Elizabeth: December 26 to 311562

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: December 26 to 311562', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp594-609 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 26 to 311562', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp594-609.

"Elizabeth: December 26 to 311562". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp594-609.

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December 26 to 311562

Dec. 26. 1347. The Queen to the Admiral.
The bearer, M. St. Maria (who is desirous of repairing to him), will inform him how troubled she is to hear of some adverse accident there.
Draft by Cecil, and dated and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
Dec. 26. 1348. The Privy Council to Warwick.
1. They approve of his preparing to withstand the enemy; and commend his comfortable writing of himself and his company. The Queen is determined to assist him with all things necessary for his preservation.
2. It is ordered that 1,200 soldiers (who are ready in Norfolk and Suffolk,) shall be forthwith sent to him, with 200 pioneers; and 800 out of the 1,200 shall be without special captains, because he may place such as he has there without charge. 1,000 pioneers will be sent to him from Kent, London, Hertfordshire, Sussex, and Hampshire, and more if possible; but those sort of people are so scant here that it were easier to send so many more soldiers. Will send 2,000 mattrasses of two sorts.
3. Touching the impost of beer, they have ordered that none shall be charged with it who will be bound to come thither, so he may abate a mark on every tun. Hand-mills and horse-mills are already shipped; also English iron from Sussex; and the Spanish will be sent from London. They remit to his discretion the monthly allowance of 2 lbs. of powder to every raw arquebusier. They could be content that they had the 200 lances offered by Mr. Saintleger, if hay and oats could be made for them.
4. Provision of victuals shall be made for four months, whereof two months' provision to be at Newhaven, one at Portsmouth, and the fourth in coming to Portsmouth, so as to keep a continuance thereof.
5. As he requires Abington to receive a further proportion of money, they request him to inform them how the money due upon the victuals, delivered to the garrison before the last muster and pay, is answered.
6. Touching the provision of oils, which are very dear, honey, vinegar, and stock fish, they will do as much therein as possible. They think that a good example should be given by the captains and superiors to the soldiers in unserviceable expense of victuals; which they doubt not but he will have regard to himself. An order was given to Newcastle, before he wrote, for a staple of coals from thence. His last request for a mass of money will be cared for.
7. They have heard the opinions of Portinary and Mr. Worseley, and they remember Mr. Lee's opinion about the fortifications. Some would have the outer town fortified and guarded with a garrison, because the ground therein is of most advantage to the enemy. Others would have it spoiled by making trenches and causeways. Some by demolishing the two bulwarks there. Their Lordships mislike none of them, if time might serve.
8. They have been spoken to about a long wall betwixt the bulwark La Grange and the Vidame's tower; wherein the best surety is to make a platform of timber at the Vidame's tower and at one of the elbows of the same wall, to flank not only the wall but also the curtain of the bulwark La Grange.
9. If the siege should come, if he has any friends who have ships there, he may offer them the courtesy to come with their ships into England, otherwise all of them (saving such as he shall occupy for his fortifications) should be put out of the haven and burnt, to prevent any danger.
10. All the women and children and the rest of the Frenchmen there must be sent away; and rather than they should be destroyed by the enemy, he is to send them to divers ports in England. But they would rather that they were disposed in their own countries. He is not either for money or reward to let any salt fish or victuals be permitted to go from thence to Rouen, or elsewhere.
11. They have received sundry complaints from victuallers that they are molested by exactions by the water bailiff, which they beg that he will see remedied.
Hol. Draft by Cecil, and dated and endd. by him. Pp. 7.
[Dec. 26.] 1349. The Privy Council to Lord —. (fn. 1)
They request that he will speedily send (as directed by the Queen's letters), not only the 600 soldiers levied there, but also 100 pioneers.
Draft in Cecil's hol. P. 1.
Dec. 26. 1350. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Since he wrote of the battle he has received no certainty thereof. So bloody a battle betwixt so small a number was never seen in France, at which twelve of the order were slain, besides a great number of Guisians and 4,000 Spaniards, and those who escaped hurt and maimed for the most part.
