Elizabeth: December 1562, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: December 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp505-517 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp505-517.

"Elizabeth: December 1562, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp505-517.

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December 1562, 1-5

[Dec. 1.] 1160. Remembrances for Newhaven.
Directions for the safe keeping of Newhaven. That the pioneers complete the fortifications by February or March, with the help of the soldiers. For the superfluous number of Frenchmen in the town; for the shipping, windmills, horse mills, and hand mills. For a supply of fresh water, and for the provision of Newcastle coal.
Endd. by Cecil: Sir Hugh Powlet. Pp. 3.
[Dec. 1.] 1161. Memorial for Newhaven.
Notes by Cecil of different matters to be considered for removing the French from Newhaven, guarding the sea passage, bringing the ships over, &c.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: Memorials for Newhaven; depeched. Pp. 4.
Dec. 1. 1162. Memorial for Newhaven.
Notes by Cecil of sundry matters necessary for Newhaven, which form the groundwork of his letters to different officers in that garrison.
Draft in Cecil's hol., dated and endd. Pp. 2.
[Dec. 1.] 1163. Orders for Newhaven.
Orders respecting the musters of the English troops at Newhaven, the delivery and examination of their armour, allowance of victuals, and the inspection of the pioneers and labourers.
Endd. Pp. 3.
[Dec. 1.] 1164. The Garrison of Newhaven.
Orders for the taking of musters, the duties of captains, the appointment and pay of soldiers, and the other services devolving upon the Clerk Controller of the garrison of Newhaven.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Dec. 1. 1165. Removal of French Ships from Newhaven.
It is ordered that an officer and 400 masters and mariners be sent to Newhaven to bring thence certain French ships to Portsmouth, who must have a month's victuals. The total cost is estimated at 611l. 13s. 4d.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
[Dec. ?] 1166. List of French Ships.
Names of owners of ships belonging to Newhaven, Dieppe, Rouen, and other French ports which were at Newhaven, 100, of aggregate tonnage of 8,205. Three king's ships, 320 tons. Eleven prizes, of 605 tons. Total, 157 ships; tonnage, 13,480.
Dec. 1. 1167. Sir Maurice Denys to the Privy Council.
1. The letters of the 24th ult. to him and the Lord Lieutenant ask what the extraordinary charges of this garrison amount to. Cannot advertise them until payment be passed. The light horsemen are increased to sixty, and will grow to 100; and the labourers increase every day.
2. Charles Leighton, brother to Captain Leighton, is appointed to repair his brother's band; and Thomas Johnes is appointed Captain of the pinnace in place of Strangwysh; and Thomas Burrowes, captain of the French galley.
3. Mentions how the 600 men from Essex, and the 500 from Devon are placed. Asks for money, and that it be sent in French currency.—Newhaven, 1 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 1. 1168. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. Wrote on the 26th ult. by Charles Wilson. Muses what the Prince means by lying so long before Paris, and spending his time and money for nothing. Those who were at first weak are gathering their forces on every side. M. De Nevers has here already from 800 to 1,000 horse. They look for 600 foot and horsemen, Spaniards, Gascons, and Piedmontese, to arrive shortly. All this while they have driven the Prince off with talk.
2. The Queen is in the same mind as when he last wrote. She prepares to the war, and looks when the Prince should go into Normandy. Informed the Queen Mother and the Cardinal on the 25th ult. that Her Majesty will not make peace without the Prince. Now there is no dissembling in the matter. Those with the Prince may see how small a cause they had to mistrust the writer's familarity with the Cardinal. Sends commendations to the Prince and the Admiral.—St. Denis, 1 Dec.
Copy. P. 1.
Dec. 1. 1169. Cuerton to Challoner.
Has sent his letters for England by a London ship, laden with oranges at Laredo. News of the loss of Rouen and Dieppe. The Earl of Warwick is proclaimed Duke of Normandy.—Bilboa, 1 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by a messenger. Pp. 3.
Dec. 2. 1170. The Earl of Rutland and Sir Henry Percy to Cecil.
