Elizabeth: October 1562, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: October 1562, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp373-382 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1562, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp373-382.

"Elizabeth: October 1562, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp373-382.

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October 1562, 16-20

Oct. 16. 863. Thomas Kemys to Cecil.
1. Received Cecil's letter by Winter. He will continue to send advertisements as desired. There is no other matter than the summons of M. D'Anebault, and the approach of Reyters to cut off their victuals.
2. News came of a great assault given to Rouen yesterday. —Dieppe, 16 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: By Mr. Winter. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 864. Edward Ormesby to Cecil.
Thanks Cecil for his letters and the despatch of Mr. Winter hither; trusts all shall fall out to deliver the Queen of her care that she has of them here. Dieppe, 16 Oct. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Mr. Winter. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 865. Armigil Wade to Cecil.
Mr. Walgrave has sent to London for harquebusses and morions. Some of Sir Maurice Denis' band are arrived. If the wind remits any thing of its extremity, Winter will return from Dieppe to day. Victuals should be provided here and at Portsmouth, wherewith the garrisons on the other side may be refreshed. Not far from Dieppe is a band of Swart Ritters, that keep all the country in awe, and force all the victuals thereabouts to go to the camp before Rouen. If they would, they might keep Dieppe and Newhaven from all victual. One making report to D'Aumale of the English garrisons that should come to Newhaven and Dieppe, he said, "Well, let them make themselves merry for a while, the winter and famine will cause them to pack homeward faster than they came thither." Has observed these four years that the wind has been for the most from the southwest, which shuts up all the havens on this coast. Their trust must be in the staples at Rye and Portsmouth.—Rye, 16 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 6.
Oct. 16. 866. Challoner to Cuerton.
1. Henry Cobham repairs to Bilboa to embark, to whom he refers. Touching Mrs. Clarencius' maid, the Inquisidor Major, the Archbishop of Seville, said that he will favour her. Sent a mandamiento to the ministers of the Inquisition of Calahorra. As Mrs. Clarencius will next Monday ride with the Countess De Feria to Safra, and not return till next spring, she has prayed him to look after this business during her absence, and likewise to keep her maid honestly there at her charge, as he will perceive by her letters are enclosed.—Madrid, 16 Oct. 1562.
2. P. S.—Asks him to send butter, some English cheeses, and a barrel of Irish salmon.
Copy, dated and endd. by Challoner: Sent by Tempest. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 867. Galleys of Spain.
1. List of such galleys as presently remain to the King Catholic, of his own and his friends, to serve during 1563. Of his own, seven; Genoese, twenty-two; Count Boromeo's, seven; of his friends, twenty-three.
2. They say sixteen more are to be refurnished of the fragments of the late wreck at Malaga.
Copy, with marginal notes by Challoner, and endd. by him: October 16. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 16.] 868. Another copy of the above.
In Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: November 16. Pp. 2.
Oct. 17. 869. The Queen Mother to MM. De Fors and Briquemault.
Credence for the bearer, M. Dubois Dennemont.—The camp before Rouen, 17 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 17. 870. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. The Queen thinks that they two are together. The Queen Mother is angry he [Smith] tarries so long from the Court. As soon as he hears again from the Court he will go thither and deliver his message in writing, which he [Throckmorton] shall receive in print, in Latin.
2. Six small ships filled with Englishmen passing to Rouen, one struck on the sands at Caudebec, which M. De Danville took. 200 were slain, and eighty made prisoners; eleven were sent to the Court, and were by the Constable's order hanged upon a tree. 600 English got into the town; and they know it without by their arrows when they skirmish. On Thursday last the King of Navarre was sore hurt; he marvels he ventured so near the breach. This night eighty horsemen from Rouen came into Paris. Order is given to get the wine out of the villages into Paris; and each house holder to have in readiness a spade and a shovel.—Paris, 16 Oct. 1562.
3. P. S.—Will solicit the Queen Mother to let him [Throckmorton] come to the Court. In bis despatch he will signify to Cecil the cause of Throckmorton's doubts. Sends a draught of the siege of Rouen, done by him from one which he got from Shakerley. As he was closing his despatch, Middlemore came. Sends a copy of the Queen's proclamation at Dieppe; as also 300 crowns, which he took up by exchange of Gerardo Burlameachi by reason of a bill of credit which he had of Gresham for 1,000 crowns.—Paris, 17 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 17. 871. Another copy of the above.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 18. 872. Smith to Cecil.