2. D'Aumale has his arm broken; St. André and D'Anville are slain, and the Constable taken, by whose means some hope of peace may be conceived, They will see by the Rhinegrave's letter enclosed, that the field was more than once gained and regained, and that it was held by the Prince for a long time, but in the end Guise possessed it,
3. This morning Montgomery goes to Dieppe with 300 soldiers from hence, and looks for 200 from Caen, and purposes to make them up to 1,000. Desires that the Queen will see them paid, for otherwise the Count will not be able to keep them long together. He had 400 crowns of the writer before he went to England, and now 1,400 more, which are not enough for his present necessity.
4. Begs that a good mass of money may be speedily sent hither for the payment of the garrison, which, by Mr. Treasurer's estimate, will on Monday next, amount to 10,000l.
5. Besides this, Beauvoir has under him 200 soldiers, more than 100 are at Tancarville, upon whom he has disbursed 2,000 francs.
6. The Treasurer had not money enough to pay the Scotch band, which cannot serve without present payment for the provision of horse meat, which is both dear and ill to be come by, because of their evil neighbours.—Newhaven, 26 Dec. 1562. Signed.
7. P.S.—This day the Count took leave of him and said that Guise and the Constable are both hurt, that D'Aumale is dead, that the Admiral keeps the field, with all the artillery, and that the Duke of Bouillon last Monday caused the Gospel to be preached at Caen, which before he would never permit. But they do not credit these reports.
8. Captain Mosoner (who serves at Tancarville with 100 footmen) has promised to make in lieu thereof fifty horsemen, and to have in the same a number of gentlemen well appointed, which is thought here will do better service than 100 footmen, and the Queen's charges not increased thereby.
9. Mr. Bary died this day, in whose place of Provost Marshal he has appointed Mr. Robinson, and in his room Arthur Higham, his brother's man.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 26. 1351. Sir Hugh Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. In consideration of the large circuit of the town, and the rawness and weakness of its fortifications, they require such a number as was lately requested by the Lieutenant, together with victuals and money. The want of the latter is such that at the next month's pay they will be quite out of it, and a portion of the last pay, ending the 30th ult., remains unpaid The odds and ends, the Frenchmen serving in the town, at Dieppe, and Tancarville, and what will be due in other respects, will be near 10,000l. The Treasurer affirms also that he has not the value of one penny of the Queen's treasure, but is in debt for money borrowed to satisfy former needful payments, and the store of victuals can scarcely satisfy for fourteen days, as the late certificate will declare.
2. The enemy should be made to understand that Newhaven and Dieppe are so manned, fortified, and victualled as neither of them could be easily taken, and that the Queen should have an army in readiness to be sent to succour either of those places as occasion shall require.—Newhaven, 26 Dec. 1562. Signed.
3. P.S.—They cannot dessemble here with the French touching their estate; for they are so mingled with them, and they having occasion to repair to and fro must need daily understand their case in all respects. If the Prince and Guise should come to peace, all the French factions will be included, and they will employ their forces and policies upon repossessing Newhaven, and practise so that those whom the English now take to be friends may privily work treason.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
Dec. 26. 1352. Sir Maurice Denys to the Privy Council.
1. Sends a declaration of his account from the beginning of his charge to the 17th ult., and for the last of the same, with a note of what is due and unpaid, and what will be due on the 28th inst., amounting to 8,290l. 5s. There has been a great increase of expenses since his last advertisement, of which a greater part is due on the 28th inst., and of which 1,300 crowns are due to the French bands since the arrival of Sir Hugh Poulet.
2. Has herein proceeded upon the warrants of the Lord Lieutenant.—Newhaven, 26 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 26. 1353. Smith to Cecil.
1. This day, being at dinner, the Spaniard, formerly Sir Nicholas's "fourrier," came and said that the Queen was gone towards the camp at Dreux, where the Duke of Guise is with Condé, who is sick, and that they have some hope of an accord. At which the writer smiled, and said that whenever the Queen talked about an accord mischief always followed, as at Orleans, Bourges, and now at Paris. "No," he replied, "the Prince has not a greater friend in France than the Queen."
2. As the Spaniard had before served Sir Nicholas, and as he told the writer that he was going to the camp within two days, he got him to promise that he would go there to-morrow and carry a letter for him to Sir Nicholas, of which a copy is enclosed, with a copy of one sent by another messenger.
