Elizabeth: January 1563, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: January 1563, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp77-92 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1563, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp77-92.

"Elizabeth: January 1563, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp77-92.

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January 1563, 26-30

Jan. 26.
Forbes, ii. 314.
165. The Queen to Charles IX.
She having heard that there was a proclamation at Paris on the 11th ult. containing the words, "Forasmuch as the Queen of England has proved false to her faith, and seized upon places belonging to the King, and aided his rebels; the King declares and denounces war against her, her realm and subjects." Sent to ask that, if by the said proclamation war is meant, Somer might be told so plainly; and if not, that some notification might be published to that effect. To this the Queen Mother answered that the King had no cognizance of any such proclamation, and therefore had not thought fit to contradict it. She is not content with this answer, and sends back Somer to declare that it is her desire that some public denial of the said proclamation shall be made; or that he will notify her directly that he has never made or intended to make any such proclamation.
Draft. Endd.: 26 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 3.
Jan. 26.
Forbes, ii. 315.
166. The Queen to the Princess of Condé.
Has received her letter of the 5th. Is glad that the issue of the battle was such that the enemy has no just occasion to boast. Although he pursues his designs, the event will turn out as they desire. Assures her that this accident to the Prince has in nowise abated her favour towards him, as she is more determined than ever to aid him and his associates, as she has more fully explained to the Vidame of Chartres and MM. Briquemault and De la Haye, and by her letters to the Admiral.
Copy. Endd.: 26 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 26. 167. The Queen to Madame De Roye.
Has received her letter from Strasburg, and has fully communicated her intentions to the Vidame, and MM. Briquemault and De la Haye. The misfortune of Condé has not diminished her regard for him, or her intention of assisting him.
Draft. Endd. by Cecil: 26 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 3.
Jan. 26. 168. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. On his way from Chartres to Paris on the 22nd, received their letters of the 13th inst. The Queen Mother said that she and the King would go there immediately, and therefore willed him to go before.
2. Is glad that the attempted murder has come to light. Montmorency, Governor of Paris, approves what they have done herein.
3. The Court, contrary to this Queen's appointment, removed to Châteaudun and Blois, in very great journeys con sidering the way and weather. They carry Condé with them as prisoner openly, without sword or spurs. Guise and his camp lies at Beaugency, where they have a bridge to pass to the Admiral, whose camp lies at Jargeau, and they also have a bridge to pass to the Guisians. These bridges are on the Loire, and Orleans in the midst. The Admiral is far stronger in horsemen, and stronger in footmen.
4. The Guisians' camp is in trouble for victuals for men and horse, and are fain to forage twelve leagues off. Does not know how the other camp is. Some of the reiters have passed the river, and forage near here.
5. The Queen sent a general pardon for them of the religion. Those of Paris, after having been twice commanded, will not suffer it to be published; and still murder and sack the poor Huguenots. A captain was killed in the market place yesterday, and the richest shop of wares sold to those who paid most. The owner saved himself by flight. No man can pass the gates without a passport, nor bring a letter here without its being opened; yet the writer and his man are gently treated. All the Ambassadors are here, save he of Savoy, who is always at the Court.—Paris, 26 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 26 Jan. 1562. Pp. 3.
Jan. 26. 169. Smith to Cecil.
1. His diets are not sufficient to bear his charges. Five marks a day are eleven French crowns, and one-ninth of a crown, and if the ninth part were made a crown, and so make twelve crowns a day, he would pass better with it; and he would that twelve crowns more a day would serve him in this continual journeying, and in time of war.
2. Has sent the names of the two persons for whom he begged pardon, with the notes on their crimes and persons. Percival is with him in his house. The other two follow the war here on the wrong side for money and living; but by having their pardons, he could send them home. There are other Englishmen here, who deserve pardon with a halter rather than anything else, who are unnatural both to God and their country. Middlemore may return, if Cecil think good, to the Admiral. If the Court, which they say is at Blois, does not come this way, he means to go and seek it. The Prince was carried without either sword or spurs like a prisoner with the King, so that he talked with him in riding.
3. Has sent such foolish books as are now printed.—Paris, 26 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 26 Jan. 1562. Pp. 5.
[Jan. 26.] 170. Application for Pardons.
