Elizabeth: May 1568, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: May 1568, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp457-472 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1568, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp457-472.

"Elizabeth: May 1568, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp457-472.

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May 1568, 16-31

May 16. 2188. Advertisement of the Conflict in Scotland.
The Queen's number was 6,000. The Earl of Argyll her lieutenant general. The company of the Lords was 4,000. The Hamiltons had the vanguard. Both companies strove for a hill side. Their meeting was at a strait passage through a village. The fight lasted three-quarters of an hour till the Queen's party gave way. At the beginning of the chase Murray required all his to spare shedding more blood. The Queen beheld this conflict within half a mile, standing upon a hill. The number of slain is six or seven score besides those who have died since, and 300 of the Queen's side taken prisoners. Gives the names of the principal prisoners and slain. Of the Lords' side never a man of name slain, but divers sore hurt. The Earl of Argyll as they were joining for fault of courage swooned. Divers were taken and not brought in, for there was father against son, and brother against brother. After the fight had long continued a gentleman of the Highlands called Macfarlane, who not twenty days before was condemned to die, yet at the suit of the Countess of Murray had his pardon, and was accompanied with 200 of his countrymen, came in and executed great slaughter. Hamilton Castle has been yielded to the Earl of Murray. The Laird of Grange had charge of the horsemen of the Lords' part, who that day played his part. Gives a list of the noblemen with the Queen. On the day that the Earl of Murray went to receive the castle of Hamilton certain of his horsemen ran a foray and took many nags, which he caused to be delivered up again.
Endd. Pp. 4.
May 16. 2189. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
Whereas by her last she willed him to impart to the French King how she was informed of the preparation of ships as she took it into Scotland; not long after the writing of the same, the Queen of Scots escaped out of Lochleven by means of one George Douglas and was conveyed to the castle of Hamilton, from whence she has sent John Beaton both to her and to the French King to demand aid of men and money to recover her estate. Has answered that she was glad she was at liberty and meant to give her aid, but could not like that any foreign force should enter Scotland. Norris is to repair to the King and declare her meaning and doings, and to require him to forbear sending any power of men of war to Scotland.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 17. 2190. Sir Henry Norris to the Privy Council.
Has received their letter of the 27th April concerning a depredation done by the French upon a ship of certain merchants of Bristol coming from Lisbon; and mentions the steps which he has taken thereon.—Paris, 17 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
May 17. 2191. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. The sudden news of the Queen of Scotland's escape has caused no small expectation of the motions likely to ensue in those parts. If it be true it will be a means to cause the house of Lorraine to proceed with greater lenity against the Protestants; that in less offending them he may the sooner draw some forces hence to aid his niece. Cannot hear of any preparation that way. Great watches are kept nightly, and the searches of Protestants' houses with the inquisition of their faith still continues. On the 15th inst. certain nobles of the Court have made promise to the King to answer for all such gentlemen and others of their retinue to be of the Romish sect. It is thought that others abroad shall be required to do the like.
2. The Queen Mother is now well recovered. If she had died this Court had stood in perilous state, the Cardinal of Lorraine hoping to have usurped the tuition of the French King. The Duke of Aumale and divers of that company were in the night suddenly with their forces arrived here. The Prince of Conde and the others are at their houses. Has obtained the King's letters with express commandment to the judge of Nantes to do speedy justice to the merchants of Bristol.—Paris, 17 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
May 17. 2192. Dr. Man to the Queen.
Has so dealt with sundry of the Council that the allegations of her subjects trafficing to Vigo were well liked and the contrary part dismissed hence, such as sued to straiten their trade to the King's ports of Bayonne or Corunna. Has also dealt with the King to suppress certain slanderous histories.—Barajas, 17 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
May 17. 2193. Dr. Man to Cecil.
Has received the Queen's letters of the 6th April in favour of certain her subjects trafficers unto Vigo. Has dealt by means of some of the King's Council touching the calling in of certain histories published commonly sold and read here in the Spanish tongue authorised by the King's privilege; in sundry parts whereof the Queen, her father and mother, and the realm of England be exceedingly ignominously, falsely, and slanderously infamed to the world. The King sent word that he was very sorry, and that the history shall be shortly new printed at Salamanca, at which time he will give special order that all such indecent reports and points impertinent shall be left out in the new impression. Upon this Man sent again and besought him not to pass it over so slightly, for that the Queen could not be answered to her satisfaction with the leaving out of these slanderous places in the new impression, unless he shall withal give order for the calling in and utter extinguishment of all the books entitled "Historia Pontificall y Catholica" which be already printed; setting a strait penalty upon all his subjects or others who shall hereafter sell, read, or keep any of the said books, and to command the like punishment to be executed upon the author of the said slanders, as Her Majesty would execute upon any person who durst attempt the like against the the King in her dominions. Is better lodged here, but much more chargeable.—Barajas, 17 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[May 17.] 2194. Historia Pontifical y Catholica.
