Elizabeth: November 1562, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: November 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp480-494 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp480-494.

"Elizabeth: November 1562, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp480-494.

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November 1562, 21-25

Nov. 21. 1092. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. On Tuesday the 17th inst. Francis the post arrived at St. Denis, where he [Smith] was. The next morning, sending to the Court; he was told that the Queen Mother kept her chamber that day and the next, mourning for the King of Navarre (who died on the day before), but that he might come on Friday night. At his coming there, and whilst waiting for the Queen, he had some conversation with the Cardinal of Ferrara, tending to some peace and accord. The Cardinal said that he had spoken to Secretary Bourdin about the sending of Smith's letters to Throckmorton.
2. When the Queen Mother came in (the King, the Duke of Orleans, and others being there) he delivered the Queen's letters and excused the delay of this answer to the King's letter by reason of the Queen's sickness, and also by another matter of treason lately discovered which was attempted by Arthur Poole, Edmond Poole, and Geoffrey Poole, but the last was but a child. He then rehearsed what their Lordships had written. The Queen Mother said that M. De Guise had no power but what is the King's, and she is sure he would not go about to make broils in other realms, he having enough to do with theirs. Smith said they had confessed, and without compulsion. She said that the Queen had delivered this King's towns to her men, and keeps her force in France contrary to the treaty, which is a plain demonstration of war. Smith said she did not consider them as rebels, and there being two factions in France she has done good service to the King to defend such as are in danger until he can govern both parties, and that she keeps the town for his use. As for the treaty, if they were to dispute of it, he saw a greater cloud rising than any that was as yet. The treaty was broken when at Rome attempts were made by King Henry II. against the Queen and her crown; and afterwards to make the Dauphin Francis King of England by title of his wife; afterwards, when an army was sent into Scotland to make the Queen of Scots Queen of England; and now, when her ministers in England and France confederate with certain traitors now apprehended, who go about for the same purpose.
3. This troubled her, and she began as it were to deny all. The Cardinal said to the Queen Mother, "Ye see what this disputing of treaties doth bring." She said she desired peace, but let the Queen take away her men from Newhaven, and restore those men first, then she would be glad to hear what she would say. Smith said that was not the way, nor the end to begin at. The Cardinal said that Smith had reason, and the Queen Mother must not begin there, and also that she had promised that Smith should send to Throckmorton and see if he can do as much there to persuade them to peace as Smith has done here. It will not be more than four or five days ere they hear again. She thought that a foreign Prince should not be arbiter betwixt the King and his subjects; to which the Cardinal said it was no arbitrament if by any means they could make an end of these troubles. Smith said he must testify that he found the Cardinal in all conversations desirous of peace. The Queen Mother was aware what a true counsellor the Cardinal was to the house of France, and also to the Queen. The Secretary, she said, should make a passport for Smith's man, and when he receives an answer he is to resort hither to her or to the Cardinal. Mistrusts all their fair speeches till he can either speak with Throckmorton or have some perfect intelligence by letters, which now, having this passport, he shall do out of hand.
4. Thanks them for their news of Scotland and for the French Ambassador's libel and answer. Asks for his second book.
5. Has not had word nor letter from Throckmorton since he came from Paris but this letter enclosed, and at Paris but the letters the copies whereof he sent to Cecil in his first despatch, although he has written twice or thrice in cipher. He has not heard from the Earl. Sends copies of his letters. The Duke D'Etampes has revolted, and is at the Court, and is a great Guisian. All the force of France has returned to Paris, where they now fortify. The Prince's force is against Corbeil, and they are in hopes of taking it.—St. Denis, 21 Nov. 1562. Signed.
6. P.S.—His man has gone with this passport into the Prince's camp.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
Nov. 21.
Forbes, ii. 207.
1093. Smith's Instructions to Wilson.
Instructions given by Smith to Wilson, on being sent to Throckmorton.
