Elizabeth: November 1562, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: November 1562, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp494-505 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1562, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp494-505.

"Elizabeth: November 1562, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp494-505.

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November 1562, 26-30

Nov. 26. 1123. The Countess of Lennox to Cecil.
Thanks him for obtaining her husband's liberty, and hopes that he will vouchsafe to be like means to the Queen for the restoration of her favour.—Shene, 26 Nov. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 1124. The Queen Mother to the Duke of Guise.
Desires him to send a trumpet with the messenger of the English Ambassador, who is sent to Throckmorton to fetch a coffer.—Bois de Vincennes, 26 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 1125. The Rhinegrave to Poynyngs.
Thanks for a leash of greyhounds; and if he takes any venison with them they will divide the spoils. As for the two Englishmen whom he asks for, he has been able to find only one here, whom he sends; but he will enquire at Bolbec, Gondreville, and St. Romain; and if he finds any more he will send them also. Has determined to make "bonne guerre." Hopes, however, that the Queen does not intend anything against their "little King." Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 1126. Poynyngs to Cecil.
Having occasion to write for two prisoners to the Rhinegrave, whom he has long known in the wars, and having a brace of greyhounds, thought that he might pleasure him with a pair. The Rhinegrave sent the enclosed reply, and further wrote that Condé is within seven leagues of Rouen, and that he intends coming here.—Newhaven, 26 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 1127. Thomas Wood to Cecil.
1. The Lord Lieutenant marvels that he has not received the requisite supplies. Complains of want of bedding for the soldiers, who, through the coldness of the weather and long night watches, begin to fall into the flux; as also of the lack of bread, beer, and beef.—Newhaven, 26 Nov. 1562.
2. P. S.—Trusts that some wise men will be sent to the Lord Lieutenant's assistance. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
[Nov. 26.] 1128. Articles offered by Condé
1. That all the King's subjects may have the free exercise of their religion.
2. That the English and other foreigners shall leave the kingdom.
3. That no hindrance shall be given to any in the enjoyment of their goods and religion.
4. Security for the execution of these articles to be considered.
5. A free and general council shall be held within six months; and if this cannot be done, a general assembly in this realm, which shall be open to all.
Copy, in a French hand. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27.
Forbes, ii. 212.
1129. Warwick to Cecil.
1. Marvels at not receiving an answer to his many letters, and to the advertisements sent by Sidney. Has written of the lack of beer and bread here; of the enemy that arrive daily at Harfleur and Montreuil; and of the aid which the Prince expects at his hands, who is coming into Normandy. Asks for a speedy answer; also requires a number of beds for the poor soldiers, and that victuals be sent before all other things.
2. At his first coming here he could easily have taken those places which the enemy has now fortified. They only watch for a time when they may best annoy them. The English have no victuals out of the country, nor can go a mile out of the gates without a good force.—Newhaven, 27 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil and his secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 27. 1130. Warwick to Cecil.
Wrote to his brother for the bearer, Mr. Keys, for the leading of such horsemen as should be sent hither. Keys came over with him with seven or eight horses, well furnished, without any entertainment for himself or any of his.—Newhaven, 27 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil and his secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 1131 Bromefeld to Cecil.
Yesterday Captain Cutty arrived here with his soldiers. Has delivered divers things to Count Mongomery and M. Beauvoir for the use of their bands. The greater part are slack in paying. Has something to do to keep the lead in store. As yet there is none spent; but some must be sent, for none is to be got in the churches, which are all covered either with slate or clapboard. Has sent for powder-mill stones for making powder here. Desires that Richard Ball and John Cole, mill makers, dwelling in the parish of Aldgate, may be sent to set up the powder mill, and some corn mills, wherewith one or two men may daily grind six or eight bushels, being eased with fresh men. If the mill makers come they must bring mill stones with them. Asks for supplies of pioneers, morions, and skulls.—Newhaven, 26 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 27. 1132. Smith to Throckmorton.
Has sent his packet of letters into England. Directs him to inform the Prince that the Queen and the Cardinal will use every means to separate the Prince and the Admiral from D'Andelot, or the latter and the Prince from the Admiral. If that cannot be, then to forsake the Queen of England. Informed the Cardinal that the Queen will not agree without the Prince, nor have her ministers meddle in any accord unless they entreat openly as mediators betwixt the Prince and the Guises. The money is ready at Newhaven, and Montgomery is coming over with 15,000 or 16,000 more men. Desires him to devise how he can have intelligence from the Prince and the Admiral. The Queen Mother yesterday refused to him a safe-conduct for Throckmorton, saying that the Queen's servants here needed none.
