Elizabeth: August 1562, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: August 1562, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp258-275 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1562, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp258-275.

"Elizabeth: August 1562, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp258-275.

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August 1562, 21-31

August 21. 514. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Trusts that he has received his letters of the 6th inst., sent by his servant Withipoll. Three days ago a Flemish courier arrived here with letters and reports, not only of the Queen having sent divers armed ships to sea, but also that she has a hold in Normandy that is taken by her folks, to the number of 10,000, landed there to aid the Prince of Condé. Yesterday the French Ambassador was with him, to feel of him what he could. Knew not what to say or think, as his letter of the 8th of June affirmed nothing.
2. Cannot write further about the matter mentioned in his last, and the consideration of his state he leaves to Cecil.— Madrid, 21 August 1562.
3. P. S.—Knows not what interest the Queen pays for a loan of money in Flanders, but the King has so "ranged" the bankers here that they are content with six, five, and some with four in the 100.
Challoner's hol. Draft, and endd. by him: Sent by M. De Isquye. Pp. 4.
August 21. 515. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Challoner: Sent by a gentleman of Flanders that departed hence. Pp. 2.
August 22. 516. The Countess of Lennox to Cecil.
Prays him to remember her intolerable griefs, by her husband's imprisonment, their coming up upon the sudden, and her being thereby separated; and also by impoverishment, which daily increases; their goods going to decay for lack of looking after, and the charges of their imprisonment being very great.—Shene, Saturday, 22 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 22. 517. Rowland Johnson to Cecil.
1. If lime is to be burnt in the kilns next winter, they must be soon furnished with coals, as they cannot be had by sea in the winter because of the evil way. Has taken the foundations of the north bulwark next the Snowke from the middle of the Collyon, all along the side of the bulwark, 300 feet, almost ten feet high and eighteen broad, and every sixteen feet made a buttress, and running fifteen or sixteen feet into the rampart, and five feet lower. Sixty hard hewers have been employed this summer in hewing stone, and others of that sort in breaking stones at the quarry; and from lack of labourers he has been driven to employ some in removing the stone; and thus sufficient stone has been provided for the winter. The carriages are occupied to serve the men at the wall, and for carrying stone, &c. Employed twenty-five men and six cart horses, to take away the earth from the ditch on the south side of the bulwarks, towards Catwell and next the haven in Saint Nicholas Ward.
2. The ditch being cleansed, the flanker at the Catwell being better opened to scour that side, that part will be so much the more guardable.—Berwick, 22 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 22. 518. Challoner to Clough.
Desires him to cause John Flemming to write to Bravo, to make payment to the writer. If his man who is in England do his part, he looks for 900l. more before next Christmas. Asks Clough to send him all the packets he receives from England, as after two months he has only received two or three, when the advices are stale—Madrid, 22 Aug. 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
August 22. 519. Humphrey White to Challoner.
1. Not finding a ready passage from Bilboa, where they arrived eleven days ago, they went on to St. Sebastian, which they hope to leave this day.
2. Four ships are ready to sail, two for Bristol, one of London, and one of Dartmouth. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 22 Aug. Pp. 2.
August 22. 520. Bartholomew Withipoll to Challoner.
Has informed him about the commencement of his journey. Arrived at Bilboa seven days after leaving Madrid. Tarried there three days, and went to St. Sebastian, whence they intend to sail on the 28th inst. in a Spanish ship bound to Bristol. When within seven leagues of Burgos he made a bargain with Mr. White to supply him and his horses with provisions, but the "nipcrust" almost starved him with bread, cheese, and "tinto." When he arrives in London will write to him and to Mr. Cobham.—St. Sebastian, 22 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Challoner, en su casa en la Porte del Sol, and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
August 22. 521. N. Stopio to Mason.
Wrote last on the 8th, since which time he has received the enclosed. From Trent it is stated that the next session shall be postponed, in consequence of the letters of the Cardinal of Lorraine.—Venice, 22 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 22. 522. Marsilio Della Croce to Shers.
