Elizabeth: May 1564, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: May 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp123-134 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp123-134.

"Elizabeth: May 1564, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp123-134.

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May 1564, 1-15

May 2. 366. The Queen to Smith.
1. Since the return of Somer with two treaties concluded with the French she has caused all things requisite to be done for the publication thereof. Has also confirmed, signed, and sealed both the treaties, and caused them to be delivered yesterday the 29th ult., by her principal Secretary and Dr. Wotton to the French Ambassador. These treaties are sent by the French Ambassador to the King by Mauvissiere, to whom she has given in reward a chain as Somer had. Has also upon St. George's Day last chosen the French King to be one of her Order, for whose oath she will send Lord Hunsdon. Smith shall notify to the King and his Mother with how good will she has agreed to this peace; and he may say that she has accepted the smaller sum without any regard had to any value of money.
2. He should press the Prince of Condé to some direct answer to be made her for the money he owes her; and, as he shall see occasion, deal with the Admiral in the same; for she means not to be so deluded, as both to forbear her money, and to have had at this time no friendship by their means in the conclusion of the peace.
Corrected draft, partly in Cecil's writing, and endd. by him: 2 May 1564; letter to Sir Thos. Smith by young Sadler. Pp. 4.
May 3.
Knox, vi. 541.
367. Knox to Randolph.
1. Thanks him for both his letters and his bow. Rollett's tidings are as yet buried in the breast of two in this realm; but Maddye tells them many news. The Mass shall up. The Bishop of Glasgow and Abbot of Dunfermline come as Ambassadors from the General Council; Bothwell shall follow with power to put in execution whatsoever is demanded, "and then shall Knox and his preaching be pulled by the ears, etc." Thus with them raves Maddye every day, "but hereupon I greatly panse not." The Earl of Lennox's servant is familiar in Court, and it is supposed that it is not without knowledge, yea, and labour of the English Court. Some in this country look for the Lady and the young Earl ere it be long. It is whispered to him that licence is already procured for the Earl hitherward. God's providence is inscrutable to man. But, to be plain with Randolph, he likes not that journey and progress.
2. In these last ships from France and Flanders he has received some news. "Certain of the salt man's labourers are arrived with mattocks, etc., more are looked for." Fears their traffic shall be to make salt upon salt. Hears by report of such as are privy in the Court of France that the journey of Lorraine goes forward. The Papists of France (of Paris especially) threaten destruction to all Protestants. The Germans amass men of war, and no man can tell at whose devotion. Two barges like hoys came in the Forth above the Inch and viewed all places Sunday and Monday last. They sailed from land to land about the Inch, but would suffer no man to enter into them, and so departed. "Our Solan geese use to visit the Bass before the great company take possession." Hears that Sweden will yet visit Scotland with an ambassador. Prays him again to solicit the Lord of Bedford (of whose good mind towards him he never doubted) and say to him that the writer shall have as great need of comfort ere it be long as he had when they last parted in London, if God puts not an end to his battle shortly; for their wanton and wicked will empires as it were above wisdom and virtue. God send remedy. Intends to be at Langton on the 5th or 6th and 7th of May, and will visit Randolph.—Edinburgh, 3rd inst., 1564. Signed.
3. P.S.—Salutes Mr. Boistock and the Italian.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Randolph at Berwick. Endd. Pp. 4.
[May 4.] 368. Clough to Challoner.
Details respecting Challoner's money matters with Alex. Bonvyse, Hickman, and Castelyne, John Ellyott, Vyner, and Edw. Bright. Peace with France was concluded on the 28th ult. The Lady Marquis is here, to have remedy for a sore breast, but she is in so sad a case that he doubts of her life.—Antwerp, 4 April [sic] 1564.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 4 May 1564. Pp. 4.
May 5. 369. The Queen to the King of Denmark.
Whereas he has asked her to prohibit her subjects from carrying provisions into Sweden, she has already replied to his request. She will take care that they do not take provisions to supply the King of Sweden's army, but she cannot prohibit them from carrying on the ordinary traffic with that country.—Richmond.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 5 May 1564. Lat. Pp. 3.