Has heard only once from Throckmorton. They go about here doing all they can to sever the Queen and Prince. The Queen will never make peace with the French without consent of the Prince. The money is ready for them to be delivered at Newhaven. His familiarity with the Cardinal and his motion of peace here, is but to know their minds and to have intelligence with Throckmorton. Trusts they will not agree to conditions of peace except the Queen be privy to them. Commendations to the Prince and Admiral.
Copy. Endd. by Smith, and afterwards by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 21. 1094. Warwick to Cecil.
Captain Sawle is appointed Lieutenant of the Ordnance here, with a fee for fifty of his band at 10d. per diem each, in consideration that in time of siege they should be employed to the service of the long "currior," which is not to be used but by men of experience. The Treasurer, having no warrant for the premises, has made stay until he be informed thereof from Cecil.—Newhaven, 21 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 21. 1095. Condé to Cecil.
Thanks him for his efforts in their behalf. As their affairs are now ready to come to some termination, begs that he will urge the Queen to assist them, more especially with money. Desires him to give credence to M. De Briquemault. —Camp at Plessis, 21 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 21. 1096. Condé to Warwick.
Has received his letter of the 6th inst., and thanks him for his goodwill. Hopes, as he is now eight or nine leagues from Paris, that they will not only be able to send to each other, but also to meet. Again begs that the Queen will aid him with money, of which he is in great need.—Camp at Plessis, 21 Nov. Signed.
Orig. (injured at the outer edge). Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 21. 1097. Challoner to Cecil.
1. On the 24th ult. sent two packets of letters to the Queen. Has not heard from Cecil these five months. Has signified the purpose of sending Don Luis De Avila to Rome, who would ere this have gone to Italy had not the galleys been spoiled. Has learnt further that Sir R[ichard] S[helley] goes over with him. Of all other places it is requisite that the Queen should have some man of trust at Rome to advertise her of what passes there, for whatever device is treated silently here will there be sifted through so many hands that by means of one secretary or another it will come to light.
2. The spoil of the galleys is not so great as was at first given out; more than half of the artillery, etc. has been saved; they say enough to arm seventeen new ones. The King's treasure for Oran is saved. There has been found in those galleys concealed treasure amounting to 200,000 pistolets, which belonged to particular merchants, who would have stolen the conveyance thereof for Italy, and which has been confiscated for the King. No one, through fear of the penalty, dared to acknowledge himself the owner.
3. The Prince here is clear of his quartain, waxing fatter after his late recovery. It is not to be marvelled at, as he is a great feeder, so the writer hears.
4. Some here speak doubtfully about the arquebusade of the King of Navarre, as if, perchance, it were the intention of the Guisians to despatch him out of the way.
5. The Spaniards cannot abide that the English should join the Huguenots for religion; but wise men of all sorts among the Netherlanders can be content that the English should have a good pawn for Calais, wherewith the generality of them seem to be well contented, so as the English do not make religion the cause of their stir. Wishes the Queen would allow him a liberal piece of espial money, which perhaps he could bestow to a purpose not repentable. Desires that his diets may be paid; did not receive those which were due on 12th of May last till the 28th of October. Sometimes wine has cost him three ducats, and coal and wood stands him now 10s. a day, viz., for every 100 lbs. of coals eight rials. Cecil's gwadamezziles are almost done; the master at Cordova says they shall be trimmed. If these troubles were a little over-blown, he has somewhat in hand which sent unto him will not be misliked.
6. The weather this last month has been exceedingly stormy, and continues so. In France, the couriers in passing hither say that the ground lies untilled, the people careless and amazed, so as next year will be sore for famine, and in the tail thereof unclean feeding for pestilence.—Madrid, 6 Nov. (fn. 1) 1562.
7. P.S.—Will perceive by the enclosed copy of a letter sent to the King of Spain that nearly the whole of one of the Azores has been lately destroyed by a strange and marvellous fire, and early on Tuesday morning there was a sudden earthquake in Madrid, on the 10th, which did no hurt. Also two children were born here, who are joined together. —Madrid, (fn. 2) 12 Nov. 1562.
