Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.
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'Elizabeth: June 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby (London, 1871), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Elizabeth: June 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby (London, 1871), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Elizabeth: June 1568". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby (London, 1871), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
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June 1568
June. | 2243. Sir Henry Norris to Sir Walter Mildmay. |
Since his last there has nothing chanced very notorious,
matters depending now in those doubtful terms that they did,
but they will shortly either ripe or rotten. The marshals
all in one inveigh against the Cardinal of Lorraine's authority. The Edict of Pacification was published at Lyons on
the 13th May, but a courier arrived there the next day with
the King's express letters to forbid any exercise of religion
within the town. Copy of verses in praise of virtue. Incomplete draft. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
June 1. | 2244. Edzart Count of East Friesland to the Queen. |
Letter of credence for two persons whom he sends to her
as his envoys.—Emden, 1 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1. |
June 2. | 2245. Alexander Clark to Cecil. |
Lords Herries and Fleming are highly offended that they
should be brought to Court. They hope to be despatched,
Herries into Scotland, and Fleming into France. There is a
Frenchman whom he suspects to have writings from the
Queen to convey into France. His name is Sebastian
Danvelerot. He is clad in black. If Cecil thinks it good he
[may] be stayed; he is a very crafty and dissimulate knave,
and has been always an evil reporter.—Scrooby, 2 June 1568.
Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 2. | 2246. Lord Scrope to Cecil. |
1. Yesternight arrived Nicholas Elphinstone, who informed him from the Regent that he would appoint on the March opposite some good justiciar, and prayed Scrope to nominate some one whom he thought most meet for that room, and he should have it. | |
2. He further revealed that the Regent the 10th inst. meant
to repair to the West March for the pursuing of certain
rebels and outlaws, and required Scrope to be ready with
good numbers to ride and defend them from receipt on
this side. Has replied that until the Queen's pleasure be
known he cannot answer. Asks if the Regent shall, in
riding upon outlaws, seek to oppress others of the Queen's
faction, whether he shall receive them or no. Desires some
consideration of his great charges, or else that he may be
discharged.—Carlisle, 2 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. Pp. 2. |
June 2. | 2247. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
Thinks it needless to touch on the bruit that passes of
the joy and comfort that some, both in Yorkshire and elsewhere, receive by the Queen of Scots coming to England,
more than they ought until they understand how the Queen's
Highness receives the same. Prays that some forget not
themselves in either coming or sending unto her. The further
from hence she be bestowed the quieter the Borders will be.
Encloses a letter which he has stayed, meant for Scotland.
Requires that Mr. Vice-Chamberlain may be appointed to see
this town before his return.—Berwick, 2 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼. |
June 4. | 2248. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen. |
1. On the receipt of her letter, being unable to depart out of his lodging, the King sent M. De Lansac to him, to whom he declared the Queen's princely intention towards the Queen of Scots was to reduce her honourably in concord with her subjects, and to pacify the civil troubles in her realm; moreover, adding that if any particular solicitation was made to send any forces into Scotland, that the state of the cause would thereby be made worse, and the Queen nowise relieved. | |
2. The next day was the Council assembled, and sat in consultation hereupon from 6 a.m. till dinner time. On the 3rd inst. Lansac returned to him and said that the King was very glad to hear that the Queen of Scots was in such safety, not mistrusting that Her Majesty would have an especial care to put her in her former dignity, and as she was so well able to help her, he would not send any forces or aid but such as she shall demand Furthermore, Lansac said as of himself that albeit the Queen of Scotland had much erred in government of herself, yet the greater part of the nobility of France would gladly venture their lives to do her good. | |
3. Since his letter to Cecil of the last of May matters here seem nothing amended. On the 28th ult. the Cardinal of Lorraine wrote to the Prince of Conde that he would gladly be reconciled to him, whereunto the Prince made a resolute answer that the Cardinal was an enemy both to God and man, and to the common tranquility and peace of this realm, and that there could be no reconciliation betwixt them, unless he would depart the Court, and as for admitting him into the number of his friends, he wished him never to look for it. Unto this the Cardinal answered that he had asked leave to depart the Court, but that the King would not suffer him to do so. The Prince replied again that such deceits were not able to circumvent him, adding hereunto many hot words, insomuch as the Cardinal the last of May sent him a flat answer that he would not leave the Court unless he were driven from thence. Is given secretly to understand that the four marshals joining together will make a new opposition against the Cardinal. | |
4. Many of the religion that dwelt in the good towns, understanding with what cruelty the Protestants were used, do not return to their houses, but keep in the fields with their captains, in troops; whereupon the King has addressed his secret letters to 212 places in this realm, to charge the governors in case they find any assemblies to run upon them by force of arms, and put them to the sword, and if they retire into the cities that their arms should be taken from them. After the publication of the peace, the King sent privy letters thoughout the realm, that the Protestants should be disarmed at their entry into the towns, wherefore, divers returning, having left their armour in the country, are not suffered to enter, but charged to return to fetch their arms. | |
5. On Sunday the Prince of Conde sent a gentleman to
beseech the King to minister justice against such as murder
them of the religion, and as he entered the city there were
five slain in St. Anthony's street, of which cruel murder
he complained to the Queen Mother, but as yet nothing is
done. The Provost of the merchants on Monday urged the
King to have an especial regard to justice, lest some seditious
Huguenot (as he termed it), perceiving justice not equally
ministered, should raise some tumult in the city. The Germans are departed out of France. Yesternight was word
brought of a great overthrow in Flanders given by the
Protestants to the Spaniards. The King has revoked all gifts
and pensions until such time as his gendarmery be paid.—
Paris, 4 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3. |
June 4. | 2249. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil. |
Is informed from M. De Mallachisa, a head officer in matters
of estate, that the Queen Mother said she trusted that the
Queen would well intreat the Queen of Scots, otherwise she
had to lay to her "que elle ne songeoit pas." There are great
attempts to get the Queen of Scots hither, but is assured
that Cecil will rather, as he writes, help and counsel the
Queen to make her profit of her there than by any means
consent to her coming hither. Marshal Montmorency thinks
it much touches his honour, that being the chief procurer of
the peace, it should be so ill observed. Much doubts that the
French will attempt the getting of Dumbarton, whereof he
prays him to advertise the Earl of Murray. Of late, in communication betwixt himself and Mr. Beton, Norris named the
young King, who afterwards meeting his secretary, said that
he marvelled that Norris was so carried away as to name the
Prince King, seeing that the Queen of England had said to
him that she would never take the Prince for King, or Murray
for Regent during the Queen of Scots' life, wherein he humbly
requires to be advertised by Cecil, lest in writing to the
Queen he may unwittingly offend her.—Paris, 4 June 1568.
Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½. |
June 4. | 2250. The Queen to Dr. Man. |
Having been informed by the Spanish Ambassador that the
King of Spain has taken such a misliking to him that he will
not admit him to his presence, she revokes him from that Court.
The ambassador thought that part of the King's offence was,
for that Man used at his table inconvenient talk of him, and
dealt otherwise in matters of religion than was meet for preservation of quietness amongst his subjects. Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 4 June 1568. Pp. 1½. |
June 5 | 2251. Apology for the Earl of Murray and others. |
Answer to the allegation that Murray and the other Lords
were moved to armour because they abhorred the revocation
of the alienations made of the Queen's property. The Queen
promised to except those things given to the Earl of Murray,
and have them ratified in the next Parliament. The other
Lords never had anything given to them worth twenty
crowns, except Morton, who had his gifts ratified. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 1½. |
June 5. | 2252. Advices. |
Intelligence from Rome, dated June 5th, of the proceedings
of the Cardinals. Also from Vienna of the 3rd June. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3½. |
June 6. | 2253. Sir John Forster to Cecil. |
On the 29th May certain of the Redesdales came to spoil
in Redesdale. Has some of them prisoners, whom he minds
to try at a Warden Court. Other disorders on the Borders.
—Alnwick, 6th June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½. |
June 6. | 2254. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
The journey of the 10th goes forward. Dunbar shall this
week be rased, which little contents Lord Home. Divers
letters sent from the Queen of Scots to her favourers in
Scotland are intercepted. She was in good hope to receive
such aid and succour from England as she could wish. Desires
that no one may pass in post without sufficient warrant, for
twopence the mile breeds in most places the strangers better
despatch than without the same the warrant does. Their evil
neighbours of Tividale have slain the ensign bearer of Captain
Carew, named Cannon, and hurt some others, a mile and a
half within English ground, not having done them any sort
of harm. The English were but fourteen, the others being
near 100. The Earl of Murray is much offended with these
doings, believing the same to proceed of some not of the
worst calling of these parts, who, to impeach his proceedings,
do their best to procure a broken Border.—Berwick, 6 June
1568. Signed. Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼. |
June 7. | 2255. Mr. Man's Diets. |
Money laid out for carriage of letters, and in rewards to
ushers, porters, clerks, and musicians about the Court of
Spain, from March 6, 1567, to January 1, 1568, 39l. 10s.;
from the 15th March to the 7th June 1568, three months'
diets, 280l.; total 319l. 10s. Endd. P. ¾. |
June 7. | 2256. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen. |
On the 6th inst. the Admiral sent one of his with request
that he should speedily advertise Her Majesty of that which
he thought himself bound in conscience to give her to understand. As that the Cardinal of Lorraine, who alone does all,
has promised Mons. D'Anjou 200,000 francs yearly of the
clergy to sustain the Romish religion, whereto the Pope, the
King of Spain, and other Papistical Princes have promised all
help, in everything that he attempts to the ruin of them of
the religion. The Cardinal, the better to encourage him,
promises that the Queen of Scots shall be brought into
France, and that he will cause her to yield to him all her
estate that she pretends to have to England; so the Admiral's
humble request is that Her Majesty will consider hereof in
time. There have been great practises of late to surprise the
nobility here, as the Prince was sought to have been entrapped
by La Valette, the Admiral by Chavigny, and D'Andelot by
Tavannes; but when they came to put the matter in
execution they found their counsel revealed, and them in such
order to receive them, that they returned without making any
attempt, since which time they have cassed several of their
secretaries here, thinking these practises to be revealed by
them being suspected to be of the religion. The Cardinal of
Lorraine has caused the Parisians to exhibit a suit to the
King, to give the government of the Isle of France and
Paris to M. D'Anjou, which the Montmorencys have till now
enjoyed.—Paris, 7 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼. |
June 7. | 2257. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil. |
Sends him the same intelligence as is contained in his
letter of this date to the Queen. Thinks if the Queen of
Scots be restored to her former estate, she will not long abide
in Scotland till brought hither. What inconvenience will
grow to the Regent and nobility of the religion Cecil can
well consider, so that if she be restored, Her Majesty will lose
her credit with them, and yet not be able by any means to
withdraw the great affection the Queen of Scots bears to them
here.—Paris, 7 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½. |
June 8. | 2258. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris. |
Mons. De Montmorin and the French Ambassador having
had audience, and moved her to treat the Queen of Scots
with all favour, she told them that she had already given order
for her safety and honourable entertainment, and meant to
take her causes into her protection. The Queen of Scots had
