Elizabeth: May 1567, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: May 1567, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp231-241 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1567, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp231-241.

"Elizabeth: May 1567, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp231-241.

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May 1567, 16-31

May 16. 1207. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires his favour for Nicholas Turrianus Cretensis, who has a rare work of Chrysostom upon Genesis in Greek which he intends to present to the Queen. He has also a copy of a work called the "Margaryt" not yet in print.—Paris, 16 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 16. 1208. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Requires certain provisions to be laid in store before winter. About a month since Mr. Marshal received from the Earl Bothwell a message that he had two years past uttered certain words in reproach of him, which he would not bear, and therefore would set his estate and honour apart and try it with him. They both agreed to seem offended with the messenger in that he demanded no writing. Bothwell refused to write. In the end Drury sent a gentleman to declare that he accepted his challenge and desired him to appoint a place. It seems now that Bothwell would gladly be cleanly despatched of his challenge notwithstanding the party still presses thereupon. A great number seem to rejoice at the slack answering of his own challenge. Thinks that the Marshal would not have thus urged this challenge before advertisement thither if he had not perceived that the Earl was toward further advancement.—Berwick, 16 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 16. 1209. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
On the 15th at 4 a.m. was the (Queen of Scots married) with the Duke of Orkney, the witnesses being very few in the chamber of presence with a sermon and not with a Mass. M. De Croc was neither at the creation of the Duke of Orkney nor at the marriage.—Berwick, 16 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 16. 1210. Advices.
News from Vienna of 16 May about the war with the Turk in Hungary.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 1½.
May 17. 1211. The Queen to the Earl of Bedford.
Has seen certain letters written to him out of Scotland by some of the nobility, which he was required to communicate to her and require her answer, which is as follows:—As to the first of the three heads whereon they are determined, viz., to have their Sovereign delivered from bondage, she has written the day after Bothwell's arraignment wherein she writes that the evil will borne to the said Earl is only by such as malice him because he heretofore in her distress recovered her liberty out of their hands. As to the second, which is the preservation of the Prince, she does not understand their meaning therein, whether it is to have him brought into England to be in the custody of his grandmother or how else. As to the third, which is the pursuit of the murderers of the King, she sees great difficulties if the Earl Bothwell marry the Queen. Thinks it very necessary to have further explication how they mean to prosecute these matters. If she cannot be trusted with the protection of the Prince she thinks intermeddling with the rest of the matters should prove more hurtful than profitable. Thinks it strange that the Lords mean to crown the Prince if the Queen marry Bothwell, which is a matter hard to be digested by her or any other monarch.—17 May 1567.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 17. 1212. Robert Melville to Cecil.
Requests his favour for the bearers, who are two honest gentlemen, friends and servants of the Earl of Murray.— Edinburgh, 17 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
May 17. 1213. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome of 10 May 1567; Vienna, 8 May; and Petricaw, 29 April.—Venice, 17 May 1567. Signed: P. B.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 3.
May 17. 1214. Advices.
News from Messina, 4 May 1567; Rome, 17 May; Petricaw, 3 May; and Vienna, 16 May.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
May 17. 1215. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Sends a copy of a letter which he has received out of Scotland. The Queen of Scots was married in the order of the Reformed Church. Complains of the state of the Borders. —Alnwick, 17 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., P. ½.
May 16. 1216. — to Sir John Forster.
Sir James Balfour is to be directed towards the Queen of England. This day the marriage is ended. There is a packet from the Ambassador of France which declares that the Earl of Murray required of the Queen of England assistance to punish the King's death. One part of the council agreed thereto, and the other was against his proposition.—16 May.
Copy. P. 1. Enclosure.
May 18. 1217. Advices from Antwerp.
News from Antwerp of the 18 May 1567.
Endd. Ital. P. 1.
May 18. 1218. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The man for whose delivery he sent to Marseilles is clear. There yet remain eighteen who without his goodness are like to be sold to the Genoese.—Paris, 18 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 18. 1219. Thomas Barnaby to Cecil.
Robert Percival is detained at Dieppe and his letters taken from him. Has returned to Rouen and despatched a messenger to Dieppe to learn the truth of this matter, who was not suffered to come to the speech of him. Has learnt that letters were brought from the French Ambassador to the captain of the town that he should not fail to stay Percival and send his letters to the King.— Rouen, 18 May 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1½.
May 18. 1220. Mary Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Requests a safe-conduct for George Leirmouth of Balcony and his servants to pass through England.—Edinburgh, 18 May 1567. Signed.
Endd. Royal Letter.
May 19. 1221. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome, 3 May 1567; and Vienna, 2 May.— Venice, 19 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 2¼.
May 19. 1222. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Sends news which he has received from Scotland. Has received the Queen's answer to the Laird of Grange, for which he thanks her.—Garendon, 19 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
May 19. 1223. Sir Henry Norris to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton.
