Elizabeth: January 1563, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: January 1563, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp55-77 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1563, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp55-77.

"Elizabeth: January 1563, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp55-77.

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January 1563, 21-25

Jan. 21. 125. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Received their letters of the 6th inst. and trust that they were satisfied with the sending of aid to Dieppe. The men can be sent back when French soldiers are sent from hence, and others of the Count's friends, who are looked for from Picardy and the base country of Normandy, whence he expects shortly to make up a band of 2,000 footmen and 3,000 horsemen, so that most of the Queen's burden therein will be money, with some wheat, or especially meal or biscuit.
2. Have advertised the Count of their advice for his departure from Dieppe into England or elsewhere, if he should be driven to extremity.
3. They report here by two persons (both of whom were at Chartres, and one of them within four leagues of Orleans), that the Duke of Guise's camp (to the number of 30,000 men of all sorts, with many great pieces of artillery) was tending towards the siege of Orleans. This informant would have gone thither had he not understood that no strangers were permitted to enter that town, where D' Andelot is. The Admiral had passed the Loire with his army numbering 12,000 men, and was about fifteen leagues from Orleans. These two persons both agree that the King and the Queen Mother came to Chartres on the 12th inst.; that Condé was then in prison within two leagues of that town; and that Guise had sent for the King to come to Orleans, as he would not batter the town with cannon before he came thither. They also said that the Grand Prior was gone about Brest and those places to prepare a navy of 120 ships for sea. One of these men saw five cannon shipped in a vessel called a "trunck" at Rouen for Tancarville, where they have been since discharged. They heard more were coming from Paris to Rouen. These messengers, not finding the Queen's Ambassador at Chartres, when the Court was near there, came hither with the above news. They heard much talk about the treaty of peace, and that thereupon all their forces would be turned against the Queen.
4. The news which was brought to M. Beauvoir yesterday in writing will be found in the schedule herein enclosed.— Newhaven, 21 Jan. 1562. Signed: A. Warwick; Hugh Poulet; Maurice Denys; William Bromefeld; Adrian Ponyngs; John Fysscher.
5. P.S.—Encloses a letter from Montgomery, who looks for aid in men and money.
Orig., with Warwick's seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Jan. 21.
Forbes, ii. 293.
126. Warwick and Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. According to the Queen's warrant to Poulet, Montgomery shall be paid the 2,000 French crowns (accounting therein the 500 sent from hence) which is only half of that requested by him, with expectation of another sum shortly after.
2. The avoiding of a number of the bands of French soldiers out of this town, and a longer delay of the siege from this place is like enough to follow. In the avoiding of the French soldiers it would be no great evil to spare 100 English soldiers for avoiding 200 or 300 French; whose traitorous practices is cared for more than fear of the enemy. The Lord Lieutenant would rather take charge of this town with 4,000 Englishmen, without any French amongst them, than with 6,000 in the state they are in now. The English now make visitation of all the houses in the town under colour of placing victuals and soldiers.
3. Smith may guess of any messenger hereafter sent to him, in that the same shall have some list, garter or point, or some sign of the colours of black, red, or blue upon his left leg, or about the wrists, or some other part of his left doublet, sleeve or arm, or upon the left side of his cap, and no such thing on the right side; to the intent that being seen in the market place, or elsewhere by any of the Ambassador's servants, he may be conveyed to his presence with less sus- picion, than if he made inquiry. Asks them to give this information to the Ambassador, lest his messenger be inter- cepted, or fail finding him with these letters.
4. The person mentioned in the last letter directed to Cecil, named St. Omer, servant to Montgomery, has been participant of treason here and at Dieppe, unknown, in their opinions, to the Count. It is meet to stay him, for the matter seems to be manifest touching the said St. Omer, by the letters now intercepted, and others before which have passed between the Rhinegrave and him, in blank, whereof he shall be advertised in the next.—Newhaven, 21st January 1562. Signed.
5. P.S.—Since writing this, M. De Beauvoir has showed them a letter directed to him, from the Princess of Condé declaring the Prince to be in good estate and courage; and said she attended to hear of aid to the Admiral (specially in money for payment of the reiters) from the Queen. Where- unto Captain Sancta Maria standing by answered, that she had shown him that she had 100,000 crowns at Newhaven ready for that purpose, which could not be replied to by them but by affirming that whatever the Queen promised they might be assured of the performance thereof; but she must first understand how and to whom the same might be conveyed. This was undertaken by Beauvoir to be received any day that should be appointed, about Honfleur by the Admiral himself.
6. Flying news came into the town without any certain author, but chiefly upon report of a prisoner of theirs out of the Rhinegrave's camp, that a battle has been fought between Guise, the Admiral, and D'Andelot, and that the Admiral (naming the chief bruit upon D'Andelot) has won the field, and that Guise is taken or slain. A lacquey of the Duke of Longueville (that came this morning to him [Warwick] with letters from the Duke, in favour of his servant Le Misnel, prisoner here,) affirmed he was in Guise's camp at Misat with the Duke his master besides Orleans, on the 13th inst., the Admiral being then in camp within two leagues of the same; and then it was said there, by the boy's report, that they would fight the morrow after.
Orig., in Poulet's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 12.
Jan. 21. 127. Warwick to Cecil.
Received his letter of the 6th inst., written touching the sending of men to Dieppe. Is sorry the Queen is offended because they did so. He does what he can to get intelligence, and it is not so easy for news to pass between him and Smith as Smith makes it. If it were so, the writer should have had better intelligence from him. Has sent at the least eight or ten messengers to Smith, of whom only three or four have returned without reaching him, and not without danger of their lives; and has not heard anything of the rest. Did not give Francis Clark commission to spoil both Portugals and Spaniards.—Newhaven, 21 January 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Jan. 21. 128. Sir Peter Carew and Thomas Southcote to the Privy Council.
Yesterday received the Queen's commission of the 9th inst. for levying 200 labourers for Newhaven. The "tinners" are the fittest men for that purpose, with whom they cannot meddle without a special commission; and there being no mention in this commission to allow them either coats, swords, or daggers, they desire to be answered thereof.—Exeter, 21 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 21. 129. Francis Saunders to Challoner.