8. P. S.—It seems now that Sir Richard Sh[elley] is to stay for a season. Contention between the Prince of Parma, who is here, and the Prince of Florence about their place and precedence on Allhallows' Day last. And yesterday, at the King's chapel (the King being withdrawn within his travers, and the Princes and los grandes being seated upon a form on the travers side, according to the fashion here), it chanced that Parma was set uppermost before Florence came, who, considering that it touched his degree, bade the other make room, who answered that his seat had been appointed him by the King. Florence replied with a round speech, which coming to the King's ears, he commanded them both to avoid the chapel and keep in their houses; but after two days they repaired to Court. It is clear that the King and courtiers are on Parma's side, for he was accompanied by above 100 gentlemen of this Court, and Florence had only his own train. The King has taken the salt trade into his own hands, and has already put it in ure throughout Andalusia. He will go to Flanders next summer, if in the meanwhile the broils in France are not settled to his satisfaction.—Madrid, 16 Nov. 1562.
9. P. S.—News of the taking of Rouen, of the hurt of the King of Navarre, and of the overthrow of the Baron Des Adrets have been received. The Ambassador of the Emperor has lately had some contention with the Fathers at Trent, which is not best liked here. Ripe advices from all parts, though they may cost the Queen 3,000l. a year, may perchance save her 100,000l., for no Prince can tell what to spend unless he knows how his neighbours proceed.—Madrid, 21 Nov. 1562.
Draft, chiefly in Challoner's hol., with numerous erasures, and endd. by him. Pp. 13.
Nov. 21. 1098. Mason to Challoner.
Wrote last week of the taking of Rouen by assault, and of Dieppe by composition. The Prince meant to have assayed what he could do at Paris, but now means to march to Rouen. The English are masters of Newhaven. The Scots have had a brawl together lately for the earldom of Murray. The Queen has recovered. The Duke of Norfolk and Lord Robert are of the Queen's councillors. Fortescue is apprehended, with three of Sir Geoffrey Pole's sons, who had a mind to have gone to the Duke of Guise, and by his support to have returned to Milford Haven, and there the eldest brother was to have been proclaimed Duke of Clarence, and to have seen what they could have done for setting of the Scottish title.—London, 21 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 6 January. Pp. 4.
Nov. 22.
Forbes, ii. 208.
1099. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Hopes she will admonish Warwick at Newhaven to take heed, for there are practices to introduce such numbers, under colour of religion, as may be able to expel her men. Also to give order that the places meetest to be fortified by the enemy near Newhaven be not surprised. Also that the Earl recover all the places on both sides the Seine between Newhaven and Rouen.
2. His letters of the 20th inst. remain in his hands for want of means to send them. Condé being ready to batter Corbeil, the Queen Mother sent her principal ecuyer (M. De St. Mesme) with a letter to the Prince, informing him of the death of the King his brother. St. Mesme had also credence to tell the Prince that she was desirous to end these troubles, and that the Prince should enjoy his due rank; also that the King and she might come to the Prince, or the Prince come to them; but she saw difficulties, the passages being guarded. Her letter has impeached the battery against Corbeil. This delay will be to the Prince's disadvantage. D'Andelot is sick at Orleans.
3. Notwithstanding the Queen Mother's fair words she was contented that, on the 20th inst., the Parliament of Paris agreed to make the King (being but twelve years old) major, and permit at the same time that the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and the whole of Paris should make request unto her to take the government of the King and of this realm into her own hands; and in so doing, the Duke of Guise and the Constable, with the aid of the town of Paris, would stand with her in the same, and spend their lives therein. The Duke D'Aumale, after the writing hereof, arrived at Corbeil with more force and munition, and has the chief command there.—Essone, 22 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 22. 1100. Copy of the above, the ciphered passages deciphered.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 22. 1101. Throckmorton to Smith.
