Elizabeth: April 1564, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: April 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp92-112 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp92-112.

"Elizabeth: April 1564, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp92-112.

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April 1564, 1-15

[April.] 283. Commercial Intercourse with Flanders.
Articles to be considered "for the according and mutual compensing of the general arrest on both sides," viz., between the English and the Flemish, the goods of the former having been arrested at Antwerp and Bruges.
Copy. Portion cancelled at the end. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 1. 284. Stopio to Mason.
Signor Antonio, Mason's nephew, and Signor Robert Pointz have returned here. The Diet of Vienna has finished, and the King of the Romans having obtained all his wishes, is about to proceed to Lintz.—Venice, 1 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
April 4. 285. Bedford to Cecil.
Sir Ric. Lee came here on the 1st inst. Finds some disorder. The soldiers very seldom watch, but serve their turns and times by hirelings and others. Many captains and lieutenants here have nothing whereon to maintain themselves; asks for some increase of the pensioners here till some place become void or they may be employed. Sends a copy of the muster book of Yorkshire, that he may see how hard a thing it will be upon a sudden to call such a number together.—Berwick, 4 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 4. 286. Lee to Cecil.
Arrived here on Easter even, and upon Easter Day informed the Governor and all the captains in the town that the Queen was minded to go forward with the fortifications, and commanded them to view and report upon the same. When they had debated upon it before the Governor, they agreed that the bulwark above Cowgate should go first in hand, and the bulwark before the castle next the Tweed, and the rest be brought up in such height as the town may be covered. Between Morpeth and Darlington his man lost his capcase, wherein was the Queen's letter for Mr. Treasurer, and the writer's commission for viewing the works. Mr. Treasurer denies having received the warrant for his [Lee's] entertainment.—Berwick, 4 April. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 4 April 1564. Pp. 3.
April 4. 287. The Queen to the Duchess of Parma.
Desires her to show favour to the Marchioness of Northampton, who has her licence to travel by reason of a disease in one of her breasts, which she thinks can be cured only in the Low Countries.—Windsor Castle, 4 April 1564.
Corrected draft. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
April 5. 288. John Vaughan to Cecil.
Thanks for his report of him to the Queen. Prays him to despatch the bearer, Mr. Slingsby, who has sustained great displeasure. The West Borders may imperil the decay which is already on the Borders.—York, 5 April. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 5 April 1564. Pp. 2.
April 5. 289. Smith to Cecil.
1. On Tuesday the 4th inst., Mr. Somers at his return told him what they had done with the Queen, and that he [Smith] should the next day ask audience of her.
2. 5 April. In the morning he sent his man to tell Throckmorton that he thought in the afternoon he should be able to go to the Court. He told the Queen that his colleague and Somers yesterday debated with her, and came, to the last point under which they cannot go, which is 200,000 crowns. He trusted that for so small a matter she would not break off and let all this travail about that peace come to nothing.
3. She replied that the fault was in them. She sent the Queen word by her Ambassador that she would not pass that sum one denier. And so he protested to the Queen that if she would have peace she must content herself with that. And her Ambassador writes that he took it she was content with the sum, insomuch that Cecil and he and others of the Council debated of the place and days of payment.
4. Smith said that her Ambassador understood that she asked no less than 400,000 crowns.
5. The Queen Mother said that, if so, he did more than his commission. She assured him it was her own doing as well as to reserve their rights, wherefore in the Council she has not been a little spoken unto. And it has been told her that she never did anything that she should so hardly answer to, if she should be called to the reckoning.
6. Why should they give them anything ? she asked. They know the hostages ought to be rendered, and they have lost all their rights of that treaty by holding the King's town against him by force, and have put him to the charge of two millions of gold to recover his own out of their hands. These four gentlemen ought to come away free, and yet she is content to pay for each of them 30,000 crowns, which is more than their ransom if they were prisoners of war. Nor did she merchandise, as the English do, but cast in her mind what was reasonable and too much, and that she offered at the first. And so she told Throckmorton at Fontainebleau. And she gives this only for these four gentlemen's sake; and because the nobility of the realm shall not think the King will leave them in distress for his service.
7. The writer would that his ability was to do it; he would rather pay these few crowns himself.
8. Then, said she, Smith and Throckmorton must send again into England, for they here are resolved, come of it what will.
9. Smith asked that he might take his leave and return home. If the Queen will have it so, said she. But he will not go till their Ambassador also is come away.
10. Smith hoped that he who should come might have better fortune than himself. The Queen Mother replied, "We know your good will to the peace, and we are as wellwilling as you; ye have heard what I have said or can do advise you of it, and do as you shall think best."
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 5 April 1564. Pp. 8.
April 5. 290. James Gryndall to Challoner.
1. Sent a letter to his factors concerning his business at St. Bees, and willed them to show it him at his coming home. Cautions him to give no credence to Lacy, who causes him to spend much money. Because the writer would not suffer him to have all the coals within his lordship of St. Bees, (for which he said he should pay no rent,) by counsel of James Skelton he took Challoner's old friend, Henry Curwen, to be first in commission, but the writer having a friend in the same commission that would not consent to Curwen's doings he has given over to call the Commissioners to sit.
2. Has got a grove in the "brode whynes," which will serve him for long time, and he got "a leven score sceppes of coylles" for his pans when there was never "a coylle" to be gotten in all the lordship for them; and there are in the garner by estimation 200 straks of salt that came of the said coals. When Lacy saw that the writer had gotten such a grove he sued him to York before the Council, trusting to get it into his possession ere Challoner came home, but he failed.—St. Bees, 5 April. Signed: James Gryndall, clerk.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: From Sir James Gryndall. Pp. 2.
