Elizabeth: March 1568

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: March 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp421-437 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp421-437.

"Elizabeth: March 1568". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp421-437.

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March 1568

March. 2037. Advices.
News from Vienna of 18 March; Rome 20th; and Mantua 21st.
Ital. Pp. 4.
March. 2038. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Has sent a herald to the King of Denmark, requiring that Bothwell may be sent into Scotland, but cannot get the same condescended to unless the Queen of England sends her letter to the King therefor. Prays him to extend this goodwill thereto, and that she may require the Ambassadors of France and Spain to procure their sovereigns' like letters to be sent into Denmark.—Edinburgh, March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
March 1. 2039. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Has kept no day of March these twenty weeks. Being moved for redress of certain special bills, he wrote to Lord Herries to advertise him whether as yet the Regent Murray was resolved of any to that wardenry or not, who has answered that notwithstanding he by his letters to the Regent has discharged himself, he can [not] receive from him any direct answer. Desires him to be a means with the Queen to address her special letters to Murray in this behalf.—Carlisle, 1 March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
March 1.
Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
2040. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. All the Prince's forces except those in Picardy are now joined together. On the 24th February letters were brought from the Prince to their Majesties here, wherein he greatly lamented the calamity and division this realm was fallen into by reason of this war, instantly desiring the speedy remedy; he and the rest not demanding aught else than the surety of their lives and goods, with permission to live according to the liberty of their consciences, protesting that which they have done was constrained by such as meant to have sought their lives, and therewith utterly to exterminate the gospel and the professors of the same. Lastly, in most humble wise they request at the King's hands confirmation of that which was meant to have been taken away, and that it would please the King to send some noble personages to treat thereof. The Cardinal of Bourbon being present, said to the Queen Mother that seeing how desirous they were of peace if it were not accepted he must needs put great fault in her, as well for the present let as for that which is passed. On the next day was Courbault returned again with the King's letters to the Prince of Condé. The Prince from the beginning of these troubles demands that all the articles, agreements, and capitulations as shall be agreed between them may be confirmed by all the Courts of Parliament throughout the realm as good and lawful. Those for the King reply that it should suffice the Prince, being a subject, to "affie" only upon the King's promise, without requiring towns or aught else for his assurance, and upon this aforesaid promise he should by all means possible assure the King never to take arms again; neither thinking it meet to grant the Prince the perpetuation of the Edict of January, nor yet the liberty of preaching, communicating, or calling synods or assemblies together, affirming that if they have still their liberties they may at all times gather together in arms in more readiness than the King, by reason of the secret intelligence they have one with another. Insomuch as this liberty remaining the King shall never be assured in his realm, the gatherings of money still continuing, and the practising with princes strangers never ceasing. All which are in no case to be granted, being better rather by this war to determine the matter than longer to live in suspense and doubt of another third war thrice worse than the two former, by reason of the allies and associates whom the Prince of Condé will draw unto him, in constraining the King to agree to a peace which will be greatly to his advantage, and nothing to the King's honour.
The King sent the 28th February towards the Prince the Marshal Montmorency, Monsr. Morvilliers, the Bishop of Limoges, and D'Alluy, one of his secretaries, who were appointed to meet the commissioners for the Prince, the Cardinal Chatillon, the Bishop of Arles, the Sires De Tergne and Teligny at Long-jumeau. If these differences be agreed upon it will be for some respects some time concealed. The greatest hope they conceive here is of the persons who are travaillers in these affairs, who have a very large commission granted to them, besides the unsupportable charges of these wars, and the accident of Spain, which does not a little astonish this Court.
3. The Queen walking the other day in her garden discoursing of the peace with divers noblemen and counsellors, called unto her Messire Nonio, an Italian entertained here for his knowledge in astrology, of whom she asked, what he found by the stars touching this peace; whereunto he answered, that the heavens did not promise it, nor the earth was not yet ready to receive it; forasmuch as the effect of the eclipse of the sun is now in its greatest force, and likewise the virtue of the conjunction of Saturn and Mars which was in Aries last year; with some other reasons, but concluded that the heavens did not constrain the inferior powers, but only disposed them.