sent to her not passing one day before the Lord Herries with
complaint against her subjects, and requiring aid. Has
resolved to send Henry Middlemore with letters to assure
her of aid and succour in the maintenance of the justice
of her cause, and from her to go to the Earl of Murray and
charge him with the crimes objected against him, and willing
him to forbear all hostility whatsoever, either by arms or
law, against any person who had taken part with the said
Queen, and willing him to impart what he could allege in
defence of the crimes objected against him. Her meaning is
to have the said Queen conducted further within her realm,
and to pause awhile from further proceedings. Wills him to
impart this to the French King and Queen Mother. Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3¼. |
June 8. | 2259. Lord Scrope to Cecil. |
Acknowledges receipt of instructions for his dealing in
riding opposite the Regent in the pursuing of his disobedients,
as also with those who should seem to be any disturbance
towards his impeaching of the arrival of the French. Has
written to Murray.—Carlisle, 8 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 8. | 2260. Lord Scrope to the Regent Murray. |
Will be ready, upon reasonable advertisement, to ride and
assist him in the pursuing of such as are offenders against
the laws of the Marches, and further upon such as are
chargeable with the murder of the King, and of all others
that he shall charge or deal with in any common cause. Has
received advertisement that certain ships are of late despatched
out of France, freighted with harquebussiers for Scotland.
Doubts not but that he will have especial care to impeach the
landing of such guests. Will keep all evil-given people on
his side from his hindrance.—Carlisle, 8 June 1568. Copy. Endd. P. 1. |
June 8. | 2261. Thomas Cotton to Cecil. |
Is at Zante, in Greece, where at this present is great preparations for the Turks coming to invade. Their provision
is very slender, and lies most in Turkish bows, and swords
and shields, few hagbusses, and fewer pikes. The town and
country are able to bring to the field 36,000 men. They
mean to give the field, and not to go into the castle. A soldier
of Berwick, one Thomas Orde, of Captain Read's band, came
in the same ship with him. They are all stayed from going
to Constantinople. Looking at their insufficiency, and the
strength of the Turk, he and all other gentlemen look to die
with the sword. Two Turkish foists have been taken, and
200 Christians put to liberty. If he dies, beseeches Cecil, as
the patron of his travel to be good to such friends as he has
left his small living to.—Zante, 6 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3. |
June 8. | 2262. The Queen of England to the Regent Murray. |
The Queen of Scots has sent Lord Herries with credit to
report to her her estate, and to discourse her late troubles, and
the great injuries done to her by her subjects, all which
things cannot but be very strange in the ears of a Prince.
The Queen of Scots requires her aid, and for justification of
her cause is content to commit the hearing and ordering of
the same simply to her. Requires him to forbear from all
manner of hostility and persecution against all such as have
lately taken part with the said Queen, and to impart to her
plainly all that which shall be meet to inform her of the
truth for their defence in such weighty crimes and causes as
the Queen hath or shall object against them.—8 June 1568. Draft. Endd., by Cecil. Pp. 2¼. |
June. | 2263. A Memorial for Middlemore sent into Scotland. |
The principal cause of his journey is to understand the
state of the troubles in Scotland, and to advertise the Queen
of England. He is to advertise Murray in what sort the
Queen of Scots conceives no small offence in matters which
are published touching the Queen of England. He shall
advise Murray not to hazard himself and his friends by way
of battle, but to be content that the inward controversies
may be ordered by her. Draft in Cecil's writing. P. 1. |
June 10. | 2264. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
There is great doubt of the person to be sent from Scotland
to the Queen. Anstruther has license to depart to France.
For better rule to be kept on the Borders has placed soldiers
on the frontiers to let the intents of the evil-disposed persons
of Tividale. They had cut a great quantity of turf in
England. It is all burnt. Morton inwardly suffers the commendation given unto Lord Home for the meeting near unto
Glasgow. Lord Home is as evil pleased for the rasing of
Dunbar.—Berwick, 10 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼. |
June 10. | 2265. Captain Cockburn to Cecil. |
Will not trouble him with a long letter till he comes to
Court. All are up in all parts, and begin new play again;
great persecution over all parts of them of the religion.—
Dieppe, 10 June. Signed. Hol. Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1. |
June 11. | 2266. Valentine Brown to Cecil. |
Has now served the victualling of Berwick, and maintained
the Queen's store for the same one whole year and two
months at his own charges, and finds himself unable to continue the performance thereof. Desires that he may be
appointed to the receivership of Yorkshire, whereby he may
be supplied with money.—Berwick, 11 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 11. | 2267. The Regent Murray to the Queen. |
Desires (in the name of the King of Scots), that she will
grant a safe-conduct to David Somerville to pass through her
realm on his way to France.—Edinburgh, 11 June 1568.