Has received his letter desiring him to aid in appeasing the present troubles in France, and to understand the particular demands of the Prince. Has often spoken with him, and always found him ready to agree to any reasonable pacification. Seeing that the other side are equally desirous of peace, is surprised that they have been so long in coming to an agreement. Since the death of the King of Navarre has found the Prince so desirous of peace that he is unwilling to employ his forces, even against those of Corbeil, who have so much provoked him. He has told Throckmorton that since he is called to his present position he must postpone everything to the public good and the preservation of the realm, and that if the Queen Mother will employ her forces with his all things will soon be reduced to quiet; that he desires to make her authority greater than it was in his late brother's time, and she well knows that all that he has done has been for her service and by her command. Is sure that she is nowhere so esteemed and honoured as she is here. Desires Smith to obtain a passport for him to return into England, and another for the Queen's plate, which he is ordered to send him.—Essone, 22 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd.: Copy of Sir N. Throckmorton's letter, open, in French. Pp. 3.
[Nov. 22.] 1102. Throckmorton to Smith.
"Instructions by word of mouth given by Sir N. Throckmorton to Charles Wilson, for answer to my first instructions."
1. The Queen Mother and the Council desired the Prince, a little before his brother's death, to come and take upon himself the whole government of the realm during the King's nonage; adding pardon for him and the rest, and the Admiral to be restored to his former office. His answer was, that by law and reason, if aught came to his brother, the government, as Lieutenant under the Queen, appertained to him; but as he had some experience of their doings, and has heard that they might dispense with any promise made to an heretic, requested to have as arbitrators the Queen of England, the Princes of Germany, and the King of Bohemia, and that the contrary parts might have those they think best to arrange for a council for settling the matters in controversy.
2. The Queen Mother, on the 18th inst., informed the Prince of the King of Navarre's death, and desired him to take the government of the realm. She would be ready (she said) with all that she has to help him to his right, or else find the means how she and her children might come where he is. The bearer of this message returned from the Queen again to the Prince on the 20th inst.
3. Wishes him to send word to the Earl of Warwick to stay paying the Prince such money as he has in hand till such time as their doings are known. He thinks the agreement amongst themselves will not be for the Queen's profit, as they are not so glad of his advice as formerly, which makes him suspect their doings. Their jealousy of him [Smith] has been answered by the writer, but he cannot abide the Cardinal, nor to hear of him.
4. Sir Nicholas is to have a passport to pass by Corbeil, or, if the camp leaves there, then to have one to pass by Port d'Anglois, and his stuff be brought from Paris as if it were Smith's. The Prince and Admiral send their commendations by Sir Nicholas. He requests Smith to remember the Commentaries of Julius Cæsar upon the description of Frenchmen, and assures him he will find them now rather worse than better.
Copy. Endd. by Smith. Pp. 4.
[Nov. 22.] 1103. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Nov. 22. 1104. Throckmorton to Smith. (fn. 3)
1. Received his letter of the 5th on the 11th. On the 8th the Prince departed from Orleans, and arrived at Pluviers on the 10th, which surrendered at noon the next day, and on the same day the Marshal of Hesse arrived at the camp with 3,500 horse and 4,000 footmen. M. De Gonorre came again to treat or to abuse the Prince. Though he [the writer] arrived at Orleans against his will, it has been to the Queen's service. Is one of the principal causes of the Prince's doings, and has stayed him from falling into compositions prejudicial to her service.
2. On the 12th this camp marches towards Etampes. Thinks they intend to repair to Paris quickly, and there abide the issue of the attempt. Begs that Smith will take care of all his [Throckmorton's] stuff there. They are now within five days' march of Paris. The Prince and Gonorre conferred upon a safe-conduct for the writer. Intends when he approaches nearer to Paris, if he has no safe-conduct, and his house is clear and unguarded, to adventure secretly to him [Smith]. Had it not been for this he could have safely retired and gone into England. These men are nothing glad that Smith has been with the Legate, as he is the most perilous man in Christendom.
3. Received the 300 crowns which he [Smith] sent by Rogers, and advertised him and Middlemore of it long ago. Marvels that the latter does not send him word what answer he had to his letter sent to the King of Navarre, though he is sick, so that the Duke of Guise and the Constable might have seen it. Desires, if it be not delivered, Smith should let it be given to the Queen Mother as a letter sent to the King of Navarre.
