Elizabeth: August 1568, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: August 1568, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp523-536 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1568, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp523-536.

"Elizabeth: August 1568, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp523-536.

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August 1568, 16-31

August 16. 2431. Parliament held at Edinburgh.
Summary of the Acts of forfeiture passed against the adherents of Queen Mary; also penalties enacted against those who do not attend the kirk. List of the Hamiltons and others who have forfeited their lands and goods.
Endd. Pp. 3.
August 17. 2432. Christopher Mundt to Cecil.
1. Many soldiers daily pass out of Lorraine and France for the Prince of Orange. The Prince is determined to march over the Rhine on the 20th inst. with 6,000 horsemen and four regiments of foot, besides the Lorrainers and Gascons, who are all gunners. If Orange were not maintained of other Princes and friends he were not able to do anything. The German Princes be greatly offended with the Spanish cruelty and superstition. Soldiers who would go to serve Orange be apprehended in the Archduke Ferdinand's and his friends' countries.
2. The Emperor has sent into Spain for his two sons, but the King has made no answer to his request. The Duke of Bipont has sent to Mundt to offer to the Queen 2,000 horsemen and forty ensigns of footmen, and likewise forty great cannon if she will pay for the same what they have cost him. Has advised him to send an agent to Her Majesty. It is like that all the Princes Protestant must join together if they would conserve their religion, estates, and dignity, wherein England should be their principal fundament.
Pp. 2½.
3. P.S.—Would be glad of an ambling gelding if it could be brought safely. Remembers that the harness that five years ago he had made for Mr. Thomas Cecil was stayed. The Dutch soldiers steal and rob no less than the Spaniards.
On a separate sheet of paper. Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
August 18. 2433. Lord Scrope to [Forster].
Has received his together with a copy of the Queen's letter, whereby he perceives her pleasure is for certain service that he [Forster] should give his aid and advice. Desires if there is any disorder, as they shall think necessary that with all their forces they shall meet to reform, or otherwise by some of these Borderers in secret manner to have met with, that he will advertise him thereof (sic). He will not fail to meet him, and will be ready to give oversight to these Borderers to annoy in secret any such offenders as he shall make known to him.—Carlisle, 18 August 1568. Signed.
P. 1.
August 20. 2434. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Letter of credit for Mr. John Wood. — Edinburgh, 20 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
August 20. 2435. The Duke of Alva to the Queen.
The bearer, Don Garan De Espes, being appointed Ambassador resident at her Court for the King of Spain, he has desired him to inform her of the events which have happened here.—Bois le Duc, 20 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Armorial seal. Fr. Broadside.
August 20. 2436. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. On the 19th inst. the same man who gave him first notice of the conspiracy met him secretly again, and declared that the Cardinal of Lorraine understanding of the convention that shall be held on the Borders of England and Scotland, had moved the King to send one expressly to let that nothing be done in prejudice of the Queen of Scots; albeit this is not the only cause of his coming, having to communicate with such as have intelligence with the Pope, unto whom he brings particular letters from the King and the Cardinal. He does not carry himself the said letters, fearing to be searched. He is named Monsr. De Mande, Prothonotary to the Cardinal, who aforetime had charge at Rome for the King, and now serves for agent under the Pope's Nuncio. Is willed to advertise her in no case to permit this Prothonotary to negotiate in the said affairs.
2. Had delivered from Menillie the discourse which he sends, being taken to him by the Cardinal of Chatillon to be sent, and also an intercepted letter. There are great cruelties shown against the Protestants.—Paris, 20 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
August 20. 2437. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. Sends the copy of a letter sent by the agent of the Cardinal De Crequi to his master, wherein he bewrays part of their designs and discovers their secrets.
2. There has been an oath ministered to all the learned in Paris, the copy whereof he sends, which has chased hence a great sort of good students and "exquisite" persons. Wish that M. De Mande's servant at his coming to Dover may be searched, as he is laden with letters of great importance. Captain De la Garde will not let the English prisoners at Marseilles go without ransom. Intends earnestly to urge for their delivery.—Paris, 20 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
August 9. 2438. The Agent of the Cardinal De Crequi to his Master.
1. Hopes to be able to accomplish his charge within the next week. The Court is so occupied that private matters are much deferred.
