Elizabeth: October 1562, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: October 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp382-398 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp382-398.

"Elizabeth: October 1562, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp382-398.

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October 1562, 21-25

Oct. 21. 885. Edward Ormesby to Armigil Waade.
1. They hope they will be shortly delivered of their enemies at Rouen, the King of Navarre being wounded, and they hear that he died on the 20th inst. The same day Mr. Winter departed hence. Upon the King being wounded they gave a terrible assault. Two of their ensigns, with a great number of the soldiers upon the walls, were taken by the English, and the rest repulsed. Asks for further help. Today or to-morrow M. D'Andelot joins the Prince, and marches towards the enemy to give them battle. Haste hither the Englishmen with all possible speed.—Dieppe, 21 Oct. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Desires this letter to be shown to Mr. Mayor.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 21.
Forbes, ii. 129.
886. Instructions for Sir Maurice Dennis.
Instructions for him, being Treasurer of the Queen's army in Normandy, respecting the payment of wages, the musters of troops, the allowances for victuals within Newhaven, Dieppe, Portsmouth, and Rye, the charge for the transporting of soldiers into France, and for sending into England certain French ships remaining at Newhaven. A book, signed by the Council, is sent for his guidance; and for no respect shall he pay any greater wages than are contained therein.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Pp. 4.
Oct. 21. 888. Advices from Venice.
1. Constantinople, 1 Sept. The Turk shows all favour to his son Selim.
2. Rome, 26 Sept. The Pope solicits that the French prelates resort to the Council. He will set forth a fresh bull for the election of his successor.
3. Prague, 21 Oct. Maximilian was crowned King of Bohemia, and the Queen was crowned next day; shortly afterwards they departed for Frankfort.
4. Venice, 1 Oct. A ship has arrived here with 120 Spanish and Italian captains who had been taken prisoners at Gerbes, and are delivered. The Venetians have resolved to disburse the rest of the money (75,000 crowns) lent to the French King. The whole amounts to 160,000 crowns; the rest has been paid.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 21. 889. Garsia's Bill.
Bill of miscellaneous articles supplied to Challoner by — Garsia.
Orig. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
Oct. 22. 890. Edward Ormsby to Armigil Waade.
1. They want both money and victuals, as mentioned in Kemys' letter. They have not heard from Newhaven since they came hither. The greedy covetousness of the people here is not to be spoken of, and it seems they would not be without, nor yet can they brook the English. If the enemy should attempt to attack them, their fear is more for their backs than those who come before their faces. Divide the town in four and by all conjectures there is scarce a fourth part assured. They hear from Rouen that the enemy endeavours to recover the town, but those within are of great courage and know the price. The parley took no effect there, and as little here.—Dieppe, 22 Oct. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—If there are men to come, haste them hither, for it is time.
Copy. P. 1.
Oct. 22. 891. Thomas Windebank to Cecil.
1. Mr. Thomas and the writer are come again to Frankfort, where they remain to see the great company. It is little for Mr. Thomas's advancement that he should make long stay here, neither for the French tongue or for fashions to frame himself better than he is already. Can better satisfy him about his account in England than otherwise. The 200 dollars are spent, their three horses standing them in 20. Mundt has promised tc help them with money during their stay here, and in case they should go to Strasburg has offered Mr. Thomas his house. The Queen is in such estimation with the Princes of Germany for the matter of Scotland and her proceedings with France that she may boldly go through with any enterprise; yet there is speaking of a certain emulation and privy envy amongst some of her noblemen and ministers. The Guises are much bated, and their ruin desired and hoped for shortly. The Almaines with D'Andelot were still marching forward; the expectation is great of their well-doing, as it is of the Queen's, of which there is great talk here.—Frankfort, 22 Oct. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—The King of Sweden shall marry the Landgrave of Hesse's daughter; ambassadors have arrived at Marpurg from Sweden.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 22. 892. Original draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 22. 893. [Thomas Windebank] to Throckmorton.
1. They went from Antwerp very suddenly with Knolles, and have seen the Courts of the Palatine, John Frederick of Saxe, the Landgrave, and the Electors. They have seen the Dukes of Wurtemberg (now at Frankfort), of Bavaria, and of Cleves. The Emperor and Maximilian are expected within two days. In this journey learns that the Queen is in such estimation that she need not fear her adversaries the Guisians are not only hated by the Protestants, but also of the Papists. These Princes agree to the destruction of the Guisians, and the advancement of religion; so they will not allow any aid to be sent forth, although attempts will be made by the Papists to sow discord amongst these Princes.