Percy being in familiar talk with him, he said that he heard it reported that Sir James Crofts, Mr. Pawlet, and Mr. Stocks should go to serve at Newhaven. Sir Henry said that if what he heard lately was true, one of them was very unmeet to serve. He chanced to be at a gentleman's house where there was a priest, whose name he asked, who answered, John Noyre; by which feigned French word and other marking he understood plainly what he was; for indeed he was Friar Black, confessor to the Scottish Queen Dowager. Talking of the journey of Leith, Black told him that the Scottish Queen had from time to time true and perfect intelligence of all the proceedings and devices in the English camp, by one chief of the Council there, named Sir James Crofts, who gave intelligence by the Laird of Blanern.— York, 2 Dec. 1562. Signed: H. Rutland; H. Percy.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 1171. Sir Thomas Dacre to Cecil.
Forwards a packet from Randolph. The long absence of Lord Grey from this town has increased his charges more than he is able to bear; whereof he has not been considered, nor yet for the carriage of Randolph's letters.—Berwick, 2 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 1172. The Queen to Warwick.
1. Sends Sir Hugh Powlet to assist him with his advice. It is very perilous to have so many Frenchmen, especially soldiers, in Newhaven, and therefore desires him to use means for removing them. Because he wrote to her Council on 24th ult. that MM. De Beauvoyr and Bricquemault informed him that the inhabitants of Caen have offered themselves to her government, thinks it very convenient to procure Bricquemault to depart thither, and to take with him as many of the French as Warwick can devise. If this cannot take place, then he may place them near Newhaven, so that he may have less annoyance from the enemies. If none of them serve the purpose, and he can devise no other, then he is to show M. De Beauvoyr that he [Warwick] can no longer forbear to do what he ought have done, according to the capitulations made upon the delivery of the town, viz., to have all the French soldiers removed out of the same.
2. As she hears that the enemy has divers garrisons near him, he shall impeach them in what is to the peril of that town. And for the justification of his doings he shall avow that he means to impeach all attempts which shall tend to annoy him, and his keeping that town, as commanded, for the French King; and so notifying his deeds to be on behalf of the said King in this his minority.
3. Order has been given to send 400 or 500 mariners to fetch from thence as many ships as he shall think meet.
4. He should beware of the practices of the Rhinegrave, and not trust any of his soldiers who seem to revolt either for religion or any other respect. But if any practices can be used with him or any of his to serve the King under Condé, she can be content to allow a reasonable charge of money for them.
5. Has appointed three vessels to keep the passage betwixt Newhaven and the Isle of Wight, or Portsmouth; and as many betwixt that town and Sussex and Kent; all which vessels, with the Double Rose, are at his [Warwick's] command to serve within that river, to send messages and conduct the victuallers thither.
6. Finds it somewhat hard to furnish the galley with rowers from hence, and suggests certain means for so doing. And besides, when any of the garrison deserve to be punished, it would be well to have them tied and kept to the service of the galley, according to his discretion. And if any French prisoners shall come into his hands, to commit them to serve in the galley, in such sort as the French have done with certain of her's who served at Rouen. And for further help intends to send a number of offenders, now in prison in the west country upon suspicion for offences done upon the seas.
7. Leaves the giving of rewards for intelligence of the proceedings of his neighbours to his discretion; the charge whereof he is to advertise once a month.
8. Of other things of less moment her Council will advertise him.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and dated and endd. by him. Pp. 8.
Dec. 2. 1173. The Queen to Sir Hugh Poulet.
1. Being desirous that Warwick should have his assistance, he shall repair to him into Normandy with instructions from her Council.
2. He may remit his charge as captain of Jersey to one of his sons.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 2. 1174. Vaughan to Cecil.
The Essex men arrived here altogether unfurnished with armour and weapons, and to-day 500 Devonshire, like unfurnished, arrived. There is not of the Queen's to furnish them. Has, therefore, delivered his own furniture (which he was driven to send for out of Kent, and with which he was appointed to furnish the Kentish men, but which the captains would not receive), fourty-four corslets at 33s. the piece, eighty pikes at 3s. 4d. the piece, forty-four arquebuses at 8s. the piece, and forty-four murions at 6s. 8d. the piece, viz. 106l. 12s. Asks that this sum be paid to the bearer, his servant.—Newhaven, 2 Dec. 1562.
Orig., with seal. Add. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 1175. Memorial for Newhaven.
Notes and short memoranda by Cecil of things necessary to be done about Newhaven.