1. For Robert Percival of London, who when captain of the Londoners with Bret and Fitzwilliam, fled to Wyat at Rochester. He has done good service to Throckmorton and Smith. Lord Bedford knew him. He has been spoiled of all for his religion.
2. For Gilbert Hawkins, of Cesfield, Essex, who for robbery in Sussex fled to France. He is a good soldier and miner, he has good entertainment here, and yet wishes to return and serve England.
3. And for William Molliners, alias Mollineux, of Bagshot, who here names himself Henage. He fled to France for a robbery near Altham, Hampshire. He served in Berwick, and is now with M. D'Allegre, as a man at arms, with two horses.
Endd.: 26 Jan. 1562.
Jan. 26. 171. Garrison at Newhaven.
A brief of what number of soldiers every captain has in his band undischarged, and how many every captain wants of his full number, viz., footmen 4,363, horsemen 147, for the ordnance 206, pioneers 253; total 4,968. Whereof gone to Dieppe 273. Signed: Tho. George.
Dated and endd. by Cecil: 26 Jan. 1562. Pp. 2.
Jan. 26. 172. Warwick to the Lord Admiral and Cecil.
Complains of certain Englishmen, who have taken ships from hence under licence of M. De Beauvoir, and (using the writer's name) have asked aid at Portsmouth.—Newhaven, 26 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: 26 Jan. 1562. Pp. 2.
Jan. 26. 173. Warwick to Cecil.
Upon the recommendation of Montgomery and Beauvoir asks aid for John Gourdon, a French merchant, whose woad, &c., is stayed in England. Newhaven, 26 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 26 Jan. 1562. Pp.2.
Jan. 26. 174. — to the Provost of Paris.
1. Has told Captain Diaize what he was ordered in his letter, who is assured that the Provost has not such an opinion of him, as he hopes to make him understand when he dines with him to-morrow. When the Ambassador had audience, eight days ago, the Queen told him that the Provost had answered very haughtily; and that when a person saw paper he did not care, but when he saw the sword he began to fear. Her Majesty did not believe that he had ever thought of such an act, but that D'Anville might have done it for his sake. The Gascon and the Provost's little barber were taken five or six days after him at the Mayor's door. D'Anville lies sick in the Tower. They expect N. to-morrow or Thursday. M. L. advises that the Provost should confess the truth, for they think to put the matter on religious grounds, which is the cause of the rigour with which he has been treated. Mazine does not think that this is done in revenge of what is past.
2. André varies very much in his deposition; he has been so racked that he is half crippled.
3. The hostages and his brother desire to be remembered to him. When the hostages spoke to the Chamberlain, he said that for twenty years there had never been such an affair. Hopes that this hot persecution will cool. Has received his linen, and sends him a bottle of wine and his clothes. The Provost has not seen the paper in his comfit-box.
Copy [?]. Endd. by Cecil: 26 Jan. Fr. Pp. 3.
Jan. 27. 175. Montgomery to the Queen.
Desires her to grant the bearer, his servant, who has a letter of marque against the Portuguese, free access to her ports in case of bad weather.—Dieppe, 27 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 27. 176. Montgomery to Lord Robert Dudley.
Sends letters from the Princess of Condé and the Admiral, whom he urges the Queen to help. Money is the principal sinew of war. The enemy were so thoroughly routed at Arques that the few that escaped were cut in pieces by the peasants. If the Queen will let him have a few reinforcements he will be able to execute some enterprises which will add much so the security of Havre.—Dieppe, 27 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 27. 177. Montgomery to Cecil.
Desires him to procure license for a Scotch captain, who has letters of marque against the Portuguese, to enter the ports on the English coast.—Dieppe, 27 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd: 26 January 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 27. 178. Montgomery to Cecil.
Begs him to urge the Queen to send succours to the Admiral. Hearing that she has ordered Captain Rybault to keep near him, so that in case of necessity he may be able to escape, he is thankful to her for remembering him, but has determined to die at his post rather than surrender it, if she will send him some slight reinforcement.—Dieppe, 27 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 27. 179. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Arrived at Boulogne on the 26th inst., and came here next day, with his servants and baggage. Has no letters or credences from the French King or his mother to the Queen.
2. Marshal Vielleville is with the Rhinegrave, and has made a battery at Tancarville ten days ago. It is not good that the Queen should loose that place for lack of rescue, which might be sent from Newhaven. The French Ambassador's steward, who came from the French Court by post, passed with him On coming here the writer heard that Tancarville was lost.— Dover, 27 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 27 Jan. 1562. Pp. 3.