3. This day learnt from the Cardinal's house by report of Count Mirandula's brother, (who was on the Papists' side, and taken and spoiled at this battle, and who only returned home on Christmas day,) that at Dreux, the preacher, who was taken at the same time as the Prince was put to execution, that the English Ambassador there was wounded, and in danger, and that he was well attended by the Duke of Guise.
4. The Spaniard said that the occasion of the Turk's Ambassador's coming here was to offer the Turk's daughter in marriage to the French King, and with her eight millions of gold, and what aid the King thinks meet; and that she would follow such religion as the King should take, whether it be Calvin's or the Papists'.
5. On Christmas day, 200 Italian and Albanese horsemen came to Paris from Piedmont, and are going to the Duke of Guise, who masses again all the people he can, and his army now numbers 16,000 or 17,000. The rest of the Piedmont force in the garrisons is coming after.
6. This day the poor peasants came here for meat, bread, and wine, as a company of soldiers had come to the village near here. They are said to number seven or eight score, and to have come from Calais. There passed by Montmorency (a village not more than two leagues hence) 2,000 of the Prince's Almain soldiers who were defeated, and were being conducted to Flanders, and report that they had neither sword, dagger, or knife, but each had a staff. Could not at first learn whether they were those ruiters who at the defeat fled into a castle, and being besieged by Guise, rendered themselves up, or whether they were lanzknechts, but has since ascertained that they are Almains, those "lowbies" who did such evil in the Prince's camp; that of the 2,000 Guise has chosen 400 of the likeliest and sent them to the Rhinegrave; the rest were sent away under the conduct of 100 horse, and sworn not to bear arms against France for six months.—St. Denis, St. Stephen's day, 26 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 26. 1354. N. Stopio to Mason.
Wrote last Saturday, since which time the enclosed news have arrived. (fn. 2) It is reported to-day that Avignon is taken, but as this is a great festival, the letters have not been read, or the intelligence published. Letters from Florence of the 19th mention the death of the Duchess. The wife of Paulo Jordano Ursino has been detected in adultery. Jordano Ursino has left the service of the French and entered that of the Venetians.—Venice, 26 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Dec. 27. 1355. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
1. Received his letters of the 9th inst. yesterday, and one from the Council, the answer to which he herewith sends by his clerk. Has according to his request written to Mr. Randolph, and sent besides his diets due one month in advance; who requested him to ask Cecil that they may be enlarged.
2. Before he received his letter they heard of the death of their late Lord Governor.
3. Since the beginning of the matter in France, has suspected that this garrison and place would not continue at such a charge because of the expenses that way; yet he is sorry that hereby so many soldiers and men of experience should now be cassed. Asks that those who have long served, and the fifty gunners of the great ordnance, who came from Guisnes, may, upon this cassment, be translated to serve elsewhere. The 200 who arrived here last will be glad to be cassed and return to their country.
4. If it is meant that the works should cease, it would be better to be done at once, with the money he has.—Berwick, 27 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 27. 1356. Charges at Berwick.
1. A brief of all money received by the Treasurer for the charges there, for the three quarters ending Michaelmas 1562, amounting to 17,885l. 6s. 7d.; also of the charges for the same time, viz. for the old and new garrisons, and the extraordinary charges, amounting to 25,551l. 4s. 6d.; leaving due, 7,665l. 17s. 11d.
2. The sum due to the garrisons for the quarter ending the 21st inst., 4,790l. 13s. 4d., and for the works 1,680l., amounts to 6,470l.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 27. 1357. Smith to the Queen.
1. Likes well the proceedings mentioned in her letters of the 23rd inst. Things standing as they do now on the turn, if that determination is not executed, intends to stay it a while; but thinks if it is done, it little matters.
2. They were not greatly inclined to demand peace before upon the price of Calais, and they will be further off now They do but watch until they can either separate the Queen from the Prince, or first defeat the one and then set upon the other. All treating of peace is dissembled, and their having had this advantage over the Prince, will now seek to break with her. They have lost many good captains, but all their trust is in the Duke of Guise, whom they think invincible. He is very skilful, painful, and fortunate.
