Elizabeth: April 1564, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: April 1564, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp112-123 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1564, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp112-123.

"Elizabeth: April 1564, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp112-123.

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April 1564, 16-30

April 16. 331. Bedford to Cecil.
The bearer, John Smith, having served long, had granted him, as he alleges, the Queen's letter to the Treasurer here, to place him in wages of 8d. a day during his life. This letter being lost (as he says), by some under the late Governor, he could never enjoy the benefit of her goodness, and being now discharged seeks relief.—Berwick, 16 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 17. 332. Lee to Cecil.
One of their ships with provision is come, and the other two are coming; and the workmen out of Norfolk and Suffolk are come. Has taken the foundation of the bulwark above the Cowgate as much as he declared unto him should be enlarged within the town, and it is a foot above the ground, so doubts not that the piece shall be in as good taking shortly as the other was. If they might have word that they might open the wall to bring their foundations together, and if their Lordships appoint 2,000l. only for carrying away the earth of the dike of the same bulwark, there are men here who would take it to task with a good will. Wrote him of the loss of his capcase, which he has again, and all his writings, but the rest he has lost.—Berwick, 17 April. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 18. 333. Advices from Italy.
1. Milan, 18 April 1564. The Duke of Sessa had departed for Spain, and Don Gabriel della Cueva has made his entry with much magnificence.
2. Rome, 22 April. Information respecting the Cardinals Carpi, Gonzaga, S. Angelo, Urbino, etc.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2. (fn. 1)
April 19. 334. Remembrances for Berwick.
1. To procure order [from the Privy Council] for 300 labourers and ten carriages more, to finish the bulwark near the Cowgate, till September.
2. To procure 10s. by day to be bestowed by his Lordship among the best soldiers and pensioners that now have but 8d. and 10d. by day.
3. To open to their Honours the mutterings amongst the men appointed to watch by the new order, the soldiers paying 6d. by night.
4. To declare also what hindrance it will be to the Prince's service the taking away the 2d. from the horseman that has but 6d. by day to find him and his horse.
5. To put them in remembrance of his letters for the order taken for the number in Yorkshire, how small effect the same is for a sudden attempt.
6. To procure commission of Oyer and Terminer.
7. To have their resolution for the Snowke.
Orig. Endd.: 19 April 1564. Pp. 2.
April 19. 335. Clough to Challoner.
Looks daily for him to charge him by exchange with such money as he has of his. Has sent the letter he received from him to John Ellyot in England. the prohibition of English commodities is prolonged till May, and there is a proclamation by the Queen forbidding any commodities to be brought out of any of these Low Countries to England till the disorders are redressed. The Queen of Scots will come into England and the Queen will meet her at York.— Antwerp, 19 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 4.
April 20. 336. Bedford to the Privy Council.
1. In the time of late Princes labourers were not only taken up by commission far off, and brought hither at some charge, but were also by punishment kept to it here, and watch made to apprehend such as should escape; but now it is contrary, for many good old soldiers that are discharged come for work, whose misery is very great. Asks that the number may be increased for the safety of the piece, whereby the work may be sooner ended. Was willed by their Lordships to enquire concerning a house which Lee claims as heretofore belonging to the Surveyor of the works, in which the Controller of the Check now dwells, and which he says he had at his entry into office by warrant from Lord Gray, but the warrant cannot be found.
2. Having opened the old wall to enlarge the new work in hand, the town being therefore weaker, they have taken order for a stronger watch; and that the watchmen shall better do their duty, the writer surveys the watch almost every night, and Mr. Marshal does so nightly.—Berwick, 20 April 1564. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 20. 337. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Lee claims to be his the house in which the Controller dwells. Asks that order may be taken therein.
2. Leonard Pilkington, Master of Saint John's, Cambridge, has been suitor to be discharged; and would gladly that Mr. Longworth, now president there, might be placed there. As Cecil has affection to that house, it is hoped he will do some good therein by satisfying Mr. Pilkington in the discharge he seeks. Spoke to Cecil once of Mr. Holydaye, his [Cecil's] chaplain, and in passing by thought to have found him at Durham, but did not. Prays him to write and ask him to come hither sometimes "to help forwards God's plowe," for here, except one, are none that labour therein.—Berwick, 20 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 22. 338. Hieroymus Prioli, Doge of Venice, to the Queen.
Letter of recommendation for Placido Ragazzoni, going into England.—From the Ducal Palace, 22 April 1564.
Orig, on parchment. Add. Endd.: Ital. Broadside.