4. The Queen Mother grows in great mistrust of the Parisians, insomuch as she has not only augmented her guard, but caused the inner gates at the Court to be made with drawbridges. There are come to Meaux 1,200 reiters, levied in Luxembourg and Lorraine for the King, having in their coming spoiled priests and plucked down images, and done many injuries to the people in their passing through the country. John George the Palatine, the King's pensioner, has refused to serve against the religion.
5. The King Catholic has commanded to shut his son in a much stronger prison than he was at first. It is said that he is charged with the commotion in Flanders, having secret intelligence with the Counts Egmont and Horn, and the other authors of this tumult.—Paris, 1 March 1568. Signed.
5. P. S.—The Prince demands a frontier town, as Boulogne or Rochelle, for their assurance, which is thought will be the occasion that these matters shall grow to no pacification.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 6.
March 1. 2041. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Complains that there are many "ante ambassadors" [sic] of his countrymen about Dieppe and Rouen, who are glad if they may deface his doings. The reiters levied for the King dismember priests finding them at their Mass, and burn and break images, and the best and most of value they take prisoners, which causes them to be in such mislike with the Parisians that as rather they had the Prince of Condé's people should approach Paris as they.—Paris, 1 March. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
March 2. 2042. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Regarding the abatement of the posts wages he minds not to charge them above once in sixteen days, except great and very urgent cause be ministered to the contrary. Sends a scheme of small money for the relief of the poor, and the avoiding the receipt of so much base coin of Scotland. The silver that the Scots get from England they carry to their mint, and there for every five shillings gain they six. It is secretly bruited that the Bishop of St. Andrew's has conveyed himself into Dumbarton.—Berwick, 2 March 1567. Signed.
2. P.S.—Lesley has been apprehended and conveyed to Home Castle, finding with many letters, they say twenty or twenty-four packets.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 2. 2043. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
So much of Cecil's letter as concerned his good disposition towards the Earl of Murray and his government he sent Scudamore to impart to him, for which he expresses his thanks and goodwill in return. Understands that six persons are confederated for the keeping of Dumbarton.— Berwick, 2 March 1567. Signed: W. D.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
March 2. 2044. Sigismond II. to the Queen.
Where she complains of those of Dantzic, he assures her they are not to blame, as he has himself interdicted all commerce with his enemy of Muscovy, and placed vessels to seize all ships doing so, which he has commanded to be impounded together with their cargoes.—Crusini [Kruswik], 3 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½.
March 4. 2045. [The Prince of Orange] to—.
Complains of the bad return he has received for his services, and also that at present the most innocent may be rendered suspected and odious, by merely being reputed as heretics, whereby they are liable to be accused of rebellion and sedition. Denies the right of the Duke of Alva to be judge in his case, and claims the privileges of the Order. Offers to clear himself before the Emperor and the Electors.— Dillembourg, 4 March 1568.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
March 4. 2046. The Regent Murray to Drury.
Has received his letter and report touching the difficulties of the affairs of the Borders, for amendment of which he has spared no travail. Minds shortly to visit the bounds of the West Marches, which being settled and brought to conformity he has good hope to bring the order in practise over all.— Edinburgh, 4 March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 4. 2047. Peace of Longjumeau.
Articles delivered on 4th March 1568 by the Commissioners of the Prince of Condé for the purpose of treating about the pacification, to which they require the King's express answer; for providing more commodious places for preaching, the better observance of the Edict by the King officers, the keeping of schools, and other matters.
Side notes signifying the King's acceptance of most of the articles.
Endd.: Approbatur Edm. London. Fr. Pp. 3.
March [4]. 2048. Peace of Longjumeau.
