Elizabeth: October 1563, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: October 1563, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp551-569 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1563, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp551-569.

"Elizabeth: October 1563, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp551-569.

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October 1563, 11-20

Oct. 12. 1284. Smith to the Queen.
1. Yesterday the Rhinegrave and the writer met at St. Denis. He spoke of the favour he bore to England and her, and his desire to do her service, and asked if she does not mind to marry Lord Robert. The writer could not tell, but would that she married somewhere. The Rhinegrave said that she bears great affection that way. The writer said he thought so, but could not perceive that she minded to marry, whereof he was sorry.
2. The Rhinegrave said she must needs marry shortly, for there is no Prince in Christendom so weak and so small allied as she is. But if she is disposed to marry Lord Robert he would be their affectionate servant, and would help to get her friendship in France or Germany.
3. Without doubt the Queen of Scots has agreed to take King Philip's son. The Queen Mother laboured to have the daughter of the King of the Romans for the King here, and Philip stopped it, and required her for his son; and Charles of Austria was suitor with England, and was refused. If she likes that way (as neither she nor any of the English can with honour motion the matter again), he [the Rhinegrave] can again animate him and the Emperor to recommence the suit, and not to be dismayed for one or two nays, and he does not doubt to bring it to pass. If she likes not that, the Landgrave's son is a goodly gentleman, and other there be in Germany. The sum is, he said, that he has a marvellous desire to speak with Lord Robert, or whom she pleases, and show the affection he bears her, and the service he can do. He would come disguised to Kent, or where he should be appointed, to have talk with such as she thinks good. He asked the writer to signify this to her and to let him have answer, for shortly he goes into his own country.—Paris, 12 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12. 1285. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. Takes it unkindly that his lacquey should come out of England without any letter or word to him; but much more that after he [Throckmorton] heard of things there he did not send the writer word, seeing he heard no word out of England; but most of all that he would not take his letters with him. He did not serve him so when he found means that Killigrew should certify him what was done, and take letters. Throckmorton has sent to the Queen here and has had answer, which the writer would have taken kindly if he had made him privy to it. Knows Middlemore and others have written to him of the Court, which if he had known it would have advanced the Queen's service. Is fain to signify to the King that the Queen is not dead, as the rumour is here, and that there is no dissension amongst the Lords.
2. On the 1st inst. neither Killigrew nor the French Ambassador's secretary, who went with him, were arrived at the Court, which was the ninth day after they departed from the writer. Has asked to have a passport to send another of his men, with the doubles of the same despatch, which is granted. Throckmorton, if disposed, can send that way.—Paris, 12 Oct. 1563.
Copy. Add.
Oct. 12. 1286. Throckmorton to Smith.
Smith is more jealous and angry than there is cause; nor is the writer so much at liberty as Smith has signified into England. The man he speaks of brought him letters from his wife, son, and some other friends. Smith is at large and can do what he will, but the writer is fast; and there are other impediments, which he meant to make him privy to by Mr. Sadler at his coming. If he sends Sadler he will say more to him than he meant to write. As neither the French Ambassador's secretary nor Killigrew had arrived, he mistrusts some distress at sea to them. Prays him to send these letters to his wife.—12 Oct. 1563.
Copy. Add.
Oct. 12. 1287. [Robert Stuart] to [Cecil].
Not only understands by his letter the obligation he has to do him [Cecil] service, but also by Mr. Middlemore's letter more amply [Cecil] shall experience his goodwill, specially in what pertains to the Queen's service, who is wholly founded upon justice, and to advance the religion which she has ever professed. Since Middlemore's departure he has not been to this Court until now, when he received his letters, because he was somewhat evil disposed of an old hurt. The King arrived here the [blank] inst., and after to make the Parisians "poise" their arms, which they will be constrained to obey. The Court goes to Fontainebleau and Lyons. Here is no bruit so great as the demanding justice for the death of M. De Guise, which M. D'Aumale purchases against the Admiral. The Constable is a friend to the Admiral, who has great propos with M. D'Aumale. The Prince is in his house, and will come to the Court as soon as it departs this town. One of his daughters is dead, whereat he is displeased. The Queen has been in danger by the fall of a horse, but does well now. Here is a great appearance of division for the said slaughter. They are in jealousy of the King of Spain; first, for the Duke of Savoy's death, who left the said King his heriter, after his son. If he had died Throckmorton should have been put at liberty, to have treated some friendship with the English; also because without doubt the marriage of the Queen of Scotland with the King of Spain's son continues. La Croq departed hence eight days ago to effect this, who goes through England. The Queen Mother is displeased at this practice, which he [Cecil] shall understand ere long by honest language holden to him for his friendship, if their doings continue. There is nothing here now "dressing" for him [Cecil]. The Rhinegrave has departed into Almain to understand what practice he [Cecil] "dresses" there. Within these two days he has found "moyan" to communicate with Throckmorton. The Count of Rokandolf is killed, with one of his servants. M. D'Orleans is sick of the pockes. The Queen of Navarre will be briefly at this Court. As soon as the Court leaves here the Admiral will come to this Court, notwithstanding the boasting of his enemies. Here is appearance of trouble, for the Queen Mother wills it so.—Paris, 12 Oct.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Endd.: 12 Oct. 1563. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12. 1288. [Robert Stuart] to [Middlemore].
