Elizabeth: March 1563, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: March 1563, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp225-237 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1563, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp225-237.

"Elizabeth: March 1563, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp225-237.

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March 1563, 21-25

[March 21?] 488. [Maitland to Cecil?]
1. Cannot see why this James Hamilton should object bastardy to his brother, the Earl, seeing he could not by that means come to any preferment himself, nor come to any part of his lands, being himself a bastard in very deed. By so doing he would have driven the succession of his father's inheritance to his mortal enemy, the Earl of Lennox, whose father he had killed.
2. It is most vain to think that for fear of laying bastardy to him he resigned his whole possessions, for in that case the resignation could have served to no purpose, for by the law of Scotland the resignation is the basis of the new infeoffment. Thus, if the Earl of Arran was bastard, he could not succeed to his father's inheritance, nor had he any right to resign; consequently the new infeoffment could not be available. Yet it is notorious that the same cause moved Arran to seek a new infeoffment that moved the most part of the other nobility, who did the like. The procurement made to the French King to send Lennox home (if it was so) proves nothing; and although the Queen, the Cardinal, and the French strengthened him, their counsel was frustrate, being unable to prevail against the right.
3. The seals and handwritings were procured in Parliament by authority of the whole Estates. It was no privy bond, but an Act of Parliament and law of the realm. He had no need of legitimation, being from his birth lawful. He has ever been reputed such by the law of Scotland, by inquest returned to the Chancellor, and by Parliament reputed lawful tutor to the Queen and heir apparent to the crown. He was so esteemed by Kings Henry and Francis of France, as appears by letters patent granted to him. Does not believe that Henry VIII. was satisfied of his bastardy, nor that his Ambassador gave him intelligence thereof.
Orig., in Maitland's hol. Pp. 2.
March 21. 489. The Privy Council to Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Browne.
Styrley and his lieutenant Selby having acknowledged their misdemeanors in the late affray at Berwick, and having been chastised, the writers commit the matter to Dacre and Browne. Would wish that they should restore them to their former places.—Westminster, 21 March 1562. Signed.
Copy. P. 1.
March 21. 490. Admiral Coligny to the Queen.
Has received a letter this day from Condé, advertising him that all matters are now settled for the pacification of the realm, except as far as concerns her, and also what authority he shall have. The articles are nearly the same as those which he sent to her by M. Chatellier. Promises to do his best to forward her interests when they shall be deliberated on.—Brou, 21 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 21. 491. Warwick to the Queen.
Sends herewith the letters presently received from Smith. Begs that he may be furnished with all things requisite against all events here.—Newhaven, 21 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 21. 492. Middlemore to the Queen.
1. This day the Admiral being on his way towards Orleans, and within twenty leagues of the same, a gentleman from Conde arrived here with his letters for the Admiral, as there has done some one daily since their coming from Caen. The Admiral called the writer to him four or five hours after, and told him that he had received letters from the Prince, wherein there was one to her, which he meant to despatch forthwith, with a few words from himself, and willed the writer speedily to prepare his letters. Asked the Admiral whether he had any good news to impart to her by him. He said that he had received no news from the Prince, but he had now written to him that, as concerning her case and his own authority, he had not as yet in any sort touched or spoken of them, but will refer the same until his [the Admiral's] coming. Does not know yet what consideration they will have of her, but he sees them so ready to accept disadvantageous articles for themselves that he fears they will stand in nothing against their adversaries that shall concern her commodity. Only the Admiral says that, although he should die for it, he will tell them his mind plainly. The articles which Throckmorton brought back with him to her remain unrenewed. In this journey with the Admiral he talked with him about expelling strangers. The Admiral said he had written to the Prince therein, and that "it should not be along of him" but that she should be well satisfied. Has found that if it fall otherwise out she will not be respected. Excuses be in manner already framed to answer to the default thereof.
2. The Admiral will be at Orleans within two days, from whence the writer hopes to send her the form of their doings. The rest of the things here stand as they did when Throckmorton departed.—Brou in Perche, 21 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 21. 493. Warwick to the Rhinegrave.