2. Here are ambassadors of all sides, except Spain, who is said to go to Trent. The trains of these Princes here are very great; the Elector of Saxony has come with 500 horse, besides 200 carriage horses; the Duke of Wurtemberg with 300 horse; the Duke of Bavaria with 500 (some say 600), the Duke of Cleves with 600; the Palatine with 600; and the Emperor's train with his sons is said to be 5,000 horse. The Marshal of the Elector of Saxony (who has charge of providing lodging for all the company), told him that 9,317 horse were to be here at this time.
3. The Council of Trent is not much set by here, and will be dissolved the 12th of November next. There has been (a month past) an assembly of Ambassadors of the Protestant Princes at Fulda, where they have determined to present the Confession of Augsburg to the Emperor at this diet, and wholly to refuse the Council at Trent. His master [Cecil] wrote to him in a letter of the 12 August, (which he received at Frankfort, five weeks since) that "Throckmorton shall come home, and whatsoever he saith or he writes, none helpeth him home but I."—Frankfort, 22 Oct. 1562.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 22. 894. Intelligence from Venice.
Venice, 18 Oct. The Tartars have made an incursion into Muscovia. The Signory of Venice have taken order to receive the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Bishops on their arrival here, and will defray their charges so long as they remain. The Count De Luna (King Philip's Ambassador to the Emperor) is on his way to Trent. The French Ambassador here has received part payment of a loan granted by the Signory to the King; it is sent by Flanders. There is an order against excess of dress. M. De Bordillon has succeeded in borrowing money from the Signory for the defence of the French places in Piedmont. Philip says he will have them by force.
In Mason's hand. Endd. 22 Oct. Pp. 2.
Oct. 22. 895. Stephen Becon to Challoner.
Delivered his letters at the Court of England. At his departure Mr. Withepol was in London, who has written to him. Desires him to direct his letters in his absence to Raphael Cotton, a lodger here.—Vigo, Oct. 22, 1562. Signed.
Endd. by Challoner, 22 Nov. [sic]. Pp. 3.
Oct. 23. 896. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On the 19th inst. there arrived from France by sea John Beton, brother to the Bishop of Glasgow, who brought letters for the writer. His news is that the Queen's army is placed in Newhaven and Dieppe; that M. D'Andelot is come out of Almaine with 8,000 men, and the King is coming towords Rouen with 30,000; that many towns are rendered, and the rest like to be shortly. His tale is framed as little as can be to the advantage of the poor Protestants. He chanced to say that Throckmorton was spoiled of all he had and taken prisoner by the Guisians, where before it was commonly spoken that the Huguenots were the doers of it. Of Italy he says that the Pope and the Princes have promised the Papists in France 400,000 ducats; and that the soldiers sent from Geneva, Berne and other cantons are revoked, because they who sent them mislike the cause.
2. Troubles daily increase here. The Earl of Huntly on last Saturday was put to the horn; two nights before, John Gordon, with 140 or 160 horse, (hearing that the captain and certain of the soldiers lay in a little village from their fellows) assailed them and took the captain in his bed and plundered the soldiers of fifty-six harquebusses, and so dismissed them to go where they would. The captain whom they have taken (of whom little account is made) is one of Captain James Steward's sons.
3. The house of Strathbogie was demanded to be delivered into the Queen's hands, and refused by the Earl, which now she purposes to take by force, and has levied 200 soldiers more. Divers noblemen with the Queen have sent for their tenants and friends. The Earl makes himself as strong as he can at Badenoch, whither it is impossible to bring men or artillery in the winter. He purposes to make her weary of this country by reason of the weather and the extreme dearth of all things. Mr. Thomas Ker and his brother being in custody have confessed that their master determined three several times to have slain Murray and Lethington, letters were also found about Mr. Thomas that import no less; but whatsoever was done by John Gordon, was by his father's counsel. The Duke sent a letter lately to move the Queen for the Earl of Arran's liberty, who thought it better to please him with gentle words than to grant his request. The Earl of Huntly marvellously presses him to take his part. The writer spoke with him that brought the letter, and very much suspects the matter. The Lord Gordon is with the Duke, whose daughter he married. His purpose is either to persuade him to take part with his father, or else to remain with him as guileless of whatever shall be enterprised. The Earl's wife came on Tuesday to within two miles of the town to present herself to the Queen; but being advertised that she would not see her, returned to Strathbogie. Divers gentlemen of Huntly's surname have given pledges, and many promised not to depart out of this town or to support their chief until these troubles be ended. All others that before time have been at deadly feud with the Earl (as the Forbes, Leslies, Grants, and Macintoshes), are set at liberty, to use what force they can against him. The Earl of Argyle departs homeward to-day, to make all the force he can against Huntly. Bothwell has lately been at Leith with divers friends, and pretends good service to his sovereign.