Since [Middlemore's] departure the writer has not been to the Court until now, when he received his letter. Has had a hurt, and cannot write many news. Has written to Mr. Secretary. Has secret communication with Throckmorton, who writes that the writer shall have the money. Asks whether he has lost his last cipher, as he understands by his writing the lines in greater space one from another than in his last. Thanks the Queen touching the pension she ordered him. Spoke nothing of any pension, nor yet does require it, until he may declare himself publicly her servant. But as such secret service cannot be done without money, what she allows him shall be employed in her service. He may send it to the agent in Flanders, and address it to Alexander, to be delivered to the writer. Thinks it necessary to write to Cecil continually, and as his writing may be known, Alexander can write all common news.—[Paris,] 12 Oct.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Endd.: Dyamant; and by another hand: 12 Oct. 1563. Le Semer. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12. 1289. Antonio Bruschetto to Cecil.
Guron Bertano, a gentleman of Modena (who was employed upon important business by King Henry VIII., and is well affected to the English crown), is at this time resident in Rome, where his intimacy with people of importance in the Government puts him in possession of many secrets. He has asked the writer whether his intelligences would be acceptable to the Queen and Cecil, who has replied in the affirmative. The writings which accompany this answer came by the last post (although he has not put his name to them or good considerations); one is the copy of a letter written to Paget. If the Queen and Cecil thinks his letters will be of service, the writer will tell him so. Among the letters sent are some from the writer's son, Sebastian, who has studied philosophy at Rome for three years. He is well educated; twenty-seven years of age, and a native of England. The papers herewith sent are in his handwriting. He will gladly be of service, and his intelligences can be sent either in Italian or English. He would have waited upon Cecil had not it been for the pestilence.—Hackney, 12 Oct. 1563.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Oct. 12. 1290. Intelligences from Rome.
The Bishop of Vintimiglia will be sent to Spain as Papal Nuncio in the place of Cirvelli, and will explain the wishes of the Queen of France and the Pope as to the proposed meeting of the Princes. This design has not the cordial approval of the King of Spain, who doubts its expediency at this time; moreover, his hands are full of his own affairs. This morning Vargas, late Ambassador from Spain, has set out from Rome, charged with the wishes of the Pope upon the above affair.—Rome, 12 Oct. 1563.
Orig. Add. Ital. Pp. 3.
Oct. 13. 1291. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. Whether his letters have come or not, he has cause to accuse them of having small care of him. Throckmorton was more in their grace, for the last letter the writer had from them of the 12th of August, was to accuse him of negligence that Throckmorton was prisoner. Is at liberty again, and in such credit, that he doubts not she shall have a good peace with France, and Sir Nicholas at liberty.
2. On the 13th August, he sent a packet in cipher by Ninian Cockburne and on the 20th another by Barlow, which he is sure came safe, and on the 31st he sent a packet enclosed to Gresham, to be delivered to Mr. Secretary. This he knows came to Clough's hands: since which time he has neither heard of his man nor the packet. On the 3rd ult. he sent (by order of the Spanish Ambssador), a packet to Antwerp, to Clough, to convey to Mr. Secretary. These two he wrote, being prisoner in Meulan castle. On the 11th ult. he wrote another packet from Paris to be conveyed as afore, by order of the Spanish Ambassador, for he was still a prisoner. On the 23rd ult. he despatched W. Killigrew, with his packet and another of Sir Nicholas'. On Michaelmas day he sent another by Camel, a Scottish gentleman, and another on the 10th inst. by Jacques de Puis; and another by one of the Rhinegrave's men, making nine despatches to England. This realm stands still as before. They here desire quiet within themselves; and the Queen, and the Constable, (who rules all now,) hold hard that private grudges should not break out again. They hold King Philip a suspect neighbour. But they most mislike the Spanish marriage with the Queen of Scots, which they hold to be concluded unto by the said Queen, taking it to be prejudicial to England and consequently to them.
3. Asks them to let him know how to proceed, and whether they will have peace or war; and if they are irresolute, how he may temporize.
4. Was told yesterday that King Philip has determined to go into Flanders next spring; that he has sent 600,000 ducats thither, to be kept till he comes thither with his son; and that great offers and promises are made to some Scottish lords by him.
5. The Rhinegrave goes shortly to Almain; thirty companies of French soldiers well armed were sent to Lyons towards Piedmont to strengthen the holds there if the Duke of Savoy had died, who is recovered. There are some heart burnings betwixt France and Spain for Piedmont, and as much for Bearn and Bas Navarre.—Paris, 13 Oct. 1563. Signed.
6. P.S.—A bruit is in the French Court, which has contained six or seven days, that the Queen is dead of the plague, and it is almost believed here by the higher sort.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 13. 1292. Smith to Cecil.
