Elizabeth: December 1562, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: December 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp581-594 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp581-594.

"Elizabeth: December 1562, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp581-594.

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December 1562, 21-25

Dec. 21. 1316. The Admiral of France to Warwick.
Although Condé is taken, yet he is well, and none of them intend to desist from their enterprise on that account. Desires him to beg the Queen to send over foot soldiers as quickly as possible. Their cavalry are in very good order, and did not lose above 80 or 100 men in the late battle, whilst that of the enemy was entirely defeated, and nearly all their principal captains taken, killed, or wounded. Is sure that now when Satan is making every effort, the Earl's courage will redouble.—Camp at Auneau, 21 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
Dec. 21. 1317. Smith to Cecil.
1. Wrote all the news to the Queen and the Lords yesterday. Captain Cockburn thought to have supped with him. Because the writer would yet know more certainly the truth of this matter, sent him with one of his [Smith's] men to the Court, who sends him this letter.
2. The Court removes in haste to Paris. It is said the Duke of Guise came thither last evening at midnight; that 30,000 men were slain; and that they were more spiteful upon the Swiss, as the Scots say here. When they in the chase made the slaughter they would cry, now they have revenged the English slain at Rouen.—St. Denis, 21 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Dec. 21. 1318. Vaughan to Cecil.
Thanks him for his discharge from this office. If no one is sent to take his place, he will tarry till the musters are passed, which will be in about seven days.—Newhaven, 21 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 21. 1319. Knolles and Mundt to Cecil.
1. By their last letters of the 14th inst. (sent by Mr. Manley to the Queen, the Council, and Cecil), he may understand of all things passed here. They arrived at Strasburg on the 15th inst. On the Friday following (the 18th inst.) the Emperor entered this town with a small company at the request of the magistrates, without any ceremony, excepting that certain citizens carried a canopy over his head. This was the first time of any good will showed unto them since they abolished the Interim and Mass. The next day after he visited the fortifications and munitions of the town, and received for a present a gilt cup with a thousand florins of gold, six tuns of wine, six oxen, a hundred sacks of oats, besides a great quantity of fish and fowl. He departed that night to Schelstadt; from thence he goes to Fribourg, Constance, and so to Inspruck, where he intends to rest. They hear the Turk's Ambassador was despatched at the Emperor leaving Frankfort, with his demands granted for the continuance of the truce for eight years, and restitution of all such prisoners as the Emperor has, and to have in reward 3,000 dollars, besides 1,000 to his family, and also the defraying of his charges from the first time he entered the Empire.
2. Since they came hither Mme. De Roy, mother-in-law to the Prince of Condé, and sister to the Admiral of France (of whom they wrote in their last, and sent her letters to the Queen), talked with them concerning the matters she wrote of to the Queen, declaring the peril of the Prince through want of money, and that it was not intended by this request to burden her with disbursing the same, but only to entreat her to become security therefor. She also said that certain cities of the Low Countries were content to lend the money to the Prince, and that she had sent to them to see whether, without troubling the Queen the money may be levied. As she was in doubt thereof, and it being of importance towards the maintenance or overthrow of the cause, she could not choose but repair unto the Queen for her succour in this behalf. They answered that they were certain that the Prince's cause was a matter of solicitude to the Queen, yet in consequence of her charges from the beginning of her reign she could not be able to take any more burdens upon her. They could not have satisfied their instructions without soliciting various persons until they came to some likelihood of their disposition.—Strasburg, 21 Dec. Signed.
Orig., in the hol. of Knolles. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 21. 1320. Challoner to Francis Challoner.