2. It is reported that the Spaniards and certain companies of "La Vielle Band" from Piedmont are near Chartres. Thinks it is devised to encourage their soldiers, whom they little trust.
Copy. Endd.: Sent in cipher by Wilson, when he had the trumpet. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 1133. Smith to Throckmorton.
Desires Throckmorton to take order for the safe forwarding of the Queen's coffers and plate.—St. Denis, 27 Nov. 1562.
Copy. Endd.: Sent open with the trumpet by Wilson. Fr. P. 1.
Nov. 26 & 27. 1134. Smith's Message to Throckmorton.
The following are the outlines of the message sent by Smith to Throckmorton by Charles Wilson when the trumpet was sent.
The Prince must not trust fair promises, and if they break from each other, or from the Queen, they are undone. She will not make peace without them. Those with the Prince did Smith great wrong to suspect his religion. His greatness with the Cardinal was to understand those here, and to have some means of hearing from Throckmorton. The Queen Mother would not read Throckmorton's letter, but bid him tell her the effect and carry it to the Cardinal.
Endd. by Smith: Second despatch to Sir N., and further endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 1135. The Emperor's Answer to the Protestant Princes.
In reference to the question concerning the rejection of the Council of Trent, the Emperor remembers what he said to them at Naumburg, and the reply made by their agents. He wished that they would have explained their opinions to the Council and received its answer. Also attempted to remove all party feeling from the Council. Since, however, he sees that this way (which he still thinks is the most convenient) is not acceptable to the Princes, he declares that not only will he keep the peace for religious matters to the letter himself but will also see that it is done by others. He therefore expects the Princes to do the same.—Frankfort, 27 Nov. 1562.
Copy, in Mundt's hol. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 1136. Challoner's Interview with Philip II.
In his interview with the King Catholic on 27 Nov. 1562, the Ambassador, after presenting the letters of the Queen, explained that she had not written sooner, not from any want of regard towards him, but because she had imagined that these disturbances in France would long since have ended. As she is compelled to move in the matter, Challoner thought it well to send to His Majesty a paper containing the motives which induced her to act as she has done. These reasons are, the hostility of the house of Guise, their efforts to secure the crown of England for the Queen of Scotland, the assumption of the royal arms of England, the refusal of Queen Mary to ratify the treaty, the Queen's apprehension of a descent on her coasts from the seaports of Normandy, and the retention of Calais.
2. These considerations have induced her to act as she has done; and as her measures are strictly defensive, she expects that the King of Spain will agree with her, that they are justifiable and necessary.
Corrected draft, par. 2 being in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: Relation to the Duke of Alva, 27 Nov. 1562. Span. Pp. 5.
Nov. 27. 1137. Original rough draft of the above, omitting par. 2.
Span. Pp. 15.
Nov. 27. 1138. The Turkish Ambassador at Frankfort.
The Ambassador made a speech to the effect that his master as a token of goodwill, has sent the Emperor some Christian captives, and hoped that he will on his part liberate any Turks in his dominions. He desired to see the Emperor's successor, and on Maximilian being pointed out to him, he made an obeisance in the Turkish fashion, and wished him prosperity, saying that from his name he ought not to be inferior to his father. He then presented an ambling horse and four camels to the Emperor, and excused their ill condition on account of the length of his journey, which was four months.—Delivered before the Emperor Ferdinand at Frankfort, in the Sclavonic tongue, Nov. 27 1562.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 28. 1139. Warwick to the Privy Council.
Received their letters by Thomas Jones, the bearer, for placing him in Strangwishe's room. Has told them that both the galley and brigantine are in the enemy's hands, so that there is no vessel, except what was the Count's galley, meet for this service. Before the arrival of Jones he had appointed Thomas Borowes to the charge of the same. Asks to have two ships here, to lie upon this coast and keep the haven's mouth.—Newhaven, 28 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 28. 1140. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley.
The services of Thomas Jones being very necessary, has sent him to England. His service on the sea is sufficiently known. Desires Dudley, as Jones cannot be employed without necessaries, to further him in his entertainment, so that there may be two ships appointed to the better keeping of these quarters.—Newhaven, 28 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 28. 1141. Extracts from the Letters of the Earl of Warwick.
Extracts from the letters of the Earl of Warwick to the Queen and Privy Council of Nov. 2, 4, 9, 14, 20, and 28.
Draft, the latter part in Cecil's hand. Pp. 4.
