Elizabeth: October 1563, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: October 1563, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp536-551 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1563, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp536-551.

"Elizabeth: October 1563, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp536-551.

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October 1563, 1-10

[Oct.] 1254. Guido Cavalcanti to the Queen.
Receives with due reverence the unfavourable reply to his request, but ventures to remonstrate. His services, and the expenses he has incurred, merit an increased pension.— Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Oct. 1563. Ital. Pp. 3.
Oct. 1. 1255. Smith to Throckmorton.
Received his of the 28th ult. on the same day. The edict of the majority and of the deposing of arms was assented unto by the Parliament of Paris. On the 30th the petition of the house of Guise was put up to the said Parliament, who declared that the process had been carried to the hearing of the King and his Grand Council: their hands were closed. The departing of the Pope's Nuncio cannot be for what he [Throckmorton] wrote, for his servants say he will be here again shortly. Was sent to be at the solemnity of the Order of St. Michael, and made excuse by the diversity of his religion. Neither the Spanish nor the other Ambassadors were there; only M. De Morette, Knight of the Order. The Court is yet there, and the Guisians are here.—Paris, 1 Oct. 1563.
Copy. Add.
Oct. 2.
Labanoff, i. 189.
1256. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen.
Desires a passport for Bartholomew Villemoir, of that ilk, and Thomas Maitland, brother to her principal Secretary, and their servants, to go into France.—Stirling Castle, 2 Oct. 21 Mary.—Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Granted. Broadside.
Oct. 2.
Labanoff, i. 187.
1257. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen.
Desires a passport for certain Frenchmen, her servants, bringing from France certain graith appertaining to her escurye.—Stirling Castle, 2 Oct., 21 Mary. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: Granted. Broadside.
Oct. 2. 1258. Throckmorton to Smith.
His of the 1st he received on the 2nd. The Constable in passing this way invited him to his house to dinner. He speaks much of peace, but when it comes to conditions he is farthest off. M. De Mauvisiere can tell him all this courtesy and the circumstances thereof. The King and the Queen Mother arrived yesterday at Madril, whither the Constable went from hence.—Castle of St. Germain, 2 Oct. 1563.
Copy. Add. Endd
Oct. 3. 1259. Throckmorton to Smith.
Was in hope, after speaking with the Constable of his enlargement, to return home. The Queen Mother and the Constable make no difficulty to accord it, but D'Aubespine so did his [the writer's] errand as he is like to stick by it. Now the matter rests only in his [Smith's] credit, which he thinks good with D'Aubespine, who has the greatest voice in the Chapter. Had sent Mr. Sadler to provide him a lodging near Smith, but now it is needless.—Castle of St. Germain, 3 Oct. 1563.
Copy. Add.
Oct. 3. 1260. Gresham to the Queen.
1. On the 29th ult. he arrived at Antwerp. Has contented all the Queen's creditors with the new bonds, excepting Maurice Rantzow and Paullus Brocketrope, for his factor here has no other commission but to receive the money; he has declared such matter to the factor that he has departed in post to his masters into the Duchy of Holst.
2. By her instructions of the 23rd August she abridges his diets of twenty shillings a day being in England, which disquiets him, considering the service he has done her for five years. Has always had this allowance both in King Edward's and Queen Mary's time, who gave him between them "three hundred pounds' lands a year" to him and his heirs for ever. Has done her more service than he did them both together, for both their sums amount to 760,000l., and hers to 830,000l. This is the twenty-fourth journey he has taken over the seas for her service since she came to the crown; and besides this he has become lame and waxes old. He trusts she will be no less beneficial to him than her brother and sister were, for so she promised him when he took this charge.—Antwerp, 3 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 3. 1261. Another copy of the above.—Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 3. 1262. Another copy of the above.—Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 3. 1263. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Sent his last letter on the 28th ult. in post "with letters from the party that you sent into France." Since then he has been licensed to enter Antwerp with his servants. Told the factor the Queen had sent him over to see him paid, and that she had been at great charges in the war with France, and that the plague was so great in London that there was no merchant to deliver money unto by exchange, and it was no use to bring any English money over, for it was not current here, and he thought to have found money here by exchange to have contented him, but there is no money for England, for the exchange has fallen from 22s. to 21s. in twenty days. The cause of the Queen's desire to prolong for six months longer was that she has a subsidy growing in December next, which would amount to a million of dollars. The merchants had not taken any commodities out of the realm for twelve months, who would be here before Christmas with them, which would amount at least to two millions of dollars. The factor then said his commission was to receive the money; but after hearing Gresham he said he would ride to his masters in the Duchy of Holst, if he would pay his charges and be there at his return, which would be by the 20th November at most. This he promised, and told him if he brought the prolongations to pass he would give him a chain of gold worth 100 crowns. The factor left on the 1st inst. with his letter, whereof he sends a copy.