The new Ambassador from Venice has arrived at Constantinople. II Colombo, sent by the Signiori, has become a Turk. Five hundred barrels of gunpowder exploded on board a vessel of Genoa, in which were 300 soldiers, during an attack made upon it by two corsairs. Frederico Borromeo has gone from Genoa into Spain with the other galleys. Various bodies of troops have been levied in different parts of Italy. The Pope has been apprehensive of an insurrection at Rome, and many chief personages have been arrested.— Venice, 22 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
August 22. 523. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Received Cecil's letter of the 14th inst. by Richard Clough, with the Queen's bonds, and will do his best for taking up the rest, for the which he only stays till the end of the month; he then intends to repair home. Every man's head here is so full of the matters of France that they know not what to do. It is now said that the Protestant Princes of Germany are agreed with M. D'Andelot that the 4,000 horsemen and 3,000 footmen should march the 15th inst. Has written to Cecil's son, as he willed him. Assures Cecil he did not see him whilst in this town spend a penny in waste. Desires him to get his [Gresham's] pardon before his return, and deliver it to his wife. Brown alleges he was never the Queen's servant, but one Physsor's, and it is put into the Burgomaster's head by certain friars that this arrest is made only for his religion.
2. Desires to know his pleasure for the provision of saltpetre and bow staves, which are better than any treasure. Bremen and Hamburgh are the places where they must be shipped. Mr. Fitzwilliam has laid out money in this matter of Brown, and also in riding to seek out Mr. Englefield with the Queen's letters. If it pleases Cecil he will pay him and add it to her account. Sends his commendations to Lord Robert Dudley and Lord Pembroke.—Antwerp, 22 August 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 22. 524. Gresham to Thomas Windebank.
1. Perceives by Thomas Dowghton that he needs credit for fifty dollars in Germany. He marvels at Windebank's unkindness to him, who being here would not speak, and to prove his friendship for him he sends a letter of credit for 100 dollars, to be received of Frederick Wolffe in part or whole, to whom he is to make his acquittance for as much as he receives. Sends his commendations to Mr. Thomas Cecil, Mr. Knolles, and Dr. Mount.—Antwerp, 22 August 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Since writing this he has received letters from Mr. Secretary and others to him, which he sends herewith. (fn. 1)
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 23. 525. Oath of the Provost of Paris.
Anthony Du Prat, Lord of Nantouillet and Provost of Paris, one of the hostages sent into England by Charles IX., swears that he will observe the articles contained in the treaty of Cateau-Cambray.—Westminster, 23 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Parchment. Lat. Pp. 2.
[August 23.] 526. The Provost of Paris.
1. When the late Provost died, on the 29th of May 1557, he possessed 40,000 livres of annual income, and left his wife with four sons and four daughters. In May 1559 his widow married again, having 20,000 livres per annum for her dowry. Of the 20,000 livres of income remaining there must be taken 12,000 for the portions of three of the daughters. Thus there is only 8,000 left to divide amongst the four sons, of whom though the Provost is the eldest, he does not get a larger share. If the Provost had gained his suit, or if his mother were dead, he would be richer by 10,000 livres of income.
2. He has assigned all the goods and furniture of his father in exchange for the legacy which his mother will leave him.
3. If this is found to be not true, the said Provost offers to go to England for ten years, where he has been before, and which country he finds as good as France.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 24. 527. Challoner to Throckmorton.
This is his fourth letter whereunto Throckmorton has written nothing. On the 3rd inst. his last letter of the 29th of June was delivered by "St. Subplice," the French Ambassador here. Has not heard since the 8th of June either from the Queen or her Council. A courier who came here five days since filled this Court with rumours about their arming in England, and of his being about to go thither, with much besides.
Hol. draft. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the French Ambassador. Pp. 3.
August 24. 528. Fair copy of the above, with a P.S., to the effect that his gloves shall be sent.—Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 25. 529. Cecil to Throckmorton.
The Queen looks to hear from him, and thereupon to despatch Sir Thomas Smith, who is fully ready. M. Courtillion is delivered by M. Nantouillet's entry. They have daily complaints from Exeter, Bristol, etc. that the officers of Brittany arrest their ships and merchants, charging the people that the Queen had entered into war and taken their ships. The Ambassador being here yesterday has the complaints, and is required to frame answer; either they must restore or the Queen must give order otherwise for amends. Sends a writing from La Haye in Throckmorton's cipher, in French and obscure, yet to be deciphered. (fn. 2) He is to send it where it is directed. Here is great expectation what will come of the preparations, but most men perchance will be deceived. "I think the Prince shall have help of the Queen of England. I think the Queen shall have Newhaven." (fn. 3) All is quiet in this realm.—25 August 1562. Signed.
Hol., with seal. Small portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 25. 530. De Ferrariis [to Cecil].