1. Tales are spread here that the Queen of England is dead, some say of the plague, some by a fall from an horse. Every body is asking him when he had word. Others are telling what strife is in England. Now they are willing to have peace, truce, or some good accord or alliance. If they mind not to have peace with France, asks him to let him know.
2. The way by Flanders was never closed; men have gone, and many go daily.—Paris, 13th Oct. 1563. Signed.
3. P.S.—Sends herewith the French Ambassador's protestations in the Council of Trent; the book of the Kings majority, with the remonstrance and accord of the Parliament of Paris: the supplication of the house of Guise; and the French book of the taking of Newhaven. Also the Admiral's further answer for his purgation of the death of the Duke of Guise. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 13. 1293. Smith to Throckmorton.
Signified nothing of his liberty into England, but sent his own letters; if they declared more than he has he is to blame. Is glad that those bye letters are come into England. The last he received from the Queen or the Lords were of 12th August, and the last from Cecil were brought by Killigrew, and of small purpose. "Methinks by the same whom I spied here, ye might have sent some notice unto me." Cannot think any distress is fortuned by sea to Killigrew. Has sent Sadler, who can tell him what the French say. As soon as he can get a passport his [Throckmorton's] letters shall be sent.—Paris, 13th Oct. 1563.
Copy. Add.
Oct. 13. 1294. Throckmorton to Cecil.
After dining with the Constable on the 1st inst., he being not best satisfied with his language, sent him back to prison in the Castle.
On the 12th inst. (being provoked by Captain La Salle) he wrote to the Queen Mother and the Council for his enlargement, grounding his reasons upon the usage of the French Ambassador in England; and if he could not have his entire liberty he required liberty to go to Paris for some time to give order for his health. Has had no answer. Upon suit for his liberty the French have answered him that it depends upon the liberty of their hostages in England. And though he says there is no similitude betwixt them and him, but only betwixt their Ambassador and him, they answer that the Queen and her Council at home do not repute him as ambassador, but Smith only. This negligence of him will bring prejudice to the Queen's honour. Wishes he had never undertaken services of this nature, since nothing is intended either for his surety, honesty, or benefit.—Castle of S. Germain, 13 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 13. 1295. Philip II. to the Queen.
His subjects of the Low Countries having complained of the injuries which they sustain in her realm contrary to treaty, and notwithstanding the remonstrances of M. De Assonleville, he has requested the Duchess of Parma to enforce similar regulations, and duties against the English.— Monçon, 13 Oct. 1563. Signed: Philip,—Courteville.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Oct. 13. 1296. Clough to Challoner.
1. Wrote to him fourteen days past that he had paid his bill of 2,000 ducats.
2. There has been a great plague in London, where are dead above 14,000 or 15,000 persons. It began about two months past by 100 in a week; afterwards 300, 500, 700, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 and 3,000 died in a week. Now it begins somewhat to cease, there died last week but 1,400. The most part that are dead are children and poor people, for he does not hear of one merchant or man of name who is dead. At St. Katharine's all died out, and the like in Southwark, and the two-thirds of them that are dead of any age are Frenchmen and Dutchmen.
2. The Queen lies at Windsor in good health. The wars remain still between them and France. There have been divers ships taken on both sides. Mr. Appleyard has taken a ship of Dieppe, very rich, wherein was much gold. The news is that the English Ambassadors in France are now at liberty, and that they are about a peace or truce for three years.— Antwerp, 13 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 21 Dec. at Balbastro. Pp. 4.
Oct. 14. 1297. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. Yesterday he informed the Constable that he was certified by him that saw the Queen that she was alive on Michaelmas day at Windsor; and that the Duke of Norfolk, Lord Robert, and many of the nobility were there in health, and in good agreement. And he affirmed that then neither Killigrew nor the French Ambassador's secretary were come to the Court. Wherefore he asked a new passport for his men, and to send the double of the despatch of their negociation together.
2. The Constable answered that Throckmorton should be more gently handled, and that as this day he should come to Paris, and (as he took him) that he should be at liberty here, or return home; and for that purpose called De Mauvisier to him. He touched again the marriage in Scotland, and the prejudice that might come by it to England.
3. The writer said he was ever inclined to have peace, and marvelled not though they do also. And seeing the great sea of Spain, Italy, and base Dutchland begins to compass them round about, he thinks they have cause to remit or compose their mutual injuries and grudges and strengthen themselves together.
4. The Constable was merry with this answer, and began to tell him what commodity for wines and other merchandise they should have out of France.
5. The writer said that the English league with the house of Burgundy and the Low Countries was so necessary that their merchants could not do without it; and that except they come to reasonable conditions not prejudicial to the English they shall never come to friendship and a league.
6. The Constable said that the writer spoke the truth, and bade him get his power. Also, if he have fault to find the bade him send to him only.
7. He had likewise communication with the Rhinegrave, tending to the desire of amity to be made betwixt the two realms, so does not think this time should be omitted.
8. Asks for plain and definite instructions.—Paris, 14 Oct. 1563.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 14. 1298. Mundt to the Duke of Wurtemburg.