2. As it is doubtful whether Brocketrope and Rantzow would be paid, he desires him to have in remembrance the 23,465l. 9s. 8d. that is owing here the 20th November next, that a payment may be made for preserving the Queen's credit; for there is neither money to be had upon the exchange for England nor for interest, by reason that Fucker has lately made an end secretly with his creditors upon this Bourse (who owed here above 300,000l.), "to pay the whole sum in three years with eight per cent. profit." One Tybbold Prewen has become bankrupt within fifteen days for 100,000l., who owes Dr. Clements 2,000l., Mr. Rastall, sometime sergeant, 500l., and others at Louvain 5,000l.; he asks four years to pay 10s. in the pound. In consequence of the scarcity of money there is no other way to pay the Queen's debts due here in November but to send over so much gold, which would be more beneficial to the Queen than the exchange, which passes at 21s., and will still fall. English gold rials to be melted here and brought into their "quyne" fetch 20s. the pound, and more if they are weight. He wishes the Queen to have 20,000l. in readiness by the 20th November. The gold must be secretly bought in by Candiler or some other that is trusty, and Cecil would do well to cause all the receivers and tellers to save all their gold that comes in against that time. He is to give warning to all customers and searchers to look well to the conveying out of England of fine gold and silver, for the profit will fall greater to the transporter.
3. Thinks the Queen deals hardly with him in abridging his diets of 20s. a day, being in England, which allowance he always had from King Edward and Queen Mary, who had more consideration of his services, for they gave between them "three hundred pounds' land a year" to him and his heirs for ever. He hopes Cecil will put the Queen in remembrance of the promise she made him at her house at Hatfield, in Cecil's presence, on the 20th November 1558, when he took this charge; which was that she would on the faith of a Queen give him as much land as her brother and sister had if he accepted the charge again. Will mention his services for his better remembrance. First, at the Queen's coming to the crown he took up in Antwerp 25,000l., which served the turn for her coronation. Secondly, he took divers sums sundry ways and practised with the merchants to make payment thereof with cloths, which was to her profit. Thirdly, for furnishing her with armour and munition for defence of the realm. Fourthly, since she left the merchants for payment of her debts how he has charged his credit by exchange for sums from 50,000l. to 20,000l. at divers times. Fifthly, he took up in one day in the street of London, upon his own bills and credit, 25,000l. for her use. Sixthly, whereas Kings Henry VIII. and Edward VI. and Queen Mary always paid fourteen per cent., and were likewise fain to take jewels for one part, or else they could not get money, since the Queen came to the throne he has brought down the interest to twelve per cent., whereby he has saved her in ready money as much as 20,000 marks, and he never brought her "no jewels to no bargain." Seventhly, he has by her commandment lent his credit to her Ambassadors for no small sums of money, as Throckmorton, Smith, and to Chamberlain, who owes him 1,000l., lent him in Spain, and who was not able to come home if he had not been written to; and he is yet unpaid, and cannot get his money. Eighthly, this is the twenty-fourth journey he has taken over the seas for her services, at divers times in great danger, for fear of drowning; and yet he has always accomplished her commandments. Besides, his leg was broken in her service, whereby he has become lame. He has written a letter to the Queen expressing his griefs as far as he dares; and whereas he is allowed 20s. a day, he has not nor does not escape with 4l. for all his charges, both here and in England.
