for Antonio Cruz, Englishman, captain of the Isabella, and other English imprisoned in Spain.—Cadiz, 12 August 1564.
Orig. Notarial copy. Endd. by Challoner: Provance from Leonard Chilton. Span. Pp. 14.
August 13. 609. Intelligence from Abroad.
Venice, Aug. 13. News of the Emperor's death reached the Pope on the 4th inst., which he took heavily, and on the 5th he called the prelates to determine the ceremonies at his exequies. The cause of the Archbishop of Toledo is prolonged for five months. San Pietro Corso maintains himself in Corsica. Maximilian, Emperor elect, has refused the payment of 100,000 florins to the Turk, for the part his father kept in Hungary. Ferdinando, the third brother, has come to Vienna, and the father is carried to the church but not yet buried.
Orig. in Shers' hol. Pp. 4.
August 15. 610. Intelligence from Abroad.
Intelligence upon foreign affairs (unconnected with England) from Rome, 16 Sept.; Genoa, 8 Sept.; Vienna, 15 Aug.; Cracow, 9 Sept.; and Constantinople, 18 Aug.
Orig. Endd. by Mason, and again by Cecil: 23 Sept. 1564.
August 16. 611. Anthony Crewes to Challoner.
1. Complains that his process is joined with that of the eight ships arrested at Gibraltar, and asks him to persuade that it may be seen to by itself.
2. Herewith sends an inventory of what is lacking in the ship which was robbed, when the Spaniards were put in possession of her, worth 800 ducats, which, with other charges of keeping the ship and men in prison, etc., come to more than 1,500 ducats.—Cadiz, 16 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
August 16. 612. Leonard Chilton to Challoner.
Has sent the proceeds, etc., touching the eight ships and men, and has written to Wm. Fayer, by way of Seville, touching this suit with Don Alvaro, etc. Anthony Crusse herewith sends a provance of what was taken out of the ship. He writes also to Alonso De Trugillo that he will see him paid for his pains and charges. The masters are still in prison; but Don Alvaro's brother, Don Alonso, says he will carry them with him in the chalupas to Malaga. The King of Portugal's armada, (viz., eight galleys, one frigate, four carvells, and a great gallion,) are in this bay, and order given them to go to Malaga.—Cadiz, 16 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
August 17. 613. Guzman De Silva to Cecil.
Desires that he will forward the suit of a certain merchant, the bearer.—London, 17 August 1564. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 17. 614. Richard Barret and Others to Challoner.
Richard Barret and others, owners and mariners of a bark of Bristol bound to the island of Terceira, complain that they were seized near the island of St. George by the Spaniards as pirates and brought to Seville, where after trial their ship and goods were delivered to them upon sureties. Their goods are spoilt by the wet; and as they cannot here have justice, they require his aid.—Seville, 17 August 1564. Signed: Richard Barret, Walter Dowlle, William Ellys, Robert Bockinge, Tho. Smyth.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 4.
August 18. 615. The King of Spain to the Corregidor of Guipuscoa.
Proceedings and documents connected with the detention of the English ships at Cadiz and the imprisonment of the sailors.—Madrid, 18 August 1564.
Copy. Endd by Challoner. Span. Pp. 5.
August 18. 616. The King of Spain to the Corregidor of Guipuscoa.
Orders the liberation of the English ships detained at Saint Sebastian.—Madrid, 18 Aug. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
August 18. 617. Intelligences from Abroad.
1. Nice, August 18. Account of a great earthquake on 20 July.
2. Corsica. Progress of the rebellion, and measures for its suppression.
3. Cracow, August 27. Defeat of the Tartars.
4. Vienna, August 31. Proceedings in the Imperial Court.
Copy. Endd. by Mason: 9 Sept. 1564. Pp. 5.
August 19. 618. Bedford to Cecil.
The bearer, Sir Henry Percy, will report the dealing of the Laird of Cessford with him at their last day of truce, wherein he has written to their Lordships.—Newcastle, 19 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 19. 619. N. Stopio to Mason.