Begs him to sanction his marriage with Challoner's sister, the widow of Thomas Farnham.—Middle Temple, 21 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by the ordinary, 27 March 1563. Pp. 3.
Jan. 22.
Labanoff, i. 172.
130. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Requests letters of safe-conduct for Adriane Mancheare, relict of Patrick Kirkcaldy, Mavre Ross, relict of Gilbert Logane, her subjects, and Jane Logane, with twelve persons, on their voyage hither driven by a storm into Lasto [Lowes- toft], from which their ship departed leaving them behind.— Holyrood House, 22 Jan., 21st Mary. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 22 Jan. 1562. Broadside.
Jan. 22. 131. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received his of 16th ult. at Stirling, and of the 11th inst. In answer, touching James Macconel, whom he thought to have found at Castle Campbell at the marriage of St. Come to the Earl of Argyll's sister, the writer passed thither with the Queen. He there understood there was a new controversy between Maclane and him, which stayed him at home. By the Lord of Argyll he understood that James is well affectioned unto Elizabeth's service, the more so that the Lord Deputy of Ireland pursues Mr. Bruerton for the murder of James's two kinsmen. Nothing pleases James better than to be enemy to Onel, who married his daughter, and within these two years sent her home. Argyll thinks it easy to pursuade him to do anything against him; and Argyll promised to be used therein as Elizabeth commands. Both he and James will be in this town shortly, if not he will write to James.
2. This Queen is content to understand that nothing shall be done this Parliament to her discontentment, and is angry with herself that she was so suspicious. She is glad that she shall shortly hear from the Queen. Made her privy unto the evil purpose of the Provost of Paris against the Italian. She disallows as well him as the Spanish Ambassador. Is required by Lethington to ask for a copy of any statute that contains all the cases of a "premunire." Knows it is meant for the weal of the prelates. It is said that Mr. Elmer answered the Terrible blast of the Trumpet, which Lethington also desires to have. Afore he got knowledge of the ships in which Bothwell departed out of this country, he was arrived at Holy Island. By the advice of Murray and Lethington wrote to the officers at Berwick to have him stayed until her will was known. The same morning that the Queen was ready to go to Campbell to the marriage, word was brought how Bothwell was found. He told her of his taking, and that it was done for the goodwill borne her, he being known to be an offender unto her. Doubts whether she did "cunne him thank" for his news. At last she answered that she would advise with her Council and further talk with him in the matter. He let many days slip, but heard nothing of that matter, and in the meantime conferred with Murray and Argyll, Lethington and Pitarrow, what was best to be done. They, suspecting the Queen to be more favourable unto him than there was good cause, thought it better to have him out of the country, than to be brought again and reserved (though it were in prison) in store to be employed in any mischief that any occasion may move either the Queen or their enemies to use him in. Wherefore they have taken this resolution with the writer, that whatsoever the Queen's request should be, he should ask Cecil to solicit Elizabeth that he [Bothwell] never return here for any request that may be made. In this he stood long with them, thinking their authority to be more, being in chief credit with the sovereign. The Queen is persuaded that whatsoever they say against him is rather from hate of his person than that he has deserved, and love that they bear otherwise, meaning to the Duke. In no way they find it good that he should return, but be disposed of as shall be thought good to the Queen, be it either to dismiss him or reserve him as prisoner, as they think he justly may be.
3. At Campbell Murray fell sick of a flux. Next day the Queen removed from thence to Stirling, with whom, notwithstanding his sickness, he came, and finding his disease increase desired leave to remain there for his health, and the writer to tarry with him. After some rest they repaired towards Edinburgh. That night the writer saw her and the next day came to the Court again, thinking to know her mind towards Bothwell. After taking advice, she said to him that she took in good part that the Queen's officers for goodwill towards her apprehended Bothwell, who has greatly failed towards her. Wherefore she prayed him to write to the Queen that she desired that he might be sent into Scotland. He answered that he would do so.
4. "One thing I thought not to omit, that I know him as mortal an enemy to our whole nation as any man alive; despiteful out of measure; false and untrue as a devil. If his power had been to the will he has, neither the Queen had stood in so good terms of amity with this Queen as she doth, nor minister left alive that should be a travailer between them for the continuance of the same. If I had made any account of his threatenings, or could have doubted his malice, your Honour had heard before this time what just occasion I have had not only to esteem him as here I report him, but also to seek that revenge that justly I ought to seek of an enemy of my country; a blasphemous and unreverent speaker both of his own Sovereign and the Queen, my mistress, and one that the godly of this whole nation have cause to curse for ever, by that unhonourable and (not to offend your Honour's ears) thievish act that he committed against the Laird of Ormeston, adventured the loss of the chief nobility of this realm."
5. That night after the writer departed from the Queen there arrived by sea Raulet, the secretary. The house sounds incontinent for assured news that the Rhinegrave had defeated 5,000 of the English soldiers. At 9 p.m., either for courtesy or to please him with the matter, the Queen sent him a writing whereof he sends him a copy, and willed to speak with him next day, for she had more to say. He promised the next day to wait upon her, but desired her by the messeng not hastily to believe all that was written, and that he had heard lately that the wind had been contrary, and that he had been long upon the sea.
6. The next day there arrived a post from Berwick, with his of 11th inst., letters to Lethington and other advices. He made to the Court, and word was brought him that the Queen kept her bed. He talked awhile with Murray and Lethington, and so returned to his lodgings. The next day and this day she keeps her chamber. This day she sent to him a servant of Lethington with this letter unto her uncle; saying, that as she was advertised that Throckmorton was taken prisoner, she would write unto the Duke her uncle for his deliverance. Both Murray and Lethington assured him that it came of her- self without the motion of any person.
7. To requite M. Raulet for his news there is a good fellow or two in this town that caused it to be reported (and showed in writing of the same, as sent from friends out of Antwerp by a ship that arrived here yesternight out of Flanders) that M. Montgomery is in Dieppe with 3,000 Englishmen and that Caen also is like to come into the Englishmen's hands; that the Baron Des Adrets is come to the Prince to Orleans with 7,000 men, and that the Protestants are in great courage.