4. He sends a copy of the Queen's letter to Cecil for him to consider whether it be convenient to be delivered or not. Prays Cecil to "stick" unto him now. In his last he mentioned that the Queen Mother was deceased. It is now said it is not so, but that she fell from her horse and was in great danger, but now she is recovered. It is said here that there is likely to be a fall out again in France betwixt M. De Guise's son and his kinsfolk against the Admiral and D'Andelot, that the Constable takes part with the Admiral, and that they gather men on both sides. The Cardinal keeps the Court, and the Prince of Orange is at his house of Brydoore [Breda], and the Conté of Egmont is at his charge in Flanders, and all noblemen at their houses, and cannot abide the Cardinal's proceedings. To-morrow he gives a banquet to all the Queen's creditors, where he intends to make as good cheer as he can, and as soon as he obtains the old bonds he will repair home. The Queen's ship he came over in has not yet left Zealand, but stays for a wind. Asks Cecil that the 2,800l. may be sent for paying his bills of exchange, for whilst this plague lasts there will be no money got in the streets of London. Sends his commendations to Lady Cecil. —Antwerp, 3 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Oct. 4. 1264. Garrison at Berwick.
At muster there this day by Sir T. Dacre and V. Brown, 132 were returned absent, fourteen sick, and eighteen dead, out of 1583; the yearly charge for which amount to 24,359l. 14s. 2d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Oct. 4. 1265. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 5. 1266. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. The last of September the King and his mother departed from Meulan and came to Poissy. The 1st inst., the Constable, with his wife and three of his sons (viz., Marshal Montmorency, De Meru, and De Thorey), came to his house in the town of St. Germain, where he sent for him to dine with him. He declared that the cause of the writer's imprisonment was grounded upon his coming without a safeconduct. He added that he found no whit the more favour for the ill offices he had done aforetime; and that his doings had wrought the King and his realm as much trouble as the new fanglenes of the King's unadvised subjects. He also made a long discourse of the Queen's doings since the beginning of these troubles, and declared that he was willing to employ himself that there might be peace betwixt the King and her, and that it behoved her to give so good order to her matters as that she had no war with all the world; for they knew, (though there be no war declared,) that there is but little kindness between her and the King of Spain, and are sure that she understands that the alliances in hand will touch her very near. The writer said, not so near as it will touch them.
2. The Constable said he was sure that the writer had heard that the King will be allied in the same house if he wills, and he knew the ancient firm league betwixt them and Scotland, and that what fair weather scever is borne the English, he was sure that the league would not be dissolved. Queen Elizabeth, (he said,) is a fair young lady and cannot be without affection to marry. And seeing they have no princes sortable for her, no state would be more glad to have her delighted with her own choice than they.
3. Throckmorton answered that since the beginning of her reign (finding her realm in war with them,) to have peace with France she accepted hard conditions at their hands; for if she had not embraced the amity of their realm she might have made a better bargain for herself than she did, for the King of Spain assured her (by the Count of Feria and the Duke of Alva,) that he would never make peace with France and leave her unsatisfied. And as to the danger that may grow to her by these alliances, the long amity betwixt England and the house of Austria cannot be easily dissolved, nor any new alliance work prejudice thereunto. As for the league he spoke of betwixt France and Scotland, she goes not about to break any league, but can be satisfied with sure amity of her sister and neighbour. And when she will play the shrew with the Queen, the latter has means to be even with her in her own realm of Scotland.
4. The writer asked the Constable to let his goodwill appear first upon him, her Ambassador, detained against all honour and order. He said that the arrest of their Ambassador in England, the imprisonment of their hostages (who are handled like criminals, constrained to pay exceedingly for all things, to redeem their garments, and to pay goalage,) is the cause of his usage.
5. The writer answered that when the French hostages were taken twenty miles from London fleeing forth of the realm, then the Queen restrained them, but in no such wise as he spoke of. And whereas the Constable had remarked that the French had forborne to hang their Ambassador's secretary, (which they might have lawfully done, their army being before Newhaven, and he carrying letters to exhort them to hold good,) the writer answered that she, by greater reason, might have hanged their hostages as perjured persons. And whereas the Constable touched the hard terms betwixt her and the King of Spain, the writer asked whether this were like when the Spanish Ambassador had protested to the French King and his mother that the King of Spain would, and must declare himself an enemy to France if they should invade the dominions of England. The Constable answered that he knew no such thing. Throckmorton said he could assure him that the Spanish Ambassador in England has assured her of this matter.