April 6. 291. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Immediately after his arrival here he sent his man to the Scottish Court to signify the arrival of Bedford, and to request Lethington to perform his promise that some man of credit should be sent from the Scottish Queen to meet him on the first days of "trewe" as well as in the East or Middle Marches.—Berwick, 6 April 1564. Signed.
2. P.S.—Since his arrival here there has gone into Scotland a servant of the Lord of Lennox. Cecil knows his suit. Believes he will be an evil welcome guest. Cecil will pardon him, though in this case he be somewhat suspicious. Has a favourable letter by him from his Grace.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 6. 292. Bedford to Cecil.
Wrote on the 4th. The bearer, Roger Mannering, Mr. Treasurer's man, goes up for money for the rest of the pay. Sir Henry Percy came here yesterday and looks for the Lord Warden to-day or to-morrow. Asks his help for the pensioners he wrote for. Finds Mr. Treasurer ready in all matters concerning the Government here. — Berwick, 6 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 6. 293. William Drury to Cecil.
Since coming here on the 24th ult. has stayed for the coming of the Governor and also for Lee. Has taken order for setting in hand the fortifications, which, after advising with the captains and others, he yesterday began. After his Lordship's coming caused an alarm to be given, and found the walls so slenderly manned as made him sorry to behold, and yet thinks there were not many in the town that were not there. Is defalcated 16l. of his entertainment and 10l. for two tipstaves, which sums others that heretofore occupied this place enjoyed. —Berwick, 6 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
April 6. 294. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
1. Upon receipt of this last money he discharged such as were assigned, whereby the charge from the 25th ult. rests according to the new establishment; and has defrayed the residue of the money in prests for relief of the most needy, saving 830l. which is reserved as the Queen commanded.
2. Hears that he has been blown upon by Sir Thos. Dacre and others, but herein requires no favour.—Berwick, 6 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 6. 295. The Queen to Frederic II., King of Denmark.
Understands that two letters from the King of Sweden to her have been intercepted by his officers. With respect to the one desiring her assistance, she would rather see them at peace. As to the other respecting her marriage, her intention has already been sufficiently explained by former transactions. As the controversy lies between Henry Billinghausen and the subjects of her ally the King of Spain, she is obliged to show equal favour to both.—Windsor.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by him: 6 April 1564. Lat. Pp. 3.
April 6. 296. Challoner to Hugh Tipton.
Has not failed to exert himself to save the 240 English mariners from perpetual slavery in the galleys, and for this has had the expense of 700 ducats, besides being told that he did not employ himself so frankly as Sir T. Chamberlain. Exhorts him to consider Truxillo's pains liberally out of the common box.—Madrid, 6 April 1564.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol. and endd. by him: M. to Hugh Tipton at Seville, sent by Harry, Mr. Sackford's servant. Pp. 7.
April 8.
Throckmorton to the Queen.
297. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. The bearer, Roulet, (one of the Queen of Scotland's secretaries,) has declared unto him that his mistress charged him to press the Queen Mother for his (the writer's) enlargement, and that she answered that when the King's affairs were ended with her, she would be glad in this or any other thing to gratify her daughter. Of this the writer advertises the Queen that she might acknowledge this office done by Roulet, as also the Cardinal of Guise's solicitations to the same purpose.
2. Roulet also declared unto him that he passed hither from Scotland by Flanders for the transposition of the Scottish trafficking from Camvere to Middleborough (by reason of some discourtesies to the Scottish merchants by them of Camvere) and further to obtain caution of merchant strangers in Flanders for his mistress's affairs. He told him also of his misfortunes in his journey, and of his arrest at Tynemouth.
3. On the 23rd ult. Somers arrived at Paris, and so did also the same day Barnaby, servant to Lord Robert, with the writer, at St. Germain. Somers made his voyage from Paris straight to Troyes, without speaking with him, albeit, order was given that any courier might have access unto him, and though the Queen Mother had given order that upon the arrival of any courier he (the writer) should be forthwith conducted to this Court by Captain La Salle. By the indisposition of La Salle he could not depart from St. Germain until the 27th ult., and so could not arrive at Troyes before the last day of March. The same day he received her letters to him and her instructions addressed to Smith and him jointly, which they considered together that night. Smith and he, accompanied with Somers, had audience of her the 1st inst.
4. The sum of their negociations that day was, to have commissioners appointed to treat with them, which was agreed to by the Queen Mother. On the 2nd inst. they had advertisement that the King and his mother had appointed the Bishop of Orleans and Secretary Bourdin to treat with them, with whom in the afternoon they had conference.
5. The chief difficulty arose about the article of the abolition for the taking of things past. In the end they pressed to know Elizabeth's resolution for the sum of money and the hostages. At length Smith and he named 400,000 crowns.
6. The 3rd inst. they met again and spent their time only about the articles of the hostages and the money. At length the French told them they had commandment to break off all talk in case they would not accept 120,000 crowns. That day they descended to 300,000 crowns. The French found that no more agreeable than the former, but with great assurance resorted to their former sum of 120,000 crowns, and assured them the same would not be exceeded.
7. The same day in the evening the French Commissioners came to his lodging and told him that they were commanded from the King and Queen to tell him, as was told them the first day of their audience. The French minded to depart towards Lorraine on the 6th inst. and if the English would not accept the 120,000 crowns, the King took himself no more bound to that offer, and willed them to have no more conference with them. Smith was that evening evil disposed, so they had no conference together but by Somers, by whom he made him privy what the French had said unto him.