1. Perceives his good will to the Queen from what he said about her marriage at Stutgard in 1560. The marriage with the Archduke of Austria could not succeed, because both the Queen and her Parliament feared that dissentions would break out through dissimilarity of religion. This fear has diminished since Maximilian has been crowned King of the Romans and the justice of the Emperor is better known, of whom it was suspected that he would ratify all the prejudices of the Council of Trent. Has heard that the Parliament of England has desired the Queen to marry, and thinks that no one would be more agreeable to them than the Archduke Charles. The Queen's good will to Lord Robert was only that which a sovereign might show to a faithful subject. Does not think that the French will give up Calais any more than they will Metz, as they have been fortifying it, and their hostages tried to escape out of England.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 15. 1299. The Queen to Lord Scrope.
1. Commands him to observe the treaty lately made with the Scotch commissioners; for the better observance of which by the people under his rule, he shall put it in a book with the treaty made at Berwick and Lady Kirk in Scotland.
2. He shall inform the opposite Warden of her advice, so that if he proceed in the like way there may be a uniform order for both their offices.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by him: 15 Oct. 1563. The same to Sir John Forster. Pp. 3.
Oct. 15. 1300. Pierre D'Assehart to Pierre Du Bois.
Stuart is ill, and has come to Paris. He and the writer have had long conferences on their affairs. Has been in Picardy by command of the Master of the Posts. The Court is still here. The Prince of Condé is not willing to come, with whom they say the Flemings have some understanding. It is said that the Queen of England is dead. They have summoned the Cardinal of Lorraine to France. The Constable has declared against the Guises. The Duke of Savoy wishes to make the King of Spain his heir, in default of his son. The bearer will bring him letters from Throckmorton and Stuart, the one without address is for Middlemore. Will soon have better means of information. Received Throckmorton's letters on the 14th.—Paris, 15 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add.: To Pierre Du Bois, merchant, Antwerp. Endd.: Truepenny. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 1301. Alexander Du Bois to —.
Has at last found his "grand ami" and treated with him concerning their affairs at Paris. Thanks him for having introduced him to so virtuous a personage. By continuing too long the practise of their "tant aimé Seigneur" he has been in great danger, so they must devise some other means. Has bought string and wax to send him from Antwerp, but Mr. Richard makes difficulties. Assures him that he has never passed Kinston.—Paris, 15 October 1563. Signed: Alessandro Sylvano.
Orig. Endd.: Alexander Dubois. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 1302. Eric XIV to the Queen.
1. Was much disturbed when he received her letter last year, thinking not only that all hope of his marrying her was taken away, but also that she refused all overtures of intercourse between their realms. Never sought the Queen of Scots for himself, but for his brother. He made suit to the Landgrave's daughter only for the purpose of trying her constancy, although his jealousy for Lord Robert had something to do with it.
2. Would never have thought that any woman would have lived single so long on his account, especially when urged so strongly to marry as she is.
3. Hopes that now she will consent to marry him and will send him a safe conduct.—Gislevend in Smäland, 15 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Copy. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp 4.
Oct. 15. 1303. Another copy of the above.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 15. 1304. Hans Wildman [the Rhinegrave] to Jaques Reste.
Has not received any letters from Antwerp since his arrival. Received on the 1st inst. one from Mr. Secretary. The letters should be sent as soon as possible, especially those written in English. Bids him remember the English address which should be put on the letters for Mr. Secretary. He has told "Monseiur" not to put any address on those intended for himself. Letters coming from the Court should be well sealed.—Paris, 15 Oct. Signed.
Orig. Add.: To Jaques Reste at Antwerp. Endd. German. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 1305. Gresham to Cecil.
1. His last was of the 6th inst. from Antwerp, with letters from Mount. The next day he departed for Zealand, and arrived there on the 8th inst., aboard the Queen's ship called the Swallow, with the Governor and other merchants. They attempted to go to sea, but the wind being contrary they were obliged to cast anchor fifteen miles out of Zealand.
2. About four o'clock at night they saw three sails, and told the captain and master of the ship they thought they were Frenchmen, whereupon they made all things in readiness to withstand the enemy, because they did all they could to get to windward of them. It turned out to be the Queen's Admiral, Sir Thomas Cotton, with the Barque of Boulogne and the Phoenix. As soon as they had hailed one another a great storm sprung up and they were forced to make into Flushing again, where they remained till the 12th inst., at five o'clock at night, and then they departed. Cotton sent the Barque of Boulogne with him for his better waftage, and the other went to the narrow seas and wafted over two of the merchant adventurer's ships. Writes in praise of Cotton and Captain Hanshawe of the Swallow. Thanks the Queen for her warrant sent to him. He still finds that she deals hardly with him, considering the services for five years which he has done her. On the 13th inst., he arrived at Lowestoft in Norfolk, and on the 14th inst., at his house at Intwood, with the old bonds, excepting those of Brocketrope and Rantzowe. He is somewhat sick, being upon the seas nine days, so he writes to Cecil informing him of his arrival, and to know whether he shall himself resort to the Court with the old bonds or not. It is also time for him to know how he is to act for the payment of her debts due here the 20th November next, and also to Brocketrope and Rantzow, if they will not prolong theirs. Commendations to Lord Robert Dudley and Lady Cecil.—Intwood, 15th October 1563. Signed.