1. Refers to his letter to the Council. His instructions are so precise in one or two places that he should first confer "with him" [Throckmorton], and take his advice. Intends to-morrow to keep on his journey towards the Court. The hanging of the eleven men beside Caudebec shows more rigour than war generally permits to strangers taken prisoners. The Queen Mother would not so much as by word of mouth, upon her honour, promise Mr. Middlemore that he [Throckmorton] should safely come and go. He is informed by divers Scots that some are sent already to move the Queen of Scots to break with the Queen and make war; and the matter is now in hand that the hostages in England shall be conveyed into Flanders. Secretary Rollot and M. Villemort are going, or have gone, for the first matter. Expected to have had full instructions from Throckmorton as to persons at the Court, also to have had copies of the treaties already passed. Has not received the Queen's plate; and expecting that, hs brought none of his own; but his greatest lack is for want of servants that can speak and write French. Heretofore he might have enough servants, Dutch or French, but now for the plague and religion he dare not take one. He sends one or two packets of some Scotchmen, with which he desires him to do as he was wont, that they should not think him negligent in their cause, for at some time they might convey his packets and save a post.—Paris, 15 Oct. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—The Queen Mother does nothing now but in the presence of the Constable or the Duke of Guise.
3. At the assault made on Thursday last, whereat the King of Navarre was hurt, the Duke of Guise was wounded, not with an arquebus or pike, but bruised with stones and wood thrown upon him. The King of Navarre was hurt by an arquebus in the shoulder and knee, and in the flank by a pike. The same night one came from the camp in post to Paris for such things as were necessary. All the next day the Duke of Guise kept his bed. It is said the Duke of Aumale is wounded in the forehead by an arquebus. It is supposed there were above 600 of the assailants slain. During the assault (which lasted seven hours,) Mongomery was in the town with his sword drawn, and slew any that gave way. When all was done he got upon the countermure which they had made against the breach, "and there made a rear or two with his horse, that all the camp might see him." It is talked here that the King shall remove to Monceaux, nearer Paris.
4. D'Andelot has entered Champagne, passing Lorraine, where many join him daily. The camp about Rouen is estimated not above 8,000; those within the town that bear arms, at 6,000. Tarries now for a passport to send this into England, and for order when and where he should come. As they were hasty to have him come upon the winning of the fort St. Helen's, he thinks after this assault of Rouen they be as slow. Sends Cecil the copies of Throckmorton's letters and his.—Paris, Sunday morning, 18 Oct. Signed.
Orig., with seal. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 18. 873. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Hears that the Bishop of Aquila has protested to her that King Philip would not leave the French King destitute of aid, and that she gave the Bishop this flat answer, that everyone is bound to take care of his own house. Don Luis D'Avila, Comendador de Alcantara, is to be despatched to Rome to solicit the Pope's grant for the sale of Church lands amounting to 30,000 ducats, and to set forward some new league by banding the Catholics against the opposite side.
2. They think that for want of money the English are not able to hold out. If the Germans can be induced to make it their general cause it will move shrewd cows to consider their short horns.
3. The Queen Mother lately sent hither some costly presents to the King, with rich saddles and trappours and the like to the Queen, her daughter, and to the Prince and Princess.— Madrid, 18 Oct. 1562.
Orig. Hol. Draft. Endd. by Challoner: 19 Oct. [sic], Sent after Mr. Cobham, by the negro, to Bilboa. Pp. 5.
Oct. 19. 874. M. De Fors to the Queen Mother.
Has received her letter sent by M. De Bois-Damebout. The writer and all the inhabitants of Dieppe are ready to render all due obedience to their lawful Sovereign.—Dieppe, 19 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 875. Edict of Charles IX.
Requests his subjects to aid him in expelling the English and Germans, the former of whom have seized Newhaven and Dieppe; so that the war is not now about religion, but about the preservation of his crown. Will forgive past offences and promises security for the persons and property of such as join in this work, but orders that the law shall be enforced in full rigour against those who refuse.—The Camp, 15 Oct. 1562, Signed.