1. Proclamation has been made that none of the poor Protestants of Flanders coming hither for refuge should be received.
2. There is bruit of a confederacy between the Pope, the Emperor, the King of Spain, and the Dukes of Savoy and Florence for besieging of Geneva and also to play some cunning strategem in France. The Pope gives monthly 50,000 crowns and the Duke of Florence 10,000. The Duke of Alva has come to Genoa with 3,000 Spaniards. There be still seventeen English prisoners at Marseilles. They are in hand to re-edify Calais. Warns him that there are great and foul practises for the intercepting of letters. Signed.
Add. Endd.: 19 May., with seal. Pp. 2.
May 11, 20. 1224. Warrants for Lord Hunsdon and the Earl of Sussex.
Authorises the Treasurer to pay Lord Hunsdon sent to the French King 5l. per diem for his diets; and also to pay all other charges.—May 11.
Another warrant authorising the payment to the Earl of Sussex sent to the Emperor of 6l. per diem, and also his other charges.—Westminster, 20 May 1567.
Endd. P. 1.
1225. Another copy of the Earl of Sussex's warrant.
Endd. P. 1.
May 20. 1226. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. The bearer will declare his proceeding with Bothwell. Desires to understand the Queen's pleasure if hereafter he hears from him or any other of the same. There have been already some jarrs between the Queen and the Duke. The Bishop of Orkney in his sermon declared the penitence of the Earl Bothwell for his life past, confessing himself to have been an evil liver. The opinion of divers is that the Queen is the most changed woman of face that in so little time without extremity of sickness they have seen. She was married in the dule weed, but now has shaken it off.
2. She openly in the Tolbooth before the marriage declared that she had forgiven her being taken upon the way, and was since well used. The French Ambassador resident in England advertises the Queen that the Earl of Murray practises with the council there little to her good, and speaks worse of her than becomes a subject.
3. There is come out of Flanders divers barrels of hard heads counterfeited, which with the bringers are apprehended and stayed. The Bishop of Dumblane goes to the French King and the Pope.
4. The Earl of Huntly has promised secretly to take part with the Lords. The Queen minds by fair means to win the Lords. The Lord Hume doubts that if the Duke procure a reconcilement with the Lords he will pursue him with all the force he may. At the Queen's last being at Stirling the Prince being brought unto her she offered to kiss him, but he would not but put her away and did to his strength scratch her. She offered him an apple, but it would not be received of him, and to a greyhound bitch having whelps was thrown, who eat it and she and her welps died presently. A sugar loaf also for the Prince was brought at the same time, it is judged to be very evil compounded.
4. There is a witch in the North who affirms the Queen shall have yet two husbands. Arbroath shall be the second. The Duke shall not live a year at the most. In the fifth husband's time she shall be burnt, which death divers speak of to happen to her, and it is said she fears the same. The Lady Buccleugh and her sister Lady Reres both with their writing and speech marvellously rail both of the Queen and Duke. It is thought the Queen has long had a spice of the falling sickness, and has been of late troubled therewith. There is some person of quality and an Englishman who has written to the Queen of Murray's evil speaking and other dealings.—Berwick, 20 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4¼.
May 21. 1227. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Letter of credence for the Sieur De Maleghen and the Count of Stolberg sent to her on certain matters.—Antwerp, 21 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Broadside. Fr.
May 23. 1228. Sir Henry Norris to Throckmorton.
There are in Italy and those parts great numbers of men in arms as is said for the beseiging of Geneva and the ruin of the Protestants in France. They have also made great boasts what their intents are to do in England. The Duke of Chatelherault and the Earl of Murray have been cunningly practised with to be at the Queen Mother's commandment. The French seek to get the Prince of Scotland into their hands. Complains that certain letters have been stayed.— Paris, 23 May 1567.
Endd. to Nicholas Throckmorton. Pp. 2.
May 24. 1229. Advices.
News from Vienna dated 22nd of May 1567; from Madrid, 5 May 1567; Lyons, 13 May; Genoa, 17 May; Rome, 24 May.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 6.
May 24. 1230. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Since his letter of the 12th news has come that the Duke of Alva has disembarked at Villa Franca on the 13th inst. The Duke of Savoy has also in readiness 2,500 men. It is suspected that the general league and conspiracy among the Papistical Princes should be again revived. The French have sent towards Lyons and those places the Count Brissac's companies, being seven ensigns, having been warned so to do by their ambassador in Spain.
2. A secretary of the Spanish Ambassador was lately practised with by the Admiral and those of the religion, who found means by him to discover much of his master's doings and to get a copy of his cipher. The said ambassador having knowledge thereof has most cruelly tormented his said secretary and keeps him close prisoner in his house. The Switzers have 20,000 men in readiness to resist any enterprise against Geneva.