8. Finds no alteration in the affairs of this country. This Queen's goodwill remains one towards the Queen; so she says, and he finds nothing to the contrary. The nobles and people are content to live with England in peace. They doubt more now their old allies than they do their old enemies.
9. The Duke is present with his three sons, but cannot get the fourth out of prison. He assures the writer that he is always one man. "Your Honour will take it for a great wonder when I shall write unto you that Mr. Knox shall marry a very near kinswoman of the Duke's, a lord's daughter, a young lass not above sixteen years of age. I rather think that you will laugh at my madness thus to write so great and unlikely a matter than that you will believe that it is true." Paul Meffane, a preacher, brought up under Mr. Coverdale, who married an Englishwoman, minister of Jedburgh, is con- victed of manifest adultery. He has escaped into England, or was drowned in going over the water thitherwards. The Earl of Morton is created Lord Chancellor. The Master of Maxwell remained here eight days, and showed the writer a letter from Sir Thomas Dacres, Lord Dacres' son, that he found himself so cumbered with the Grahams since his father's departure to London that he could not do justice for such bills as were agreed upon.
10. Some fear this taking of Bothwell will cause Tiviotdale men to ride the faster. Continual bruits are here sown amongst them of wars; it is not meant of this side, for they have not wherewith. It has been bruited that this Queen means to fortify Eyemouth. That good report came out of Berwick, that fears to have the garrison diminished. The venerable prelate of St. Andrew's has been in this town; the writer thought to have heard when he should have been committed unto the castle for saying and hearing Mass, and refusing to pay the third of his benefice to the maintenance of the ministers and poor. He is dismissed in hope of amendment, and such faults with them are seldom punished. Of Fettiplace and Johnson, the pirates, he has written to the Lord Admiral.— Edinburgh, 22 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 8.
Jan. 22. 132. Beauvoir to the Queen.
Is bold to present her anew with the supplications of a number of the faithful, who groan under the burden of an unsupportable tyranny. From day to day succour comes to them from all parts, whilst the force of the enemy is dissipated. After God they look to her for the preservation of the church, for which she shall have the same glory as Deborah and Judith had in delivering the Israelites.—Havre de Grace, 22 Jan. 1562. Signed: Beauvoir la Nocle.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 22 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22. 133. Montgomery to the Queen.
The bearer will inform her of the state of affairs. Begs her to send him sufficient forces to enable him to hold this place.—Dieppe, 22 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 22 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22. 134. Montgomery to Cecil.
The bearer will inform him of affairs here. Some have said that Dieppe is not tenable; they have not much zeal for the cause. Desires sufficient forces so defend the place, and that this letter be kept to himself.—Dieppe, 22 Jan. Signed.
Add. Endd.: 22 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22.
orbes, ii. 297.
135. The Vidame of Chartres and Briquemault to the Privy Council.
1. Thank the Queen for her zeal to the cause. The sum which she has granted to the Admiral is not sufficient to enable him to prosecute the war; yet he and his companions will continue to do so as long as they can pay their mercenaries. It is necessary that they should levy more troops in Almain immediately; first, because the enemy, when they hear that the English are about to help, will hasten on their levies; and also because the Admiral, having lost a great part of his infantry, is not sufficiently strong to keep the field. He must, therefore, draw back his infantry and part of his cavalry into Orleans, and wait for reinforcements, which will consume the victuals in that place, and give the enemy leisure to pursue their enterprises. Besides this, it would be nearly three months before they could get the soldiers from Almain into France. They, therefore, beg the Queen to furnish money for the said levy, which will amount to 75,000 livres, which shall be secured to her by a blank paper, signed by Condé.
2. As for the sum of 182,000 livres for the first month's pay, they beg that the Queen will use her credit in order that they may be delivered to whomsoever the Admiral may commission by Dr. Mundt, or some other, to whom the Admiral's signature shall be sent. They also beg that the Queen will engage to pay the Marshal of Hesse what is due to him, and also for three months in addition. Signed.
Endd. by Cecil, and dated by him: 22 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 4.
Jan. 22. 136. George Ferrers to Challoner.
1. Received Challoner's letters of the 21st ult., on the 18th inst., which is all he has received since last August. Understands Challoner's sister is to be married to one Sanders of the Temple, a gentleman great in the law. Challoner's intelligences serve better in Spain than with them, where the favourers of the factions advertise rather as they would have it than as the truth is. Brissac and Vielleville, the new marshals, go into Normandy to join the Rhinegrave against them in Newhaven, where supplies of men are provided to go. Now belongs to Parliament, where great matters are in treaty; first, a subsidy, which will not stick long. The case of succession is already moved, wherein they will first proceed. There is a great labour made by the clergy for discipline, whereof some suppose the Bishop of Rome has gone out at one door and comes in by another. Divers of Challoner's tenants of Steeple Claydon are brought up by process to defeat certain copies, whereby they claim.—London, 22 Jan. Signed.
2. P. S.—Prays him to be a good master to poor Percival.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 22 Jan. 1562. Received 8 March. Pp. 4.
Jan. 23. 137. Warwick and Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Send a copy of the Rhinegrave's letter in blank to St. Ouen and the bearer thereof, named Le Marinell, upon whose examination they will perceive the bottom of the practice, as also the depositions of Bymare, who has dealt plainly from the beginning. Send also a brief of the examinations against Captains Blundell and Macomble (who is Captain of M. Beauvoir's band here), who are, next to Le Misnel, chiefly charged in this behalf; Macomble and Le Misnel being the two principal in this treason, and those who are intended in the Rhinegrave's letter. The third is Vitemal, who stands clearly discharged of the crime upon the examination of the matter. They think him a true man from his discourse about this treason. He stated how it had been practised from the beginning, which Bymare also touched upon. It will be found that none are infected therewith, but those who have been imprisoned for the same. This is the dregs of the first treason, even from the time of Sir Adrian Poynyng's arrival here, which was proceeded so far with that at the first treaty of peace between Condé and Guise about Paris, it is certain that the latter wrote to the Rhinegrave that albeit the peace was likely to be concluded, however that passed he should execute the enterprise against Newhaven.