Jan. 27. 180.Warwick and Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. No more engineers should be sent hither, but pioneers sufficient to finish the works begun. A plat of the town is ready to be sent when requested, which might be made of notable great strength, with full assurance of keeping the entry of the haven. Enough could be done herein by 2,000 pioneers in two months to make the enemy play for a summer's work; which being of them won, no more advantage shall be taken thereof than the ground can supply in its present state.
2. Captain Clercke has arrived here with 200 soldiers, who go to Dieppe to-morrow with Beauvoir's bands, and Captain Sta. Maria's soldiers, and Hamilton's band of Scotch horsemen. They will see by Montgomery's letters enclosed, that M. Gamache, a Picard, arrived lately at Dieppe with M. Rovrye, and undertakes with the aid of 2,000 men to have Abbeville rendered.
3. Advices have been given by Beauvoir and Sta. Maria for taking Honfleur and Estchan [Etretat ?], with the fortifying of the latter for winning of clear passages to Caen; Sta. Maria says that these enterprises have been discoursed to the Queen, and that she is inclined thereunto. Another practice is proffered by a gentleman here for taking Fecamp, as may appear by his discourses here enclosed. He thinks to make a rich booty thereof.— Newhaven, 27 Jan. 1562. Signed.
4. P. S.—Encloses a letter from Count Montgomery of his late exploit at Arques, with other things appertaining to his former request.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 27 Jan. 1562. Pp. 4.
Jan. 27.
Forbes, ii. 315.
181.Smith to Cecil.
1. Thanks for his two letters of 14th inst. Barlow, who brought them, was driven to Dunkirk, and so to Gravelines and Calais. At Boulogne he met Somers, who was waiting there for the tempest to abate. He did not receive the packet in consequence thereof till the 22nd inst.
2. Has written two letters to the Queen of all that has passed since Somers' departure. Is glad to hear the manner of that "propensid" murder, so as to answer any ado of De Nantouillet's saying. Would gladly have an answer to his last letters sent by Somers, whether he should press his demands or not.
3. He is glad the treason at Newhaven was discovered. If he had his wish there should not be a Frenchman in the town; not only for fear of treason, but for other matters, as Cecil may perceive by a letter sent from the Spanish Ambassador to him at Chartres, the copy whereof, with his answer, he sends herewith.
4. Details his conversation with M. De Seurre respecting the mission of the Turkish Ambassador to the French Court.
5. The surrendering of Tancarville lies still in his stomach. Wishes to know his opinion of that attempt, whereof he wrote to the Queen by Francis.
6. Has written to the Queen to have some one on the other side with the Admiral. Wishes him to talk with Throck- morton, and not stick for allowance in time of service. There is nothing more necessary now.
7. Since he came to Paris he hears M. D'Anville is to go to England with certain agreements of Condé. Before making any answer, it were reason that he should speak with the Prince, and commune with him apart, to know whether it is his hand and agreement that they bring, and whether it is by compulsion, he being a prisoner. This is but to espy what power he has ready; for he should go from thence into Scotland to kindle some new practice there to the detriment of England, and such noblemen of Scotland as favour the religion and would continue the amity between Scotland and England. Because they cannot bring this to pass, (because the Duke of Châtellerault will not break,) they are in a rage. D'Anville will ask for a passport to go to Scotland, and that is his errand.
8. The coming of Dehaye or Deese (the Almain belonging to D'Anville) into England is suspected by many here who favour the religion, that it is for no good. D'Anville is taken here to be one of the most perverted men, and the greatest enemy to religion. The Prince is in his custody, so therefore the Queen must talk with him as one whom the Guisians reckon upon most sure to their faction, and they of the religion most abhor and suspect.
9. At present the Guisian camp is at Beaugency, the Admiral's camp is at Jargeau. The Queen's departure with the King is interpreted either to make peace, or else encou- rage the Guisians who are now faint-hearted, or to make a start to Amboise to see her children, the Duke of Anjou and Madame Margaret. The Queen Mother would rather abide by anything than have the Queen or her ministers inter- meddle.—Paris, 27 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd: 27 Jan. Pp. 6.
Jan. 28. 182. Clough to Cecil.
