Elizabeth: December 1562, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: December 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp517-536 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp517-536.

"Elizabeth: December 1562, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp517-536.

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December 1562, 6-10

Dec. 6. 1195. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. "It may please your Majesty; since my last letter of the 5th of this month, I do perceive some probable arguments and in manner manifest appearances that the Prince of Condé and the chief of his party will shortly fall to accord with their adversaries. The end of which accord will be, amongst other matters, to expel your force from Newhaven, and that speedily, if they cannot by fair means persuade you to retire it. It may therefore please your Majesty, with all convenient speed, to send such men to Newhaven as be well experimented to be besieged and to besiege, and such as will make a good reckoning of their charge; together with all things necessary for the defence of that piece, and that such order may be given in all things as there shall want nothing for the defence thereof; and also without delay so to provide as the places of advantage, either to command the haven or entry thereof, or to command the town, in any sort be not left to be surprised by the enemy.
2. "It may also please you in season so to persuade your friends and allies abroad as that they may be induced to think well of Your Majesty's proceedings, and especially the Landgrave of Hesse, the Count Palatine, and the Duke of Wurtemburg; for these men do begin by secret ways to calumniate Your Majesty's doings to the Marshal of Hesse, and to such as have the principal leading of the horsemen and footmen sent by the said Princes; and amongst other defences for the said piece, as munition, powder, victual, fresh water, which is thought may be easily taken away. It may please Your Majesty that the principal force which shall be left in the said piece may consist of good harquebusiers, that is to say, of the whole force, three parts to be harquebusiers. And albeit I do not hear that the piece is greatly subject to mine but towards France side, yet it shall be very necessary that there be expert men of that art put into the said piece, and that the wells may be sounded in season deep enough, and in places convenient for the countermine. Thus Almighty God preserve Your Majesty in health, honour, and all felicity.—From the Prince of Condé's camp before Paris, the 6th of December 1562." Signed.
Orig. In cipher, undeciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 6. 1196. Smith to the Queen.
Desires to know speedily upon what conditions she will have peace and redeliver Newhaven to the French.—St. Denis, 6 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 6. 1197. Smith to the Council.
1. Informed them in his letter of the 29th ult. how the Constable and the Duke of Guise dallied with him for the trumpet and his man, who should fetch the plate. They are wily foxes, and mistrust too much, especially since he gave his answer according to their Lordships' letters; but such shift was found in this meantime by captains, who (partly for the sake of religion and partly for reward) hazarded to enter the camp; and his own man adventuring there, got full conference with Throckmorton, and letters to and fro, of which he sends copies, with two of Throckmorton's letters to the Queen. In that of the 3rd is a history of all the doings here since the writer's last despatch. Wrote to Cecil on the 21st how he likes these doings here. Thinks they will come to accord among themselves. There is great want of money on both sides, and they are weary. It appears by the Prince's demands that they will agree without the Queen, and also as they now begin to exclude Throckmorton from their councils; afore they would not suffer him to come away, but now they pray, yea, compel him to go into England, lest he should let their accord. Asks them to advertise the Earl of Warwick hereof, and especially that he trust no Frenchman; for if they come to accord, even those who speak most fair will help to drive the English out. Warwick wrote to him that he begins to doubt the French, there come so many daily to Newhaven. And because they wrote in their letters of the 17th ult. to the writer, that the Queen would refuse no reasonable offers, begs that they will let him know some particularities what they think reasonable.—St. Denis, 6 Dec. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—The Spaniards and Gascons who this night came to Paris are about 6,000; the men of the Constable and the Duke of Guise went this day to meet them. Though there is all this talk about peace, they still fortify about Paris.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 6. 1198. Smith to Cecil.
1. If they come to no peace, and the Prince takes the way of Normandy, and joins the Queen's power, those here will seek the writer again, and either offer to him, or beg him to offer them reasonable conditions, either to disjoin the Queen from the Prince, or that she should become a mediator betwixt them.
2. Herein he needs have some particulars from him. For religion, it makes the less matter, as they will do it themselves and it is their business and safety, not the Queen's. But if they be agreed, all the weight of the matter will rest upon her, and they will say to him that they are agreed, and the Prince has promised that all the Queen forces shall depart.
3. The writer may say that the Prince has no commandment of the Queen's forces. She aided him so long as the division betwixt the two factions endured; to save such of his party as were persecuted. Now that he is well it is reasonable that the Queen should look after her own surety, and for the quiet of her estate.
4. They will say that they shall have Calais again, they have hostages for it, and all he can demand by the treaty. And if they will render Newhaven they will let pass what has been done, and the treaty shall remain as it did.
5. If he shall say that he has no commission to speak about Calais or Newhaven, but generally that the Queen will take reasonable offers (as in the instructions), they will say that they make more reasonable offers than any other Prince would, and if they will not by fair means they will have it by force.
6. Every man sees what is now in debate. Except Cecil will call old titles into the controversy, the writer takes four things, religion, war or peace, Calais or Newhaven. For religion he [Cecil] refers to the Prince, and the writer agrees with him. As for war or peace, he thinks that he [Cecil] will keep it in his own hands and not refer to the Prince.