4. Is at great charges here, the Queen's allowance during this journey has not defrayed the charges for meat for himself, his men, and his horses. The Lord Hume has lately written to the Earl of Murray against the porter of Berwick, his terms might have been more moderate. Sends a copy, and has written to the Marshal of Berwick. James Macconel has advertised the Earl of Argyle that O'Neale is made one of the council of Ireland, whereof he has no great goodwill. Desires Cecil to be favourable to his host of Edinburgh, Mr. David Foster, in obtaining of his safe conduct.—Aberdeen, 23 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
Oct. 23. 897. Knolles and Mundt to the Queen.
1. Wrote from Worms, 3rd September. After providing themselves with horses at Frankfort fair, they went towards the Landgrave and came to Marpurg on the 13th ult. The Landgrave, being at the obscure castle of Shonstadt, a Dutch mile from thence, sent one of his secretaries. He had appointed certain councillors to request them to declare their commission from the Queen unto his deputies. They rehearsed their commission in presence of the marshal of his house, his chancellor, and two secretaries, who wrote down the sum of all that was said. The next day the Landgrave sent to them again the same men, excusing himself not only by his sickness but also by the tooth-ache, and requested them for this time to be content with the answer he sent written in Dutch, trusting that at their return from Saxony, if they would come that way, he should be better able to confer with them. They send this answer in Latin. Whilst at Marpurg the Landgrave not only presented them with wine and oats, and defrayed their charges, but his son Philip, hunting near Marpurg, sent them half a stag. On the 24th ult. when they came to Leipsic they understood that the Elector Augustus had gone in haste to the lower parts of Saxony, 200 miles from Leipsic, about matters concerning the King of Denmark, his wife's brother, where (as they learnt after) he met the King in a monastery near Lunenburg. Not thinking it meet to lose time, they took their journey next day towards John Frederick, Duke of Saxony, and went to his chief house called Weimar. A short time before their arrival, Duke William, his second brother, arrived, who presented them with twelve great pots of divers wines, and advised them to go to Coburg, where his family was, and he not far off. They came to Coburg on the 29th ult., where next day word was sent to them that it was the Duke's pleasure that they should come the next day to Hilberge to his house, about ten English miles from thence, built by him for a sporting place. They were provided with all things necessary at their inn, and were feasted at his house at Coburg with much ceremony, and all their charges defrayed.
2. Next day coming to Hilberge the Duke received them on alighting from their horses, and conveyed them to their lodging, which was adorned with a cloth of state. He came for them himself, and they dined with him and the Duchess. After dinner he conveyed them again to their lodging; and having left them for a while, he came again and heard their commission. His secretary took a note thereof as they spoke; and within an hour after he made answer that he was of the Queen's opinion in all points; first, if the Prince of Condé failed, it would give cause to the Pope and his adherents to take advantage of the time. Concerning the league, he would that all Princes should join their counsels and forces together. He said he intended to be at the assembly at Frankfort, where he would advance these matters. Both at supper and going to bed he bid them farewell. The same night the Duke was taken with the colic, which he is subject to, so that he could not see them in the morning. He wished them to stop that day to hunt, and sent them word that his keeper had lodged a dozen stags for them; but having their despatch they thought it better to get to Marpurg, at which place they arrived on the 8th inst. Next day the Landgrave sent them a large vessel of wine (about the third of a tun), a tub full of great fish, pikes and carps, a wild boar, half a stag, a great bowl full of wild fowl, beef and mutton, and four sacks of oats; and sent word that he would speak with them at 3 p.m. They went to him at that time and declared that as each answered only for himself, unless some way was devised how their good intents might be applied unto the benefit of the Christian commonwealth, their labour would be in vain. The Duke made answer as concerning himself he was ready to join her. It would ask a long time for all states of the Confession of Augsburg to enter into this league; and the charges in bringing the same to pass would be great. He thought that Augustus, through a promise made to the States of his country, would hardly be brought to enter into any league; yet he would have it tried. If the Queen, or others of the empire, should be invaded on the behalf of religion, Augustus would assist him with all his power. At the meeting at Frankfort means would be found to bring it to some good end. In case the matter takes effect, the Queen should enter into the same conditions as those moved to Henry VIII., viz., that she put down in a certain place a certain sum of money, which they might employ only at such time, and to that use, when any invasion should be made for religion; and on their part they should stand bound, if at any time she should be invaded for religion, to send such force as should be agreed upon. They had determined amongst themselves that as soon as they had presented to the Emperor at Frankfort their answer concerning the Council of Trent they would send it also to the Queen, and this agreement to refuse the said Council should stand instead of a general league. At the same time he showed them letters from the Rhinegrave, dated at Montargis the 5th ult., wherein he wrote that hitherto he had not drawn a sword against the Gospellers in France, nor intended to do so hereafter. In another part he saith he will undertake to drive the English out of France, but will suffer the rest to deal one with another.