2. The examinations have been so far proceeded with by the ordinary judges in the presence of one of the Council, as on Monday the 18th inst., before M. Beauvoir and Poulet. They were of opinion that Captains Blundell and Macomble merited torture, and to be afterwards executed; but that this sentence should be deferred until some of the prisoners were again confronted with their accusers, which has now been fully accomplished; so that sentence rests against the prisoners, for which they have appointed an assembly on Monday next, the 25th inst. Macomble should be executed out of hand, and Blundell and Le Minisle [sic] should, whatever judgment they receive, be sent to England to be further examined; for by executing Le Minisle here, being a prisoner, he might appear to have been cruelly handled. Those who may hereafter have deserved the like shall not fall out so well by racking and manacling these men here as it would by further examination, and some such touch given them in England; for what must be done to them here must be done by order of law in the presence of the judges, some of whom are friends of those parties. They also think it good that Marinel and Verdelet should be sent over.
3. M. Beauvoir and Captain Sta. Maria are offended at the order for the discharge of the French soldiers from hence to Dieppe, and have given the writers to understand that without the continuance of the new band raised by Sta. Maria they will not tarry here. Beauvoir advertised the Earl yesterday afternoon by Sta. Maria that he would repair straight to England to solicit Condé's case unto the Queen, and therewithal take his leave of her, and render up his charge here into her hands; and that he would also repair straight to the Admiral. But in the evening he was more tractable, and willing to depend upon the Queen's pleasure in all things.
4. English soldiers and French burgesses can live together in accord; but French soldiers so intermeddle with the English that they can be hardly trusted together.
5. The Rhinegrave has now at Montivillier and Harfleur nearly 1,000 horsemen and 6,000 footmen. The Marshal Vielleville (being in the place of Marshal St. André, and Governor of Normandy,) lies at Caudebec with his bands. Marshal Brissac is newly come to Rouen with seventeen ensigns of footmen, pretending some enterprise against Dieppe.
6. The flying news of another battle between Guise and the Admiral seems a matter of an overthrow of 100 of Guise's horsemen.
7. The bruit of the Queen of Navarre's band is continued; and they are further advertised that the Baron Des Adrets stands upon the point of revolting to the Duke De Nemours, and that the treaty of peace is now practised, minding there- upon to bend all their power against this piece. They are assured by M. Beauvoir that there is no such matter, and that besides the Queen of Navarre's twenty-five ensigns of footmen, who are marching towards the Admiral, there are seventeen cornets of reiters from Almain at hand to join the Admiral, who Beauvoir says will speedily come himself into these parts about Honfleur with 6,000 horsemen to receive the money which he expects from the Queen (whereof he is in great need); and that he will leave his footmen about Orleans, to come after. Beauvoir thinks that the money, which is to be received from the Queen to satisfy the reiters, might be as well appointed to be paid out of hand in Almain as elsewhere, wherein the Vidame and Briquemault have commission by his report to deal with the Queen.
8. They have received intelligence of thirteen French galleys coming from Messyers to Calais, and of twelve others coming hither from Spain to keep the head of the Seine, and to stop their victuals. Also that they have devised to have 20,000 pioneers, wherewith they will shortly approach their walls with a great "rowling" trench of earth to defeat them by that means.
9. The Earl encloses a letter which he received from Smith, which he sent him from Paris by a merchant. He might as well have sent him others in cipher, or otherwise, and for this purpose he sent a messenger to Smith at Chartres.—New- haven, 22 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with a few marginal notes by Cecil. Add. Endd. Pp. 8.
Jan. 23. 138. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley.
Has given Captain Sawl licence to despatch his affairs in England, who has a letter and message from the Rhinegrave to him. As he knows the Rhinegrave's conditions so well, there is less need of warning him not to give credit to his fair words. Fears that Sawl is too much abused in him, taking him to be a plainer man in his dealings than the writer has found him. Thanks him for the good horse which he sent, and trusts one day to break a staff upon him for his sake. When he is upon that horse with the Queen's token, which she sent, about his neck he thinks he should do wonders. Sends him the best setter in France, with all his qualities written in French and English. Desires him to write a gentle letter to Poulet, who is a true friend to him.— Newhaven, 23 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23.] 139. Examination of Saint Ouen.
1. Certain interrogatories wherein St. Ouen is to be examined.
2. A letter written to him by the Rhinegrave, whereby it appears a practice was set between them for surprising Dieppe.
3. The Rhinegrave being sorry at his departure from Havre.
4. That St. Ouen may have good men nevertheless, to do some great service where he is.
5. Who it was that sent the Rhinegrave a hat.
6. Promises of service made to the Queen by him [St. Ouen].
7. What acquaintance he has with one Souer, surveyor of the Rhinegrave's company.
8. What letters and memorials he has received from him, and by whom.
9. Whether he knows Marinel.
10. Whether he did not receive a blank letter by him, sent by the Rhinegrave.
11. Whether he did not will Marinel to tell the Rhinegrave that he would shortly send him good news.
12. Whether he did not deliver a like blank letter to Marinel for the Rhinegrave.
13. Whether he had received or conveyed any letters to or from the Rhinegrave, by a drum called Vardelet.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23.] 140. Translation of the above into English.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23.] 141. Confession of Saint Ouen.
1. St. Ouen says that on 10th of December, when he was prisoner at Rouen, the Queen Mother sent secretly for him at night and remonstrated with him, and asked him whether he was willing to serve the King and would take the command of 100 horse arquebussiers; and that if he would return to his commander, the Count of Montgomery, he could do good service. To this he agreed in order to escape, and received a safe-conduct and money. He then went to Montgomery's house at Lorges, where he remained three days with Madame De Lorges, who gave him letters, which he carried to her husband; to whom he showed the safeconduct and related all that had passed, who forbade him to say anything about it.
2. He confesses that he has received two letters from the Rhinegrave asking him whether he intended to keep his promise to the Queen, and that he laughed at them both.
