Elizabeth: August 1568, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: August 1568, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp511-523 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1568, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp511-523.

"Elizabeth: August 1568, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp511-523.

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August 1568, 1-15

[August 1.] 2392. News out of Scotland.
The Earl of Morton whilst holding a court at Kilmore was nearly taken by the Earl of Huntley with 700 horsemen. Morton went to Dundee, and was conveyed by Lord Gray to Kilsandie.
Pp. 1½.
[August 1.]
2393. News out of Scotland.
1. The Lord Gordon will be the 4th inst. at Edinburgh, He is reputed a Protestant. There is charge sent to Grange and others to enter themselves prisoners in the Castle of Dumbarton within twenty days. What they will do against Murray is not yet known.
2. This day the Earl of Athol and Lord Ruthven required the town of Edinburgh in the Queen's name to be furnished of money for the maintenance of 300 soldiers or so many men. The town has granted money for the pay of 200 men for two months. The soldiers are all paid in angels. They have gotten 3,000l. sterling amongst them.
P. ¾.
August 2. 2394. Lord Windsor to Cecil.
Being now setting forward of his journey towards Italy he salutes him, and means from time to time to advertise him. If anything should chance to him he desires Cecil to demand the wardship of his boy. There go with him two gentlemen, for whom he has license, and eight servants.—Spa, 2 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
August 2. 2395. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Defeat of Prince Louis of Nassau near Emden. Rochelle is the only place of importance left to the Protestants in France, and they are levying soldiers to besiege it. They of the town mind to abide the extremity. Brisac is returned with the heads of Coqueville, his camp master, and the captain of his horsemen, which be set upon poles in Paris. Touching the conspirators he understands by one Lobecius that if Cecil employs Captain Francois he thinks he will do much to come to the knowledge of some of them who take the enterprise in hand against the Queen. Would be glad to hear that Cockburn were safe in England, for the same day he departed his house was sought with a troop of men.—Paris, 2 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
August 3. 2396. Cecil to Sir Henry Norris.
The Queen has specially willed him to give him knowledge of her allowance of his doings. Thinks that the parties who tell him such tales might as well tell him the whole as such obscure parts. The Queen means to have the matter between the Queen of Scots and her subjects compounded with certain conditions. Is to continue his diligence in inquisition as to what preparations are intended to be sent into Scotland.
Draft. Incomplete. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
August 3. 2397. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. On the 29th ult. the Queen's favourers convened at Ayr, viz., the Earls of Argyll, Eglinton, and Cassillis; the Archbishop of St. Andrew's, the Lord Boyd; Lochinvar and many other gentlemen. Has sent to Cessford requiring amendment of his unquiet neighbourhood, who has answered that he will undertake till the 6th that none of his shall give any provocation to further mischief, and after will advertise what he will be able further to do. Even now has come one of the Earl of Huntley's proper servants into Tividale to practise to break the Borders. This was debated by the Queen's side more than six months past in France, and by the French well allowed. There is here some indirect person who has credit in Court who seems to bruit that Drury's misgovernment will breed this kind of success and that he was written to from the Lords of the Council to his rebuke for his usage towards them, and that he should be removed and another take the charge, whereat they much rejoice. This was bruited in Tividale immediately upon receipt of the Council's letter.—Berwick, 3 August. Signed.
2. P.S. — The process for the killing of the Regent was plotted in Carlisle before the departure of the Queen thence.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 4. 2398. Peter Bach to Cecil.
Hearing of Cecil's sickness he did not come to him, and afterwards through his own illness was unable to do so. Begs that his privileges may be extended so as to include Ireland. —Wauton Croix [Waltham Cross], 4 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 6. 2399. Dr. Man to Cecil.
The Prince of Spain died two days before his departure from the Court, not without great suspicion of a [taste]. Has proved the seas twice and been driven back, so that he is forced to take his way by land through France.—St. Sebastian, 6 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 7. 2400. The Regent Murray to [Cecil].
Is glad to hear by his letter that the King's mother has become so religious; and would be more so if he could be persuaded of her unfeigned liking of the true preaching of the gospel. Fears being restored to her government again, it would be one of the most difficult conditions that she should abandon the Mass. Has received a letter from her which he has answered. Sends a copy of his answer.— Stirling Castle, 7 August 1568. Signed.