May 5. 370. Randolph to the Queen.
Has no matter of certain knowledge, but only by the report of others. To these advertisements he gives the better credit, for he knows from whom they come, and who are likely to be the workers of these attemptates that are suspected, be it either to stir troubles amongst themselves or to bring any man further off that shall move the same. More than is written in these two letters he has not to write, saving that he knows that it has been long looked for what answer she will give to the last sent unto her by the Queen of Scots.— Berwick, 5 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 6. 371. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
1. Has resorted to one of the magistrates touching Browen, who is indebted to the Queen. The writer left him in prison when he departed, but now he is at liberty. Was answered that he shall not long walk abroad. It appears that the magistrates of this town are desirous that the traffic might be continued in it, and are ready to grant anything that might be demanded, saying that their mart will permit all nations to come and go freely; which freedom shall be proclaimed to-morrow. The magistrate seemed sorry that things were so far past him. There is proclamation that no ships shall depart out of this country westward, till other order is taken, upon penalty of great sums of money to be paid by the masters or pilots, and others, that shall carry any out. This is taken by reason that certain ships had departed, the first stay being without penalty, which was done upon the Queen's proclamation.
2. Certain merchandise is laden here for Emden, and it is said that it shall be stayed. Also that after the arrival of the fleet with cloth at Emden, order shall be taken that none of the subjects of this country shall go to Emden to traffic with the merchants of England. They of this town would spend a good piece of money to have the traffic between both countries in the old order again. They perceive that their Prince and Council bear them little goodwill by this persuading. Asks him to allow the passing of a couple of geldings.— Antwerp, 6 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 6. 372. Marsilio Della Croce to Shers.
Embodies intelligence from Vienna, 25 April; from Rome, 29 April; and from Ferrara, 2 May, relative to the affairs of these places.—Venice, 6 May 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
May 6. 373. Advices from Italy, etc.
1. Rome, May 27. Settlement of the disputes between the Ambassadors of France and Spain for precedence in the Pope's chapel. The corsairs have been doing mischief at Elba. Tumults at Rimini and Ascoli.
2. Constantinople, May 6. An ambassador has come out of the Indies to ask aid against the Portuguese. A Greek has been tortured for saying that Christ's religion was better than Mahomet's.
3. Milan. The Emperor means to marry his daughter to the Prince of Florence.
4. Vienna. The Emperor's sickness continues; the Duchess of Bavaria has taken her leave of him. The King of the Romans also is sick.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
May 6. 374. Advices.
1. Rome, May 6, 1564. Cardinal Carpi died on 2nd inst., much lamented. "His pleasure in his lifetime was to get things of antiquity, and of that kind he hath left good store, amongst the which is a Virgil written as is thought 1,200 years past, which he hath bequeathed to the Pope." "To Cardinal Farnese he has bequeathed a cup of much value, for that it is thought the matter thereof will receive no poison."
2. Intelligences from Genoa, Vienna, and Poland.
Endd.: 13 May. Pp. 3.
May 7. 375. Randolph to Cecil.
Received his by Mr. Garter, with certain knowledge of the Queen's mind to what end he shall travail with the Queen of Scots. Intends to-morrow to take his journey towards the Scottish Court.—Berwick, 7 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 7. 376. The Queen to the Duchess of Parma.
1. Has received two letters from her by M. De Hallewyn, Sr. De Zweveghen; one relative to the conclusion of the peace with France, the other relative to the interruption of the commercial intercourse with Flanders. Complains that the Duchess had prolonged the period of the exclusion of the English cloths from Candlemas to Easter, whereupon the writer in March sent Shers to her to offer means for the restitution of the traffic. She now hears of the general arrest of the English made upon the coast of Spain in January last, and of the arrest of eight merchant ships at Gibraltar, and of the imprisonment of 240 Englishmen, until whose full release the English merchants would not trade with the Low Countries, of which the Duchess was informed by Shers on March 28. The Queen therefore, being grieved to find that her subjects are thus unable to trade as formerly with Spain and the Low Countries, proposes that some one should be sent by the Duchess to discuss this matter in England.