3. The Queen stays a time to answer his demands, and now is gone to the camp to speak with the Prince and Guise.
4. Has lately been informed that Dieppe is revolted, and the English soldiers have had an overthrow about Caudebec, and that Dieppe and Tancarville were taken by the French. It being winter nothing great can be done, and all their forces are in a manner together again; and if they consume themselves upon one another this season, they will either be weary or she shall have the less to do next spring.—St. Denis, Sunday, 27 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 27. 1358. Jo. Somer to Cecil [?]
1. Embarked at Dover on Sunday morning, and not being able to reach Boulogne, therefore was very glad to "claw Calais." It is weakly furnished with men. The overthrow is not so plainly spoken of here as in England. Was told that the Queen Mother understanding that the slaughter was great and continued, and fearing that the realm might be endangered by the loss of so many great men on both sides, sent letters and a special message to the governor here to have great care of his charge, and to assure all for fear of a sudden attack by the English.
2. They speak fair and show the writer every courtesy, which moves him no more than common courtesy requires. Landed here about 10 a.m. Although this is a holyday, could not see more than 200 soldiers in the place. The ditch from the Lantern gate to the Water gate is very dry, and the rest on that side have not much water.— Calais, 27 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Nearly entirely in cipher. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Dec. 27.] 1359. Decipher of the ciphered passages of the above.
P. 1.
Dec. 27. 1360. Declaration of Sir Maurice Denys.
1. "Declaration of all the Queen's treasure which has come to the hands of Treasurer, Sir Maurice Denys, Knight, from the 10th of September to the 20th of October 1562, together with several defrayments out of the same;" viz., received, 14,000l.; paid, 13,971l. 6s. 7d.; balance 28l. 13s. 5d.; 1,250l. unpaid to certain bands, and due to the whole garrison to the 28th of December, 7,040l. 5s.; total, 8,290l. 5s. Encreased charges since his last advertisement for tasking 1,000 soldiers at 6d. a piece per diem, 700l., and for the stone jetty, with mason's work, 300l.; total, 1,000l.
2. Cannot make an estimate of what the monthly charges will be for 500 Frenchmen under Montgomery and Beauvoir. —Newhaven, 27 Dec. 1562.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 13.
Dec. 27. 1361. Soubize to Madame Le Roye.
Has received her letter of the 7th inst., and also one from Hottoman; the news contained in which about France is incorrect, although that about Germany may be right. The Count De Beauvoir is well. M. De Cursolles is raising men and money. Has not heard from the Prince or the Admiral for a long time. Has learnt, however, from another source that they have retired from Paris, and that M. De Genlis has gone over to the Duke of Guise. They have fallen back upon Normandy in order to join the English. Their camp is only four leagues from that of the enemy, so that a battle is imminent. M. De Nemours and the Baron Des Adrets have agreed on an armistice for some days for Dauphiné solely; during which Adrets assembled the gentlemen of Dauphiné, and proposed that they should acknowledge M. De Nemours as the King's lieutenant, promising them that in the towns where the Mass had been abolished it should not be restored, and in those where it existed, churches should be allotted to the preachers. They, however, would not agree, saying, that as M. De Nemours had his authority by patents from the King of Navarre, who was dead, the said patents were void until confirmed by Condé, who now held the principal position in the realm. They are in treaty for a further suspension of arms. M. De Nemours is at Villefranche, watching for an opportunity to surprise them. He has endeavoured to get Soubize to recognize him as the King's lieutenant, offering him the lieutenancy of this town. Soubize replied that he could recognize no other as chief than Condé, to whom he was bound in honour.—Lyons, 27 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 3.
Dec. 28. 1362. Warwick to the Queen.
1. Received this day a letter from the Admiral Châtillon, by which it appears he should have received another enclosed from Condé, written before the battle, but it has not come to hand. Has sent her the Admiral's letter, and another which M. Beauvoir received from him, containing an account of the battle. The Admiral intends to go forward with this enterprise, and asks her to assist him with footmen upon his coming hither, which he purposes to do quickly. It appears (by his advertisements, and the reports of others,) that he is well furnished with horsemen, and only lacks footmen; which want, and the unserviceable demeanour of those which the Prince had during the battle, seems to have been the cause of all the evil. Trusts she will have such consideration thereof as will tend to God's glory, her honour, and the preservation of those whom she has taken into her protection. Begs that he may have leave to go into the field with such aid as she shall send; and that she will appoint for a time some one to supply his place.—Newhaven, 28 Dec. 1562.