8. On the 4th inst., (because Smith kept his bed and he feared there might be a full dissolution of the colloquy,) he with Somer, and by the advice of Smith, demanded audience of the Queen Mother, with whom they spent three hours.
9. She assured them that the King and she would never exceed the sum of 120,000 crowns. At the conference with her he descended to 250,000 crowns, and afterwards upon her asservations and refusals he came to 200,000 crowns. Whereunto she always made one answer, that she would not exceed 120,000 crowns. He caused Somer to read unto her such things in his instructions as he thought meet, and offered to show her the contents of them for the degrees of the money matters. But all would not serve.
10. On the 5th inst. he desired Smith to go unto the Queen Mother and confirm what the writer and Somer had said the day before. The same day Smith did so. Neither the writer nor Somer were present at this conference. He rather required Smith so to do because he understood the Queen Mother thought his absence was but a device, and that he had reserved himself to tell her some more plausible things.
11. Smith received that day, as he said, a resolute answer that the French would no further talk of peace without the condition of 120,000 crowns. The matter being brought to this extremity, and the King's departure from hence the next day being resolved, Somer delivered unto Smith and him her instructions delivered unto him at her last resolution. Whereupon they renewed the colloquy and committed the opening thereof to Somer as a matter proceeding only from them, her Ambassadors, and willed him to say that if the King would send his Commissioners unto them the next day it should appear they would prefer peace to money.
12. The 6th Secretary Bourdin came to his lodging at 8 a.m. where Smith and he confirmed unto him the speech spoken by Somer the night before. Thereupon it was agreed they should meet again the same day, where, being assembled, the French Commissioners peremptorily demanded of them whether they would accept the 120,000 crowns. The matter was discussed at length, and many objections were offered by the French and answered by the English.
13. On the 7th, after many disputes of all the articles, they accorded for the hostages and the money, viz. 60,000 crowns to be paid within six weeks after the treaty, at Dover. And two of the hostages to be permitted to return into France in the French vessel that shall bring the money, as soon as the first payment is made. The other 60,000 crowns to be paid in other six weeks after at Boulogne or Calais, and to be transported in an English ship under the charge of Englishmen.
14. Asks her in season to take some order about the matter of the prisoners, for he perceives she shall be greatly pressed therein. It will be good that such as have them make their profit of them in time.
15. As he was brought here a prisoner, so he has been guarded and treated like one since his being here, having his lodging prepared (within the Black Friars in this town), where all the windows were purposely barred and grilled with iron, and no man suffered to have access unto him, nor to speak with him but such as are appointed, saving Smith and Somer. He has been nourished since his coming hither at the King's cost and served by the King's officers.
16. Has perceived as well by her letters to him as by Somers' report her disgracious acceptation of his former service and proceedings with the French at Fontainebleau.—Troyes, 8 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil.: 60,000 crowns. Pp. 12.
April 8. 298. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. To carry this despatch, has caused the bearer to stay five or six days. Is still under guard. A prison was purposely made for him at the Black Friars here.
2. Touching the conclusion for the prisoners, he wishes some order taken, because there are great numbers of Englishmen committed to the galleys here, which live in great misery. Dares not meddle therein, and the French are as stiff as he ever saw them in any point. John Rybauld is partly the cause of this. It would be well that such as have French prisoners should secretly and speedily make their profit of them.—Troyes, 8 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 8. 299. Prizes taken by the English.
List of the names of merchants and others of Antwerp, Bruges, Lille, etc., subjects of the King of Spain, to whom the Queen's Commissioners have awarded restitution of goods herein mentioned, which were taken at sea and brought into England as prizes.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 5.
April 8. 300. Oliver Crooke and Others to Challoner.
1. Oliver Crooke, John West, and Richard Hancoke, mariners of Poole, and thirteen others, had two barks laden with iron in the mole of St. Sebastain ready to depart for England on the 27th of February last. The gates of the town being shut, they went to a place by the wall within the mole, carrying with them hats and serges which they ignorantly cast over the walls toone of their mariners. The coregidor brought them to prison, examined them, and charged them with conveying money, and with treason, and on the 24th ult. they were found to be honest merchants, and that what they did was ignorantly done. Notwithstanding this being proved, the corigedor will give no sentence.
2. Also at their arrival there they were compelled by the Alcades of the said town to deposit their goods (1,700 ducats), and to give sureties for the same (which they keep in their hands) to the sum of 800 ducats, the rest being employed in iron in the said barks, which he will not suffer to depart. They ask his help that they may have redress of all their troubles.—St. Sebastian, in the coregidor's prison, 8 April 1564. Signed.
Orig., in Crooke's hol. Add.: To Challoner, in Valentia; and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
April 8. 301. Marsilio Della Croce to Shers.
Is discouraged by the long silence of Shers. Sends intelligence of the irruption of the Turks into Moldavia, and of the disputes of the Ambassadors of Spain and France for precedence in the Papal Court.—Venice, 8 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add.: To Shers, in London. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
April 8. 302. [Antonio Bruschetto] to Shers.
Details respecting the disputes for precedence between the Ambassadors of Spain and France in the Papal Court.— Venice, 8 April 1564. Signature torn off.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Shers, in London. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
April 9. 303. The Count de Chaluz to Throckmorton.
Hearing that he is on the point of concluding a treaty, begs that he will procure the exchange of M. De Palaiseau. —Palaiseau, 9 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 9. 304. The Privy Council to Challoner.
