Elizabeth: April 1568

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: April 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp437-448 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp437-448.

"Elizabeth: April 1568". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp437-448.

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April 1568

April 1. 2104. Sir Francis Englefield to Cecil.
If any go about to defame him of importunity or any other error in that the King of Spain writes now the third time in his favour, he excuses himself by the justness of his suit. Rests upon Cecil, who will not cast away his benefits upon an ungrateful man.—Madrid, 1 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
April 1. 2105. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Upon receipt of his letter he wrote to the Regent for the placing of a warden opposite. Has intelligence of an agreement between Lord Herries and the Laird of Drumlanrig now in hand to be compounded by double marriages. Thinks Herries will be officer again.—Carlisle, 1 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
April 2. 2106. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The Hamiltons hold out still, and Dumbarton will not be rendered. The Regent's contraries have long been fed with the coming of a power out of France. Argyll is fairer spoken unto than trusted. The Queen has declared unto George Douglas's mother of her having moved and broken with the Regent for to marry with him, and of his unwillingness unto the same, with these words and such like, "You may see what a kind brother he hath of him." Notwithstanding he was forbidden to remain there, yet it is thought that he has disguisedly secret recourse thither, and the affection great. The Queen's liberty, by favour, force, or stealth, is shortly looked for. Certain Scotchmen now come from France affirm that they were dealt with by the Duke of Chatelherault to take wages of him, and show some cause. For his proportion of stone from hence Cecil need have no further care.—Berwick, 2 April 1567. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
April 3. 2107. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The Queen perceiving how the Commissioners for the Prince had to heart their indirect dealing and minding by all means to appease the matter, at the Duke Montmorency's earnest request the next day the Cardinal Chatillon and Counts Rochefoucault and Bouchevannes were appointed to stay at a monastery of Observants in the suburbs, whither the King and Queen went to them, and gave them all the good entertainment that might be wished, and had talk with them for the space of three hours, which done they returned again to Longjumeau. This delay has been to the great advantage of the religion.—Paris, 3 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
2108. Copy of the first portion of the above.
Endd.: 1 April. P. 1.
April 4. 2109. Dr. Man to the Queen.
Has received her letter of the 24th February, but has not yet been able to procure audience. After five days the King sent him word that he should first talk with Ruy Gomez, who dealt very cunningly with him. Refused to open to him the charge given to him to say to the King. Is credibly informed that the King will in no case hear of her request touching her ambassador's privilege in liberty of religion. A very great councillor said that he marvelled that she was not content with the order which her predecessors have been contented with, and that she meant thereby to introduce schism into Spain; and further, that the King cannot grant her request if he would, for that he is subject, as the rest of Spain, to the Holy Inquisition, and sticks not to say that she seeks hereby to break off the amity with the King. The matter is so bruited in the Court, and written to divers parts, that it now touches her in honour not to pass it over, but rather to reduce the service of her ambassador to that place whereunto it was first meant, it being of few years continuance that there has been any English Ambassador resident in the Court of Spain, most of them residing in the territories of the House of Burgundy.— Madrid, 4 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
April 4. 2110. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome of the 27th March 1568, creation of four Cardinals. From Vienna 25th March, affairs of Poland and Turkey.—Venice, 4 April 1568. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 3.
April 5. 2111. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
Steven Lesley was taken in Scotland, and not in England, and the Regent may perceive by his letters all that is prepared here in his contrary. There is at present some new enterprise moved at the Court and to be sent by sea. The Papists are so offended with the King and Queen that he hopes they will come to the true religion.—Dieppe, 5 April. Signed: Gorg Bemont.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 6. 2112. Philip II. to the Queen.
Hears from his ambassador at her Court that Man has sent certain letters, which if he had confined himself to his duty he would not have written. Refers her to his ambassador and to a gentleman of his Court, whom he will shortly send for an explanation.—Madrid, 6 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
April 6. 2113. The Queen to Man.
Commands him to protest against the King of Spain's intention to bring and straiten the places of the trade of the English merchants in Galicia to certain private ports and towns there.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
April 6. 2114. The Duke of Alva to the Queen.
Desires justice for certain of the King of Spain's subjects who have been plundered by English pirates.—Brussels, 6 April 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd.: 1568. With seal. Fr. Broadside.