Requests of the Commissioners of the Prince of Condé and his party to the King for the better observance of the Edict of Pacification of March 7, 1562, more especially in Provence, to which the King gives his assent.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 9.
March 6. 2049. Advices.
1. From Rome, 6 March 1868. Contributions of men and money by different Italian Princes for the suppression of heresy. Depredations by the Turks. Heretics sent to Rome. Arrest of the Prince of Spain.
2. From Vienna, 4 March. Marriage at the Court. Movements of the Turk.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 4½.
March 6. 2050. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Sends herewith a book of the pensioners at Berwick. The Earl of Murray and the Council of Scotland have straightly enjoined the Laird of Cessford plainly and sincerely to proceed to the amending of wrongs on the Borders, whereupon is appointed a meeting to be holden on the 16th inst., whereat all matters now in controversy shall be satisfactorily finished.
2. The Earl of Murray this day has gone to visit the Queen to give her some comfort. Understands that Mr. Lesley though he was found with many letters, yet they did not purport any great consequence, further than that it appeared he had been very well treated at the Court of France and dealt in matters of weight. If there is anything yet lying covert which he brought, they purpose to use him with some extremity till the same be by him confessed.—Berwick, 6 March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 6. 2051. Pensioners at Berwick.
List of the pensioners at Berwick. Total present and absent, fifty-seven.
Very much injured by the damp. Endd. Pp. 12. Enclosure.
March 6. 2052. Letters sent to Cecil.
A list of letters sent by post by Drury to Cecil from Oct. 27, 1567, till March 6, 1568.
Endd. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
March 8. 2053. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Forwards letters from Murray. Writes in behalf of a couple of the pensioners that they may not be discharged or sent into Ireland, as they hold offices in the garrison of Berwick.—Berwick, 8 March 1567. Signed.
2. P.S.—There is by proclamation in Edinburgh a straight charge upon confiscation of his or their goods that shall during this Lent season eat any flesh without the especial licence of the Earl of Murray.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 9. 2054. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Thinks that peace is concluded, though to put their soldiers in hope of war they outwardly manifest some appearance of hostility, besides there has been some prisoners who have been of long time in durance executed, as is thought to the same end. Upon M. Montmorency's first return from the treaty holden at Longjumeau the King despatched four gentlemen, viz., to the Pope, the Emperor, the King Catholic, and the Swiss. They keep their determination secret till the soldiers are out of the town. There is some stay for the payment of the reiters the sum of 800,000 francs, the King has accorded to give in ready money 500,000, and the Cardinal of Bourbon and the Dukes Montmorency and Longueville are caution for the rest. Thinks if peace be concluded some attempt will be [made] into Scotland for the delivery of the Queen. The King has sent his letters to Marseilles for the delivery of the poor men in the galleys there.—Paris, 9 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
March. 2055. Treaty of Longjumeau.
The Commissioners of the Prince of Condé beg that the King will define more fully certain articles relating to the free exercise of the reformed religion.
Fr. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
March 9. 2056. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
Gives his reasons for judging that this peace is already made. L'Aubespine has said that Montagina has returned into England. If peace be concluded this great number of strangers now here will rather desire this summer to be entertained than to return to live idly at home; which considered the Cardinal of Lorraine said lately that he wished peace, whereby these strangers hired might rid the Queen of Scots out of thraldom.—Paris, 9 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
March 10. 2057. The Captain of Rochelle to the Queen.
Having been appointed captain of this town by the Prince of Condé he has cut to pieces a number of the enemy who have taken the field; the remainder having taken refuge in certain towns he intends to besiege them. Desires that she will give his agents license to purchase saltpetre and other necessaries for carrying on war. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil: 10 March 1567. Fr. Pp. 1½.