2. P.S.—No news of Throckmorton. Signed. Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Dec. 28. 1363. Warwick to Cecil.
1. Fears it is not so well on the Prince's side as reported, for they cannot deny that Guise is master of the field, and that he recovered the greater part of his ordnance. Thinks it was more strange than terrible so many great Princes on both sides, and the numbers so great; and yet the armies departed after such sort that it cannot be judged which side has the victory.
2. Thinks it strange that he has not heard from Throckmorton since the battle. Wishes he were with the Admiral in the field with 10,000 footmen to join with his horsemen. It is high time for the Queen to set too her helping hands; if she does not the end will be that those in England, as well as here, will smart for it.—Newhaven, 28 Dec. 1562. Signed.
3. P.S.—As Bradbridge and Viron have both gone hence by sickness, the only minister left here is Whittingham, who is so excellent a man that he could not spare him for the world. Puts Cecil in remembrance either to procure Mr. Goodman to come hither, having heard a good report of him, or else Mr. Wyburn.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Dec. 28. 1364. Warwick to Cecil.
Asks him to aid Captain Turner's friend, who intends suing at the next Parliament for his restoration to his blood.— Newhaven, 28 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 28. 1365. Smith to Cecil.
1. Received by Francis on the 27th his letters of the 22nd inst. Is glad that his demand of Calais is avowed by Cecil. Cannot guess what he means by writing, "but of the breach of peace betwixt those folks we could not trust his reports." Wishes him to write plainly how the written demand for Calais, the 200,000 crowns, and the manner and fashion of the writing is liked.
2. Is not informed whether he received two letters in cipher about this proclamation and the war, which he sent by way of Flanders, one by King, and the other by the Governor of the merchants in Antwerp. Sent also another by Raulet, the Queen of Scots' secretary, which Cecil has not acknowledged. Sends a copy.
3. Concerning peace, things are here even now in a "quandare." Seeing that Guise is all courage, and having been fortunate in battle, thinks they will have war both with themselves and the English. As for sending any more hither, he wishes some who are here were at home. And as for Mr. Somers, thinks it will be non magna accessio to those who are here already.
4. The Prince's secretary came to Cecil on the 23rd. He kept Sir Nicholas' letters of the 13th and 15th meetly long. Raulet (after keeping the Queen's and Cecil's letters to Sir Nicholas three months,) delivered them to the writer; and the French Ambassador's secretary kept his [Smith's] wife's letters three weeks. Wishes that Warwick would send letters to him in blank or cipher by some peasants. Never had but one letter from thence since he came into France.—St. Denis, 28 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 28. 1366. The Admiral Châtillon to Montgomery.
Was glad to hear from him by this bearer, that he had reduced Dieppe to the service of God and the King. Montgomery will understand by Auberville how their footmen were defeated because they would not fight. The horsemen (who only did the execution) are about 4,000, not having lost more than sixty that day's journey. They are determined to prosecute their just quarrel. The enemy break up their camp, refreshing their ruiters for eight or ten days only, and purpose immediately after to join him and the Englishmen. Asks the Count to send word upon what succour they may account, and whether they be minded to find the means to pass on this side the river, and to possess themselves of some place where they may meet with the Count and his company, which he will not fail to do as soon as he shall hear from him. Begs that he will help them to pass on this side, and to keep them in good mind, having more need than ever to keep themselves in force to do speedily some good enterprise, and to put an end to the troubles and violence. It would be well to advertise in England, as well as in Normandy, that no credit be given to the signature of Conde, being in captivity, as the Count knows, according to their former practices, how the enemy can abuse men therewith, and counterfeit the Prince's letters.—The camp at Avarot, 28 Dec. 1562.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
Dec. 28. 1367. Translation of the above into English.
Endd. Sealed with Cecil's seal. Pp. 3.
Dec. 28. 1368. Garrison at Newhaven.
List of officers and men necessary to complete the garrison at Newhaven, upon the pays due 30th Nov.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 28 Dec. Pp. 2.
