Elizabeth: November 1567

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: November 1567', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp368-376 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1567', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp368-376.

"Elizabeth: November 1567". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp368-376.

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November 1567

Nov. 14. 1817. Richard Hill to the Lord Keeper or Cecil.
Has received news from his sons in Germany about the Duke of Alva and the levying of soldiers there for the different parties in France and the movements of different noblemen of the Low Countries. Encloses a translation of the thirteen Articles of instruction for the Netherlands (see Oct. 16).— London, 14 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 6¼.
Nov. 14. 1818. Advertisement out of France.
News of a battle between the Constable and the Prince of Conde, in which the former was defeated and slain.
Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
Nov. 15. 1819. The Earl of Sussex to Gresham.
Requires 2,000 dalers, which he desires Clough to get for him in Antwerp.—Vienna, 15 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 15. 1820.— to [Cecil].
Expresses his anxiety that he should know the truth of all matters passing in France, and more especially that the Lords "whom he knows" only desire that the cause of religion should be considered without passion.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
Nov. 15. 1821. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
1. The Emperor and the Archduke rest here in great expectation of a good answer to be brought by Mr. Cobham. The Emperor has given order to prepare a place for the receiving of the Order so soon as he is able to wear a hose. The Duke of Savoy has sent the French King 1,800 horsemen; and (the Venetians excepted) all the principal states of Italy send present aid to him with promise of further. Out of Germany it is advertised that two colonels of footmen and two generals of horsemen are entertained by King Philip, and have received prest money for 4,000 horse and forty ensigns of foot. There are also great numbers imprested as is thought for the Prince of Conde and the Admiral. Lignerolles has been here from the French King to desire the Emperor that no aid be permitted to go out to the rebels of France.
2. The Turk makes great preparation for the sea.—Vienna, 15 Nov. 1567. Signed.
3. P.S.—When the Archduke departed hence Sussex went with him in his coach. By the way the Archduke declared the hope he had of a good answer by Mr. Cobham, and that the Queen would not deny to satisfy his conscience. Sussex told him that he had occasion by the forehead, and that if he let it slip the fault would be his own. The Archduke asked him that when he heard from "his good Queen" he would let him know of her well doing. Sent one of his men, who was received as if he had been an ambassador sent on purpose. On separate sheet.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4.
Nov. 16. 1822. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Since his last of October 22nd the Chevalier Seyvar has continually travailled to take up the differences betwixt the King and his subjects, who now stand upon these articles: First, that the Edict of Orleans shall be wholly observed, taking away all restrictions since made; the second, that there shall be liberty of preaching throughout France; the third, that there shall be delivered to the Prince 300,000 francs to pay his people whereby they may return home without pillage, which yet cannot be granted. The 6th at night the King sent Philip Strozzi with his band to a place where the Prince had made a passage with great boats planked upon whereby he might impeach the victuals from coming to Paris; which bridge, whilst Strozzi kept them in skirmish who had the charge, his pioneers destroyed. The following day the Duke of Nemours took a castle which much hindered the coming of provisions, and on the 8th the Prince retired from Pont Charenton after breaking down the bridge and firing the town to St. Denis. On the 10th the Constable being informed that D'Andelot had gone towards Poissy, caused eight cannon to be drawn forth and the 6,000 Swiss with certain bands of Frenchmen to accompany the artillery. Afterwards went out a great company of their gendarmes and also light horse. The two armies stayed long in the field viewing one another, afterwards approaching little by little, the troop of horsemen that were on the right hand of the battle gave a furious charge upon the same of the King, whereat divers were overthrown on each part. Afterwards retiring themselves both to their chiefest force of horsemen who stood on the left hand of the battle, presently was there given so great a charge upon the King's battle of horsemen that the white coats (which livery the Prince's men wear) passed clean through and through the King's battle. What further followed he beseeches her for that he dare not write of it to credit Mr. Antony Bridges, the bearer, who saw it. The council of the Prince and Admiral was not to set on the footmen as in other battles they had done to their hindrance. The battle began about three and lasted till night. Each side attributes to himself the victory, but whichsoever won the glory of the field they both lost of the flower of their bands. M. le Constable ventured so far as he received two blows in the face with a curtelace, and in retiring was shot into the back with a pistolet, whereof he died on the 12th. Divers others of less fame sore hurt and since dead also. Gives the names of different gentlemen slain or prisoners on both sides. The Marquise De Rostilion, mother to the Prince's wife, with three of the Prince's children are taken and in the Louvre. Has had audience on behalf of the merchants of Rouen on the 13th. On that day came M. Teligny from the Prince to desire the King to cast his pitiful eyes upon his poor subjects, who answered that either retiring to their houses or coming to submit themselves to him he would receive them as loving subjects, and forgive all the past. The Prince on the 14th departed from St. Denis without sound of trumpet or stroke of drum.—Paris, 16 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 16. 1823. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires his counsel, being undeserved so had in suspect that he should have daily conference with the enemy, which he has never attempted. Montigny coming from the Queen is arrested by certain soldiers. Asks him to send one of his own servants with letters, than which countrymen none may safelier travel here, who be of both parties well entertained as those whom they would gladly please.—Paris, 16 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Nov. 16. 1824. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
Gives an account of the battle of St. Denis (see his letter to the Queen of this date). The Constable, though a wise and valiant captain, was more famous than fortunate in arms, being accompanied with mishaps in all his attempts. He was mortally stricken in the reins of his back and the neck with two bullets of a pistolet, besides on the face two blows of a curtelace. Hereof he died two days after, and said whilst he had his memory that Captain Robert Stewart the Scotchman was he who thus wounded him, whom he knew as well by his speech as face. The said Stewart being stricken in the mouth with a shot, was afterwards as is reported slain.— Paris, 16 Nov. 1567.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Nov. 16. 1825. Sir Henry Norris to Sir Walter Mildmay.