6. The Constable said that some Princes make their profit to nourish pikes betwixt them, so asked him to talk how they may come to peace, which hastily to conclude there will be some difficulty; therefore, said he, a truce were meet to be accorded, whereby peace may be brought to pass.
7. The writer answered that the Constable, being the principal councillor, might do much. As for himself, he could do nothing without the Queen's instructions, whereof, being detained, he had no means to know; but that if the Constable would make overture either of peace or a truce, he [Throckmorton] would, (if they suffered him to depart,) advertise her of the whole, and if they liked to stay him, he would despatch a courier.
8. The Constable said, he thought that the English should be contented with their Isle; for as for Calais they have (if they had any right thereto,) lost it by their acts of late. He also said that her pretence to the crown of France has done her no good, but cost her dearly both in men and money.
9. Throckmorton answered that if she might have this bargain, she was to blame if she would not. He said he was sure that she would not have sent her men on this side, nor have taken any of their pieces, but she was required so to do, and the descent of her men was favoured by some of the greatest of this nation. Believes that if they will not make good the treaty of Cambresis, and consider her for her charges and money lent to Condé, and to his nephew the Admiral, it is but folly to speak either of a peace or truce; for there is no man in England that dare speak of such a peace, or with such conditions as they have touched. The Constable spoke, he said, as if Queen Elizabeth were prisoner in France. The Constable said it would be best for them to agree, for the war brings harm to both. And he assured him there is no councillor here that dare advise the King to make peace with other conditions than he has spoken of. Throckmorton said it was then to no purpose to speak of it. The Constable said that he perceived that he did not know all, for this matter is of more towardness than he knew of. All men at home are not of one mind in the English Council, and some have little thanks for their doings past, as they have well deserved. The Constable said he loved her, and would be glad to pleasure her nation. He saved (he said) as many of her men as were within Newhaven, for they were at his mercy.
10. Throckmorton said that he knew that the Constable saved the lives as many of his own men as should have gone to the assault; and seeing that he is so well affected to her, he prayed him to enlarge him. The Constable said he would speak to the King that his request may be satisfied.
11. Whilst the Constable talked with Captain La Salle, Marshal Montmorency showed himself to him to be sorry for these accidents, and promised to employ himself for his liberty.
12. His liberty being brought in question by the Constable at his arrival at Madril, was by him and the Marshal, his son, so favoured as it was like to have had good success; but secretary De l'Aubespine (who principally governs the Queen Mother) set the matter back. De l'Aubespine did this upon matter advertised from the French Ambassador in England, who little deserves the favour he finds at her hands. This put him in remembrance of the Admiral's opinion of him, who said that he was never so much deceived in any man, for he was the cause of his legation thither; and said he would prove a dangerous man, for his smooth looks and words would beguile the world. But (said the Admiral) the pattern he imitates will beguile him, as he thinks to beguile the world.
13. This passed betwixt the Constable and him on the 1st inst.
14. As much as was accorded to the house of Guise is evoked by the King upon supplication by the Cardinal Châtillon in the name of the Admiral, his brother.
15. The Constable shows himself for his nephews, so the house of Guise will have a cold suit, for the Admiral's party is fortified and daily waxes stronger.
16. The house of Guise and their favourers give forth here that the Emperor and his house, the King of Spain, and the Bishop of Rome, and most of the great potentates of Christendom, will make instance to the King here to do justice upon the offenders against the late Duke. The Spanish Ambassador in this Court gives forth that his master is not pleased with the proceedings here. Of late there has been some business at Lyons about religion. M. De Cursolles and his wife are come to this Court, and begin to be in their old train of favour with the Queen Mother. The Admiral and his brother D'Andelot are not yet come to the Court. The Cardinal Châtillon does mostly govern the Constable. Condé is looked for at the Court daily, upon whose coming some think that the house of Guise will retire to their own houses. The old Duchess of Ferrara travails to compound this difference betwixt the houses of Guise and Châtillon.
