Elizabeth: May 1567, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: May 1567, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp219-231 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1567, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp219-231.

"Elizabeth: May 1567, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp219-231.

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May 1567, 1-15

May 1. 1153. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Means to set forward according to his former letter. Desires the Queen's instructions. Desires him to make a stay of all matters till his wife comes, so that she nor any of his servants be troubled.—Garendon, 1 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd P. ½.
May 1. 1154. Otto Duke of Brunswick to Cecil.
1. John Frederic of Saxony being beseiged in the strong castle of Gotha was compelled by the mutiny of his troops to surrender to the forces of his brother Augustus Elector of Saxony.
2. Gives an account of the execution of Grombach and three others.—Harburg, Cal. Maii, 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 7.
May 1. 1155. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Having at length audience they have profited her nothing. The Constable has absented himself very long from the Court, being desired to have his son Montmorency to succeed him in the office of the Constableship, and remained at Chantilly until the King came thither and also gave him 30,000 francs to mitigate his anger and to have his presence at the demand of Calais. The proceedings of their audience on the 24th he will not trouble her with, for that Sir Thomas Smith has affirmed them by putting to their hands according to her commandment. If she had sent one of her most honourable counsellors they would not so lightly have esteemed it as they did. Is assured by a secret mean that afore Sir Thomas Smith's coming they were minded to have made her some offer of reason or satisfaction.
2. They have sent commandment to all port towns to stand upon their guard. The Lords of Berne make a general muster and arm themselves to impeach the passage of the King of Spain's army in case they shall attempt anything against those of Geneva. The Pope and the Duke of Savoy wonderfully provoke him unto it. Divers Frenchmen have put themselves into the town for defence thereof. It is thought that the Emperor will not be long from making his claim to Metz, Thou, [Toul,] and Verdun; whereupon the Queen Mother practises to make a cross alliance between the Emperor and the crown of France.
3. On the 27th he visited the Spanish Ambassador, who has been long sick, who requested him to advertise her that if she should have to do here with these the King of Spain would not see her take any wrong. The merchants' ships stayed at Newhaven are released.—Paris, 1 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
April 20. 1156. Catherine De Medicis to Sir Henry Norris.
Directs him and Smith to go to Paris. When she learns that they are arrived there she will let them know when they can have audience.—Chantilly, 20 April 1567.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. ¼. Inclosure.
May. 1. 1157. English Prisoners at Marseilles.
Names of eighteen Englishmen taken prisoners at Rouen who are in the galleys at Marseilles.
Endd. P. 1.
May. 1. 1158. Cockburn to Captain Cockburn.
The bruit is that the King of Spain should besiege Geneva and that there are 20,000 men to abide the siege. Hears that the Lord James has come to Dieppe, to whom he prays him present his humble service.—St. Maur, 1 May 1567. Signed.
Add., with seal. P. 1.
May. 2. 1159. The Queen to Dr. Man.
Understands that the Count of Feria has shown himself much offended for that the Earl of Arundel should write to the King of Spain in a matter wherein as it manifestly appears he was not well used by one Burlace one of her subjects of small account, who by counterfeit letters conveyed away from the Earl [young Mr. Dormer] put by his father in his service as the Earl had some cause to suspect into Spain. The evilness of the matter is increased by certain disordered speeches of the Count. Finds herself touched in that any person of what estate, birth, or country soever he be, should take upon him by deed or word to impeach any good subject of hers from seeking redress against any other subject. Directs him to complain to the King of Spain, the said Count, and the Duke of Alva, and to charge Burlace upon pain of his allegiance to return to answer to his doings in this matter.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 2. 1160. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The merchants' ships which were arrested are now dismissed. Refers him to Smith for their negotiation touching Calais. The Lords of Berne arm themselves to impeach the King of Spain's army in case they shall attempt anything against Geneva. Prays him to have the prisoners at Marseilles in remembrance for their delivery.—Paris, 2 May. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
May 2. 1161. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Divers of the nobility have convened at Stirling and sent to the Queen to know her pleasure and mind. Sundry of them are now reconciled. There is at Dunbar with the Queen, Bothwell, Huntly, the Bishop of Ross, and Lethington who goes under guard. It is judged that the divorce shall be proclaimed upon Sunday the 4th. The Hamiltons are furtherers of the divorce and not least gladded with the proceedings in court, hoping the rather to attain the sooner to their desired purposes. Lord Home doubts Bothwell and prepares to defend himself. It is judged that the Queen will sooner remove from Dunbar than was looked for. There is a Frenchman looked for who was sent into France by sea. It is judged that the Castle of Edinburgh shall be presently furnished with victual and other munitions.—Berwick, 2 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[May 3.] 1162. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
Desires him to require in her name the French King to show favour to the Count Rocandolf, who is charged with the death of his secretary.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Pp. 2.