Gives an account of the battle of St. Denis, the death of the Constable, with reflections on his fate, similar to that contained in his letter to Leicester. Three of the Prince of Conde's children have been taken and brought to Paris. Great power looked for on both sides.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 19. 1826. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
Writes in behalf of Richard Tucker, who has got into trouble on account of the Marquis of Baden for debt.—London, 19 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ¾.
Nov. 19. 1827. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
The bearer wishing to go into the Low Countries has had certain jewels taken from him by the Queen's officers. Desires Cecil to impute his error to ignorance of the law of England. —London, 19 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ¼.
Nov. 21. 1828. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Francisco De Palma, servant to her secretary Machiavelli, having been arrested at Gravesend with two boxes of pearls belonging to the said Machiavelli, she desires that he may be released.—Brussels, 21 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add., with seal. Orig. Royal letter.
Nov. 21. 1829. M. Du Pont to Cecil.
Gives an account of the battle of St. Denis in which the Prince of Conde chased his enemies up to the gates of Paris. Numbers and movements of the forces in different parts of France. The Prince has taken the road to Soissons.— Boulogne, 21 Nov. Signed in cipher.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Nov. [21]. 1830. Jewels stayed at Gravesend.
Notes touching the pearls stayed at Gravesend.
Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 21. 1831. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
1. The Duke of Alva has required aid of the Emperor to expedite into Flanders, Wolfgang, Count Palatine, a Protestant, and others imprested for the King of Spain, and to stay a son of the Elector Palatine and the Landgrave who prepare to arm for the Admiral, who will do what he can for the King of Spain, and the rather for that the Admiral seems to ground his doings more upon misgovernment than upon religion.
2. The Queen has a goodly time to provide for her surety by this marriage, for if the Protestants speed well she stands sure by holding her own religion; and if the Papists have the victory, the Archduke Charles will keep her in surety, and for his own surety procure her quiet continuing in her own religion.—Vienna, 21 March 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. In cipher, deciphered. P. 1.
Nov. 23. 1832. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Desires reparation for certain piracies committed by some of her subjects on some French merchants.—Paris, 23 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Countersigned. Add. Endd. Fr. Royal letter.
Nov. 24. 1833. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
On the 17th, the King's brother took the oath of allegiance and possession of his office of Lieutenant-General at the Palace. On the 13th he had audience and declared her will to the King, who gave his most hearty thanks. Tomorrow Monsieur will march towards Orleans to besiege it. On the 20th did 2,000 horsemen arrive sent out of Flanders by the King Catholic. Gives particulars of reinforcements on both sides. The house of Montmorency think themselves ill dealt with that they have no charge, and are determined to retire from Court.—Paris, 24 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 23. 1834. Advices from Antwerp.
News from Antwerp, 23 Nov., principally about France.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 25. 1835. Dr. Mundt to Cecil.
The Bishop of Rennes and a gentleman named Monsieur Loys be sent to the Palatine, the Duke of Wurtemburg, the Landgrave, and Duke Augustus to move them to send their ambassadors into France to compound the commotions begun there, and to stay the men of war who be ready to march towards the Prince of Conde. The most part go more for lucre than religion. The Lords and gentlemen make an army to recover their lands in the Low Countries. The Emperor has required the Electors to come the day after the feast of the Three Kings to Fulda. 4,000 Switzers from the Papistical cantons be arrived in Burgundy. The Cardinal of Lorraine has spoiled all his country of the boors and ploughmen and made them men of war.—Strasbourg, 25 Nov. 1567. Signed: Quem Nosti.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 25. 1836. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Reminds him of what he has aforetime advertised him of the determination had betwixt the King of Spain and the Pope wherein they stand still settled as to "overun the Prince of Conde and the Admiral, your danger is the next." They make their boast thereof. As he may not advertise the Queen hereof, yet he knows Cecil's wisdom can find such apt times as to break it, being of such importance. They make their full account of the Queen as also of the Lords of the Council not being afore warned. Sends herewith to satisfy the not contented, whereby they may consider what conspiracies have been used for the ruin of religion and what extremity has driven the Protestants to do what they have done. These here are not to be persuaded but that the English will arm when they find time most meet to seek revenge of the injuries offered by the French.—Paris, 25 Nov. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Passages in cipher, deciphered. P. 1.