3. P.S.—Begs Cecil to help him to the rest of his money, which the Queen owes him, for paying his bills of exchange; for there is no money to be had in the streets of London during this plague time.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 16. 1306. Smith to the Queen.
1. On Thursday the 14th inst. he despatched his man Charles Wilson to her with letters. He met Barlow and returned to him the same night, and on Friday he sent word to the Court of his man's return, and had audience appointed him after dinner. The King, Queen, Lady Margeret, and the old Duchess of Ferrara were sitting there; and the Council standing by. He declared that their Ambassador had motioned that some way of accord might be found, to which the Queen Mother also was inclined, so there remained but to appoint commissioners; and that Sir Nicholas and he were here, who according to the authority which they had already should be commissioners for her. At this the Queen seemed offended and after her old manner; showed how Sir Nicholas had done so much hurt in France that they could look for no good at his hands; and that from the tumult at Amboise to the peace at Orleans he was the setter on. The writer said that he was not the cause of their troubles here, but the time that did it; and that others who now have their desires would be glad to excuse themselves and lay it upon him. But if Throckmorton is so much suspected, the writer asked her to let him go home, and to send either full commission to her Ambassador there, or some other to him, and the Queen will appoint like commissioners to them.
2. The Queen Mother replied that would be too long, and she could not like it.
3. They had great contention. The writer said that Sir Nicolas was not justly a prisoner, the Queen said he was. He demanded that either the King should admit Throckmorton to be joined with him in this treaty of peace, and at liberty, or else that he should be sent home; and said that if neither of these were granted, he would never make a motion of peace, but would ask to be sent home, for he could not see her honour so much touched.
4. The Queen said she would be loth to touch her honour, and that she would advise with her Council and give him an answer.
5. The same day M. D'Aubespine came to him. Much reasoning they had. He urged that they should not begin at men's private matters, and such questions as should be decided by the commissioners; that is, of Sir Nicholas' imprisonment. And the writer urged that they must begin at the persons that must treat of the peace, afterwards of the place, and then of the manner of proceeding.
6. D'Aubespine said the King would not prescribe whom Elizabeth should send. Smith said he must needs be content if he could have no other answer, for he could but certify it home; and he showed him the commission under seal, which Sir Nicholas brought, and therefore he should, he said, be at liberty straight. D'Aubespine said he was not to take this for a resolute answer.
7. Next morning (the 16th,) the writer was sent for, where only the King, Queen, and the Privy Council were. The chancellor told him the King's determination. He spoke of the hurt which had come to the realm by Sir Nicholas, and yet he would (he said) adventure after war was proclaimed, and came into the realm without the King's safe-conduct.
8. He replied that the French Ambassador's safe-conduct was the King's safe-conduct, and that the Queen in her first letter from Fécamp willed Throckmorton to come to him [Smith] from Rouen. The Queen broke off the dispute, and willed the Chancellor to let these matters pass. After a little more reasoning Smith had the following for a resolute answer, viz. That they will not allow the commission which Sir Nicholas brought. That the King is content that Sir Nicholas should be received as one commissioner with him, to treat of the peace, as soon as a commission to that end should be sent out of England. That he shall be prisoner till then, and then shall be at liberty, upon promising not to depart the realm without the King's consent. That M. De Lansac, the Bishop of Limoges, and M. D'Aubespine shall be commissioners to treat with them, and the place of treating to be in the Court of France.
9. At this he was displeased, which De Mauvissiere perceiving prayed him to tell him what grieved him, and what he would have him do. The writer sent him back again to the Constable to require that he might speak with him, and told him [Mauvissiere] that part of his grief was, that he found them one day of one mind, and another of another touching the liberty of Sir Nicholas.
10. He spoke with the Constable the same day, and he, Limoges, D'Aubespine, and another (whom the writer knew not,) tarried him in a chamber in M. De Villeroy's house, and would know what grieved him. For the liberty of Sir Nicholas, he could get no other answer than was declared before. And for the meeting at the Court (which was more like a roving camp, and goes shortly to Lyons,) he could in no wise like it. He could not like that the world should say that the Queen's Ambassadors were, like suitors, to follow it for a peace. Whereupon they appointed Paris, until the commissioners should agree to take some other. Nor could he like that they were three to two; but upon that they made no great difficulty.
11. The Constable indirectly said that if they could not make a peace, they should a truce. The writer answered that it was not for an Ambassador but a captain in war to make a truce, and that he could not. The Constable said that when they begin to make peace they first speak of a truce. The writer said that he desired to make perfect love, and no such doubtful things.
12. Some have feigned that there is contention betwixt Sir Nicholas and him, which he assures her there never was, and that if he has moved any such suspicion it was of the provocation of others.—Paris, 16 Oct. 1563. Signed.