3. The old proclamation for the avoiding of strangers was renewed in Paris on the 16th at the instance of the Ambassador of Spain, because the poor afflicted of the Low Countries might have neither succour or relief here.
4. Monsieur De Foix is delegated ambassador to Venice. The whole house of Guise are looked for shortly at the Court, being greatly solicited by the King and his Mother, who are minded to make their profit of this disaster happened in Scotland. The Duke of Chatelherault and the Earl of Murray have been practised cunningly withal to be at their devotion. They will now seek to serve their turn by getting the young Prince into their hands.— Paris, 24 May. Signed.
5. P.S.—They have sent commandment to put Percival at liberty. The Queen Mother has made answer to his secretary that the occasion of his stay was for debt.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
May 24. 1231. Advices from Antwerp.
News from Antwerp of May 24, 1567.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2¼.
May 25. 1232. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. There is a messenger come from Shane O'Neile to the Court of Scotland who minds to pass into France and so into Spain. On Friday there was a triumph upon the water before the Queen. The Duke ran at the ring, and the soldiers made some show of a skirmish. They still march when the Queen goes anywhere abroad. The Queen is greatly offended with the Earl Morton and Lord Home.
2. It was thought that she would go to Stirling, whereupon the Castle was well manned. The Lord Home puts himself in readiness, and would be content to have some aid from the Queen of England. Such as the Queen or Duke assure themselves of have secret warning to be ready at an hour's warning. The Lord of Arbroath is a great courtier and the rest of the Hamiltons. The persons who brought the counterfeit money are hanged and quartered.
3. The Queen uses often with the Duke to ride abroad, and they now make outward show of great content, but the company at Court increases not of one nobleman more than were at the marriage.
4. Desires him to further his requests to the Queen.— Berwick, 25 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 27. 1233. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. It is determined that Lord Home shall be put to the horn. The Queen has bidden herself this last week to many places to meals, whereat she has also required De Croc to come. The Duke openly uses great reverence to the Queen, ordinarily bare headed, which she seems she would have otherwise, and will sometimes take his cap and put it on.
2. Has the manner of her writing since her marriage, the Duke's name much under hers. A brother of Rokesby passed this way to deal for his brother's liberty; the Bishop of Ross said that he dared not speak for him for that he had advertised of all the Queen's friends in England. There happened here yesterday an unfortunate chance, a soldier discharging a dag stroke a man through the heart.— Berwick, 27 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
May 27. 1234. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Sends him a Scottish book. Desires that the Queen will have some consideration of him, or else that he may be discharged from hence. Mentions receipt and sending of letters.
2. The Laird of Grange still advertises the Earl of Bedford, and Robert Melville Mr. Killegrew. Grange has sold all his corn and moveables. Many in Scotland desire that England would do something, saying that time never better served than now.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 1¼.
May 27. 1235. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. On the 15th the King sent M. La Motte to require that on Corpus Christi Day he should assist at the ceremony. Considering that there is a contending for the precedence with the Ambassador of Spain happening to meet in open shows, &c., the Queen has willed him to forbear as much as he may from giving such occasion.
2. Is not fully resolved what excuse to make for his absence, being required thereto by the King, it being reported that wars are likely to be betwixt England and France; and by the good "recuell" the King determined to make him there openly the world should know there was no such thing meant. Requests to know what answer is to be made.
3. The Duke of Savoy intends to besiege Geneva, and the Swiss of Berne and other cantons have allied for its defence. The Pope has granted to the house of Austria the inheritance of the Roman Empire.— Paris, 27 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
May 28. 1236. Edict for the Pacification of Antwerp.
1. Divers towns and places having been much troubled by means of the ministers and preachers of different sects and new religions, the following articles are decreed:—First, that all such preachers and seducers of the people with those who encourage them shall be punished with the halter and confiscation of their goods. The same punishment to be inflicted on those who secretly lend their houses or gardens for holding conventicles, and upon all obstinate heretics. Those who are found at the conventicles are to be punished arbitrarily according to circumstances.
2. Parents and masters are to be responsible for those young people under their charge, who may be punished by beating or otherwise at the discretion of the judge.
3. Informers of where conventicles are held are to be absolved for that time.
4. All persons pillaging, destroying, or offering any violence to churches or other religious places, or breaking altars, images, &c., to be hanged and their goods confiscated, and all officers are to prevent such destruction to the utmost of their power under pain of punishment at discretion besides having to make good the damage done.