7. For Calais, to leave it till the time of the treaty, or keep Newhaven till it is delivered. Sir Nicholas sent the writer word that the Prince said that it is no part of his matter, and trusts the Queen will not mingle private matters with religion.
8. The Prince says that he was not privy of the delivery of Newhaven into their hands, nor made any such articles with the Queen.
9. He has already declared to the Queen Mother that Her Majesty has great cause to mistrust the promise to keep the treaty, not only by the old attempts made in the time of King Henry and Francis II., but even now lately in the matter of the Pooles. And seeing the Guises rule, the Queen minds not to lose her cost in getting and keeping Newhaven, and therefore will keep it still; and she doubts not to have Calais also, and all her charges, and also sufficient interest and amends made for the attempts against her crown. Touching their threatenings for the war, she does not esteem them, and will require all her rights to the crown of France, or at the least to the duchy of Normandy. Could speak thus, if he knew that Cecil would follow in briskly and drive them to the pinch.
10. If the Queen would have peace, he had need say so much, and that she desired only the general peace in all Christendom, and somewhat also of her own. And seeing that the Guises still rule, she cannot think herself sure until these quarrels betwixt France and England are cleared up. She sees the new buildings at Calais, and perceives that she cannot have it again. And therefore having another haven like it, she intends to keep it as a gage till she has the other.
11. If he had thought the Prince would thus have made his peace alone, without regard to her, the writer would have made a peace better for him than even he [Condé] shall have, and honourable to her, and have saved 100,000 crowns spending.—St. Denis, 6 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
Dec. 6. 1199. The Privy Council to Warwick.
1. The Queen intimates her pleasure by the bearer, Sir Hugh Paulet, who repairs to him for assistance in her service. Let the state of the victuals be sufficiently served. Order has been given by the commissioners for that purpose, so that he shall not fail of plenty. Also that shoemakers shall come over with provision for the garrison, and the like is done for bedding, the owners of the which should be paid. No shoes or leather shall be distributed to any but the Queen's own subjects. If victuals or anything else are sold to the French, then that they pay in ready money of the money of that country.
2. Those serving there on the 17th ult. with the 600 who last came from Essex amount to 5,100 and odd, beside 250 pioneers, of which (thinking this a mistake) they ask for more definite information. When the 500 men come from Devonshire the Queen's charges will be many ways greater, they therefore desire him to have consideration thereof.
3. Upon the arrival of these new bands, if he shall discharge any soldiers, he should cause the pioneers to be increased by collection of unmeet soldiers out of the same bands. Have ordered that the 500 men from Devonshire shall be only brought thither by Sir John Moore.
4. They desire him to consider whether the works there would not be much advanced if he were to cause some pieces of ground which should be either heightened, levelled, or abated, to be done by the captains and their bands. Also whether a well might not be sunk to keep water in.
5. No increase of pay should be allowed but with an appearance of difficulty, and this to be granted by Warwick only. They desire him to advertise them monthly what number of dead pays he shall have allowed, to what bands, and upon what considerations.
6. They are informed that sundry soldiers daily arrive in the west country from that town, whereat they cannot but marvel, and therefore desire him to have consideration thereof, and to call to his remembrance one article in the general instructions, wherein it is stated how many soldiers may be licensed to depart in every band.
7. He is to give order that the hides of those oxen and cattle which arrived there from this realm may be returned. Money received for victuals is to remain in the Treasurer's hands, of which they will order payment in ready money to the victualler here.
8. He is to give order that all victuallers shall on their arrival there give in a declaration in writing of the quantity and sort of victuals that he shall bring. Her Highness's victualler is to deliver to him [Warwick] from time to time a note of all such victuals as shall arrive there under the victuallers charge, so that Warwick may certify the state of the same monthly unto them.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 6. 1200. [Marsilio Della Croce] to John Shers.
In addition to the information enclosed, states that on the 20th ult. the Cardinal De Medici (son of the Duke of Florence) died at Leghorn of fever. His preferments have been obtained by the Duke for another of his sons, who will be made a Cardinal. King Philip is reported to have given Orbitello and Port Hercole to the Duke of Florence. Yesterday the French Ambassador here received 25,000 scudi, being the last payment of the 100,000 promised by the Signory here to the Crown of France. The oration by the [Cardinal of] Lorraine at Trent is being printed here.—Venice, 6 Dec. 1562. Signed, but the signature is torn off.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add.: To Shers at London. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Dec. 6. 1201. Martino Cavaglier di S. Giovanne [to the English Ambassador at Venice].
Desires to speak with him upon matters of the greatest moment to England, which he cannot express in this letter. Wishes to know when he may come to Venice for this purpose, which demands prompt and deliberate consideration. Suggests a mode by which he may come in safety.—Rome, 6 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Dec. 6. 1202. Another letter to the same affect as the last, with a P.S. to the effect that if he does not receive an answer he will proceed into England.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Dec. 6. 1203. Intelligences from Italy.
1. The letter of Sultan Soliman to the Emperor, Milan, 27 Nov. 1562. The Turkish Ambassador has set out for France. Intelligence respecting Antonio Doria and the Spanish galleys, and the restitution of the four garrisons in Piedmont.