Thanks him for having commanded his men not to attack the English, and has done the same on his part. Desires him to let him have Captain Leighton in exchange for Captain Hemery. Has ordered search to be made for M. De Bricquemault's horses. Advises him instead of going to the marriage of the young Count Palatine, to go into England, where he will be well received by the Queen. Does not intend that their people should pass and repass on their private business without passports.—Havre, 21 March 1562.
Copy. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 21. 494. The Rhinegrave to Warwick.
Has received his letter and ordered his people to cease hostilities. It is reasonable that their men should not go backwards and forwards on their own affairs without passports, and has forbidden his people to pass beyond the Valley des Fontaignes. Would have liked to have seen him before going to the Admiral and the Court. Hopes that by his return in eight days' time, matters will be in such train that he can come and visit him. Is sorry that he cannot break off his journey to the wedding of the young Count Palatine. M. De Bricquemault will not be ungrateful if his horses are restored. Desires him to send Captain Emery; he is sorry that he cannot exchange Leighton for him, but he hopes to be able to procure his release on good conditions. Has taken two poor Englishmen out of the galleys, who will come to him to-morrow.—Montivilliers, 21 March. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 23. 495. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Since his arrival at Antwerp on the 18th inst. has concluded with Panllus Brocketrope and Maurice Ranzavil to pay their debt (due on the 20th February,) by 20th of August next. Has also promised Wolfe Van Lindena, Christopher Prewen, and others half their money at their day. Richard Clough departed this day for Deventer about the business Cecil sent him for, and will return within eight days. It is said here peace is concluded in France, and that in Zealand and Holland divers soldiers have arrived that serve the Rhinegrave. There is much talk here of the great preparations in Germany of horsemen and footmen for taking such towns as the French King holds of the empire. If peace is made in France, all nations say that Conde ought to give thanks to the Queen for assisting him; she was the only stay they had, and he wishes her Calais again. The Cardinal is quite out of favour with all the nobles, and little regarded of others for his religion; he does all with the Regent. There is no more news for the establishing of the Bishops. Requests to have the 5,000l. he lent the Queen. Commendations to Lord Robert Dudley and Lady Cecil.— Antwerp, 21 March 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Advertisements have arrived here that Condé has the governance of France and M. Châtillon is made Great Master. His eldest son is made Admiral of France, and M. D'Andelot is appointed Captain General of all the horsemen. M. le Vidame is Governor of Normandy, and the Count of Rocheford Governor of Gascony. The Cardinal of Guise with the President and others of the Parliament of Paris have fled. The President of Paris has arrived at Brussels, where there is much fear since his coming by the Cardinal and the nobles; they are sending out posts for all places for gathering of horsemen and footmen. It is thought the Prince, being now in arms, will visit some places of the Low Countries, which, if he does, he will find out of order both of men and provisions. He wishes he would come, but not to do much harm, for this country is very beneficial for England for uttering commodities; it is of no force without the help of Germany and Eastland. Trusts the Queen makes sure work to have Calais. The provost of the merchants at Paris is taken, who is likely to suffer, he being the most mortal enemy the Prince had in the Parliament of Paris.
3. There will be much ado this summer amongst Christian Princes for religion; King Philip will do all he can to maintain the Papistry. Wishes the Queen would lave manned twenty of her best ships of war to keep the narrow seas, whereby to keep this country and France in fear of her, and in so doing she would always be ready to enter Calais. Here they are extremely afraid of her ships, knowing how they are armed with armour and munition. Wishes she would make provision of 10,000l. worth of saltpetre, for there is no weapon so esteemed as the gun is. It would take a year or two to buy and transport the same from Hamburg, for none can pass without a passport.
4. As he was writing this Jeronymo Cueriell came to him with the letters of Anthony Guarras to show him what was written in his letters of the 27th February, wherein there was no such mention made, and Cueriell says he never said such a thing. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 21 March 1562. Pp. 4.
March 22. 496. The Queen to the French King.