Complaint has been made by Wm. Holway of Plymouth that having set his ship, the Mary Holway, to sea to serve against the French, and she, with two French prizes which she had taken, being driven by weather into St. Sebastian, they are not only there stayed but also spoiled, and fifty-two men committed to prison, and so dealt with that only twenty eight of them are alive. As it does not appear that either Holway or his ship has committed anything against the Spaniard's subjects, Challoner shall request their release, and the restitution of the ship with her prizes and goods, with recompence for the injury done them and the owner.—Windsor, 9 April 1564. Signed: R. Dudlye, Pembroke, Rogers, F. Knolles, Cecil.
Copy. P. 1.
April 9. 305. Frederic, Elector of Cologne, to the Queen.
Desires permission for Barthorde Von Heimbach, his agent, to export from England sixty pieces of English cloth commonly called "sortincks," and a horse.—9 April 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
April 10. 306. Casper Seelend to Cecil.
Introduces his servant, Haunsen Aguller, about to establish a trade in salt, at Dover.—Bergen-op-Zoom, 10 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Germ. Pp. 2.
April 11. 307. Treaty of Troyes.
1. Treaty of peace between England and France drawn up on 16 March, with four additional clauses providing that neither Prince should invade the territory of the other, or assist any other Prince in the invasion thereof, nor harbour the rebels of the other; and that all prisoners should be set free within two months. Concluded at Troyes, 11 April 1564, and signed by Throckmorton and Smith as Commissioners for the Queen of England, and John De Morvilliers, Bishop of Orleans, and Jacques De Bourdin, for the French King.—Ratified at Bar, 1 May 1564.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 4.
April 11. 308. Proclamation of Peace.
Proclamation of the treaty of peace between France and England.—Troyes, 11 April 1564. Signed: Charles. Countersigned: Bourdin.
Copy. Endd.: Published in Paris on Sunday 23rd April. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 11. 309. Another copy of the above. Printed at Paris by Robert Estienne.
Endd. Fr. Broadside.
April 11. 310. Another copy of the above. Printed at Paris by Jean Dallier, with the "Publication des Heraulx."
Fr. Pp. 7.
April 11. 311. Sebastiano Bruschetto to Shers.
Sends a copy of the printed letter of the Cardinals, and now appends a short account of the family, revenues, etc. of the chief of those by whom it is signed.—Rome, 11 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Ital. Pp. 6.
April 12. 312. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
The Queen's warrant to Sir Thos. Dacres and the Treasurer of Berwick for twenty men to be delivered him of the bands to be placed at Harbottle Castle has been deferred to the coming of the Governor, who has delayed to do it until he knows the Queen's pleasure therein. Trusts he will think it convenient to have the twenty men, considering that to meet the Master of Maxwell, Lord Warden of the West Marches of Scotland, he must travel through evil countries. Also intends this summer to lie at Harbottle for the better rule in those countries.—Alnwick, 12 April 1564. Signed
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 12. 313. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
The day after the despatch of his last unto him came the Governor, Sir John Forster, and Sir Henry Percy, who, together with Sir Ric. Lee, declared they were commissioned by the Queen to understand his doings in the office of the victuals. By some words of Percy and Lee it seemed that his dealings were thought corrupt. Thereupon he delivered them a declaration, which, remaining in their custody, they travail to falsify. Yesternight Lee showed him he would take from him the pastures called the "Snewk," which he denied him, not being able to serve the victualling here for beves and muttons without it; beseeches his help therein.—Berwick, 12 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 12. 314. Treaty of Troyes.
1. The French hostages to be liberated, but not to quit England without the Queen's permission, and if any of them do so, the French King engages to restore them.
2. Within six weeks the King will pay 60,000 crowns; whereupon two hostages shall be allowed to depart.
3. Within six weeks after the first payment there shall be a further payment of 60,000 crowns, whereupon the remaining two hostages shall be permitted to depart.
4. The Queen shall send two men-of-war to convoy the money from Calais or Boulogne to Dover.
5. The rights of either Prince to be reserved.
6. Throckmorton to be set at liberty on the date of the treaty.
7. The treaty to be ratified within twenty days.
8. Appended are copies of the letters patent appointing the English and French Commissioners, in Latin and French. —Troyes, 12 April 1564. Signed by Smith and Throckmorton, the Bishop of Orleans, and Bourdin.
9. Ratified by the King at Bar-le-Duc 1st May 1564.
10. On the 24th June 1564 the French King swore to observe the above treaties in the presence of Lord Hunsdon and Smith, and several nobleman of his Court.
Copy. Lat. and Fr. Pp. 9.
April 12. 315. Treaty of Troyes.
Analysis of the treaty of Troyes in a tabular form.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
April 13.
Smith to Cecil.
316. Smith to Cecil.
1. Must communicate an accident which fell betwixt Sir Nicholas and him that Cecil may better know him [Sir Nicholas] and answer for the writer against such malicious tales as (according to the manner of him and his) may be invented and spread abroad. Has written to Cecil the discourse he had with the Queen on Tuesday the 11th inst., which he also read to Sir Nicholas and Somers on the 13th, that they might see what ground Sir Nicholas had to rage as he did.
2. Sir Nicholas would have him go to the Queen Mother alone, which he was loth to do for his sickness, and lother for the calumnies and malicious doings of Throckmorton.