2. Yesterday being with a certain nobleman about his business, he was informed by him that a dispatch had been sent to the Marshal De Cosse directing him to tell the nobility of Picardy who professed the new religion, and amongst others certain enemies of the Cardinal's house, that the King desired to maintain them in the exercise of their religion and that he considered them to be good and loyal subjects, and what he was now doing was only to secure himself against the inhabitants of certain insolent and seditious towns; and having established quiet he intended to favour the nobility of either religion equally, causing them to live in union under the authority of his Edicts. For this purpose letters were to be sent to certain persons, a list of whom he encloses. Lest the loyal Catholic subjects of the King might be discouraged, the nobleman charged the writer to tell further of the intentions of their Majesties, which the Cardinal is only to communicate to those who are discreet, which is to take care that all the power should remain with the King, and to deprive the Huguenots of the means of assembling themselves; and having reduced them to this point to totally exterminate the vermin, who are hostile to God, the King, and the State. In the meanwhile (which cannot be longer than till the end of this month) they have sent into every province to amuse and lull to sleep those of the religion, so that some have even come here.
3. After dinner the said nobleman complained that there were certain persons in the Court who secretly hindered all good and righteous enterprises, but for whose dissimulations the whole kingdom would have been reduced to obedience more than a month ago; but they were known and watched and had not the credit that they imagined they had. The writer perceived that he was vexed with a speech that the King had made the day before, praying the Queen Mother "presque a jointes mains," not to cause war again but to preserve peace and the Edict, for otherwise the whole of his kingdom would be destroyed and his people ruined, and on the Queen Mother's mentioning the rebellion of those of Rochelle, he replied that they only asked that their ancient privileges might be observed, and that it was much better to grant that than to enter into civil war, and as to his nobility he was sure they would live peaceably if they would only observe the Edict. The said Queen and many others of high rank only desire and intend to see the realm in the same condition that it was in the times of Francis I. and Henry II., and wish to make the King understand that that which they do is solely for the purpose of making him absolute, and cleansing his realm from the plague with which it is infested. —Madrid (near Paris), 9 August 1568.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4½. Enclosure.
2439. Another copy.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3½.
August 20. 2440. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires to be told the truth of certain matters, so that he may know whether the party who advertised him may be trusted. The Prince of Conde has augmented his forces, but has not yet taken arms.—Paris, 20 August. Signed.
Imperfect. Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
August 20. 2441. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
Marshal Montmorency is very desirous to have answer to the letter which he wrote to Leicester. The King perceiving the religion risen in good troops in Provence and Poitou, and the Prince of Orange to be come to Cologne with 5,000 horse and 15,000 footmen, has altered his determination for the siege of Rochelle, minding to send his forces into Burgundy, fearing lest the Prince of Orange deliver his Almains to Conde.—Paris, 20 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
2442. Rough draft of the first part of the above, with a fragment of another letter.
Pp. 1¼.
August 21. 2443. Sir Henry Lee to Cecil.
Has held his hand from writing for some time past, because his place was so well supplied by Mr. Hall. News of the death of Don Carlos.—Venice, 21 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
August 21. 2444. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. The third day of the Parliament at Edinburgh it was advertised that the Earl of Huntley was to the number of 2,000 and more, and that he intended to burn St. Johnstone or Dundee, which he more bruited for colour, to the intent that he might with less impeachment pass to Glasgow to join with Argyll and Fleming, who were there with 1,500 men besieging the castle. This moved them for that time to dissolve the Parliament, and forthwith to send over 300 into Fife against Huntley. The next morning being the 20th came one in great haste from the Tutor of Petticur (who said) that he had in the night being but 300 given a desperate adventure upon the Earl, whose people retired without order to the loss of 140 carriages and as many prisoners, and he was following on the chase. The Regent has sent to the Earl of Argyll and the rest that if any of them will come in and acknowledge the King and his authority, he shall be received, but if they proceed in their contempt that then it shall be too late to offer it.