Has received his letters of the 28th ult. by the bearer, the Sieur De Vaux. Has wished to treat the Provost of Paris with gentleness, but he has long refused to make any answer to her Council, which hindered his delivery to his Ambassador. Upon new conference with the latter, she was content to send her Councillors to move him to answer, and to let M. De Vaux speak with him. At length he answered in writing, by which it appears how well he has deserved to be reformed and chastised; and yet he swerves from the truth in the material points. For the King's sake she will forbear to proceed against him with other punishment, after he has confessed the truth manifestly proved, but only to remit him to his Ambassador to be used as the King thinks meet. Has given order that he shall be once again treated with, and the truth laid before him; which done, if it shall appear that he forbears to confess from fear of his life, and not for any other obstinacy, she will then yield him his delivery, though it be against the form of justice.—Westminster, 22 March 1562, 5 Eliz.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 22. 497. Corrected draft of the above in Cecil's hol.
Endd.: 22 March 1562. To the French King, by M. De Vaux. Pp. 2.
March 22. 498. The Queen to Smith.
Received his letters of the 2nd, 10th, and 12th inst. Mislikes the end of the fourth article, tending to the putting strangers out of the realm. If it be meant by "ours," as well as by the Almains, she will provide that that clause shall be the worst kept, for without satisfaction of her former demands she means that her subjects shall remain; and so he may say both openly and privately. He may, as he sees cause, let Conde and the Admiral understand her resolution. Forbore to send his servant because she looked daily to have heard from Throckmorton, and still looks for him, considering the Admiral has gone to Orleans.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Passages underlined to be ciphered. Endd.: 22 March 1562. Pp. 2.
March 22. 499. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Sends the Queen advertisements from Smith that a peace is concluded, and the Englishmen reputed to be of the number of strangers who shall avoid this realm. The inhabitants of this town look that the English shall shortly depart. Desires that they may be speedily supplied. As Throckmorton met with contrary winds, and it is doubtful whether he could recover land, the writer sends copies of the letters and articles that were then sent by him, who was requested to solicit a speedy answer to the same Will join in league with M. De Beauvoir the ministers and burgesses of this town, to persuade them to bear their fidelity to the Queen. There may be some hope, but can assure nothing thereof, having a great pike now set between them, in that the Queen deals with the stay of their prizes on the seas, which undoubtedly nips the best of them very near. In war and peace this town has been much maintained by such piracy; and now being spoiled of all their livings otherwise, they have rested upon what they might get by these means upon the seas, whereof they now seem to be debarred, and will wax wearier of her dominion.
2. A courteous letter from her to Beauvoir, with a promise of a pension to him, and some such other gratification to some of the French captains and gentlemen of service here, would confirm their good wills towards her, among whom he would wish that Francis Clerke and Captain Soras were specially retained with pensions; and if some money came to Beauvoir and them it would greatly encourage them. Beauvoir promises to participate all the intelligence he can obtain; whatever accord be passed, he will rest her faithful servant, and will endeavour to persuade all the burgesses of this town to do the same.
3. Certain articles of peace, after their device, will be proffered to the Queen to take; or if she refuse the same the whole power of France will be bent upon this piece, and against her by sea and land. It may seem that the Rhinegrave's advertisements of his determination to go to the marriage of the young Count Palatine imports his discharge from the service of the French, and to include partly an offer to be entertained of the Queen. If he will stand for her with his power where he is, it shall bring the French into such fear as she may make what peace she can require. By the letters passed yesterday, it seems he is nothing unwilling to treat further thereupon.—Newhaven, 22 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[March 22.] 500. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. The Council here cannot cass such numbers as might countervail the new charge of pioneers and frigates. Since the return of the bands from Caen, they think it not good to proceed to any cassement. Meanwhile he will save what he can by severe musters and strait seeing to all things in his charge. Warwick and Throckmorton will advertise of other things. Sends a brief of the last muster. After the musters are taken on Monday or Tuesday next he will make a book both of the numbers and the monthly charge ending the 22nd inst.—Newhaven, 19 March.
2. P. S.—Has not received answers to any matter since he came from the Court. Throckmorton's haste was such that he left his letters; he has therefore sent them by Mr. Maners. Signed.
3. P. S.—His travail can do little good in answering of the munitions now owing by the captains. Has received no letters since he left him.—March 22.
Orig., the second P. S. in hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 22. 501. Charges at Newhaven.
Charges for the garrison for two months, from 26th Jan. to this day, 17,354l. 11s. 8d., whereof 9,849l. 18s. 8d. remains due.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 22. 502. Victuals at Newhaven.
Victuals viewed this day by Denys, the Treasurer, and Vaughan, the Controller at Newhaven, 22 March, 5 Eliz. Signed.