3. Coming from the Queen he rehearsed to Sir Nicholas and Somers what he had done and that still she remained at one point. He told them that she asked him whether he would follow the Court to Lyons, and that he thereof made doubt if the peace were not concluded; and she, asking him why he doubted, answered for that peradventure he might have another commission, and that he looked for it. Straight Sir Nicholas, as though it had been that which he looked for, with a girning smiling countenance said, why did he say he had another commission ? No, quoth Smith, but that he looked for one. And did he speak of another commission? Yea, quoth Smith. Hereupon Sir Nicholas said, then all is marred; they have enough. He thought so much and he triumphed at his pleasure. Smith said, Be not so hasty; hear out all and then judge. Throckmorton asked if Smith spoke of a new commission ? Indeed, quoth Smith, he did. And if they have once that (said Sir Nicholas) they have enough; and again he triumphed that he though so much, and had also perceived by other means that the Queen had knowledge that they might come lower; for what new commission could it be else ? Smith said, if the peace went not forward, he looked for another commission, that is, to be revoked, that he should not need to follow to Lyons, or at the least that he should be commanded to treat no more of the peace. And he bid Sir Nicholas never to torment him self, as there was nothing whereby the Queen Mother has any light of him, but that the peace will break off if she comes not to their sum of 200,000 crowns, which sum he [Sir Nicholas] required of her. Sir Nicholas asked Somers to let them see what credit he had to show them, for they were at a point. Somers said that, seeing they have no hope of bringing them to 200,000 crowns, here was his charge. And so took it to Sir Nicholas sealed, who opened and read it, which done Smith said he suspected some such thing before.
4. With that De Mauvissiere came, who had not long time left Sir Nicholas since his coming to Troyes, but upon one message and another was there, and with him De la Salle. Upon consultation they agreed that Somers should to the Queen with that message, which he is able to declare to him. So Smith for that night departed to his lodging. Late at night Somers came from the Queen. The effect of the resolution he brought was that for the money she would give no penny more, whatsoever should come upon it, but that she would send the Queen a jewel.
5. He thought best that in the morning Somers and he should go to Sir Nicholas and deliberate what they should do, seeing the King was determined to go away that morning. There they resolved to send for M. De Bourdin to come and speak with them, and debated whether it were best to stand still to the sum of 200,000 crowns and so break their colloquy, or come to some other degree under it, and yet not to 120,000. Sir Nicholas said it was but a "mechanique matter to huck any longer for money," especially seeing the Queen had said so much to Somers. Smith suggested they should stay to see whether the King would go away or no. Hereupon Sir Nicholas began to fume with himself and to detest and execrate himself, and said that if it were but in him he would lie rather in prison twelve months than that the French should thus have their wills. He prayed Smith to speak to Bourdin when he came. Smith said that Throckmorton had begun, and if now they should change their manner he wot not what the French would think of it. Sir Nicholas said he would not meddle in the matter. Then, quoth Smith, then either nobody or Somers must speak. Nay, said he, he [Somers] had no commission. Indeed, quoth Smith, Somers has reason. With this Sir Nicholas began to fume with himself and to quarrel with the writer, and said all is marred. The Queen Mother knows that they have another commission to agree to her sum. Smith said he knew not how she should know it. "Marry you told her, saith he to me. I told her! quoth I, why or how should I tell her, when I knew not of it myself? And yet if I had known it, what pleasure or profit should I have by telling her of it ? Thou liest, saith he, like an horeson traitor, as thou art. A horeson traitor ! Nay, thou liest, quoth I, I am as true to the Queen as thou any day in the week, and have done Her Highness as faithful and as good service as thou. Hereupon Sir Nicholas drew his dagger and poured out such terms as his malicious stomach and furious rage had in store, and called me errant knave, beggarly knave, traitor, and such other injuries as came next to hand out of his good store. I drew my dagger also, Mr. Somers stept betwixt us, but as he pressed with his dagger to come near me, I bade him stand back and not come no nearer to me, or I would cause him to stand back, and give him such a mark as his bedlam furious head did deserve."
6. Still he continued his rage, crying out like a madman. Barnaby rushed into the chamber. Somers still stepped betwixt them, and, cap in hand, prayed him to be content and pacify himself, etc. Smith considered the time and place, and was not disposed to strike. And Sir Nicholas's tongue he saw was readier than his hand, and because he made not to come nearer to him, he suffered the more and put up his dagger.
7. Then he came to deprave his service ever since he came into France, and to threaten that he would tell his tale to the Queen, and that he had things to lay against him; and if he had been in King Henry VIIIth's time, and had done then as he has done since he had come into France, he should have lost his head. Smith said he desired no better than to answer before the Queen all the calumnies of him and his; he was able by writing and by word to declare his true service. Sir Nicholas said he could write well enough. If King Henry (said Smith) had been his Prince, or any other of England, he would not have done otherwise than he has, and would look for thanks for it of his Prince whosoever he were. Did he think that he could not tell what appertains to a Prince's service? Yes, as well as him, and better, or else he would be sorry. Sir Nicholas said he came to the Court but yesterday a beggarly scholar. It is thirteen years ago (quoth Smith) since he was Ambassador and Commissioner in France as Sir Nicholas is now. What he may spend he knows not, but twenty years ago, and seven years before he knew the Court he might live like a gentleman, and spend 200 marks a year. "Thou a gentleman (quoth he), and twenty years ago ! How old art thou?" Smith said fifty years old or thereabouts. "Why dost thou ask?" To this he said nothing, and put up his dagger. Smith said he saw he was as quiet for all this raging of his as he was afore, and content to suffer it now, having consideration to his duty and the Prince's service. But malice ever sees maliciously. What occasion did he give? Much altercation here followed, after which within in a little, by Somer's speech and admonition, Sir Nicholas began to calm, and so they again deliberated what to say to M. De Bourdin.