In Cecil's hol., and dated by him. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 2. 1176. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. Answered the Queen Mother and the Cardinal on the 21st ult. that Queen Elizabeth will not make peace nor remove her force without the consent of the Prince.
2. Sent Throckmorton's despatches to England. Begs him to devise how he may hear from him. Cannot get him a safe-conduct.
3. The Queen prepares for war marvellous fast. Count Montgomery is coming over to Normandy with a great power.
4. Wrote on the 26th ult. and 1st and 2nd inst.
Copy. P. 1.
Dec. 2. 1177. Advertisements.
1. Maximilian is chosen but not elected; before he is crowned he must swear to proclaim the Profession of Augsburg throughout Germany.
2. Of the twenty-six galleys that went from Barcelona to Genoa, twenty-two were lost with all on board, and the other four were greatly damaged. There were in them 400,000 ducats belonging to the King and Pope collected in Spain, besides a great sum of money which the fathers of the Inquisition had gathered to aid the Duke of Guise. Fugger and divers Genoese had much money in them, for he was lately paid by the King 740,000l., whereof there were 400,000 ducats in ready money.
3. 8,000 men were lost in the galleys, many being noblemen, and amongst them Don John De Mendoza, and another who was made Governor of Milan.
4. 400 of Condé's men have been at the gates of Paris.
Dec. 2. 5. The Duke of Guise is slain. News came from Paris that he had lost 2,000 horsemen, and was shot in the leg and bled to death.
6. The Prince had taken Corbeil and slain all there; also that he had possession of all the rivers that run to Paris, and had burnt the mills about the town.
Dated by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Dec. 3. 1178. Maximilian, King of Bohemia, to the Queen.
Credence for Knolles and Mundt to whom he has imparted certain matters of which he desires her to be informed. —Frankfort, 3 Dec. 1562. Signed: Maximilian,—Lindegg.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
Dec. 3. 1179. The Queen to Sir Maurice Denis.
1. Desires him to repay to Warwick what he has disbursed for intelligence. Also to pay those soldiers employed in the galley an increase of wages as long as they shall serve in it.
Dec. 3. 2. Has ordered that fifty soldiers be appointed with curriers, to each of whom he shall pay an increase of 2d. a day.
Corrected draft, dated and endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 3.
Forbes, ii. 213.
1180. Warwick to the Council.
1. Received their letters of the 24th ult. by Mr. Portinary, whom he will shortly return with his opinion touching the state of the fortifications here, which cannot be perfected without 1,500 more labourers or pioneers. More soldiers are taken than they may bear, whereby they have worn out their clothes, and are not able, in consequence of the dearth of victuals, to furnish themselves again. Through the cold and want of bedding, they fall sick daily in great numbers. Asks them to send hither 2,000 mattresses, otherwise the third part of the garrison will not be able to do service. There is neither wood nor coals here, and they cannot get any out of the country.
2. Touching the unserviceable ships, as well belonging to the Papists as to their friends, Beauvoir has promised to give order that they shall be broken up and employed as the Council have devised; the others that are serviceable cannot be sent into England without giving offence to their friends. A good watch and diligent search must be continued for avoiding danger. It is not possible to diminish the strangers by indirect means without offence to their friends. Nevertheless, if M. Bricquemault keep touch, shortly they shall be removed where they may do better service. The muster book shall be sent with speed. Asks that the unskilful arquebusiers be allowed two pounds of powder each monthly until they are brought to better perfection; likewise that he may be permitted to give some allowance of dead pays, if only five in the hundred, to such captains as he shall think worthy thereof, as well for their relief as for the help of such gentlemen and expert soldiers as they are forced to consider above the Queen's allowance. The musters have not been so straitly looked to in any other place. On 30th ult. Sir John Moore with 500 western men arrived here. They have no kind of furniture except swords and daggers.—Newhaven, 3 Dec. 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—Sends the bearer, Richard Goodale, to them, who came hither from Berwick with Captains Reade and Brickwell. Asks that Goodale may have a commission for taking up 100 miners.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[Dec.] 1181. Orders for Newhaven.
Notes for the President's remembrance about Newhaven, viz., respecting the rased part of the town; that two pounds of powder be allowed of the Queen's gift for the training of unpractised soldiers; the allowance of pays; for the deduction of 20s. for each corslet; for the rating of the prices of victuals; and to know what discretion his Lordship may have as touching such things as cannot abide time to be advertised. Also, that a civilian and physician be sent.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Dec. 3. 1182. Smith to Throckmorton.