2. Lord Herries of late sent letters to Huntley with a copy of a letter written from the Queen of England purporting some manner of comfort to the Queen of Scots and her side, as that this Parliament should not in any way prejudice her or her cause; which letters were intercepted and brought to the Regent, who, though his adversaries take great comfort thereat, judges the meaning to be more mild towards himself than their construction. He has also intercepted letters written from the Queen to divers persons, wherein she uses good words of comfort to proceed in their secret purposes against her rebels. He has likewise intercepted a letter from Mr. John Livingston to his father, who wrote that the Queen let him see a letter out of France that the King would relieve her with 6,000 Frenchmen. This may be accounted for a vain thing; but what the Regent has most care of is, that George Douglas has taken up 1,000 Frenchmen to be paid out of the Queen's dowry, and means to conduct them hither about the middle or end of next month with the Duke himself; and this the Regent makes great care of, for though the money and men be appointed by the French, yet they may avoid it; as that it were not their intention to assist directly with money or men, but to give her her dowry, which they cannot deny, and as for the men they will not restrain them from seeking their adventure at foreign charges. Has received the Queen and the Lord's letters for the conservation of the Borders, and warrant to recover amends for the losses. Is watchful to hearken where the next raid shall light, which if his "spiall" do not greatly deceive him he will be quittance with many of them. Has lack of money to imprest the soldiers lying in the country. —Berwick, 21 Aug. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3¼.
August 22. 2445. The Queen to the Duchess of Feria.
Although such length of time has passed since she heard from her that she might think her very forgetful of her natural duty, yet her cousin William Harrington bringing her letter and certain good tokens of her well meaning, she could not but thankfully receive them. Had intended to have accounted her as a stranger and forgetful subject, which meaning she is now content to change. Very well likes and allows of the bearer.—Eston.
Endd.: 21 August 1568. Draft corrected by Cecil. P. 1.
2446. Fair draft of the above.—Signed by the Queen's Majesty thus: Your Sovereign and friend Elizabeth R. Dated 22 Aug.
Endd. P. 1.
August 22. 2447. Lord Scrope to [Cecil].
1. Has received the Council's letters for the apprehension of Francis Dacres and divers his assistants in the riot by them committed at the last assize. Has given order for the meeting with most of them. Will send up as many as shall be thought meet.—Carlisle, 22 Aug. 1568. Signed.
2. P.S.—Cannot yet meet with Francis Dacres.
P. 1.
August [22]. 2448. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Since sealing up his packet has received this letter from the Regent, and according to the contents has advertised Scrope and Forster.—Berwick. "The same date that my other letters in the packet have." Signed.
Add. Endd.: 22 Aug. 1568. P. ¼.
August 21. 2449. The Regent Murray to Drury.
The Laird of Ferniehurst has looked continually upon the 14th, 15th, and 16th inst., when the Queen should be conveyed privily to his house forth of Bolton by means of some Englishmen. Doubts not but that the Queen of England would be most highly offended to receive such an injury in such a manner.—Edinburgh, 21 August 1568. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. P. ½. Enclosure.
August 22. 2450. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Recommends the bearer, who is compelled to fly his country on account of religion, as one very skilful in all kinds of instruments for the mathematics.—Paris, 22 Aug. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
August 23. 2451. The Prince of Conde to Charles IX.
Complains of the outrages and oppressions inflicted on those of the reformed religion, which they have borne patiently hoping to get some relief in time. Does not blame the King for this as he has shown both by his dispatches and also by the language used towards the Queen Mother how odious the renewal of these troubles is to him. They impute the cause of this to the Cardinal of Lorraine and his adherents, by whose practices and secret intelligence with Spain these divisions between his subjects have lasted for six years. As they have returned unarmed to their houses relying on the King's sole promise, he asks whether it shall be said that the King's faith was used merely for a snare in order to assassinate his most obedient subjects. Complains that after being compelled to go from house to house with their wives and children, when they have at last retired to this place on the confines of France, spies have been sent to note the height of the walls, and find means to surprise them. How can they be taken for true subjects who have always affected his crown to divide it with strangers, and who maintain against all truth that they are descended from the legitimate Kings of France, whose crown has been usurped by the King's predecessors from their ancestors. Declares that their only desire is to live in peace and observe his Edicts and ordinances.—Noyers, 23 August 1568.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 4.
2452. Another copy.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
August 23. 2453. Instructions for Lord Hunsdon.
Directions for his guidance in his charge as Governor of Berwick as to appointing officers, holding musters, and viewing munitions and ordnance, and causing perfect books to be made of the same. Also for filling up such of the pensions as become void with the old crew of horsemen being unable to serve.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 5.
August 23. 2454. Instructions for Lord Hunsdon.