Dec. 28. 1369. The Garrison at Newhaven.
Charges of the same from the 1st to the 28th of Dec., viz., 6,249l. 17s. 1d., (fn. 3) and the charge for the galley from 11th to 28th of Dec., 169l. 8s. 8d.; total 6,419l. 5s. 9d.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Dec. 28. 1370. Victuals for Newhaven.
Victuals for four months, 15,727l. 6s. 8d., whereof received by Abington 9,700l., of which he delivered in victuals at Newhaven for three months, ending 28 Dec., 3,738l. 0s. 7d. He also provided victuals at Portsmouth and Newhaven amounting to 3,461l. 19s. 5d., leaving in his hands 2,500l. Of the 15,727l. 6s. 8d. remain 6,027l. 6s. 8d., whereof he has expended for wheat, malt, and coals, 5,273l. 6s. 8d. The final remain amounts to 5,961l. 19s. 5d. [sic.]
Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 28. 1371. Victuals at Newhaven.
Memorandum, that the sum for victuals for one month ending 28th Dec. 1562, amounts to 1,700l. Signed, Tho. Fludde.
P. 1.
Dec. 28. 1372. Windebank to Cecil.
1. Both Mr. Thomas and himself wish that they were in England. Mr. Thomas's daily exercise is to hear a sermon in the French church, which is some help to his entertainment of that tongue, and sometimes with Mr. Knolles to Madame De Roy, the Prince of Condé's mother-in-law. For qualities commonly commended in gentlemen, Germany is not the place to obtain them.—Strasburg, 28 Dec. 1562.
2. P.S.—They have enough money to bring them home, and if they need more he has a bill of credit for 200 dollars.
Hol. Draft. Pp. 2.
Dec. 29. 1373. —[to Shers.]
Has this day received letters addressed to the Ambassador of England, which apparently were delivered about a fortnight ago, by the courrier from Rome to the person who brought them to the writer. Persuades him that the affair is a hoax, but forwards them as they seem of importance.— Dec. 29.
Orig. Endd.: 1562, Mr. Shers. Ital. Pp. 2.
Dec. 30. 1374. Duke of Wurtemburg to the Queen.
To the same effect as the letter from the Landgrave, dated Dec. 20, pointing out the inconveniences of a written league between the Protestant sovereigns and states.—Stutgard, 3 cal. Jan. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 5.
Dec. 30. 1375. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On Sunday the Queen requested him to write to his mistress that she thinks it very long since she heard from her, and fears either that she is not in health, or else has conceived a deep displeasure against her. To both these purposes he gave such answer as he thought good, hoping well of the Queen's health, and saying that as long as the Queen of Scots did not take part with those with whom his mistress is justly offended, there would be no alteration in her mind towards her. Learnt that she had the night before received letters from the Queen Mother, with more gentle words than ever she wrote before. Took some suspicion (knowing what unkindness there was between them a short time before her departure out of France), that for some occasion she currys favours. Men begin to dream of this Queen's marriage with Spain. The Papists speak it as they would have it, but he is sure no such thing will burst out. There was another letter from M. D'Oysel of the King being in Paris, and that her uncles were in good opinion of many men for their valiant acts in recovering so many towns as had rebelled. After these there came news that the Prince had taken Paris and had the King in his government. There were no letters to be seen hereof, and therefore it was less credited. Except it be the King of Muscovy, he believes there is not a Prince in Christendom who has fewer news out of France than this Queen. Since Châtelet's arrival she only received one packet and two other letters. On Friday next many nobles will be in Edinburgh, it will be then known when Parliament shall be.
2. This day the Queen is in Dunbar, to be merry with Lord John of Coldingham. On New Year's day she will be again at Edinburgh. The 10th of January she will be at Castle Campbell in Fife, at the marriage of St. Colm to the Earl of Argyll's sister. Mr. Knox is so hard upon them that they have laid aside much of their dancing. Doubts it is more for heaviness of heart that things proceed not well in France than for fear. "There is thrice in the week an ordinary sermon in the Earl of Murray's lodging in the Queen's house, so near to the Mass that two so mortal enemies cannot be nearer joined without some deadly blow given either upon the one side or the other. One of the Queen's priests got a cuff in a dark night that made somewhat ado. Her musicians, both Scotch and French, refused to play and sing at her Mass and evensong on Christmas day. Thus is her poor soul so troubled for the preservation of her silly Mass that she knows not where to turn her for defence of it."
