Elizabeth: February 1568

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: February 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp408-421 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp408-421.

"Elizabeth: February 1568". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp408-421.

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February 1568

[Feb.] 1980. The Queen to Man.
Has received his letter of the 18th of January concerning the Prince of Spain, and also the King of Spain's letter of the 22nd. Understands since his servant's coming a very strange matter, and not to be suffered, which is, that all Man's household being her subjects, himself excepted resorted to the common service of the churches there; and he not only compelled thereto, but also by fear restrained from exercise of any common or private divine service within his house. Has declared to the Spanish Ambassador her great misliking hereof, who, answering, seemed to be ignorant of this usage. Directs him to impart the same to the King, and require provision of remedy. He is to advertise her to the intent she may give order for his revocation if he may not enjoy like privilege for his household servants as the King's Ambassador does in England. Cannot grant the King of Spain's request for Sir Francis Englefield to enjoy his lands abroad on account of his misbehaviour.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 25 Jan. 1567. Pp. 4.
Feb. 1. 1981. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
There has been an encounter near Chatillon between the Duke of Nevers and the Count Montgomery, and the Duke forced to leave the field with loss of divers of his men. The Prince has crossed the Seine, and is at present nothing inferior in number to the King's army in infantry, but they are not esteemed so good for battle by reason of the Switzers. He has 3,000 more cavalry than the King has. There has been a review of the army at Troyes, and there is found 1,200 menat-arms departed since the last general muster, and almost whole bands of footmen stolen away. The King being at dinner, asked the Chevalier Battres what he thought of these troubles, who told him, that being in discourse with divers gentlemen of account, they were fully determined to hazard the King's displeasure rather than to stain their hands in their kinsman's blood. An ambassador from Duke William of Saxony lately declared that if the Prince's rising was for defence of religion his master would pretend some interest therein, as the quarrel touched generally all States Protestant, whereupon the Queen Mother said that it was no zeal for religion that had made him rise, but an ambitious mind to innovate the Commonwealth.—Paris, 1 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
Feb. 1. 1982. Guillaume Acquenan to Cecil.
Forwards a letter from Captain Cockburn, who has not been able to come to Dieppe, being kept at the Court by the Queen Mother. The enemies of the reformed religion have conspired to ruin everything.—Dieppe, 1 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Feb 2. 1983. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Acknowledges the receipt of letters. The Earl of Sutherland, his uncle, and his wife, being suspected of the poisoning of the said Earl, have appeared before the Earl of Murray last week and there examined. There is great cause of suspicion, but no sure trial as yet found. There have been two persons convicted of adultery, who were afterwards burnt on the cheek. The Scotchman whom he took for counterfeit money and delivered to Murray suffered last week.
2. P.S.—Murray's friends judge he will ere long have need of friends. If anything be a hindrance to the justice he means, it will be for that he will be loath to lose any person of quality.—Berwick, 2 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 2. 1984. Mr. J. Brigantine to Cecil.
Desiring his favour in a certain suit. Levy of soldiers in Germany.—Vienna, 2 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Mutilated and nearly obliterated by damp. Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 3. 1985. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Sends a book signed by Bennett and Harrington touching the state of the powder stored in Berwick and Newcastle. —Berwick, 3 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 3. 1986. State of the Borders.
1. Condition of the different forts and castles along the East and Middle Marches; with suggestions for the improvement of the Queen's tenants, and the restraint of conveying horses into Scotland. Also for the augmentation of the salaries of curates, and for the establishment of a free school at Berwick. Feb. 3, 1567.
Notes in the margin and endorsement by Cecil. Endd.: The report of the Earl of Bedford, Sir Ralph Sadler, and Sir Walter Mildmay. Pp. 3¼.