3. On the following Sunday, the 11th inst., the Duke made them dine with him and his three sons. On the same day Augustus came to Marpurg, and on the following day, by the Landgrave's means, they were admitted to declare the Queen's commission to him. He required respite to make a full answer until he came to Frankfort. They perceive that he gives good care unto the matter. The evening before they left, the Landgrave sent word that in case the rest should fail he would alone enter into a composition with the Queen, that in case either were invaded for religion one should succour another, he with horsemen and footmen, and the Queen with money.
4. Whilst they were at Marpurg there came ambassadors from the King of Sweden to the Landgrave, viz., the Baron of Gero, with the Chancellor, and Claudius Coller, a Frenchman, that was in England both with the Duke of Finland and the late Ambassador of Sweden. They are informed by some of the Landgrave's council that their mission is to treat of a marriage for the King with the Landgrave's daughter. This is the fourth time that the matter has been attempted, but very closely. This Frenchman has been twice before now, having come disguised for that purpose; once as a pedlar, the Landgrave being privy thereto. He brought the King's picture, as it were to be sold, that her affection might be tried at the sight thereof. Now it is done more openly. At the coming of this ambassador, hearing the Chancellor was amongst them, they sent to enquire after one Dr. Andreas, who was in England with the Duke of Finland, and was also called a chancellor. The person they sent asked the Chancellor himself for the Doctor, who said he was slain. He also asked if it was true that the King of Sweden should marry the King of Poland's sister. The Chancellor said it was the Duke of Finland that should marry her; he hoped his master would marry yet in England. The day they went to Court to speak with Augustus, the Landgrave's eldest son brought them to salute his sister. She is of good stature, very fair, but lean faced, and about twenty years of age. She was accompanied by six gentlewomen, four young, fair, and richly apparrelled; two being elder. The Landgrave's wife was two days journey from Marpurg.
5. They left Marpurg on the 13th inst., and came to Darmstadt on the 17th inst., where a message was sent to them from John Frederick, Duke of Saxony, with his answer, which is enclosed. They suppose he was not satisfied with his own answer, because when they were with him he had no learned men about him, and could not talk at full in consequence of sickness. They took this journey to Darmstadt to speak with the Duke of Wurtemberg apart, before he went to the assembly at Frankfort, having heard he would be there on the 18th inst., as he was.
6. The same night, after declaring the Queen's commission, they supped with him. He declared that for better answer he would take time in deliberation until he came to Frankfort, where by consultation with others he would be better able to satisfy her in all. After supper he said there had lately been with him an ambassador from the Queen Mother requesting him and the other Princes to send ambassadors into France for ending these controversies, which if they would do, there was hope that the edict of January might be obtained. He answered, if the Queen Mother would send them a safe conduct, and a certain place were appointed, her request should be complied with. He said that Condé had in France 8,000 horsemen, and 30,000 footmen; he expected to hear in a few days of a battle, or that Paris was besieged. He showed them the copy of a letter (as they guessed) written by the Admiral of France, advertising him of the arrival of 6,000 Englishmen in Normandy, besides 400 horse of gentlemen, who voluntarily followed the enterprise, and of the Queen's promise to assist them. This sounds all over Germany to her praise.