3. M. Seuyn, the controller, has written asking him whether he would take service with the King, in which case he should have good treatment and be restored to his estate. St. Ouen also wrote to him for a saddle and horse gear, because he could not get them in Havre. He also wrote a letter to the Rhinegrave in milk, because he had commanded him to do so, in which he said that he had not yet had an opportunity of doing anything. He also confesses that he wrote to the Rhinegrave that he should lose no time in advancing. He knows Verdelet, but has never employed him to carry letters or messages, except once to De Seuyn about the saddle. Has heard that the Rhinegrave intended to give a German hat to the Count De Montgomery. Signed: Michel De St. Ouen.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Fr. Pp. 5.
Jan. 23. 142. Montgomery to Lord Robert Dudley.
The bearer will inform him of their condition in this town. Desires that he will be a means with the Queen to procure him sufficient reinforcements to hold it, and begs that he will not show his letter to anyone, and will look at the plan of the fortifications which accompanys it.—Dieppe, 23 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 23 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 143. Montgomery's Memorial.
The Queen is to be shown the importance of Dieppe, as a place of refuge for the faithful in Normandy, and also that if the enemy get it no vessel could pass with safety from England to Havre. Also she should examine the plan of the town, and notice how it can be made tenable. As he has not more than 1,200 men, she is to be asked to send him 1,500 or 1,800 more, with which force he could chase the enemy out of the surrounding country, and thus be able to join the Admiral. Some cavalry and five or six pieces of artillery would also be very serviceable. His intention is to join the Admiral, as he only remains through necessity. The Queen is also to be desired to give him the means of paying six companies of foot and two of horse for one month. When the town was brought to the King's obedience, many rich merchants fled with their property to England, which has occasioned much trouble to the rest, so they are almost ready to deliver the place up to the enemy; the Queen there- fore is desired to seize their persons and merchandize and to apply the latter to necessary expenses.—Dieppe, 23 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
Jan. 24. 144. Sir Henry Percy to the Privy Council.
This day Mr. Brown delivered the Earl of Bothwell in his hands; he will keep him in custody until he knows their pleasure. Will have to be absent from his charge by reason of the "sheriffwick" this year.—Castle of Tynemouth, Jan. 24, 1563. Signed.
Orig., with fragment of seal. Add. Endd.: 24 Jan. Pp. 2.
Jan. 24.
rbes, ii. 300.
145. Admiral Coligny to the Queen.
1. Although Condé is very strictly watched, he has let them know such good news that he has strengthened their courage, assuring them that he will never consent to anything contrary to the service of God, the liberty of conscience, or what will injure the cause. Begs the Queen to help them to procure his deliverance. They look upon her as the means appointed for their success. Is sure that neither the captivity of Condé, nor all the efforts of Satan, will be able to lessen her affection towards them. According to the treaty of association which she has seen, the Prince has appointed him commander over all the forces during his absence.
2. As the foreigners asked some little time to refresh themselves, he placed them in three towns on the Cher, which he had taken from the enemy. And as they made as if they would besiege Orleans, having passed Beaugeney with part of their army to occupy the faubourg of Portereau, he approached them; whereupon they changed their purpose and recrossed the bridge. He placed his reiters in garrison both above and below Orleans, and has taken some towns in the face of the enemy for that purpose. The cavalry amount to more than 4,000, ready for action. All that they fear is that the reiters will be discontented with the delay in paying them for three months, amounting each month to 120,000 livres, of which they had made certain, both through her promise to the Prince and also through the 6,000 crowns which he had required through M. De Briquemault. Begs that she will send the said sums to Havre, where they can fetch them and join her forces, and also that she will write to the Marshal of Hesse in order to encourage him.
3. There have been some negotiations between the Prince and the Constable, set on foot by the Queen Mother, with a view to a pacification. The writer will never consent to anything of the kind, in which she is not included. Their intention is to settle the question of religion first of all, and then (using her advice), those points which touch her. Condé does not mention the degree that appertains to him in the realm, nor other matters which it is necessary to settle.
4. Having heard that Throckmorton has written to her that Condé told him that he had no treaty with the Queen, he has to say he has never heard the Prince say anything of the kind; but has heard Throckmorton say often that the treaty was with the inhabitants of Normandy, and that he had no charge to negotiate with them. Has assured him that the Queen (provided the Gospel were preached in France and her interests guarded) would be glad to see these troubles ended, as appears by her protestation. Has asked MM. Briquemault and De la Haye to inform her of what is necessary to recover the Prince's liberty.—Orleans, 24 January. Signed.
Orig., entirely in cipher, deciphered. Endd.: 24 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 4.
Jan. 24.
Forbes, ii. 303.
146. Smith to the Queen.
1. The news at this Court on the 19th inst. was, that there was a skirmish on the 18th inst. about Beaugency Bridge, and that M. D'Avaret acquitted himself valiantly and repulsed the Guisians who had crossed. More than 300 were slain, amongst whom were sixty of the bravest horsemen, Spaniards. It is said M. De Sansac is either slain or taken prisoner. News came this morning that Tancarville is surrendered by agreement, and that sixty Englishmen, who were there, departed by composition with bag and baggage. This was not enough to cheer them for the repulse at Beaugency.
2. The talk of the meeting for accord and of the departure of the Queen for Châteaudun is quelled. Some say the Admiral has made answer; they know his demands, if they agree to them, he will meet; if not, it is folly to be deluded any more. Other say, the Duke of Guise will not agree to an accord. There is no more talk of an accord now, nor is there any hope thereof. It is said in the Court that the Admiral has 6,000 horsemen and 8,000 footmen in the fied. There has been a great stir in this Court this afternoon, men talk together "in heaps and lumps," and seem amazed; they fetch in their horses that are in the villages, and appear like men in doubt.
3. This night about 7 o'clock Condé was brought into this town with a strong guard. He came on horseback, and was brought through the town in a coach covered with black velvet by torch light, and the windows of the coach open; but the torch was so carried that none could see him. Some say information was given, that that night or the next, 2,000 reiters (who had passed the water at Jargeau) intended to have taken him out of the castle where he was kept two leagues from hence at Vevielle; and if needed would have brought two cannon to it. To make sure they have brought him to Chartres where he is lodged in a small abbey called St. Pierre; where there are bars of iron for the windows, and other bars for the street prepared, to make him more sure.