Feb. 6. 1987. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Here is one Lesley, brother to the Earl of Rothes, who came from the Papists of Scotland with letters, giving the French King to understand that the realms of England and Scotland have conspired to do some enterprise here, requiring him to write courteously to the Regent of Scotland to stay their purposes and to set the Queen of Scots at liberty. It is very requisite that at his return he might be stayed, whereby they might know the answer of his letter last sent. He is a lean man, hoar headed, and his beard mingled with black and white hair, and of tall stature. The French King has given him for this his travail 300 francs pension. They have sent to the Governor of Calais to take into the town all manner of victuals. There is a bruit that the King Catholic sends 4,000 footmen and 1,200 horse into Gascony; and the Queen of Navarre, fearing lest they should seize some of her territories, has furnished her towns with double garrison. The siege of Blois yet endures, but not likely to hold out any time. Gives the movements of both parties. There are thirty of the King's Scottish guard in the Prince's camp, whereof some being at the encounter near Chatillon taken prisoners, confessed the names of the rest remaining with the Prince to their captain, whereupon he has broken them and placed Frenchmen in their room, with intent to turn the whole band of Scots into Frenchmen; whereupon these here are so sore offended that as the 5th instant there went eighteen to the Prince of Conde's camp. There being rumours that they begin to arm in England, his servant is stayed at the post. Wishes that theirs there may feel the like. —Paris, 6 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
[Feb. 6.] 1988. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
A Scottish gentleman has arrived at Dieppe with letters for the Duke of Chatelherault. He also brought letters to the King from divers noblemen of the Hamilton's faction, advertising him that there was lately made a new alliance between the Queen of England, the Regent, and other nobles of Scotland, minding to send support to the Prince of Conde; then they demanded aid for the recovery of the Queen of Scotland's liberty, and lastly the letters which came from certain Papists required support for the re-establishing of the Roman faith. The King has written to the Regent to continue the ancient amity between the realms, and to restore the Queen to her former liberty. He has also promised to assist the Hamiltons in all their attempts. The Governor of Calais has commandment to victual the town and the fortresses thereabouts.
Rough draft, partly crossed out. Pp. 3½.
Feb. 7. 1989. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Encloses letters from the Queen's Ambassador in Spain. There is news from M. De Forrest that the Queen of Scots is condemned to die, and requiring the King of France to write to the Queen of England, and declare that except she find some remedy by force or otherwise the like may come to herself.—Paris, 7 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Feb. 7. 1990. Sir John Forster to the Earl of Bedford.
Has all the Redesdale men in ward save two, and the jail therewith being full, desires that the sheriff of the county may be directed to receive and keep in safe custody all such malefactors as he may deliver unto him.—Alnwick, 7 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 7. 1991. Dr. Man to Cecil.
Encloses one of the schedules sent by the King of Spain to his grandees. The King of Poland has sent a great personage to treat for the restitution of the dukedom of Bari, in the kingdom of Naples.—Madrid, 7 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
Jan. 22. 1992. Philip II. to the Corregidor of Toledo.
Has commanded to withdraw the person of the most excellent Prince Don Carlos within his palace, and given new order for his service. The causes that have moved the King thereunto have been so urgent and precise that he could not omit satisfaction of the obligation put upon him. At convenient time and when it shall be requisite he shall know more in particular the said causes. "Here lyeth the truth which the false and cruel world has slain without sickness, because in it might only reign villany, falsehood, and wickedness."
Copy, translation. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
Jan. 22. 1993. Philip II. to a Grandee of Spain.
Copy of a portion of the above in Spanish.
Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
Feb. 8. 1994. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Has been requested to further the Abbot of Arbroath on his journey into France, and therefore means on Monday to pass him on his way.—Carlisle, 8 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 8. 1995. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome of 31 Jan. 1568, and from Vienna of the 28.—Venice, 8 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 1.
Feb. 9. 1996. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Appointment of days of meeting on the Borders. The heralds are returned from Dumbarton, having not spoken with the Lord Fleming, who was in the castle and yet denied. Six of the soldiers hired at Edinburgh have been secretly practised with to withdraw to Dumbarton, and were taken four or five miles out of the town with their furniture and weapons.—Berwick, 9 Feb. 1567. Signed.
2. P.S.—Has been in hand with the jetty at the bridge foot.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1.
Feb. 4. 1997. Sir George Bowes to Drury.
Has received a letter from the Privy Council charging him with an offer made for getting quicksets to be conveyed into Northumberland, for to set in the hedges to be made there according to the statute for the enclosures on the frontiers. Will be ready to perform the promise so that he may have money and a commission, without which he may not enter any man's grounds but his own. Desires him to appoint a place of meeting where they may confer of these matters.— Streatlam, 4 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Copy. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
Feb. 9. 1998. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. It is determined not to end this controversy by battle, but rather by delays to weary the adverse party. Wishes him to consider whether now the demand of Calais were not very expedient. If it did not take good effect for themselves, yet it would be a mean to make peace betwixt the French King and the Protestants, otherwise Norris much doubts the ruin of the Prince of Conde and the Admiral. On the 7th instant, was an earnest suitor for the poor men of Marseilles, requiring the Queen Mother to have no less consideration of them than the Queen had to a number of the French King's subjects when peace was concluded betwixt them, whereunto she answered that she thought that her son would not deny his good sister anything that might be acceptable to her.