2. The Queen means to forbid commercial intercourse only with the Low Countries, and will not arrest ships driven into her ports by stress of weather.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 7 May 1564. Pp. 12.
May 7. 377. Translation into French of a portion of the preceding (imperfect).
Corrected draft. Endd.: 7 May 1564. Pp. 10.
[May 7.] 378. Commerce with Spain and Flanders.
Proclamation by the Queen declaring that vessels belonging to the subjects of the King of Spain which may be driven into England by stress of weather shall not be molested.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: May 1564. Pp. 3.
May 7. 379. — to Shers.
The Duke of Urbino has arrived. The Ambassador from Spain is still at Milan. The intelligence of the death of the Emperor is hourly expected.—Venice, 7 May 1564. (Signature torn off.)
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 7. 380. Advices from Italy.
Intelligences from Venice, Poland, and Ferrara, upon the affairs of those States.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
May 8. 381. The Queen to the Council of Berwick.
1. Accords to their request to increase to 600 the number of labourers for the completion of the bulwark by the Cowgate, on which 300 are at present employed. The Mayor and Treasurer shall find a watch during this time, besides their ordinary watch. The Governor may distribute 10s. daily to the soldiers there, not already sufficiently considered. The controversy between Lee and the Treasurer about the fields within the Snook shall be settled by the Governor; as also that between Lee and the Controller for a house which the latter keeps from Lee.
2. Sir John Forster thinks that certain lands in debate (called Threpelands) should be divided between England and Scotland, on which she wishes that the Governor should confer with him, so that motion thereof may be made to the Queen of Scots.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and partly in his hand. Endd.: 8 May 1564. Pp. 4.
May 8. 382. Embassy into France. (fn. 1)
The Queen to Sir Robert Rich, Sir George Speke, and nine others.
Appointing them to attend Lord Hunsdon during his embassy to the French King.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 8 May 1564. Pp. 2.
May 8. 383. Embassy into France.
The names of such as the Queen has appointed to attend the Lord of Hunsdon in his journey to France. Two lists of names.
Endd. Pp. 2.
May 9. 384. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Received hers of the last of April on the 5th inst. by young Sadlier, servant to Smith, and has accomplished the contents to M. De Gonorre. The Prince of Mantua does not make this voyage. The train of M. De Gonorre (as he showed him) is not abridged, having in his company his nephew, the Count of Brisac, the Bishop of Coutance, bastard son to his late brother the Marshal, and M. De Fleurimond, lieutenant to M. De Gonorre. The whole number to be horsed from Dover to her Court amounts to eighty persons. He also requires to be furnished with ten carts for the baggage. M. De Gonorre departs from this town on the 15th inst. and arrives at Boulogne on the 17th or 18th inst., where the first payment of 60,000 crowns should be ready to be viewed and transported, according to the treaty. M. De Gonorre assures her that the payment shall be better by 2,000 or 3,000 crowns than the treaty requires; so he says it shall be but loss of time and trouble to enter into the matter of assay making. The writer assured him that she would delegate such as should not be contentious.
2. Gonorre said further that if she wished to have the other 60,000 crowns paid before his departing from her realm he would satisfy her in that and all other things.
3. Has also visited Marshal Montmorency, who came lately to this town, and abides here as Governor of the same.
4. The going of the Admiral into Bretagne does not hold; he is at Châtillon, his own house, having been lately in Burgundy with his brother D'Andelot.
5. The Count of Mansfeld has been deputy for the King of Spain at the christening of the Duke of Lorraine's son, which was solemnized at Bar le Duc, where the old Duchess of Lorraine met the French King. It is said the King departs from Bar le Due towards Dijon about the 10th or 11th inst.; and Lord Hunsdon is like to find this King at Lyons.
6. Of late here was great rumour through this realm that the King would permit no exercise of the Huguenot religion, but now understands otherwise; and that it is resolved that the accord made for that purpose shall be entertained according to the pacification made at Orleans.