1. In his last letter of the 24th inst. he wrote of what he had done at "Acone" [Aix la Chapelle], and that he had re- ceived Cecil's letter of the 16th inst. and a packet to Knolles, which he has sent by the post. Touching Cecil's gallery, he has spoken with the mason, and sends back the old pattern for Cecil to confer with his mason at home, so he may show the whole ground how the gallery shall stand. The mason's advice is that the pillars should be made of one stone, and the arches accordingly, either antique or modern. As he hears from Cecil so he will proceed therein.
2. The Italians make much ado about the ship of alum that is taken, as if the Englishmen were the cause thereof, who are now at Brussels. English ships shall be arrested at their coming here in consequence thereof.
3. A French nobleman has been here, called Conté de Martyne, but a commission came from the Court for him to avoid the town and all the King's dominions; so he has gone to Brussels.
4. The King will leave Spain about the middle of April, and all the ships are arrested in Spain for that purpose. They are making at Africa 110 foists and galleys, not only for men, but for horses.— Antwerp, 28 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 28 Jan. 1562. Pp. 4.
Jan. 28. 183. Clough to Challoner.
1. Sent with his last letter of the 9th inst, the first bill of exchange of 740 ducats payable to Challoner at Madrid, the last of February, by Spinolo, for 225l. 7s. 8d. delivered here at seventy-three pence per ducat, which make, as before, 740 ducats. Has received bills of exchange from England for 300l. sterling, which in Flemish is 339l. 3s. 4d., whereof he paid unto certain upon the bills in net 114l.; made by this bill 225l. 1s. 8d., making a total of 339l. 1s. 8d., which is his whole money. Has made over certain money to Challoner.
2. Sends these letters by a new order, in consequence of divers of them being kept from Challoner. Does not doubt but these will come safely, because the Queen's packet is therein, and he also sends the second bill of the 740 ducats.
3. It is said there has been another battle in France, and that the Duke of Guise's power was overthrown, and that he fled with fourteen horses. The English are still in Newhaven and intend to keep it. Some men here are in doubt that King Philip will fall out with England; the cause being there is a Frenchman named De Clerke, of Newhaven, who is now upon the seas, and has taken many ships, both Spanish, Bretons, and a ship with alum. They say, because he is of Newhaven, he is put to work by the English, which is false.—Antwerp, 28 January 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 28 Jan. 1562. Received at Madrid, 12 March, by a courier of Flanders from Burgos. Pp. 3.
Jan. 29. 184.The Count Palatine to the Queen.
1. Hoped that when her orators came to Frankfort and declared their message to the Emperor and the Princes there assembled, the Princes of the religion would have consulted together as to what were best to be done. However they were too much occupied with other matters of importance to the empire. Cannot sufficiently praise her desire to help the Church, and hopes that the assistance of the Germans will not be wanting for those who fight against the Papal tyranny.
2. The other remedy which she proposes requires the consideration of all, or at least of the principal Princes of the religion; he would however certainly give his consent to it; and promises to promote it in any assembly of the Prince. —Deuxponts, 29 January 1563. Signed: Wolfgang.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 29 Jan. 1562 [?] by Mr. Knolles. Pp. 4.
Jan. 29.
Forbes, ii. 319.
185.The Admiral of France to the Queen.
1. Has determined to-day to take the reiters into Nor- mandy, where he has promised that by the Queen's assistance they shall receive their pay. Has made them leave their heavy baggage in this town, so that they will be near Havre by 12th Feb. at the latest. Trusts that when there they will receive the three months' pay due to them, after the rate of 120,000 livres each month. Condé still bears himself with constancy in his captivity. The enemy report that they are coming to besiege the town. Has left D'Andelot to guard the place. Are advertised from Lyons by M. De Soubize that the Baron Des Adrets, having conspired to admit the troops of M. De Nemours into Romans, in Dauphiné, was prevented by M. De Mouvans and the nobility of the country, who have seized him and sent him to Valence, whence he is to be brought before the Cardinal of Châtillon and M. De Crussol in order to be punished as an example to deserters. M. De Nemours, seeing that his design had failed and that a good many of the garrison had gone out of Lyons to obtain provisions, attempted to take the town by escalade, but was repulsed with great loss. It is provided with stores for three months.