7. They have now come to Frankfort where the assembly begins already to wax great. The Elector of Saxony (High Marshal of the empire) was the first that came hither, who arrived on the 10th inst. with 600 horse and fifty chariots, waggons, and coaches; the Duchess was also with him. Since then there have arrived the Dukes of Wurtemberg, Bavaria, Cleves, and Brunswick (entitled of Groven-hagen); also the Palsgrave, and the Dukes of Mechlenburg, William and Ludovick, two of the Landgrave's sons. The King and Queen of Bohemia are expected this day, the Emperor to-morrow; Brandenburg, hourly. Wolfgang of Deuxponts, and John Frederick of Saxe are expected, but not so soon. This assembly is for the creation of a King of the Romans, which will fall upon Maximilian, King of Bohemia. At Frankfort they were presented with wine, also at Gotha; with wine and oats at Erfurt, and at Leipsic with wine. They have not yet spoken with the Duke of Deuxponts and the Marquis of Baden, who will be at Frankfort shortly. The Elector Augustus and the Duke of Wurtemberg have not answered yet. They hope not only to receive at this assembly their particular answers, but also a general resolution.—Frankfort, 23 October 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 12.
Oct. 23. 898. Knolles to Cecil.
1. In his last he mentioned that it would be well to bestow some ambling horses, and dogs, amongst certain of the Princes here. Since then, dining with the Landgrave, he craved a couple of geldings of the Queen's, for being old they would carry him easily; he also desired that the Queen might be moved concerning a son of his, whom he would have brought up in her Court. Of these things Knolles has written to Lord Robert. Has used the credit Cecil gave him to Gresham. Is behind in his diets, not accounting the money he has received upon credit, from the 10th ult.
2. Here is likely to he a great assembly of Princes, the harbinger reckons upon 9,000 horses, Besides the election of the King of the Romans, many other matters are likely to come in question. The Duke of Wurtemberg says he expects ambassadors from the Prince of Condé, and from the contrary faction. There is a great contention betwixt the Dukes of Ferrara and Florence. Ferrara seeks assistance here amongst the Protestants, as Florence is aided by the Pope; and the matter will be heard here, and determined by the Emperor. Has been perplexed about the conveyance of their letters to the Queen, for good wait is laid in the Low Countries to get knowledge of their doings here, so they send the bearer Mr. Manley by Cologne to Antwerp. Were it not for Mr. Cecil and Mr. Windebank, he would soon be weary of being here. They have delivered to the bearer twenty French crowns, so that he shall have no cause to stop on the way.—Frankfort, 23 October. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 23. 899. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Has not written to him since the 26th August, as they have been incessantly occupied in journeying to the different Princes with whom they have been directed to confer by the Queen. Are now come to Frankfort, where the Emperor and Maximilian arrived on the 23rd. The Council of Trent will be shortly broken up. In order that the Pope might have the majority of votes, he has appointed 30,000 ducats for the expenses of the poorer Bishops. There has been no liberty of discussion, but they have been obliged to refer all to the legates, or six Cardinals, who referred them to the Pope and the Cardinals at Rome, where nothing was allowed which did not conduce to the power of the Roman See. The decisions were sent to the King of Spain and then to the Bishop of Arras and his colleagues in Flanders.
2. On September 12, the twelve commissioners of the Protestant Princes drew up at Fulda a written rejection of the Council, which the Landgrave showed the writer and Knolles at Marpurg. In addition to the reasons contained in the writing sent to her from Naumburg in 1560, they have added besides in this the examples of learned bishops who have refused to attend councils in which they saw that controversies would be settled rather by prejudice than by the canon of Holy Writ. They show also that some of these decisions (as those about Justification, and the Lord's Supper) are contrary to Scripture. When this refusal has been shown to the Emperor, it will be printed, and they will send a copy to him. Only the commissioners of the Princes were at Fulda.
3. What will be the result of this diet is uncertain; most think that the Emperor will induce the electors to join Maximilian with him in the government. Many suspect that Maximilian has remitted something of his old zeal for religion. Refers to their letter to the Queen.—Frankfort, 23 October 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 23. 900. Thomas Cecil to Sir William Cecil.
His letter received at Frankfort on September 8, gave the writer great comfort at being reconciled with so good a father. After leaving Frankfort they went to Marpurg, and thence to Leipsic where they expected to find the Duke Augustus, but he had gone before they arrrived; so after remaining two days with the Duke John Frederick they returned to Marpurg, where they found the Duke Augustus with the Landgrave, with whom Knolles had audience. Have since returned to Frankfort to see the assembly of the Princes. Have continued to travel in company with Knolles.—Frankfort, 23 October 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 23. 901. Ormesby and Kemys to Cecil. (fn. 1)
1. On Saturday, the 17th inst., 300 men left Dieppe for Rouen, but were defeated within two leagues of it. On the Monday following there came a messenger to Dieppe from the camp with a trumpeter, desiring the parliament; with whom (upon two gentlemen being left as pledges) there was sent the King's procurer to the camp, who returned last Thursday with such offers that they could not desire more. Yet they have refused the same, and intend to stand to it, as Rouen does.