7. Three things of late have revived the spirits of the Huguenots; that such as committed disorders at Vitri against the ministers of the said religion were punished; that a preacher delegated by the Cardinal of Lorraine at Metz was apprehended and imprisoned, and that the inhabitants of the same have obtained the King's permission to have their chil dren instructed in the common schools publicly, after such form as is devised and accorded in their churches; that the Chancellor of France has sent informations to the Court of Parliament of Paris against the Duke of Lorraine and his ministers, who impeached the French King's principal almoners and other delegated to give grace in the King's name to condemned persons, and those criminally detained at Bar le Duc. This matter is greatly stomached by the house of Lorraine and Guise, and greatly applauded by the Huguenots.
8. On the 9th inst. the King sent the writer's passport for his return, at which time the Queen Mother wrote him a courteous letter.
9. Understands that the French King has delivered his ratification of the treaty to Smith. Hears there are secret assemblies of horsemen and footmen by both factions in this realm, for they are afraid of each other.—Paris, 9 May 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
May 9. 385. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Doubts whether the first payment will be made so soon as M. De Gonorre says, for he will not depart this town till he hears from the Court. Nevertheless he assures the writer that he will be at Boulogne with the Treasurer on the 17th or 18th inst. Has searched for charts and finds none new; the last are of 1560, by Lazius, one of Switzerland by Conradus Lycosthones, one of Poland by Vencolas Grodecio, Polonois, one of Naples, one of Spain, one of the Low Countries, and one containing "Fasti magistratuum Romanorum ab urbe condita." Jaques De Pins assures him that he has them already. Being destitute of them intends to buy them, and if Cecil shall like them when he sees them they shall be at his command. Intends to be in England as soon as he can. Herewith sends him Hotoman's Charity towards Baldwyne.—Paris, 9 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 9. 386. Philip II. to the Magistrates of Bruges.
Orders them to protect and encourage the merchants of the English staple frequenting their town.—Brussels, May 9, 1564, and exemplified by the echevins, etc., of Bruges, 9 May 1564.
Notarial copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
May 10. 387. Geo. Batt. Agorello to Armagill Wade.
According to the direction of the Secretary called this morning upon his Lordship, whom, however, he did not find at home. Now discusses with Wade the objections which had been advanced by his Lordship against making London a free port, and to which the writer would have replied, had the opportunity been afforded him. Illustrates his argument by the example of Antwerp, which by its commerce in a brief time has risen to wealth and eminence. Cites also the example of Henry VIII. who having exempted the foreign merchants from the payment of customs for seven years, many such traders (especially Venetians and Ragusans) settled in London. Dissuades the English from establishing a trade at Emden.— London, 10 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
May 11. 388. Smith to Cecil.
1. Marvels that both the Queen and he find fault about the time for publishing the peace; the twelve days are for the publication at Paris and London only, and at other ports in so convenient time as may be.
2. Is sorry that in this calming of foreign matters there should at home arise a storm. But if by that occasion the Queen should marry so that her subjects may have some hope of succession, or to clear those doubts and fears that trouble many men, as John Hales and those that have meddled in those matters. Has been asked many times, and of late of the Prince of Mantua, if God should call her without succession of her body, who should be the right inheritor? He always answered as he thought, viz., that he could not tell, and that he thought the sword should be judge.
3. The rider Hercules Trinchetta, the Italian, (whom he provided for Lord Robert at De Mauvissiere's commendation,) has served him well. Sent him by Somers twenty crowns towards his charge, as he required to go into England.
4. Prays him again to attempt his suit for the 2,000 crowns. Except he obtains it he cannot tell what shift to make for money, and by the time he comes to Lyons he shall not have a penny left. Has written to the Queen.
5. Has been earnest again and again with the Queen and the Chancellor for Mr. Haddon's book, but they dare neither give privilege nor dissemble, especially for Estienne, to whom the Chancellor is a great friend, and is in fear for him. Their letters and paper are known. Has told Barlow his mind, and bidden him take Sir Nicholas' advice in that matter, if he be at Paris.—Bar le Duc, 11 May 1564. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 12. 389. Smith to the Queen.