Copy, in a French hand. Add: To the Bailly of Rouen, or his Lieutenant. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
[Oct. 19.] 876. Montgomery's Requests.
1. That the Queen will take into her pay as well the companies of cavalry of MM. De Beauvois and Briquemault and his own (400 or 500 horse), as also the four ensigns of foot which were at Havre before her forces landed, two of which are under the command of the Sire De St. Marye.
2. That some large ships cruize towards Britanny, that the Bretons serving in Lower Normandy may be forced to withdraw to defend their own country; and so the Prince will easily retake those places which have been lost in Normandy.
3. That two galleys be equipped to supply Havre with water, as the enemy can easily break the conduits.
4. That the English who lost their hoys at Caudebec may be recompensed, as they demand recompence from M. De Beauvois.
5. That the attachments made at the request of the French or Spanish Ambassadors on the merchandise sent from Havre may cease, seeing that the Vidame and Beauvois, who take the responsibility, have property worth more than 600,000 crowns.
Copy, in a French hand. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 3.
[Oct. 19.] 877. Another copy of a portion of the above, with an additional article requesting that Beauvois may be discharged of his liability (amounting to 660 crowns) for 120 corslets supplied by Vaughan to the French soldiers who went to Rouen.
Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 878. The French Ambassador's Declaration.
1. M. De Foix (the Queen being ill) has spoken as follows to the Lords of her Council. The King his master, having heard of the men embarked at Portsmouth and Rye, desires to know why the Queen has sent soldiers into France. He also finds it strange that she should thus act contrary to her promise and aid his subjects in their felony and rebellion. By doing so she will give an example of disobedience to her own subjects.
2. He desired to have audience with her on the 11th inst. to demand in his master's name what were her intentions. She, not being able to see him, sent Mason and Wotton, who not only informed him of the warlike preparations but also of the seizure of Havre by her troops, which they said was done both for her own defence and also for that of the King of France, which reasons De Foix has seen given in a book printed in the Queen's name. His master desires that she will not put herself to this trouble and expense on his account. Prudent persons would scarcely consider it a friendly act for her to seize on the King's towns against his will, a thing which none of the neighbouring Princes who are his kinsmen have thought proper to do. She has never announced her intention of aiding him with forces, but has only offered to mediate.
3. The pretext of liberating him is merely an invention of the rebels; he being in the hands of his mother and the King of Navarre, who are his legitimate guardians, assisted by all the Princes of the blood with one exception, and the principal officers of the Crown, some of whom were counsellors of his grandfather, father, and brother.
4. In aiding the said rebels the Queen cannot say that she is defending the King any more than she can excuse herself for breaking the accord which is between them.
5. As for saying that she does this for her own defence, that is still less reasonable; as in order to say that she defends herself there must be some assailant, and neither the King or any of his subjects have taken arms against her. If she had fortified and armed her own kingdom that would have been keeping within the limits of defence; but entering France with an armed force against the will of the King, and seizing his fortresses and making league with those who have committed felony against him, cannot be said not to be aggression. It appears by the judgments of the Court of Parliament that these divisions were not for religion but for felonies, rebellions, and crimes of leze-majesty. That she has been summoned by the complaints of the King's subjects is no excuse; she ought rather to have given them into the King's hands as rebels, as she was bound to do by treaty.
6. When she says that she has occupied the said ports and fortresses as additional security for Calais, he begs her to consider that people will say that she seizes upon the occasion of these divisions in France, and the King's minority, to make her profit; and the King can justly say that she has broken the treaty by seeking for further security than his promise, and the four hostages whom she has.
7. As this request demands prompt execution, De Foix desires that he may have an immediate answer, in order that he may advertise his master, and perform the rest of his charge. He has given a copy of his remonstrance, and of the King's letter to the Queen, to the Lords of the Council.
8. Read to the Lords of the Council by the French Ambassador in the presence of the four French hostages.—19 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 10.
Oct. 20. 879. Eric XIV. to the Queen.
In his letter sent last summer by George Harvey, he promised to send an embassy to her, but was obliged to re-call his chancellor, whom he had placed at its head, in order that he might answer certain accusations. One of her subjects named Francis Berth (who was here on business but who said nothing at that time) has written from Lubeck accusing the chancellor of charging double for his expenses whilst in England, and of not faithfully carrying out the object of his embassy. Requests her to command Francis Berth to come to him to substantiate his charges.—Stockholm, 20 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. (fn. 1) Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 20.