4. This despatch was meant to have been sent on the 12th inst. They have marched towards Paris since the 11th inst., so as to look at the enemy's force at Melun and Corbeil, who make a show to fight with them. Those of Etampes sent to the Prince the keys of their town, and were let pass unlooked upon by their army. Encamped three leagues from Corbeil, betwixt that town and La Ferté Alais. Asks Smith to recommend Middlemore to the Queen for some allowance here. Shakerley is the spy of the Queen Mother and the Legate. They have consumed the 17th, 18th, and 19th inst. before they could make their approaches to Corbeil, partly for the mustering and repose of the Almains after their long travail, and partly because this passage was very straight to pass, as there is so much carriage in the army. If Smith were to see the carriage he would say that they were 40,000, but they have not more than 6,000 horsemen of all sorts and nations and 10,000 footmen. He should not bring himself by his doings into the suspicion of these men, for if they prosper it will be dangerous to him and hurtful to the Queen's service, as it will be to the writer if they prosper not. Thinks that next the Pope they hate the Cardinals of Lorraine and Ferrara; and not only the Frenchmen, but the Almains have sworn to chase the Legate and his favourers out of the realm. Will presently be at Essone, which is within falcon shot of Corbeil. They intend to drive the Guisians to fight, and if they will not, they will either burn or destroy Paris, or else lie in the ditch. Begins to mislike their enterprise at Corbeil, for he finds more dangers in it than was supposed, and therefore thinks they will not tarry long before it. Asks him to obtain a safe-conduct to pass through Corbeil (as there is no other free passage over the Seine) by St. Denis, and deliver the Queen's plate to him, and from thence into England. There is no other way than this to pass the Seine and Marne and come safely to Smith. His lackey, whom he sent to Smith two days since, was robbed on his way, stripped naked, and thrown into the river, and only escaped their fury by swimming.—Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Nov. 22. 1105. Loan to Condé
Receipt by R. De la Haye for 500 crowns of the sun lent by the Queen to the Prince of Condé.—22 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 22. 1106. The Duke of Wurtemberg to the Queen.
The controversy which arose formerly in Germany and other countries about the Lord's Supper has now waxed so vehement that unless it be removed it threatens great danger to the Church. The true meaning of the words which prove (on the authority of our Lord Himself) the real presence and distribution of His body and blood in the Supper, as also the principal articles of religion, are so overlaid by the reasonings of human wisdom that everything is called into doubt. Therefore sends her a book entitled, De majestate Domini nostri Jesu Christi ad dexteram Dei Patris, etc., which he recommends to the serious consideration of her divines. The matters in controversy being clearly explained, thinks that by its means a way may be found of restoring tranquillity to the Church.—Frankfort, 10 cal. Dec. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil: The book De Cœna Domini of Brentius. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 22. 1107. Chamberlain to Challoner.
Has received all such stuffs as he left, saving the wool mattresses and pewter, and the leather hangings, which are destroyed with salt water. Has willed Challoner's man to recover against the master of the ship. They should have been packed in the leather cloth sack, which came empty. They cost him for half a year's use 112 ducats. Trusts that Challoner will see him recompensed. Sends commendations to the Count and Countess of Feria, the young Lord, and Mrs. Clarentius.—London, 22 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by the ordinary of Flanders, 6 Jan. Pp. 4.
Nov. 23. 1108. Madame De Roy to the Queen.
Has come here for refuge with the children of the Prince of Condé, to whom she is mother-in-law. Desires the Queen to be security for the Prince for 300,000 dollars, which he has an opportunity of borrowing.—Strasburg, 23 Nov. 1562. Signed: Madeleine De Mailly.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Nov. 23. 1109. Smith to Cecil.