1. On the 6th inst. received hers of the last of April, and the next day (the 7th) declared them to the King and Queen (in her chamber in the castle of Bar le Duc) with how good will she had accepted the peace, he and his colleague according to a less sum.
2. The King said he esteemed her love and amity more than gold or silver; also that in recompence of the honour done him by the Queen in electing him of her Order, if a woman might be of his Order he would send it her.
3. The Queen Mother said that whereas they at the first had appointed the Prince of Mantua and M. De Gonorre, now they thought one enough to go into England. So the King has appointed M. De Gonorre only, and the Ambassador there, to take the oath.
4. The writer said he had two things to move to the King; one, that there were ships of war now armed forth of the ports of Normandy and Picardy, and on the seas, which in time of war did not stir; which thing might put the merchants on either side in fear, and so hinder the course of merchandise. She said they were those which were commanded to stay about Calais and Boulogne to convey over the noblemen that should go into England, and the money which should be paid. And she would not have them disarm themselves till that was done. Another thing is, he said, that the King should take order for apprehending the pirates. That was reasonable, said she. That must be done, said the King; but they have more English that are pirates than the French have, and more armed ships.
5. Smith said he was required by Throckmorton to thank the King and her for the honour shown him now at his being at Paris; and declared what courtesy and presents the Provost of the Merchants, Marcelles, and M. De Gonorre had showed him; for the which, and for the chain of gold which on the King's behalf was presented unto him, he required him to render thanks.
6. De Mauvissier is come again, well contented. He can never say good enough of her, Lord Robert, and all the Court. And he is not a little proud of the chain given him.
7. After other such like words he took his leave, being invited by her (as he had seen the King on foot essay himself in armour and fight with spear and sword,) the next day to see him do the same on horseback.
8. This was the 7th inst., on which day the Duke of Lorraine's son was christened at Easter. His godfathers are the French King and King Philip, his name is Henry. All the next day was spent in running at the tilt and shocking of troops of horsemen together with spears and swords, and other such pastimes.
9. On the 9th De Mauvissier came to him from the Queen, and declared that they had resolved still upon M. De Gonorre alone, as the Prince of Mantua goes home to his own country. Smith answered that if they were so resolved he would send so soon as he could make his despatch, but his man was not yet returned. Shortly after he brought word from the Queen that the King's resolute answer was sent him by De Mauvissier yesternight, and that it was finally resolved upon M. De Gonnorre.
10. De Gonnorre has been sent to Paris to prepare the money, and to furnish himself to this journey. He was Governor of Metz when it was besieged of the late Emperor with 100,000 men. He is brother to Marshal Brissac, lately deceased, and is in great credit with the Queen. He shall come with a train of sixty or eighty gentlemen, amongst whom is his nephew, Conte Brissac, Marshal Brissac's son.
11. Sends the treaty ratified with the King's hand and his great seal. It was delivered him on the 1st inst. Repeats in effect what he wrote at the beginning of his to Cecil the 11th inst. touching the time for the publication of the peace.
12. Neither the Prince of Condé, nor the Admiral, nor any of that faction have been about the Court since it parted from Chalons, nor like to come to the Court before it is at Lyons, or at least till it is passed out of Burgundy, for fears which they have. At Chalons he could not speak with any of them. So soon as they shall come to the Court he will move them as she commanded. There are divers Englishmen in Calais and at Rouen who are hardly dealt with.
13. After he had written this far the Queen sent to tell him that Gonorre was kinsman unto her, and by the mother's side of kin to the King. He is much favoured by the Queen, and gladly would she make him Marshal in his brother Brissac's room. Advises that Lord Hunsdon may bring over 2,000 French crowns from her in prest for him.— Bar le Duc, 12 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 9.
May 12. 390. Challoner's Allowances.