The enclosed news have arrived since last Saturday. The Spanish fleet will go to Corsica to aid the Genoese to expel the rebels.—Venice, 19 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 19. 620. Advices from Venice.
The Pope has deferred the exequies of the late Emperor until he has further advice from his nuncio at Vienna. He has committed to prison his physician Don Francio. The Duke of Nemours has a dispensation to be free from his wife, because she is a heretic. The Turks and Moors not far from Genoa have taken a great ship. San Pietro Corso is King of almost all Corsica; the Genoese hope in King Philip's aid. The late Emperor gave by his will all his jewels to his two younger sons.
Orig., in Shers' hol. Endd.: Advices from Venice sent to Mr. Sheres. Pp. 4.
August 20. 621. Challoner to Secretary John Vasquez.
Requests that he will furnish the Englishmen, the bearers hereof, with a letter of recommendation to the Corrigidor of Santander, whither they are going.—Sunday, 20 August 1564.
Copy. Add. by Challoner: 15 [sic] Aug. 1564. Span. Pp. 2.
August 20. 622. Leonard Chilton to Challoner.
This morning came into this bay Don Garcia De Toledo with twenty-five galleys to cause the armada of Portugal to go to Malaga with speed. Since Don Alvaro's coming to the port the five masters are taken out of prison, and two of them go at liberty by Don Alonso's licence. Is sure it cost them 200 ducats for their ransom.—Cadiz, 20 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
August 20. 623. Intelligences from Abroad.
1. Milan, August 23. Information respecting Corsica, Switzerland, Savoy, and Geneva.
2. Rome, August 26 Intelligences from Spain
3. Vienna, August 24. Intelligences from the court of Vienna.
4. Cracow, August 20. Intelligences from Warsaw.
Copy. Endd. by Mason: 3 Sept. 1564. Pp. 4.
August 21. 624. Bedford to Cecil.
Received by Mychell, his written from Burley. For matters of Scotland, the Laird of Cessford and he have not well agreed at their last day of truce. Has written thereof to the Lords of Scotland; and till he hears from them, means not to meet Cessford. Requests money. Is about his Warden Court here, and has these few days past sat with his Grace and the Council, where great justice has been done. Hears that the Parliament is like shortly to be called, and will send up his proxy to the Queen to name whom she shall please for the same. Asks for some aid of men for this winter; 300 is the least that can be had. The winter is dangerous, and the town is marvellous weak and open.—Newcastle, 21 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 21. 625. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
Has received a letter from the merchants at Emden, who are informed that, upon suit from the Low Countries, the Hanse towns have consented to the banishment of all English cloth out of their countries for six years, unless they find some reformation in England, as well for the great customs they pay, as also for their privileges. Understands all things are referred till their meeting at Lubec. The English have no better friends on this side than the magistrates of Antwerp. There is small likelihood of amendment at Emden. Credit for Englishmen is scant for particular bonds. John Browne, who is indebted to the Queen, has been set at liberty by the magistrates.—Antwerp, 21 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
August 22. 626. Bedford to the Queen.
The bearer, Douglas, a free denizen, but a Scottishman born, served in the ministry in the days of her father and brother in sundry places of her realm, and lastly, since her reign, in Berwick, and repairing to the south to make his abode desired this testimony of his service.—Newcastle, 22 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 22. 627. Bedford to Cecil.
The bearer, Mr. Douglas, through the abatement of his living at Berwick, repairing south, Bedford writes in his favour to Queen and Council, and craves Cecil to favour his suits.—Newcastle, 22 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 22. 628. Smith to Cecil.
It has been reported to him by Italians that the goods and bodies of all the Florentines are arrested in London; also, that Lord Arundel has given over his staff, and is in displeasure of the Queen. Prays him to let him know the truth of these matters. Fears his suit of returning home is forgotten in this hunting and progress. Is sorry for the prisoners, but will take order that one may visit them at Rouen, and know their estate. The Court goes hence to Avignon, Marseilles, Narbonne, Toulouse, Bayonne, and Bordeaux.— Valence, 22 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 22. 629. The Spanish Ambassador to the Queen.