March 11. 2058. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The peace is still dissimuled, partly because they think it perilous upon a sudden to dismiss their armies, and again they think it not convenient to unarm till the reiters were departed the realm. Upon the return of Monsr. Montmorency Courbault was despatched to the Prince to the concluding of the peace, being then some articles that were "sticked" upon, whereat the Cardinal of Lorraine did marvellously storm that the King would condescend to any peace with his subjects; the King said that he should agree thereto "maugre luy." Whilst this peace is treated the reiters cease not to spoil the country and cruelly handle the "poverty," who being everywhere environed both with their own or foreign enemies dare not approach town or village, all being replenished with reiters, or those who entreat them as ill, whereby they miserably die in the fields. Young Mr. Poyntz having had a quartian and in the night going to the rampart, took such a cold as shortly afterwards he died.—Paris, 11 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
March 11. 2059. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Pembroke.
To the same effect as his letter to Cecil of the same date. Rough draft. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 11. 2060. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
The same as his letter to Cecil of this date.—Paris, 11 March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
2061. Draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 3.
March 12. 2062. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
1. On the 6th inst. twenty-five Scots men-at-arms of the King's guard, who had served with the Prince, were broken, and the Bishop of Glasgow has put all Papists in their places.
2. Report of the King of Spain's death, and that the Lords had rebelled against him.—Dieppe, 12 March.
Add. Endd., with a request to forward the letter to the Regent Murray. P. 1.
March 12. 2063. Treaty of Longjumeau.
News of the pacification of France by the treaty of Longjumeau.
Endd.: To Mr. Man, Ambassador in Spain, the 12th March 1568. P. 1.
March 13. 2064. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. By Cecil's letter he understands of some report of the discords between him and Cessford penned to his disadvantage. When, after two meetings, he saw no promise of redress performed, but rather delays and shifting answers, he complained to the Earl of Murray, and he promised that he should have better justice, to which end at the next meeting he would send an express man, as well to hear what was in his part demanded, as to move Cessford to do justice according to duty; whereat Cessford and other maintainers of wrong were much displeased, and thereupon either to beard him, or to have attempted some violence upon his body, assembled by secret warning as many as were able to use any weapon. Drury having some intelligence to look to himself, did not go slenderly accompanied. To be short, they seemed to rest upon these plain terms if he would yield to thus much wrong, that all outrages done before his time might be forgotten, and no more called upon, he should for anything done in his time be answered as much as could be justly demanded. At which unhonest condition some of their own consciences were moved and the man sent by the Regent was sorry to see the corrupt dealing of his own side, and said that Drury required nothing but reason and preferment of justice. As they thus communed in vain, one Ralph Grey, a gentleman of the country, having sworn a bill, the party charged being one Pringle a Scot. threatened and reproached openly amongst the whole assembly the deponent contrary to the law and truce. The English gentleman complaining, Drury required that Pringle might be delivered up to receive the punishment provided in that behalf, which was denied him. Drury thereupon refused further talk, and protested that he was once more minded to signify their remissness therein to the authority, and so brake off all his people, standing in strong and good order, with great advantage of the ground. Had he not had an earnest care to conserve the good amity of both the realms, he could that day sore to their smart have left testimony upon them that they overweened their strength. As to the report of "competency" (competition) of both sides who should bring most men into the field, he protests he did it not.
2. Complained by Mr. Selby to Murray, whereupon the Laird of Cessford was sent for, and at Edinburgh, before the Earl and Council, Drury's demands were heard at good length, and in effect wholly agreed unto, whereof some part shall appear by the copy sent herewith. Has advertisement that Cessford has apprehended four or five who shall be delivered to him. Complains of the reports of his ill-wishers and defends his doings.—Berwick, 13 March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 2. 2065. The Regent of Scotland's Answer to Drury's complaints.
The wardens on both sides are to meet on the 16th at Ridingburn, where the English and Scotch bills shall be delivered, and a meeting thereafter appointed for making delivery on both sides. Promises that "Jock of the long brand" and other evil doers shall be punished.—Edinburgh, 2 March.
Copy. Enclosed in Drury's of the 13th. Pp. 1½.
March 14. 2066. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome of the 6th of March, and from Vienna of the 4th.—Venice, 14 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 2¼.