Allowances demanded by Challoner for sums disbursed by him in the Queen's service, from 26 Aug. 1563 to 12 May 1564, amounting to 77l. 5s. 4d., with supplemental claims amounting to 4l. 3s. 5d.
Orig., in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 8.
May 13. 391. Bedford to Cecil.
Has sent the letters directed to Randolph and Cecil's request for the merchants that go into Scotland. The Earl of Lennox is looked for in Scotland, for which purpose his men have the Queen's letters to pass thither. The first day of "trewe" will be the 16th inst., where will meet him (besides the Lord of Cessford) Lord Maxwell and the Justice Clerke. Thanks him for hearing Mychell. Yesternight came here a Frenchman with Mr. Mellvyn and another to go towards Scotland, by whom he received Cecil's letter, and one to Randolph, which he sent this morning. Prays him remember Mr. Marshall here for his licence to go to meet his wife.— Berwick, 13 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 13. 392. Randolph to Cecil.
Has received the two enclosed letters from Murray and the Controller, for the deliverance of a Scotsman taken amongst pirates.—Edinburgh, 13 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 13. 393. Randolph to Cecil.
Recommends the bearer to him as a man to whom he is much beholden, and who for his friendship to the English has received much evil of divers persons.—Edinburgh, 13 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 14. 394. The Duchess of Parma to the Margrave of Antwerp.
Advertised him on the 10th ult. of the suspension of traffic between the Low Countries and England by an edict of the Queen. No vessels are to sail towards England, France, or Spain without her licence; and in case of their being driven into any port of England, care must be taken not to sell any goods and thus afford pretext for seizure.—Brussels, 14 May 1564.
Attested copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
May 15. 395. Forster, Percy, and Lee to the Queen.
Having repaired to Berwick they received her instructions, wherein they cannot give her satisfaction, as two of them are void of judgment therein. The Treasurer also has sent his books of accounts hence before their arrival. They have asked for Mr. Brown's opinion respecting the mass of victuals. —Berwick, 15 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 15. 396. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. M. De Gonorre intends to depart this town on the 15th inst., and to be at Boulogne by the 20th. He means to observe the order of payment according to the treaty; yet the whole sum is carried to Boulogne with him. Within these two days here arrived from Antwerp a merchant, whose merchandise was prepared for this great assembly at Bar le Duc. Has seen his jewellery, and thinks she would gladly either have such things for her own use or be glad to make some of them a present to the French King, to whom she sends her Order by Lord Hunsdon. Has covenanted in her name to pay for a clock sounding, for a chain, and for another jewel, which may either serve for her Order to wear, or to wear as a pendant, 1,500 crowns within twenty days after the date hereof; and he to deliver the same jewels to him that shall pay unto him the said sum. In case she shall not buy them then, for staying them unsold for twenty days, she must give him fifty crowns, which the writer has given him already that he shall show them to none. The like will not be recovered for 2,000 crowns, nor under twelve months space for the workmanship. At his arrival will show her more particularly the fashion of these things. Herewith she shall receive the contract betwixt the merchant and him; and also a memorial of the stone and pearl, together with an estimation of the gold and workmanship.
2. Condé is at his house, where his wife is sick. The French King is at Langres in Burgundy. He means to keep his Pentecost at Dijon, and from thence repair to Lyons, where he means to make some abode.—Paris, 15 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[May 15.] 397. Valuation of Jewelry, etc.
The valuation of clock, a chain, and a ring, referred to in the previous letter; total, 1,770 crowns of the sun.
Copy. Endd. by Throckmorton. Fr. Pp. 2.
May 15. 398. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Repeats what he this day wrote to the Queen touching Gonorre, who desires their Commissioners to be at Boulogne by the 18th or 19th inst. Also repeats what he wrote therein touching the cause of his stay here, and refers him to the same about the jewelry. If there be either presumption or folly by this judged in him, prays Cecil to qualify the opinion until the writer can tell why he was so hazardous.—Paris, 15 May 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.


  • 1. Written upon a portion of a letter dated 4 May, and signed R. Dudley.