2. On the 5th instant, the Queen Mother, being at M. De Strozzi's house, Norris's next neighbour, came through a close into his garden, whereof he being advertised went towards her, where after she had perused the close, out of which she found a door into the fields, whereof Norris had a key and was sometimes wonted to pass that way into the open fields, for which commodity he rather hired the house and took a lease thereof for two years than for any other belonging to it, as also to be out of the corrupt air of the town, which after she had well viewed she said she much marvelled he durst in this troublesome time lie so void of neighbours. Whereunto he answered that he thought himself under the King's protection no less than in the town, trusting that their care was no less of him than any other of his calling. Thus ending it for the present after his negociation aforesaid, she again fell into talk of his house, and required him to come into the town lest some inconvenience should grow to him by the mutinous multitude; which though it be greatly to his hindrance, yet being thus warned if she urges him any more he must do it. On the 8th there came news that the Cardinal of Lorraine escaped very hard at Rheims, where going into his coach he was shot at, which missing him struck one of his through the body, who fell dead.—Paris, 9 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2.
Feb. 10. 1999. The Dowager Countess of Horn to the Queen.
Begs that she will intercede with the King of Spain for her son the Count of Horn.—Weert, 10 Feb. 1568. Signed: Anne D'Egmont.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 11. 2000. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The Queen of Scots has been troubled with a disease in her side and a swelling in her arm. The Earl of Murray rides to Glasgow to hold a day of justice of Eyre. This day departed hence William Stewart, herald, who was sent into Denmark for the apprehension of Bothwell. Understands he has made means to have him moved into a straiter prison.—Berwick, 11 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 12. 2001. The Elector Palatine to the Queen.
Letter of credit for his councillor Emanuel Tremellio, sent to her on certain matters of business.—Heidelburg, 12 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Latin broadside.
Feb. 12. 2002. John Bennett to Cecil.
Sends a report of the state of the powder, and desires to know his pleasure for the same, and also to have a warrant for their charges. Will make a powder mill at Berwick, and trusts Cecil will take order for the saltpetre and the rest of the things with the officers of the Tower.—Berwick, 12 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 12. 2003. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
On the 5th the King's vanguard departed from Troyes, and the day after the main battle marching towards Nogentupon-Seine, and so to Montereau, to mark what way the Prince's army would take, and to be afore him at Paris. The King's army is divided into three parts. It is not known whither the Prince will direct his force. They are almost persuaded here that he will come hither, and because they will have none in the city but such as they may fully assure themselves of, M. De Villeroy, the Provost of the merchants, has advertised all such as are known to be Protestants to avoid the town until the end of these troubles. That side of the town towards Orleans is trenched, and new bulwarks made to place artillery. On the 11th news was brought that Blois was rendered by composition. Most of the King's provision of powder was bestowed there. It is bruited that they march towards Amboise, being enticed by the 300,000 francs in the castle of the King's revenues. On the 8th inst. the King published an ordinance that he was determined to go in person to the army, and to employ "Le verd et le sec" for the defence of his realm, advertising all gentlemen and soldiers to retire to his army, or to the provinces named in his said letters. Thinks all this very unlikely, for the King, at his last being at Court on the 6th inst., was sick in his bed. A great number of the Italian cavalry have been put to the sword by the reiters. Three companies, one of them the Viscount De Turenne's, being in a village, and keeping no watch, were cut to pieces by M. D'Andelot. Offices sold by the King to raise money. M. De Bonvise has come with articles from the Prince.—Paris, 12 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 3¼.