Three extracts out of the above work reflecting on the chastity of Queen Elizabeth and her mother, and stating that Luther and his friend Henry VIII. had both gone to hell within eight days of one another.
Endd. by Cecil: Sent by Mr. Man. Span. P. ½.
May 17. 2195. The Queen to Mary Queen of Scots.
Congratulates her on her escape, and sends the bearer to declare her counsel in certain matters which touch her in estate and honour. If Mary had had as much regard to honour as she had respect for an unhappy villain, every one would have condoled with her misfortunes, as to speak plainly not very many have. Desires her to listen to the bearer, who will explain to her that those who have two strings to their bow may shoot strongly, but rarely straight. —Greenwich, 17 May.
Endd. P. 1.
May 17. 2196. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Having now one of the persons whom he sent to Glasgow, he sends up this bearer the Under Marshall with the report of the whole proceedings. On the 15th he received the Lords of the Privy Council's letters touching his conference with the opposite Wardens of Scotland for the punishment of malefactors. Requires some certainty for his entertainment here, for the use of these charges, and in Scotland for intelligence. The bearer has been in the country these six months and met with divers adventures; within these eight days he with five others met twelve Scotchmen within the English ground furnished everyone with a good spear, who were forced to yield.—Berwick, 17 May 1568. Signed.
2. P.S.—The Earl of Murray minds to assemble a new force and go seek the Queen; and shortly afterwards to call a parliament.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 18. 2197. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Has received answer for Tividale which he sends herewith. For the news of Scotland there are so many lies that he dare not write thereof. Sends another letter written by the man who wrote the first, wherein he shall perceive what difference there is between them.—Alnwick, 18 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 17. 2198. Thomas Kerr of Ferniehurst to Sir John Forster.
Assures him that he and the dwellers within his heritage will make no misorder; and desires him to appoint a place and time for their meeting.—Ferniehurst, 17 May. Signed.
Add. P. ½. Enclosure.
May 18. 2199. Richard Lowther to Forster.
On Sunday last about six at night the Queen of Scotland accompanied with the Lords Fleming, Seton, and Livingston, with a few others arrived at Workington. Yesterday he made his repair thither to receive Her Highness, whom he found at Cockermouth, where she stayed all night; and this day he has conducted her to this city and lodged her in the castle, and the noblemen and others who came with her in the city abroad. Also the French Ambassador is this way returned forth of Scotland, and presently here.—Carlisle, 18 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 18. 2200. Walter Kerr of Cessford to Forster.
Whereas it was appointed that they should meet on the 21st inst., he is sent for by the Regent and cannot keep the said meeting, but will not fail to meet him that day twenty days.—Halidon, 18 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 18. 2201. The Queen to the Earl of Murray.
Laments the divisions in Scotland, and is desirous that a good accord may be made, and that no foreign force might be brought in. Has sent the bearer Thomas Leighton with letters to the Queen. Requires him to give speedy answer to such things as he shall declare; so that she may understand and proceed to do that which she sincerely means for the tranquility of that realm.
Copy, in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.
2202. Fair copy.—Greenwich, 18 May 1568.
Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
May 18. 2203. Instructions for Mr. Leighton.
He is to go to the Queen of Scots and express her rejoicing for her delivery out of captivity. Has determined to understand her state and to charge her subjects to submit themselves to her, and if they will not conform thereto to let them plainly understand that for her part the Queen should not want for assistance. Sends him to understand whether she will be content to stand to her order without soliciting foreign power from France, which if she will do, and if her subjects will not yield to reason by persuasion, she will give her such aid as shall be requisite to compel them. If the Queen shall like this manner of proceeding he is to offer to resort to the contrary party and to understand whether they will be content to be advised by her, which if they will, she will speedily send some honourable person into the realm to treat between them. And as she shall like hereof he is to repair to the Earl of Murray, and having delivered her letters of credence move him and the others combined with him to compromise the whole controversy to her. He is also to show the Queen of Scots the causes why she specially requires to deal in this matter: The first because she is next in blood and neighbourhood. The second because she is meetest to do it for the opinion she has of her subjects that either they will be advised by her, or compelled by reason of her nearness. The last is she sees evidently that if the Queen being offered her aid, will solicit the aid of France and bring men of war into Scotland, she must needs conclude the principal intention will be to renew old troubles. If she refuse he is to say, that the Queen of England is very sorry for that she shall be moved to alter her mind contrary to her natural desire.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
2204. Fair copy.
Endd. Pp. 2.