2. Rome, 5 Dec. The Pope is troubled with the gout, and a cold; the people are dying at the rate of 100 a day. The Parliament of Toulouse has asked aid of the Pope, and promises submission to the Holy See, and further requests that certain ecclesiastics should be punished. M. De Monluc asks that his brother may be deposed from his see, and punished for his heresy. It is reported that Don Garzia has killed the Cardinal his brother in a sudden brawl.
3. Genoa, 6 Dec. The Signory have agreed to aid the King of France with 40,000 ducats. The galleys of Frederico Boromeo have arrived.
Copy. Ital. Pp. 4.
Dec. 7. 1204. The Queen to Warwick.
Sends the bearer, Sir Hugh Paulet, whom he shall admit to the place of her councillors there, next to himself; to see to the government of that town and garrison.
Draft, (written on the same paper as Paulet's instructions.) Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 7. 1205. Smith to Cecil.
1. Had an interview with the Queen Mother this afternoon, about a demand made by a merchant here, who is a factor for the Lord Mayor of London. She said his request should be looked upon, and answered. To which Smith replied that he had shown him that he might be content with her general answer, to stay as much of the Bretons' and other Frenchmen's goods in England till she might be at better leisure. Asked what good news she had. "We are full at accord," she said. The Prince shall have his demands for religion. Thay shall use their preachings and their sacraments in all places where demanded. He asked if he might write so into England. "Yea," she said, "and some of them are come in already, and now the Queen of England must take away her men from Newhaven and other places. The Prince has promised it, and he says that the Queen has agreed so to him."
2. He then requested a safe conduct for his predecessor. "A safe-conduct" said she, "No. I promised him that he should have a passport, and a gentlemen to conduct him safely." "Well," said the writer, "all is one, so that he can come safely."
3. M. Jenlis, this day or yesterday night, yielded himself to the Duke of Guise, with thirty more gentlemen of his band.
4. When she says the accord is made, he cannot believe her. She told him so more than eight days since, as he wrote, and yet he is sure that it was not so then, and has learned that it is not so yet.
5. In returning from the Court met the Spainards and Gascons, who arrived this night, marching in order through St. Denis into Paris. There are of the Gascons, ten enseigns, forty or fifty in an enseign, in all about 500 or 600 men. Of the Spaniards fourteen enseigns, better filled, about 2,500 or 3,000 men, all footmen, few armed. Their weapons, arquebuses and pikes; some bills, or rather halbards. And with them a marvellous number of "rascals," women, and baggage.
6. The coming of these to Paris; the diligent fortifying and mending of the trenches there; the merchandising which they make to get the Prince's men from him; makes the writer think that the Guisians mean to handle the Prince and his like as they have heretofere.
7. D'Andelot lies still sore sick at Orleans; the want of whom is their undoing.
8. The King of Spain has lost twenty-eight galleys, going to Oran with money to pay the soldiers in his garrisons. In October twenty-five great ships were burnt in Seville, amongst which were six or seven laden with silver or gold from Peru. Wherefore, they say that he has sent word to the French King that he should make what peace he could with the Prince.—St. Denis, 7 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 7. 1206. Memorial for Sir Hugh Paulet.
1. Upon his arrival he shall procure knowledge of the numbers of all sorts of people who are in the Queen's pay, and cause a book to be made of the same.
2. He shall also procure a certainty of the state of the victualling of that town.
3. He shall confer with the Lord Lieutenant and others about what is meet to be done this winter for the surety of that town, and for diverting the enemy's purpose to impeach it, either by laying garrisons round it, or by fortifying nigh to it.
4. As he will have no special office, but at all times be an assistant to the Lord Lieutenant there, he shall peruse the orders already prescribed there for the government of that town, and understand how the same may be executed, and wherein there is lack. Also, whether it were not convenient to have a staple there of all staple coming from Newcastle usually carried to France, so that there may be provision for fire. Also what quantity of bedding it is necessary to send thither for the common soldiers. Also how intelligence may be had of the intents and doings of the adversary, of which there has been great want, whereof there is order given to make allowance to the Lord Lieutenant.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Dec. 8.
Forbes, ii. 219.
1207. Warwick to the Queen.
1. On the 8th September [December], having intelligence that Newhaven should be betrayed the following night, he sent for the Knight Marshal, and commanded that 2,000 men should watch, and the rest be in readiness at their lodgings. He also sent the Comptroller to M. Beauvoir, to will him to give orders to all the French, both townsmen and soldiers, not to leave their lodgings for their lives; if they did they should smart for it. Upon this Beauvoir came to him in great choler, and said he trusted he had so used himself to the Queen as not to be accounted a traitor, nor yet M. Bricquemault, in whose name he came likewise, he being in bed and not able to come. Whosoever he was that put the suspicion in Warwick's head, he not only gave him the lie in the throat, but would try it upon his body, that he was a villain and a traitor himself.
2. Answered, he did not think they would condescend to such a matter, yet he had a suspicion that such a thing was meant; for one of those that should have done the deed, gave him warning of it it; and also told him that the Queen Mother and the Duke of Guise sent him to the Rhinegrave to see how many townsmen and soldiers would consent to the taking of it by treason, or else for taking of Warwick when he went abroad.