April 8. 2115. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Informs her of the intent to break off the peace. On the 5th was the Edict of Pacification published and put forth in print, which he sends herewith. There are great diversities of humour about the same. Is informed that France eschewing one danger is ready to be threatened with a greater, viz., the King having given his brother all the authority that he possibly might, and having no degree whereunto he might aspire but the highest, has shown some tokens of an ambitious heart; for of late suspected Protestant he has now become a sworn Catholic, and is drawn by them in all his proceedings, disdaining all things his brother does. And the King very courteously entertaining the Cardinal Chatillon and the Count Rochefoucault at their late being here, and talked very gently with Brocarde, the governor of Orleans during these troubles for the Prince of Conde, he seemed marvellously to stomach the matter, saying that they had deserved no such favour at the King's hands, which words have already bred some jealously between the brethren. The Queen it is suspected animates M. D'Anjou, hoping if the one fails her to stay upon the other. She has of late shown great signs of grief, which have arisen upon a certain letter written by the King Catholic to the King wherein he declares that he is glad that he has appeased these civil wars, and counsels him hereafter to take the government in his own hands.
2. Has been required by the Cardinal of Chatillon to give the Queen in all their companions' behalf their most humble thanks for her aid and favour shown to them in the last troubles afore this; desiring her not to take it in ill part that they had not made her privy to these proceedings, the occasion being that they were so suddenly taken. He was further required to advertise her that the storm which of late was here is likely to fall in Flanders; and also that there were secret articles sworn between the King and his council and the Prince of Conde and his company. The King sending the Edict of Pacification to be proclaimed in Rouen, the magistrates were assailed with a furious multitude and forced to fly; which done they spoiled divers whom they esteemed to be of the religion and slew also of them; the like has happened at Bourges, where the Catholics have slain divers Protestants that were kept in prison. The country is so full of soldiers that it is more perilous travelling now than during the wars.—Paris, 8 April 1568. Signed.
3. P.S.—There is great preparation of ships at St. Malo, whither soldiers repair daily to pass into Scotland.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3½.
April 8. 2116. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Gives information about the King and his brother, tumults on the proclamation of peace, &c., the same as in his letter of this date to the Queen.—Paris, 8 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
April 9. 2117. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Complains that he is driven to charges which cannot be avoided and so forced to take up money upon dear interest, and therefore requests Cecil's advice herein. On Monday will send him the stones for two chimneys.—Berwick, 9 April 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
[April 9.] 2118. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
Has received this from Paris, and other letters that mention that the Prince of Spain has headed a great mutiny in Spain. Desires him to send this to the Regent.
Add. On the same sheet of paper as the following. With seal.
Ramsay to Cockburn.
On the 7th the "Jussion" was subscribed by the King, but is now written over again. They slay daily at the ports of this town both women and others who retire themselves home again to their houses. Their camp "scales" not, but the Prince's does, wherewith many are not content. Captain Charles commends him right heartily to Cockburn, and would fain have him here and so would all the archers, who say that if he had been here perchance the other side had not been broken. Charles swears, par la mort et par le chair, if he were at home again and there be no minister near him, he will rather send to Geneva for one to preach in his barony, and if wars chance again he will be the greatest Huguenot that ever was.—Paris, 9 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
2119. The Queen to the [King of Navarre].
[April] Congratulates him on the pacification of all divisions and scandals in his kingdom, and desires him to give credence to the bearer, Mr. Thomas Smyth, one of her Council, and one of the Masters of Requests.
Copy. Endd.: Au Roy de Narre, not sent. Fr. P. 1.
April 9. 2120. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
On the 7th was kept a Day of March, where he received delivery for five bills. If the Earl of Murray had not played his part he would have missed this much justice. Hereafter he minds not to write to them, but to make a visitation. Has caused certain of their cattle feeding on English ground to be impounded. Has received copy of the letter sent by the Queen to the King of Denmark, which shall be sent to the Earl of Murray.—Berwick, 9 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
April 10. 2121. Advices.
News from Rome of the 10th April 1568; from Vienna, 8 April.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
April 11. 2122. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome of 3rd April.—Venice, 11 April 1568. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 3.
April. 2123. Advices from different Places.
News from Adrianople of the 13th March; Vienna, 1st April, and Rome of the 3rd April.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 5.
April 11. 2124. Pietro Volseki to Phayre.
Sends news about the Court of Spain.—Madrid, 11 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
April 11. 2125. Dr. Man to Cecil.