April 22. 339. William Raven to Challoner.
When he received Challoner's diets he had no time to write to him, but wrote to Farnham that he had made his money over. Has not received for him any money from Rydiard, nor heard anything of him. Has paid more than he has come to his hands by 6l. "I crave your good will with your poor niece, Besse Challoner, whom I mean to marry if I can get her friends' good will."—22 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
April 23. 340. Proclamation of Peace.
The Queen orders her subjects to disarm; but none are to be molested for taking any ships or goods belonging to the French, from the 1st September 1562 to the 23rd April 1564.
Williamson's transcript. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 23. 341. Oath for the Observance of the Treaty of Troyes.
The Queen swears in the presence of M. De Gonnorre to observe the treaty of peace made on the 11th of April last past.
Draft. Endorsed with the names of certain noblemen, English and French. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 23. 342. Hugh Tipton to Challoner.
Of this bearer received his dated in Madrid, 6th inst. As soon as he had news out of Gibralter of the taking of the eight English ships, he dispatched a post to Madrid to Alonzo Trogillo. Details of many transactions between them.— Seville, 23 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Challoner, at Madrid, and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
April 25. 343. Bedford to Cecil.
On the 23rd inst. received his letter by Rowlett, the French Secretary, by which and by one from Mychell understands he has been sick. Acknowledges the Queen's benevolence towards the old soldiers here, and wishes that she would increase the labourers to be employed. Here is such need of a commission of Oyer and Terminer as no man shall be able to keep his own. Desires that the Lord Warden of the Middle Marches may be placed therein, and also Sir Henry Percy.—Berwick, 25 April. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 25. 344. Challoner to William Fayre.
Answered his first letter from Barcelona touching the arrival of the Bohemian Princes, etc., and now acknowledges his last of the 14th and 15th instant. Prays that his news of peace may prove true. Looks for him daily. Sends commendations to Chilton.—Madrid, 25 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 26. 345. Rowland Johnson to Cecil.
With the supply of workmen Lee brought they have begun to enlarge the north-east bulwark, which was but sixty feet broad but is now made 100 feet broad, and the wall that was set before along the bulwark has been taken down. Trusts that within six days the wall will be at its full height again, as appears by a plat Sir Ric. Lee sends up, which he caused the writer to make of the bulwark. They are digging the foundation of the bulwark where the foundation is not taken, which is without the old town wall, and which he will see upon the plat. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 26. 346. John Wyshart to Randolph.
The Earl of Murray has written to him in favour of Alexander Hoge, who was taken by Sir John Pyrot and is in Haverfordwest. Asks him (as he would win the blessing of his father) to write to the Lord Admiral and to Sir John Perot for his relief.—Perth, 26 April 1564. "Your father to command, Jhone Wyshart, comptroller."
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: "To his beloved son, Master Randolph, agent for the Queen of England." Pp. 2.
April 26. 347. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 23rd inst. he perceived by M. De Gonnorre's talk that this King could be contented to pay her either 90,000 crowns or the entire sum of 120,000 at one payment. He moved the writer also that she would send one or two skilful in assay-making and in weighing money to this town; alleging great difficulties to have those things done either at Calais or Boulogne.
2. He answered that he neither had will nor power to innovate anything otherwise than the treaty; but, nevertheless, he promised to advertise her of this motion.
3. On the 23rd inst. the peace was proclaimed here, and fires of joy made in all places of the same. The Provost of the merchants of this town with the sheriffs and the principals of the same have visited him, and presented him with spices and comfitures, as the manner is in such times and cases. The King is at Chalons in Champaigne, and departs thence towards Bar le Duc on the 26th inst., whence he takes his journey towards Dijon. On the 25th inst. Don Diego De Gusman (delegated to be Ambassador with her from the King of Spain) arrived here. Herewith she shall receive the last department of this King's men-at-arms through his realm, and also the form of peace as it was proclaimed in this town on the 23rd inst.—Paris, 26 April 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 26. 348. Challoner to William Fayre.
This morning received his dated the 9th inst., which he thinks should have been the 19th. Is sorry for those two new complaints. Supposes the King is at Cuença. Wishes him to come away, for there shall be small good done when the King comes nearer. After he has conferred with him, purposes to demand audience.—26 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with two seals. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[April 26.] 349. Memorial by Challoner.
Remembrance for Fayre to speak with Erasso, with Don Francisco, with Nicholo Palavicini, and with Gonsolo Perez touching the new Ambassador, etc.