Sends several reasons for which he cannot outstep that which has been already determined. There are so many difficulties on account of the distance and the shortness of the time. As the Queen is not advised to undertake their protection, she would not treat with those who instead of strengthening have been the cause of the diminution both of the foreign and native forces. Begs him to persuade the Queen to succour the Prince with money, for which she shall have ample security. He can do much greater service to the cause of religion than by doing that which they have treated about for some time past. Offers himself as a hostage, and engages to show her that by the means that they devised yesterday, and by the power of money, a large army may be collected, which may repress the enemy. Is unwilling to promise this by the completion of the philosopher's stone, which cannot be done under the space of nine months, as even the most industrious of those who explore the secrets of nature are liable often to err. (fn. 4) If the Queen will supply the money, she will receive a hundredfold by means of his work, which he hopes will tend to the benefit of Christian Princes and to the downfall of Antichrist. Those who, like dogs, bark at everything they cannot understand, should not be admitted into the council. Asks him to excuse his Latinity, as he has not written in that language for twenty years.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Endd. by Cecil: De Ferrariis, 25 Aug. 1562. Lat. and Fr. Pp. 4.
[August 25.] 531. Stores required [for Dieppe].
For sugar and Brazel, 1,000 crowns; for 450 arquebuses; for 200 corslets; for 400 pikes; for gunners; for corn powder and saltpetre; carriage for artillery; for wheel makers; for osiers, to make 2,000 baskets; for hand mills, etc.; "for 2,000 crowns, remember the cause why."
In margin, "haste! haste!" Endd. by Cecil: D. Ferrariis. Pp. 2.
August 26. 532. Robert Huggins, Thomas Parker, and Richard Layton to Challoner.
1. By the sudden departure of this gentlemen, Cokekerilis, one of the principal of the town, they had no opportunity to write of the news in these parts. They ask Challoner to entertain M. Descamps well, and the same with the bearer. They have written often and never received an answer. They commend themselves to him and to Lord St. John.
2. They ask him to send them word of the removing of the Court and other news of their country, for it is said by certain French ships come hither, that the French King has raised 40,000 men and is at Havre de Grace. They often wish him part of the partridge they have.—Evese, 26 August. Signed.
4. P. S.—If any letters come from "my Lord my brother," this gentleman will inform him what way to send them.
Orig., in Parker's hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received at Sarragossa. Pp. 3.
August 27. 533. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 21st inst. he received the Queen's letters of the 17th inst. by Francisco, with her instructions (partly in French) for his further direction with the Queen Mother, with whom it seems in his late negociation he had not directed his speech according to her order.
2. At the arrival of Francisco he was not able (nor is yet) to make so long a journey to Bourges, where the King is now. The passage by Orleans is now impeached. Because Vielleville has not yet returned, and it being likely that the answer to her late letters and instructions will be deferred, he sent the bearer (Sir Thomas Wrothe's son) to her with this despatch for her information.
3. On the 18th inst. the King and his camp was at Remorantin, fourteen miles from Blois. St. André (returning from Poitou) made approach on the said day with his forces before Bourges, where M. D'Yvoy, chief of the town for the Prince of Condé, skirmished with him, and the Marshal was defeated by the townsmen.
4. On the 19th inst. the Constable sent a herald to summon the town to surrender. D'Yvoy (brother to M. De Janlis) answered that they were willing to give the King free entry. These, he said, were the orders of the Prince of Condé. Thereupon the Constable in great fury approached the town, commanding the artillery to be planted, and would not wait to have the same defended by gabions; at which approach M. De Rochepossee and M. De Valency (bastard to the late M. D'Enghein) were slain by artillery from the town. The Constable after two days work pressed the King to march from Remorantin on the 21st inst., and on the 22nd inst. they arrived at Bourges. The King and Queen Mother arrived at an abbey four miles beyond Bourges the same night, where they now lodge.
5. Bourges is defensible after this manner, there being about 3,500 soldiers in the same, which is very great in circuit to be guarded by so few. It is well victualled for a time, with sufficient munition and artillery of the meanest sort, but neither cannon nor culverin. One half the town is fortified by having a great marsh, the other half is fortified by art. The counterscarp is made so high from such places where it may be battered, as it covers the top of the walls and houses. There is also a great tower within the town which is very strong, which serves the town as a platform. It is a pity they have no great artillery to lay upon it, but they are forced to make shift with falcon, musket, and "arquebuses a croc." The Prince of Condé since the first approach has sent four ensigns of footmen to reinforce it, with two or three captains of more experience than D'Yvoy.