Feb. 12. 2004. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
His request for the poor men at Marseilles is not like to take place, so he desires him to procure the Queen's letters in their behalf. Is much delayed for his passports by young De L'Aubespine, who likes better a rest at premiero than matters of greater importance, wherefore he wishes he might have a courier only through these troubles. Where they would have him to send to the camp of the Prince of Conde, he has done his duty, though the Queen Mother has set such watch, and also came herself to view his house and close adjoining, where, finding a door into the fields, first caused it to be dammed up, and since has not left to procure him to come into the town, which he has determined to do. Except greater foreign powers come here, the Prince of Conde may go where he lists in France, his force is so great, and the other party so ill-minded to fight against their consciences and countrymen, as they are now returning homewards again. It is not otherwise here to be persuaded but that the Queen's Majesty and Scotland do persist in such purposes as he advertised him of. Wishes it might so come to pass, for then the losses aforetime had would be easily recovered.—Paris, 12 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. A few names in cipher. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 12. 2005. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
Has not slipt his servant Montagina's case, but gathers by their proceeding herein that they are resolved to detain him still in prison. Sends an account of the same occurrences mentioned in his letters to the Queen and Cecil of this date. —Paris, 12 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 2006. Sir William Drury to [Cecil].
Certain merchants of this town and others have repaired to London to be suitors for leases of the Queen's lands at Etal and other places. The like heretofore obtained has no whit strengthened these Borders. The Queen of Scots is somewhat evil of a fall she has had. Morton has sent her 300 crowns. The denying of Dumbarton is the beginning of another matter.
Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Feb. 14. 2007. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Vienna, Constantinople, and Rome.— Venice, 14 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 1.
Feb. 14. 2008. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
Desires a passport for James Stewart, archer of the guard in France, to go through her dominions on his way to France. —Edinburgh, 14 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., sealed with the royal seal. P. ½.
Feb. 15. 2009. Advices from Antwerp.
News from Antwerp of the 25th February of the arrest of Don Carlos for designing to murder Don John of Austria, and to depose his father. Some say that the matter depends on religion.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2¼.
Feb. 15. 2010. Civil War in France.
A brief account of the events of the civil war in France from the commencement of December to the 15th February 1568.
Marginal abstract in English. Fr. Pp. 17.
Feb. 15. 2011. Army of the Prince of Conde.
List of the troops of the Prince of Condé with their commanders, amounting in all to 15,000 or 16,000 foot, and 14,000 horse, exclusive of those in garrison or serving in other parts of France.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Feb. 16. 2012. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
On Saturday met the Abbot of Arbroath and Lord Herries, who imparted to him in great secrecy that although the countenance of his journey was the visiting of his father, yet indeed his whole intent and meaning was for the relief of their Queen to become a humble suitor to the Queen of England. First he will pray her to make them some relief, or else condescend and license him to seek the same at the French King['s hands]. He will offer to make good composition and covenant that there shall no greater numbers of French be desired than she shall well like, who, after their purpose shall be brought to an end, shall be immediately returned. Herries stands upon the discharge of his office. He thinks he shall not only be urged to yield that, but also for fear of afterclaps be forced to leave all, and come to seek grace of the Queen.
2. P.S.—Desires the Queen's resolution to his suit shortly, for otherwise he will be forced to repair to London to discharge his debts.—Carlisle, 16 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Feb.] 2013. Garrison of Berwick.
Note of certain alterations and reductions in the garrison of Berwick.
In Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 2014. The Queen to Drury and Valentine Brown.
Commands that the band of pensioners of Berwick be sent to attend upon the Lord Deputy of Ireland. Those who have been longer absent than is limited by the statutes of the town, shall no longer be accounted as of that garrison. Whereas John Bennett was placed as master of the ordnance of Berwick, thinking thereby to avoid excessive charges, and also to recover such money as should be due for weapons and muni tions; forasmuch as the charge has rather every year augmented, and no money answered for munitions delivered forth of the store, her pleasure is that he shall cease to exercise the office of the ordnance of that town any more, and that Henry Ewrye be restored thereunto.
2. As any gunners' rooms fall void, they are to place in the same the fifteen artificers remaining in that office.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 2015. Scotchmen within the East Marches.
The names of all Scotchmen residing in different places within the East Marches; total 443.
Endd. Pp. 6.
Feb. 2016. The Queen to Valentine Brown.
Warrant authorising him to repair the bridge and the old wall at Berwick, and to vouch the payments and provisions to be made in that behalf.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 18. 2017. William Phayre to Cecil.
Encloses a letter from Robert Hogan, to which he refers him for news. Excuses himself for not having waited on Cecil through illness.—18 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1.
Sept. 30. 2018. Robert Hogan to William Phayre.