Nov. 28. 1142. Sir Maurice Denis to the Council.
1. Received theirs of the 24th inst., and accordingly sends the names and numbers of all the bands now serving here. Should have finished paying the garrison for the two months due on the 17th inst. if the Comptroller here had ended his muster. Intends, when he has finished this payment, to procure another muster, and pay to the end of this month, and to send in a declaration of the whole payment.
2. Sends an estimate for the monthly provision, and begs that it may be doubled, for the help of the inhabitants, who are as numerous as themselves; and who, if they are their friends, cannot but have the same lack. They shall pay ready money for such victuals as they shall have, as they have no means of compelling them to pay. Their enemies bar all victuals growing in the country from them. They have need of horse mills, having many times been destitute of bread, their windmills being not very good, and are in danger of burning. Desires to know how the Queen's charges (which are increased by 250 labourers, 36 gunners, and 600 soldiers) shall be paid.—Newhaven, 28 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 28.] 1143. Soldiers at Newhaven.
The names and numbers of all the companies serving at Newhaven on 17 Nov. 1562, amounting to 4,574 men, besides 600 who arrived since the 20th and are not yet mustered.
Pp. 4.
Nov. 28. 1144. Provisions for Newhaven.
The estimate of one month's victuals at Newhaven, viz., 615 quarters of wheat, 448 tuns of beer, 168 oxen, etc. Notes of the increased charges in the office of ordnance. Mr. Pelham desires such entertainment as he had at Leith; he has 200 labourers, and intends to increase them to 1,000.
P. 1.
Nov. 28. 1145. Sir Maurice Denis to Cecil.
1. Procured musters as soon as he could, and has almost finished his payment for two months due on the 17th inst.
2. Captains Reade and Brykwell (who came from Berwick) advouch that they are paid only for the 29th September. Reade has the full of 200 men, whereof fifty entered at Berwick 20th Sept., and it was thought that he left Berwick with 150.
3. The charges are daily increased. The master of the ordnance has added thirty-six gunners at 9d., and one at 12d., and 250 labourers under Pelham. Many more are needed to help the weakness of this town.—Newhaven, 28 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 28. 1146. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. The last muster was on the 16th inst., and they will call the next on Tuesday.
2. Asks that he may be backed by Warwick in the execution of his duty, and that his state be considered, by the supply of his band to 300.—Newhaven, 28 Nov. 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—The King has been admitted to full age by decree of Parliament, which was called by the Duke of Guise.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 28. 1147. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Trent, 26 Nov. 1562.—On Monday, 23 Nov., M. De Lansac presented to the Council a letter from the King of France accrediting his Ambassador, and excusing his delay. The Cardinal of Lorraine in his speech depicted the miseries of France, their cause and remedy. The French prelates, he said, were devoted to the Pope, and would accept the decrees of the Council. The Cardinal of Mantua, The Archbishop of Zara, and the President Ferrerio, in reply, expressed their opinion as to the origin of these disturbances, and how they might be rectified.
2. Rome, 28 Nov.—The general congregation of the Cardinals, last Monday, and the Pope, were greatly disturbed by reason of the death of Count Frederic, the Pope's nephew, and brother of Cardinal Borromeo. On the 25th the body was carried to St. Peter Montorio, accompanied by fifteen Cardinals and many others. It remains there still, but will soon be sent to Milan. The Bishop of Bitonto preached the funeral sermon. It is reported, but falsely, that Cardinal Borromeo will marry. The Cardinal De Medici died of fever, after an illness of four days; it is thought that his brother, Don Garzia, will be made a Cardinal; he is a sickly youth of 17. The Pope has had the gout, but attends to business, having written, with his own hand, to King Philip and the Legates at the Council. Intelligence about the Cardinals Salviati, Farnese, and Naples.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Nov. 29. 1148. Smith to the Privy Council.