Orig., in Challoner's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 27. 350. Bedford and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Have despatched the bearer, Captain Read, to declare to them his instructions touching the fortifications of this town. Pray them to despatch him with their resolutions with speed.—Berwick, 25 April 1564. Signed: F. Bedford, Wm. Drury, John Selby, John Bennett, Ric. Lee, Valentyne Browne, and Thos. Jenyson.
2. Has been to Holy Island and viewed the place and road there. The situation of one is good and the other commodious to all ships and boats of this coast.
Orig. Add. Endd.: The Council at Berwick to the Lords here. Pp. 3.
April 27. 351. Bedford to Cecil.
Received yesterday his letter, together with a book of Mr. Haddon's doing. Cecil therein writes of the conclusion of the peace, whereof he is glad. Commissioners are not ready to send their certificate. Finds the Warden and Percy forward in all things and he uses their advice. Goes shortly to Percy's house at Tynemouth to christen him a child.—Berwick, 27 April 1564. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April [27]. 352. State of Berwick.
Instructions given to Captain Read by the Earl of Bedford, to declare to the Privy Council.
1. By following the fortification of the bulwark next the Cowgate, the old wall is in danger of falling.
2. By reason of the breach like to ensue, the Governor is driven to watch with his household servants every third night; the Marshal with his every night, and others of the Council when called. For aid herein there should be nightly appointed twenty of the pioneers to watch there also. And there must be a like breach made at the other end of the bulwark, whereunto the works will grow ready shortly.
3. If the new supply of workmen aforewritten be not had to hasten the fortification of this bulwark, this watch must continue all the winter, which they are not able to endure.
4. The powder and munitions lie not only without the new fortifications for lack of place within the same, but also in three or four houses, subject therefore to great inconvenience and danger.
5. To strengthen the watch of this town, the Mayor and townsmen offer to find a watch besides that appointed.
6. The device for aid out of Yorkshire will be to no purpose, considering the distance of the place; and for those of Northumberland of no account of strength, for they will seek by flight to save themselves and their cattle upon any sudden attack.
7. The houses for the victual and store are without the new fortifications, as also the lodgings of the Lord Governor and others. Signed: F. Bedford.
Endd.: April 1564. Pp. 3.
April 27. 353. Lee to the Privy Council.
To make the bulwark against the Cowgate in as much readiness as he could before breaking of the wall, has dug the foundation of that side of the cullyon next the Cowgate, because it was all shingle. The bulwark before was brought up fourteen feet from the foundation of the inside of the wall, and within fourteen of the old wall; and when he had brought it up four feet on the inside, the shingle shot beneath and made a hole, and upon that the wall began to crack, so was forced to take it down, as will plainly appear by the plat sent by the bearer. Until it is brought up twenty feet high, Bedford set a great watch on the inside of the bulwark from one cullyon to another, as the earth lies within three feet of the top of the wall, and which from one cullyon to another is 370 feet. That piece of the bulwark that is added to it on the inside of the wall is brought up eight feet, and when it is fourteen feet high he purposes to take away the earth from the wall as he did on the other side.—Berwick, 27 April. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 27. 354. Murray to Randolph.
Desires that Alexander Hoge, a Scotchman, who has been taken in a port of Wales, may be sent to Berwick with any information that there is against him. "Scarcely could I have written to you at such length by reason I have received no news from you this long time; you are become so proud."— Perth, 27 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 27. 355. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. The bearers, M. De Luzerie, physician to the Queen of Scotland, and Mr. Adam Hume, also servant to her, required him to accompany them with his letters to Her Majesty, Lord Robert, and to him for their favourable usage in their passage through England into Scotland. — Paris, 27 April 1564. Signed.
2. P.S. — The matter is so fallen out against Master Robert Stuart by the depositions of Alexander, as he is con strained to abandon this realm and retire into some other country for his surety, whence he repairs into England. When he comes the writer asks Cecil so to stand him in stead that he may not find that he has evilly bestowed his time and hazarded his life unthankfully. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 27. 356. Cecil to Throckmorton.
Encloses a letter to him and Smith. The Ambassador here requires to have the sending of the ratification by his secretary, or else Mauvissier had it with him. Has dealt for payment of his diets due till the 14th of May, before which time the writer thinks Sir Nicholas will be near the sea side.—From his house by the Savoy, 27 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with two seals. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 27. 357. Synod at Ferté-sous-Jouarre.
Proceedings at a synod of the ministers of the reformed Churches of the provinces of France, Picardy, Brie, and Champagne, held at Ferté-sous-Jouarre, 27 April 1564, at which several questions of Church discipline were discussed, under the presidency of Anthony De Chandieu, alias De la Roche.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 16.