Wishes Mr. Man were called hence; he doth but dishonour the Queen and shame the country. There is no ambassador in so little estimation as he is since he misbehaved himself unto the Count De Feria, who always was a faithful friend to all Englishmen, and at this day the King remits all matters of England to him. Man is taken to be meeter to sow sedition than to maintain amity, he is of so simple a judgment and small understanding. He is great with the Portugal Ambassador, and lets him have the overhand. Mrs. Stradling is dead. Mr. Bradborne is drowned, who had a very handsome woman as his wife.—Madrid, 30 Sept. Signed.
Add. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
Feb. 18. 2019. Charles IX. to the Baron De la Garde.
Orders him to search out and set at liberty such Englishmen as still remain in the galleys at Marseilles.—Paris, 18 Feb. 1568.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Feb. 21. 2020. Letters Patent of Charles IX.
Orders that the houses and real property held by base tenure belonging to rebels shall be sold in the same manner as personal property.—Paris, 21 Feb. 1568.
Published and registered on the 27 Feb. Pamphlet printed by Robert Etienne. Fr. Pp. 8.
2021. Another copy of the preceding.
Fr. Pp. 8.
Feb. 21. 2022. The Queen to the Duke of Alva.
Has received his letter of the 7th inst. advertising her of his charge of the rule of the Low Countries, and his desire to do her service, for which she heartily thanks him. Warns him of the unquiet devices of sundry merchants of those parts that by innovations to be sought by them they be not the cause of disquiet of the present amity and intercourse.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 22. 2023. Advices from Antwerp.
News from Antwerp, 22 Feb.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 24. 2024. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Different movements of the troops on either side. On the 16th was a great Council held touching the peace. On the 18th, about midnight, Paris was in great perplexity by an alarum given by some of the Prince's horsemen approaching the city and discomfiting two foot bands and a company of harquebusiers on horseback. On the 19th the Swiss entered the city, and afterwards the regiments of Count Brissac and Philip Strozzi. All the King's infantry are marvellously "forwearied" and travailed by the ill season of this winter, many of them returning diseased, and especially the Swiss. On the same day Mons. D'Anjou going to the Court, the King being at dinner rose from the table and met him at the chamber door, and embraced him three times. On the 21st the King and Queen Mother dined with Monsieur, and there was holden a Council touching the affairs of this war. After dinner there was a general muster of the Swiss, who presented a shock of battle in the presence of the King.
2. The Prince's intent is to stop the passage of victuals to Paris and so famish the same. It is reported that the reiters in the King's pay are marching hitherward. Marshall De Cosse being charged to have pretermitted many fair occasions to have fought with the Prince, has excused himself in open council. There has lately come hither 400,000 francs from the castle of Amboise. One Vigor, a famous canon of Notre Dame, preaching in a very honourable audience, fell in commendation of the King's virtue and constancy, who being counselled, served, and guarded by Huguenots, yet continued Catholic; and by the way speaking of the Queen Mother, used these words, "Mais elle ne vale rien." The Queen Mother forthwith declared the matter to the King and Council, saying that he stirred up the people against her; whereupon the Council remitted the cause to his ordinary, the Bishop of Paris, who having as he thought sufficiently schooled him sent him to the Cardinal of Bourbon, but whereas he should by way of recantation have qualified what he had said, he most earnestly affirmed the same. Whereupon he was commanded to silence, and all other preachers warned more moderately to speak of the higher powers than aforetime they had done. The Queen Mother now takes more than her ordinary guard of 100 harquebusiers on horseback, fearing the rage of the commonalty of Paris, who put her in great fault that she has nourished these quarrels and unprofitably consumed the revenues of the King. The Queen of Navarre having armed, some of her nobility fearing lest she would root out the Romish religion, took arms to resist her, but were constrained to fly into France. The King has despatched letters for both to surcease their attempts. Touching Rochelle, it was bruited that some of the Queen's subjects had landed at Niort, and one was expressly sent hence to know the certainty thereof. The King's army finding what disorder the want of a good head has bred hitherto, are now content to accept any, be it not a Marshal of France. It is now said that Mons. De Tavannes shall be M. D'Anjou's lieutenant.—Paris, 24 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 5½.