March 15. 2067. Peace of Longjumeau.
Articles putting the Edict of Pacification of 8th March 1562 again in force, and arranging for the withdrawal of foreigners from the kingdom. Also the Duke De Montmorency's commission empowering him to treat with the Prince's party.—Paris, 15 March. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 6½.
March 15. 2068. Lord Scrope to Regent Murray.
For the space of half a year has been a continual craver for redress to the Queen's subjects under his rule at Lord Herries' hands, and can get none by reason that he wants commission to deal therein. Requires him in the Queen's name speedily to place some one in authority on that Border. Which not being met withal, and that out of hand, he does not see how the frontiers can be kept from utter confusion.— Carlisle, 15 March 1567.
Copy. P. 1.
March 15. 2069. The Answer of Robert Edmunds, alias Edmund Roberts, to Adolph Zenck.
Denies that he ever entered into any such agreement for casting steel as Adolp Zenck falsely asserts. His agent promised him half of a piece of English cloth if he would send over two men skilled in mining, which has been given to him. Complains of the conduct of the men who were sent over. Signed.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 16. 2070. Ludovicus Regius to Cecil.
Has translated the works of Plato and Aristotle concerning government from Greek into French, which he forwards to him, and begs him to present to the Queen.—Paris, 16 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd.: Sir Henry Norris's armorial seal. Lat. Pp. 2½.
March 17. 2071. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
Has not been at the Court for a long time. Desires him to cause the other letter, after he has read it, to be closed and sent with speed to the Regent of Scotland.—Dieppe, 17 March. Signed: George Bymont.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 18. 2072. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
According to appointment he met the Laird of Cessford yesterday. Cessford declared the causes of the breach of their promises, and seemed right sorry of the chance. The substance of that which he should then perform was the delivery of six bills filed and sworn, whereof his offer was that presently he could make delivery of four which were of least value; the other two he could not that day by no means answer, inasmuch as the Laird of Ferniehurst was not there, by reason whereof he could not have the men conveniently apprehended, for Cessford and he were but newly reconciled friends, and the offenders were Ferniehurst's servants. Whereunto Drury assented in sort that he that day accepted no offer of bills. They will meet again on the 28th. —Berwick, 18 March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 19. 2073. Frederick II. to the Queen.
Complains that one of her subjects, who was taken at Elsburg and afterwards liberated on parole, has joined with his enemies of Sweden, and is now in England preparing vessels for them. Also that another of her subjects is doing the same. Desires that they may be stopped.—Fredericsborg, 19 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 6.
March 19. 2074. Philip II. to the Queen.
Requests license for certain of his subjects to export corn on account of the scarcity on his sea coasts.—Madrid, 19 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. Broadside.
March 19. 2075. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
It is called truce to the 25th, and in the meantime the strangers to be sent all away, and then the peace to be proclaimed. Sends another bill for him to read and send through to the Regent.—Dieppe, 19 March 1568. Signed: George Bymond.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
March 20. 2076. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
It seems that the Earl of Murray waxes weary of his office of Regency. Wherein truly to execute the same, he can by no means please all, such is the presumption of their nature, that having a friend in authority to pleasure them they think he ought not to make any scruple of conscience. Therefore, he has the rather yielded to such a request of the Queen's, or device of himself as breeds great comfort unto her Grace, and yet furtherence and countenance to the Earl's side, viz., a husband for the Queen, the young Lord Meffeyne, a gentleman of twenty or twenty-one years of age, being a Stewart. It is holden very secret, and about Easter it is thought that it will be more apparent, and her Grace so set at liberty as the Earl, by further confirmation, shall still use the office he does till the King comes of age. Some affirm that the Earl of Morton sought the matching with the Queen, whereunto she could no way like. James Macgill is much countenanced by him, which has caused great coldness in Lethington's service.—Berwick, 20 March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
March 20. 2077. Sir Walter Kerr of Cessford to Drury.