4. On the 20th inst. M. De Sevre came to him [Smith] from the Queen to inform him that within a day or two she intended to leave this town for Paris. And because of the Prince, and other occasions at her departure, Chartres would be filled with soldiers, therefore Sevre counselled him to leave as soon as he could for Paris, and to avoid all danger; and that he should not be disquieted at Paris. If he came before the Queen, he should have her letter to Marshal Mont- morency; which letter was sent him the same night, a copy whereof he sends.
5. On the 21st inst. he went from Chartres Parisward; and on the 22nd inst. early in the morning the King and Queen with the Court parted toward Châteaudun, the contrary way from Paris. On the same day at noon he came to St. Arnoul; and there he met the Queen's packet coming from England, and understood how he was served in the Court of France; and that the Queen was thence going to Blois, and so to Amboise. He took counsel out of hand and sent Wilson with a letter to M. De L'Aubespine; who should wait upon the Court there, till he came, and send him word of any notable occurrences. Having come so far, he thought it best to go to Paris, to furnish himself with money.
6. There is talk of the departure of the Queen, and the changing of the journey to Paris. By what he can see they are in great fear of the Admiral; and the Guisians confess him to be stronger in the field than they are, and marvel how he came by them. Now there is a rumour again that the Queen will make peace and there is some hope of it, for this party was never in greater despair of their strength. The Prince is still very firm, and far from the yielding that has been noted abroad, and from the cross marriages that were talked of.
7. That which he moved to the Queen in his last letter is so necessary and would be to such purpose for all events, that without it, so long as France stands in these terms, she will deal with men as it were in a mask. Sends Middlemore with this despatch. Cannot see that the Queen here, for all her promises, will answer to his demand, nor that they here have any mind to treat with the Queen.— Paris, 24 January 1562. Signed.
8. P. S.—Marshal Montmorency offered all service and is very courteous. He did not stick to say that, as much as he might safely do, he favoured those of the religion; which opinion the Papists and Parisians have of him, so he is not so beloved by them.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
Jan. 24. 147. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. On the 15th inst. he spoke with the Prince of Melphi (sometime Bishop of Troyes), who came lately from Orleans hither with some motion for peace, the pursuit of which he has left off, being won by this Queen to leave the Prince's party. He returns to his house in the country, where he is permitted to live with his family in the liberty of their consciences; but fearing that grace will not continue longer than the Prince's side holds good, he is desirous that the Queen would receive him into her realm.
2. On the 17th inst. he met with Dr. Balduine, being returned from the Council of Trent, who told him some points that had been disputed. He confirmed Middlemore's opinion of the small hope there was from thence; and said that it would break up about Middle Lent. Also that the King of the Romans, since his coronation, shows himself more inclined to the Papists, being before wholly for the Protestants. He and the Emperor will be shortly at Inspruck, where the Cardinal of Lorraine meets them. The Cardinal at this meeting will offer his niece, the Queen of Scotland; all that house make their profit on that sort to all the Princes of Christendom. They hope by the motion of that marriage betwixt Charles of Austria and the said Queen to keep the Emperor and King of the Romans from attempting anything to the prejudice of them or theirs. Balduine has been twice with Condé since his coming by the Queen Mother's order, to whom he has by commandment declared all news dis- advantageous to him and his cause; whereof the Prince makes small account. Balduine says that one "Alphanus Episcopus, alias Noarre," writes against the late Apology by the Bishop of Salisbury, and that very shortly. Balduine asking how it happened that he took the matter upon himself, he said the King of Spain had sent him the book (which had been sent to him by the Queen of England), and desired him to answer it immediately. Alphanus is very well learned, and was once Confessor to the present Emperor. He is greatly hated by the Pope; therefore he dare not return to Italy, but comes after this Council is broken up into the Low Countries, where the King of Spain gives him entertainment. After thus much had passed betwixt Balduine and him he took him to the Ambassador, who had a long conversation with him.
3. Nothing will tend more towards an accord than the envy the Constable bears the Duke of Guise, and the small patience he has to endure his captivity. The Admiral had 6,000 horse and 8,000 footmen. He never heard him so much feared at Court as he is at present. The Duke has not 2,000 horse, and not more than 10,000 footmen at the most. The Queen Mother has despatched to the King of Spain for more aid, and to cause him to break with the Queen. New orders have gone for 6,000, and to levy 4,000 reiters. The Queen Mother has got in hand a new accord, which she works by all the means she can to the Queen's disadvantage. These men say in great mockery that we have trifled out all the advantages that time has during these troubles offered us in these parts; and that we might as well have had all Normandy as Newhaven. They doubt not but to see the loss of naked Newhaven. There is in hand another practice for Newhaven by the Rhinegrave.—Paris, 24 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 24 Jan. 1562. Pp. 5.
Jan. 24. 148. Poulet to Cecil.
1. The Earl of Warwick desires him (in addition to the other advertisements) to certify the following to his brother. The revolt of the Baron Des Adrets to the Guises is confirmed, and the Duke De Nemours has taken Lyons. The said Baron, being lately at the Court, has received the Order. The treaty of peace takes effect with the Admiral's consent, and without that of the Queen. The town is full of traitors, and no less perilous practice is imminent than was pretended upon the former treaty (which is more to be feared than the great force that they will bring against it); hence the employment of a good number of pioneers is necessary. Messages and letters are passing daily between the pioneers of Condé, the Admiral, and M. Beauvoir, not by means of disguised persons, but by gentlemen of knowledge in the sight of the world. Likewise came these letters now addressed from the Princess and the Admiral to the Queen, unsealed, and two of them in cipher; whereat there is some marvel that their seals of arms had not been put to the same. And whereas the Lord Lieutenant has written two letters to the Admiral, he has received no answer but letters of credence, giving no intelligence of any treaty of peace, or of the revolt of Des Adrets, or other matter in cause of abatement of courage on that part, but that all things stand in "galyard" estate, wanting nothing but the Queen's aid in men and money. The maintenance of the cause depends on the Queen, "as the very substantive, whereunto they are but adjectives." Notwithstanding these doubts and suspicions, the Queen should not slack, but advance her power to the Admiral's aid.