Feb. 24. 2025. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Sends the same intelligence as is in his letter of this date to the Queen. It is practised to join the two houses that long have been at controversy by marriage if it may be; as the Duke of Guise to marry the Prince's eldest daughter, and M. D'Andelot's eldest son the Duke's sister. Knowing Cecil to be a faithful favourer of the Protestants of France, the Prince and the Admiral have sent to require his friendship, to be suitor to the Queen that they may have money to pay the Almains, whom otherwise he much fears will not long remain with them.—Paris, 24 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Feb. 24. 2026. — to the Queen.
Knowing how good and gracious she has been in the first troubles in France towards the Christians called Huguenots, they beseech her to have some consideration and care of them as she then had. Desire her also to consider and take good regard of her own estate.—Castrin, 24 Feb. 1568.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Feb. 24. 2027. John Hamilton of Arbroath to the Queen.
Desires her to grant some recompense to a poor gentleman of his country who was maimed at the siege of Leith, and has since served in her wars in Ireland.—London, 24 Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd.: For John Douglas who has served in Ireland. P. ½.
Feb. 25. 2028. The Queen to Philip II.
Has received his letter of 22nd January, in favour of Sir Francis Englefield, who has made suit to him without just or reasonable ground, for no subject has had such favour in the like case as he has had. Before he departed out of the realm, he was never molested in the matter of religion, for which he pretends he absents himself, and after the time of his license expired he was upon his suit made by his own letters favourably borne withal. But finding no part of these favours could prevail with him, and hearing also his disposition to maintain certain lewd and seditious persons fled out of her realm under pretence of religion, she following the example of her predecessors, and expressly Queen Mary, "whose soul, &c." caused inquisition to be made of his goods and lands, and commanded them to be seized. Never caused a pennyworth of his goods to be taken for her own use, but relieved his wife with some convenient portion, and left all the rest in the hands of his friends and servants.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 25 Feb. 1567. Pp. 3.
Feb. 28. 2029. Advices from Italy.
News from Rome of 28 Feb. 1568.
Endd. Ital. P. 3½.
Feb. 29. 2030. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Prays him that in case any complaint shall occur for default of justice, or that attemptats shall happen to be done by any of Scotland against the Queen of England's subjects, that he will not suffer reports suddenly to be admitted as truth, but credit and judgment to be suspended until they may make their part known upon knowledge of the accusation.— Edinburgh, last of Feb. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Feb. 29. 2031. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Advices from Rome of 21 Feb. 1568. Present from the Pope to the Princess of Florence worth 3,000 crowns.—Vienna, 19 Feb.; from Venice, 29 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 1.
Feb. 29. 2032. The Reply of the Count of Hoogstraten to the Duke of Alva.
Has received his summons to answer charges against him, and notice that if he does not come he will be proceeded against in his absence. Complains that the publicity of the summons was likely to injure him. Appeals to the constitutions of the Order of the Golden Fleece, by which any member offending can only be tried by the Sovereign and the Order.— Cologne, 29 Feb. 1567.
Copy. Injured by damp. Fr. Pp. 6½.
Feb. 29. 2033. The Prince of Orange to the Queen.
Complains that the Duke of Alva under false pretexts of rebellion and sedition strives to extirpate and ruin those who are well affected towards the religion, and begs that she will not give credence to any charges that may be brought against him and the other Lords by the said Duke.—Dillembourg, 29 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Injured by damp. Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Feb. 29. 2034. Advices.
News from Antwerp of 29 Feb., about the imprisonment of the Prince of Spain. From Venice, 15 Feb., of the preparation of the Turkish fleet.
Endd. Ital. P. 1.
Feb. 29. 2035. Levy of Soldiers in Germany.
The writer (Dettloff Bromewolth) has been commanded by George Hans Palatine of the Rhine, to inform the Queen of England how he and other Princes had been directed by the Emperor to enrol soldiers, which they did to the number of 8,500 horsemen, and which the King of France very earnestly desired he might have in his service. When however the Palatine and his friends perceived that the Pope with the Kings of France and Spain had confederated themselves together for the destruction of the true religion throughout Europe, they esteemed it wrong to help in this matter, and decided that these forces should be offered to the Queen of England. If the Queen should agree to this, it will be well for her to send over one of her counsellors with full power to arrange matters. Signed.
Lat. Pp. 3¼.
2036. Gives a list of the names of the colonels and captains of horse and foot. The total force amounting to 8,400 cavalry, and 105 ensigns of foot.
Endd. by Cecil: Ulto Feb. 1567. Lat. Pp. 5. Enclosure.