P. 1.
August 7. 2401. The Regent Murray to Mary Queen of Scots.
1. Has received her letter, the sum whereof consisted chiefly in the accusation of his unthankfulness and evil natural, that having received so many benefits at her hands he finds it in his heart to pursue her life at the Parliament, besides many other great outrages alleged done by him. If he had been as willing to shorten her days as they who now principally disturb the quietness of the realm, she had long ere now been rid of this mortal life. Will never ask God mercy for any thought that ever entered his mind towards the life of any mortal man, let be her whom he has loved as dearly as any living creature. As for all other injuries wherewith she burdens him in her letter, he is ready to give account at all times. Has also received with her letter the doubles of two of his written the time he was most unjustly exiled his native country. She need not reproach him that at that time any favour was shown to him. Has not as yet been required of her in particular of anything that he might do without prejudice of the public estate but he has answered it as became him.
2. Whereas she requires to know whether her servants may pass and repass from the place where she presently remains, some under that colour have used a common practising with such of the Borderers as they thought might be induced to break the country, yet will he not restrain the passage of such as are quiet. It were good that their names should be expressed, and they well known to whom this liberty should be granted.—Stirling, 7 August 1568.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
August 7. 2402. N. Stopio to Cecil.
News of the Turkish fleet.—Venice, 7 August 1568. Signed.
Endd. Ital. P. ½.
2403. Advices.
News from Paris of the 9th July 1568; Lyons, 19th July; Rome, 31st July; Vienna, 29th July.
Ital. Pp. 4. Enclosure.
August 7. 2404. Arthur Hall to Cecil.
1. Returned from Naples to this town on the 10th ult. Gives an account of his journey with the names of the different places which he passed through. Entered the Campagna of Rome, where in six or seven score miles is not almost one house, yet very fruitful for corn; in the midst whereof Rome stands showing itself for the desolation thereof, a fit broach to set in such a cap. Many pillars remain of porphyry and marble both marvellous great and fair. The Pope keeps no Court to any purpose. His devotion is thought to be great because he is diligent in coming to church and establishing religion.
2. Certain of his nephews he has greatly preferred. At Rome found divers Englishmen. Mr. Goldwell late Bishop of St. Asaph used him courteously, but the rest being about fourteen or sixteen, the most being in a hospital there, reported him a heretic; which is but homely jesting at Rome, and to make such birds good there the Pope has built a new white house, which is called the Inquisition. Being bid to dinner amongst them, no talk with some of them but of the Queen's Majesty and of the government in England with too much unreverence for Englishmen, whose mouths he soon stopped.
3. They or such like have raised such reports of the Queen's Majesty and others as he could not but be sorry to hear. At his return Cecil shall understand the whole. At Naples Corpus Christi Day saw 400 or 500 gentlemen so well horsed as it is hard to see the like. In all parts of the kingdom is such robbing as no man can travel but in strong company. At his return to Rome heard the first news of the deaths of Counts Egmont and Horn, which was so taken of the Papists themselves as they cried out shame on King Philip. Came to Florence, a town for beauty comparable with the fairest in Italy, and to be preferred before any, Venice except; it stands in a corner. The Duke's governance is such as the Florentines curse him, and the strangers rail of him. The Turkish Armada the Venetians this year have been afraid of more than once, and therefore have armed and unarmed twice or thrice.
4. The Turk has done nothing this summer. — Venice, 7 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4.
August 8. 2405. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. What is intended towards this Border he may perceive by the enclosed letter from Captain Carvell. Some supply of horsemen or footmen necessary. Their horsemen are decayed, the one half being feeble not fit for service, and store of money there is none. If revenge be inconvenient to such manner of persons, suffering is more dangerous.
2. P.S. — There are apprehended for conspiracy of the Regent's death Patrick Ballentyne and a son of the Bishop of Moray's. William Stewart was likewise of the conspiracy, who was sent into Denmark for Earl Bothwell and who has now fled. Gives names of certain people who have been apprehended for waging men to the West Borders.—Berwick, 8 August 1568. Signed.