His letter by Beacon the merchant, signifying the death of their brother-[in-law], Farneham, arrived on the 2nd inst. Trusts his lease of the writer's manor is at a point, as he gave the commission to Farneham. As to his coming over, shall be glad of his company. As to his wife and daughter coming to this country, it is not fit to travel in. If he could study the law, and live at Lincoln's Inn, would contribute 20l. a year for three years towards his entertainment, and divers friends would help. Asks him to consult with Mr. Ferrers and Mr. Patten, and advertise the writer whether Lord Mountjoy will sell Hogsden House; also whether young Mr. Verney will part with the fee simple of Middle Claydon and for how much, and when the lease will be compassed at young Gifford's hands, and to enquire in what state their sister Helen is left in by her late husband.—Madrid, 21 Nov. 1562.
Hol. Draft, by Challoner, and endd. by him: M. to my brother Francis, by King. Pp. 2.
Dec. 21. 1321. Challoner to Peter Osborne.
1. Matters here depend upon those at home. and these men seem to mislike the English stirring, though they do not sit still themselves, Complains of the want of his diets, and fares like a soul in Limbo, looking for the redemption of Israel.
2. Begs to be remembered to Mr. Haddon and both their dames, and that he will not marvel at this letter written in bed at four o'clock in the morning.—21 Dec. 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by H. King. Pp. 2.
Dec. 21. 1322. Cuerton to Challoner.
Thanks for his two letters. Is glad to hear that he passed all well with King Philip. There are divers English ships on the coast. Three days past came a London ship which departed two months ago. There are two Plymouth ships here, and more are daily expected.—Bilboa, 21 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Dec. 22. 1323. The Admiral of France to the Queen.
Informs her of the capture of Condé, and the great loss sustained by the enemy's cavalry, and also of their determination to pursue their enterprise. Begs that she will send them succour.—Camp at Auneau, 22 Dec. 1562.
Orig., with seal. Add.: To the Queen. Endd. by Cecil: The Admiral of France. Fr. Pp. 2.
Dec. 22. 1324. Warwick to the Queen.
1. Sends herewith a letter to M. Beauvoir declaring that Condé is taken prisoner and sore hurt. The only impediment the French have now in France is Newhaven and her people; and he will either make a good account of his trust or else end his life among them.
2. The next news she shall hear from them will be about the storming of this town, and doubts not but she shall hear that Guise has had so hot a dwelling amongst them that he will soon have to leave his siege with shame.
3. It is no small comfort to him to see the willingness both of the captains and the poor soldiers. Will perceive by a letter to her Privy Council, whereunto all here have set their hands, how desirous her councillors are of serving.—Newhaven, 22 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Dec. 22.
Forbes, ii. 245.
1325. Warwick and Others to the Council.
1. This day the Rhinegrave sent a letter to M. De Beauvoir (which he encloses), by which it appears Condé and the Duke of Guise have had battle; and after a long fight the Guise had the best of it, the Prince being wounded and taken. After the first discomfiture, the Admiral assembled a power again and gave a fresh charge, but was defeated, yet took the Constable prisoner. Of this they had intelligence from Harfleur this day; and had suspicion thereof yesternight about 8 p.m. by the shot of the ordnance at Honfleur, with fires thereabouts, which they suspected was upon some triumph, and the rather because at the same time two trumpets sounded in several places within less than half a mile of the town. If this news is true, the next will be a summons of this town; for the defence whereof they are determined to expose their lives to the last man.— Newhaven, 22 Dec. 1562. Signed: Warwick, Poulet, Ponyngs, Vaughan, Bromefeld, Fysscher.
2. P. S.—Since the writing hereof an Englishman came from the Rhinegrave, that spoke with a Scotchman who was taken with the Prince and sent to the Rhinegrave; he confirmed the said news in every point. Enclosed is a note of certain wants of munition from the master of the ordnance. A great number of soldiers are sick. Upon the closing hereof one came from Montivilliers, that was present at the opening of certain letters of these news, wherein it was specified that Guise, D'Aumale, M. D'Anville, with Marshal St. André, are wounded, and that D'Andelot is slain, and the Prince wounded in the face, at his taking, with a curtilace.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Dec. 22. 1326. Smith to the Council.