2. On the 20th inst. a servant of Throckmorton came to Dieppe from Orleans; he said the Prince will march towards Rouen on the 27th inst., and that M. D'Andelot and the Prince of Pourçain had entered France, and were within twelve days journey of Paris.
3. On the same day a gentleman of M. De Briquemault came from Rouen, who declared that they of the camp demanded to parley; and the town (having received a knight of the order in pledge) sent thither the president Mantreville, to whom they offered pardon for all that is past, to have four churches allowed them, and to use their religion according to the edict of January; all of which they refused, saying they would persevere as they had begun. They require speedy aid from England.
4. Upon the return of Mantreville on Monday, an assault was offered, but in approaching, they were so slain that they retired without giving the same. The Almaines will no more be brought to the breach. The Scot who came with the packet for the Queen of Scots remains at Dieppe, where he does no good. M. D'Aumale is at St. Albyne with 300 horse, ard also certain Almaine pistoliers. M. De Backville is not far from Dieppe with 400 horse, to whom Captain Rickarby [?] goes with certain pikes. This is suspected to be some secret practice against Dieppe.
Dated and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 23. 902. Ormesby and Kemys to [Waade].
They are obliged to send the bearer, the master of the Joane Bonaventure, of Chichester, whose barque they have bought of him, by whom they desire him to send them this relief, viz., ten tuns of beer, four or five wey of cheese, twenty or thirty flitches of bacon, twenty or thirty gallons of salt butter, and eight or ten — of wood. If they continue here ten days longer not only the Englishmen, but also the whole town, must trust upon such provision as shall come from England.—Dieppe, 23 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
Oct. 23. 903. Kemys to Waade.
1. They remain at Dieppe in want of money for the soldiers, without which they cannot get victuals, which are at such excessive prices that the soldiers cannot live upon their wage. If Waade has any men to send hither he must send victuals with them, for there are not enough in all the town to serve for ten days, and from without they can get nothing, the Reisters having taken it away. What is within the town, the town will be first served thereof, of whom they have more doubt than of the enemy, they being so divided that one cannot trust another.—Dieppe, 23 Oct. Signed.
2. P. S.—They have sent two other letters to him by Ward's ship, which he will receive by this bearer, but they have stayed the ship for another purpose.
Orig. P. 1.
Oct. 23. 904. Gresham to Francisco Bravo.
Has received his letters of 30 Aug. and 20 Sept. Enters into details respecting money transactions with Francisco De Afonseca, Diego De Toro, Martin De la Tore, and Roderigo Dias De Alfaro.—London, 23 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. to Bravo, at Valladolid. Span. Pp. 3.
Oct. 23. 905. Challoner's Bill of Exchange.
1. "The notary's testimony upon John Flaminco's bill of exchange when I [Challoner] received the money of John De Coriel by the assignment of Francisco Bravo, 23 Oct. 1562."
2. Challoner has appended the following memorandum. "By Mr. Castelyn's estimate I lost in this exchange 100 ducats at least, for Clough delivered it to John Flaminco at 5s. 6d. the ducat, and the exchange at Antwerp in June went but at 5s. (or 6s. 1d. Flemish), besides five months delay.
Orig. Add. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.
Oct. 24. 906. Challoner to the Queen.
1. To check the piracy of the Moorish galleys, the King, about last July, sent thirty-two galleys under Juan De Mendosa (son of Bernardin De Mendosa) towards Sardinia. Oran being in need of stores and money, a supply was embarked at Malaga last week. On Monday morning, the 9th inst., when they were at Velez, not far on their way, they were overtaken by a storm, which drove them on a rocky shore, where twenty-five were entirely wrecked, and three more past service. The treasure on board, amounting to 80,000 ducats, was sunk in the sea, with the ordnance and stores. Don Juan De Mendosa and Don Francisco (son to the Marquis de Mendosa) were drowned, as were the greater part of the crew.