17. The Bishop of Rome's Ambassador has departed to Rome. It is said that the King of Spain has so prevailed with the Bishop of Rome that the young Prince of Navarre is by the Council of Trent declared illegitimate, and the lands of the Queen his mother, given in prey to him that can conquer them.
18. M. De Milloray (uncle to M. De Muy, hostage there, governor of Dieppe,) has charge of the sea matters, and the employing of forces to annoy her subjects.
19. At the dispatch hereof, these men had no intelligence from their Ambassador in England since the arrival of young Killigrew here.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 5 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 12.
Oct. 5. 1267. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Complains of his usage. Asks him to use the French Ambassador (and all of the French affection there), as he is here. What inconvenience can happen to him if Smith be shut up, provided he [Cecil] sees into the matter? The French Ambassador's liberty hurts him [Cecil], and give these men intelligence from thence. Cecil should have a jealous eye to the French merchants, and give order that some money be sent unto Mr. Stuart. (fn. 1) Asks that his wife may receive the money due to him. Is in the castle, and as fast as ever he was.—Tower of St. Germain's Castle, 5 Oct. 1563. Signed.
2. P.S.—The Constable amongst other griefs complains of the charges of their hostages; he might as well complain of his expenses.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 5. 1268. Throckmorton to Smith.
Hears no more of his enlargement; and the Court being passed from beyond them, all haunt is gone. Remains a fast prisoner, with small hope and less intelligence. Captain Salle has done him the favour to let him send the bearer to Paris to buy necessaries; he would be loth his favour should be known. Prays him to lend him his discourses in French.— Castle of St. Germain, 5 Oct. 1563.
Copy. Add.
Oct. 5. 1269. Challoner's Accounts.
Bill for extraordinary charges since the 15 August 1563, mostly incurred on the journey to Saragossa, amounting to 192 reals, 4d. Paid to Hoker, at Saragossa, on the 5th of October.
Orig. Span. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6.
Knox's Works, vi. 528.
1270. John Knox to Cecil.
Wishes that the spirit of righteous judgment might assist him in all his godly business. If he could be persuaded that the most part of the Scottish Councillors were not already so void of grace that secretly they have consented to what in the end shall be their destruction, and hazard the quietness of their neighbours, his care and fear in that behalf were at an end. Understands more than Cecil does in that secret. Of twelve, nine have consented to set forward whatsoever may please the demander; and if better hand be not holden to that matter by times, the greater part will draw the better over the score ere it be long. Cecil shall receive answers pleasing enough at this time, but what is meant time will witness. If the man most inward with him, (and dear unto the writer, for those graces God has bestowed upon him,) be such as both their hearts wish him to be, then will the few that remain uncorrupted strive for a season against the force of the blinded multitude; but if he follow the contrary faction (directly or indirectly), then the rage of that storm shall overthrow the force of the strongest. And yet he little fears for his own part, for he praises his God he has laid his count, and finds his whole debts discharged by Jesus Christ, except that which is appointed to all flesh, which he daily "trusts" for. But the multitude of these calamities that he sees appearing to fall upon this isle, and all because of the inordinate affections of her that is born to be a plague to this realm, are followed without contradiction made by such who of duty are bound to procure the rest and commodity of their commonwealth. The foresight of appearing calamities is to him more fearful than ten corporeal deaths. The conveying of the Mass through those quarters which longest have been best reformed, has so deceived the hearts of many that men appear not to have that courage they had before. "There have ye the plainness of my troubled heart; use it as ye will answer to God, and as ye tender your common wealth." The bringer will instruct him in all other things. Prays Cecil to remember his [the writer's] judgment concerning the furnishing of these north borders.—Edinburgh, 6 Oct. 1563. Signed.
2. P.S.—"The Inch, between Leith and Kinghorn, is left void. What strange fowls shall first light there God knoweth. Our lusty bloods will to France, whether God will or not, judge what shall follow.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 6.