Orig. Endd.: 22 March 1562. Pp. 2.
March 22. 503. Armour at Newhaven.
Account of armour, weapons, and powder passed in the Ordnance office at Newhaven from 1st to the 22nd March 1562. Couriers, harquebusses, and dags, 5,452, bows 500, besides other offensive and defensive armour. Signed: William Bromefeld.
Orig. Endd.: 22 March 1563. Pp. 2.
March 22. 504. Gresham to Thomas Cecil or to Thomas Windebank.
On the 17th inst. had order from London by W. Cecil to send him 300 French crowns, which he sends by the bearer John Fitzwilliams, Governor of the English merchants in these parts, who goes with other merchants for his pleasure to see Paris.—Antwerp, 22 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: By Mr. Fitzwilliams, Governor. Pp. 2.
March 22. 505. Cuerton to Challoner.
Charles will go to England in James Connant's ship within two days. Has received a letter from Bordeaux of the 8th inst. The English ships were all arrested at Blaye and their sails taken from them. The Grand Prior of France is dead. The Cardinal of Lorraine is fled into Italy. Roger Jefferson gave with his daughter 3,000 ducats in money, or money's worth.—Bilboa, 22 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 10 April. Pp. 3.
March 23. 506. Deposition of John English.
The deposing of John Englyshe before the secretary 23 March.
Captain Petypace [sic] and William Johnstone will undertake to bring James Macconel or any nobleman within the north isles of Scotland when Cecil thinks good. The said captain and master say there are two ships with munition and other furniture for the wars which came out of Spain this summer, as they were told by these noblemen aforesaid, which ships they will do their best to take. For "the Rafrese" [?] if Cecil thinks good they will take it, but they cannot long keep it without aid. The coming of the writer into Scotland was for money due to Mr. Treasurer and John Harecastle "and one of Henle; and for goyinge to Loterkengster [?] wase to gete my mone of the master, and as it [is] I have note gotene nothinge." Signed.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
March 23. 507. Madame De Roye to the Queen.
Has received her letter of Jan. 25 which came with one for the Count D'Haldambourg [sic], who is pressing forward his levies. Thanks her for her favour shown to the Prince. Has sent one of her people to her for the reason of which she may have heard from their envoys.—Strasburg, 23 March 1562. Signed: Madelene De Mailly.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: Mme. De Roye to the Queen, 23 March 1563. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 23. 508. Gresham to Cecil.
On the 22nd inst. he sent Cecil a letter from Mundt to Dunkirk; since then he has received another this day, by this bearer, which he sends enclosed. This bringer is Mme. De Royne's [sic] servant who came purposely to him to know whether he had any order from the Queen to pay unto her 15,000 crowns. He answered he had no such commission. He told Gresham that 4,000 horsemen were levied in Germany for the Prince's service, and his commission was if he had no relief from him [Gresham] to repair into England to the Vidame. Has appointed his servant to be his guide and to bring him to Cecil first. The bearer also states that 4,000 horsemen more and 10,000 footmen are ready to march, to besiege Metz.—Antwerp, 23 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: By Mme. De Roye's servant. Pp. 2.
March 24. 509. The Provost of Paris.
Articles presented by the Provost of Paris to the Lords of the Council, by which they may know Andrew, an Italian, to be a liar and false accuser.
1. As for the occasion why the writer commanded Andrew to shoot a dag at Mazin, they must know it to be not only unlikely, but also against all reason.
2. On 22nd inst., Andrew being called before Sir Ambrose Cave and his company (he being present), says that after he had shot at Mazin, he ran to save himself at the Provost's lodging; that he [the Provost] found him at his gate, having only Donville with him, in whose presence he gave Andrew ten crowns and bade him go into France.
3. It shall be found that it was past 8 p.m. when he went from the Spanish Ambassador's lodging to go to his own on foot, and about 9 p m. when he arrived there. That he had five or six of his folks with him and two lackeys, who carried torches. All they (who left him not till he was in bed,) will witness whether he saw Andrew, and gave him money, and whether he was at his house or not when he came there. It is improbable that he should come so far alone, without torches, at such an hour. Donville was not at the Spanish Ambassador's lodgings that day, nor with the Provost, who saw him not that day till he returned home, and found him in his chamber reading a book.