Having learnt since his departure from London that certain vessels are being armed in her realm under Hawkins of Plymouth [Achines De Plemua,] he begs that they may be restrained, so that his master's subjects may not suffer the same losses as they formerly have done.—London, 22 August. Signed: Guzman Di Silva.
Orig. Add. Endd. Span. Pp. 3.
August 22. 630. Challoner to the Merchants of St. Sebastian.
After long suit has obtained the King's schedula enclosed to set at liberty certain English prisoners. Trusts to obtain the deliverance also of Oliver Harrys and the rest excepted in the schedula.—22 August 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Holway, Preston, and Clerk. Pp. 2.
August 23. 631. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Complains of the depredations of the English on the French, concerning which he has received three packets from the Queen Mother and one from the Duke De Bouillon, Governor of Normandy.—London, 23 August 1564. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 24.
Labanoff, i. 221.
632. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen.
Desires her to grant a passport to James, the son of the late William Murray, of Tullibardine, to trade with England for the space of one year. — Gartulie, 24 August 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
August 24. 633. Oliver Leson to Challoner.
1. The Henry Sackeford is sold and remains, yet all her best brass and ordnance are sold and gone. The Bristol ship is not released. The men of the nine ships are at liberty, saving the masters, and almost all are gone out of the country.
2. Two small ships from London have come to Cadiz to lade at Rota, and in Vigo are three more bound for this place. They bring news that the ships that went for Emden are returned, and had good despatch of their wares, and brought home wares of Flanders from thence; and that many hundreds of men are gone out of Antwerp to Emden. They say the Queen has delivered certain ships to Mr. Stukley, and he is bound to Florida; and to Hawkins, and Cobham, and others, who are bound for Guinea and the Portugal Indies.—Seville, 24 August 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 26. 634. John Shers to Lord Robert Dudley. (fn. 2)
Visits him with his Italian advices.—London, 26 August.
Orig., in Shers' hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 27. 635. Challoner to the Queen.
1. By his of the 10th inst. (by Coldwell) advertised her of the Queen Catholic's sickness. On Saturday night, the 5th inst., she had tokens that she was with child, reckoning from the 27th of May last, and that on the Sunday following, a solemn triumph having been prepared to have showed her pastime, she fell sick of a fever. On Monday, the Spanish physician, contrary to the opinion of her own doctor, an Italian, let her blood, and on the next day she gave birth to two female children, to the sorrow of all. About the sixth day of her falling sick she began to rave and so fell into a profound lethargy; and on the 14th day her physicians pronounced that she was not like to escape, yet on Lady Day, the 15th inst., she amended, but on Saturday night, the 19th inst., she fell speechless, and her mouth was drawn up to her ear with apoplexy, and her right arm and side benumbed. At this instant, "hora noctis undecima," the 19th inst., she lies at the mercy of God. The palace gates are shut, and the lamentations of the Court, both men and women, are very tender and piteous. The chapel is filled with noblemen praying for her; and generally an unfeigned moan is made on all parts, as well for the favour her virtues and gentleness obtained of all, as for the hope they had she should have been the mother of many Princes; and lastly for the fear men have lest, as this matrimony allied such Princes as her husband and brother, so this change may breed he wots not what hereafter, or as least accelerate it.
2. This far he wrote on Saturday night, having purpose, in case the Queen had then deceased, to have sent the bearer with it, but on Sunday she began to come to herself again. On Tuesday the 22nd inst., her paroxysms, etc. returned, and the "ventoses" applied prevailed not. On Wednesday she received Extreme Unction. At last, by means of agaricum she amended, and is now counted past danger, with no small rejoicement on all sides. The writer is as glad as any for avoiding of that casualty he touched in his of the 6th inst. Assures her that amongst the Ambassadors and others of this Court, account was already made that the King would be suitor in that way. But, though this occasion is passed, the writer will never think the case well assured till that party be married out of these folks' reach, or any other Prince whose power may embrace any quarrel or claim that is pretenced. Howbeit in this behalf believes the French would be as unwilling as the English that these men should become their neighbour in Scotland, and would let it all they might, how ready soever those of Guise would be to set it forth.