3. The next day Bricquemault and Beauvoir came together to him. The old man seemed much troubled with it, and began to excuse himself; saying he had lived hitherto unspotted, and in his old age to be accounted a traitor made him unhappy. He said that whatsoever he was that would burden him with such villany, as old a man as he was, he would fight him in his shirt, and desired Warwick to show him justice, that he might not be denied of it. And for better trial of his honesty, to put him in the tower here; and if that was not thought sufficient, to send him to the Tower of London, till he might try himself an honest man; if not, he desired no other favour at the Queen's hand but to hang him.
4. Never saw two men in such perplexity, and did little by little get them round again. Yet he put them in remembrance of the covenants between the Queen and the Vidame, which was to have no soldiers within the town but Englishmen. They answered, they trusted the Queen was not come to thrust them out of the town, considering it is their only refuge, Rouen and Dieppe being lost. Yet if it is her pleasure they will turn them all out, although they should be cut in pieces, rather than offend her. Before long he will have most part of them sent out; in the meantime he will keep good watch.
5. All the gentlemen of the town, with a greater part of the burgesses, gave him their promise to be faithful to the Queen, and to be ready to defend her people here. Ever since they heard of this practice, they have been careful of him, and go about to understand the truth of it.
6. Understands by Bricquemault and Beauvoir that there is likely to be peace between the Prince and Guise. If it is so, and the Queen not privy to it, they do not mean well to her. It behoves her to prevent it in time if she means to keep this town, else all their force will be turned hitherward.—Newhaven, 8 Dec. 1562. Signed.
7. P.S.—At the sealing hereof he received two letters, which he sends.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 8. 1208. Warwick to the Privy Council.
1. The same information as is contained in his letter to the Queen of the same date, concerning the suspected treason in Newhaven, and the indignant denial of Briquemault and Beauvoir.—Newhaven, 8 Dec. 1562. Signed.
2. P.S.—This day Captain Blundell came to him, whose brother-in-law kept the castle of Tancarville for the Duke of Longueville, with other gentlemen and burgesses of this town, and offered to deliver next day the said castle; requiring of him but a dozen or twenty halberdiers to go with such as they would appoint for that purpose, with whom Edward Dudley made suit to go. It is a place of good service, as from thence wood and corn may be had within half a mile of the highway to Rouen. Taking the advice of some of the council, he did not refuse the offer, and therefore ordered boats to be made ready, so that the next day they brought unto him the Duke's men and committed the rest (which were not more than twenty). to prison in the said castle; whereupon he gave further order for the sending thither 100 of his own men and certain of the French for the keeping thereof, with munition and victuals. If the enemy should go thither with a greater force than they are able to withstand, they can retire hither by water. These townsmen desired him to take their oaths for their fidelity towards the Queen, so long as she shall maintain the cause of religion.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 8. 1209. Warwick to Cecil.
1. Received his letter with his good and friendly advice, which he will follow. Is sure that Cecil will not trouble his head more than needs be with these pick thanks, who the writer trusts will not be able to annoy him whilst he lives. Has written to the Queen and the Lords of the Council about the state of all things.—Newhaven, 8 Dec. 1562. Signed.
2. P.S.—This day Captain Blundell offered to put Tancarville Castle into his hands, which he has performed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 8. 1210. Smith to Cecil.
1. As inconvenience might come if the unkindness of the Prince and the evil handling of his wars should be straight published, he begs him first alone, or with the Queen, to peruse this despatch, and weigh it well before he opened it at the Board. In this crisis a little advice or authority may do such a feat just now as the like may never occur again.— St. Denis, 8 Dec. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—It is reported here that the Spanish Ambassador has gone out of England, and that they [the English] will have war with King Philip.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 8. 1211. Money for France.
The account of Sir Hugh Paulet of 20,000l. received of Sir Thomas Gresham, to be transported to Newhaven, and by him paid to Sir William Keilway, the Earl of Warwick's Lieutenant of the said town, to be paid over to the Count Montgomery, Frenchman, M. De Beauvoir, Frenchman, and Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. The quietus attested by Winchester, Ry. Sakevile, and Wa. Mildmay.
Dec. 8. 1212. The Queen to Gresham.
Directs him to pay to Sir Hugh Paulet at Newhaven 20,000l., being part of 30,000l. which he was commanded to take up in Antwerp and to pay in High Almain by way of exchange.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3.
[Dec. 8.] 1213. Gresham's Account.
An account of Gresham for exchanging of certain silver into gold.
Received of the goldsmiths and others, 10,600l., chiefly in sovereigns; paid at the rate of 1d. in the pound, 44l. 3s. 4d., over and besides 4,180l. received of Mr. Tomworth, and 1,000l. of Sir William Damsell.
Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 7 & 9. 1214. Thomas Wood to Cecil.
1. Will perceive by his Lordship's letter to the Council what troubles lately happened here by reason of suspicions uttered to his Lordship by M. La Boke upon information from the Rhinegrave's camp, which troubles are pacified. For avoiding of the like, some of great experience should be sent hither to assist the Lord Lieutenant. The French like him, and he might deal much better with them if he knew the language, whereof all the rest of the Council are also ignorant. Mr. Ormesby has been sick all this urgent time, and not yet recovered. Amongst all the captains none deserve better commendations than poor Mr. Walgrave.— Newhaven, 7 Dec. 1562.