1. While at dinner on the 21st inst. M. De Sevre came by the Queen's order to tell him about this battle. And he first told him that yesternight the King was certified every word as Smith had before written, insomuch that the Spanish Ambassador was about sending away his packet of the same news, save that Marshal Montmorency, Governor of Paris, stopped it; because he would not have such evil tidings so suddenly sent away.
2. This morning, M. De la Brosse, Governor of the Prince of Navarre, being one of the Masters du Camp, brought a letter to the King written by the Duke of Guise. The contents whereof were, that the Prince was taken, that Admiral Châtillion and D'Andelot were gone towards Orleans; that the former has taken the Constable prisoner and carried him away with 500 horse; that St. André following in the chase with 150 horse of the same band was taken; and that all the Prince's Almain and French footmen were defeated. That the other side had only nine Spaniards killed, and only a few of the others. As soon as the King arrived in Paris he went to the great church of Nôtre Dame to give thanks, and this night he will return to Vincennes.
3. The Duke of Guise was the first to alight from his horse to receive Condé with courtesy, and so treated him that the Prince weeps and says that he never meant but quietness.
4. The Grand Prior is hurt in the thigh; and D'Aumale was unhorsed, and nearly all the army went over him, but through his strong harness he escaped, and has but one finger "broshed" and injured. The battle was about Mezières, near Dreux. It began by a little skirmish, and supplies arriving from each camp, it came to a battle. The Constable making haste, had his band broken first; thereupon a page of his fled, who brought the first news, and thought, (because his master was taken), that all was lost. D'Anville was neither taken nor killed.
5. Sevre further told Smith that he had been with the Duke of Guise's wife, who upon hearing the first news was almost dead for sorrow, but when she heard of this she revived; and that the Cardinal of Bourbon told him, weeping, that yet he was glad his brother was alive, and therefore trusted that seeing the chiefs on both sides were alive, there should be some good accord made, and also that he should do somewhat in it.
6. After much talking about these matters, and the writer something answering, Italian like, (he begs them to think him a little Italian when he talks with Italians), Sevre said that he would not bind his honour to all this; he told what he was bidden, and as he saw in Guise's letter, which was very evilly written.
7. Sevre then spoke of the writer's last demand of Calais, and how the treaty does not bear it, nor was it his first demand, and that the English could not desire it before the time. Smith confessed that he had not the treaty, as he looked to have it from Throckmorton. They then spoke of the interference of Spain; King Philip might do something. "Believe what you will," said Smith, "King Philip will not fall out with the English, they had been friends too long." "Nay, England and traffic are too much joined," said he, "and it is not Calais which is likely to trouble the world. It is the new Emperor's controversy, and their's here in France." "Let the matters betwixt them be ended," said Smith, "and let other awhile blow the coal, or if the world must needs be in a broil, perhaps the English will not lie still."
8. Noted divers things which caused him to harken. One was about the controversy between King Philip and the new Emperor; another that this in France seemed not to be ended; and the last was his sending to England for Sir Henry Dudley before he was half appointed to come. Thinks Sevre's account of the battle is only partly true. As he was writing this, the bellman was going about the streets here, in the Cardinal of Lorraine's name, who is Abbot here, bidding them come to evensong, sing the Te Deum, and give God thanks for the victory against the enemies of the King and the Holy Church. The same was sung throughout Paris.
9. Is in great fear about Throckmorton, who he thinks was in the Prince's camp, with M. De Plessie, and Middlemore and his man Nicholas; all of whom left the writer before day-break on Friday. And the day before Abraham, his lackey, a Frenchmen, went another way to see before how he should be treated and to bring the writer word if aught were amiss. Cannot hear anything of anyone of them.— St. Denis, Tuesday, 22 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Dec. 22. 1327. Marinello Moches [?] to Thomas Shackerley.