2. Oran is now in danger of being lost; Naples and Sicily are destitute of galleys, and the coast of Spain is unprotected. The King has now only 20 galleys, including the four which escaped. He has had many notable disadventures by sea, as in 1555, 1558, 1561, and this present year, one on the tail of another.—Madrid, 23 Oct. 1562.
3. P.S.—On the same day of the storm, twelve ships were lost in the haven of Cadiz. The galleys are lost in the haven called La Herradura, beside Velez Malaga. The money and artillery are recoverable by divers, among whom is Petro Paulo, who was entertained at Portsmouth about the Mary Rose. He has been here with the writer, and is now gone thitherwards.
Copy. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 24. 907. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Wrote by Mr. Cobham. Begs that his diets may be paid "without slacking or canting." Sir Richard Sackville did him great wrong to stay 51l. of his last diets. Things are excessively dear here, dearer than Flanders, which is considered the dearest country in Europe.
2. The Count and Countess De Feria, who left this Court two days ago for their house in Andalusia, are not to return shortly. Sir Richard Shelly will leave here in a few days with message to the Emperor, and with congratulations to the new King of the Romans. Herewith sends some verses of his touching the broils in France, which he may show elsewhere if he likes them.—Madrid, 23 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 24. 908. Copy of the above. Endd. by Challoner: By Martin Burgoa.
Pp. 2.
[Oct. 24.] 909. Intelligences from Germany.
1. The King and Queen of Bohemia entered Frankfort on Oct. 23, and were met by the Elector of Saxony and the Palatine and the Dukes of Bavaria and Cleves; and the following day they all received the Emperor, who was accompanied by the Electors of Mayence and Treves. The Dukes of Bavaria, Cleves and Wurtemburg have been summoned as the Emperor's counsellors.
2. The Emperor having asked them to elect a King of the Romans, they have asked for time to consult. On the first day that they met, the Elector of Mayence collected their votes. The Elector of Treves, who spoke first, assented to the request of the Emperor. The Vice-Deacon of Cologne (who was sent in the name of the Archbishop, who is dead,) agreed with the Elector of Mayence. The Palatine said that as he had become Elector after the others, he wished to hear their opinions before giving his own. The Duke of Saxony and the others replied angrily that he ought to speak his mind freely, and that if he did not do so they would deprive him of his voice for this turn. Seeing this, the Palatine gave a "votum neutrum." The Duke of Saxony, for the great dislike that he had to the Palatine (the brother-in-law of the Dukes of Weimar), told him that the reasons alleged by the Emperor were so good that they ought to elect a King of the Romans immediately. The Elector of Brandenburg declared the same, and the Palatine excused himself on account of his want of practice in speaking. The same morning they informed the Emperor that they were ready to proceed with the election of a King of the Romans, for which he thanked them, and said that he would leave the nomination entirely in their hands. They agreed to choose the King of Bohemia; but because the Palatine and the Duke of Saxony wished to introduce several novelties before swearing fealty, they have held back. Before his election on the 24th, these two Electors still remained obstinate, proposing that he should declare himself a "Confessionist," and should renounce the ancient ceremonies, and swear not to obey the Pope or defend the Church.
3. The King went on the 21st to the Council, and on being pressed about these articles, he said that he would never do anything contrary to the custom of the empire; and he spoke so that both the Palatine and the Duke of Saxony were very ill-pleased, and the ecclesiastics well content. The only article to which he swore was, that he would not employ foreign soldiers in matters relating to the empire.
4. If the affairs of the Huguenots in France prosper, wise people think that there will be danger of their making a new confession of faith, which shall be common to the French, English, Danes, Swedes, and the Princes bordering on the empire, and to most of the Swiss and Grisons. They will also agree amongst themselves for an entire separation from the Catholic Church. There is good reason to believe that this is the very thing about which the envoys of England and the Prince of Condé have been treating with the Palatine and the Duke of Wurtemberg, with whom they have been in daily consultation. The Landgrave of Hesse has married one of his daughters to the King of Sweden; and as he is an avowed "Sacramentarian," possibly that kingdom may become infected with error. There have been disputes about the election of the Archbishop of Cologne.
5. The envoys of the Huguenots have been heard before the ordinary Council. The chief point is their assertion that Condé has taken up arms by the command of the Queen of France, and that if she had not been kept prisoner by the Catholics, the Huguenots would have remained quiet. They have not been ashamed to say many similar things in the presence of the Emperor and the King.