May 18. 2205. M. De Bosel to Cecil.
Desires that he will obtain an answer to the letter which he brought to the Queen from the Count Hoogstraten and other friends and relations of the Counts Egmont and Horn, and also that he will favourably recommend the said Counts to her.—London, 18 May 1568. Signed.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
May 19. 2206. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The Queen of Scots if the Earl of Murray's power draw anything towards her where she now is at Treves that stands in a Loch in Galloway minds to draw into England. Murray has returned to Edinburgh bringing the best of the prisoners. His return is to refresh his people, and to see execution and justice on certain of those whom he has in his hands. Divers requests have been made to Drury to receive some of those who have escaped.—Berwick, 19 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
[May 19.] 2207. Loan to the Muscovy Merchants.
Calculation of the interest on 4,000l. and portions of the same lent to the Muscovy merchants; amounting at 12 per cent. to 880l. and at 13 to 953l. 6s. 8d.
Rough notes. Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
[May 19.] 2208. Contract for Cables.
Calculation of the gain made by the Muscovy Merchants on a contract of 4,000l. for the supply of cables.
P. ¾.
May 19. 2209. Articles between the Queen and the Muscovy Company.
Contract with the said merchants for the delivery of cables, hawsers, cordage, and other tackle at Deptford dockyard to the value of 4,000l. 8s. 10d.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2¾.
May 20. 2210. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
The sureties of Louis Thierin have been summoned before the judges delegated to investigate the matter of the spoil committed on him, in order that they may be made to pay the costs of the suit. Unless the Queen interferes the said Louis in addition to what has been taken from him by force will lose the rest of his goods.— Signed.
Add. Endd.: 20 May 1568. Lat. P. ½.
May 20. 2211. Humfrey Lock and John Fenton to Cecil.
1. Complain of the greedy covetousness of the Company in England and the evil behaviour of the factors in Russland. Are brought into the briars and there tied fast as sheep among brambles, being of their own countrymen slandered and belied. The Russes are made to believe by their means Her Highness to be a deceiving and dissembling prince, in that she sent worthily commended such as in her realm were the very outcasts of all, and there not so able to live as to have to their backs any good garment, who were apparelled to come before the Emperor by the merchants upon credit. Carried himself out of England 40 marks worth of apparel, and the rest came not naked, but Mr. Jenkinson having a great deal of paltry apparel provoked men to buy it. The prodigality of the merchants is such that they cannot abide any artificers to have estimation but to be altogether under their commandments. Complain of their unreasonable prices which fond dealing brings them nought of credit, for other men perceiving their folly offer to serve the Prince of all such wares as come out of England a third part better cheap than he is served at the merchants' hands. The merchants are here esteemed as most greedy cormorants.
2. Are sorry that Cecil is one of the voyage, for where in three or four years he gains one hundred pounds he sells for the same in one year one thousand pounds worth of honour. They poor artificers have been bought and sold already. Anthony Jenkinson got 800 roubles, but this and other doings if ever he come to Russland will cost him his head.
3. Have devised a way of making more salt in one week than there was made in two with the burning of less wood in two weeks than they burnt in one. Wish they were out of Russland.—From the city of the Moscove, 20 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4¾.
May 20. 2212. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The Earl of Murray has returned to Edinburgh and bestowed the chief prisoners in the castle, and made proclamation yesterday that the 10th prox. all persons to be in readiness in warlike manner with fifteen days' victual. Blackness is rendered to him. They of Dumbarton have run a foray and got a good prey. Sends notes of such as were favourers of the Queen, and such as were slain or taken.—Berwick, 20 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 20. 2213. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Sends the whole doing of these troubles in Scotland to him. The Regent minds to raise great power and go towards Lord Herries on the 10th of June; so that it were good that some more regard were had for their frontiers. Desires to know the Queen's pleasure for his dealing in these matters; for upon knowledge thereof he trusts to work Liddlesdale and many others of that Border to stand the Queen in stead in anything she will use them for. In the meantime will put off with fair words such as would deal in that matter.— Alnwick, 20 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 20. 2214. Richard Lowther to Lord Scrope.