5. Changes and alterations in the sacraments and rites of religion to be punished in the ministers by death and in those who are present by extraordinary chastisement. Parents are to be severely punished if they do not cause their children to be baptised in their parish church, and the penalty of death is enjoined against them and the minister if they baptise them elsewhere. Midwives are bound to inform if the child is not baptised within twenty-four hours after birth. None are to keep schools save good Catholics on pain of death. Printers and sellers of heretical books and paintings to be punished with death. Whereas the said preachers and sectaries have levied contributions from the people, and have excluded from receiving alms poor Catholics, all those who belong to the consistories or have been authors of tumults shall be deemed guilty of treason; and those who levy contributions are to be most severely punished and to forfeit four times what they have received, even though the contributions were given voluntarily. They are also forbidden to seduce the poor people by means of alms or employment.
6. All who raise or contribute money for levying men of war are to be put to death. All chiefs and devisers of seditious assemblies are declared rebels, and the punishment of death and confiscation of their goods denounced against them. All such fugitives as have taken refuge in any of the King's towns under pretence of religion are to depart within twenty-four hours after the publication of this edict under extreme penalties. The magistrates are to examine any persons who have come to Antwerp from other towns.
7. Extreme penalties are enacted against those who insult or put any obstacle in the exercise of the ancient religion.
8. Extract of privilege for Guillaume Silvius to print this edict in French and Flemish.—26 May 1567. Signed: Overloepe.
Antwerp, 24 May 1567. Par le Roy en son Conseil, subsigned D. Overloepe. The arms of Spain on the title page. Portrait of Philip II. Printed in French. Pp. 23.
May 30. 1237. Count Egmont to Cecil.
On behalf of one Louis Theuryn a merchant of Bruges who had 344 casks of sugar and two packages of ostrich feathers seized by the English during the late war with the French.—Antwerp, 30 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 1½.
May 30. 1238. The Earl of Huntley to Sir William Drury.
Excuses the non-payment of the money recovered in this realm by John Bigges; will advertise him when it is ready.— Edinburgh, 30 May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 30. 1239. Meliorino Ubaldini to Cecil.
Desires to be taken into the service of the Queen of England.—Padua, 3 Cal. Junii 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. 1.
May 31. 1240. Advices.
News from Madrid, 16 May 1567; Lyons, 18 May; Genoa, 26 May; Naples, 27 May; and Rome, 31 May.
Ital. Pp. 4.
1241. Copy of the above with news from Constantinople, 12 May.
Ital. Pp. 3.
May 31. 1242. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome, 31 May 1567; and from Vienna, 30 May. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 2½.
May 31. 1243. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The mint is set to work and good store of the Queen's plate sent thither to be coined, and in the coins both of gold and silver shall be the Queen and the Duke. The font which the Queen of England gave is broken and shall be turned into pieces of three pounds Scottish. The Court is now but small. Huntly of late renewed his suit to repair into his country, which is not well taken. The Duke has said that he has dashed the suit made by the Bishops for liberty for all persons to live according to their desires, and comes to the sermons himself. The bruit of the levying of more soldiers is now stayed.—Berwick, last of May 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May. 1244. Sir William Drury to [Cecil].
Desires that he will move the Queen to have some consideration of his charges and time spent here. His wife, since he cannot get away, minds to come hither at midsummer. Is sorry that there was any matter in his letters not to the Queen's liking. The Queen and the Duke are quiet and merry together and daily are abroad, though their trains besides the soldiers are but few. The Lords will keep quiet unless the Queen and Duke repair towards the Prince. They have of late received of England some comfort. Lethington stands upon good terms with the Queen, but the Duke he fears, but tarry it in Court he will unless the Lords be better comforted. There shall be a new coin. The Queen has abated some of her domestic charges, driven thereunto by necessity. Great and often advertisement comes to her from England. One has come who has told him that he saw the font broken, and also upon Wednesday the Queen bitterly wept, the Duke and she being together. Huntly requiring leave to depart into his country, the Queen denied it, saying that his desire thither was but to do as his father before had done, with many bitter words.
Pp. 3½.
[May.] 1245. A Ballad on the Death of Darnley.
To Edinburgh about six houris at morne,
As I was passand passand out the way,
Ane bony boy was soir makand his mone, &c.
Broadside. Blackletter. Printed at Edinburgh by Robert Lekpreuik, 1567.
[May.] 1246. The Complaint of Scotland.
A ballad on the death of Darnley, commencing,—
Adew all glaidnes, sport, and play,
Adew fair weill baith nycht and day, &c.
Blackletter. Broadside.
[May.] 1247. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Bothwell gathers his friends, and they come furnished. There will be great practise to recover again the Prince into the Queen's hands. Her hatefulness of her subjects increases. Bothwell fears a displeasure to be done him. The outrage of the soldiers was great upon Sunday.
Endd. P. 1.
May. 1248. Levies in Germany.
List of the numbers of men, horse and foot, with the contributions due from all the Princes and nobles and towns of the Empire, amounting to 3,720 cavalry and 17,344 infantry. —Accorded at Augsburg, January 1567, and collated with the original at Cologne, May 1567.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 10.