2. M. De Guise has caused a letter to be written (signed by the King, the Queen Mother, and several Princes) addressed to the Princes of the Empire; and another to the Marshal of Hesse and the rit-meisters, (which also he has compelled the Princes being under age to sign), declaring the whole of this company rebels. Desires her to give credence to MM. le Vidame, Briquemault, De la Haye, and the bearer. —Orleans, 29 Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig., entirely in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp.3.
Jan. 29. 186.Montgomery to Lord Robert Dudley.
Begs that he will assist him in procuring money for the pay of his soldiers for one month. Since the defeat at Arques there do not remain more than twenty or thirty men in that place, Some cavalry whom he sent out have taken the castle of Monceau, six or seven leagues from this place, belonging to the Duke De Nevers, and cut in pieces the garrison. On their return they fell in with a company of foot, whom they routed, and whose ensign they carried off. Whereas it is said he has received 3,000 crowns, he has not had more than 1,500, and 500 given to the soldiers. Unless he gives his soldiers pay for the next month he does not see how he can keep them from going away.—Dieppe, 29 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 29 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29. 187. Challoner to Sir John Mason.
1. Has already answered his of 21 Nov., received here on the 6th inst.
2. Complains that the postmasters have of late used him lewdly. Notwithstanding their promises he has stricken up four months upon a new score without any letter received forth of England, save from Mason and Farnham, so has been fain to leave things imperfect touching the further prosecution of his charge. The King has despatched the Duke of Alva's bastard son, Don Ferdinando, one of the two Great Priors of St. John's order, to take charge of the Spaniards serving in France, and of the treble which out of hand from hence and other parts shall be added, with money and promise of assistance for repression of the Condéans. The Cortes of Castile shall shortly be summoned, chiefly for the King's pecuniary demands. About May the King will take his journey towards Moncon. The Prince of Spain now waxes bonito, disposed to be fat, but will never be so tall as his father, much curious in his demands, and of a good wit, but otherwise utterly unbookish. From the Indies a bulk of treasure is daily looked for, the treble of that that any fleet these six years brought. Begs him to solicit his return. Never a year here stands him in less detriment than all the reward he hopes for will be worth. But that were not so much to be forced of as other decays touching store gotten in youth, not without shame and want to be "sparcled" in age. Has tasted a piece of these Spanish "reumadizos," whereof no small number have died in this realm, more in Portugal, but most in Italy, much like to a popular plague by thousands. —Madrid, 29 January.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 30 Jan. [sic] 1563. Pp. 3.
Jan. 29. 188.Antonio Dati to Thomas Wilson.
Has written by means of George, but has had no answer. —Florence, 29 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Wilson, at Pisa. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 9. 189. Intelligences from Venice.
1. Cracow, 8 Jan. Intelligences respecting the affairs of Poland, Prussia, and Livonia.
2. Rome, 22 Jan. Affairs of the Council of Trent. Movements in the Papal Court. Intelligence from Sicily.
Endd.: From Venice, 29 Jan. 1563. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 30. 190. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Wrote to her on the 20th Dec. by Henry King; since which time news have been brought of the battle at Dreux. As soon as certain word was brought of the victory, straight procession was made within the King's palace, and all the bells of this town were rung. Here a fly bruit came of the battle almost three weeks before the report.—Madrid, 2 Jan. 1562.
2. P. S.— Hitherto is the copy of his last, sent by the ordinary post of Flanders. If he heard oftener from home, could do her better service.
3. Notwithstanding many parlances in France, the Admiral and the rest reinforce themselves, like men who look for further succour from other parties. The King here has despatched Don Fernando de Toledo, (the Duke of Alva's bastard son, one of the Grand Priors of the order of St. John in Castile), to the French Court, for the purpose of dishorting the French King and the Queen Mother from according with the Condéans, promising larger assistance out of hand; and also to take charge of the Spaniards serving in France, which the King has promised to the number of 8,000. Understands that the Con- stable is like to die of his hurt, being fed only with liquid things, his jawbone being broken. If he die, his nephews the Châtillons will trust the Guisians still less. Here is earnest means for the amassing of money from all parts. The first of next month in this town the Courts of Castile shall be kept; they chiefly concern the King's demands for a pecuniary contribution, which will amount to a great sum. Immediately after Easter he intends to make towards Aragon, to keep the Courts there, where likewise he looks to receive a great portion. His Indian fleet is now daily looked for with a bulk of treasure, they speak of 6,000,000. Trusts ere long to receive some answer to his letter of the 20th ult., as by the alteration of accidents since the date of her letter of the 11th Oct. he understands not fully to what scope he may lean. Has passed two years space here and in Flanders, and has been all this winter sick, and therefore he humbly begs for his revocation.