Forbes, ii. 122.
880. Smith to Cecil.
1. This day, Sunday, 18th inst., M. Randan, brother to the Count of Rochefocauld, is dead, he having his knee broken by the shot of a culverin at Fort St. Catherine, when it was taken. D'Andelot has but eighteen cornets of horsemen (which should be 150 in a cornet, but they account them 2,000 in the whole), and from 4,000 to 6,000 footmen; one part is led by the Marshal of Hesse, who is about Chalons. M. De Nemours has sacked Vienne, in Dauphiné. The Baron Des Adrets (not thinking the enemy could have passed the Rhone) came past with only thirteen horsemen from Lyons to Valence, whereupon Nemours conveyed a certain number of horsemen over in small boats, one by one, and almost entrapped Adrets; some of his horses were slain, but he escaped.
2. On Friday and Saturday last the chief captains and merchants of Rouen would have made a composition for the town; they say they are accorded upon the conditions of those of Bourges. They were at an accord before, and 160,000 crowns were assessed at two payments. A passport has come for the writer's men to go to England.
3. Rouen remains quiet since the assault. They met an archer this day, who told them that they are content that the Papists shall come into their churches again, and their churches shall be amended; they will give the King 100,000 crowns towards the charges of the war, but they will have their preaching still. He thinks he shall not have access to the Court till they despair of having Rouen, or take it.
4. Newhaven is not so strong as supposed; if it were summer they would attempt "to 'afray' our men thence with a garden of 'chamillion' upon the hill on this side." (fn. 2) The plague still continues at Paris, and increases in other parts of France. Sends the copy of letters betwixt Throckmorton and himself.—Poissy, 20 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal, a few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Oct. 20. 881. Edward Ormesby to Cecil.
1. Since Mr. Winter left, the writer received a letter from Captain Leighton, which he sends here enclosed; the next day after the first assault (Thursday 15th inst.) there was another made. The day following Montgomery sent to M. De Fortz for succours, who said the King of Navarre was hurt in the trench with an arquebus on the right side of his breast, "nearer the arm than the breast," and report says he is in danger of his life, for the bullet remains in his body.
2. Concerning the succours demanded by Montgomery and Leighton, the writer was requested by Briquemault to send two of his bands. He answered that the town being in parley, he thought it was not well to hazard the Queen's men until he heard of the conclusion of the same. They concluded to send two bands of Frenchmen that remained, one in the Pollet, the other in the citadel; requesting him to guard the said forts. They numbered 300, and before this time they never employed any of the English there, although he offered at his first coming thither.
3. The two bands were sent to Rouen on Saturday night the 17th inst., and came within three leagues of it that night, and hid themselves in a wood; being discovered by some peasants, the alarum was given to the camp, so they were driven piecemeal to shift away. The captains being well horsed reached Dieppe, one on Sunday night about 1 o'clock, the other on Monday morning about 10 o'clock, and in the afternoon half a score soldiers.
4. Briquemault, as soon as he was advertised that they could not enter Rouen, and that the bands were overthrown, within an hour after the news came, (having made secret provision of a shallop before, and the wind and tide serving,) put to sea, going to England. They thank God they have got rid of him, for he was timorous and overthrown with every blast of evil news.
5. The morning after Briquemault left, being the 19th inst., M. Du Bois-Dennebout was sent hither with a trumpet to M. De Fors from the Queen Mother, with a letter of credence from her, signed by herself only, declaring that Rouen had made composition, and brought the particulars of the same in writing; but it was not signed. He sends Cecil copies of them. They begun the battery at 11 o'clock on Sunday. The captain assembled the council of the town, with the burgesses of the same, and these resolved upon an answer to the Queen Mother, the effect whereof he sends enclosed.
6. This morning (20th inst.) there came hither a man of Throckmorton's with this packet, bringing letters from the Prince of Condé to De Fortz, which he has seen, mentioning that D'Andelot would be at Orleans on the 23rd inst. at the latest; and then promises De Fortz not to lose an hour, nor tarry the taking of any town, but that he will seek the enemy in the field. He requires De Fortz to use all means for succouring Rouen, and to inform them of his determina tion, so they may defend the town; and also those of Dieppe, in case Rouen cannot hold out. The Prince desires the Queen to send hither such bands as are at Rye with all diligence, for their arrival here will be a terror to the enemy (being already in "branley," (fn. 3) as the French term it) and a reinforcement for Dieppe, and to keep the place at least for fourteen days, by which time he would be ready to raise the siege.