Signed: James Stewart. Add. Endd., with seal. Royal letter. |
June 12. | 2268. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil. |
Commends to his favour the bearers, Captain Borthwick
and another, who are repairing towards Scotland.—Paris,
12 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½. |
June 13. | 2269. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
Whereas first upon despair of good success of the Lords
Herries' and Fleming's negotiations, those of the Borders
minded to have made their submission and reconciliation to
the Earl of Murray; since, upon some comfortable advertisement from Lord Herries of his good acceptance in the English
Court, they now stagger and delay their submission. On the
10th was executed at Edinburgh a private soldier, for that he
was in pay on the Lords' side, and yet fought on the Queen's
part against them. On the same day an ambassador arrived
out of Denmark. His errand is to require men for money,
and to offer, upon further prosecution, the Earl Bothwell
either to be tried in Denmark or delivered into Scotland.
Murray has entered into his journey.—Berwick, 13 June 1568.
Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 16. | 2270. Proclamation at Carlisle. |
The Earl of Murray having arrived at the West Marches
of Scotland to execute and answer justice, warns all the
Queen of England's subjects against receiving or maintaining
any Scotch fugitives.—Carlisle, 16 June 1568. Endd. Broadside. |
2271. Another copy of the above. Broadside. |
June 16. | 2272. Instructions for Thomas Randolph sent to the Emperor of Russia. |
Whereas the Emperor of Russia sent his letters to her by
Anthony Jenkinson, dated September, and signified that he
had enlarged his grant of liberties to the English merchants
trading in the north parts of his countries, and of his desire
to be in friendship with her, and to that end would have her
send her great messenger; Randolph is to use such ceremonies as by his discretion shall stand with her honour, and
to thank him for his friendly writings and dealings towards
her subjects and servants. He is also to say that Jenkinson
very secretly told her that the Emperor was desirous of such
friendship, that if either had to seek refuge of their own
countries that the one might be the defender of the other's
cause. To which he shall say that the Queen thinks that
Jenkinson might have misconceived the words of the Emperor,
for that she has no manner of doubt of the continuance of her
peaceable government, without danger either of her subjects
or any foreign enemies, and knows of nothing to the contrary
of the state of the said Emperor, of whose power and wisdom
she has had good report made to her; assuring him that if any
mischance might happen in his estate he shall be as friendly
received in her dominions as if he had special covenants
signed and sealed. Randolph is to satisfy him in such general
sort without giving occasion to enter into any such special
treaties as are called offensive and defensive, for she is not
ignorant of the enmity betwixt him and the empire of Rome,
and the Kings of Poland and Sweden; so that it cannot be
convenient for her to make any outward treaty with him,
otherwise than to have some grants of privileges for her
merchants, and that is the special cause of sending him
thither. He is to present him a rich standing cup of silver,
and in it a great number of pieces of plate artificially
wrought, and shall recommend it more for the rarity of the
fashion than for the value. Has commissioned two merchants
with his help to further the treaty. He is to use his diligence
for the recovery of the stock and store of the said society out
of the hands of such as have been put in trust with their
trade, who have notoriously abused and deceived the same
merchants. Draft, with corrections by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 4. |
June 17. | 2273. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil. |
1. (fn. 1) Their intention here is if the Queen detains the Queen of Scots they will get the Earl of Murray so at their devotion as to have the King of Scotland into their country. Much fears lest sharp words sent by the Queen to the Earl of Murray will cause their attempts the sooner to be brought to pass. On the 16th inst. the Admiral gave him again to understand that the Cardinal of Lorraine to get the greater credit with the Queen Mother and M. D'Anjou has promised to convey the interest that the Queen of Scots pretends to England to him. Further he sent to know what means and aid might be had for the advancement of religion, which was intended by the Cardinal of Lorraine and his complices to be utterly extirpated, which aid they require as their uttermost refuge. (fn. 1) —Paris, 17 June 1568. Signed. | |
2. Divers troops of the religion have discovered themselves in sundry places. Monvans has surprised Orange and
overrun the country as far as St. Esprit. At Toulouse the
Edict will not be received, and the gentleman who brought
the same thither was colourably condemned and executed for
some other offence. Montmorency has come to the Court.
The process between him and the Duke of Guise for the
county of Dammartin will in the end break out to open
enmity. These mischiefs are in such sort accompanied with
private quarrels, that the end cannot but be perilous. The
Prince of Orange has waged 4,000 of Cassimer's reiters, which
has much astonished many of the affectionate Romish, for the
proceedings here on both sides are measured by the success in
Flanders. Desires Cecil to show himself in time by some
good motion the same man the world reputes him. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2. |
June 17. | 2274. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
His man upon the 14th inst. left the Earl of Murray at
Kemmar with 6,000 horsemen and 1,000 footmen, whereof
200 were pioneers, the Earl Morton and Lord Home having
the vanguard. Their provision is great. There are 600 (sic)
carriages of wine. They may do what they purpose, for he
hears not of any who are minded to make any defence.