Refers to his letters to them of the 21st inst. Encloses a letter from Throckmorton, with copies of his letters to him, and an account of the way they were sent. The meaning of his talk with the Cardinal will now be seen. Throckmorton and those about him are deadly hated at this Court. Their instructions were so uncertain that he [the writer] could not tell whether they would have war or peace with France. The writer's man has this night stole unto him from Paris, and declared how he has been sent from the Duke of Guise to the Constable, from whom he went to the Queen where straight the Constable was, and again referred to the latter to be despatched as this day, and this day as to-morrow, and so is dallied with unreasonably. They do not deny him to go, and he doubts not to find the means to escape to the Prince, if not with their leave without it. He was in the camp when all those skirmishes were. There was not six slain on either part. A spy was brought into the camp whilst his man was there (a French gentleman, out of England brought through Normandy), who said that a part of 8,000 English footmen and 1,800 horsemen have landed, and the rest are to land immediately at Newhaven. Smith's man further says that it is spoken of all over the camp that the Prince is to go into Normandy out of hand, and that he and the Queen Mother can in nowise agree.—St. Denis, 29 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
Nov. 29. 1149. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. On the 26th inst. the Queen went to Pont Charenton to meet the Prince, who was encamped on the other side of the Seine beyond Port Anglois. She was accompanied by the Constable, the Marshal Montmorency, M. D'Oysel, etc. The Prince sent word that he was sick. The Constable met the Admiral at Port Anglois about 3 p.m., and after talking together for an hour the Constable sent the Queen word to depart for Bois de Vincennes, and soon after he left and seemed merry.
2. The next day the Queen and Constable went again to meet the Prince. They say that the Queen talked with the Admiral, and the Constable with the Prince in the camp, and yet they skirmish daily before Paris. The same day had conference with one who came from the Duke D'Etampes, Governor of Bretagne, to know about those Englishmen's ships and goods which were stayed in Bretagne.
3. On the 28th a great company of horsemen of M. De Nevers' band came here. Thinks they are those who were in Champagne against D'Andelot. About twelve at night 300 armed and mounted went their ways, and the next morning (Sunday, 29th inst.) the rest, likewise armed, left by the Paris gate and are also gone into Paris. Thinks there were about 800 horsemen. When they came they were unarmed, but they had brave red coats with a white satin embroidered garde, more than five inches broad. They said that they came from Melun and Corbeil.
4. Yesterday, the 29th, there was great ado about Paris, for there was shot 100 cannon shot. They say that they have killed a great number of the Prince's men who approached so near the trenches that they had almost taken five pieces of their artillery. There is daily skirmishing outside Paris, between their horsemen and the Prince's.
Endd. by Cecil.: Occurrents 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th Nov. Pp. 4.
Nov. 29. 1150. Smith to [Cecil].
1. Will inform their Lordships, not in words, but in deeds, the design he went about by his familiarity with the Cardinal and De Sevre. The latter is a man of great communication, infinite discourse, in religion a right Italian, and affectionate to England and her policy; in nature a very Portugalois, and does not dissemble that he loves their country best. If Cecil calls him a Papist, he does him wrong; yet he has had given him, within these four days, by the Great Master of Rhodes, a thing worth 2,000 crowns a year, and an office worth 1,000 more. When Smith goes to the Court, Sevre shows him all friendship. Thinks the Queen was liberal to him at his departing, for he speaks marvellously well of her and of the English Court and policy. He could not understand Cecil's letters, save the last, nor whether he would have war or peace; they were darker than Apollo's oracles. Cecil's last letter was plain, and the writer knows now what to do, and has done it. Smith has his answer roundly, not such as he looked for, but yet such as he has a good while suspected.
2. Perceives they grow to peace within themselves. Trusts neither French men or women. Has sent his man again to Throckmorton with a trumpet by the Queen's letter to the Duke of Guise.—St. Denis, 27 Nov. 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—Perceives that their Lordships have been half discontent with Throckmorton and himself, thinking that they have gone too far. Begs that Cecil will, as hitherto, advocate for them both. Touching the books for the Queen's library, Cecil shall have such registers as can be got. Intends sending his next despatch by Wanton, the Lord Mayor's man, whose matter Smith intends to make the occasion of his next access to the Court. Begs that he will send Barlow, the bearer of this, back again as soon as he can.—29 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 4.
Nov. 29. 1151. Smith to Cecil.
As he was about to send his despatch, Captain Claes, of Lymborgh, came to him; who promises to find the means to get the Queen six or seven million towards her wars. He has moved the same already in England, and has word from Antwerp that he should come. Requires the twentieth part of the gain, which has been promised him by France when the King takes advantage of his device. At last brought Claes to confess all, viz., that it is in the enhancement of all moneys with such mark as was of late in England called dogs and roses. So every man shall pay to the Queen 1d. or 2d. for his mark, and silver shall be a groat and gold 12d. more than it is worth.—St. Denis, 29 Nov. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 1152. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Received by a courier of Flanders, on the 23rd inst., a packet from the Queen. Forthwith procured an access to the King, and, after presentation of her letters, was graciously heard at length. The King answered that he would consider the substance of his letter and send for the writer again. Afore and after his being with the King he was with the Duke of Alva.—Madrid, 28 Nov. 1562.