1. Has looked for an answer to the points whereon they stand, as they are now at the very issue. Demanded another audience, and answered as he wrote to the Council on the 22nd inst. The Cardinal and the Queen Mother and Smith are at an issue; so are the Guisians and the Prince. The latter are within seven leagues of one another, and nothing lets them from meeting. Tarries at St. Denis, not daring to go to the Court till he hears what Cecil determines. Fears three things; one, that they shall agree without England; that the Guisians should deceive and trap him; and that they will weary and make them flee. The first, because he perceives that this party desires nothing so much as to sever the English and the Prince; the second, because they have won a great number of noblemen, so that the name of the King, etc. may easily reduce the rest; the third, fears that the winter, lack of money, the natural irksomeness of man, and scarcity of victuals, will bring weariness even to the best soldiers; but if the Prince is able to hold out, then he "will into Normandy," and join his force with the English, so that the Queen may back him on her sea side and he defend himself on land.
2. Cecil may see their desire by the discourse of the Queen Mother and the Cardinal to satisfy Elizabeth, wherefore in this he desires to know her resolution. Cannot tell whether they in England would rather have peace than war with France. Sends such news as Middlemore has obtained; he is one likely to do good service, but the writer was warned, first by Shakerley and afterwards by the Cardinal, not to use him, especially to the Queen Mother or the Council there, for they cannot abide him. Wilson also negotiates for the writer at the Court, and learns from him how the world goes. He had not his passport till late on Friday night. On Saturday morning the 21st inst. he left with his and Cecil's letters to Throckmorton at the Prince's camp. It was Sunday before he [the writer] could get the passport for Francis the post to return, and because he expected Wilson's return on Monday he stopped the departure of Francis one day.— St. Denis, 23 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
Nov. 23. 1110. Money for Thomas Cecil.
Receipt of Thomas Cecil and Thomas Windedank for 200 dollars received from the heirs of George Wolfe of Strasburg.
Draft. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 24. 1111. Money for Thomas Cecil.
Acknowledgement of Thomas Windebank for 100 dollars owing to Sir Thomas Gresham.
Draft. Endd. by Windebank. Pp. 2.
Nov. 24.
Forbes, ii. 210.
1112. Warwick to the Privy Council.
1. Lately had information from Smith that Guise had drawn all the strength of Normandy against Condé, who is near Paris; and that if Guise prevail he will assail them here Proclamation has been made at Rouen and elsewhere that the French are to be ready to expulse the English and Almains. Also, that besides the Rhinegrave's band, 2,000 French soldiers have come to Bolbec, and that certain great ordnance have arrived at Fécamp, so it is supposed they intend to besiege Havre or else fortify upon the hill. There are at Dieppe and Fécamp eight large ships preparing to cut off their supplies; so it is requisite some of their ships may be speedily sent forth.
2. MM. Beauvoir and Bricquemault lately informed him that the inhabitants of Caen have offered themselves to the Queen's protection. Bricquemault (they say) looks hourly to be sent for to come thither, "who minds to take with him all the French soldiers that be here." They are enforced to increase their watch, to prevent inconveniences amongst themselves. Asks what was determined betwixt the Vidame and the Queen for removing the men of war, and would have order to put it in execution.
3. Yesterday the Queen Mother sent hither M. La Mauvissier, signifying that she had received letters from the Queen that she had entered this town to keep it safely for her son; which she credited, as his [Warwick's] doings were not hurtful to her subjects. This was not the chief cause of Mauvissier's coming, for Beauvoir told the writer that the Queen Mother had not only offered him pardon, but that if he lost 10,000l. she would restore 15,000l. for it.
4. Asks to be supplied, especially of victuals, which are so scarce that this day there was neither beer nor bread (other than biscuit) in the Queen's store. If it is not remedied in time it will grow to great inconvenience. Want of water (which was taken from them four or five days ago), and of mills, are the cause of this lack.
5. This morning an issue of water so emptied the ditch, that a man in his boots might go to the wall side. The ditch is not so deep as supposed.
6. 600 men arrived here this evening from Suffolk and Essex. Is desirous to have their advice.—Newhaven, 24 Nov. 1562. Signed.
7. P. S.—Is informed that the Prince is coming into Normandy, and accounts to have aid from hence; whereof if he fails, what the godly will judge the writer leaves to their consideration.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil and his secretary. Pp. 4.