1. Because he cannot by his mute letters comprehend all the particularities passed since and about the Prince's imprisonment, he sends his secretary, who can also inform him what answers and delays he has had. Sees that the King is earnestly incensed by his ambassador's letters, not only touching the liberty which the Queen requires for Man and his household servants in like sort as his ambassador has permitted to him there; but also that of late the Queen has used more extremity and so continues daily against such as they call here Catholics. The ambassador also signified to the King that the Queen was in very great heats with him about this inequality, and had said that in case her ambassador should not have granted to him this request her commandment was that he should come home; whereunto the King said that he meant never to deal with him in it, much less to grant it, and that in case he would be gone he might go.
2. What the Count De Feria said herein Harrington can inform him if he promises him fair. Is informed that he has commandment to comfort all Papists, and to command all the King's servants or pensioners to return. The young gentleman has many good parts, and therefore Cecil might do a good deal to persuade him from the return into this service. Prays for his revocation; but beseeches him to consider the danger he will be in if the Spanish Ambassador be dismissed before his departure.
3. Sir Francis Englefield has bought a house in this town, and as void of hope to obtain his suit purposes to give himself entirely to the service of the King. The King has in making at Biscay 12 strong ships, and has also commanded to take up 30,000 "hamecks" of wheat there. There is levying 4,000 men for Flanders. Sir Francis Englefield opened to him secretly that he perceived by the Duke of Feria's talk unto him, that he found himself much aggrieved, having been so great a servant to the Queen and the only friend of Englishmen and their causes in this Court, that the Queen has not advanced in honour his wife's kinsfolk. On the 4th inst. seeking audience of the King he was answered that he was pained with the gout in his right hand, and could not conveniently give audience; notwithstanding which the Ambassador of Venice had audience the same day. —Madrid, 11 April 1568. Signed.
4. P.S.—Here is publicly sold by the King's privilege a history in Spanish, wherein among other lies are written heinous slanders touching the Queen, and her father and mother. Some of the words he has written out and sends. As he is kept from the King he will deal herein with Ruy Gomez.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4.
April 11. 2126. Sir Francis Englefield to Cecil.
It very much confounds him to see that the King of Spain should need in so simple a suit as his so often to move and press the Queen. By the delay he rests oppressed with as hard a choice as any man can be put to; either to entangle himself with the bondage of some foreign service, or else to want necessary maintenance to sustain the vocation whereunto he was born. As for his returning there is a danger to his life by an unjust taxing him with adhering to rebels and the Queen's enemies; besides whilst his conscience remains persuaded as it is there is no possible way to live there without the plain condemnation thereof inwardly, and the public offence of his Sovereign by being scandalous to her subjects, and a breaker of her laws. Seeks but a small part of what is his own. Offers to make his wife such allowance as the Queen would that she should have, so that she may not be encouraged to defame her husband and dissolve his ordinances. —Madrid, 11 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
April 11. 2127. English Ambassador in Spain.
A note of the different excuses made to Man in order to prevent his having audience with the King of Spain from 21 March to 11 April.
Endd. Pp. 2½.
April 12. 2128. [Sir Henry Norris] to Mr. Man.
These troubles are to outward appearance fully appeased, the King having published his Edict of Pacification. Soldiers on both sides return home. The Court is presently very great. In England all things remain in their wonted quietness.
Rough copy. Endd.: 12 April 1568. Pp. 1½.
April 12. 2129. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Whereas certain process has been directed against his deputy Warden and Constable forth of the Court of Star Chamber for their appearance there this Easter term, and as he must needs leave them with this charge, he desires that their answers may be taken by commission. The Johnstones of Annandale have burnt five or six large steadings near Moffat.—Carlisle, 12 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P.1.
April 13. 2130. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Writes in favour of Mr. Lovel, who desires the room of gentlemen porter. The place has been unfurnished almost three years. Lethington has prayed his consent for the carrying of a couple of geldings out of England. But it touching too much the breach of law and order he has denied it. Would be content to satisfy him if he had the Queen's warrant, which he desires Cecil to move her to grant. Wishes this the rather to do them lawfully courtesy to the end they may the more incline themselves to do him justice.—Berwick, 13 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 3. 2131. Maitland of Lethington to Cecil.