[April 27.] 358. Complaint made against the Synod at Ferté-sousJouarre.
1. The synod provincial of the reformed Churches of Champagne, Brie, Picardy, the Isle of France, and Vexin-Français assembled on the 27 April 1564 at La Ferté-sous-Jouarre to the number of forty-five or forty-six ministers, and there remained until the 1st of May.
2. La Roche (alias Chandou) was elected president. Letters were read from all parts, amongst which was one from Beza bidding them be on their guard, as the priests were contributing money for the purpose of rooting out the truth; and that they should warn the Churches in Flanders. It was agreed to reply that they were aware of the evil meaning of the Queen Mother and the Cardinal, who intended to take the King to Lyons when the Duke of Savoy should attack Geneva, and that afterwards Lyons and Dauphigné should be reduced to obedience as Orleans had been; and then there should be a general edict for the extermination of the faithful.
3. La Roche and Cappel said that the reformed Church could never have peace whilst the Queen Mother governed, and the tyrant magistrates had rule; and then followed a long discussion as to the office of a magistrate, concluding that there were no legal magistrates in France. Perocelli said that the Queen Mother had written very rough letters to the Admiral; that she understood that those of the pretended reformed religion intended to re-commence the troubles; that she would oppose them with all her power and that of her allies, imputing to them that which she intended to do her self. The assembly begged their President to recommend their cause to the Prince of Condé, and not to lose courage.
4. The Prince of Pourçain also sent, saying that he would employ his body and possessions in the quarrel of the Lord. He has also seen an article in blank for M. De Bouillon. He has sent gentlemen to the different Churches, urging them to collect money, as the Cardinal is doing the same secretly.
5. Those of Flanders have been solicited to take up arms, and have begged M. De Collincoirs, lieutenant at St. Quentin, to raise 800 or 1,000 horse. When they commence, money will not fail them. He will cause 500 horse to assemble at Cressy in Valois on Whit Sunday, under colour of preaching. It will be well to look to the frontier towns of Picardy, and also that the Governor of Metz be on his guard. Those of the Church put much trust in those of Berne. La Roche and Cappel have sent two ministers to Paris.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
April 27. 359. Answer to the Calumniation of the Synod.
Synods are held merely for the purposes of preventing heresies, reforming vices, and enforcing order and discipline. This Synod was held in Ferté-sous-Jouarre by the permission of the Princess of Condé. As for their calumniator, Pierre Denise, he is a renegade monk, a hypocrite, a liar, and a dishonest man, and on that account has been deprived of his ministry. Signed: Chandieu, Bernardin, Cappel, Perucel De la Rogeraie.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 12.
April 29. 360. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 27th inst. M. De Gonnorre invited him to dinner at his lodging here, where he treated him honourably; and accommodated him with horses and gentlemen to accompany him from his lodging. After they had dined he said that the King would make payment of the whole 120,000 crowns at his arrival there. He also renewed his desire that the visitation the money might be done here. To this he answered as he had done before.
2. Gonnorre also said that the Prince of Mantua and he meant to depart shortly towards England, and that his train only, besides the Prince of Mantua's, would amount to above 100 horse; and he accounts to be furnished with post horses for them all in England, and also to be accommodated with carts for his carriage. The substance of these payments to her shall be in French crowns in sundry sorts, and such as are current here. Gonnorre further said that the Queen Mother, the King of France, and Queen Elizabeth should by good intelligence so concur together as the Bishop of Rome's authority might be as well extinguished in France as in England. Throckmorton told him that her proceedings in England might assure the King and all the world that the diminution of the Bishop of Rome's authority should be unto her agreeable.
3. Then he entered into a discourse with him of a General Council or of a National Council; wherein if all (said he) would not assist, such as were no champions to the Bishop of Rome might assist, to do some good in matters of religion. It seemed to him by his talk that they will be glad here if she at his arrival there will communicate unto him something touching these matters.
4. In the end he presented unto the writer on the King's behalf a chain of gold weighing 164 oz., which amounts in French crowns to above 1,400, which the writer did not refuse to accept, being an ordinary courtesy of Princes to other Princes' ministers.
5. Understands of late that this Court being at Chalons there was a great pique betwixt the Duke D'Aumale and the Prince of Pourçain, betwixt whom there passed such words as he thinks will not be easily appeased without some further business.