Nov. [25]. Petition of the Huguenots to the French King.
Having been surely advertised of threats, determinations, and resolutions to abolish the exercise of the reformed religion and to extirpate or expel its professors from his realm, together with the preparation of forces for that purpose, they have been compelled with regret to assemble in defence of their lives, goods, and liberty of conscience. They desire freedom in the exercise of religion, and that all restrictions may be removed from the Edict of Pacification. The people also being discontented on account of the great charges and new impositions which are levied, they beg that he will convoke the Estates of the realm. Protest that they have no intention of attempting anything against him or the rest of the royal family, but are forced to assemble through the cruel enterprises of their enemies.
Fr. Pp. 2½. Enclosure.
Nov. 29. 1837. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. On the 24th inst. M. D'Anjou departed towards Orleans. Conde lies yet at Montereau, and the Duke of Guise not far distant. Has advertised him of the death of M. De L'Aubespine who made a very goodly confession of his faith contrary to that the Papists did look for, being very penitent that to please Princes he had so long dissimuled. At his being at St. Denis the Prince burdened him that he should seek his blood and that of others of the nobility, and showed him a letter signed with his hand to that effect, which thing he took so to heart as upon his return he sickened and died. A like confession of his faith made M. De Bourdin. Madame Rostillion is returned from the Prince with resolution that no peace be accorded except they may have the exercise of their religion and good assurance of their safety. The Pope marvellously encourages the French King with money to follow this enterprise. The Count of Aremburg, captain of the horsemen sent by the King Catholic, declares that he has in charge to set on the Huguenots wherever he finds them, and not to return until they are discomforted or peace proclaimed. Notwithstanding in Cecil's letter of November 3rd he says the Queen is doubtful of giving comfort to subjects, he thinks she may claim her right when time serves best thereto.
2. There has been some controversy of late between the Dukes of Montpensier and Montmorency for the conducting of the vanguard. The King has judged it to Montpensier, whereof the other is so offended that he is determined to repair to his house.—Paris, 29 Nov. 1567. Signed.
3. Sends herewith the rencounter made by young Edward Barkley and Norris's two boys who were there (see Nov. 10).
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 1838. Adolph Blyleven to Gresham.
Sends him certain articles proposed to the burgesses of this town on the 26th inst., and the next day granted by them to the great contentment of the Duke of Alva, relating to the imposition of certain taxes and duties.—Antwerp, 29 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 5.
Nov. 29. 1839. Advices.
News from Rome 29 Nov. 1567, and Vienna 28 Nov.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 30. 1840. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome of the 22 Nov. 1567, and from Vienna of the 20 Nov.—Venice, 30 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 2.
Nov. 30. 1841. Gresham to Cecil.
Forwards letters sent from Spain, and asks for the payment of certain money owing to him.—Gresham House, Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
Nov. 30. 1842. Advices from Antwerp.
News from Antwerp, chiefly about the battle of St. Denis. —30 Nov.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Nov. 30. 1843. Richard Clough to Gresham.
They have been in council in this town all this week past, touching a demand made by the Duke of Alva, whereunto they have consented. His demand was to have for ten years excise and import upon all kind of victual till the sum of 400,000 guilders be received for the making of the castle. He has also demanded a tax upon rents and all goods and lands to pay one per cent. of their value. One pound of land to be reckoned 16l., after which order all the lands in this country are bought and sold. Gonzaga, an Italian, shall have Egmont's office of Governor of Flanders. The Prince of Conde has passed the river and is on the other side of Paris. The Duke of Brunswick's horsemen are taken up for the Prince of Conde. The Prince of Conde has fled with 4,000 horse and the King's power pursues him.—Antwerp, 30 Nov. 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 1844. Occurrences of France.
Arrival of the King in Paris with the 6,000 Swiss. Numbers and disposition of the forces of the Prince of Conde and his associates. Forces of those of the religion in different provinces of France. Army of the King in Paris and scarcity of victual there. Illness of L'Aubespine.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 6¼.
Nov. 1845. Occurrences of France.
It is a common report in the houses of the Papal and Spanish Ambassadors that after the Huguenots had been put down in France they would do the same in England and pillage the town of London. Having occasion to go to St. Denis about some goods that those of the Prince's company had taken, he saw M. De Bouchevannes his lieutenant, who asked him about affairs in Paris, and told him that the Prince had only 6,000 foot and 4,000 cavalry; but that they expected great reinforcements from different quarters, which he enumerated. He also told him that if he had been two hours sooner he would have taken the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine. Coming of the Spaniards from the Low Countries. Movements of the forces on both sides. Capture of the Castle of Betauval, &c. List of the Commanders with the number of their men at Paris on a separate sheet.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3½.