8. Knowing the malice of men, has thought best to write this, and prays Cecil as he shall see cause to communicate it to the Queen and Lord Robert, that Throckmorton's malice and report may not hurt him. For the truth of this, and who was in fault, he prays him to inquire of Somers. The Queen may command him and he must obey, but rather than be troubled so again with Throckmorton as he has been since he came into France, the writer had rather sell all that he has and forsake his country for ever.—Troyes, 13 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.
April 13. 317. George Nedham to Cecil.
1. On the 6th inst. the Commissioners of Emden "and we" departed from Leigh in Essex and next day descried the west part of Holland, where they passed so that they might view the sand, flats, and marks along that coast, and sounded those coasts. On the 8th inst. they entered the river Ems, sounding the same and taking the marks of the towns and beacons, etc. how they lay, so that they came within two miles of Emden. On the 9th they came to Emden. They have taken the marks of all dangers, etc., and for the better understanding of their mariners, have put all things in writing and sent it to the Governor.
2. At their arrival at Emden they went to the Court, where they found the two Earls; their mother was not returned from the Duchess of Lunenburg her daughter, who is brought to bed of a son.
3. The conclusion for keeping the mart here, and obtaining the Queen's consent thereto was not known to the Earls till their coming, for which here is no small reasoning, both of their parts and likewise of the merchants and burgesses of Emden. The Earls make no doubt of the Imperial confirmation, but forthwith sent letters to all the Princes of Germany their friends, and to all the towns in Germany and Eastland for publication of this mart and traffic.
4. All things they asked are granted them, and the Earls used them well.
5. The Bishop of Munster and Osnabruck being glad of this traffic has sent hither divers times to know if this matter was concluded, promising to further the same.
6. Earl John, the Countess of Emden's youngest son, declared that the Queen had accepted him into her service; and further, how, by letters from the Bishop of London and John Utenhove, and likewise from Mr. Mannynge and Mr. Walwycke, Her Majesty was content to give him a pension of 3,000 crowns. He understands she will abate him a third part of that pension because he is the youngest brother, and she thought he had been the eldest, whereat he is abashed, and complains not so much for abating of the sum as for giving his friends to understand the matter. He wishes rather the matter had never been spoken of than that this should chance.—Emden, 13 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 14. 318. Bedford to the Queen.
Has with the rest of the Commissioners partly surveyed the victuals and other things specified in their instructions, and lacks but time to make a perfect certificate thereof. The works go forward as fast as so few hands are able to do them.—Berwick, 14 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 14. 319. Bedford to the Privy Council.
1. Cannot as yet certify of the proceedings of the Commissioners touching the survey of the victuals and the delivery of the town.
2. Has set in hand the works, and began a great bulwark next the Cowgate, which guards a place called the Snowke, being along the shoal reaching towards the haven, and therefore have been driven to open so large a piece in the old wall to enlarge the other, as makes the town at present of less force.
3. Besides the piece of ground called the Snowk there are other fields called the Magdalene fields which are in controversy between Lee and Mr. Treasurer. One alleges that of ancient time they have belonged to the surveyor of the works here for finding of their cart horses. The other says that he has received command to employ those grounds about feeding of the cattle for the Queen's store here, for he has not any ground near to bestow them. Seeing herein such stoutness on both sides, he has forbidden either of them the use or dealing therewith till their Lordships' resolution be known herein.—Berwick, 14 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 14. 320. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Repeats what he has written to the Privy Council. Desires a commission of Oyer and Terminer, for so great are the number of the thieves and evil doers here on the Borders as till they be weeded out no quietness can grow here. The day of truce is deferred by the Queen of Scots, who means to send Macgill or some other principal counsellor thither with the Laird of Cessford for the better execution of justice. Renews his old suit for increase of the benevolence towards some, both captains and lieutenants, placed but at 10d. the day. If she would but give a noble a day to be distributed among some of them, men would be encouraged to serve well.
2. Finds here Mr. Marshal diligent in his office. Sends the bearer, Mychell, for the conclusion of the wardship of young Carew of Anthony. For Cecil's brother, Hobby, he has given order to the bearer to satisfy him.—Berwick, 14 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 14. 321. Lee to the Privy Council.
Has declared his commission to the Treasurer and the Controller and required their books. The Treasurer said he had sent his to London, and the Controller answered he saw no authority in the commission to deliver him them, but that he should have the total; or if he would come to his house he should see his books. Considering how little he could do without the books at commandment, he let them alone. The Controller said that the works since his last being here in wages have come to 30,000l. Purposes to set the 300 men upon the bulwark about Cowgate. The earth cast out of the foundation of that bulwark comes within four feet of the top of the old wall. Craves 300 men and ten carriages more than was determined by their Lordships. The Snowke for feeding the men's horses for their carriages will be a great hindrance to the work if he has it not as heretofore he had it. The demanding of it and other matters has bred controversy between them, as the Council shall understand hereafter. Wishes to have Guisnes law for his horses if he tarries here, as he had when here before, wherefore beseeches their resolution herein. Their ships are not come with provision. Prays God send them good speed, for there lies two and sometimes three Frenchmen by Holy Island. None of their layers have come hither, yet the writer sent prest money to the Duke by a pursuivant two days after he [Lee] came from Windsor. Has set to work since his coming 240, whereof the most part are soldiers that were discharged.—Berwick, 14 April. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 14. 322. Lee to Cecil.