Has not apprehended such as are expedient to enter for the bills, and therefore postpones their meeting till 13th April.— Jedburgh, 20 March 1567. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 20. 2078. Mr. Brigantine to Cecil.
Desires him to help him to attain some diets, whereby in advertisements or some other kind of service he might requite the Queen. The Emperor has sent a herald into France as well to the Prince as to the King, that all Germans should retire into their countries upon pain of his indignation. The Turks are strong on the Borders. The Emperor's soldiers are daily cassed.—Vienna, 20 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
March 20. 2079. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome of the 13th March 1568.—Venice, 20 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 2¼.
March 21. 2080. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Had audience on the 19th inst., where he declared to the King and the Queen Mother the Queen's good intent and meaning, which they thankfully accepted. He also told them that her meaning was to send some special person of trust to communicate with the King her opinion, counsel, and advice in these matters, and to use such honourable means as were not unmeet to recover universally the due obedience of his subjects unto him. The Queen Mother answered that the King was greatly beholden to her, but that as now the peace stood in such good terms, Her Majesty should not need to send any to take such travail upon him. Thought it not meet to mention anything of the latter part of her letter touching the indifference of the parties, seeing none here doubt of the equity in matters of religion of those who are gone to Longjumeau, so as no favourer of religion could have wished fitter personages.
2. Gives an account of the movements of both armies since the 2nd inst., and also the siege of Chartres by the Prince, and of the surcease of war on both sides. The Count Palatine has arrested passing down the Rhine two boats laden with velvets, and found hidden therein 200,000 crowns. He has restored the wares to certain Genoese, to whom they belong, but holds the money as good prize.—Paris, 21 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Injured by damp. Pp. 5.
March 21. 2081. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
At his audience the Queen Mother told him that there was none it stood nearer to than his mistress that the disobedience of the subject might be punished. She also asked him what he thought of them who came to Meaux to take the King; whereunto he answered that he was very glad if it was true that they had well satisfied her in that behalf. Desires Cecil to be his friend in the matter of his estate in Lord Dacre's lands.—Paris, 21 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
March 21. 2082. Advertisements out of France.
Abstract of intelligence contained in Norris's letter to the Queen of 21st March.
Endd. Pp. 2.
March. 2083. Advertisements from France.
Albeit they generally hold opinion here that the peace will be concluded, yet is no commodity omitted to gain one upon the other. The Admiral's army is "volant," having little baggage, which is charged upon mules and horses of carriage. His whole army is horsemen, having mounted 3,000 harquebusiers.
March 23. 2084. Instructions for Mr. Man.
Directs him to deliver certain letters to the King of Spain touching eight English ships which have been for three years stayed there. He is to do all he can for their recovery.
Draft. Imperfect. Endd.: 23 March 1568. P.1.
March 23. 2085. Letters Patent of Charles IX.
Forbids all notaries and others to receive any contracts for annuities or mortgages before the sum of 1,400,000 livres tournois has been raised for the payment of the foreign soldiers. — Paris, 23 March 1568; published 27 March. Signed by the King.
Pamphlet printed by Robert Etienne. Fr. Pp. 7.
March 25. 2086. Charges for Berwick.
A note of extraordinary monies disbursed by Sir William Drury between October 27, 1567, and March 25, 1568, for sending messages to different places, and also probably for espial money; total, 51l. 18s. 8d. Signed by Drury.
Endd. P. 1.
March 26. 2087. Dr. Man to Cecil.
The Prince remains still in very strait case. It is supposed the King will put the matter into the determination of his law. Finds great difficulty in speaking to the King; the touching of this matter of liberty in religion for his household is so odious unto him.—Madrid, 26 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
March 27. 2088. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news current at Rome on the 20th March 1568.— Venice, 27 March 1568. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 1.
March 27. 2089. Advices.
News from Rome dated the 27th March 1568. Also from Vienna of the 25th March.
Ital. Pp. 3½.