May 3. 1163. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
Does not consider the last grant from the King to Count Rocandolf to come into France for his justification of things laid to his charge sufficient, it being but for ten days. He is to use his best means to obtain a license for four months.
Fr. Pp. 1½.
Translation of the above.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
May 3. 1164. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Sends a copy of another letter in cipher from the Laird of Grange. His devotion to England he makes plain. Would gladly understand the Queen's pleasure what answer he shall make.—Garendon, 3 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
May 3. 1165. The Earl of Bedford to the Earl of Pembroke.
Has received divers letters from his friends in Scotland, the copies whereof he has sent to Cecil. Desires some answer that he may set forward on his journey.—Garendon, 3 May 1567. Signed.
Add. P. ½.
May 3. 1166. Advices from different Places.
News from Vienna of 2 May; Rome, 3 May; Constantinople, 8 April.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
1167. News from Rome, 3 May; Constantinople, 8 April.
Ital. Pp. 4.
May 4. 1168. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome of April 26, and Vienna 25 April. —Vienna, 4 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 2.
May 4. 1169. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
The 50 light horsemen to be sent into Ireland are now in a readiness, and Hugh Lewes one of the Queen's pensioners in Berwick appointed to have the leading of them. The Queen of Scots and sundry of the nobility are at such variance that he does not see how any order or stay can be taken for the Borders. Has made appointments with the gentlemen of the Borders of Scotland for the stay and quietness thereof.— Harbottle Castle, 4 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 4. 1170. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Perceives by Cecil's last letter that the Italian he advertised him of has secretly stolen away. It is now judged that Lethington's restraint of liberty is not altogether against his will. The Earls of Athol and Marr are now by solemn oath and writing joined together for the safe keeping of the young Prince, and the heads of the March and Tividale have promised to join in the same action. It is supposed that Lethington has taken in hand to work Lord Home to be at Bothwell's devotion, he has been sent for twice but will not come. The Queen minds this next week to go to Edinburgh, and by her letters to cause the lords and nobility to assemble for the marriage.
2. The Earl of Athol would have taken upon himself to be head for the revenge of the murder if the persuasion to the contrary of Lethington had not been. The soldiers grow much discontented and would if there was a stir show themselves untrue. The Ladies Buccleugh and Rere's credit decays at Court, and Bothwell's sister is in most credit. There is great scarcity of money. He is sick of the same disease and requires his favour to the Queen for his recovery. —Berwick, 4 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 4. 1171. Guilielmus Silvius to Cecil.
Owns that it is a drawback to the Chronicle of Neuburg that that which Cecil wished for was not in it, which shall be altered in the next edition. Is much endebted to Mario Cardoin. As business languishes here thinks that he will come into England in the summer.—Antwerp, 4 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
May 4. 1172. Mario Cardoin to Cecil.
Has received his letter with 40 crowns, which he has given to Guglielmo Silvio in the Queen's name.—Antwerp, 4 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 1.