Directions for his guidance in the office of Warden of the East Marches. He is to confer with the other Wardens and view the state of his charge. To see to the reparation of different castles, and to put in execution the statute for enclosures, and to prevent the conveyance of horses out of the realm. He may levy 100 horsemen, whereof fifty might carry shot.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 4¼.
August 23. 2455. Charges at Berwick.
Rough notes of the charges at Berwick at different periods from the time of Henry VIII. to 23 August 1568.
In Cecil's writing. Pp. 2.
August 24. 2456. The Queen to Valentine Browne.
Authorising him to disburse certain extraordinary charges likely to ensue by the employment of some numbers of horsemen on the frontiers, upon the warrant in writing of Lord Hunsdon.—24 Aug.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. P. 1.
August 24. 2457. The Queen to Drury.
Discharges him from the government of Berwick.— 24 August 1568.
Draft in Cecil's writing. P. 1.
August 24. 2458. The Queen to Sir Henry Percy.
Directs him together with Sir John Forster to assist Lord Hunsdon at such time as he shall signify unto them to understand the condition and perfect state of the Borders.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd.: "The like to Sir John Forster." P. 1.
August 25. 2459. The Magistrates of Dantzick to Queen Elizabeth,
Have received her letter of July 3rd, demanding the restitution of the ships and goods of certain of her subjects which they lost on their voyage towards Narva, which they affirm they had nothing to do with, and refer her to the King of Poland for redress. As to the other matter, certain ships of their townsmen being detained in England the men desired to stay certain English ships, which they could not refuse. Desire that their own ships and goods may be restored.— Dantzick, 25 Aug. 1568.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 25. 2460. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
The other party having taken arms of determinate purpose to have repaired towards Edinburgh if they found themselves of [sufficient] power, they thought it good to proceed to the forfeiture of certain who of late have been the authors of the renewing of hostility; delaying that process against the remainder, especially them in the degree of nobility, to the end that they or their kinsmen might have time to procure pardon upon their submission and acknowledging of their former offences. Understands that it is her pleasure that some of this State should repair to Richmond. Minds to keep the tryst himself against the 10th September.—Edinburgh, 25 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
August 25. 2461. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Has written to the Queen of England. Desires him according to his accustomed goodwill, to give good advice that she accept not the same letter in evil part.—Edinburgh, 25 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
August 25. 2462. Mr. John Wood to the Earl of Leicester.
Forwards letters from the Regent. Beseeches him to supply his place in reporting the truth for satisfaction of the Queen, whom his master is so loath to offend, having from his bairnhood dedicated his life to her service; and to let her know the open arms, the private treasons, and the practices in France for his destruction. Also to let Her Majesty consider the extremity whereunto he is driven for defence of his own life and that of the innocent Prince.—[Berwick], 25 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 25. 2463. Mr. John Wood to Cecil.
Forwards letters from the Regent. One thing is worthy to be marked, that the Earl of Huntly came with his forces beyond 160 miles, so that it may appear that he and Argyll were in arms before they could be certified whether the Regent would hold Parliament or not, and therefore trusted to their own force and not to the Queen's letter. Cecil can better use the naked writing herein to persuasion of the Queen to consider the Regent's state and necessity to which he was driven by the proved attempts and other practices of the French faction.—[Berwick], 25 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 25. 2464. Proclamation by Charles IX.
Although the late troubles are pacified, yet there have been complaints of murders, robberies, and other wrongs, which those of the pretended reformed religion say have been committed against them. Has sent his Masters of Requests into different places where they say they have been done, and has everywhere found that the said complaints have either been manufactured by the chiefs of the pretended reformed religion, or else very much exaggerated for the purpose of making the people discontented, and withdrawing them from their obedience. Commands all judges and other officers on pain of deprivation to search out and punish wrong doers, so that those of the religion may have no occasion to say that they have not justice.—Chateau de Boulogne, 25 Aug. 1568.
Printed broadside. Fr.
August [25]. Proclamation by Charles IX.
The same as the above, with the addition of eight lines to the effect that the King has been informed that certain of the chiefs of the religion have taken up arms, and enjoining all his officers and subjects not to injure those of the said religion who live conformably to his Edicts. 1568.
Printed. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 25. 2465. — to the Prince of Conde.
The undersigned have received his letters by Robert Stewart, and have heard his charge. Refer him to Stewart for their answer, and assure him of their goodwill.—Buckingham, 25 August 1568.
—to the Cardinal Chatillon.
To the same effect as the above.