2090. Another copy of the same news, differently worded.
Endd. Pp. 2.
March 27. 2091. Stopio to Cecil.
News of an intended truce between the Emperor and the Turk.—Venice, 27 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 1.
March 27. 2092. Peace of Longjumeau.
Proclamation by Charles IX. confirming the privileges of the Edict of 19th March 1562 to those of the reformed religion.—Given at Paris, 23 March, and published 27 March 1568.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 5½.
March 28. 2093. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. On the 22nd M. Montmorency came from the treaty holden at Longjumeau to Paris, where he found the King, the Queen, and the Cardinals of Bourbon, Lorraine, and Guise at La Rue de la Harpe, and coming out of a house where they made some collation, each carried a rod at the end whereof was a hand gilt, which is said to be an old token of peace. By this it was thought that they would understand how the Parisians would like or mislike with peace.
2. There is great diligence used for collecting money to rid the unruly reiters out of the realm. The sum they account upon is 1,440,000 francs.
3. On the 26th came Combault with the articles of peace signed by the Prince and the nobility, on which day did the King sign the same. On the 27th one Poblacius being of the religion sent him word that it is agreed upon that M. D'Aumale shall gather together such French footmen as serve the King at Dieppe and Havre, and embark them into Scotland, as well for the delivery of the Queen of Scots as for the restoration of the Popish religion. In this their jollity does the Cardinal of Lorraine comfort them, having got Martigues and some others of his setting up to condescend to take this enterprise in hand. There are two occasions for the making of this peace, the first is reinforcements coming to the Prince of Condé, and the second is the fear that they have of the Queen of England, whom they understand to be in readiness with her navy.—Paris, 28 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
March 29. 2094. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Understands that all the head men of the Scottish Borders have secret warning to hold themselves in readiness at the next call. It is judged that Murray minds to apprehend some factious contraries to his government, or to encounter such forces as are looked for out of France. Dumbarton is still holden.—Berwick, 29 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 29. 2095. The Queen to Frederick II.
There is little doubt but that the Earl of Bothwell whom he has in custody was both the author and doer of the cruel murder of the King of Scots last year. Desires that he may be given up to be tried in Scotland. Promises that no private violence shall interfere with justice in his case.—Westminster, 29 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
March 29. 2096. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Has done his best to answer his request for stones, but is very sorry that he comes after the feast.—Berwick, 29 March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
March 30. 2097. Robert Huggins to Cecil.
Matters stand here very "tyckely" and uncertain in friendship either towards the Queen or her country. The English Ambassador has demanded audience for the space of ten days, but doubts he shall have none, or if he have any it shall be long first, his message being partly known. Of late both the writer and others have been examined upon certain articles against the said ambassador. Was sworn and forced to say the truth as others before him had done. Mistrusts that the ambassador will be in some great trouble here; his own liberal tongue shall be the cause thereof. Is commanded secretly to abandonate himself from him. Openly they do not stick to say that the Queen does but mock the King and dissemble with him in all things. He is much provoked against England, and lately has been persuaded to make peace with the Turk and turn all his power against the Lutherans, which if he would do he is offered great aid both of money and men. He has vowed that he will make a reformation in religion or else make himself a poor Prince. Of late there have been great councils, and oftener than there was wont. In case the King's Ambassador in England asks leave to go into Flanders to speak with the Duke of Alva, the writer would wish that he should have no leave, for if he go about any such thing Cecil will shortly hear that Man shall be in trouble; but as long as their Ambassador is in England they will be loath to trouble him. Humbly beseeches him to keep this in secret that he has written. The Duke De Feria is Man's mortal enemy, which he himself does not know. One Anthony Vazon who was examined before the writer is going into England. If he handle the matter circumspectly Cecil may know much of him. He is steward to one of the King's chaplains. Thinks he is sworn not to discover it, for so was the writer also.—Madrid, 30 March. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3¼.
March 30. 2098. Dr. Man to Cecil.