Knox's Works, vi. 530.
1271. John Knox to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. Prays that the Father of all mercies may make him feel the sweet odour of His grace, which by His Holy Spirit flows to mankind from Jesus Christ.
2. Seeing he has called him [Knox] to that familiarity that by writing he may confer with him, he were more than foolish if he should lightly esteem so great a benefit, or neglect the opportunity so liberally offered. He fears that his writings shall be "more fashious nor confortable."
3. God has placed Dudley in favour, credit, and in some authority, by which he may greatly advance the purity of religion, if uprightly he will apply his power. He shall have many hinderers, and many terrible blocks shall be cast before his feet if he once purpose openly to walk in the way that leads to life. But if this sentence of his God, "I shall glorify such as glorify Me," be surely persuaded into his heart, he shall easily overcome temptations and dangers that appear most difficult.
4. Because the sufficiency of the bearer is able to report the state of all common affairs here, he shall only trouble him concerning their nobility, and his brethren the true preachers with his Lordship. True it is, that zeal joined with knowledge once appeared in a great part of their nobility; but to the grief of many it is now judged to be waxen idle, whether it be by reason of this late calm and tranquillity, (in which every man seeks to build his own house and to make himself great, having small care to re-edify the house of God, because from the beginning they sought not the truth, but their own advantage), he knows not, but it is certain that there appears no such fervency in most part of their nobility (their courtiers are coldest) as he has sometime seen. Is ashamed and confounded within himself, when he considers so great mutation within so short a space, and yet he hopes that God shall preserve some even unto the end. Praises God through Jesus Christ, that it pleases Him to make His Word effectual in the mouths of many in this isle; but when he hears of that gross superstition is maintained, and vain ceremonies, he cannot but lament, not doubting in whom this fault consists. Hereafter he will comprehend his Lordship, the Lord President of Wales, and Cecil, in one letter; for he supposes in public affairs they are of one mind and of one secresy. Of Captain Cockburn, his large commission, articles, and answer, he supposes the bearer can sufficiently instruct his Lordship.—Edinburgh, 6 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., much injured by damp, and the seal cut out. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 7. 1272. Sir T. Dacre and V. Browne to Cecil.
Has taken a general muster of this garrison since the return of the captains and soldiers from Newhaven, the state whereof is herewith sent. Asks for a warrant for the payment of 100 more in the establishment than in Lord Grey's time, 200 new soldiers being retained, who came in the absence of the others. Asks for a certificate stating to what day the bands were paid who came from Newhaven. By reason of contrary winds, and the French having been on this coast, the coals which are provided at Newcastle have not been delivered.—Berwick, 7 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 7. 1273. V. Browne to the Marquis of Winchester.
Sends muster of the garrison. There are 100 more men than there were in the late Lord Grey's time. Nothing has yet been done in the Sheriff's accounts of Northumberland, because they could not bring them hither by reason of the bruits of there being sickness here. They have appointed the Sheriffs to be here on the 20th inst. Although they seem willing to come to an end therein, yet finds them unready to answer any money, and perceives they must deal sharply with them.—Berwick, 7 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. P. 2.
Oct. 7. 1274. Rowland Johnson to Lord William Howard.
1. Sir T. Dacre, Marshal, and V. Browne, Treasurer, have conferred with him touching the making and repairing of certain places here for the safety of the soldiers and town, and also with the captains about their soldiers working thereat. Showed the Marshal and Treasurer what is requisite to be done, to furnish each captain's ward.
2. Begs that a store of pickaxes and other tools for the works may be sent.
3. Bryen Bowmer told him that he was taken at sea by some Frenchmen between here and London, and his ship and goods carried to Leith. Asks for instructions as to the payment by the Treasurer of his entertainment as Master Mason, to which he was appointed in Queen Mary's days.— Berwick, 7 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Rowland Johnston to the Council. Pp. 3.
Oct. 7. 1275. Rowland Johnson to Cecil.
To the same effect as his letter to Lord William Howard.— Berwick, 7 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with two seals. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 8. 1276. The Queen to Smith.