3. "Schylstoke Braye" was willed by the Queen at one of the times that he was with her at Carlisle to procure fire to be raised in certain towns belonging to Lord Home; and also encouraged by her messages the loose people of Tividale, Liddlesdale, and the West Borders. No less than breaking of the Borders is meant. Craves to know who of Scotland was the complainer of the disorders of the Borders.—Berwick, 8th August. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 7. 2406. Captain Carvell and Others to Drury.
This present Saturday about three in the afternoon the Scots ran [a foray] at Heathpool and slew one man and hurt others and drove away threescore nolte. Followed them to [Yetholm], but could not rescue the cattle, as the Scots gathered so fast to the number of 700 or 800, who gave two charges upon them very earnestly both before and behind, and when the night overtook them gave four charges upon them before they came to Paston. They shot through the drum head with an arrow and threw stones amongst the soldiers, who applied their shot wonderfully well, so that they hope some of them have not gone quit away. None of their companies ail anything, but that John Ryveley is taken in the last charge at Paston town end.—Downham, 7 August 1568. Signed: Robert Carvell, Raff Selbee, Heugh Lewes.
Copy. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
August 7. 2407. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Conde and the Admiral are minded to send Robert Stewart to her. This peace has brought so small assurance to the religion that they stood in less peril during their late troubles than at the present time. The which thing was meant when the peace was yet in treaty, as appears by the letters intercepted from the Cardinal of Lorraine to the Duchess of Guise. More have been murdered since the publishing of the peace than were all these last troubles. Daily murders are committed without any punishment to the offenders, others violently taken out of their houses in the night and led to the river, being without remorse drowned. Mentions attempts to murder M. Esternay and Conde. The Cardinal of Lorraine proceeds with such extremity as there is like to arise great inconvenience except there may some honourable means be found either to relieve the case or else procure some better observation of the Edict. This would better beseem her than any other Prince, as she is defender of the faith and the greatest Prince who professes the religion. All at the University of Paris are bound to take an oath of faith and obedience to the King, and not to take arms or collect money without his commandment, and live in peace with the Catholics. All who have refused are commanded to appear no more at common lectures. Preparation of vessels is made for the besieging of Rochelle as it is said. Can come to no perfect knowledge of the Italian whom he aforetime advertised her of. If she urges Robert Stewart cannestly, he will he thinks it were a thing of truth or devised to serve their own turn withal. Finds that matters in the Low Countries are not in such desperate state as they were given forth.—Paris, 7 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4.
August 7. 2408. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Expresses his sorrow on account of his sickness. The Protestants are most cruelly murdered. It being but the meaner sort of men who hitherto have suffered, the Cardinal of Lorraine intends to do the like to the nobility, so that they will shortly be forced either to yield up their lives or fly to arms. Desires him to forget the unadvised words used by Stewart at his last being with him.—Paris, 7 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
August 8. 2409. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Death of the Prince of Spain. Two of the King of Spain's couriers murdered passing through France and their packets lost.—Paris, 8 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
August 8. 2410. [The Admiral of France] to Cecil.
Letter of credit for the bearer, whose name is not given.— Bresle, 8 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Fr. P. ¼.
August 8. 2411. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
Cessford, notwithstanding his promise, has neither performed the good behaviour of his people or advertised him what he can or would do therein. A reft has been done within three miles of this town. Either their justiciar cannot be obeyed or else he winks at their doings. None of his side have given any provocation. Their numbers have increased from 300 to 700 in sudden forays. Shalstockbraye, a well known trespasser against these Borders, has of late employed himself to win credit with the Queen of Scots by carrying letters full of much sedition and mischief. Forbears to revenge chiefly because their Lordships have commanded him abstinence; yet if this manner of proceeding be suffered upon hope of redress by peaceable justice, the poor inhabitants here will shortly be forced to leave the March abandoned. To defend sometimes with sharp revenge is the fittest instrument for discipline in these parts.—Berwick, 8 Aug. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 9. 2412. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
Understands that the Duke of Chatelherault has solicited aid to be conducted into Scotland, and that he has obtained about 1,500 shot; whereupon Norris is to inform him that the Queen of Scots has committed unto her the ordering of her cause, and to require him to forbear the soliciting of any aid from thence.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 9. 2413. Oath of Allegiance.