May 5. 1173. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The Lords are again at Stirling and inlink themselves together. They mind if the Queen marries Bothwell presently to crown the Prince. Those that subscribed to the consent of the marriage now go from it. The Queen's answer to their message was that it was true that she had been evil and strangely handled, but since so well used as she had no cause to complain, willing them to quiet themselves. The divorce between the Earl and his wife passed by order of law in the Tolbooth upon Saturday. Sends a list of the names of the Lords who have subscribed to join against Bothwell. —Berwick, 5 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
May 5. 1174. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The bearer is very favourably recommended to him from La Croc. Tomorrow the Queen minds to go to Edinburgh. —Berwick, 5 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
May 6. 1175. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Has ascertained that his advertisements concerning the determination of the Lords at Stirling to crown the Prince are true, and also that they mind to deal with the Queen to put away the soldiers and be better accompanied of her nobility, otherwise they will not credit her writings to be done willingly, but that she is forced thereunto. This morning he met secretly a gentleman of very good credit in the bounds, who showed him amongst the rest a letter sent from the dearest friend of Lethington, who spake with or received letters from Lethington requiring him to advertise Drury of his great desire to speak with Cecil by letters for the service of the Queen of England. He says the Queen will marry Bothwell, whom he knows for certain to be a great enemy to the Queen of England and her country. He minded this night past to escape to the Lords at Stirling. He will come out to shoot with others and between the marks he will ride upon a good nag to a place where both a fresh horse and company tarries for him. He should have been slain the first night of coming to Dunbar, if the Queen had not letted Huntly, and said that if a hair of Lethington's head perished she would cause him to forfeit lands, goods, and life. The cause why of late he was suspected to have been Bothwell's was for certain letters he was compelled to write, but immediately by a trusty messenger he advertised not to give credit to them.
2. The Queen and Earl Bothwell are asked already in old Amstock church, but the ministers of St. Giles have refused the same. This night the Queen minds to be at Edinburgh castle, and tomorrow Bothwell shall be made a duke. It is judged that the Archbishop of St. Andrew's encourages the Queen and Bothwell to proceed in these manners for both their destructions to bring his friends to their purpose. In the French Ambassador's packet are divers letters from English persons. Lethington has earnestly requested him to signify the above to Cecil, and requires answer from him of its receipt. Thinks that the Lord Home will require some aid for the better manning of Home and Fast Castles.—Berwick, May 6. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 6. 1176. Advices from Spain.
News from Vienna of 25 March 1567, and Rome of the 28th, sent out of Spain by Mr. Man.—6 May 1567.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2¼.
May 6. 1177. Advices from Constantinople.
News from Constantinople of the proceedings of the Grand Seignior and the Sophy, sent by Man.—6 May 1567.
Endd. Ital. P. 1.
May 6. 1178. Advices from Antwerp.
Rumours about different countries current at Antwerp at this date.
Endd. Ital. P. ½.
May 7. 1179. Robert Melville to Cecil.
The Queen is judged to be detained without her liberty. The most part of the whole subjects of the realm are very miscontent therewith. Divers noblemen at Stirling have made a bond to pursue the Queen's liberty with preserving the Prince from his enemies in the Earl of Mar's keeping, and to purge the realm of the detestable murder of the King, whereof all men judge Bothwell to be the principal author. The Earl of Huntley and Lethington and the writer's brother James were also taken prisoners with divers others. The Queen commanded some of her servants to pass to Edinburgh and charge the town to be in arms for her rescue, which they incontinent obeyed. The nobility are of mind to suit assistance from the Queen of England. France has offered to enter into bonds with them. The Lords have gone to assemble their friends together. Bothwell has brought the Queen to Edinburgh. John Craig has refused to proclaim their banns, saying that Bothwell might be no lawful husband for her. The Earl of Mar is victualling the castle of Stirling. The Queen of England's letter was not so thankfully taken as it required and over sharply answered, which he esteems rather to come of the counsel of those about her than of herself. Trusts he will "ryve" his letter.—Cairney in Fife, 7 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 8. 1180. Advices.
News from Petricaw, 29th April 1567; Cassovia, 1 May; and Vienna, 8 May, relating principally to the war with the Turks.
Ital. Pp. 2¼.
May 8. 1181. William Kirkaldy of Grange to the Earl of Bedford.