Mr. Treasurer here has not used him well because he goes about to understand the charges of the works, for that he thinks 30,000l. much that they have spent, and also for the Snowke.—Berwick, 14 April. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 14. 323. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received answer from Lethington that nothing shall be omitted on Queen Mary's part that may entertain amity. The Laird of Cessford is sent for to the Court to receive charge of the Queen to proceed uprightly in ministering of justice, and in all things to concur with Bedford to the maintenance of amity. To be at their first meeting there is appointed either Mr. James Macgill or Sir Robert Karnegie. The Queen this Easter has been at Falkland, saving two days at St. Andrews, at the end of a marriage of one of Lady Murray's maids. She will to St. Johnstone and Sterling before she comes to Edinburgh. It is now looked for (as he is advertised from Lethington) that some answer should shortly come from Queen Elizabeth concerning the last matter that he intreated of with this Queen. Finds nothing that discourages him why he should not think well, if the matter be well handled. A friend wrote him these words, Wheresoever she hovers and how many times soever she doubles to fetch the wind, he believes she will at length let fall her anchor between Dover and Berwick. The writer may conjecture another thing whereof he has no liking. His friend adds this clause, "Though perchance not in that port, haven, or road that you wish she should." Asks Cecil therefore that he may have somewhat wherewith further to prove her, or at the least try her by some means or other that always his Sovereign be not held in suspense. To move her to the interview he has good will. The Lady Murray is near her time. The Queen purposes to be at her travail; her Court is now very small.—Berwick, 14 April 1564. Signed.
2. P. S.—Trusts he has in mind his suit for the Lord of Argyll, as also touching himself.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
April 14. 324. Smith and Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 24th ult. Somers arrived here and Du Champ on the 26th. The 1st inst. they had audience, and the Queen granted them to have Commissioners to join with them. On Easter Day, the 2nd, the Bishop of Orleans and Secretary Bourdin met them at the Grey Friars.
2. The French demanded, as the two great points to be agreed upon, the delivery of their gentlemen and the settlement of the money, without which nothing could be done.
3. The next day the writers required answer to their articles. The French said that they had nothing to do, nor could anything be done except they first agreed to the sum offered by the Queen Mother, passing which the King would not go.
4. Some disputes having here arisen the writers agreed to ask audience with the Queen. That night and the next day Smith was troubled with weakness in his stomach, and Sir Nicholas and Somers went to the Queen the next day, Tuesday the 4th inst., with whom debating, the English fell from 400,000 to 300,000 crowns and at last to 200,000, which they affirmed to be the last point that they could come unto, and further they had no commission.
5. The Queen would come no further than 120,000 crowns.
6. The next day, Wednesday, Smith went to her and affirmed that by no means could they be brought lower. Notwithstanding this, by no means would she offer higher than 120,000 crowns. Because they saw the King was determined the next day to go away, Somers showed the writers the Queen's later instructions, which being perused they thought good to send Somers alone to the Queen Mother, if he could get anything, or at least bring them again in talk.
7. On Thursday the 6th, in the morning, before the King should depart, they sent for M. De Bourdin, and declared to him that for the money matter, seeing the Queen so stiff to deal with, yet, rather than that the peace should be broken off, they would adventure their lives. Hereupon, in the afternoon, they and the Commissioners met. The King that day was said to be evil at ease, and also Madame Marguerite, and the next day they took their purgations. And so the Court tarrying, they met daily with the Commissioners debating of matters till the 12th, on which day they came to the conclusion, signing and sealing these articles which they send her divided into two treaties.
8. All things being thus concluded, when they went to congratulate for the peace and Sir Nicholas to offer his promise according to the treaty, the King refused any other promise, but took upon himself that he [Sir Nicholas] would rather help to maintain than in any part break that which was concluded.
9. The Queen asked if they would go to the church to thank God. Sir Nicholas on the left hand of the King and Smith on the right of the Queen went to the Cathedral, where, the prebendaries of other churches meeting and a great multitude, and the Bishop of Troyes in his pontificals, there was a Te Deum sung, after which the trumpets blew; and as they went, in the same manner they returned, and brought the King to his chamber where they took their leave.
10. They were asked what order the King would take for receiving the oath. Whereupon the Queen said she would talk with her council. And by and bye she called them and said the King minded to do Queen Elizabeth as much honour as he could, and therefore would send a kinsman of his, and named to them the Prince of Mantua and M. De Gonnorre to accompany him. Then both the King and the Queen asked whether Lord Robert should come or no, and seemed to desire that he should come. They said they would make no certain answer. It was further declared that they should so come that about six weeks hence they should be in England. The Queen prayed Smith to send her word speedily what men Queen Elizabeth will send and when they should be here. That night there was ringing of bells, shooting of ordnance, and bonfires made here.
11. Touching the hostages which should be first licensed to return, they have been required to write to her that M. De Palaiseau and De la Ferté might be the first, both because they are married, because their debts will first be paid, and because De Palaiseau was one of the first that came.
12. She shall perceive by Somers how liberally the King has considered the pain he has taken in this matter, and often coming and going. De Mauvissier is sent now to her by the King to congratulate on the peace; and it will be looked for that she should likewise deal liberally with him.—Troyes, 14 April 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
April 14. 325. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 13th he took leave of the King and his mother, who had long talk with him, chiefly of the affection they bear to her. He used good words on her behalf. They fell to talk of matters of marriage, lamenting that she was so alienate from it, and also of the means both to conserve and increase the amity now begun betwixt them. They pressed him again to tell them whether he thought she would send Lord Robert hither to take his oath for the observation of the treaty. He answered that he knew not her resolution therein. Then they said how grateful his coming hither should be for that purpose, and desired that they might know her resolution in it. She also told him that she thought the whole money would be ready to be sent into England sooner than agreed on in the treaty. Also that M. De Gonorre went now to Paris, both to put himself in order to make his voyage into England, and also to give order for the payment of the money. He took his leave of them both, and of the Duke of Orleans, all of whom desired him to present their recommendations to her. The Cardinals of Bourbon and Guise also desired to present their recommendations to her. This day intends to take his way towards Paris, and there remain according to the treaty until he shall receive the King's passport and permission to depart towards England.