Oath of allegiance and obedience to Charles IX. and his officers to be administered to the Huguenot gentlemen.—9 August 1568.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
August 12. 2414. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
1. Landed at St. Nicholas on the 3rd inst. Their passage was well to be liked of; twenty days or thereabouts they saw no land. Was the worst troubled of the whole company, and feels yet the pains he endured there. Their provision laid in by the merchants was of the meanest, beer stark sour, and water so evil that none could be worse. Commends the master, William of Barrow, to Cecil's favour. Has seen what practices are used by such as were the Company's servants to overthrow this trade. Remedy must come by Cecil. One matter he finds aggravated against Jenkinson as he believes, as though he should have dealt with that Prince in some matter of marriage either with the Emperor or his son. The Emperor of late has beheaded no small number of his nobility, causing their heads and bodies to be laid in the streets, to see who durst behold them or lament their deaths. Divers others have been cut in pieces by his commandment. Intends to be with him as soon as he can, the sooner to be out of his country, where heads go so fast to the pot.—St. Nicholas, 12 August 1568. Signed.
2. P.S.—Has visited the monks of St. Nicholas, who are more in drink than in virtue or sobriety, full of superstition, and in his judgment very hypocrites.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
August 12. 2415. Thomas Bannister and Geoffry Duckett to Cecil.
Departed from Harwich the 2nd of July and arrived here the 2nd of August. It might have been sailed in half that time but for contrary winds. Found it to be one of the goodliest navigations ever sailed. They never cast the lead from the coast of England till they anchored here. Would think their lives more assured to come hither than if they were to pass by sea from London to Antwerp. Find the estate of the Company to stand very evil, as well touching their accounts as also with the Prince. Have given secret and full advertisement unto certain of the Company whom they think meet to attend upon Cecil and the rest of the Lords of the Council for this matter. This trade being thoroughly entered into will maintain thirty or forty great ships, and will breed good mariners for the service of the realm. It will vent the most part of the coloured cloths, and in short time all the kerseys made within the realm. It returns home good and profitable wares; and will furnish the Queen's navy with cables, cordage, masts, sails, pitch and tar, whereby her Grace is delivered out of the bondage of the King of Denmark and the town of Dantzick. It makes the passage into Persia, whereby great benefit is like to ensue to Her Majesty in customs and otherwise to the commonwealth. Have better hope than ever of bringing the trade of spices this way. This matter of Persia touches the Italians and strangers very near; for the Italians have had the whole trade of silks and much spices brought by the Venetians; the Flemings in like case have the staple of all spices placed at Antwerp by the Portugals. Mind to appoint Bassington with two mariners and interpreters to pass from Pechoray in a Russian boat with the first open water in the spring along the coast eastwards for the trial of the north-east passage; which will be done at a small cost, and as their masters say to more purpose than if two barks should be set out.—St. Nicholas, 12 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
2416. Duplicate of the above.
Pp. 2½.
August 12. 2417. Thomas Bannister and Geoffry Duckett to the Muscovy Company.
1. There passed nothing amongst them at their last "comity" but that the enemies of the Company had it, and thereby have overthrown all their proceedings to the hazard of the whole. Understand that there has been such practise used here this last year at Jenkinson's being here as has put all in hazard. Enclose two letters. The enemies certified the Emperor and the Duke that the Company had so practised in England that they had of purpose brought Jenkinson in displeasure with the Queen only because he went about to further the Emperor's matters, and also by their practise that the ambassador was stayed; which matter being believed the Emperor and Duke granted them their privilege. Their mark of Company is framed as near and like the Company's mark as they can. If they be not able to overthrow them the Company will be a laughing stock to the whole world. Hear that John Capel has gone for England. Advise that neither he, Jenkinson, or any other be dealt withal in this matter till they have ended their matters here, for otherwise it would confirm their sayings that they are punished for the Emperor's matters. Pray that it would please the Queen to write to the Emperor to reprove their false informations; and if in any his requests there be any small matter that may be yielded, it would please her to have consideration to it. Hear that the Emperor would require 100 Englishmen for the guard of his person, which might be so handled as it should not be Her Majesty's act, and would be a honour to the Queen and country. Desire to have their full determination if things grow to extremity what they shall do; in the meantime they will with all diligence and policy give them the overthrow if they can. For the sending of their letters with speed and safety think they should freight some small fine bark. There is no doubt of the "frebyters" at this time of the year, and being a fine bark she need not fear them. The 3,000 roubles that remain in Glover's hands he has made three returns to the mint, and has gained thereby 700 roubles.