Several of his horses having been stolen by the Liddesdale thieves, he desires his license to buy two geldings within the bounds of England.—Edinburgh, 3 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
April 13. 2132. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Where he moved him for license to transport yearly two or three geldings into Scotland to bestow in gifts there, thereby to have avoided some loss he has hitherto sustained by the Scots who usually rob him of sheep, oxen, and horses, he now stands in hope to have recompense by order. At the Day of March there was great redress and delivery such as has not been these seven years seen. The Marshall being thus forced to travel unto the Borders and lie there, which he cannot do without great expense, Browne has imprested to him to the value of 200l., for which he desires a warrant. Returns a ship laden with stones for him to London.— Berwick, 13 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
April 16. 2133. Remembrance for the East Borders.
1. A special license to keep a Warden Court for the observing of the laws and customs of the Borders.
2. All Scots to be expelled out of any habitation within the March.
3. Cattle pasturing in English ground to be taken.
4. Black-rents to be restrained by proclamation.
Endd. P. 1.
April 18. 2134. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome of 10 April, and from Vienna of the 8th.—Venice, 18 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 3.
April 18. 2135. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Since the proclaiming of the Edict in Paris there have been sundry outrages committed; divers of the religion entering into the city from Orleans have been by the soldiers cruelly murdered at the gates, without any execution as yet done upon the offenders. The Scottish captains who were with the Prince are cassed altogether contrary to the Edict. It is likewise said that the King means to put out of his household as many as are suspected to be of the religion. Commotions and slaughters in Languedoc. The King's reiters being 6,500 and the Prince's 7,800, have received in part payment of their wages 400,000 francs, the remanet which is 700,000 francs to be answered in two several times at Frankfort. There are sixteen or twenty ships rigged towards Muscovy as they say, but he fears lest it be to colour the other enterprise. Has received his schedule concerning depredations done by the French, but none of the plainants come to take out commissions and find out such as robbed them.—Paris, 18 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
April 20. 2136. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Cecil has been a good and happy instrument in giving the Queen advice to the continuance of the godly amity betwixt the realms. Has commanded the bearer, Nichol Elphinstone, to impart his causes to him.—Glasgow, 20 April 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
April 21. 2137. Dr. Man to Cecil.
Being in doubt whether his letters and his secretary have been stayed by the way he sends this. Desires him to have respect to secret practises which he fears pass at present. Count Feria's practises be now in hand here.—Madrid, 21 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd.; with seal. Partly in cipher, deciphered. P.½.
April 22. 2138. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Mr. Beaumont arrived here yesterday, whom he received with such courtesy as he was able. Nicholas Elphinstone has arrived, making his repair up to the Court. There has been executed one of the Stewards of the chiefest of that house. Lesley has yielded to confess much more than at first he would.—Berwick, 22 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 23. 2139. Dr. Man to Cecil.
1. This day there came to his lodgings two of the King's secretaries, who declared that they had a message from the King whereof they were very sorry: That whereas the King had forborne to give him audience it proceeded not of lack of goodwill towards the Queen, but that whereas at Man's first coming he caused it to be intimated to him once by the Duke of Feria and twice by the Duke of Alva that he should content himself to live in this Court in like sort and manner as other English Ambassadors have done heretofore, the King was informed to his great grief that he had contrary to that order used himself more largely in matters of religion and against the order of the Holy House so plainly that he could not bear withal, nor deal with him any more, and so had determined not to hear him or suffer him to come into his presence; and that he had already written to the Queen to call him home as one not meet to live in this Court. And further the King's pleasure was that he should sequester himself out of the Court and town where he should be appointed.
2. Man said that he was sorry that the King had been so sinisterly informed of his case; and perceived that it proceeded not of His Majesty's good nature, but from whence he knew right well; and touching any dealing to the misliking of the Holy Office, he told them that the Duke of Alva at his first repair to this Court (the matter being enforced upon him by the Count De Feria to follow the orders of religion used in Spain as his predecessors did) assured him in the King's name that for his own person he should take himself privileged and not bound to repair to the churches and ceremonies, but might without impeachment of the Inquisition use any divine service within his house according to the laws of England, and also might with security say, speak, or do what he thought good within his own house, saving always that his servants and family could not enjoy the same liberty, but must be content to repair to the churches and ceremonies used in Spain.