Cannot obtain audience. The Spanish Ambassador has informed the King of Her Majesty's request for him and his household in religion, which he cannot be induced to hear of. This bearer has had secret conference with the King. The young man is very insolent, and Spanish for his life, and therefore he wishes there were an eye had to his practises.— Madrid, 30 March 1568. Signed.
In cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd.: By Mr. Harrington. With seal. P. ½.
March 30. 2099. Philip II. to the Queen.
Desires her favour in behalf of Sir Francis Englefield, that he may have the rents and profits of his estates restored to him, and liberty to live abroad. Has given instructions herein to William Harrington, to whom he requests her to give credence.—Madrid, 30 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with fragment of seal. Lat. Broadside.
March 30. 2100. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. On the 29th was great appearance of alteration, the peace depending in very perilous terms, for the self-same night was holden a privy council at the Louvre, where there were none admitted but such as are sworn enemies to the religion, wherein was conspired the surprise of Orleans, Soissons, Rochelle, and Auxerre; and to the execution of these exploits were appointed Sansac, Martigues, Chavigny, and Brissac, hoping that the Prince of Conde disarming, and they by covert means entertaining the greater part of their forces, suddenly to have seized upon these aforesaid towns, and so it would be more easy to work their wills of the principals of the religion, being both disarmed of their forces, and wanting those places of strength. And in this secret convention it was also determined to reinforce the garrison of Paris, and to send to Monluc in Gascony, to assist the attempt of Rochelle, assuring himself of all the ports and havens in his government. But this conspiracy was not so secretly kept as wickedly devised, for by 10 o'clock next day the Cardinal Chatillon had knowledge thereof. Whereupon, fearing lest something was intended against their persons, they sent for their horses to Longjumeau, and indeed the Count Rochefoucault rode incontinent to the camp to stay the heralds from publishing the peace. This sudden change being declared to M. Montmorency, he was marvellously astonished, demanding of the Cardinal if it were sufferable to proceed in this sort after they had given their promises to the contrary, protesting that he thought the King and his Council meant to observe all such capitulations as had passed between them; but being made privy to the whole matter he proceeded no further, but returned hither marvellously discontent the 29th inst., declaring at the council table that he was greatly abused herein; and touching partly the Queen (belike with some remorse), caused her "to water her plants." Whilst the Marshal was debating these matters, there arrived one named La Caze from the Prince, who making report again of what the Cardinal had told Montmorency, the King swore by the faith of a Prince that if there had been any such thing it was done wholly without his knowledge, and laying his hand on his breast said, This is the Cardinal and Gascoigne's practice, in spite of them I will proceed with this peace; and, commanding pen and ink to be brought, he wrote a letter to the Prince, promising the good and sincere observation of all that should be agreed between them.
2. This practise will provide them greater assurance and larger conditions than are yet accorded.
3. Sends herewith such articles as are passed between the King and the Prince. Is told by one of very good credit that all that shall be agreed as well touching the assurance as the payment of the reiters shall not pass by open articles, but be sworn between them to be observed and kept secret from the multitude. The King's camp remains in Normandy and Picardy. The suspect of the preparation of Scotland is now ceased by reason of this accident. The Prince of Conde is presently at Orleans. Montmorency goes about to disarm the Parisians.—Paris, 30 March 1568.
4. P.S.—The Spanish Ambassador, at an audience on the 29th, spake very honourably of the Queen of England's upright dealing and proceeding during these troubles. 30 March. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4½.
March 30. 2101. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
To the same effect as his other letter of this date.
Copy. Imperfect. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
March. 2102. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Sends the bearer, M. De Beaumont to inform her of the pacification of the troubles in his kingdom, and to thank her for the friendship which she has shown. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
[March.] 2103. [Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.]
Informs him of the conclusion of peace between the King and the Prince of Conde. At the publication of the Edict of Pacification at Rouen there was some mutiny.
Rough copy. Pp. 2.