Received Shackerley's letter in the evening as he returned from the procession to Nôtre Dame in honour of the victory. The second intelligence is very different from the first. Enumerates the Duke's losses. He attempted to rescue the Constable, who is now in a castle near Orleans, surrounded by the Duke's troops. Is sorry for Shackerley's position, and will help him.—Paris, 22 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: News of the Cardinal of Lorraine's house touching the battle. Ital. Pp. 3.
Dec. 22. 1328. Leighton to Smith. (fn. 1)
Information respecting the battle of Dreux. Throckmorton is taken prisoner, and the Rhinegrave has defeated nine English companies going to Caudebec under M. De Beauvoir.
A few notes by Smith. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Dec. 22. 1329. Edward Horsey to Cecil.
1. On the 21st inst. certain French soldiers sent to Dieppe by MM. Bricquemault and Beauvoir have practised there so well that they have taken possession of the town and castle, slain M. Ricarville, captain of the castle, and Bacquevill, captain of the town. Montgomery and all the French soldiers who were here went this day to Dieppe.
2. They are informed that Condé is within two or three days' march of this town.
3. Has not succeeded in obtaining a grave Frenchwoman to wait upon and teach his daughter the French tongue.— Newhaven, 22 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 22. 1330. — Cockburn to Cecil.
1. There are some letters of his in the Ambassador's packet addressed to the Queen of Scots, containing news of the taking of the Duke of Guise and his accomplices, which, if it had laid in him, should have continued true. Desires him (if he thinks it good) to send them with these last letters, that she may thereby perceive his diligence.—22 Dec. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Asks him again to send the other writing. Mr. Randolf may comfort her with the other news, to whom he asks Cecil to write.
Orig. The P.S. in Cockburn's hol. Add. Endd.: Cockburne to Sir Tho. Smith. Pp. 2.
Dec. 22. 1331. [Cecil to John Vertusius.]
Received his letter dated at Cologne on 1st October, which he showed to the Queen, from which and from the report of Mr. George Cobham, she easily perceived his zeal, for which she thanks him. It is not convenient to send a nobleman to him, but she would be glad to talk to him, or to anyone sent with his communication. If he does not approve of either of these courses, then he can use the enclosed cipher, the counter- part to which the Queen has securely locked up. Need scarcely warn him to keep this matter secret. The bearer, though trustworthy, is ignorant of this matter.—22 Dec. 1562.
Draft, in Ascham's hol. Lat. P. 1.
Dec. 22. 1332. Challoner to Mason.
1. Perceives by his last letter how friendly he conceives of the writer not hearing from home oftener. "By my letters sent presently to the Queen ye shall perceive what I have now in the execution of my charge, as farforth as the quality of the matter after so late an imparting thereof to minds here otherwise preoccupied was likely to give impression, wherein our pretences for religion ye may soon guess how they allowed; and as for our protection of French subjects against the Guises' tyranny, Rouen and Dieppe bear witness of. I can say no more, but wish well."
2. The last letters to him bear date 11th of October, which makes his dealings raw with these men, as the King and Council are made daily acquainted with what passes.
3. Unless the jars in France come to some good end this winter he looks for all parts to be hot next summer. These men do not sleep. Asks him to tell Sir Richard Sackville that he scarcely knows how he rubs on for want of the payment of his diets.—Madrid, 22 Dec. 1562.
Draft, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 4.
Dec. 23. 1333. The Queen to Sir William Keilway.
When Sir Hugh Paulet went last to Newhaven he left with him a certain sum in gold, whereof he shall deliver 1,000l. to Thomas Abington.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 23. 1334. The Rhinegrave to Warwick.
Has received his letter, the language of which is too piquant. Imagines that Warwick must have been imposed upon by some Frenchman, who took advantage of his ignorance of the language, and desires him to tell that person (whoever he is) that his letter has caused amusement. Will always esteem Warwick as a nobleman of quality. Intends to do his duty to the King to the uttermost.—Montivillier, 23 Dec. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Dec. 23. 1335. Smith to Cecil.