2. There arrived yesterday two gentlemen; one of them a very handsome young man, naming himself to be a minister, addressing themselves to M. Beauvoir, who came from La Ferté, twenty leagues this side of Orleans, and thence to Montivilliers to the Rhinegrave. They declared that they had come as servants to M. Beauvoir for his particular affairs, and brought news that Guise's army passed the Loire, and was within two leagues of the Admiral, but nevertheless returned to the other side, and was now about fifteen leagues distant.—Newhaven, 24 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 24 Jan. 1562. Pp. 5.
Jan. 24. 149. Horsey to Cecil.
The Count [Montgomery] longs to hear from Cecil whether the Queen will send him succour. They should be looked unto with speed, otherwise they will not be able to bear the toil here. They are scant of three hundred men, and are driven to watch the citadel every night with half their company. Have made divers attempts against Arques. The Count (having intelligence that 200 or 300 of their men were lodged in the village without the castle,) sent thither certain Frenchmen and English, who at the break of day entered the village and killed most of those in the town, and drove the rest into the castle gates; they took many of their horses, and spoiled and sacked the village, and returned in safety with the loss of two or three men at the most. Divers practices have been used here of late with the Count to render this place into the King's hands. But he minds to end his life in the defence of this town. Has not heard from Newhaven since he came here, which is now almost twenty days, and was not able to send there until last night, the weather being contrary.—Dieppe, 24 Jan. 1562.
Add., with seal. Endd.: 24 Jan. 1562. Pp. 3.
Jan. 24. 150. Montgomery to Lord Robert Dudley.
This night made a sally in the direction of Arques with 400 men (amongst whom were twenty-five or thirty English pikemen), and gave such a "camisade" to the companies of Applecourt and Villefranche (who were in garrison in the village of Arques,) that they left 150 dead, and most of the rest wounded, who retired into the castle. If he had means of drawing his artillery he would have taken the place. The Earl of Warwick promised to furnish him with the means of conveying a few pieces, but he has not got them yet; they are detained by some not zealous for the cause. Begs that the forces contained in the annexed note may be sent. His men brought back from Arques more than fifty horses, a quantity of arms, and other booty.— 24 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 24 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Jan. 24.] 151.De Prestrenas to Warwick.
Eight days ago he wrote to Poulet, desiring him to show the Earl of what importance it was that Fécamp should be taken, who told him to make his preparations. Accordingly he sent certain faithful persons, who entered the place by a secret underground passage leading into their houses within the fortifications, without being perceived. He can introduce into the town as many men as he likes by the same means. If he does not make use of this occasion, the enemy can do him much mischief by cutting off his provisions and forage. Many of the faithful who have been driven out of Fécamp are dying of hunger, because they cannot use their property. All his own seigneuries and property have been confiscated by the Parliament of Rouen. Signed.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 24. 152. The Provost of Paris to —
Has received no news from him, and desires him on his life to write to him. He can stop the bottle with his letter; they will not notice it, and the messenger is a good fellow. He is to tell C. that he does not regard his friends when they are in trouble, as he could easily come and see him if he liked; for the door is always open from nine to eleven, and he is near it at that time. Could go out easily if he liked. Desires news of D., and to be remembered to his brother and C.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: 24 Jan.; Provost of Paris. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 24. 153. Clough to Cecil.
Damaged fragment of a letter, wherein it is mentioned that the Landgrave has given order for the taking up of 200 . . . horsemen, and two regiments of footmen; but for what purpose is not known.—Antwerp, 24 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 25. 154.Charles IX. to the Queen.
Has heard of the imprisonment of the Provost of Paris, which he finds very strange, and has ordered M. de Foix to tell her his opinion.—Blois, 25 Jan. 1562. Signed: Charles; —De L'Aubespine.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 24 Jan. 1562. Fr. Broadside.
Jan. 25. 155.The Queen Mother to the Queen.
Is greatly surprised at the arrest of the Provost of Paris, and desires her to give credence to what M. de Foix shall say on that matter.—Blois, 25 Jan. 1562. Signed: Caterine;— De L'Aubespine.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 25 Jan. 1562. Fr. Broadside.
Jan. 25.
Forbes, ii. 312.
156. Instructions for Sir T. Smith.
1. Somer (the bearer) is to return to Smith, in France, and after having seen him he is to repair to the King and Queen Mother, with the Queen's letters; to whom he shall say that the Queen does not think herself reasonably answered concerning the proclamation. She is assured that it was made, and it is credited in countries near us. If they mean peace, it will be better for both that it be so published; therefore she requests the Queen Mother to order it with speed, or she will not consider herself satisfied with reason.
2. If he cannot obtain this, then he shall expressly say that, seeing they deny it in private speech, they should certify her thereof by writing under their hands. And, if they deny so much reason, she gives them an honourable warning that if any inconvenience follows thereupon they must impute it to themselves; and so end by suspense of peace, neither intimating war nor assuring peace. If they deal more mildly he is to say that after his former report made to her, she, perceiving a number of her subjects ready for sea, had stayed them from going, as they were disposed; so, if they will notify the contrary to that proclamation by public act or private writing to her, she will thereupon give order to all her subjects to keep peace. If not, he may say she can scarcely do it; and so earnestly require one or the other.
3. If it shall be seen meet, by reason of the alteration of things there to the advantage of the Guises, that this matter be not moved in, then shall Somers cause to be notified the reason of the imprisonment of the Provost of Paris to be the occasion of his coming; wherein he shall sufficiently inform himself by a note of the matters delivered him in writing upon examinations in that matter. And upon that he shall pretend the cause of this journey; and, that done, return, except he sees cause to abide for prosecution of the other matter committed to Smith by a private instruction.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd.: 25 Jan. 1562. Pp. 4.
Jan. 25.
Forbes, ii. 309.
157. Memorial to Smith from the Queen.
1. This matter (by this battle) is so chargeable to her, by reason of the Admiral not being able to continue without her maintenance with men and money, that she cannot see how she can bear such a burden alone, without decay to her own estate. It is now urgently pressed that she would pay them 30,000l., which was promised to the Prince, and that she must maintain Montgomery with 2,000 men in Dieppe, and procure them money, and levy a new army in Almain. These requests are so earnestly pressed, that if the greater part thereof be not granted, the Admiral will be forced to make some accord not beneficial to her.