1. Understands by his letters of his restitution to liberty and his conference with the Constable and L'Aubespine. The French Ambassador in September last offered to be a mean to the King, and specially to the Constable there, and has now renewed the matter to her by special message from the King, offering to accord, and also to aid her with anything she should need. For the entering thereunto she let him understand that he [Smith] shall declare her indisposition; and yet the conference betwixt him, Mason, and Wotton may perchance show her intent. But therein no resolution was made but of the alteration of the safe-conduct, which she does not allow, he having named four of his own servants, leaving thereby no means for her to name any of more understanding. She would that he procure one for John Somers, and another for Barnaby or Rogers, one of Throckmorton's servants.
2. Touching this negociation, he shall say that he and Throckmorton shall treat thereof. Therefore if they put Sir Nicholas to liberty to use that authority which he has jointly with him [Smith], she will give them direction how to proceed.
3. Although she thinks they will not allow thereof, yet it behoves her in honour for herself, and for helping Throckmorton, that if they will not put him at liberty to treat of this matter, at least he may be suffered to return. If they should allow him as a commissioner, and set him at liberty, she will send them both a commission. But if they will not he shall say that she thinks that, seeing they like not him whom she has sent, she would that they should treat with some of hers here. He shall further this to the best of his power, for this way she likes best. And if they should mislike this, he may say that, although it is very hard to find any other, yet (if none of these two ways can be allowed,) there is but another, viz., to procure some place in the Low Countries near Dunkirk or Gravelines. Supposes they will move to have either one sent to join him in Throckmorton's stead, or else to have a third joined with them, for of that their Ambassador here has made mention. But this has so much inequality that she cannot think them friendly who would advise her thereunto. She cannot think it honourable to send a third until the world sees her better satisfied for sending him. And for the long tract of time that has been since his communication with the Constable, he may say that neither the French Secretary nor William Killigrew came hither with his letters before the 15th inst., having been stayed at Boulogne for lack of passage.
4. He is to solicit a speedy answer, and if none of her motions shall like them, to pray them to devise others; and offering her reason, they shall find her disposed to have peace with them. If they should enter into a device how an abstinence may be had, and no full peace, nor yet a restitution of both into the state wherein they were by the peace at Cambresis, he should not enter so deep into those particularities as to show her intention. But if he can say anything of himself, without noting any such meanings in her, he shall rather prefer either a perfect full peace, with assurance of Calais, or a restitution to the peace of Cambresis to endure to the end of four years, the term limited for Calais in that treaty, rather than to any truce; for thereby they will wipe her away both in the opinion of the world, and from recovering the same.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 8.
Oct. 8. 1277. Smith to Throckmorton.
Has had no word out of England. They talk here for the arms to be laid down, the chains of the streets to be taken away in Paris, and such things. The King comes hither about Saturday. Throckmorton has the Admiral's further replications to Poltrot's examinations in print, of which the writer had much ado to get a copy. Sends him the Guisians' request to the King, and also his own discourses in French.— Paris, 8 Oct. 1563.
Copy. Add.
Oct. 8. 1278. Safe-conduct.
Safe-conduct for Le Sieur Fleurant Adam, secretary to the French Ambassador, to pass and repass.
Corrected draft. Endd. with the names of four of the French Ambassador's servants, who had similar passports, and dated 8 Oct. 1563. Pp. 2.
Oct. 9.
Knox's Works, ii. 395.
1279. John Knox to the Brethren of the Congregation.
2. "Wheresoever two or three are gathered." It is not unknown to them what comfort God gave them in times most dangerous by their Christian assemblies and godly conferences as oft as any danger appeared to any member of their body; and how since they have not frequented their conventions and assemblies, the adversaries of Christ's Evangel have boldened themselves to do publicly and secretly many things most hurtful to the liberty of the true religion now of God's favour granted unto them. The Holy Sacraments are abused by profane Papists; Masses have been, and yet are openly said and maintained. The blood of some of their dearest ministers has been shed without fear of punishment craved by them. And now last are two of their brethren, Patrick Cranstoun and Andrew Armstrong, summoned to underlie the law at the Tolbooth of Edinburgh the 24th inst., for forethought, felony, pretended murder, and invading Holyrood House with unlawful convocation; and all because they with two or three more passed to the said abbey upon Sunday the 15th August last, to note what persons repaired to the Mass, because the Sunday before (the Queen being absent), there resorted to that idol a rascally multitude, having there openly the least devilish ceremony (even the conjuring of their accursed water) that ever they had in the time of greatest blindness. This fearful summons is directed against them to make preparative upon a few, that a door may be opened to execute cruelty upon a greater multitude.