3. Earl Bothwell is departed by sea either into Flanders or France. Yesterday a serjeant-of-arms was sent to summon the Hermitage. Charge is given to the wardens of the Borders to see good rule kept, because it is thought that the Liddesdale men will ride safe now that Earl Bothwell is away, for whose sake they abstained before. The Duke has earnestly written again touching Captain Forbes. Has answered that there is nothing done more than he deserved, and that he doubts not that shortly he will have his liberty.— The Laird of Ormeston's house, attending the Queen's return from Dunbar, 30 Dec. 1562. Signed.
4. P.S.—The death of Lord Grey is lamented of many, for the justice he did on the Borders. Has found Mr. Treasurer friendly to him at Cecil's request, for which he thanks him. Runs daily into his debt.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
Dec. 30. 1376. Munition for Newhaven.
"A brief of the ordnance and munition sent to Newhaven, with a proportion presently to be sent thither," specifying the number of each.
Endd. Pp. 5.
Dec. 30. 1377. List of Ships.
List of seven ships serving on the seas, their crews amounting to 430 men, victualled until the 16th Jan.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 31. 1378. Sir William Keyllway to Cecil.
Understands that Francis Clark is at Falmouth with his whole navigation, and has brought as prizes a Spaniard laden with wool, two Portingales laden with fruit and sugar, and two Bretons laden with wine, which he minds to bring to Newhaven.—Portsmouth, 31 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 31. 1379. Chamberlain to Challoner.
Received his letter of the 14th of October at the close of this year, in which he again mentions the trouble he has had about the writer's things, who herein writes to the same effect touching them as in his to Challoner of the 22nd of November, adding, that however Challoner's man may speed in obtaining recompense for the destruction of the writer's "guademealles," trusts that Challoner will not let him be so great a loser. Advises Challoner not to cease continually to call for his revocation. If he should write but a few lines stating how many ways he is driven to complain of being there, would, if he willed it, show his letter, and make application for his relief.—London, 31 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 24 Martii 1562. Pp. 3.
Dec. 31. 1380. Emptions of Ordnance.
Received by William Bromfield or his clerks by virtue of divers warrants, the last dated Dec. 31, 1562, 1,376l. 2s. 8d., for the service of Newhaven.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[Dec.] 1381. Charges for Reyters and Lansknechts.
1. Money rebated to every reiter, ten florins. The pay of every reiter is fifteen florins the month. The entertainment of the ritmeisters is a florin for every horse, and each cornet contains 300 men. The lieutenants have, besides the pay of one reiter, eighty florins. The ensign, besides the pay of one reiter, has sixty florins. Two masters of the watch have, besides the pay of one reiter, sixty florins. Eight officers, having besides a reiter's pay, fifteen florins apiece. The wage and appointment of 4,000 reiters with their officers per mensem, 122,048 livres tournois = 81,532 florins. The colonel, 3,000 florins. Fifteen officers, 300 florins. To every ten reiters there must be allowed a carriage with four horses, at thirty florins the month. Total (not counting the money rebated), 127,448 livres tournois, or 84,966 florins. Total expense for four months, counting the levy, 569,792 livres tournois = 379,861 florins.
2. For levying 6,000 lanzknechts: For their levying, a crown per man. The pay of every ensign of 300 men per month, 3,500 livres tournois. The whole expense for four months, 395,000 livres tournois = 263,333 florins. Sum total with other expenses, 1,759,792 livres tournos, = 211,174l. 17s. 2d.
Orig., with seal. Endd. by Cecil: Vidame, 4,000 reyters and 6,000 lansquenotts. Pp. 3.
[Dec] 1382. Another copy in English.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
[Dec.] 1383. Powder for Newhaven.
Particulars of "the rate of powder which is to serve all the ordnance in Newhaven and Fort Warwick;" specifying the designation and number of the several pieces of artillery, and the quantity allowed to each, amounting to 2,533 lbs.