1. Great persuasion was used that the Queen of Scots should not be lodged in the castle, which he would not suffer to take place. Letters have arrived from the Privy Council to the Sheriffs and Justices of Cumberland and Westmorland directing them not only to see to her honourable entertainment, but also her and her company in safeguard. The Earl of Northumberland will be here tomorrow; what is his meaning he knows not, but will have the Queen's custody, until she shall be removed specially by the Queen of England or her Council. If there is either honour, commodity, or praise to be had in presenting her to the Queen, it were good that Scrope looked to it before another.—Carlisle, 20 May. Signed.
2. P.S.—Complains of the attachment of certain of his servants and desires him to obtain a supersedeas. There has been on all sides great slackness, for though he warned the country by beacon few gentlemen came forward.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
May 20. 2215. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The Queen of Scots' escape is assuredly taken to be true, and it was agreed to send a ship laden with artillery, and munition, and certain money to Dumbarton. The Prince of Conde makes no abode in any one place, and has sent a gentleman to the King to require that the Protestants may safely return to their houses.—Paris, 20 May. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
May 21. 2216. Nicholas Elphinstone to Cecil.
Has declared to the Regent Cecil's opinion for the quieting of the present troubles, and also by whose means the invasion was made upon the frontiers of Ireland, it never being known to him till Elphinstone's return. The matter was disclosed by a gentleman taken prisoner in the late battle, one of the Earl of Argyll's friends.—Edinburgh, 21 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 21. 2217. Maitland of Lethington to Cecil.
If by the Queen of England's protection they may avoid the force of foreign nations they see little peril at home; if she be otherwise disposed it will be no small benefit to deal plainly with them. The sufficiency of the bearer shall excuse his shortness.—Edinburgh, 21 May 1568. Signed.
Add. P. 1.
May 22. 2218. John Willock to Cecil.
As he travelled from Loughborough hitherward, he perceived the people in this north who are ignorant of religion and altogether untaught, much to rejoice at the liberty of the Queen of Scots, and sundry of them do not let to utter their good minds towards her. This should be seen to, for that her wit which may abuse is not unknown to Cecil.—Berwick, 22 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 22. 2219. Richard Lowther to Lord Scrope.
Yesterday the Earl of Northumberland arrived, who declared that his repair was for the conducting of the Queen of Scots, whom Lowther said he might not depart from without very good authority; whereupon after he had used some rough words towards him, adding that he was too mean a man to have such a charge, and that he marvelled how he durst take it in hand, he desired to speak with the Queen, whereunto Lowther agreed, and he seemed to be satisfied, but afterwards sent for him to his lodging, and upon those letters to the sheriffs and justices demanded the delivery of the Queen, which Lowther would not do without a special discharge. Whereupon the Earl growing into some heat and anger gave him great threatenings, with many evil words, calling him "varlet," and such others. Trusts that Scrope will without further craving consider of him.—Carlisle, 22 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1.
May 22. 2220. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The Earl of Murray yesterday went to Stirling. Before his departure divers of those taken in the field were arraigned and condemned, and are returned to the castle. The day of meeting at the setting forth of the Queen's company, the French Ambassador came amongst them and exhorted them to discharge their duties manfully, and promised them rewards from his master.—Berwick, 22 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 23. 2221. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Has received the Queen's and his letters of the 16th inst. The reason that he did not fulfil his first negotiation was that the ships had departed for Muscovy that were thought to be rigged into Scotland. Has received a letter of importance, which he sends.—Paris, 23 May. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 22. 2222. James Persall to Sir Henry Norris.
On the 18th inst. was a proclamation in Dieppe upon pain of death that no ships should depart, but all above 60 tons for to embark artillery and munitions for the service of the King. They now for certain pretend to take their voyage into Scotland. Soldiers in great numbers draw towards the coast. There are not in Dieppe six able ships for no such thing, and the shipping in other quarters is very small for such purpose.—Rouen, 22 May 1568. Signed.
P. 1.
May 23. 2223. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
The Queen of Scots has had an overthrow and came into England on the 17th inst. Orders him to signify this to the French King, and that she has sent persons to attend upon her, and provide for her all things for her surety; and that she means speedily to proceed in consideration how she may reduce her honourably in concord with her subjects. Is to require the King not to send any force into Scotland.