3. They marvelled that the Duke of Alva should say so, but that it was possible that he mistook his saying, for the King was determined not to suffer any innovation in his realm; but as for the liberty that the Queen of England's Ambassadors had heretofore living after the Catholic sort, the King was well content to continue it and no further. That his ambassador claimed no larger privilege than had been always granted to all his predecessors; and semblably Man ought to be contented with the same that his predecessors had and to have gone no further. They told him that the King found no other fault but this. Desires his speedy revocation.—Madrid, 23 April 1569 (sic). Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 23. 2140. Sir Walter Kerr of Cessford to Drury.
Has travailed with the gentlemen whose servants are filed in the bills that they are next to enter upon, but cannot be provided against the appointed day. Therefore desires him to continue that meeting to that day twenty days after. Prays him to take this excuse in best part, and not to think he does it for delay of justice.—Hallidon, 23 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 24. 2141. The Regent Murray to Sir John Forster.
Has received his letter showing the disorders of Liddesdale and what scaith the Queen's subjects have sustained, and requiring that some reformation may be put to them. Declares his goodwill thereto and desire for peace betwixt the realms. Trusts that his proceedings here will cause his evil neighbours to contain themselves within their bounds, and as he may he will visit them.—Glasgow, 24 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 24. 2142. The Regent Murray to Sir John Forster.
Thanks him for his goodwill and his conduct in his charge. Continues forward in holding general justice through the country, and minds to return by the Borders.—Glasgow, 24 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 24. 2143. M. du Pont to Cecil.
The peace is not to the taste of either party. The principal towns which have taken arms continue their mischief. The news from Languedoc has troubled them of Paris. It is thought that the war will turn towards England. Before leaving Orleans the noblemen and most of the captains celebrated the communion. All the French companies of the Prince's party have returned home without demanding money, but those of the other side demand payment, and will not quit the towns and villages but continue to pillage.—24 April. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. In cipher, deciphered. P. 1.
April 25. 2144. Fraternity of the Holy Ghost.
Reasons and objects for the founding of a society for the defence of Catholic doctrines against the Reformers at Chalons. —25 April 1568.
Printed pamphlet. Fr. Pp. 6.
April 26. 2145. James Persall to Sir Henry Norris.
Sixteen or twenty large ships are preparing about Dieppe for Muscovy.—Rouen, 26 April 1568. Signed.
P. 1.
April 26. 2146. Rowland Johnson to Cecil.
Trusts that when his poor suit comes before Cecil and the rest of the Lords of the Council it will be granted. Encloses his petition.—Berwick, 26 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 26. 2147. Rowland Johnson to the Privy Council.
The unfinished state of the fortifications at Berwick makes the town lie very bare and unguardable. The meanest of his predecessors who served in this charge (Surveyor of the Works) had never less than 6s. 8d. a day, and some 10s., and his poor entertainment was never more than 4s. 2d. Understands that the same is appointed to cease. Prays that he may continue to be allowed the same in consideration of his twenty years' service. Has been offered greater entertainment to serve the Emperor. Desires license to travel this summer for the service of the Queen. Would be glad to attend upon any nobleman, and by these means see some of the best pieces of fortifications.—Berwick, 26 April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2. Enclosure.
April 26. 2148. News from the Low Countries.
Account of military operations in the Low Countries by Don Sancho De Londono, Maestro del Campo.—26 April 1568.
Endd. by Cecil: Spanish letter of news. Span. Pp. 4½.
April 28. 2149. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
There is appearance of greater trouble than before. Yesterday there was a proclamation by sound of trumpet, that if any preachings be made in Paris or the fauxbourgs, that they be cruelly put to death and the houses razed. Soldiers are sent to Orleans, Rochelle, and other towns that hold for them of the religion.—Paris, 28 April.
Hol. Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 28. 2150. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
Another letter to the same effect as the above.—Paris, 28 April 1568. Signed with initials.
Endd. P. 1.
April 30. 2151. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
The Borders are all out of order. Found all the soldiers returned from Harbottle. Desires that some may remain there until the Regent comes to the Borders. Encloses a copy of his letter to the Queen. It is said that the Frenchman who has come into Scotland has to move a marriage between the Queen and the Abbot of Arbroath. Desires a license for the giving of two geldings into Scotland to pleasure them whom he has his intelligence from.—Alnwick, last of April 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 30. 2152. Sir John Forster to the Queen.
According to her commandment has travailed to understand whether the Queen of Scots either has made or offered any out-scape, and is credibly informed that there was no such matter.—Alnwick, last of April 1568.
Copy. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
April. 2153. Accounts.
Value of certain merchandise belonging to Juan De Jaen and others.
Span. P. 1.