Where the Queen of Scots offers to make her purgation the
Earl of Murray likewise offers himself prisoner in the Tower
of London if he prove her not guilty in the death of the
King her husband, and desires the trial thereof. Yesterday
there passed to the Queen Mary Seton.—Berwick, 17 June
1568. Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 17. | 2275. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
The Regent is very desirous to have the matter tried wherewith the Queen has been charged of, who now [it] seems
makes large offers to clear herself. The less resort that [any]
make to the Queen when she is removed from Carlisle the
better, for she has sugared speech in store, and as Drury hears
spares not to deal part of it now where she is. A good
Englishman and of constant mind were the fit man to have
the looking unto her where she shall be bestowed. After any
French have been with her her mirth increases, and she assures
herself of great things, but she cares not how short time the
Queen Mother lives.—Berwick, 17 June 1568. Signed. Endd. P. 1. |
June 17. | 2276. Mr. Walter Haddon to Cecil. |
Gives him a short account of the state of Lewis Thieryn's
action in law for the recovery of his goods. Signed. Add. Endd.: 17 June 1568. With seal. P. 1. |
June 18. | 2277. Dr. Man to Cecil. |
Is informed that Don Graow De Espes [Gerald De Spes] of
the Cross of Calatrava departs very shortly for this King's
ambassador resident there. He has had often and secret
conferences with Sir Francis Englefield. He is a man of
reputation in this Court, and of the president's preferment.
Is sorry that he cannot hear yet of his revocation. It is very
strange that the King's Ambassador in England, besides
all honourable entertainment possible, has liberty for Mass,
preaching, and any talk of conscience in his house, and the
Queen's Ambassador here cannot be suffered to reply or say
anything at his own table in the defence of the Reformed
Doctrine of religion but that the Inquisition immediately
examines and takes hold thereof, and makes it sufficient matter
to cause the King to deal no more with him.—From his house
beside Madrid, 18 June 1568. Signed. Passage in cipher. Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1¼. |
June 18. | 2278. Lord Scrope to Cecil. |
Thanks him for his friendly remembrance, and encloses a
copy of his letter to the Queen, that as he shall like or mislike thereof so to cause it to be delivered or referred till
further.—Carlisle, 18 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 18. | 2279. Lord Scrope to the Queen. |
Understands from Mr. Secretary her good disposition in
relieving his necessity and allowing and well-liking of his
former service, for which he humbly thanks her.—Carlisle,
18 June 1568. Signed. Copy. P. 1. Enclosure. |
June 18. | 2280. John Hamilton of [Beustowne] to John [Lane]. |
Desires him to borrow forty pounds of his friends and send
it to him. Also to send his cloak and some other clothes.—
Carlisle, 18 June. Signed. Add. P. 1. |
June 18. | 2281. John Hamilton to—. |
1. The Queen is very merry and in good health, and has gotten very good writing of the Queen of England to her contentment. All have as great liberty in Carlisle as ever they had in Edinburgh. The Queen says that she will see them all recompensed. May have any office he will seek of her. Has sent a boy to Edinburgh for money, and thinks he has gone away with it. | |
2. Desires him to send different things.—Carlisle, 18 June.
Signed: Ye wot quha. P. 1. |
June 18. | 2282. John Hamilton to —. |
Desires him to convey a writing to his wife, and get her
answer again. Also to send him money and clothes, and a
honest boy.—Carlisle, 18 June. Signed: Ye wot quha. Endd. P. 1. |
June 18. | 2283. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil. |
The bearer, Thomas Way, being in France fell in acquaintance with one Sturton, an Englishman, who said that if he
were in his country with assurance for his life, he could do it
20,000l. worth of commodity, whereby it is to be thought
that there is some practise in hand which he could discover.
He further declared that the ports and creeks in England are
well known to him, and that nothing of moment passes in
England whereof he has not good advertisement. Sturton
has a brother with the Lord Admiral.—Paris, 18 June 1568.
Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1. |
June 19. | 2284. N. Stopio to Cecil. |
The Turkish fleet has returned to Modon.—Venice,
19 June 1567. Signed. With seal. Ital. P. 1. |
2285. Advices. | |
Intelligence from Rome of the 12th, and Vienna of the
10th June. Ital. Pp. 3½. Enclosure. |
2286. Death of the Count of Aremberg. | |
Latin elegy on the death of John Count of Aremberg. In Stopio's handwriting. Lat. Pp. 1½. Enclosure. |
June 19. | 2287. Advices. |
News from Rome of June 19th; from Lyons of the 13th;
Avignon, May 29th; Madrid, the 14th May; Vienna, the
17th May. Endd. Ital Pp. 3. |
June [20]. | 2288. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
Even now arrived Scudamore from the Earl of Murray, to
whom he had imparted as much as in Cecil's letter was mentioned to be the Queen's pleasure he should know touching
the offer and protestation the Lord Herries made in the
Queen of Scots' name, for the trial of the cause between her
subjects and her, the which he seemed to entertain most
welcome, and protested that notwithstanding the troublesome
time, yet would he and the Earl Morton both leave Scotland
rather than through his default they should leave the truth
doubtful; and that they would come to what place and time
as shall pleasure the Queen.—Berwick, 20 Signed. Add. Endd.: 27 June. P. 1. |
June 22. | 2289. The Regent Murray to the Queen. |
Has received her letter of the 8th June from Mr. Middlemore. If he had delighted in private revenge he had not
lacked commodity to have executed rigour. Has attended
that men should have acknowledged their duty and so stayed
the execution of force, but lenity availing nothing it behoved
him to prepare force. Would not have been so sudden if
King's authority and the state of the county could otherwise
have stood. The preservation of amity betwixt the realms
was the occasion why he has drawn towards the West Marches,
being destitute of a Warden, and Lord Herries having purposely shaken loose all the broken men inhabitants thereof.