2. P. S.—On the 9th inst. his Lordship received a letter of an older date from Condé, with some others from Mr. Throckmorton, which are enclosed in the Queen's letters. The Rhinegrave reports that the Duke D'Aumale is taken prisoner before Paris.—Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 9. 1215. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. The musters being past and the warrants made up to the 1st inst., will send a brief of the muster rolls and such warrants as have passed through his hands since his entering into this charge. Numbers fall sick here daily by reason of ill lodging and lack of beds. At these musters 200 men were absent by sickness, besiders divers other sick men brought to the musters, whom they have discharged rather than keep them unserviceable here; and although he uses severity in passing of the sick, yet many able pass, which cannot be helped otherwise than by complaint. Great sums of money have been levied by the water bailiff for custom, anchorage, etc., wherewith the victuallers are greatly burthened. If the Queen would that custom should be increased, it would be an office accountant to her use. When the writer finds fault with these disorders and exactions, he is rather stoutly answered than the faults amended. As to the French business, if M. Beauvoir consents to these matters, he has been drawn to it by Briquemault, whom the writer wishes in England, or in any place out of this town. Hopes they are all honest men in his own company, and Cecil may guess who is meant by the article to Lord Robert touching the interpreters, and thinks Lord Warwick is of the same opinion, but very loath, like the writer, to hurt anyone. His surname will be found ciphered (fn. 1) the best way the writer can do it. As to the weight of his own business, Cecil will understand by the copy of his letter to Lord Robert. Desires consideration as to further allowance; also clerks for this service, and also for some augmentation of his own entertainment. Sends the enclosed form of warrant touching the same.—Newhaven, 9 Dec. 1562.
2. P. S.—It is reported here, though the writer gives it no credit, that the Duke D'Aumale is taken prisoner by Condé; but it is true that proclamation is made in the King's name in Harfleur and all the Papists' towns hereabout, for all men above the age of sixteen to be in arms by the 20th inst. to repulse the English, their old enemies.—Signed.
3. P. S.—Having no leaf left to write the copy of his letter and articles to Lord Robert, has sent the same herewith, and begs, after perusing it, he will seal it up and deliver it to his Lordship without informing him that he [Cecil] has seen the contents. Touching the augmentation of the entertainment demanded for his clerks, and which may be thought great, assures him that his worse clerk has 12d. per day, with meat, drink, and lodging, and yet once in a month are loath to continue.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[Dec. 9.] 1216. Warrants for Newhaven.
Warrant for the payment of 13s. 4d. per diem to Cuthbert Vaughan, Esq., Controller and Muster Master of the garrison of Newhaven, three clerks, two tipstaves, and sixteen servants from [blank] Sept. to 30 Nov.
Draft. P. 1.
Dec. 9. 1217. Sir Thomas Dacre and Others to Cecil.
1. The charges for the fortifications this year have been for the working and carriage of the stone and filling it to the bulwark and curtains; whereby, and with the carriage of more this winter, there will be a great deal of stuff in readiness to raise the new wall. Also for making the curtain between the Catwell and the bulwark at St. Nicholas ward; opening the ditch that the flanker may serve to the point of the same bulwark, and in occupying a "gynne" there that has raised the curtain with much earthwork; in making the curtain and the rampier between Bridge gate and the Catwell, so that it may be well flanked and stop the back lanes which lead into the town, so that no one can pass but by the Catwell. And so in making of vaumures of earth for the shadowing of men to serve upon a sudden.
2. This place should be more strengthened, as the new walls and ramparts are not in such forwardness as the old may be abandoned or weakened by taking away the ramparts so that no man is able to stand to the defence.
3. The workmen, labourers, and the garrison have been unpaid since Christmas, for whose relief they beseech him. A thorough pay should be made, whereon the merchants and victuallers chiefly depend. If provision is made they would not trouble before Michaelmas.—Berwick, 9 Dec. 1562. Signed: Tho. Dacre, Val. Browne, Tho. Jenyson.
4. P.S.—From want of the pays the store of grain and victuals has been used more largely than otherwise it would have been. The Treasurer asks that if thorough pay is not presently assigned, 4,000l. of the same may be forthwith disbursed for the renewing of the store, which will be wholly consumed by the end of February.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 9. 1218. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Since writing that the pays due amounted to 18,869l. he has received, two days ago, 5,742l., etc., at York and Newcastle, which is a small sum towards these pays for that now another quarter is almost run. Cannot make any convenient prests to give relief, the debts being due to so many soldiers, victuallers, merchants, and those of the countries. The country by reason of this hard year is in great lack, and if there were now a thorough pay made to them they might be so entreated that they would not look for much more help for a year. Refers to Dacre's letter, and to the bearer, for further details. Has often written since June to Mr. Cleiden, his deputy there, for a supply of grain; therefore begs that Cecil will give his furtherance for another provision, otherwise he fears from the summer provision being stopped, that they will be without victuals in the winter if none is sent before March.—Berwick, 9 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 9. 1219. The Prince of Condé's Negociations. (fn. 2)
1. Condé having advanced towards Paris, the source whence all these disorders have proceeded, in hope that his enemies would issue forth and give him battle, and being joined by the German auxiliaries, took Pithiviers which was garrisoned by seven ensigns of foot, contenting himself with executing two notorious brigands who called themselves their captains, although he had received many injuries from the said town. Having taken several other towns and villages he was informed of the death of the King of Navarre, whereupon he gave up the siege of Corbeil, hoping that the post of Lieutenant-general, which had thus fallen to him, would give him the opportunity to bring all things speedily to a good end. Although he was within two leagues of Paris (which could not have resisted him), he determined not only to wait for peace, but also to propose as easy conditions as if he and his company had never received any injury.