1. Though his second packet was contrary to the two first, yet it was written as the King was certified here from the camp on Monday night, by M. De Villeville and the Bishop of Limoges. The same night two posts also came to the King, one about midnight and the other about three o'clock, all fortifying the first news, until M. De la Brosse brought the latter news to the King's breakfast, which the Queen sent to the writer the same day (yesterday), as he has already written. Had sent his man Barlow with the first good news, making shift yesterday morning with an old passport, now mended. Captain Cockburn dined with the writer when M. De Sevre came, but durst not be seen by him, and so got away before. Understanding the news to be contrary, the Captain offered to bring his man back before he reached England, which he accepted, and he made such shift that he overtook him near Amiens, and so before he could get a new passport to despatch this packet the Captain returned, for which he liberally rewarded him. He learned by the way that the French Ambassador's secretary, who was not two posts before him, had spread the first news abroad wheresoever he came; and, so by all likelihood, Cecil will have them from him.
2. Asks him to take into consideration the case as it stands. The Prince is taken, and his power defeated. If the Admiral and D'Andelot have got into Orleans with their prisoners, the Constable and St. André and 500 horse, or as some say 800, and if Guise and his company do not defeat them by the way, how long will the Admiral be allowed to keep it, having little or no artillery, and not three ensigns of footmen and horsemen?
3. When he had written thus far he received news from Mr. Leighton, prisoner in M. D'Anville's house at Paris. If Sir Nicholas is a prisoner, as Leighton writes, then Middlemore and the rest are taken; and fears the Queen's plate is lost, and also his horse which he lent. Thinks that M. De Plessy cannot be prisoner, and that some of his men will yet come to him [Smith].—St. Denis, 22 Dec. 1562.
4. Doubts whether the Papists had so great a victory as they make out. Hears that there was but a tail of the Prince's host cut off, and that the Admiral has 5,000 horse with him at Orleans, together with almost all the spoil of the other camp. The French keep the gates of Paris more strait than ever, and this day they had another solemn procession, attended by the Queen and all the Cardinals.
5. Believes that not only is Sir Nicholas prisoner, but also Middlemore, and Nicholas, the writer's "fourrier," who went for him, or else they are slain. Prays he will send over Mr. Shers, and some one who can speak French.
6. There are slain on the Duke's side 200 dukes, lords, and other notable gentlemen. Cannot learn that any one of note is slain on the Prince's side, and not so many killed as the Papists report. They are so proud of their victory that they will not let him have a passport. Trusts Cecil will take sure heed to his hostages, and remember what he wrote about Lord James and the Scottish Queen, which is most certain, and begs he will take heed of practice. Wishes Cecil to ask the Queen of Scots' secretary (who has tarried here these four months, booted and spurred,) what reward he had at his departure. They are well received who could not pay the soldiers at Paris, except they had pulled down the steeple at Vincennes, and sold the lead thereof.—23 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 23. 1336. John Young to Cecil.
1. This day came three or four Englishmen from Dieppe, who declared that a gentleman of the Prince, named James Gaskon, who was secretly in Dieppe for ten or twelve days, had agreed with certain of M. Ricarville's servants (who had the keeping of the castle), and with certain of the township of Dieppe, to destroy the said Ricarville. This was appointed to be done last Sunday, between 7 and 8 a.m., and the token between Ricarville's men and Gaskon was a piece of ordnance to be shot towards the sea, and immediately the gates to be opened. This being done, Gaskon, with 400 men entered the castle, and Ricarville, being in another chamber of office, asked his chamberlain what was meant by this number of men, and took up his harquebus and thought to have slain his chamberlain, who took him in his arms and held him, and the men entering in, one of them with a halbert killed him out of hand; so the said Gaskon keeps the castle for the King and the Prince.
2. This done, they took M. Bacqueville and kept him safe in the house of Robert Goven. It was thought that if this had not happened, the Marquis D'Elbœuf would have come to Dieppe on Christmas eve with seven ancients, and have suddenly destroyed the town and distributed the spoil amongst his own and Ricarville's soldiers.