Is in a marvellous agony to know what is meant by this kind of treating of accord. Throckmorton has credit there; he [Smith] has none here since he declared plainly that the treaty of peace is to no purpose unless he knows from the Prince whereon he will stick.—St. Denis, 3 Dec. 1562.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 3. 1183. Throckmorton to Smith.
1. If Smith's credit with the Queen Mother and others of the King's councillors does not stand him in more stead for a passport than Condé's and his own solicitations, the writer cannot tell how long he is like to tarry in this country.
2. Since his letter of the 22nd ult. this army has spent the time in viewing Paris, which it was ordained should be assailed by assault, or rather by surprise by camisado, the last day of November, the camp being lodged distant a little league; but the matter was ill handled, specially by the army not being able to approach the place before fair daylight, and then some of the leaders thought it meet rather to return. Had it been well handled they would have achieved it without great difficulty and loss. The case is such, that the Prince must either fight, whatsoever it cost, or come to an accord. Towards the latter the Queen Mother has made this entry, that she will come and speak with the Prince in his camp.
3. As touching his own case, perceives that the Constable must be wooed and sued, but rather by Smith than by himself. The Constable takes upon himself to do all, and loves to have suits made to him. He said to the Admiral that he advised the Queen Mother in no wise to grant Throckmorton a passport. Begs Smith to use all his sweet words unto him for his case. In the end he [Smith] may tell the Constable that he is able to repair all their matters.
4. It is reported in this camp that Warwick has taken Harfleur and Honfleur, and defeated the Rhinegrave's force, and that the Count is hurt. On the last of November the Queen Mother and others had a conference at a mill betwixt the two camps, but the day was rather spent in ceremonies than in matter of fact. In the afternoon of the 1st inst. they all met at the said place, except the Queen Mother and the Prince. The Prince's party exhibited their demands of accord in writing, of which the chief is to have an Interim through all France for the matters of religion, and thus Papists and Protestants to have the exercise of their religion according to their conscience. This demand is founded upon the ordinance of the Estates last assembled at Pontoise. For the surety of these articles the Prince's Commissioners require to have the hostages of the Papist faction delivered to the Queen of England and such Protestant Princes as have aided the Prince in his affairs, and they will give hostages to any papistical foreign Princes except the Bishop of Rome and the King of Spain. On the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd inst. conferences were held, at which the Queen was sometimes present. Encloses the articles which were yesterday offered by the Prince as the least he could accord unto. The Queen Mother promised Condé yesterday that she would send for Throckmorton to come to her. Marvels that he does not inform him of the great loss which the King of Spain has received, and therefore is not in a state either to aid or offend anybody. —Arcueil, 3 Dec. 1562. (fn. 1)
Pp. 6.
Dec. 3. 1184. Draft of the above, together with an additional passage respecting his passport and the intended conference between the hostile parties on the 27th. Hopes for little satisfaction at their hands, unless it grow by Smith or the Cardinal of Ferrara. For all these fair shows there is no way to agree these men but strokes.
Copy. Passages underlined to be ciphered. Endd.: By a Frenchman. Pp. 4.
Dec. 4. 1185. The Queen to Condé.
1. Is glad that the place which the late King of Navarre held for the French King is come by nature and order to him. Doubts not but that he will upon his present accession to further authority continue in the same purpose as formerly, wherein he shall not lack her assistance. Advises him not to give his ear to those who shall use any persuasions to decline him from those faithful and approved friends of France, M. l'Admiral and his house.
2. Desires him to give credit to Throckmorton, who knows her mind in all her affairs with him.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and dated and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
Dec. 4. 1186. Draft of the above, in French.
Portions underlined, to be expressed in cipher. Dated and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Dec. 4. 1187. Cecil to Throckmorton.