Although his offers have been despitefully rejected, he has
forborne for reverence of her requisition to execute anything
against anyone. For further declaration of his part and
meaning he intends to direct unto her one or more men of
credit well instructed.—Hoddam, 22 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
June 22. | 2290. The Regent Murray to Cecil. |
1. Refers him to the bearer, who has seen their proceedings and to whom he has communicated his mind at great length. | |
2. Thanks him for his continued good-will.—Hoddam,
22 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd.: By Mr. Middlemore. P. ½. |
[June 22.] | 2291. The Regent Murray's Reply to Mr. Middlemore. |
1. Whereas the Queen requires him to forbear all hostility against such as have taken part with the Queen of Scots, the least offer of obedience by any of them had at all times been sufficient for their relief. Addressed himself first towards the West March, for that within the same stand the most open and avowed disobedients to the King's authority, but chiefly that a Warden might be established to answer the Queen's opposite officers for the attemptats committed by subjects of Scotland against the lieges of England. They began with the Laird of Lochinvar, Lord Herries' son-in-law, whom they willed to acknowledge his duty, but finding in him not only repulse of all good offers, but despiteful and menacing terms they stayed no longer the execution towards his house, yet for reverence of the Queen of England's request they forbore the depredation of his friends and country at this time. | |
2. And for his offer to make declaration of their whole doings, against that wherewith the King's mother charges them, he has sent Mr. John Wood who will resolve the Queen of England of anything she stands doubtful into. But because they perceive the Queen minded to have the trial used with great solemnity they would be loath to enter in accusation of the King's mother, and fain to enter in qualification with her. In case the Queen will have the accusation directly to proceed, it were most reasonable they understood what they should look to follow thereupon in case they prove all that they allege. | |
3. Prays Middlemore to require that at least the Lords of the Council may assure them what they may "lippen" to. Further it may be that such letters as they have of the King's mother that sufficiently in their opinion prove her consenting to the murder of her husband shall be called in doubt by the judges to be constituted for examination and trial of the cause. His servant John Wood has copies of the letters translated. Desires that they may be considered by the judges, and that they may resolve him thus far in case the principal agree with the copy, that then they prove the case indeed, for when they have manifested and shown all and yet shall have no assurance that it they send shall satisfy for probation, to what purpose shall they after accuse or take care how to prove when they are not assured what to prove, or when they have proved what shall succeed? | |
4. Desires to be resolved of the time and place when the
matter shall be tried. Also that it be remembered how prejudicial it is to the quietness of the Borders that the King's
mother be permitted to remain at Carlisle so near the frontiers. Nothing can be more hurtful than suddenly to permit
Lord Herries to come home, as he will trouble all again. Endd. Pp. 2. |
June 22. | 2292. Maitland of Lethington to Cecil. |
The disordered people have taken great comfort by the
Queen of England's letter to the Regent, and become a little
more stout. Trusts that their greatest pride will be abated
before they go from hence, whereby justice may be executed
and quietness continued betwixt the inhabitants of both
frontiers.—Hoddam, 22 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 22. | 2293. Lord Scrope to Cecil. |
According to the contents of the letter from the Privy
Council anent the joining with the Regent for reformation
of the disorders on these frontiers, and keeping of fugitives
out of his charge, he met him this day near Annan. The
Regent has placed the Laird of Drumlanrig as Warden of
those Marches, whereunto Scrope condescended and promised
to minister justice for the preservation of the peace to him.
—Carlisle, 22 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 22. | 2294. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
1. Has at present but 400 footmen and fifty able horsemen for the defence of the town, for the due service of which there cannot be spared a score much less hundreds as now he doth, and of necessity must except he should suffer the March to lie abandoned of the Queen's people and used of the Scots. Has no assured matter to warrant him to lie so many of this garrison as now he is forced in the March. The long inviolable amity and peaceable neighbourhood observed by the English, notwithstanding whatsoever unkind occasion is offered by the Scots for the breach thereof, and the over long delayed justice upon them, has so far emboldened them that whatsoever they commit they make no reckoning to render any account thereof. | |
2. The soldiers whom he has dispersed into sundry parts of the frontier (though with the pensioners above 130) are not only over few but also serve as painfully and dangerously as if it were open war. | |
3. The Scots gather themselves into hundreds and attempt
to murder where they can find themselves to be an overmatch,
as where there lie but ten or twelve soldiers they omit no
opportunity to mischief them by night or day. Nevertheless
they have still hitherto been impeached for the most part.