3. They say that the Prince will be at Honfleur to-night, and means to have all the holds between Honfleur and Rouen, and that M. Montgomery will come with certain harquebusiers into Dieppe, which they mean to deliver into his keeping.—Rye, 23 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 23. 1337. Battle of Dreux.
1. Two hundred gentlemen slain of the Duke of Guise's party. The Admiral keeps the field. Divers prisoners slain or wounded, and the greatest part of the Switzers slain.
2. On the contrary part; Condé having won the battle, by negligence was taken. No man of any name taken or slain, but many of the Almain footmen.
3. The account is of the slaughter of 15,000 men on both parts.—Paris, 23 Dec. 1562.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 24. 1338. Randolph to Cecil.
A gentleman of this country, Manon Hogge, being lately advertised that his son, Alexander Hogge, was apprehended at Tenby for suspicion of piracy in a ship named the "Sunday," and that divers that were in the same ship were executed, and the said Alexander and others reserved under the Queen's mercy, craves pardon for his son, and that he may have his ship restored, with which he will do service in apprehending the pirates that are now upon the coast. Certain noblemen have required Randolph to write to Cecil hereon.— Edinburgh, 24 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 24. 1339. Maurice Denys to Cecil. (fn. 2)
1. Having received no answer to the letters sent him from Portsmouth, Rye, and Newhaven, and having been sick, has not troubled him. Sends a declaration of all his accounts since entering this service until the end of November, showing what is paid and unpaid, and what is due on the 28th inst.
2. Sends herewith his clerk, Hugh Councell, to answer anything doubtful, and to confer with Armagil Wade about the payments which he made at Rye.
3. Begs that they will send some money quickly.—Newhaven, 24 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Dec. 24. 1340. Smith to Cecil.
1. This day had an interview with the Queen at the Louvre. Commenced by saying that he knew the rest of the Ambassadors were there, with their congratulations upon this victory, and he would not omit his duty. Though her men had gained the victory, yet she had also cause to be sorry, as their were so many great lords and good captains slain.
2. She replied that she well understood that both victories and defeats were injurious to her son, and therefore she was desirous that it should not have come to a battle. She offered them such conditions as they desired touching religion, but they sought something else. The loss was not great; the Constable was the only one taken, and he is now at Orleans, well and merry, and St. André, La Brosse, and the Constable's sons are all that were slain. She trusts she will shortly bring the Prince's party to reason; he shows himself very pliable and obedient.
3. In reply to his question about what had become of Sir Nicholas, she said that he was well and safe at Nogent-leRoy. She and the King and all the Court thought for a while the Prince had the victory, and that all was lost; and that as soon as she knew any certainty about it she sent him word by M. De Sevre. Enquired if she were sure that Sir Nicholas was not hurt. "He is not of a truth," she said, "he is prisoner there, for he was always with the Prince."
4. Sir Nicholas, she said, had asked for a safe-conduct, and such things as he knew would not be granted him; and he has done but evil office, and not the duty of an Ambassador; for whereas they had been at the point long ere this, he always set back and made the matter worse. She would send for him and tell him a piece of her mind, and then send him home to his mistress and let her chastise him.
5. He then asked whether she had the answer ready to his demand. She was so busy, she said, that she had scarcely leisure enough to sign letters, but would send it to him in a day or two. He had before told her, he said, that he was not lodged at ease at St. Denis, where he was, as it were in a prison, and that the other Ambassadors did not lodge there. He would not be safe without the gates, she said; and also that she had spoken to Montmorency that he should have any lodging he desired in Paris. He said that he thought it marvellous strange that the gentleman having the charge of Middlemore and his "fourrier" should not, at the least, have seen them in safety.