13. P. S.—A passport is sent for Somers and another for Barnaby, as she required; and if Percival is not fit to serve her under him, he is not meet to serve him. But his wife and all he has are in France, for which he should take order.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Oct. 16. 1307. Smith to Throckmorton.
Last night L'Aubespine was with him. This morning the writer was sent for to the Court, where it was resolutely answered that the French will not allow the commission brought by Throckmorton, and that he cannot treat without a new one. That he shall be prisoner till its arrival, and then shall be at liberty, but upon his promise not to leave the realm without the consent of the King. And that MM. De Lansac, De Limoges, and De l'Aubespine shall be the commissioners, and shall treat in the Court of France. With this the writer was not a little chafed and displeased. Sent M. Mauvissiere to say that he wished to speak with the Constable. Objected to the conference being held in the Court, which goes to Lyons, whereupon they agreed to Paris. The Queen's instructions say that Throckmorton is to be joined with him [Smith].—Paris, Saturday night, 16 Oct. 1562.
Oct. 16. 1308. Pierre Des Naves to Pierre Du Bois. (fn. 1)
Wrote to him on the 15th, sending a packet of Throckmorton's and two letters of Stuart's, and one of his own, without address, for Middlemore. The Prince of Condé will soon come to the Court. Has news of the death of Robert Daly, and of the treaty of marriage between Spain and Scotland. The Pope has preferred the Ambassador of Spain to that of France. Barlow arrived yesterday. There is some hope of the release of Throckmorton.—16 Oct. 1563. Signed: Pierre des Naves.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Signed: Alessandro Sylvano. Add.: To Pierre du Bois, merchant at Antwerp. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 1309. [Sebastanio Bruschetto] to Antonio Bruschetto.
Wrote on the 12th. Wishes to have an answer as soon as Antonio has conferred with the Secretary. Will send copies of the questions de Matrimonio Clandestino discussed before the Pope. The Datary Alciati, (the adopted son of the great Alciati), spoke with great praise.—Rome, 16 Oct. 1563.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 1310. Antonio Bruschetto to Cecil.
Thanks for the answer sent by Cecil to the writer's previous letter. If Cecil had read the papers which accompanied it he would have been convinced of the goodwill of Gurone Bertano and the writer's son. Sends another letter received from Gurone; they will write every week. Sends a letter from his son Sebastiano. Gurone wishes that his letters should not be seen by any foreigner.—Hackney, 16 Oct. 1563.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 1311. Antonio Bruschetto to [Lord] Cobham.
Begs him to forward to Cecil the accompanying packet of Italian letters, and apologies for not coming to him in this contagious season. Sor. Benedetto is well, and is at Ham.— Hackney, 16 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 1312. [Gurone Bertano? to Antonio Bruschetto ?]
Nichetto has conveyed to the King of Spain the wishes of the Pope for a meeting with him and the Emperor. The Bishop of Vintimiglia has the same in charge, as had the Nuncio Santa Croce. The Cardinal of Lorraine is determined to bring about the speedy conclusion of the Council. There have been here two sharp disputes in the congregation before the Pope on clandestine matrimony. The Emperor is disinclined towards the proposed meeting. The Cardinal of Lorraine will set out on Monday, 18th inst., for the Council, and both the Pope and he are of one mind. The love which the writer bears towards the Queen of England compels him to say that she commits a grave error in declaring her intention of not marrying.—Rome, 16 Oct. 1563.
Orig. Endd.: Del Sr. G. Ital. Pp. 3.
Oct. 17. 1313. The Queen to the Marshal and Treasurer of Berwick.
Orders them to discharge the 200 (fn. 2) men who supplied the place of certain bands whilst they were at Newhaven. Her Council intend to order for the diminishing of those who remain, and in the mean season if any room become void it should not be filled up. As it appears by the last muster that divers soldiers were absent from the bands of those captains who came from Newhaven, of whom it is alleged that they were on their way, they shall notify to the captains that no allowance will be given of their pay, except it appear on their arrival that they were the same who went with them from Berwick to Newhaven, and that they were absent through sickness.
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 17 Oct. 1563. Pp. 3.
Oct. 17. 1314. Smith to Cecil.
1. Thanks for his of the 8th inst., and is sorry he is sick. "My Lords have now, I trust, a piece of their mind, and after a sort. This would have been foreseen a little before Sir Nicholas came hither."
2. The French will have a new commission, and (although they show other causes of old date), the matter is that if they received Sir Nicholas upon the old commission they would condemn themselves.
3. Marvels at two things in that commission, though they be but trifles. Why they do not call him Ambassador resident, and why they put him in the second place. The more charge shall be his, and he takes himself to be the eldest in knighthood. He has been secretary to a King and of the Privy Council, which persons should have the precedence of others of the same degree. The Great Act of Apparel of 28 Hen. VIII. sets out degrees. Asks whether he is to keep his place or no.—Paris, 17 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 17. 1315. Throckmorton to Smith.