4. P.S.— This morning a courier out of France reported that the Constable is like to escape of his hurt; that the Admiral is strongly reinforced, and that the Cardinal of Châtillon and M. De Cursolles have in Languedoc and Provence raised a new power of 6,000 men, and for their entertainment have seized upon the King's rents and finances to the sum of 400,000 francs.—Madrid, 30 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 30 Jan. 1562. Pp. 4.
Jan. 30. 191. The Queen to Warwick.
Requests him to cause Francis le Clerk to restore a ship of Antwerp called Le Petit Abraham belonging to Christopher Pruen; together with all her lading, to an ounce.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 30 Jan. 1562. Pp. 3.
Jan. 30. 192. Montgomery to Cecil.
Begs him to ask the Queen to send money for the pay of his troops, he having received only 1,500 crowns, not sufficient for six companies of foot and 200 horse. Has received 500 crowns more from M. D'Orsay. Has been two months in this place with his men.— Dieppe, 30 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 30 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp.2.
Jan. 30. 193. Henry Knollys to Cecil.
Since his letter of the 20th, they have made such speed that this night they arrived in Antwerp. Understanding by Clough and Gresham that the Queen's packet is sent on to Strasburg, he will stay here for a few days until he can hear her pleasure. Touching Cecil's son and Windebank, if his journey shall be unto such places that he has already seen, Knollys will not require the satisfying of his own appetitte. Desires him to send Mr. Manley, as he is obliged to restore home a man of Sir Thomas Wrothe.—Antwerp, 30 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 30 Jan. 1562. Pp. 3.
Jan. 30. 194. Advices from Italy.
1. Trent, 11 Jan. Great triumphs have been made for the victory of the Huguenots, and the Cardinal of Lorraine had a Mass sung; after which the Archbishop of Metz made an oration declaring the lamentable affliction of France. The next day the Bishop of Meaux sang a solemn Mass for the souls of such as were slain on the Catholic side.
2. Representations to the Council from the Ambassadors of the Emperor and of France. Intelligences from Ferrara; from Rome, 16th Jan.; from Genoa, 15th Jan.; and from Constantinople, 17th Jan. Pp. 5.
Jan. 30. 195. Advices from Italy.
1. Genoa, 23 Jan. Inquirers in Spain respecting coiners. Shipping intelligence and news from France.
2. Trent, 29 Jan. Disputes about residence, and movements of various personages.
3. Rome, Jan. 30. Yesterday was a consistory. The Pope is unwell. Cardinal Visconte has returned to Trent with the Pope's resolution. Disputes on presidency between the Princes of Florence and Parma.
Orig. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Jan. 31. 196. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Received with his of the 14th inst. a letter from the Queen unto this Queen, which he presented on her recovery from her sickness, which was nothing but a will she had to keep her bed for five or six days after the journey at Castle Campbell. She required him to write to the Queen to be excused for a few days that she wrote not. If the matters be of importance, Lethington is to have that journey. Has written to the Queen what he knows.
2. Things are as he before wrote, in peace. The Queen much laments the state of France, and fears the success of her uncle's enterprises. Has declared the Queen's proceedings in France from the beginning, what pains she took to quiet it, and to accord the Prince and the Duke, wherein she thought to do as godly Princes ought in defence of God's cause and His Word. She answered that if her uncles could persuade themselves that that which the Prince defends were either the pure Word of God, or that their own were not a better religion than what the Protestants profess, they would as willingly adventure their bodies for that as they now do for the other.
3. Yesterday the 30th inst. there departed by sea a servant of hers into Flanders to pass into France. She took it unkindly that her letters, taken upon a servant of the Bishop of Ross, were taken from him and sent to the Court. She said they contained no matters of importance; but whereas the Bishop is like to die of the stone, having sent into France for a surgeon, much time is now lost, and he in danger of his life. Tempered the matter with good words, and thought her well pleased.
4. It is here well known what is become of the Earl of Bothwell, but over much feared of some that the favour that he shall receive from the Queen either by good treatment where he is, or by suit made for him, will be much more than shall be worthily bestowed upon such an enemy as he has been unto her.