2. Here has been somewhat to do amongst the great personages of this Court that the Prince of Mantua is appointed to this voyage, seeing that some of the Princes of the Blood desired the same.—Troyes, 14 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
April 14. 326. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Refers him to the treaty and his letters to the Queen by Somers, for what is in the peace, and what has been done. This day he takes his journey towards Paris, accompanied with La Salle and his guards. Is told they rather accompany him for surety and honour than for any other thing. Howsoever the matter goes, it shall be well that the hostages be put at liberty according to the treaty and used with favour. The sooner Her Majesty delivers the ratification signed and sealed to the French Ambassador there, and the sooner the King shall have received the same, the sooner he shall be permitted to depart this realm. Repeats what he wrote to the Queen this day, touching the King and Queen desiring to know Her Majesty's resolution for the oath-taking, and what personage shall be sent from thence. Asks him to help that Mauvissiere be there well treated and presented as Somers was here.—Troyes, 14 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
April 14. 327. Smith to Cecil.
1. Other matters are in their letters declared, and what lacks Somers can supply by word of mouth. Sends him some of Haddon's books.
2. Cannot get of the Chancellor that either he will give privilege nor yet dissimulare, and specially for Estienne, the printer who is hated of the Parisians, and is the King's printer, and who, the Chancellor says, will hardly escape punishment. All his letters are well known; and he fears his judges, and loath he would have him to take hurt. He would have the writer speak to the Queen again in that matter. It will not be amiss if Jugg, or Reyn. Wolf, or some other printer, print in their letters to each book;—Londini, [blank] die [blank] mensis, anno [blank], and Cum privilegio, etc. And then Cecil may send him 100 of them to Louvain or Antwerp to be dispersed. He supposes 200 will be enough for England.
3. The Queen here is timida (as the Chancellor says,) of the Pope and King Philip, and loath to appear to favour the Huguenots. Notwithstanding that she will suffer them to use their liberty according to the Edict, and will not take away the books of religion from private men; yet order is given that if they are found in any printer's or bookbinder's hands they shall be confiscated.
4. Sends Lord Robert his rider, Hercoles Trincheta.
5. The two Frenchmen he has, Somers has seen; there is no excellence in either of them. Asks for his recall, and for the payment of his money and his diets.
6. The Chancellor told him this day that the Prince of Mantua and Gonnorre should be shortly in England.
7. Cecil should consider what personages they will send, and take order for their rewards.
8. The Prince of Condé is sick of the palsy or apoplexy on the right side, which took him at tennis, and a fever upon it. The young Prince of Navarre in playing with the King had a fall and was hurt in the head, but it is thought he shall escape.
9. M. De Morrette, the Duke of Savoy's Ambassador, this day took his leave of the Chancellor and of the writer, ready to go home. He told them that the Queen here marvelled why the English comprehended the Duke of Savoy in their treaty. Yesterday all Savoy coins were decried in this town to bullion. Marcelles is gone to Paris to take order for the money which should be paid to the Queen.
10. Yesterday Sir Nicholas and he sent twice to have access to do reverence to Condé. They went indeed to motion the repayment of the Queen's money; but excuse was made that he was in a fever.
11. There has been some jarring these Easter holidays betwixt D'Andelot and the Queen. She will not suffer him to chose his officers and captains as the colonels were wont. Neither he, nor his brother, nor the Cardinal, nor Condé were at any time in the Council, or present whilst anything was done concerning the peace.—Troyes, 14 April 1564. Signed.
12. P.S.—The French who heretofore began their year at Easter, (as the English did at the Annunciation,) have by full Council concluded hereafter to begin their year on the 1st of January, as the rest of the world does. Prays him to think if herein it shall not be well that the English follow them. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
April 14. 328. Leonard Chilton to Challoner.
Was glad to hear that he and his household were arrived at Alcala in health. As touching his suit he knows not how long the King will tarry here; cannot say whether it shall be be here or no. Hears that one is come from England touching this suit with Don Alvaro. Supposes he is gone to Madrid to Challoner.—Valencia, 14 April 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
April 14. 329. Ralph Scudamore to [William] Fayre. (fn. 1)
1. His of the last of March he did not thoroughly look over for two days by reason of the little rest and great weariness in posting and coming to make his Lord's lodging, whereabouts he had no small trouble, caused by his Lordship coming afore his time. Is willed by his Lordship to signify his arrival at Madrid on the 3rd inst., who was not a little molested on the way with guards of every town denying them entry, in such sort that they spent much time in entreating of passage, and had much ado to effect it in some places; and in others neither entreating nor dealing would avail, as at Darracca.
2. P. S.—Has no time to enter upon further details.
Orig. Hol., with Challoner's letter of the same date. Pp. 4.
[April 14.] 330. Challoner to [William] Fayre.
Has received his, written on the [blank] of the last, written at Barcelona, with no small contentation of his diligence. He lively set forth therein the reception of the young Princes. Asks him to advertise him when he thinks the King will be here, at Madrid, and what day at Ocaña, and how long at Aranjuez. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Draft.


  • 1. This and the following letter are on the same sheet.