2. It is possible that Jenkinson has not opened to the Queen all such matter as the Emperor gave him in commission; wherefore if Her Majesty writes again it were good that it were touched, that Her Majesty by her ambassador answered all matters that Jenkinson opened unto her, and if there were more matter then her ambassador has given in commission to answer that the same was not by Jenkinson opened. Mind to use all the policy they can to get a copy of their information given to the Emperor.
3. For provision to be made for this voyage and the Persia voyage of next year they must see to it in time although the matter stands as aforesaid. See no remedy but that it must be made at adventure, staying the shipping thereof as long as they can for their answer, and if it fall out that they do not conclude with the Emperor for the continuance of the trade, the wares being bought by skilful merchants and for ready money, although they should sell them again they would be gainers. Desire to know their pleasure if they cannot overthrow these lewd practises what they shall do with the kerseys.—In the Narva, 12 August 1568. Signed. Addressed to the merchants, amongst whose names is that of Francis Walsingham.
Endd. Pp. 4¼.
August 12. 2418. John Shers to Cecil.
Has been with the Spanish Ambassador about the two merchants; who promised his letters both to the Duke of Alva and to his under officers of the places where they have been called by proclamation, and also for the stay of the inventory taken of their goods.—London, 12 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
August 12. 2419. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
Excuses himself for the delay in answering her letter. A good part of the nobility are come already, to whom he has communicated her letter. They would gladly have performed her request towards the staying of this Parliament; but the Earls of Huntly and Argyll with some others of the Hamilton's factions, have taken so great enterprises in hand for the overthrow of the King's estate that if they should wink at the same it would shortly be too late for them to put order thereto. If the Parliament were deferred but a day they would make the people believe that they durst not proceed forward. Also some of the faction upon the Middle March travail at their utter powers to break the Borders. Has written to his servant Mr. John Wood, and commanded him to inform her hereof at greater length as also to declare the names of the noblemen and others appointed to resort towards her realm for the effect mentioned in her letter.—Edinburgh, 12 August 1568.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 12. 2420. Counts Edzard and John of East Friesland to Cecil.
His zeal in their affairs and for true religion has been praised by their envoys. Their fear of the hostility of the Spaniards was not vain, for on the 2nd inst. they proclaimed at Groningen that forasmuch as the inhabitants had admitted heretical preachers into the town their lives and goods were forfeited; but that the King Catholic out of his royal clemency was graciously pleased to pardon those who remained in the Roman Catholic Church; but whoever frequented heretical meetings should lose goods and life, the men by the halter and the women by drowning. Trust that Cecil will not cease to be their friend with the Queen of England.—Aurich, 12 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
August 12. 2421. Counts Edzard and John of East Friesland to the Queen.
On the 21st July (although they had given no cause of complaint except receiving fugitives on account of religion and allowed English merchandise to come into their territories) on the defeat of Count Louis their possessions were invaded, the houses of their subjects burnt, their furniture taken away, peasants slain, and women violated in a most barbarous manner. If they had not been called elsewhere by heavy danger they would have overran the rest of their territories, for the Duke of Alva forming his fingers into a cross swore that there should be no peace until he had extirpated the Counts of East Friesland and Oldenburg. Implore her to give them assistance.—Aurich, 12 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½.
August 12. 2422. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Understands that the Queen of England is now resolved quickly to have this matter between the King and his mother put to a final stay. Desires to know what noblemen are nominated to be sent to Newcastle for that matter. Would be glad if Cecil were able to occupy a room therein.—Edinburgh, 12 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 12. 2423. The Regent Murray to Leicester.