2. Accordingly he met the Constable, and the Admiral met the Queen Mother, at Port L'Anglois, half a league from Paris, but they were expressly told that neither ministers nor the service of the Word of God would be permitted in France; whereupon, having vainly endeavoured to draw the enemy from their trenches, he again determined to attempt to end the war by a peace.
3. On the 2nd Dec., the Queen Mother (accompanied by the Prince of Rochesurion, the Constable, the Marshal Montmorency, and M. De Gonorre), met the Prince (accompanied by the Admiral and MM. De Genlis, Grammont, and Esternay) at a mill about four or five hundred paces from the faubourg St. Marceaux. The Prince proposed the following five articles; liberty of conscience, with free exercise of religion in all places where it is demanded. All foreigners to leave the realm, the Queen of England having first been informed of these articles. Neither party shall hinder the other in the enjoyment of their goods, or the exercise of their religion. A free council shall be obtained within six months to accord these divisions; and if this cannot be, then a general assembly in the realm. For the fulfilment of these articles the necessary sureties shall be provided.
4. The Queen Mother, having taken the advice of the King's Council on the above articles, sent the following answer on 3rd Dec. The King intends that Lyons and other frontier towns, and those places where there are Courts of Parliament, shall not have preachers. All ecclesiastics shall enter into possession of their churches and benefices, and continue the accustomed services. The King approves of the article of the expulsion of the English and other foreigners. Also that respecting the council.
5. This reply was brought in writing by MM. Bonnart and De L'Aubespine to the Prince in his camp at Arcueil on the 3rd inst., who after consultation returned the following answer. He desires that preaching may be permitted in the suburbs or other places to be appointed in the frontier towns. Agrees that preaching shall be used only in those places where it was practised before these tumults. Nevertheless, it shall be lawful for all gentlemen and noblemen to have private services in their houses; and all persons residing in places where preaching is not permitted shall not be molested, but shall be suffered to go to the nearest towns or other places for the exercise of their religion. The other articles being granted, he makes no further mention of them.
6. The Prince sent these articles by MM. De Bouchavannes and Esternay, as he desired to have their determination by eight in the evening. The Queen Mother, by the advice of the Council, added that it was firmly resolved that Paris and the banlieu should be excepted. It was then signed by the Queen and Council and dated 3rd Dec. 1562, and sent to the Prince.
7. On the next day the Queen Mother and the Prince and their companies met again at the mill, where the writing was read and agreed upon by common accord. Then the Prince caused certain demands touching the terms of security to be read, which were afterwards taken to the King, and his Answer written under each of them. They are as follows; that the King means that the negociations entered into by both parties were so done by his express commandment. The Prince having objected to a portion of the sentence, the King answers that he will declare that the negociations are for the good of the kingdom.
8. The Prince begs that the King will acknowledge all the noblemen and soldiers of his party as his loyal servants, and that in testimony of his approbation he will inspect the army. The King answers that he acknowledges Condé as his kinsman and faithful subject, as he does the others of his party as long as they do their duty.
9. In all places where there was preaching before these tumults it shall continue under the protection of the King, and convenient places be assigned for that purpose. The King answers that this article was satisfied in the former writings.
10. In frontier towns preaching shall be permitted in the suburbs, and the said towns shall be expressly specified. The King answers that this was also agreed upon in the former writing; but preaching shall not be exercised in any of the said towns unless it has been used there formerly.
11. Lyons not to be considered a frontier town. This is granted.
12. All gentlemen to be allowed the exercise of religion in their houses for their families, and those who choose to come thither; and Lords of the Privy Council to have the same privilege in their lodgings. The King answers that the first part is granted to gentlemen who are barons, châtelains, or haut justiciers, but to none others. Those who dwell in places where there is no preaching may go to places where there is. The King will not suffer the exercise of any religion in the Court except his own.
13. Those of the religion shall not be molested in the places where preaching is not permitted, and shall be permitted to perform the rites of baptism and visitation of the sick quietly in their own houses, and to bury their dead according to their own ceremonies. Answered, that surety of their goods and persons shall be guaranted, but they shall not be permitted to perform any rites but those of the old religion.
14. In Paris those of the religion may exercise it in the faubourgs for the present, and no one shall be molested, but similar privileges accorded to them as those in the preceding article. It is answered that Paris and the banlieu shall be exempt.
15. All persons who are absent from the realm on account of religion shall be allowed to return and enjoy their possessions. The King answers that those who have already returned shall be allowed, but none others.
16. Those who have been spoiled of their possessions or offices for religion or deeds done during the war shall be restored, notwithstanding any judgment or decree to the contrary. The King answers that all gentlemen and noblemen shall be restored to their possessions; the question of offices, other than judicature and finance, shall be settled on the King's majority. This, however, does not concern the Prince.