[Nov. 24.] 1113. The Privy Council to Warwick.
In answer to his letter of 19th inst., they forward instructions respecting the preachers, treasurer, pioneers, and victuallers of Newhaven.
Draft. Partly in Cecil's hand and partly cancelled. Pp. 2.
Nov. 24. 1114. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. On the 23rd received theirs of the 17th. Is sorry they mistrust his familiarity with the Cardinal of Ferrara, who in words is towards peace, and there are no others to whom he can have access; for if they be Protestants and have discovered themselves, they are all either gone to the Prince's camp; and if they dare not discover themselves, neither dare they come to him.
2. Left everything in suspense till he had their Lordships' determinations, as he suspected both the Prince and them, lest they should put the Queen into the broils. It will be seen by his discourses already sent, how they go about to divide the Queen and the Prince, which the Cardinal never denied. Two out of four of his letters have come to Throckmorton, and he [the writer] has received but one of so many. By the Cardinal he obtained a passport to send an open letter in French to Sir Nicholas, moving him to send a good concord, which he sent together with their Lordships' letters, and such other intelligence as could be devised. Received by the same man an open letter, also in French, in reply, to show the Queen and Cardinal; and by that means he was enabled to send the packet enclosed. Touching the Cardinal, thinks Court friendship is sooner lost than found, and trusts it is their meaning that he shall defeat himself thereof with gentle manners.—St. Denis, 24 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 24. 1115. Smith to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. Rejoices that the Queen is recovered, and that the foolish practice of the French and the Pooles is discovered.
2. Has gone no further either with the Cardinal or the Queen Mother than to make the Queen an arbiter. The writer's letter to Throckmorton will at least serve to forward a despatch, whereby Condé will know the Queen's mind fully. Has informed Throckmorton that money is ready in Newhaven.—St. Denis, 24 Nov. 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—Leighton is a prisoner in D'Anville's house in Paris; helped him [Leighton] with forty crowns for apparel. The writer's man, who brought him but 300 crowns, requires at least 200 or 300 more. Will speak with M. D'Anville for Mr. Leighton.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 24. 1116. Smith to Cecil.
1. Went to the Court and delivered the letters, and had such conference as answered a great part of what was willed him in Cecil's letters. Encloses news got by Middlemore from his old acquaintance. Every whit of the French Ambassador's first libel was the same as the Spanish Ambassador by word of mouth in effect objected to the writer, and that with a lusty rolling tongue. Answered roundly to every point, and when the Ambassador touched Her Majesty too much, did not spare to answer him home.
2. Noted in his talk four things; that he had ready all those points which the French Ambassador put in writing; that he was as hot as if it had been his master's own cause; that he almost plainly said they should shortly have much more trouble in England than there was in France (has since thought of that practice which came forth of the Pooles); and that if they had war with France, they should also have war with King Philip.
3. Has missed the second libel which the French Ambassador put into the first packet sent by Francis. In that sent by Barlow is the Queen's letter in cipher to Condé.
4. Now that he is cut from any open familiarity with the Cardinal, he will find it hard to get knowledge from Condé.
5. The Admiral of France and M. D'Andelot are to be counted only real and sure.—St. Denis, 24 Nov. 1562. Signed.
6. P. S.—Sends a duplicate of a letter in cipher sent to Cecil by the writer from Rouen.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 24. 1117. Edward Ormesby to Cecil.
1. Thanks Lord Robert and Cecil for their letters to the Lord Lieutenant. Of the bands sent to Dieppe 400 were never disembarked, but by the goodness of the boats of Rye they reached Newhaven the day after. The other 600 were spoiled by the storm, and much of the armour and victuals were thrown overboard. The writer's band, after being driven as far as the coast of Flanders, came to Rye, where the soldiers stole away with the armour and weapons, which they sold and gaged in every village and alehouse as they went, notwithstanding his petty captains and serjeants were with them, so that of seventy-five corslets he has not above twenty fully furnished; out of 200 soldiers lacking but five, which he embarked of his own band from Dieppe, there have arrived here but seven score.