The Queen's letters will open plainly what is her meaning, and however she has been minded towards him since his journey to Orleans, he will find her easily satisfied with his own declaration, considering his doings are not only justifiable, but thankful and necessary. He is to do what he can to make peace, for the charges of these wars will eat away the fruits thereof, and he knows their lacks besides. Herewith are sent two letters for the Prince, the one sent long ago, and the other comes partly upon Throckmorton's motions. The money which the Prince should have is not yet at Newhaven, but shall shortly be there. Poulet goes to remain with Warwick as a principal councillor, without other charge. Lee has returned, whose opinion in the fortification of Newhaven is in executing, but they look to hear more by Portinary. The Rhinegrave lies near Newhaven, with whom there is neither peace or war. They mean to stuff Newhaven with men, victuals, and munition. There are of soldiers presently 5,800, and almost 1,000 pioneers. They have also seven ships and a galley at sea, to keep the passage between England and the Seine. Desires him to send the names of all the principal men with the Prince, with some note of their estate.—4 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 4. 1188. Warwick to Cecil.
Three captains arrived here lately with 600 men from Essex. There being no armour in the store-house, two of them found means among their friends here to furnish their bands, for which they requested that payment may be made unto this bearer.—Newhaven, 4 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 4. 1189. Vaughan to Cecil.
Has been informed that many slanders have been raised against him since his departure from London. One is, that he has discharged his company without paying them, and has spoiled them of sundry wages. He is able to prove that he brought from London, for Poynings and himself, 433 men, whereof he brought to this town, at his own charge, the said thirty-three above his number, and kept them till he could place them in other bands; and that he has not since his arrival here discharged above ten, who received from three to five days' wages above what was due to them.—Newhaven, 4 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 4. 1190. Gresham to Cecil.
Sends a note of all sums taken up in Antwerp for the Queen's behoof the 20th August 1562, amounting to 23,700l. Flemish, for which he desires her warrant for transporting of the same by Richard Candeler. Sends this bearer to confer with him after what sort Cecil will have this money packed, having made three strong cases for the same, and how he is to act in this journey. Also sends the book of whom the money was taken up here and delivered in Antwerp.— London, Friday morning. Signed.
Orig. Add. Dated and endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 4. 1191. The Palatine to the Queen.
1. Her letters received by Henry Knolles declare her great good will towards him and her solicitude for the common safety. Has received much consolation and pleasure from the Apology for the English Church, on account of its brevity and clearness. It is necessary to be zealous in defending religion at the present time.
2. There are some in Germany, as elsewhere, who are too zealous in defending any opinion that they have once adopted, and who are addicted to disputing on useless points, which disturb the consciences of many. Is, however, sure that she is not moved by these controversies, and that she will always defend the true religion. Writes this not because he thinks that she needs any persuasion, but in order that she may know his opinion.—Frankfort, 4 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 5.
Dec. 4. 1192. Clough to Challoner.
1. Answered his letter of the 10th of October on the 7th ult., and sent with it a packet from the English Court, the answer being the same as that of the 2nd ult., touching Challoner not having been paid by Francis Bravo.
2. The English have possession of Newhaven, wherein are 7,000 or 8,000 men, 1,000 pioneers, and great stores of munition.
3. On the 2nd inst. received letters from London for Challoner, and amongst them one from Challoner's servant, and the enclosed bills of exchange for 300l., which he will make payable to Hugh Tipton at Seville.
4. The Queen has been dangerously ill of the small-pox; Maximilian was chosen King of the Romans on the 23rd ult., and the 30th came to Frankfort.
5. Has just heard that Condé is within three English miles of Paris, and that he has taken three of its waters, so that the city is in great misery for lack of victuals.—Antwerp, 4 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by the ordinary of Flanders, 6 Jan. 1563. Pp. 6.
Dec. 5.
Forbes, ii. 271.
1193. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his letters of the 22nd ult. from Essone, Condé removed his camp from Corbeil on the 23rd ult., he finding the place difficult to take, and marched towards Paris until the 26th ult. On that day he planted his camp an English mile from the faubourgs of Paris, on the University side. There was hot skirmishing that day betwixt both parties, and men slain on both sides, but most of the Prince's side, by great artillery. The Duke of Guise commands all the soldiers in Paris, and lodges in the Charterhouse in the suburbs of St. Michael, accompanied by the Swiss, and men of arms. The whole suburb on this side the water is entrenched, where there are sundry bastions and caviliers to plant the artillery on, which is dangerous for the assailants. If the Prince had used celerity, he might have won the suburbs with little loss; then the town could not have held out long, for part of the suburbs has domination thereof.