1. Advises Smith in matters proposed by the French to accord nothing otherwise than his commission warrants, and if there arise any new matters proposed by them, to resolve upon nothing until he knows the Queen's pleasure. Though she has accorded that they, her commissioners, should treat with France, yet she cannot like that they should so much dishonour her and themselves as to promise not to depart the realm without the King's leave.—Castle of St. Germain, 17 Oct. 1563.
2. P. S.—Was sent hither when Newhaven was in the Queen's hands, and then the matter was more equal than now. How he is treated here the bearer can tell.
Oct. 17. 1316. Maurice Rantzow and Paul Brocktorp to the Queen.
Being asked to allow the payment of her debt to them to be deferred until the 15th of last August, they did so at much inconvenience to themselves. Gresham has told them that he has no directions to pay the money, and asks for longer time. They cannot allow it, as they have to pay the greater part of the sum to others, and therefore beg that the whole may be ready at Antwerp by the 15th November. If it is not there it will be a great loss to them, which will ultimately fall upon herself.—Hamburg, 17 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with two seals. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 17. 1317. Another copy of the above. (fn. 3)
Orig., with two seals. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
[Oct.] 1318. [The Privy Council to Brocktorp and Rantzow.]
Received their letter of 17th October. It was intended to have paid them before, but the chances have happened by the charges of the wars, whereupon the Queen gave order to Gresham to prorogue the same till January, being six months. The Council trusts they will show their good will towards the Queen. If this request (which is not unreasonable) shall not satisfy them, they will then give order that either the money may be carried from hence to Antwerp, or made by exchange, wherein more time will be spent, because the exchange for England is somewhat intermitted in consequence of sickness. They thereforo desire them to give notice to the servants and factors of Gresham at Antwerp of their resolution herein.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol.; written on the spare leaf of the letter of Brocktorp and Rantzow. Pp. 4.
Oct. 17. 1319. Challoner to Clough.
Thanks him for taking up his bill for 2,000 ducats, without which he could not have followed the Court to Monçon. Is very sickly with the stone. The King is not like to depart hence of a good while. Sends letters to the Queen.—Balbastro, beside Monçon, 17 Oct. 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: From Balbastro, by means of Arthur. Pp. 2.
Oct. 18. 1320. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Will better understand of his enlargement from Mr. Smith than from him. Whatsoever Cecil fancies, they take no way either to have peace or to set him at liberty. The French Ambassador has written hither that they are greedy of peace, and has taken upon himself to bring the English to such a pass as the French will desire. So long as Cecil treats not the French Ambassador there as the writer is here, he [Cecil] will never have reason of these men, nor himself be set at liberty. The reason why he is not used as before is because Smith should not be shut up, and he thereby want intelligence from hence.
2. Trusts that the Queen will not accord that he should not depart the realm without the King's consent. The remedy for this is (if he will not use the way before spoken of touching the French Ambassador,) to agree that another come hither in his stead, provided that he be at home before another comes hither; or else that some of his quality, or better, goes thither to be hostage, either for his return or for him that shall come in his place.—The Tower in the Castle of St. Germain, 18 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 18. 1321. Throckmorton to Smith.
Since Wilson's departure has learned that it is meet for the Queen that they should use the commission brought by the writer (which Smith has) in treating of peace. Smith cannot get a larger, and by seeking a new much malicious finess is intended by the French. If the writer be sent home, and new men sent, then of necessity there must be a new commission. Asks him to procure that they may have free liberty to send to each other. Mildness will do no good among these folks.—The Castle of St. Germain, 18 Oct.
Oct. 18. 1322. [J. Le Fevre to Cecil.]
Wrote to him on the 15th and 16th inst. The Prince of Condé arrived here to day. They say here openly that there was never such a desire for peace in England as at present, for otherwise [the English] would not treat their people [the French] there so gently. The English are afraid. Stuart and others who are well affectioned to England say that the French will do nothing until the English have treated the French Ambassador with rigour. Is certain that the King will not receive Throckmorton until they send him a new commission; by this shift they think that they will cancel his first power and so be able so keep him a lawful prisoner. If he intends doing any good he must commence with rigour and threats. Gentleness is attributed to fear.—18 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Endd.: Le Fevre. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 18. 1323. Intelligences.
1. Constantinople, 3 Aug.—An earthquake has destroyed half the city.
2. Trent, 31 Aug. to 15 Sept.—The Council much troubled with letters from Vienna. Proceedings of the Council on reformation, pardons, images, and monasteries. Intelligence from Vienna, Cracow, Poland, and Wallachia.
3. Rome, 18 Oct.—The Duke of Florence has made great preparation for receiving the Cardinal of Lorraine.
4. Milan.—The Duke of Sessa, finding that the people would not receive the Inquisition, has advised the King Catholic thereof.
Copy. Endd.: From Vienna, 22 Sept. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 1324. Throckmorton to Smith.
Since Wilson's departure has learned that it will be meet for Smith and him to use the commission that he [the writer] brought. They cannot have a larger; and by seeking a new one (as the French do) there is much maliciousness, viz., to make him a good prisoner. New instructions they must have, but no new commission, if it is meant that he should be joined with him. Prays him to procure that they may send to each other without impeachment.—Castle of St. Germain, 19 Oct. 1563.