1. Whereas he wrote to him that the most part of the nobility for fear of their lives did grant to sundry things against their honours and conscience, they have since convened themselves at Stirling, and have made a bond to defend each other. The heads they have agreed upon are, first, to seek the liberty of the Queen; secondly, the preservation of the Prince; thirdly, to pursue them who murdered the King. They have desired him to write to the end they might have the Queen of England's aid for the suppressing the cruel murderer Bothwell, who at the Queen's last being at Stirling suborned certain to have poisoned the Prince. The Lords convened at Stirling are the Earls of Argyll, Morton, Athol, and Marr. Desires to have a direct answer with haste, for presently these Lords are suitors unto M. De Croc, who offers the aid of his master to suppress the Earl Bothwell and his faction. He has declared to the Queen that the Queen of England is preparing ships and men for the wars; he has also admonished her to desist from the Earl Bothwell, and not to marry him, for if she do, she shall neither have friendship or favour out of France. His saying is she will give no ear, and so he has offered to remain at Stirling in the Prince's company with the nobility in the King of France's name. Grange has persuaded the Lords to give him a deferring answer until he may hear from Bedford. At the time of the Parliament, De Croc offered him largely enough if he would travail to make them at the French King's devotion, which shall never be if the Queen of England do not refuse them. There is to be joined with the fore-named Lords the Earls of Glencairn, Cassillis, Eglinton, Montrose, and Caithness; the Lords Boyd, Ochiltree, Ruthven, Drummond, Gray, Glammis, Enderneith, Lindsey, Hume, and Herries, with all the whole West, Merse, and Tividale, and the most part of Fife, Angus, and the Mearns.
2. The chief occasion why these noblemen desire the Queen of England's aid is rather to take Bothwell out of Dunbar and Edinburgh, not for any fear they have of him in the field, for not only has he the two principal strengths, but also all the munition of the realm.
3. The Queen has come to Edinburgh conveyed by Bothwell. She minds to levy 1,500 footmen, and 200 horsemen. She has 5,000 crowns coined from the font Bedford brought to the baptism.
4. Desires him to write to Murray to come again into Normandy to be in readiness against the Lords write unto him.—8th May 1567.
5. P.S.—The Kirk of Edinburgh have refused to proclaim the banns between the Queen and Bothwell.
6. The third answer to the Earl Bothwell's cartel not yet set up. Murray, brother of the Laird of Tullibardine, accepts his challenge, and if he dares not fight with him, he and five gentlemen offer to prove by the law of arms that six of his followers whom Grange names were with him at that foul and barbarous murder.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2½.
May 8. 1182. Charges at Berwick.
A memorial of the charges for the half ended at the feast of Annunciation, total 8,432l. 16s. 1½d., whereof 1,000l. paid.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 8. 1183. Provisions for Berwick.
List of grain and other provisions with their values remaining at Berwick; total value, 3,399l. 6s. 8d.
Pp. 1½.
May 9. 1184. Sir Thomas Smith to Cecil.
Writes this at Boulogne (the wind being still adversary) to accompany the Queen's packet of their negotiation as soon as they touch land.—Boulogne, 9 May 1567. Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 9. 1185. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
Has no news. Desires him to read the other letters and send them to the North. Those of the religion are to be put at shortly.—Dieppe, 9 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 10. 1186. Negotiation for Calais.
Sir Thomas Smith and Sir Henry Norris having been sent to demand the restitution of Calais in accordance with the treaty of Cambresis, the King answered that he was astonished at this demand, considering what had passed since then. Smith declared that if it was pretended that there was any innovation of the treaty it commenced on the side of the French King by the assumption of the arms of England by the Queen of Scots in the time of her husband King Francis. The Chancellor replied that the taking of the arms by the Queen of Scots had nothing to do with the matter, but that the one who commenced to arm first forfeited all rights by the treaty, and that the Queen of England had done this in Scotland, and again at Newhaven and Rouen. Smith omitting the question of Scotland, said that the Queen occupied Newhaven for the good of the French King's affairs, as she had declared in several public writings. It was answered that this could not be so, as she refused to give up the town when required by the French King, who had to send an army against it. The King would not give up Calais, which was the true patrimony of the crown of France, but was willing to preserve amity and good intelligence with the Queen of England. They were also reminded that the Queen had broken the treaty by receiving fugitives from Scotland and France.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 4¼.
May 10. 1187. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Sends copy of a letter of news sent to him out of Scotland. Desires him to be a means for the continuance of the fifty horsemen and fifty foot at Harbottle until there may be some order upon the Borders. Desires to understand the Queen's pleasure touching the offers made by Martin Elliott and others of Liddlesdale.—Alnwick, 10 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1.
[May.] 1188. Advertisement from Scotland.
The Lords are agreed to proceed as at length is declared in the other letters sent by the Laird of Grange to the Earl of Bedford, which he asks him to forward with all diligence. The heads are, first, to have the Queen free in their hands; secondly, that the Prince be kept by the nobility; thirdly, the trial and punishment of the murder of the King. Desires to know his mind and what comfort may be able to be received of England.—"Your Lordship's good friend whom ye know."