6. The Electors desire to hasten the election of the King of the Romans, and have tried to have the coronation at Frankfort. The coronation is appointed to take place at Frankfort on St. Andrew's day, by the hand of the Elector of Mayence. The Protestant Princes have presented a written declaration that they never will consent to the Council at Trent. There is not a good understanding between the German Princes. The Duke of Saxony is obliged to be friendly with the King of Bohemia, but he cannot conceal the dislike that he has of the connexion which the Landgrave has formed with the King of Sweden. The enmity between him and the Archbishop of Magdeburg, the son of the Marquis of Brandenburg, being discovered, he is uncertain of the good-will of the house of Brandenburg. The cause of this enmity is because the Duke had promised to give to the Archbishop (who is not consecrated) the daughter of the late Duke Maurice, whom, nevertheless, he gave to the Prince of Orange.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 6.
Oct. 24. 910. George Gilpin to Cecil.
Sends the particulars of what Peter Stowghberghen offers to do in making furnaces for brewers, dyers, and others. Concerning the two articles which Cecil thinks necessary to be inserted in the Queen's placard to be given them; one, that the work must be done within a year; the other, that if any stranger offer to erect the like furnaces cheaper than he at the first promises, then he shall make the same at the like price, or else his offer to be void. He is contented with the first article, but thinks the second too hard. He will consent to his demand being moderated to such price as Cecil thinks reasonable. He requireth his placard for more than ten years. —Antwerp, 24 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
[Oct. 24.] 911. Offer for working Furnaces.
The offer of Peter Stowghberghen for erecting certain furnaces; the requests for inventing of the same; the con ditions he would make with brewers, dyers and others; and the trial and proof of what is spared by them in fuel. Appended are testimonials from persons beyond the seas concerning the furnaces.
Endd. Pp. 5.
[Oct. 25.] 912. Margaret Countess of Lennox to Cecil.
Begs him to be a means that the Queen shall consider the long time of her husband's imprisonment and her own, as well as their long absence from one another, especially he being in the Tower and the winter coming on, and that house both unwholesome and cold.—Shene, Sunday. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. and dated by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 25.
Forbes, ii. 142.
913. Warwick to Cecil.
1. On Friday last he went to sea. The wind having changed from the north to the south they laboured all that night and next day to get to Newhaven or Portsmouth, and at last were forced to return hither, where he landed yesternight.
2. How shall he use Mr. Briquemault in case he comes hither? He was sick the last voyage, but in this voyage he was able to eat his dinner and supper on sea board.—Dover, 25 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 25.
Forbes, ii. 130.
914. The Queen's Answer to the French Ambassador.
Notes of things to be answered to the French Ambassador's book exhibited to my Lords of the Council.
The French King does well to believe that it is not to his hurt that the Queen has sent forces into Normandy. Thinks it strange that after the peace of Cateau Cambresis, Francis II. usurped the title and arms of England and sent forces into Scotland. Also, that the treaty of Edinburgh remains yet unratified. Also, that the fortifications of Calais are broken down, contrary to the treaty. Charles can lay to her charge no breach of treaty or promise, nor will she provoke God's wrath by so doing. She desires to protect his poor subjects and secure his towns. Refers to events in the reign of Henry VII. Whereas Charles asks her, in token of amity, to recede from this enterprize, she answers that to do so is contrary to the duty of a prince. The request is not his, but theirs who cloak themselves under his authority. What she has done is by the request of those who had the charge of the towns. That good Princess, the Queen Mother, is in the hands of those who subvert that realm, and is not at liberty. She knows not what the King of Spain and Duke of Savoy have done; she herself has done nothing unbecoming a Christian Princess, and a good neighbour, in sending this succour, though not expressly required by the King or the Queen Mother. If he could reduce to obedience those who rebel, he should have done so towards those who abuse his authority. What is pretended of his liberty is notoriously untrue, for they have been found to abrogate an edict made by the advice of his Council. She means not to accuse Spain and Savoy of unfaithfulness, not knowing upon what grounds they do as they have done; what she herself has done is on reasonable causes. The sentence of rebellion extorted from the Parliament of Paris is of no effect. The best kind of defence is to stop the ways and passages whereby the enemy should come, and she has not entered France against the good will of the King. Denies that she gave the first occasion to the spoiling of ships and killing of men. "In such a case as this is, who can say but that the part of any Christian Prince and good neighbour is to succour that Prince so oppressed by his own subjects?"
Copy. Dated and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.


  • 1. In the margin is written, "The report of the news of John Wanton, Mr. Lodges' man."