Oct. 19. 1325. Smith to Cecil.
1. The Queen has fully recovered. The Duke of Orleans is sick of the measles. This night Condé comes to Court. The Guises, Châtillon, and Condé will accord amongst themselves, and their tragedy end in some marriage. The Constable works it. He and the Queen go about to compose all controversies for religion, and injuries past before the peace of Orleans, and bend all their power against them that should stir in the realm, sparing neither Pope, Kaiser, nor son-in-law. Montauban in Languedoc would not receive the Papists, and held out against Monluc and D'Anville; but now they are come to reason, and so has Lyons and other places.
2. This night was again in hand with the Constable to have Sir Nicholas to come to Paris, and be at liberty, offering to be bound for him until the commission should come from the Queen. Also that he might confer with him in the meantime to be readier when they should treat of peace. He charged him with promising on Wednesday last that they would accept Throckmorton for a commissioner. The Constable said he thought it reasonable, and he would do his best, and send him word by Mauvissier. They take it that the Spanish marriage is concluded, and he believes that Cecil will find it so.—Paris, 19 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd., partly by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 1326. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Was so troubled at the despatch of Mr. Wilson, as he forgot to put him in remembrance that in no wise should the Queen accord to send Smith and him another commission to treat of peace. The French demand another to make the writer a good prisoner, and deprive him of the name of Ambassador, and covertly seek to make Cecil concur with them by disannulling the former and granting another. Though the French like full evil to have him treat with them, yet they had rather have him tarry here than go home. There is no reason why they should have three commissioners to treat with two, and of the three he would do well to refuse L'Aubespine. It will be good to name Mr. Wotton, if they will have the Secretary L'Aubespine also.—Castle of St. Germain, 19 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 1327. J. Le Fevre to Pierre Du Bois.
The French Ambassador is too subtle, and finds out all that is going on; Stuart thinks that they ought all to be locked up. The new commission should in no way differ from that sent to Throckmorton, for by that means they seek to keep him straitly prisoner. They wish much for peace, for they fear greatly the Spanish and Scotch marriage. Condé arrived yesterday to arrange a peace between Châtillon and the Guises, but the Queen Mother does not desire it. The journey to Lyons is resolved on.—19 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add.: To Pierre Du Bois, merchant of Antwerp. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 1328. Eric XIV. to the Queen.
The King of Denmark has declared war against him, has invaded his kingdom, and made himself master of Elsburg [Helsingborg] by treachery. Having hastily collected an army he has driven him away, and is following him up in order to punish him. Desires that she will allow her subjects to furnish him with provisions and other necessaries, which they may bring to the ports of Halland or West Gothland. —From the camp at Langewith [?], 14 cal. Novemb. Signed: Ericus;—Laurentius Canuti, Gotus.
Orig. Add. Endd. Latin. Pp. 3.
Oct. 19. 1329. [Gurone Bertano? to Antonio Bruschetto?]
The Cardinal of Lorraine set out for the Council this morning, taking with him all the articles for it signed by the Pope. Has heard from the Cardinal's own lips that the Council will close before Christmas. The two Nuncios, Santa Croce and Vintimiglia, set out within two or three days, one to France, the other to Spain, on the affairs of the Council and the conference of the Princes. The Cardinal of Lorraine has obtained from the Pope the nomination of two Cardinals at the first promotion. The Emperor has written to the Pope (the writer has seen the letter) expressive of his hope that Germany will return to her former state.—Rome, 19 Oct. 1563 (and retained until 23rd inst.)
Orig. (stained by damp). Endd.: Del S. G. Ital. Pp. 3.
Oct. 19. 1330. Another copy of the preceding.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
Oct. 20. 1331. Clough to Challoner.
Since his last letter he has been extremely sick, and with much ado has escaped with life. Hopes that he will not lose the 170l. 12s. 6d. which he protested, for Mr. Elliot is now in London, and the Queen has given him Bashe's office, who is rich enough, and gives it over. Has sent the two bills to London, but cannot tell how to recover any part thereof. The plague is somewhat ceased in London, where died last week but 1,200, and this week 800. The Queen and all the Lords of the Council are in good health. This term in London is set off till the next; the Parliament set off till next year, "and the Exchequer is now at the Lyon." Touching the wars between the English and the French, there is not much done but robbing, so that the Flemings have lost more than both. There is great talk of peace. Chandler wrote him that the French King wrote to the Queen to have either a truce or peace, whereunto answer shall be made that she will talk of neither before Throckmorton were at liberty and in England.—Antwerp, 20 Oct. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received at Balbastro, 20 Dec. by Gamboa.


  • 1. In the same hand as the letter of 15 Oct.
  • 2. As originally drawn, this draft of this document contemplated the discharge of 100 soldiers only, but the alteration as above was made by Cecil.
  • 3. This and the following letter are written on the same sheet of paper.