5. Has conferred here with James Macconel, and found him well affectioned, and against no man sooner than Shane O'Neal. He is greatly grieved with the slaughter of his two kinsmen, Alester Macranalde Boye and Gelaspicke his brother. He said that the Lord Deputy intends to see it punished, and that Mr. Bruerton is determined to take the sea. Because the Earl of Argyll will be here in a day or two, he desires that they may farther commune together.
6. There arrived here upon Saturday Angelo Manello, an Italian, and in his company a servant of the Lord Admiral.
7. There being divers gentlemen that are ashamed to lie still, knowing what there is ado in France, asks Cecil that they may be employed as the Queen wills.—Edinburgh, last Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Ult. Jan. 1562. Pp. 4.
Jan. 31. 197. Randolph to Cecil.
There arrived here on Tuesday last the bearer, Wm. Pertrige, with letters from the Queen to this Queen on his suit for a ship taken in the waters of the King of Denmark. Details of the progress of the same suit.—Edinburgh, last Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Ult. Jan. 1562. Pp. 3.
Jan. 31. 198. Montgomery to Warwick.
As several opportunities of doing good service have presented themselves, he sends M. D'Orsay [Horsey], who will inform him of the particulars.—Dieppe, 31 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 31 Jan. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31. 199. The Rhinegrave to Warwick.
1. Captain Villebon having gone out with some soldiers, was wounded and taken into Havre, where he has experienced rude treatment from some Frenchmen. Desires him to act towards the prisoner as he would have any of his own men treated.— Rouen, 31 Jan. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Yesterday there came news that the Queen had sent for the Marshal De Vielleville to a conference, so there is some chance of a pacification.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31. 200. The Countess of Feria to Challoner.
Thanks him for his friendly care and memory to her lord and herself. Is sorry that this busy time of trouble has caused her to lose the benefit of harbouring him in "this simple lodge," but trusts that he will not forget his promise to the Count and her. Of the Queen's good recovery she is most joyful. "Lorence doth kiss your Lordship's hands, and saith he hath not forgetten you yet." Has been sore vexed of late with this common rheum and cough, as all her folk have been likewise. —Cafra, the last of January 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 8 Feb. by the hands of a servant of Don Pedro De Avila. Pp. 3.
Jan. 31. 201. Challoner to Cuerton.
In the matter of the wools, has not failed to solicit the Council. Purposes ere long to send one of his folk into England, by whom he will write him more at large.—Madrid, last of January 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 30 Jan. 1563. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31. 202. — to the Provost of Paris.
1. Saw M. L. yesterday, who told him that the Queen had informed him by one of her secretaries, that she and her Council had determined to send the Provost to the Tower, and not to treat him so well as had been done hitherto, because he had answered so disdainfully; and that he [the Provost] had told them that he would not answer them; not because he despised them for judges, but for other reasons. M. L. asked the secretary to desire the Queen to wait, as he would soon have news from the King, when he would satisfy her that he was not in the wrong.
2. Supped last night with " M. De Moy," who told him how desirous he was to be of service to the Provost. He told him that he could serve him in the following way, which he promised to do; viz., according to the treaty, hostages are not to be kept here more than three months, whereas he had been kept six, which was the time that he promised the Queen; and therefore desired him to write to the Queen for leave for the Provost to go away, (which he promised to do,) in which case he would use diligence to send the hostage who should come in his place; and that he had letters from the Queen Mother to the Queen begging that he might be sent back, together with the depositions and charges against him, when she would cause justice to be done. Desires him to make a mark on his answer, if he has received the letter which he sent yesterday.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 31 Jan. 1562. Provost of Paris. And by another hand: Letters of the Provost of Paris, being at Mr. Chester's house. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Jan.] 203. [— to the Provost of Paris.]
Sent him yesterday a letter in the neck of a bottle, which is there still. Is astonished that Marc did not find out what he [the writer] sent, as quickly as he did that which was sent to him. Captain Diaz does not send anything to him, and leaves to-morrow for France, where he can do better service than here, being so well instructed. It is possible that this venture may turn out very well for them, from what may happen hereafter. Sends his wine. Is sorry that he is obliged to remain indoors, as he dares not present himself in his present state to those with whom they have to do for his service. When he is certain that he has received this present letter he will write again.
Fragment Endd.: This copy Mr. Alderman Chester brought to your honour. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Jan.] 204. The Provost of Paris to —.