17. Goods and furniture plundered in different towns to be restored to their rightful owners on their returning the money for which they were bought. The King answers that this is considered reasonable.
18. All prisoners of war and for religion to be released. This the King grants, with the exception of robbers and murderers.
19. All decrees on the subject of religion shall be revoked. The King grants that all decrees made since these tumults shall have no effect.
20. All processes on account of religion to cease. To this it is answered that they will cease on account of the following fact.
21. The taxes which the Prince has levied for this war shall not be demanded of him again. The King grants that he shall be discharged on sending in an account of what he has taken, so that the King may know what remains for him to receive, and that the people may not have to pay over again.
22. Those of the Roman Church shall return to their churches, houses, and benefices without molestation, but shall not try to recover the fruits of their ecclesiastical benefices spent by the Prince. The King answers that he intends that they should do so; as to the fruits of their benefices, he will arrange that those who have taken them shall be discharged.
23. All hostilities to cease, and the use of the words Huguenot, Papist, Rebel, and the like to be prohibited, as well as songs and defamatory libels; and preachers of both parties to be enjoined not to stir the people up. The King desires it should be so.
24. A special amnesty to be granted to the inhabitants of Orleans and Lyons for things done during the war. (fn. 3)
25. The towns which have been taken and pillaged, more especially Rouen, shall be recommended to the King, and all confiscations shall be revoked. The King answers that he will know how to succour and treat his subjects according to their merits.
26. None of those who have levied forces abroad or held any charge during this war shall be molested. In reply it is stated that this has been already answered in a previous article.
27. That a free and general council shall be procured within six months, at which neither the Pope or his party shall preside; or else a national Council, which shall be open to all comers of any nation. If this be not done within six months, then the exercise of the reformed religion shall be permitted indifferently in all places and by all persons. It is answered that this article has been settled in the former writing, which says that a free and general Council shall be held, and if this is not done within six months, that the King will call an assembly, open to all comers.
28. That no judge shall have capital jurisdiction in any matters relating to religion, but only the Great council; and that the cognizance of all appeals, where either of the parties is of the reformed religion, shall lie with the Grand council. To these the King answers that he does not intend to alter the ordinary course of justice.
29. For the due observance of these articles, all the Lords of the Privy Council, together with the governors of provinces, shall swear to respect them, and anyone breaking his oath shall, ipso facto, be held guilty of lese-majesté, and to forfeit all his goods. He answers that the said oath shall be taken, and that he will make a severe example of those who break it.
30. That the Queen of England, the Protestant Princes, and Evangelical cantons of Switzerland shall be informed of this accord, and requested to put down by force any infringer thereof during the King's minority. The King answers that he will advertise his friends and allies, as he has been accustomed.
31. The present ordinance shall be forthwith published throughout the realm, with strict orders to all officers to enforce its observance. Granted by the King.
32. All forces to be disbanded, and all towns and other places put under such government as the King may see fit, and all their arms taken away. He grants that all forces not summoned by himself shall withdraw, and he will retain such as seems good to him.
33. After the reading of these articles, the Prince having lost the hope of peace, and also most of the means of taking Paris, nevertheless determined to proceed; but his design was prevented by the baseness of one of his principal captains.
34. The next day the Queen Mother sent a gentleman with the articles written below, whom the Prince returned with those agreed on at the mill in their proper form, with apostilles added, to which the Queen Mother replied as follows on the 8th inst.:—
7 and 8 Dec. 1562.
35. Preaching to be permitted in all places where it was practised before these troubles, if required.
36. Reply of the Queen Mother.—Within the towns, and if any of the subjects require it.
37. Apostille of the Prince.—They are agreed, adding the above words.
38. Preaching only to be permitted outside frontier towns.
39. Apostille of the Prince.—Frontier towns to mean those with a governor and garrison.
40. Reply of the Queen Mother.—Granted.
41. Noblemen to be allowed the exercise of their religion in their houses, and persons residing in places where it is not permitted to enjoy peaceably their goods.
42. Apostille of the Prince.—Certain explanatory words to be added.
43. Reply of the Queen.—The King will not have any religion but his own in his Court.
44. Apostille of the Prince.—The secretary has here omitted the Prince's request that the Lords of the Council might have service in their own lodgings.
45. Paris and the banlieu to be exempt.
46. Apostille.—Those of Paris only to exercise their religion without the town.
47. The Queen Mother.—This article is thus decreed.
48. Lyons not to be accounted a frontier town.
49. The Queen Mother.—Agreed.
50. The English and other foreigners to quit the realm.
51. Apostille.—See reply to a previous article of Dec. 2.
52. Queen Mother.—The King intends that the English and other foreigners shall retire.
53. Apostille.—See reply to a previous article.
54. The clergy shall return to their churches and livings without hindrance.
55. Reply.—Granted.
56. A general council, or assembly, to be procured.
57. Reply.—This article has been already determined, and it is unnecessary to add anything to it.
58. Apostille.—It is impossible to pass it without adding that which is in the article of the 2nd Dec.
59. Necessary securities for the performance of these articles shall be provided.
60. The Lords of the Privy Council shall swear to observe them, reserving power to the King to make a severe example of those who contravene them.