2. God purged this realm for the most part of open idolatry that they might be kept clean from such vile filthiness and damnable idolatry; but they have suffered that idol publicly to be erected, and therefore God justly suffers them to fall to that danger, that to look to an idolater going to his idolatry shall be reputed crime little inferior to treason. "God grant we yet fall not further."
3. And now the writer, (whom God has made one amongst many to travail in the building of His true religion,) seeing the same in danger of ruin, cannot but crave of his brethren of all estates in this realm, their present comfort and assistance the said day in the town of Edinburgh, even as they tender the advancement of God's glory, the safety of their brethren, and their own assurance in like dangers. It may be that persuasions be made in the contrary, and that the brethren may be informed that either their assembly is not necessary, or else that it will offend the upper powers. But the writer's good hope is that neither flattery nor fear shall make them decline from Christ, as that against their public promise and solemn bond they will leave their brethren in so just a cause. And albeit there were no great danger, yet cannot their assembly be unprofitable, for there are many things which require consultation.—Edinburgh, 9 Oct. 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Randolph: Mr. Knox to the Brethren of the Congregation. Pp. 3.
Oct. 10. 1280. Sir Thomas Percy to Cecil.
1. His deputy, Thomas Clavering, and friends of Norham advertised him that on Tuesday last the Marshal and Treasurer of Berwick sent a great number of the garrison on horseback and foot to seize the goods of his said deputy, and four or five of his [the writer's] men. The horsemen divided and ran as if it were to forage, and the footmen in like sort to sundry places, and twenty of them came to the gates of Norham Castle, where they were repulsed. They demanded the castle in the Queen's name, but they did not enter; for his servants who were left in charge thereof (his officer having the day before been sent for to Berwick, where he was put in ward,) were unwilling to deliver it to such men. The office of Norham has ever been such a liberty as neither Warden nor any other person had right to enter it.
2. Perceives this matter is for the wreck of the Scots ship. Is grieved that no man is arrested besides those of Norham, when all the world knows that the soldiers of Berwick had the spoil four hours before the Norham men came to it. Sir Ralph Gray has many of the goods, divers gentlemen carried away two unbroken coffers apiece before Thomas Clavering came; and Sir James Crofts (who is the original in this business) had more than any ten there, although his "finess" could well enough put the matter off.—Castle of Tynemouth, 10 Oct. 1563.
3. P.S.—Marvels that he has not heard from him [Cecil] touching the matter he most desired and travailed with him for. If he has changed his opinion therein asks him to let him know. Has not heard from him since 21 May. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 10. 1281. Smith to the Queen.
Since the 12th of August he has heard no word from her or her Council, since which time divers things have chanced here neither pleasant to her ministers nor to herself. Whatever persuasions should be made to her he prays her to let him hear from her.—Paris, 10 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 10. 1282. Smith to Cecil.
1. "I am in a marvellous agony and know not what I should think or say."
2. H. Killigrew departed from him with a despatch in company with the French Ambassador's secretary on Thursday, 23rd ult., and on the 29th he sent a packet by a Scottish gentleman. Of these he hears no word nor answer. Wonders why Cecil thus neglects the occasion. Has had no word from the Queen or Council since 12 Aug. Fears that his man Barlow may have been drowned in going over.—Paris, 10 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 10. 1283. Cuerton to Challoner
Has received his letter from Saragossa. Goldwell has written for 600 more reals. Desires Challoner to pay him, as he is in want. "Here is come news from the General Council that England is given for Sysmatecos. It was never other like. God amend all."—Bilboa, 10 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Challoner at Balbastro. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This last clause is in cipher.