6. This conversation did not a little amaze him, especially about Mr. Middlemore and Nicholas, for the men here have neither faith or conscience, nor any regard for blood. Thinks that Sir Nicholas and his man, and also Middlemore and Nicholas, are either slain, wounded, or fled. — St. Denis, Christmas eve, 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
Dec. 24. 1341. Memorial for John Somers.
1. After the delivery of the Queen's letters to the King of France, he shall declare that she, hearing of a proclamation of war made at Paris about 11th inst. against her, and finding by the complaints of the latter in sundry places that they have been treated in an hostile manner, has caused her Council to enquire of the Ambassadors and hostages here, what they could say thereto. They admitted that there was a rumour of such a matter at Paris, but they took it that no such thing was intended by the French King.
2. Because such reports are made not only in France and in the Low Countries and also in England, but also because such matter was published by sound of trumpet in Paris, she sends him to enquire what they intend.
3. He shall use all good means (if they deny the proclamation) to procure a public revocation. He shall then speak about the arrest of some of her subjects at Boulogne, and likewise of the apprehension of the ship at Bordeaux and Conquet, setting out the grievances thereof according as he shall receive information.
Draft by Cecil, and dated and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
Dec. 25. 1342. Charges at Berwick.
1. Charges for the old and new garrison for a year ending Christmas 1562, 21,992l. 13s. 4d., whereof received 18,625l. 2s. 11d.
2. Extraordinary charges for a whole year, for Randolph, etc., and the fortifications, 10,129l. 4s. 6d., whereof received 100l. Of this latter sum the works and fortifications cost 8,824l. 4s. 4d.
Notes at the foot in Winchester's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 25. 1343. The Admiral Châtillon to Throckmorton.
Was grieved to hear the news which he sent. Has placed his train and baggage near his own people, who left yesterday for Orleans. Hearing that he is on his way to England, he sends them to him.—From the camp at Platté, 25 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Modern transcript of an original, formerly among the Conway Papers. P. 1.
Dec. 25. 1344. John Young to Cecil.
This day arrived two merchants of Dieppe, who say that on Thursday the 17th were slain by the Prince's power 500 Spaniards two miles from Chartres, and the Friday following the Prince with his army met the Guises and they fought all Saturday; and that in the battle D'Aumale, St. André, and another nobleman of the Guises was slain, and the Constable was taken prisoner and is in the keeping of the Admiral. D'Andelot also was slain, and the Count Rochefoucault sore hurt; and they say that the number lost on both sides was 15,000 or 16,000 men, but who has the greatest loss is not yet known. Before the battle Guise sent M. Brissac with 1,500 men to Rouen to keep the town, and the day after the battle he sent for him in all haste. They never ceased fighting from the morning until night parted them. They say that the Prince is now coming towards Normandy, and Guise tarries still there. Montgomery has not come to Dieppe. They of that town are much afraid of the Guise's soldiers.—Rye, 25 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 25. 1345. Stores for Newhaven.
Miscellaneous stores to be provided for Newhaven. Pp. 3.
Dec. 25. 1346. Cecil to Challoner.
After he had sealed up his letter; news came from Rye that on Thursday last the Prince's power killed 500 Spaniards near Chartres [as in Young's letter to Cecil, 25 Dec. No. 1344] Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Described by Smith, in a note prefixed, as "News which Layton sent to me this morning, by the report of M. D'Anville's mouth to him at Paris yesternight at ten of the clock at night."
  • 2. On the spare leaf of this letter are written in Latin by Cecil the following notes: — 1559. The religion of Christ restored. Foreign authority rejected. Peace given to Christendom by the three most powerful Sovereigns. 1560. The French, at the request of the Scots, partly by force, partly by agreement, sent back to France, and Scotland set free from the servitude of the Pope. 1561. The debased copper and brass coinage replaced by gold and silver. England, formerly unarmed, supplied more abundantly than any other country with arms, munitions, and artillery. 1562. The tottering Church of Christ in France succoured, and the kingdom of the infant King, afflicted by sedition, is consoled by the Queen of England and conditions of peace proposed.