2. Since the 26th ult. until this despatch, every other day, at least, there was a suspension of arms. The Queen Mother and Condé met and conferred together thrice. Other Commissioners (as the Cardinal of Bourbon, the Prince of Rochesuryon, the Constable, and sometimes the Marshal Montmorency, MM. De Gonore, and l'Aubespine), have oftener conferred with the Admiral, Rochefoucault, D'Andelot Jenlis, Grammont, and Sterney. At these meetings sundry things have been debated. At the despatch hereof there was no accord agreed upon; they are likely to make an accord, such as it is, which will neither be profitable to the Prince, nor commodious for the Queen.
3. Has used his best means to obstruct this manner of accord, but the Prince is tired of warfare, and inclines to the Queen Mother's affections. The end will be that she shall rule all; the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and St. André, with their factions, shall keep their estates in this Court and country; likewise those of the Prince's side; all injuries laid under foot without reparation; a permission for the exercise of religion to be used in all places, except Paris and the banlieu thereof, and all frontier towns, and permission for all gentlemen to exercise their religion in their own houses. For surety of these capitulations, hostages have been demanded to be delivered to the Queen, the Count Palatine, the Duke of Wurtemburg, and the Landgrave. The adverse party will not accord thereto. The Prince has accorded that all forces of strangers shall leave this realm, and the places in their possession be restored to their former estate.
4. Has declared to the Prince how dangerous it will be for him and his friends to accord this article; for if the Queen's forces are excluded from this realm, and no place left for descent, or security of their forces, she neither can nor will aid him nor any other in their need. They press him greatly with her protestation; he does not know what to do with these men, not having any instructions from her. If he knew her determination was not to give up possession of Newhaven, nor retire her force from thence, unless Calais was given in exchange, or that she would in nowise abandon Newhaven, but seek to get more there if she can, or retain the same until the time of the rendition of Calais limited by treaty shall have expired, then he could direct his proceedings; for the want of knowledge thereof he dare not go too far. Being left in ignorance, he has been so bold as to tell the Prince and his party that the Queen could in nowise take it well to have them accord thus lightly, to the expelling of her forces from this realm, whereby she will be subjected to many inconveniences, and they to more. Fears all that he has said will not detain the Prince from making a disadvantageous accord. Hopes she will signify with speed these proceedings to the Count Palatine, the Duke of Wurtemburg, and the Landgrave, so as they shall think that she shall in nowise abandon Newhaven until the rendition of Calais; otherwise she will never be able to stand the cause of religion in stead in France. wanting a port to descend her force.
5. At the last conference betwixt the Queen Mother and the Prince, she accorded that Throckmorton shall safely come from this camp to speak with her, saying she will write to the Queen by him, and that a gentleman shall safely conduct him forth of this realm. Has solicited to have this performed, but delays are used, and he still remain in the Prince's camp. Here is a bruit that the Moors have taken thirty-six Spanish galleys, having defeated the Spanish force in them; and with these galleys and their own, have taken the ships and treasure which were coming from Peru. The Constable works hard to have the Queen's force expelled from this realm, and in nowise to accord to the rendition of Calais. The Spanish Ambassador here labours that Calais shall not he given to her, fearing the rendition thereof may retain her staplers from Bruges, and bring discommodities to his master's Low Countries. MM. De Jenlis and De Grammont are men not to be treated withal in anything concerning the Queen.—From the Prince of Condé's camp before Paris, 5 Dec. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Portions, in cipher deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
Dec. 5. 1194. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. Has perused his letters of the 3rd inst., containing an account of divers attempts and consultations.
2. The French articles are the Prince's offers, and yet are neither surer for him and the Protestants, nor honourable for the Queen.
3. Marvels that the Prince's party are loath that he [Throckmorton] should go into England, or that he should have any conference with the writer.
4. What was told him about the Earl of Warwick, Harfleur, Honfleur, and the Rhinegrave, is not true. It is also reported here about the loss of the King of Spain's galleys, but by no good authors.
5. His credit here is gone, their hearts are gone where he is, without any perceivable cause.—St. Denis, 5 Dec. 1562.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. On the back of this letter Smith has written the following note: "But they came not to me till 5 Dec., in which space, and before all my other letters were delivered. This and all the rest are in cipher."