Incomplete draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 1½.
May 23. 2224. Answer to the Ambassador of Portugal.
1. Where he mentions the sending of an ambassador to the King of Portugal to demand compensation for the sinking of a vessel and cargo belonging to the brothers Winter, and the liberation of the crew, who are confined in the fort of St. George de las Minas; and the King's reply that the crew should be released, but that compensation could not be granted as it was a capital offence for the Portuguese even to trade in those parts where Winter's ship was found; the Queen does not admit of the King's right to make laws binding on her subjects, since his are excluded from trading in no part of her territory. As the injury was inflicted by the King's soldiers he ought to make compensation. Where the ambassador demands that John Hawkins shall be tried and punished, no law, divine or human, will permit this to be done in his absence.
2. With respect to the two principal requests of the ambassador, first, that the Queen shall prohibit her subjects from trading on the coast of Guinea on pain of death; and secondly, that she should pay nearly 60,000 ducats to compensate the Portuguese for piracies committed on them at different times. To the first she can only answer as she has done before, that though she cannot see any just cause for restraining her subjects, still, as the King very earnestly insists upon it, she will warn her subjects not to traffic in those parts of Ethiopia owning the King's rule or paying tribute to him. To the second she replies that it is unreasonable to hold her liable for the faults of her subjects in which she was in no way participant, nor has she ever denied justice to any Portuguese who lawfully demanded it.—Complains of injuries inflicted on certain of her subjects by the Portuguese.
Endd.: 23 May 1568. Lat. Pp. 6.
May 23. 2225. Pietro Bizarri to [Cecil].
Sends a list of the names of certain abjurers who were condemned to the flames and lesser punishments, 10th May 1568; also news from Vienna of 13th May.—Venice, 23 May 1568. Signed.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
May 24. 2226. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Received the Queen's of the 16th inst., and forthwith sent to demand audience, but has been deferred till to-morrow. Supposes these delays are used because they are minded to confer with the Duke of Chatelherault, who this day comes to the Court.—Paris, 24 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 25. 2227. Dr. Man to Cecil.
Being sequestered from Madrid he finds not such favour as he was wont for the expedition of such things as occur. Most men, from hatred or fear, refrain to deal with him.— Barajas, 25 May 1568. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 26. 2228. Drury and Browne to the Privy Council.
According to the Queen's letters received yesternight, there is order taken that a band of 100 "hable" harquebussiers under Captain Read shall to-morrow march towards Lord Scrope. Complain of want of money to meet any extraordinary charge.—Berwick, 26 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
May 26. 2229. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Marvels to hear how divers are gladded with the Queen of Scots' escape, and also of her entry into England. Great care and circumspection is to be used where she is to remain, and with whom, lest some show more affection than duty, for he has secretly learnt that she minds neither to leave Bothwell for a husband, nor to atempt as time may serve, to attain to her long pretended to England (sic.) She has northwards many well-wishers. She minds to speak largely and promise fair. Has said unto Captain Read [such things] as may serve to purpose. Thanks him for providing the money for his extraordinary charges. Would gladly understand whether if the Queen still remains he may deal with one to give some cause to breed her liking, to feel whether she will in anything further use him.—Berwick, 26 May. Signed.
Endd.: For Mr. Secretary. Pp. 1½.
May 26. 2230. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The Queen of Scots' entry into England may breed as much trouble there as it has done in Scotland. Lord Temple is placed in the town of Dumbarton with 250 persons to keep the castle from receiving any more victuals. Upon Saturday ten were condemned, whereof seven were lairds. By order from the Earl of Murray, twelve of the greatest carriages are sent to Hamilton to bring away the principal stuff, as tapestry of silk, and furnitures of beds of rich stuff which were King James'. The houses and castles of the rest of the earls contraries some are yielded, and the rest sent unto to be received, but who has the escheats is not certainly known.
2. At the first coming of the Queen to Hamilton, the Earl of Murray was unfurnished of men and money, and Morton supplied 4,000 marks Scottish. Yesterday the Laird of Riccarton and Mr. James Wardlaugh came to the town for safety, and required passage to their Queen.—Berwick, 26 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 27. 2231. Thomas Jenye to Cecil.