August 25. —to the Admiral of France.
To the same effect as the above.
These three letters are written on the same page. Copy Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 27. 2466. The Queen to Charles IX.
Sends the bearer with matters of importance, which his father, her ambassador in France, will declare to him, to whom she desires the King to give credit.
The Queen to Catherine De Medicis.
To the same effect as the above.
Both letters written on the same page. Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 27. 2467. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Has required the Duke of Chatelherault in her name to abstain from soliciting any aid from hence to go into Scotland, who answered that as she had taken the Queen of Scots into her protection, he was determined not to seek any foreign forces from hence, but if she should not accomplish that which she has promised touching his mistress's restitution, he would not cease to seek aid both of Papist and Turk to set her at liberty again. He intends to embark in two ships with munitions for Dumbarton. Mande's coming to her has now grown in question, he being so notorious. The Queen Mother being enticed by the benefit that may arise to M. D'Anjou, and by the Cardinal's persuasions, has not only consented to grant support to the Duke of Chatelherault, but is also contented that this Mande should be sent to work his practices in England. Such privy letters and instructions as most import his charge go before in a packet apart this 26th inst., by Villeroke, the French Ambassador's nephew. The said Mande is aided with intelligence from the Pope and the King of Spain by the hands of the Duke of Alva, and has commandment to distribute a great sum of money to certain nobles of Scotland to sustain the Queen's party. It was determined if the Queen of Scots had continued at Carlisle, to have made a raid of 600 horse, and to have carried her away. The King has altered his determination for the besieging Rochelle. There is no armed force with the Prince of Conde, but great recourse to him of the religion, complaining of such wrongs as they daily receive. The Cardinal has raised 1,200,000 francs for the King in Paris, whereof 600,000 go to pay his old debt to the Parisians.—Paris, 27 Aug. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3¼.
August 27. 2468. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
Commands him to declare to the French King how she has been informed of the cruelties done on those of the reformed religion in his kingdom by the non-observance of the Edict of Pacification, and of the evils that are likely to result therefrom, and to desire that inquisition thereof may be made through his provinces by persons of estimation not passionated. He would find his countries more desolated since the publication of this Edict, which is not six months, than it was before in thrice six months, either in civil or foreign wars.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 8.
2469. Another copy.
Endd. Pp. 6.
August 27. 2470. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Finds so great practices daily wrought for the attaining of the Queen of Scots, as he much fears the Queen's safety during her abode in England, for this they dare speak, that if the Queen of England should do otherwise than well, they have none to supply her room that has better right thereto. They will leave nothing unattempted to bring these practices to pass, whereby there is neither safety to the Queen or quiet to England during the Queen of Scots' abode there, and yet being returned to her former estate, such peril to the nobility of the religion in Scotland, as both it and they will be in great danger to be ruined. Desires him to let Mande have no doing in the arbitrament that is to be held on the Borders.—Paris, 27 Aug. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Mostly in cipher. P. 1.
August 27. 2471. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Has received these missive letters of the King, which are kept very secret, and are to be sent only to 200 places in the realm. There is nothing that more bewrays the cruel meaning of the leaders of this Court towards the Prince and the whole religion.—Paris, 27 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
August 27. 2472. The Queen to the Duchess of Montmorency.
Thanks her for her courteous and honourable entertainment in her house and near her person of the daughter of her chamberlain, Lord Edward Howard.—Bicester, 27 Aug. 1568.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 27. 2473. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Prays that if his patent be not already sent, that he may have it with as much speed as Cecil can make.—Doncaster, 27 August. Signed.
2. P. S.— On Wednesday was killed within twelve miles of this town sixty porpoises and "whorlpooles," whereof he eat part this night at supper.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 28. 2474. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Has received a packet by his servant, in which was a note of such munition as are needful to be had in Berwick, which he sends herewith.—Doncaster, 28 August 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 28. 2475. Advices.
1. Madrid, 27 July 1568. The Prince of Spain died this present day towards evening, after he had confessed and received all other orders of the Church as became a Catholic Prince, demanding pardon and blessing of the King his father, Ruy Gomez, and the knights who had charge of him. He left a remembrance commending his family to the King, and especially the knights of his guard. He left in his will that he should be buried in the Royal monastery of St. Dominic. He asked if there was anything else to be done touching his salvation, and being answered that if he meant in heart wholly as he had uttered in words he should be saved, he said that he meant so, and conformed himself to the will of God, and prayed those about him to help him to say that prayer which Charles V. said when he died, and so being taken with the pangs of death gave up the spirit, and the King did as much as became a father. The cause of his sickness was that for certain days he had eaten nothing, and had drank much cold water, and gone bare-legged by reason of the heats, whereby his stomach grew to such weakness that it was not able to keep any sustenance it received.