Dec. 1384. Bedding for Newhaven.
Charges by Mr. Gunter, and others, for bedding for the English garrison at Newhaven, amounting to 296l. 13s. 4d.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 1385. Garrison of Dieppe.
An estimate for 400 French harquebusiers at Dieppe to be formed into two companies. Two captains, forty crowns a month each. Two lieutenants, twenty crowns. Four serjeants, eight crowns. Twelve corporals, eight crowns. Four drums and four fifes, five crowns. Four "fourriers," quarter-masters, each five crowns. Thirty gentlemen who escaped from Rouen, fifteen crowns each. The Count of Montgomery 60l. The 400 harquebusiers each four crowns a month. Total, 2,642 crowns, or 722l. 12s.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
[Dec.] 1386. Pasquils on the French Court.
Pasquils on the Cardinal de Lorraine, M. De Guise, the Constable, S. Andre, the Queen Mother, the Cardinal of Guise, etc.; 14 in number.
Fr. and Lat. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Dec.] 1387. Advice of the Vidame and M. Bricquemault.
On account of the capture of Condé it should be intimated to the Queen Mother that the Queen will resent any evil done to him. Warwick should aid the Admiral and his forces as best he may. Some skilled person should be sent to view the fortifications of Dieppe, Havre, and Caen. Warwick should be ordered to pay the French infantry in Havre. 1,000 crowns (arrears of pay) should be given to the soldiers who have gone on the expedition to Dieppe. Money should be sent to Montgomery. The men who escaped from Rouen, and who are in the neighbourhood of Caen, should be taken into the Queen's pay. The Almains serving with the Admiral should be promised security for their pay.
In a French hand. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
[Dec.] 1388. Prayer of the French Protestants.
Beg God's assistance on their enterprise, and that the King and the Queen Mother may be brought to know the truth.
Endd.: Confession of the Protestants. Fr. Pp. 4.
[Dec.?] 1389. Philippo Didato's Petition.
Philip Didato, a native of Florence, and bourgois of Paris, asks the Queen's letters to the representatives of the late Lord Grey for payment of 800 crowns, with costs and interest remaining due on a bond of 800 crowns, entered into by him with Mme. Cresaques in 1559 for the ransom of Lewis Dives, prisoner of war. Signed: Filippo Didato.
Orig. Endd. Fr. Broadside. Pp. 2.
[Dec.?] 1390. [Beauvoir la Nocle to Warwick.]
1. Begs for reinforcements in order to take Honfleur, which would very much strengthen this place. Has caused the proclamation to the French soldiers and inhabitants to be made in his own name.
2. Will take those pieces of artillery which belong to the King, in order that those belonging to the Queen may not be recognized. This will be of great service to the Admiral.
Copy, with a marginal note by Cecil. Fr. P. 1.
[Dec. ?] 1391. Jean Ribault to Cecil.
Desires him to inform the Queen that about two months and a half ago Edward Ormsby at her command embarked 300 men from Dieppe in his ship of 200 tons, leaving the writer behind. The said ship is at Rye, and is very meet for the Queen's service; but he has not means to furnish her, having already spent more than 800 crowns. Begs that some recompence may be bestowed on him.—Signed: Jan Ribault.
Orig. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
[1562, Dec.?] 1392. — to [Cecil?]
The Knight is the only one who can be trusted. Advises that the Knight and his Prince should be taken into pay. This is the only available plan, for these two will not be separated. Praises the Prince. The realm of France is governed by a child, on whose death (for he is weakly) greater danger is to be apprehended, as his brother already threatens the lovers of religion. It is to be feared that the Guises will recover their former authority, to the great injury of the church. The city of M. may be recovered if the person addressed will help. Refers to Sir Anthony Coke and Roger Ascham, both of whom knew the writer at Strasburg. Advises the employment of a cipher for future correspondence, and wishes to be present along with the Knight when discussing the matter with the person addressed.
Orig. Lat. Pp. 2.


  • 1. On the last page of the letter from the Privy Council to Warwick of the same date.
  • 2. He here refers to the intelligence from Italy given under Dec. 19.
  • 3. This total is made by deducting 453l. 9s. 3d., which was not paid, as stated at the bottom of the original.