2. P. S.—Sends the latest advices out of France. The King has despatched Don Francisco De Alava to visit the King of Navarre.—Nov. 29. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal; the P.S. in Challoner's hol.; a few words in cipher. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 1153. Draft of the above.
In Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: Sent by the way of Flanders. A few words underlined, to be expressed in cipher. Pp. 4.
[Nov.] 1154. A Memorial for Newhaven.
1. To write to the Earl of Warwick that, having had conference with Sir H. Sidney, Sir Richard Lee, and William Wynter since they returned from Newhaven, it is thought meet to direct that the bulwarks Royal, De la Grange, and St. Francois should be preserved. That 1,000 soldiers be sent twice a day to fetch wood for faggots. That all the buildings and walls of the old town be rased and carried away. That the old ships belonging to the Papists should be broken up, and the timber used for the fortifications of the town; and those belonging to their friends should also be broken up, and the wood reserved for the use of the owners. If danger may ensue by keeping the serviceable ships of their adversaries there, they shall be removed to Portsmouth. If they mistrust the restitution of them, he may say that he will obtain an assurance from the Queen. Some cisterns shall be made for holding fresh water. It would be well to lessen the number of French within that town by indirect means, without giving offence to their friends. Touching Mr. Winter's device for displacing them by bringing in more Englishmen, the best way would be that the victuals sent from England be kept for the English only.
2. It is ordered that anyone may be permitted to pass from England thither with victuals, the same being first put in bond to the customer for the transportation thereof to the same place without fraud. They leave to the Lord Lieutenant the appointment of tipstaves; also a minister and a sexton, with four persons to bury the dead, who should be maintained by the garrison, as is usual in common parishes; and that the minister and sexton should keep a register of all christenings, marriages, and burials, and the same seen monthly and subscribed by one of the principal officers or ministers of the garrison. They have given orders for 600 soldiers to be sent from Essex, and 500 from Devon, making up the number of soldiers to 4,535, besides the pioneers and the discharged soldiers, and adding thereto 229 pioneers and fifty Scotch horsemen. The number will then be 4,815, besides the horsemen and household servants allowed to the Lord Lieutenant and others of the Council and officers of the garrison. The Queen will send thither Andrew Tremayne with fifty horsemen pistoliers. Some shoemakers will be sent.
Draft, probably in Cecil's hol, and corrected and endd. by him. Pp. 9.
Nov. 30. 1155. Garrison at Newhaven.
Detailed estimate of the expense of the garrison at Newhaven, showing the variations since the first capitulation, and inclusive of the galley and pinnaces.
Translated by Cecil. Pp. 8.
[Nov.] 1156. Report upon Newhaven.
Detailed report, by John Portinary, respecting the position and fortifications of Newhaven; its advantages and disadvantages, and how the latter may be obviated; the number of troops necessary for its defence; together with various suggestions and recommendations for securing it against the enemy.
Orig. Hol. [?] Endd. by Cecil: Mr. Portinary's advice for Newhaven. Ital. Pp. 10.
[Nov.] 1157. Report on the State of Newhaven.
Recommendations by Sir Richard Lee respecting the fortifications and garrison of Newhaven.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 30. 1158. Challoner to Cuerton.
Thanks for his letters of the 29th ult. and 5th, 14th, and 18th inst. Received by Lynares Mrs. Cuerton's present of two cheeses; also a barrel of salmon and another of dried hake; they weighed altogether fourteen robes. Has lately spoken with the King, and presented the Queen's letters, to which he has received a good answer. It appears by letters from the Lords of the Council, written twenty days before Rouen was taken, that they never esteemed either that place or Dieppe able to hold out; but Havre de Grace they intend to keep until they be answered for Calais.—Madrid, last Nov. 1562.
Draft, in Challoner's hol. Endd Pp. 4.
Nov. 30. 1159. Challoner to Clough and John Coneys.
Sends a packet for the Queen. Received their letters of the 14th ult. and 1st inst. Will within six days despatch a special courier to the Queen by sea. Has written to Robert Farneham to hand over to them 114l. Flemish, which they must pay over for the writer, on the 31st January next, to Cataneo and Doria, Genoese, the assignees of Meliadus Spinola, banker at this Court. Francisco Bravo paid him here on the 23rd ult., and not before; has lost by the delay 180 ducats.—Madrid, 30 Nov. 1562.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 2.