2. From "Luiquende," 15 August. Men levied by the Huguenots in the south of France, and by the Prince of Conde, and towns taken by those of Rochelle. Paris, 9 Aug. Lyons, 17 Aug. News of the Court and of the Catholic party. Turin, 18 Aug. Five knights made by the Duke. Genoa, 19 Aug. Ship prepared in Spain against the Turks. Rome, 28 Aug. Money promised by the Pope to the French King. 1,500,000 in gold levied in Naples for the King Catholic.
Endd. Pp. 3½.
August 29. 2476. The Regent Murray to [Cecil].
Desires a passport for his servant, James Clerk.—Edinburgh, 29 August 1569. Signed.
P. ½.
August 29. 2477. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
On the 23rd inst. the Prince of Conde and the Admiral passed the Loire, having with them 500 horse, and six companies of footmen. Their intent is to go to Rochelle. Understands that the Queen Mother has sent to the Prince to stay at some place where she may come and confer with him, as it is thought whereby Tavannes may overtake them, who promised to send their heads by the last of this month. The letter which contained this being intercepted did the more hasten the Prince's departure. It appears that while they attended the observation of the Edict, there were murdered of the religion 6,000 men. The King has given commandment for all his captains and bands to be in readiness by the 10th. There is a great bruit of the good preparation of England for the war.—Paris, 29 Aug. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
August 29. 2478. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
This time lost for the demand of Calais will never be found again so that the personage is sufficient who comes to demand it. The religion stands in some extremity, so that except help be had from England he fears the ruin thereof in this country, which had here the peril will be great in England.—Paris, 29 Aug. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 29. 2479. Advices.
News from Paris, Lyons, and Turin of the movements of the Prince of Conde and the Huguenots and their opponents. —29 August 1568.
Ital. Pp. 4.
August 30. 2480. Sir William Tamworth and others to Cecil.
Complain of Glover, their late agent at Moscow, and other Englishmen who have practised to deceive the fellowship of their goods, and their disloyal proceedings in defaming their agents and the Queen's Ambassador to the Emperor. Crave his aid to have the same so opened to the Emperor that truth may take place. The bearer, Mr. Robinson, is able to discourse all which seems to them requisite to be uttered for the repressing of the enormities, the restoring the commissaries' credit, the recovery of their goods, and the punishing of the offenders.—London, 30 August 1568. Signed by Tamworth and three others of the Muscovy Company.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
August 31. 2481. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
The Lords of Scotland are in preparation for their meeting. Gives the names of those for and against the Queen.— Newcastle, 31 August. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August. 2482. News from Scotland.
The Regent is exonerated by word of Parliament of the intromission with the Queen's jewels. The Queen of England will not suffer the setting up again of idolatry in Scotland. The taking of the castles of Hamilton and Craignethan by the Regent is thought good and sufficient by the three Estates. Gives the names of those in the Lothians who are come in to the Regent.
Endd. P. 1.
August. 2483. News from France.
A man arrived in London from France on Saturday, who reports that troops are being raised in Brittany and elsewhere, and that everywhere war is locked for.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
[August.] 2484. Remonstrance of the Prince of Conde to Charles IX.
Complains of the non-observance of the Edict of Pacification and of the plots of the Cardinal of Lorraine and his associates against those of the religion. Defends the league of the St. Esprit made amongst those of the religion, on account of the confederacies amongst the Catholics for their suppression. Complains of the want of administration of justice, and refers to a letter in the possession of the Queen of Navarre written by two captains from Paris, in which they say that though their Majesties have written that they are greatly displeased at the non-publication of the Edict, yet their intention is that the said publication should be made figuratively.
Rough draft. Endd. Pp. 14¼.
[August.] 2485. Civil War in France.
A brief discourse of the means taken by the Cardinal of Lorraine to hinder the establishment of peace, and to bring back the troubles into France. Charges him with plotting against those of the religion, and enumerates instances of atrocities perpetrated against them in different parts of France.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 18.