2. She trusts to maintain what she possesses, until reason be given for Calais; yet she would some indirect means might be devised how the Admiral might come to some accord for the delivery of the Prince, and tolerating religion in some sort, though not so universally as he desires; and she to have her right in Calais, with such money as she has lent the Prince and his associates, and come to some settled peace with France.
3. As regards the money, she means thus to yield somewhat in the sums, but specially to have Calais, without which she is resolved to persist. He is to devise how to compass this, without appearing to be a doer therein.
4. She sends copies of the letter of the Admiral to her, and her answer thereto. The enemy should think that she means to help the Admiral to the uttermost of her power. This he may cause to be divulged, that the English nobility and people assembled in Parliament have resolved to recover Calais.
5. Two things he is to have special regard to, one is that the Admiral shall not find any lack of good will in her, lest he should deal to her danger; the other that the adversary find no remissness on her part for the prosecution of the cause. She thinks he will use this practice by the Admiral rather than by any other part; Middlemore had better be used therein, whom it is meet to keep there, either at Orleans or about the Admiral; and for his charges she allows him [blank] by the day, to begin from the 20th inst.
6. She sends letters from her to the Admiral and the Marshal of Hesse; he is to seal both letters with her signet and send them. There are daily practices of treasons at Newhaven by Frenchmen, which neither M. De Beauvoir, nor Montgomery are willing to have capitally punished; pretending thereby they should hazard the goodwill of the noblemen in Normandy. This former practice which is committed to him [Smith] is to be used or not, as occasions of their proceedings shall induce.
7. In opening this matter to the Admiral, it should not appear that she lacks will to help him, or that she is not able to go through with her enterprise for the recovery of Calais. It may be said that she finds the Three Estates now assembled fully bent to contribute towards the maintenance of Newhaven, and any war that shall arise thereof; but not so ready to employ their contributions towards the charges that shall grow to maintain the army of the Admiral in France, although there are many that for zeal of religion would venture their goods and lives.
Copy corrected by Cecil. Endd: 25 Jan. 1562. Portions underlined to be ciphered. Pp. 7.
Jan. 25. 158. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. In answer to their letters of the 6th inst., state that there are scarcely victuals enough for one month here. The proportion of victuals assigned to each soldier is rated at the smallest quantity that a man can live upon in time of a siege. The common victuallers who repair hither for their own profit, sell it to the soldier for a higher price than he can live on with his wages; and they cannot get it without ready money, which they have not. The inhabitants (who are more in number than the garrison) must also be relieved of the same. The proportion assigned from the store has not exceeded the rate of 4,000 men by the day, yet the garrison here is nearly 5,000.
2. The captains have to pay as good as 30l. in the hundred more for things taken from the store than they would have to pay the merchants for the like with ready money. They are also aggrieved with the illness of the pieces, which break daily, and maim many handsome men in their bands. One captain of an hundred men has twenty of his men's pieces broken since his arrival; and the flasks are as ill, and serve to as little purpose. The Almain corselets are also misliked, and the captains request they may be returned and others sent them. They are also greatly grieved with the powder they receive in barrels from the store at the rate of 112 pounds a barrel, as they commonly find but eighty pounds in each, and not so good as before.
3. Encloses a note of munition wanted in the office of ordnance. The pioneers have been most employed on the bulwarks. Royal and La Grange and their curtains, which will not be reduced to perfection in three months, with the small number of pioneers here. They look daily for the 1,200 pioneers.—Newhaven, 25 Jan. 1562. Signed, A. Warwick, Hugh Poulet, Maurice Denys, Adrian Ponyngs, William Bromfield.
4. P. S.—The charge for the espial money, freights, and other extraordinary charges since the arrival of the Lord Lieutenant until the 26th January, may appear by the inclosed bill; whereunto such allowance as may be assigned to Pelham, captain of the pioneers, may be added. Hope for a thorough pay up to the 26th inst., the amount of which cannot be calculated until the controllers return.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 25 Jan. 1562. Pp. 7.
Jan. 25. 159. The Treasurer's Declaration for Newhaven.
Account of money paid for the transport and wages of soldiers, &c., at Newhaven, also for money given to Sir N. Throckmorton, the Count of Montgomery, and M. Beauvoir and others, amounting to 17,625l. 18s. 7d. Also the wages of the Earl of Warwick and other officers and captains of the garrison, up to Jan. 25, amounting to 18,156l. 5s. 7d. The sum of all the debts 3,408l. 10s.
Endd. by Cecil: 25 Jan. 1562. Pp. 14.
Jan. 25. 160. Charges as Newhaven.
Denny received during four months and twenty days, ending the 25th inst., 44,366l. 1s. 2d. and expended 42,962l. 17s. 11d. for wages, &c., balance 1,403l. 3s. 3d. Sums paid to Montgomery, Beauvoir, Killigrew, Horsey, Vaughan, and others, not mentioned in the declaration, 4,614l. 13s. 3d.
Orig. Endd.: 25 Jan. 1562. Pp. 3.
Jan. 25. 161. Wages at Newhaven.
Money due to certain captains and their bands on Jan 25, 1563, amounting to 3019l. 16s. 6d. besides further sums of 444l. 13s. 6d. and 24l.
Pp. 2.
Jan. 25. 162. Advices from Trent.
On Nov. 20 there was a conference respecting the decree on residence, during which there was considerable discussion between the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Archbishop of Otranto. The Bishop of Aosta has arrived to-day as Ambassador of the Duke of Savoy. Appended are four petitions of the Portuguese orator.
Orig. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 25. 163. Cuerton to Challoner.
Refers to his other letter of the same date. Roger Jefferson has answer from London of the letters he sent by Mr. Cobham. Here is no butter.—Bilboa, 25 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 25 Jan. 1563. Pp. 2.
Jan. 25. 164. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Yesterday received Challoner's of the 12th inst. No news since the battle. Hears that he looks for bills out of England when he can pay him the rest that he owes.— Bilboa, 25 Jan. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—This day the ship of London sailed for England, where is gone the maid that came for Mistress Clarencas; "we think not much to Mistress Clarencas worship or honesty."
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 25 Jan. 1562. Pp. 3.