Assures him that the truth is as he has written to the Queen and as his servant John Wood shall declare. Wishes Leicester were amongst the noblemen to be sent to Newcastle. —Edinburgh, 12 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 14. 2424. The Queen to the Earl of Argyll.
Understands from the Lord Deputy of Ireland, Sir Henry Sidney, his good meaning to stay the disordered resort of certain evil disposed people of the Islands and Cantire into the North parts of Ireland. Hears that at present the heads of the said people have assembled great numbers and levied great taxes of victual. If this prove true and any numbers resort into her said realm, being in this sort relieved under his rule, they shall find small advantage of their coming, and she will make less account of such good-will as in appearance he has pretended towards her.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.
August 14. 2425. Lord Windsor to Cecil.
The Prince of Orange has been in the field since the 9th inst. and lies at Aremberg with 8,000 horse and eighty ensigns of footmen, whereof there are 8,000 Gascons, all shot. It is said that the Princes that join in the league to assist the Prince of Orange mean to send letters to all the noblemen who serve the Duke of Alva being of Germany to come and assist them upon pain of the loss of their heads. The inclination of all sorts of people is greatly of the Prince of Orange's side.— Aix-la-Chapelle, 14 August. Signed: Edwarde Wyndesor.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
August 14. 2426. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
The Duke of Chatelherault intends to embark at Nantes with the forces that Martigues has provided and to land at Dumbarton, hoping to wholly change the government of Scotland. Intends to repair to the Court and charge the King and the Queen Mother with their promises not to send any forces into Scotland without her consent. The King continues sick of his fever at Madrid. The preparation for Rochelle still continues.—Paris, 14 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
August 14. 2427. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Advertises him of the intended departure of the Duke of Chatelherault to Scotland. They boast that the Queen of Scots has more friends in England than in France or Scotland. Can by no means attain to further knowledge of the Italian, though the Admiral has since advertised the same that aforetime he did. Thinks they would not raise such a bruit without some great occasion.—Paris, 14 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Partly in cipher. Pp. 1½.
August 15. 2428. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. Has had audience with the Queen Mother, who told him that she was utterly ignorant of any preparation of ships and soldiers for Scotland; but as the Queen of England has promised to place the Queen of Scots in her former estate, she would never consent to be made a liar in that she promised to send no forces thither.
2. Notwithstanding these fair words he is credibly informed that Martigues continues still his preparation at Nantes; and that the Duke only stays for certain money which he should receive from the King. There is no better means to countermine them than to help maintain the religion and the chief Lords thereof in France. Is glad to hear of Cecil's recovery and to receive such comfortable words of the Queen's good opinion of his service.—Paris, 15 August. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
August 15. 2429. Advices.
Paris, 30th July; Lyons, 2nd August 1568. Movements of the Huguenot party. News of the French Court. Rome, 14th August. Marriages amongst the nobility and other news of the Papal Court. The Turkish fleet. Zara, 15th August. Skirmish with the Turks.
Ital. Pp. 5.
August 15. 2430. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
At Ayr at the convention assembled by the Hamiltons they caused to be proclaimed that the Regent was the murderer of their late King, alleging the cause thereof for that he was a Papist; and commanded all men in the Queen's name to hold themselves ready when they should be called. They have provided 200 shot well appointed. The Hamiltons have recovered Hamilton Castle. The conspiracy against the Regent should have been executed in Edinburgh; forty to have entered his chamber for to execute, and other forty thereabouts to assist, and being done to have retired to the Abbey till relief came. Lord Herries wrote to the Regent making the superscription simply to the Earl of Murray without addition of his office of Regency, who would not open the letter. It was sent sealed as it came back to him. Lord Home has been offered the Queen's remission for whatsoever he has attempted, but will not be corrupted. In the last skirmish were slain many horses of the Scots and divers men killed and sore hurt with harquebuss shot. They were at least 800, and the English not 163. Every one acquitted himself dutifully with great valiance. Trusts that the Lords will provide some order for the chastisement of the Scotch Borderers. Have taken prisoners to the number of eighteen. The Regent is making a platform and fortifies at Edinburgh. At Dundee and St. Johnstone they fear wars because the Earl of Huntley threatens them.—Berwick, 15 August. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.