3. Six days past come news of the emperor Fernando's decease, and the King, two days past in mourning, visited and condoled with his nephews of Bohemia.
4. St. Pedro Corso has (the fortresses excepted), the whole of Corsica at his devotion; and it is thought that next spring he shall have aid from the Turk.—Madrid, 27 August 1564.
Draft, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: Sent by the ordinary of Flanders, per Artus. Pp. 15.
August 28. 636. Challoner to Leonard Chilton.
Received his a month past with the provance, etc., and thereupon has obtained of the King the second sedula enclosed. Prays him to send a note by testimonial of the 200 ducats received for the dismission of the two masters. Their prisoners, ships, and goods at St. Sebastian are released, saving five perons.—Madrid, 28 August 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
[August 28.] 637. The Enterprise of Peñon De Velez.
1. The army departed from Malaga on Monday the 28th of August, and on Thursday, the last of August, (being within 30 miles of Peñon,) they left the shore of Spain and made towards Barbary; and they, sighting them, shot pieces off to give warning to the coast.
2. They made altogether to Alcala, where Don Garcia commanded they should draw to shore and land; every soldier carrying his necessities for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Upon Thursday they began a fort, which by Friday was achieved. On Saturday, the sea being high, the rest of the victuals could not be landed. At this time arrived the galleys of Portugal and Malta, with the galleon, and about noon they landed all things necessary. On Sunday they marched forward. This day there was a skirmish made upon the arriereward, in which some Almains were slain, whereof the Moors had no cause to boast; and skirmishes failed no day, with the death of some on both sides. The vanguard arriving within view of Velez, discovered a good number of horsemen and footmen, who after small defence retired into the town. The Almains fortified themselves upon the hill, and two thirds of Spaniards in the valley. On Monday morning Don Garcia sent certain in a frigate to summon the place, who, perceiving they could have nothing but shot, came away; whereupon order was given to disbark the rest of the great ordnance. Tuesday morning they began the battery from the sea side, but perceiving their ordnance lay farther off than could annoy them in such sort as was requisite, they planted six pieces nearer the fort upon the hill. About 3 a.m. on Wednesday, two Turks came from the fort, and told the General that a great number of runagates had abandoned the place, and that such as remained had agreed to render it. On the same day, Sor. Juan Andrea was sent to parley with them, and they concluded to yield up the place; whereupon the writer was despatched with a letter of credence to the King, having first seen in Peñon above 1,000 of their best soldiers. The army marvelled that the castle was given up so lightly, it being judged impregnable.
Headed: The report of Captain Francisco De Herazo.
Endd. Pp. 4.
August 30. 638. Oliver Leson to Challoner.
Complains of the delay in taking the witnesses, which is done to weary them out. Not one of their countrymen will be surety for them without the thing being deposited in his power. The Spaniards have sold the best ships for less than half the money that the worst are worth. There is news that divers ships are fitting out in England.—Seville, 30 Aug. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 30. 639. English Shipping in Spain.
"The copy of the sentence pronounced by the licenciado Maldonado De Salazar, against Thomas Davis and his company, upon the King's scedula."—30 Aug. 1564.
Copy. Endd. Span. Pp. 3.
August 31. 640. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Sends the bearer to conduct three French gentlemen to him, who desire to be presented to the Queen. The merchants still complain that they are not allowed to sell their goods for the gentlemen. Desires a passport.—London, 31 Aug. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.


  • 1. See Shers to Lord Robert Dudley, 26 Aug. 1564.
  • 2. Forwarding the Advices given under 6 Aug.