4. As to the cutting of Mazin's skin only with the help of Andrew's companion, it must be known what sword he had, and what became of it.
5. Mazin knows whether he goes ordinarily armed with a privy jack of mail down to his knees, as Andrew told the Provost, which was the occasion of his desiring to have a companion with him.—London, 24 March 1562.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 24. 510. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Sends M. Christophe D'Assonleville to treat with her about certain matters touching commerce between her subjects and those of the King of Spain.—24 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
March 25.
Forbes, ii. 363.
511. The Privy Council to Warwick.
1. The Queen communicated to them his letters brought by Throckmorton and Mr. Manners, with certain articles to which he requested answers; to each of which they answer upon conference with her. He is to interpret them according to the estate of the peace in France. If Condé and the Admiral shall accord with their adversaries without satisfying the Queen, then he shall rule that town for his surety, as if the same were the Queen's and the French were her enemies. If this peace be broken off, so as the Prince or the Admiral remain in like amity with us as they have done, then he should use such government there as he has hitherto done to the favour of the Queen's friends, and yet not neglect the surety of the town. If matters hang in a "mannuryng" so that he cannot judge whether they will break with the English by according amongst themselves, or keep as they have hitherto done, then he is to govern there as he may be sure in his doings to answer the event, howsoever the same should fall out; that is to withstand the danger if they should break, or preserve his amity with them if they should continue. There is less danger if he makes all things sure. He may avow that by the articles of peace, one special clause is agreed upon, that all strangers should be put out of the realm, therefore he has cause to do otherwise for his own surety.
2. For the first article, until it is manifest that the Admiral has broken with the Queen, he is to use good words to the procurers of the Spaniards, Flemings, and the rest of her friends. If the Admiral break he is to give order to restore those goods according to the order of laws. They remit Montgomery's demands to have his prizes tried at Dieppe, to the order of laws there.
3. They do not think it meet to have victuals or merchandise carried to any part not being in amity with him; but either to stay the same for their own uses, or send them to England.
4. They allow no licence for passing victuals from him and that town to any place; except in special cases, as might be for exchanging things he has more need of. They wish all merchandise stopped from that town, until they see how matters turn.
5. To stop all French ships within the town, and for doing thereof to pass it with silence, unless he sees any ships ready to depart. If he has no colourable reason then he may use the reason before mentioned.
6. Until it manifestly appears that the Admiral has broken, he is not to use any other commandments upon French mariners and vessels than heretofore.
7. When it appears that they have broken their appointment with the Queen, then he should exercise all things that a Lieutenant General ought to do to preserve a town from the enemy.
8. He should use his commission over the English, as the Queen's lieutenant, by law martial; and for controversies betwixt the English and French, to cause trials, &c., to pass by order of both nations indifferently.
9. The French there may be governed by their own laws as nigh as he can.
10. They think it good neither to increase nor diminish his numbers, until they have further proof; for it will be reason to increase, to withstand the worst.
11. Concerning the arming of the galley, the charges being so great, they think it good to forbear the same until they see more.
12. Until the breach betwixt the Admiral and himself appears manifest, he may use Dieppe and Honfleur as friendly as he has done; except that they wish the English bands were withdrawn from Dieppe.
13. They do not like the unbracing of any more places as yet, except that the ships at Fécamp were by some good means defeated.
Orig. Draft, with many corrections and additions by Cecil. Pp. 6.
March 25.
Forbes, ii. 365.
512. Answers to a Memori al brought by Throckmorton.
1. As time requires, the Queen will cause the surety of the seas betwixt this realm and Newhaven to be seen to.
2. They wish he had three months' victuals in the town, but they are informed he has scarcely stowage for two months' victuals.
3. The foists that continue there must be served out of the store, and for the ships, Bash is appointed to have always a store of victuals, which they request may not be touched except for the ships.
4. They expect shortly to hear from hence what is due, all victuals, prests, and armour being accounted for; and thereupon they mean to procure a full pay.
5. They understand by Throckmorton, how he has stayed the alum, "odd" [woad], and saffron, claimed by Christopher De Prune, etc., wherein they allow his doings.
6. They will provide a civilian, a physician, and a surgeon.
March 25.