The preparations upon the news of the Queen of Scotland's enlargement were very hot, but now cold and calm enough. Count Montgomery is in Bas Normandy, and governs all things for the behalf of the religion very peaceably, having since his arrival measured the outrages done upon the religion with like revenge. They of Rouen are in nowise contented to receive the King's soldiers. They have made proclamation that all strangers and such as be suspect persons of any faction shall avoid the town within twenty-four hours. There is not anything intended thereby to any person known of honest traffic; it was only meant to the Flemings who are many, and of the religion.—Rouen, 27 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 30. 2232. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Forwards a packet from Murray. The rich stuff is come to the castle of Edinburgh from Hamilton. The Earls of Argyll, Huntly, and others seek to be reconciled. The Laird of Waughton and others have put themselves into the Bass. Has this day given license to certain servants of the Queen of Scots to repair to their mistress. There shall presently be one sent from the Earl and Lords to the Queen of England. —Berwick, 30 May 1568. Signed.
2. P.S. (on small separate piece of paper).—The bringing away of the stuff from Hamilton is not of most sort best liked. There are more glad of the Queen of Scots' arrival in England, the Queens' Majesty's receiving of the same not known, than he would have believed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 31. 2233. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Nicholas Elphinstone this day passed through this town towards Lord Scrope to confer with him touching the quieting of things upon the Borders. The Bishop of St. Andrew's is yet in Dumbarton. Their provisions are in such state as will not serve them. Such as are prisoners shall be straitlier looked unto than before, and some of them like to suffer. Corn shall be bestowed in Dunbar, together with certain pieces of great ordnance. The Queen of Scots demanded of two of her lawyers their opinions how she might be restored again to honour and rule, who answered only by Parliament or by battle, when she said, "By battle let us try it."—Berwick, last of May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 31. 2234. John Willock to Cecil.
The common state is exceedingly troubled, for that part which heretofore gave their names as Protestants have openly resisted the public regiment, under colour of old familiarity and friendship, and also by the multitude of godless Papists and abhorrers of justice, who delight to live without check. The chiefest instruments remain in their former subborness looking still for aid to maintain their wicked enterprises. The castle of Dumbarton is kept, which comforts the froward. The Bass is taken by the laird thereof for his defence. The West Border is much broken by Lord Herries' occasion, and the North is not quiet. The towns remain wholly in obedience. They that were at the last field are hid, some are condemned, but none executed as yet. The works of the Queen are so detected that few of the most froward can excuse them, and yet has she sent for Bothwell to come again. It is proposed by the Regent to ride to Dumfries about the 10th June to reform the thieves and rebels there.—Edinburgh, 31 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 31. 2235. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. Although open hostility to this late pacification to the outward sight seems buried, yet is there such jealousy and hidden hatred amongst the nobles as daily springs new occasions of discontent. The Duke Montmorency has departed to his house, ten leagues from Paris, were divers of the religion have had secret access unto him. Mons. D'Anville links himself with as many gentlemen and captains as he can, and for the most part keeps at his house in Paris. The Prince of Conde has lately complained by his letters to the King of the Cardinal of Lorraine, saying that there would never be peace in France as long as he was near his person. Soon afterwards the Prince was advertised that the Queen Mother had said that she would never suffer him to return to the Court, whereupon he wrote to the King, declaring that he was not only content willingly to leave the same, but also the realm, so that the Cardinal would do the like, otherwise he was minded to show himself open enemy to him. Upon this there arose some talk before the King, when the Marshall Vielleville said that he could not blame the Prince for defending his life against the malice of his enemies. The four marshalls agree all in one against the Cardinal. There be two kinds of the people whom the Papists term Huguenots, viz., Huguenots of religion, and Huguenots of State. The one of these perceiving that the Cardinal works to ruin them, and their own peculiar force not sufficient to withstand his malice, have shown appearance that they will join with the other, who, seeing themselves excluded from all government, and those of Guise to usurp the whole authority, presently practise a firm faction and league between themselves, either part promising to support the other. The Cardinal Chatillon's late being with Montmorency at his house and some other secret meetings, has caused vehement suspicion hereof. The King has sent privy despatches to the governors of the provinces that in case the Protestants make any assemblies they shall run upon them by force of arms as enemies to his crown.