Ferniehurst is a great backer of these disorders. Yesternight
was brought word that he had in practise covertly to make a
great raid into this Border, and that there are men assembling;
whereupon he sent forth Captain Wood with his company to
the relief of Captain Brickwell to welcome them. It pricks
them much that he should thus restrain their insolent riefs and
murders, and that their cattle feeding in England should be
impounded.—Berwick, 22 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. Pp. 2. |
June 23. | 2295. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil. |
1. Holds the wolf by the ear, and is in doubt whether it is safer to let him go or keep his hold. A gentleman named Menillie, one of the Admiral's dear friends, required Norris to send one of trust to whom he might impart somewhat of importance, whereupon he sent the bearer his secretary. Menillie, after some discourse of how necessary it was for the religion throughout Christendom to remain united, at length said that he had somewhat to declare from M. De Montmorency, which was that the Queen having certain knowledge of the Cardinal of Lorraine's devices to hold his credit with Monsr. D'Anjou, he thought since the Queen, as all other of the religion, was greatly wronged hereby, it should not be displeasant unto her if some other means were found to requite the same and cause his practise to come to more effect. Montmorency finds no way so ready as if it would please the Queen not to take in ill part that some overture of treaty of marriage were moved betwixt her and Monsieur. And though the Queen never meant the same should take place, yet he thinks there would thereof arise great commodity. First, that Montmorency breaking this matter with Monsieur serving so greatly to his high desires, seeming a thing easy in respect of the marvels the Cardinal of Lorraine promises as not only he but the French King and the Queen Mother would marvellously embrace the same. And so Montmorency taking in hand to deal herein shall in such sort creep in credit with Monsieur, as in the end to work the Cardinal of Lorraine out of favour. | |
2. Describes the position of the Prince of Condé and the
rest.—Paris, 23 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2. |
June 23. | 2296. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen. |
1. Had audience on the 18th inst., when he related to the King and the Queen Mother that which he was commanded by her letter of the 8th inst. concerning the Queen of Scots; whereunto the Queen Mother first answered that 'the Queen's great goodness and clemency towards all oppressed had been such that they had no mistrust but that it would be the like or more to the Queen of Scots. Afterwards, both she and the King made great professions of amity to the Queen of England, which Norris answered in a similar manner. | |
2. The Prince of Conde, the Admiral, D'Andelot, and
Esternay all lie in divers castles, with captains, soldiers, and
gentlemen about them, and are so placed that there is no
river between them, so that they, with their company, may
easily meet together within a day and a half; and Esternay,
well accompanied, keeps a ford passage over the Seine open
for them of the religion to come and go from Picardy to the
Prince. Rochelle and some other towns have refused to take
any garrisons. Peter Clare the 20th June came out of
Almaine with divers letters to the King from such noblemen
as are his pensioners, advertising him that in Germany there
were a number bent against him, and that if he renewed the
war he was like to put Metz and some other places of strength
in jeopardy. On the 18th inst. the King said that he would
rather lose his crown than live in fear of his estate. The
French have recovered a castle in Terra Florida, out of which
two years past they were cast forth.—Paris, 23 June 1568.
Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4. |
June 24. | 2297. Philip II. to the Queen. |
In order that she may more fully understand the cause of
his proceedings towards Mr. Man, he send the bearer, Don
Gerald De Spes, a knight of Calatrava, who will inform her
of all, and afterwards remain at her Court in the place of his
present ambassador.—Madrid, 24 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Broadside. |
June 24. | 2298. Allowances for the Marshal of Berwick. |
Allowances demanded by the Marshal of Berwick for
charges by him sustained in occupying the place of principal
officer of that piece, and of Warden of the East Marches for
eight months fourteen days, total 310l. 13s. 4d. Notes in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1. |
June [24]. | 2299. The Regent Murray's Campaign in the West. |
"The dyet of my Lord Regent's camp, where it was every
night." Summary of Murray's campaign in the West, from
the 11th to the 24th June. Taking and destruction of
Skirling Castle; surrender of Hoddam; meeting with Lord
Scrope. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
June [24]. | 2300. The Regent Murray's Campaign in the West. |
A longer diary of Murray's campaign in the West. List of
countries passed through, with the order of his army. Endd. Pp. 5. |
June 26. | 2301. Sir Henry Norris to [Cecil]. |
Movements of the Prince of Orange and his friends with
their troops in Germany. The Count of Meghen is besieged
in Groningen. There is news that the Captain Coqueville is
defeated. Signed. Endd. by Cecil: 26 June 1568. Advices of Germany, from Sir H. Norris. Pp. 2¼. |
June 26. | 2302. Advices. |
Intelligence from Rome, 26th June 1568; from Lyons,
13th June. Ital. Pp. 3½. |
June 27. | 2303. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
The Queen of Scots' favourers have intercepted letters from
Mr. John Wood to the Earl of Murray, and sent them to
her. Her remaining in Carlisle breeds encouragement to the
thieves and loose persons of the Borders, as likewise the
likelihood remaining that she should be aided by the Queen,
as in part may appear by letters written by some of theirs to
her favourers in Scotland, which he has caused to be intercepted through lying wait at the fords and passages within
his charge. Ferniehurst has spoken with him, offering good
neighbourhood, desiring kindness. Things are somewhat
altered; the English Borderers dreaded them, and now they
fear the English as much. Is but a young Borderer, but if
he is not deceived, they are easy enough dealt with, if they
receive one displeasure for another, if by justice it cannot be
remedied.—Berwick, 27 June 1568. Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 28. | 2304. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil. |
1. On the 10th inst., one Rogers, an Englishman, well learned, came and declared that there were here on the 5th inst. certain determinations that if their enterprise had had desired success, the nobility of the religion had lost their heads. And the 6th following [it was] agreed that the French would have embarked and joined themselves with the Spaniards, who then were on the sea, and thus being linked together the conspiracy was to have landed upon some of the coasts of England, where certain lords should have aided them at their landing, thinking thereby to have made the Queen in such fear of this, that should have been done upon such a sudden, that hereby the Queen of Scots should straightways have been yielded to them to have been brought into France; and further, that the English should have been so occupied that the Spaniards should have had sure passage, who think that the Queen of England aids the Prince with money, and that she should have hindered their coming into Flanders. Receiving this of so mean a person, he thought rather to learn further than rashly to send him this. | |
2. But now again, on the 27th inst., Menillie sent word
from Montmorency that the Cardinal of Lorraine should say
in open Council within these few days (that which Norris
trusts was rather to cause suspicion to arise in England than
for any truth there is in his saying), "That the troubles here
being ended for religion, as he trusted they would be shortly,
and the Queen of Scots returned into France, four noblemen
of England had promised him that so soon as any French
forces should show themselves in any place of Scotland or
England, they would have in readiness 40,000 men at their
commandments to help them." The Cardinal of Lorraine has
promised Monsieur, as he is again advertised by the Admiral,
that the Queen of Scots shall make a grant of her estate
not only of England but also of Scotland, unto him, whereunto the Pope has given his consent, and if he will not take
this enterprise in hand he will give them for a prey to others.