Copy. P. ½. Enclosure.
May [10]. 1189. Robert Melville to Throckmorton.
Informs him of Bothwell's trial and of his seizure of the Queen of Scots, and of the convention and purposes of the Lords. France is suiting to enter into bond with the nobility. Asks him to send a letter to Murray.—Cairney in Fife, [10] May. Signed.
Add. Endd. Injured by damp. Pp. 2¾.
May 10. 1190. Advices.
Intelligence from Tolosa, 15 April 1567; Madrid, 16 April; Lyons, 28 April; Rome, 10 May; Petricaw, 29 April; Cassovia, 1 May; and Vienna, 8 May.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
May 10. 1191. Copy of part of the above.
Ital. Pp. 4.
May 10. 1192. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
The Queen of Scots shall marry with Bothwell on Thursday at the furthest. The Borderers are for the most part wanting horses and gear for service. Desires his advice for provision of the same.—Carlisle, 10 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 10. 1193. N. Stopio to —
Sends news from Vienna, 2 May, chiefly relating to the war with the Turk.—Venice, 10 May 1567. Signed.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
May 11. 1194. Advices from Antwerp.
Reports from different countries.—Antwerp, 11 May.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 1½.
May 11. 1195. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Understands by his letters that the Queen's meaning is to have him make haste northwards to comfort those Lords of Scotland who have joined together to withstand Bothwell's attempt.—Garendon, 11 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 11. 1196. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
M. De Foix is to be despatched into England and others to Spain and Rome. The occasion is about the matter of Calais to make good their cause therein. The Pope's Nuncio has been deferred from audience by reason of a grudge growing betwixt the King and his master. They daily muster here, saying it is to the defence of King Philip's power, if they attempt anything on their frontiers. Fears some practise into Ireland for the rumour is still that they will have wars with England. M. De Frontenai, brother to M. De Rohan, is prisoner at Paris to make his purgation, being charged to have poisoned his wife after a strange manner not meet to be rehearsed. The Prince of Orange has retired to Nassau. They say he is to be charged with lese majesty. Puts him in rememberance of the prisoners at Marseilles. On the eighth of May the King being at the procession his horse fell with him in the midst of his career. —Paris, 11 May. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
May 12. 1197. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
There is advertisement that some of her ships have taken some French ships. The Prince of Conde is at Nice. The Prince of Pourcain is dead here of a pleurisy. The Duke of Alva is arrived in Lombardy. Those of the religion here and in Flanders speak stoutly and say that the wars there are not ended yet. The French have at present about Guinea and the new found Isles of Canaria 200 sail of ships, whose return is looked for the first of July or thereabouts.—Paris, 12 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
May 12. 1198. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Sends him a long discourse from the Laird of Grange to show to the Queen, and desires to be advertised of her pleasure for answer hereof. Means to tarry for answers.— Garendon, 12 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May [13]. 1199. Sir William Drury to [Cecil].
1. The hate of the people towards this Queen for the death of the King increases. There has been a great unkindness between her and Bothwell for half a day. He is held the most jealous man that lives, and it is believed that they will not long agree after the marriage. Dares not deliver unto him the Lady Buccleugh's speech of her telling the cause that she bred his greatness with the Queen by, nor with her speech of the Queen, nor of his unsatiateness towards women. The Queen walking abroad will hang upon his arm. Almost nightly are spoils and other injuries done to the Queen's subjects here. In Northumberland they desire war rather than peace. The like has not been known since the oldest man living might remember.
2. There is often jars between the Queen and the Duke. He was offended for a horse which she gave to the Lord of Arbroath. The Lady Bothwell remaining at Crighton is much misliked of the Queen. Bothwell's guard of soldiers keeping the door at the assizes is much misliked. Immediately after his being cleared in that manner he put up a bill offering to try it with his body. If it would stand with the Queen's favour Drury would answer it.