2. The fortifications of this new town are altogether imperfect and unfinished; but withal the site is naturally strong; those places which Warwick found weak are now fortified. The whole strength of the town consists in three things; the numbers who are there for defence, the deep and well watered ditches, and the great plenty of ordnance. The bulwarks are great, the flankers notably large and fair; all these are begun and set out with great perfection of art, but as yet nothing is finished. Remembrances to the Lord Admiral.—Newhaven, 24 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[Nov. 24.] 1118. Deserters from Ormesby's Band.
The names of forty-three soldiers under Captain Ormesby who stole away from Rye with armour and weapons, on their arrival there from Dieppe.
Pp. 2.
Nov. 24. 1119. Francis Barlow to Smith.
Should have signified his arrival at Boulogne as requested, and of the proclamation there that the Queen of England had broken faith towards the French King, even admonishing all his subjects to defend themselves. Seven carts loads of arms bound to Paris for the Guises passed through the town from Calais.—Paris, 24 Nov. 1562.
Copy, forwarded by Smith to Cecil. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 24. 1120. Chamberlain to Francisco Bravo.
Received his letter of 20th Dec. by Gresham, which he could not answer until now. His proposal respecting the mercantile matter to which it relates is inconsistent with the usages and traditions of this country.—London, 24 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Span. Pp. 3.
Nov. 25. 1121. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. This day showed the Queen Mother Throckmorton's answer to the writer's letter. She said she did not see that letter when it went, but trusted to the Cardinal's report. She asked to hear its effect. Told her that Throckmorton and the Prince would be glad of peace; that the Prince honoured her, and was as desirous of doing her service; and that Throckmorton desired a safe-conduct. She said she did not think it was needed, and that he would be welcome.
2. Matters, she said, would be shortly accorded betwixt the Prince and her, and that nothing would remain but that the Queen should have her men away. Was somewhat amazed, and said he should be glad to see all things quiet. Also that Throckmorton had written for a coffer containing the Queen's plate, which was left by one Ambassador for another. She replied he must have a trumpeter for it, and called M. De l'Aubespine and bade him take order. She also promised that the merchants should be redressed.
3. Showed the Cardinal Throckmorton's letter, which he read, and said that they were agreed as to the general points always, but for the particulars. Also, that the Queen and the Prince will meet to-morrow about Pont Charenton by boat. If they once meet, Smith said all must be well. "Nay," said he, "the Prince has a shrewd train; " and then asked what answer the Lords of the Council had made to those points. He said the Queen still would gladly that all were in good quiet; and if the Queen here would trust her to be a means to pacify this trouble, she would spare no expense nor labour to bring all to a good end. The Cardinal replied that he trusted these troubles here would soon be at an end, and all be in peace. The writer took his leave, declaring that he had two leagues to ride.—St. Denis, 25 Nov. 1562.
Copy. Pp. 4.
Nov. 25. 1122. Nicholas Malbie to Cecil.
The Rhinegrave says he is not sent thither to make war, but for the defence of the country. His promises are fair, but his meaning is the contrary. The Count came to this town side yesterday with forty or fifty horses, whom Mr. Bromfeld saluted with a great piece from the church steeple, and narrowly missed them. They retired to Harfleur with the loss of one horse which was slain from a hedge by a French arquebusier.—Newhaven, 25 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This date is filled in by Challoner.
  • 2. From this point to the end is in Challoner's hol.
  • 3. Notes in the margin by Smith, to the effect that the letter in cipher which he sent to Sir Nicholas from Evreux on 27th October must have miscarried. That he has not received Sir Nicholas' last dispatch. That Abraham was sent from Rouen on the 12th inst. with a despatch in cipher, and is therefore either with him [Throckmorton] or is slain. That he has not received the letter in which Throckmorton states that he had received the 300 crowns which Smith sent by Rogers. That the King of Navarre is dead; and it was thought by them that he was dead when the despatch was sent to him by Middlemore.