Will answer his letter fully to-morrow, but fears that they pretend not to know anything in order to see his answer. Desires him to write a letter asking him to send a shirt, or some such thing, and to write between the lines with the juice of an onion; when it is dry there will be no mark, but when he gets it he will warm it and read all. Will answer him in the same way. Let him send his letter sealed that the writer may perceive whether it has been opened.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Jan.] 205. The Provost of Paris to —.
Has received his two last, but has found nothing in the "dragee." Is vexed that he has not seen C. D., to whom he desires to be remembered. "The gentleman here" has told him that Throckmorton is coming in company with a Frenchman from the King, and will be here this evening or tomorrow, and will see into this matter before going. The report of the battle is bad; asks him to send what he known about it. He is to tell L. that the Council will be here again to-morrow, but he has determined not to open his mouth till A. has returned. Recommends D. to him. The little page could do much if he would. He may take the breeches of frieze. The H. is not as he has written. Asks him to send some money to D. who is ill and should see a doctor. Asks to be informed when A. arrives.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: Provost of Paris. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Jan.] 206. The Provost of Paris to —.
Asks for news of L. and of the pursuivant; and whether the wind has been fair for A. R., and when he returns, and also whether be has done anything with respect to Samcottz's son; as he directed him for D. He can send his answer in the lining of his breeches, which he will send for on Tuesday. He is not to fail to feast him and make him drink, and when he asks for them to tell him some falsehoods. The writer asks that he may be informed of the return of A. R.
Orig. [?] Endd.: Le Provost; per Chester. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Jan.] 207. The Provost of Paris to Marchant.
1. Desires him to tell M. [?] that he has only commission to speak to the Queen, but not to commit anything to writing. Has been considering whether he should demand an audience or not. It only remains with M. De Paz [?] that he has not . . . . several things. Desires to be remembered to his brother.
2. This little "Forges" who goes to the Tower will say plenty of things about C. . . . . The writer trusts in the person addressed. Desires to be remembered to C. D'I. if he has not started. Does not know why they have taken Le Gas sur Le Barbre [?], but it is a folly.
3. P. S.— Has any one written to him from France ?
Orig. Hol., injured by damp. Add.: N. Marchant. P. 1.
[Jan.] 208. — to the Provost of Paris.
Has received his letter. L. thinks that if anyone comes to M. he should continue to refuse to reply until the coming of . . . . . . He is a scoundrel who has done him this injury and caused him to draw his sword. He boasts that he will not cease to pursue him until he has taken his life. Captain Diaze started to-day at 4 o'clock, who will explain the matter to the Queen Mother and beg her to send another hostage, and ask the Queen to send him over to France with such charge and information that they may be able to judge of him. There is here a gentleman of Lord Robert, who has a brother prisoner in the hands of M. D'Anville who has promised to do what he could with Lord Robert for him in the hope that the courtesy might be returned on his brother. If M. D'Anville had not had the said prisoner, Captain Diaze would have been arrested here. They have sent the Viscount with him, in order that he may report what he has promised to do for [the Provest]. The rumour of the battle is false, . . . . will bring him a packet to-morrow evening. His brother sleeps in his bed. Mons. L. M. bears the expenses. He has not returned the paper.
Copy. Fr. P. 1. (fn. 1)
Jan.] 209. The Provost of Paris to—.
Changes his lodging, and goes this evening to Mr. Hanet's [Danet] house. Has received his letter. That of the "Dragee" has been burnt, without being noticed. Desires him to send the contents. Is sorry that C. D. is gone without leaving him any letters. Desires him to tell L. that he will tell the Council that when he has leave from the King to speak he will satisfy the Queen in all particulars of this matter. As he advertises him that "he" intends to murder him, the writer, he hopes that he will be preserved. He means to deal with him in the Italian fashion. Asks him to desire M. De Paz [?] to remember his friends.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Provost of Paris. Fr. P. 1. (fn. 2)
[Jan.?] 210. Scottish Prisoners in England.
The names of certain Scottish prisoners detained in England, among whom occur the sons of the Earls Marshal and Errol, and Lord Gray and others; with notes by Cecil respecting the persons with whom they are placed, etc.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.


  • 1. On the same leaf of paper as the following letter.
  • 2. On the same leaf of paper as the preceding letter.