3. The Cardinal sent a very gentle letter to the Earl of Murray. At his departure the Queen wept, wishing he were not so precise in religion. She would not have had him pass through England or France. It was Captain Cullen's persuasion for more surety to have the King strangled and not only to trust to the powder. Sir Andrew Carr with others were on horseback near to the place for aid to the cruel enterprise if need had been. Great means was used to have the Earl of Murray stay in the town till the cruel deed had been done. The Queen persuaded him not to believe that she had condescended to go about for some bodily harm to him. The King was long of dying, and to his strength made debate for his life. There accompanied the Earl of Murray to the bound rood the chief of the gentlemen of the March and Lothian. The King would often read and sing the fifty-fifth psalm and went over it a few hours before his death. There were not many that he would of his griefs deal with, but to some he would say that he should be slain, and complain much of his being hardly dealt with. The Under Marshal was not only kept out of the Court, but pushed out as it were by force. There is another bill set up, "Farewell gentle Henry, but a ven"geance of Mary."
4. The Queen sent a token and message to Bothwell being at the assize. The Queen upon Thursday passed through the street near the market, where were women sitting, who cried aloud, God save your Grace if you be "sakeles" of the King's death.
5. There was above 500 people at the Mass in the Queen's chapel. There is not the assembly of the nobility at the sermons as has been. Bothwell rode upon the courser that was the King's to the assize. There followed him above 4,000 whereof the greatest part were gentlemen. Lethington and others told him that the Queen was asleep; when he saw her looking out of a window and Lethington's wife with her, and Bothwell after he was on horseback looked up and she gave him a friendly nod for a farewell.
Incomplete. On detached sheets of paper, in all about pp. 8.
May 13. 1200. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
Desires that he may receive the half year's charge of this town due at Lady-day last past. Encloses a memorial of the ordinary and extraordinary charges unto Lady-day.—Berwick, 13 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 13. 1201. Meliorino Ubaldini to Cecil.
Expresses his desire to enter into the service of the Queen of England.—Padua, 3 Ides of May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. 1.
May 13. 1202. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
On the 12th received letters from Rouen that there was a captain coming thither to rig out eight of the best ships. The bruit goes that certain of the Queen's ships have taken some of theirs.—Paris, 13 May. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 14. 1203. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Lethington's friends much muse at his long stay in the hands of those who would do him harm. The Prince is at Stirling, and it is certainly judged shall be crowned the same day that the Queen is married. The banns were upon Sunday last by Mr. Craig asked in St. Giles' Church, who spared not in the pulpit to manifest his unwillingness, for which the Earl says he will provide him a cord. Great mass of victual and other things are prepared in the castle. Bothwell levies more soldiers, and has 6,000 crowns delivered for to imprest them.
2. There has been an interlude of boys at Stirling of the manner of the King's death and the arraignment of the Earl. He who represented the Earl was in sport so long hanged that hardly in a long time could life be recovered. This was before the Lords, who the Earl thinks were devisers of the same. The Lords have sent the Queen word that unless she discharge her soldiers and be better accompanied of the nobility they will neither obey her writing or commandment. It is thought that the witches and sorcerers have some credit for the appointment of the time of the marriage. The Earls of Crawford and Erroll are both at the Queen's devotion. The Lord Home has not yet subscribed to the Lords, but he is holden an assured friend of their action. He would be content to have the aid of some Englishmen to bestow in his castles. Encloses letters to the Earl of Murray.—Berwick, 14 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 11. 1204. Marriage of Mary Queen of Scots with Bothwell.
Upon the 11th May 1567, the Queen was asked openly in St. Giles' Church at Edinburgh by Mr. John Craig to marry with the Earl Bothwell. He signified that it was directly against his conscience to ask them, as he considered the marriage altogether unlawful. He asked all to leave from setting up of papers and secret whisperings, and to let them who had ought to say, say it openly.
On a small detached slip of paper. Pp. 2. Enclosure.
May 12. 1205. Creation of Bothwell Duke of Orkney.
Manner of the creation of Bothwell Duke of Orkney with the names of those present, and a list of certain persons made Knights on Sunday, 12th May. It is thought the marriage will be on the 15th.
P. 1. Enclosure.
May 15. 1206. [Cecil] to Sir Henry Norris.
Recommends the cause of the bearer, Valentine Siekerzinsky, a Pole, who affirms that he was spoiled of great riches by the French about the time of the business of Newhaven, being by them charged to be an Englishman.
Copy. Endd. P. 1.