61. Apostille.—See a previous article.
Other Articles sent by the Prince.
62. These (eleven in number) are precisely of the same effect, and nearly in the same words, as those delivered on the 4th Dec.; they are nearly all answered to the same purport.
63. These things show that they place their assurance in the destruction of the Prince and his party, of which intention they have a certain proof. The last day that they were at the mill, the Duke of Guise, knowing that the Queen Mother would find the articles more reasonable, told her that if he thought she would keep what was accorded he would never consent to it, but considered that what she had done was simply for the purpose of separating the Prince's forces; and for assurance all present shook hands. The Prince therefore urges all faithful subjects to resistance.—The camp at Arcueil, 9 Dec. 1562, Signed: Loys De Bourbon.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 34.
Dec. 10. 1220. The Count Palatine to the Queen.
Her envoys, Knolles and Mundt, mentioned her desire for a mutual league for defence of all the Protestant states, which was, however, so grave a matter that he could give no answer without consulting the other Princes. Hopes her envoys have expressed his great desire for a good understanding with her. Has abstained from written treaties, as he has always thought that a free understanding between parties, especially in religious matters, is preferable. An understanding that they will mutually support each other if unjustly attacked is desirable, in which alliance she would not hold the last place. Has spoken to the other Princes who were at Frankfort, and has written to those who were not there; is sure of the goodwill of the former, and will inform her of the answers of the others.—Heidelburg, 10 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Pro consensu animorum potius quam scriptorum. Lat. Pp. 4.
Dec. 10. 1221. Warwick to Cecil.
Perceives by Beauvoir that Condé looks for money from the Queen, for which he has presently written to her by Bricquemault, who will this night take shipping thitherward. Is requested by Beauvoir to ask Cecil to have it converted into such coin as is current here, although it be at the charge of the Prince, the same being sent hither.—Newhaven, 10 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 10. 1222. Throckmorton to Smith.
1. On the 8th inst. sent a letter, which he thinks Smith has not received. The accord is broken amongst these folks. The fault was not on this side, for these men were contented to receive both unreasonable and dishonourable conditions. They are parted from before Paris, and mind to spend some time in Normandy, so that the English may join them, and to receive the money which is said to be staid at Newhaven. In their way hither they mean to assail Chartres; hopes they may have better luck than they have had elsewhere, but from two or three respects he begins to despair of any success. Begs Smith will inform the Queen of these men's intentions, so that Warwick may know what to do in time. Perceives they mean also to win and detain so much of Normandy as is on their side of the Seine. Is glad that the Seine is betwixt them and Lord Warwick, for he would not that they should come there with any force.
2. Touching his own case, has within these three or four days, as well by two letters to the Queen Mother as by a message to the Duke of Guise, solicited that he might pass from the camp to Smith, and from thence to England, as the Queen Mother promised Condé on the 1st inst. They will not so much as send a trumpet for him, and these imparlements grow only by the Constable. Is informed by a friend (who knows how the world goes at the Court) that it is Smith who must work his despatch hence.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 10. 1223. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. This night received his of the 10th inst. from Palaiseau but his of the 8th inst. has not yet arrived. Would fain know what those dishonourable articles were, which the Prince's company agreed to, and yet the accord was broken off. Those here say they have agreed to their demands about religion, and all other reasonable things, and that it sticks but upon particular offices and authorities; and of the Almaines there with the Prince, whom he would have the King here avow and pay for.
2. Will send Sir Nicholas's advice to England. The Duke of Guise follows the Prince with his like former power, as far as he can. The Gascons and Spaniards are come.
3. Does not mislike the Prince going to Normandy, as now the writer will enter in with the Cardinal to get him [Throckmorton] away.
4. Sir Nicholas said the Prince would let the writer have a cipher, and inform him to whom he may give and take advertisements from him. If he will, the writer will send them with his packet to England, and return him the answer to them. Sir Nicholas had need take this order before he goes.—St. Denis, 10 Dec.
5. P. S.—Sends in this packet the Queen's letter to Sir Nicholas, which the writer opened as he was willed; it is sealed with Middlemore's seal. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 10. 1224. John Young to Cecil.
This day there came a boat from Dieppe with many poor people, who say that the Prince, the Palatine, the Barons Grammont, Duras, and Adrets, and others are about Paris; and eight days past came M. D'Andelot to him with 200 horse and 500 foot, but his great power was with the Prince before. There is slain by the Prince M. D'Alegré ten days past; and D'Aumale is shot through the thigh. The Guises have trenched in the suburbs about Paris; and the Prince being round about with his power, there is great lack of victual in the city. Guise's power is great, and the King and his mother are there also. At Rouen there is none but M. Villebon, who lies very sick within the castle, and Captain Mase is ruler there, who has not above 200 soldiers; so that the town is kept by them and the Papists. All the gates are kept shut but one, they are in such fear of the English coming. Great numbers of people come here daily whom he sends away into the country, and they go to London.—Rye, 10 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. No such cipher is now with the letter.
  • 2. See Béza, Hist. des Eglises Réformèes, ii. 121, ed. 1841.
  • 3. There is no reply to this article.