Forbes, ii. 366.
513. Answer to the other Articles.
7. It was necessary to pay money to Horsey, being here, otherwise it would have been a charge to have sent it thither, and uncertain to have sent it from thence to Dieppe. They allow his articles for the clerk of the market. Some masons and carpenters are sent; boards, planks, and engines have been shipped five days ago, with other things belonging to the ordnance.
Orig. Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 25 March 1563. Pp. 2.
March 25.
Forbes, ii. 361.
514. Instructions for Poynings, to be communicated to the Privy Council.
1. At present there are thirty ships in Newhaven, meet for war, which will be in readiness for sea within twenty days (ten are now ready), if mariners are sent.
2. The 2,000 soldiers written for may be speedily sent hither. It is requisite to supply the 500 labourers to the full number of 1,200.
3. The remain of victual taken the 22nd inst., should be supplied to the full proportion for 8,000 men for three months at least. There is a store of malt, but it cannot be trusted upon, for they might take away their water.
4. What is to be done with the Englishmen at Dieppe ? What order shall be taken for keeping the same, and for the more sure passage of victuallers, etc.?
5. 5,000 hand baskets for the labourers should be sent hither; item, twenty dozen shovels, and twenty dozen spades; item, ten dozen "skavells;" item, 2,000 black bills.
6. To procure answer of the articles sent by Throckmorton. To have money sent hither for a full pay of the garrison, and an overplus to remain in the Treasurer's hands against all events.
Draft Endd. Pp. 3.
March 25. 515. The Council at Newhaven to the Privy Council.
1. Refer them to Poyning's report, etc., to which they beg a speedy answer.
2. They will likewise receive by Poynings the remain of victuals here, the number of the garrison at the muster taken yesterday, and the number of ships in this haven.—Newhaven, 25 March 1562. Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Denys, Vaughan, Bromfeld, Fyssher.
3. P. S.—The messenger can say much more touching the peace than the letters import. Since writing, other letters have arrived here addressed to Beauvoir (of which they send a copy), importing a confirmation of the peace.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 25 March 1563, by Mr Ponnings. Pp. 2.
March 25. 516. Denys to Cecil.
Has almost finished the pays here as far as the money last sent will extend, and is making a book of the monthly charge. Asks him to have in remembrance the money due for the two months ending the 22nd inst., and that he may come over for the time mentioned on the 7th inst. Has written divers times to Cave and Sackefield touching the beds sent hither. Not past 100 have been delivered by him and the Controller to be paid for in the next four months. More than a hundred with their furniture are rotten.—Newhaven, 25 March 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 25. 517. [Challoner] to the Countess of Feria.
1. Was so busy about the despatch of letters to the Queen, that he could not write again "to your Honour," at that time. Nevertheless requested Sir Richard Shelley to supply many excuses in his letters then sent. These broils in France necessarily require his attendance here in the Court, so that he cannot without incurring blame at home absent himself from hence. When things are a little clearer "your Honour may esteem that my L. and you are my vowed saints, whom I will in my Spanish stations make my first devotions unto." Hopes he shall find them with Don Lorenzo, in good health.
2. The last news from England contained only parliamentary matters not yet at a point. The grant of the subsidy is passed. The suit of the Commons about the succession has good hopes given, but it is put over till the end of the Parliament. Havre de Grace is still kept by the English for some further parlance for Calais. Last night a gentleman arrived here from Mme. De Parma, who brings word that peace is concluded between the contrary parts in France. Wishes for a general peace in Christendom for repressing the Turk's power. Almost since his departure he has been sickly, with continued pains of his stomach.—Madrid, 25 March 1562.
3. P. S.—Charles, his cook, the bearer, has asked leave to see Seville and Granada, whom he has charged to see the Count and Countess.
Copy. Endd.: M. to the Countess of Feria, sent by Charles, the cook, 1563. Pp. 2.
March 25. 518. Challoner to Tipton.
If the bearer, Charles the cook (who has leave to see Seville and those parts), has need of any money to the sum of fifty or sixty reals of plate, the writer wishes that he will serve his turn.—Madrid, 25 March 1563.
Copy. Endd.: M. to Mr. Tipton, sent by Charles, the cook. Pp. 2.