2. The Protestants of Beaumont complaining to Mons. Montmorency that they could not, according to the Edict, have any commodious place for preaching, he sent his Provost Marshall with a good company to assist them. Hereupon certain of the inhabitants complained to the King, who caused one of his secretaries to write to Montmorency that he would not permit any preaching at Beaumont. One of the Prince's captains is imprisoned here, being accused of subborning certain of the King's guard. He does not deny having given money to divers soldiers, but to no other end than to lead them into Flanders. There are also suddenly vanished sixty soldiers, and the King has sent horsemen to espy whither they are gone.
3. Mons. D'Andragues has caused three captains of the religion to be slain near Orleans, where he is governor, using ths inhabitants with all extremity, and will not suffer them to have any exercise of religion, whereof the Prince of Conde has complained to the King. Several towns have refused to admit the King's garrisons. One of the Queen Mother's private councillors, named Virall, being suddenly surprised with sickness, a little before his death told his familiar friend and physician, Baylifias, that the Queen had made this peace to no other end than that those of the religion being now exhausted by long charges, and divided asunder at their houses, might with greater facility be despatched.
4. The 6,000 Swiss yet remain within four leagues of Paris. The reiters for the Prince are upon the skirts of Bur gundy, and will not depart until they be satisfied. On the 18th inst. at Dijon were slain five reiters, and thirteen of the inhabitants were murdered in revenge. On the 30th inst. were four slain not far from Norris's lodging, and one of them was dragged before his gate and thrown into the river.— Paris, the last of May 1568. Signed.
5. P.S.—On the 30th, an old servant of the Queen's, named Bellemain, declared that this present there came to him a great favourer of the religion, who willed him to advertise Norris of the following, whereof he was present at the perusing and determination: That Memorin, now in England, has brought the chiefest jewels of the Queen Mother to lay in gage to get money to aid the Queen of Scots and set her in her former estate and dignity; and further, has authority to give great gifts, and thereby to get her to be restored, or else sent here, which he trusts they will carefully prevent. If she can have the Queen of Scots returned hither she has undertaken to aid her with 8,000 men from hence, and 12,000 to be sent by the King Catholic to pass over into Scotland. A greater friend to the French than the Queen of Scots lives not. The Emperor has made semblance to take the protection of Flanders. Has sent along Normandy and Britanny, but cannot hear of any ships that are rigged forth.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 6¼.
May 31. 2236. Articles presented to the French King by the Admiral.
Complains of the placing of garrisons in Orleans and other towns, who ill-use and plunder those of the religion; also that in Burgundy they have been ordered to return to their houses in the towns, where they are not allowed to go abroad except at certain hours; also of the illegal executions of certain of the religion, and of the general non-observance of the Edict of Pacification.
Copy. Notes in the margin. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 6.
May. 2237. Occurrences in France.
Matters that have passed in France since the peace was made, chiefly concerning the payment of the reiters on the Prince of Conde's side.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 11.
[May.] 2238. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Having heard that the Queen of Scots has sought refuge from her subjects in England, he is sure that she will assist her. Commends the bearer, M. De Montmorin, to her. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
May. 2239. Battle of Langside.
Note of certain escheats of those who were of the Queen's party, with the names of those to whom they were given.
Add. to Cecil. Endd. P. ½.
May. 2240. The Laird of Riccarton.
Alexander Hepburn, Laird of Riccarton, being first household servant to the King, was suspected of the murder, seeing after the committing thereof he followed the Earl of Bothwell, chief murderer, in all his enterprises. Notwithstanding, being taken in favour by the Regent, and continued in office, unthankfully was the first that practised the alteration of State, by conveying the Queen out of Lochleven Castle.
Endd. P. ½.
[May.] 2241. Alexander Pringle to the Countess of Murray.
The Laird of Riccarton, the principal deviser of her son's death, now eats and drinks at the Bishop of Durham's board, and has great sums for the furnishing of the Earl of Bothwell. Wishes her to pass to the Queen to have him taken. Mentions others who repair to the Queen at Carlisle, whom it were well to have taken. Signed.
P. 1.
May. 2242. Petrus Romerson to the Spanish Ambassador in England.
Petrus Romerson of Amsterdam complains of Sir Thomas Grey, Governor of Dunstanborough, and Lancelot Lisle for seizing his goods, and Sir Ambrose Cave for granting them license to sell them, seeming to prove the two first to be pirates by certain articles of the intercourse. After a long time he has obtained sentence for 400l., being 90l. less than his principal, besides his charges for following the same four years. The 29th article of the intercourse gives after so many admonitions license of letters of reprisal, which for relief of his need he is forced to require.—London, May 1568. Signed.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 4¼.