6. The Admiral and his brother M. D'Andelot are gone to Bretagne to visit their lands there, holden in right of their wives. But by their voyage their adversaries gave forth bruits little to their advantage. At the despatch hereof the King was at Vitry in Pertois, not far from Bar le Duc, where the Duke of Lorraine means to receive him, and delight him with exercise of arms. The old Duchess of Lorraine will not be at that assembly, and would that it should not be held, for she is too good a Spaniard to make joy with the French when the King of Spain lies aloof.—Paris, 29 April 1564. Signed.
7. The young Count Brisac, son to the late Marshal Brisac, accompanies M. De Gonnorre, his uncle, to England.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 29. 361. Niccolo Sinibaldi to Thomas Windebank.
Writes by their mutual friend Thomas Candeler. Sends remembrances to the secretary, Thomas Silicia [Cecil], and his sister Susanna, Mr. Dee, Mr. Gudeman, Mr. Stuer, and Mr. Smith.—Antwerp, 29 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Mr. Thomas . . . banche. Endd.: Nicoluccio to me. Ital. Pp. 2.
April 30.
Knox, vi. 539.
362. [Knox] to Randolph.
1. The Lord of Murray is presently very great and may do what he will, and yet he has determined to take no charge without he sees more constancy "nor" he has found in times past. "For my own part I receive good words with good countenance, for they have said to me they would be glad to do me pleasure." Roulet's news are kept very close. The furthest the writer can learn, and it is true, he [Roulet] was not very welcome to the Queen Mother, whom their Queen now begins to mislike, and "we" are like to get little friendship from that party. Queen Mary also begins to complain upon her uncles' unkindness, and says, seeing they have no respect to her weal, she will do the best she can for herself. This much he learnt of that Frenchman. The Earl of Lennox will obtain licence to come home and speak with the Queen. Her meaning herein is not known, but some suspect she shall be persuaded to favour his suit.
2. The Queen minds to write to the Duke, and has already requested Murray to speak to Argyll, who will do little in that matter without he sees a great matter like to take effect.
3. Cannot write all he thinks in this matter, but the bottom of the stomach shall be laid abroad unto him at his meeting.
4. Amongst themselves all things are quiet, but fears it shall not be long; for things begin to grow to a ripeness, and there are great practisers who are like to set all things aloft, which he shall also know at meeting. Therefore in the meantime he would wish (as he has always done), that Bothwell were kept still, "for our Queen thinks to have him at all times ready to shake out of her pushet against us Protestants." Moreover the Queen Mother has written to "our" Queen that Lethington said to her, that all that was spoken of the marriage with Spain was done to cause England to grant "our" desires.
5. The Bishop of St. Andrews is desirous to speak with Mr. Knox. "Judge ye what is like to follow." The Queen's diet is to depart out of St. Johnston's the 7th inst. There are slaughters made by gentlemen in their Low Countries, and "our" isles are ready to break loose.—St. Johnston's, Last of April. Signature carefully obliterated.
Add.: To his loving brother, Mr. Randolph. Endd. by Cecil: Ult. Aprilis 1564. Pp. 3.
April 30. 363. The Queen to Throckmorton.
She has ratified the treaty concluded with the French and has caused it to be delivered to the French Ambassador yesterday, being the thirteenth day from the date thereof, which he has also sent to the King. Throckmorton shall do well (according to the accord for his return) to procure his passport with speed. He is to solicit the King's Council to devise the revocation of all ships of war from the seas; and specially to foresee that all pirates may be apprehended.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: Ult. April. 1564. Pp. 2.
April. 364. Treaty with France.
Order for the delivery of 60,000 crowns (being the first payment of 120,000 crowns) at Boulogne or Calais into the hands of the Queen's Commissioners.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3.
April and May. 365. Advices out of Italy.
1. From Savoy and Turin, April 19. Touching the movements of the chiefs of the reformed party of France in the neighbourhood of Geneva.
2. Genoa, 21 April. Movements of the corsairs and the Spanish galleys.
3. Rome, 29 April. Appointment of bishops. The question of precedence.
4. Ferrara, 2 May. Movements of the Moors and corsairs on sea, and the capture of a Maltese galley with treasure. Commotions by the Huguenots. The Prince of Salerno is in great misery. King Philip is thought to intend to bridle the Genoese.
5. Vienna, 27 April. The Emperor is very ill of a quotidian ague and has committed all to Maximilian. He has all sorts of musicians playing in and about his chamber.
6. From Poland it is written that the wars with the Muscovite continue very sharply.
Copy. Endd. by Mason. Pp. 4.


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