Montmorency has quitted his government of Paris to Mons.
D'Alencon. Montmorency and the Cardinal of Lorraine are
admitted chief of the Privy Council.—Paris, 28 June 1568.
Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Partly in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 1¼. |
June 28. | 2305. The Earls of Pembroke and Leicester and Cecil to Sir Henry Norris. |
Being made privy to such messages as he lately sent by
this bearer, his secretary, to Cecil, they well allow of his
secret usage and speedy advertising thereof, and do not
mislike the overture made by De Menillie in the name of
the Duke Montmorency for the diverting of the enterprise
intended by the Cardinal of Lorraine, and although there is
no likelihood of the sequel of this overture for sundry
respects, yet they wish him to make such answer as it may
proceed, and to that end they are content that he may show
the party this letter, signed with their hands. Assure him of
their secrecy. Draft in Cecil's writing, with corrections. Endd. P. 1. |
June 29. | 2306. The Queen to Catherine De Medicis. |
1. Is glad to hear of her recovery to health. The bearer,
M. De Montmorin, who has had access to the Queen of Scots,
can inform her in what state her affairs are.—Greenwich,
29 June 1568. This which follows, the Queen wrote with her own hand under this letter:— |
2. Assures her of the safety of the life and honour of the
Queen of Scots. Will not forget that she is a Queen, and
her near relative; nor on the other hand can she put aside
the considerations which move her not to treat her with such
ceremony or pomp as she might have desired, and which she
would rather leave to the Queen Mother's good judgment to
imagine, than suffer her pen to write. Copy. Fr. P. 1. |
June 29. | 2307. Note of George Carr's Saying. |
1. George Carr, being indicted of March treason at the bar, openly said that Sir John Forster had no commission to try upon the life of man, and required to be heard before the Prince and Council.—At the Warden Court, Morpeth, 29 June 1568. | |
2. Names of certain gentlemen who heard the words subscribed. Endd. P. 1. |
2308. Another copy. Endd. P. 1. |
June 29. | 2309. Sir Henry Lee to Cecil. |
1. Left, at his coming from Cologne, the Prince of Orange at his house, six miles from thence, to which place, five days before, he was returned out of the higher parts of Germany, as from Strasburgh, where he was with the Palsgrave, who altogether detests the proceedings of the Duke of Alva, and furnishes with all he may the Prince. His son Casimir is full ready, and has in his company 5,000 or 6,000 reiters. There pass continually soldiers, some to the Prince, and some to his brother. Gives the names of noblemen and others who are in Cologne expecting the Prince. Is in company with a Spaniard who was sent by the Emperor about his business to Spires, who says that the Emperor much mislikes the proceedings of the Duke of Alva, and especially for putting to death those two noblemen, to whom the Duke has sent an excuse which persuades little. The Palsgrave in great rage has also sent to the Emperor, lamenting and crying out of the intolerable murder of his son-in-law, protesting revenge. | |
2. Eric of Brunswick has given his word to furnish the
Duke of Alva with 4,000 horsemen, but with much ado he
has only got together 1,500. All the rest of the noblemen of
this country prefer the cause of the Prince of Orange, some
for kindred, some for religion, other some for the cruelty of
the murder. There is much ado between the Bishop and the
town of Treves.—Augsburg, 29 June. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼. |
June 29. | 2310. The Regent Murray to Forster. |
Is now returned from his progress at the West March.
Minds when their corn and hay is gathered hereafter to visit
them, for the present burning of their houses could do them
little harm. The chief occasion of the obstinacy and rebellion
of all these countrymen is by reason that the Queen has been
permitted to remain so long at Carlisle.—Edinburgh, 29 June
1568. Signed: James Regent. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 30. | 2311. Sir William Drury to Cecil. |
1. Forwards a packet from the Earl of Murray to Mr. John Wood. Murray is most desirous to have speedy advertisement what he shall trust unto touching his last answer concerning Lord Herries' demand in the Queen of Scots' name. It is now judged that divers great men will seek their peace with him. | |
2. P.S.—The Queen of Scots has lately sent comfort to all
her favourers to remain faithful.—Berwick, 30 June 1568.
Signed. Add. Endd. P. 1. |
June 30. | 2312. Inquiries by the Regent of Scotland. |
Notes which the Regent desires to have resolved touching
the intended trial of the Queen of Scots, containing the same
inquiries as were made by him to Middlemore. June 22. Endd. P. 1. |
June 30. | 2313. The Queen to Charles IX. |
Was glad to receive his letter expressing satisfaction that
the Queen of Scots had arrived in her kingdom, and assures
him that she shall want for nothing that she can honourably
grant. Trusts that she may never change her opinion with
regard to the position of Princes with their subjects.—
Greenwich, 30 June. Copy. Endd.: To the French King. Written with her own hand. Fr. P. ½. |