7. Has been requested by De Fortz to signify this to him [Cecil]. They all here desire the Queen to send succours. The Pollet is in perfection now, by the continual labour of men, women, and children, as well as by gentlewomen, burgesses' wives, and others.—Dieppe, 20 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
Oct. 20.
Forbes, ii. 127.
882. Thomas Kemys to Cecil.
1. On Thursday last, in the forenoon, the King of Navarre walking in the trench was wounded in the right side of the breast by an arquebus; "likely to die." The soldiers, to revenge the same, cried to the assault, which began at 11 o'clock and continued till 3 or 4. The assailants fought to the uttermost, being aided by part of the Rhinegrave's band. Amongst the defendants, the English and Scotch have deserved great commendation. The enemy mounted upon the walls two ensigns and 1,000 men at least, but were repulsed by hand-strokes, with the loss of both their ensigns and most of their best captains and soldiers.
2. Montgomery wrote to Briquemault for succours, which letter arrived on Saturday morning. The same night the remnant of the French bands were sent thither, numbering 300 men, under the commands of captains Cowdrye and Mollandre. News came on Sunday that, being in a wood three leagues from Rouen, they were discovered and forced to flee. Victuals are scarce. Fifteen or twenty persons that went for succours have returned; they cannot report what has become of the rest.
3. News has arrived here of the King's death, and that they offered yesterday to renew the assault, but did it not. —Dieppe, 20 Oct. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 20. 883. Articles offered to Dieppe.
1. The King has commanded those of Rouen to surrender the town and castle and all the artillery and munitions into his hands by 6 o'clock to-morrow morning. He will grant a full pardon to all without exception for past offences, together with liberty of conscience. Full pardon will be given to all captains and soldiers who enter his service or withdraw to their own homes, on condition of not serving again. No one shall be troubled either in person or goods for anything past on account of religion. The soldiers and the captains shall withdraw to the other side of the river.
2. The Queen Mother has commanded him [Dubois D'Annebault] to offer similar conditions to M. De Fors and the town of Dieppe. If they do not accept them the King will send his forces thither.—Signed: Dubois D'Ennebout.
Copy, in a French hand. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Oct. 20. 884. Henry Cobham to Challoner.
1. On Saturday night they lay nine leagues from Madrid, where they had broiled meat, vino tynto, and cold lodging. Next morning they set forth in the rain, rode twelve leagues, and got well wetted; and on coming to their lodgings at night they found certain friars occupying the house, and had to entreat for house room for half an hour, until at length they let them enter a venerable smoky kitchen, where, wet like a drowned rat, the writer clapped himself down beside a friar, who made the writer room. In an evil hour he ate carbonadoed meat, and shortly after he went to "couch" in a place where they were all lodged, mulus, arator, asinus, frater, sus, wench, and, besides a rablement of lice, a company of gendarmery of chinches.
2. They set forth again next morning by break of day, accompanied all the way with a terrible rain, so that by dinner time he was forced to go to a miserable bed, where he laid that day and night, being Monday, suffering with the ague. Reached Burgos yesterday in company with his evil calentura, where he was very well lodged, and afterwards set forward to Bilboa.
3. Begs to be remembered to the Countess and Mrs Strandling, and to Sir Richard Shelley, Mr. Parker, and Mr. Huggins.—Burgos, 20 Oct. 1562. Signed.
4. P. S.—Requests him to send to Cuerton a pair of silk hose "of lyon perdo colour," delivered to Honger by Mr. Parker.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.


  • 1. Cecil has added this note: "He is gone out of the realm, and whensoever he returns he shall be charged with the matter; wherein Her Majesty thinks that if he have misreported the Chancellor he has herein misused himself, for the Chancellor behaved himself very well herein."
  • 2. See Smith to Cecil, Nov. 10.
  • 3. "Il est en bransle: Tis doubtful or uncertain whether yea or no; the matter hangs in suspense, or is yet in the balance."—Cotgrave.