6. The Duke De Nemours (who is at Bourges) shall shortly repair towards these parts to reinforce M. D'Aumale for the enterprize of Normandy; others think to take St. Cloud, and there strengthen himself to prevent the designs of M. D'Andelot, who intends to besiege Paris, by keeping the passages of the river at St. Cloud and Pont Charenton. D'Andelot has entered Lorraine with 2,000 horsemen and 4,000 footmen, which force is commanded by the Duke of Deuxponts. A great force of Almains will follow, led by Cassimir, second son of the Conte Palatine.
7. M. D'Ossance, governor of Metz in the absence of M. De Vielleville, lately informed the King that the Almain Princes were determined to assail Metz, Verdun, and Toul this winter.
8. The Bishops, Electors, and others in Germany are much offended with the house of Guise. Here is a bruit that the young Conte of Montgomery should besiege the Grand Prior beside Cherbourg, at a house of the Duchess of Nevers, where he was to make love to the Duchess. The Marquis D'Elboeuf keeps Beaugency. Lately a herald was sent in the King's name to the 6,000 Swiss, which have joined the Baron Des Adrets, to persuade them to return home again. The chiefs answered that they came to serve the King. M. D'Ozell has not been able to alienate the minds of the Almain Princes from succouring the Prince of Condé. The design of these men is to assure those of Rouen, Newhaven, and Dieppe that the King does not intend to apply any force against them, and when they have ranged Bourges and Orleans (as they trust by the middle of September), then they will so employ their forces against them that they will soon be brought to their mercy. The Duke D'Aumale is left to abide at Louviers, so if the Queen designs to send a force this side to succour the Prince, or take into her hands the said places, the occasion is conveniently presented now to do the one or the other, the force of the Catholics being employed in other places.
9. On the 25th inst. M. De Vielleville arrived in Paris; he sent on the 26th inst. to his lodging and requested his recommendation to Marshal Brisac to procure a passport to send a courier into Eugland. Thereupon Vielleville accompanied with M. De Trey, master of the artillery, came to his lodging the same day, who acknowledged the courtesy he received from the Lords of the Council and those of the Court in England. He also said that the Queen must rid France of the troubles it was in. M. De Trey said, many had meddled in this matter, as the Pope, the King of Spain, and others; but they had done more harm than good, and it must be the Queen and the Almain Princes that shall help them. They said he would rather the Queen should have the honour of the matter than any other Prince. Vielleville said the Prince would be glad to live in security, and the only way way was for the Queen and the Almain Princes to conclude the assurance.
10. In the afternoon of the same day M. De Trey sent him Marshal Brisac's passport for his courier.
11. M. De Beauvois and others are sent with 300 men of arms into Champagne to defeat the Prince of Pourcain and M. De Sterney, and to impeach the coming of M. D'Andelot.
12. M. De Charls died at the camp, and M. De Listeney is badly wounded.
13. Desires the Queen to send Smith, so that he being at Bourges may present him as the Queen's Ambassador. He having sent away to England the greater part of his necessaries is unmeet to make any longer residence here.
14. He intends to-morrow (the 28th inst.) to leave this town for Bourges, whither before his approaching by two day's journey, M. De Vielleville has desired him to give notice to the Queen Mother and the Council, which he will do as soon as he arrives at Blois.—Paris, 27 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 12.
[August 27.] 534. Portion of the preceding.
Copy. P. 1.
August 27. 535. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. On the 21st inst. received the Queen's letters, and his of the 17th inst. by Francisco, and sends this by Mr. Richard Wrothe, Sir Thomas Wrothe's son. Having taken his leave he did not think to have any new recharge to repair to the Court again, the same being at Bourges, 160 miles from Paris; but it being the Queen's pleasure, he will obey as soon as his health will allow him to travel, and that he may have access to the Court and his lodging there, which will be in some strange sort, considering the camp and Court are there. And whereas it seems by the Queen's letter and Cecil's that Smith's coming depends upon assurance from here for his good usage, the writer is sure that before he has audience they will grant the same. Cecil may rest assured that whoever is sent will have all favour. It is not the English Ambassador that is so hated here, but Nicholas Throckmorton. Although he [the writer] has heretofore solicited the Queen for his revocation by many, yet he did stay himself upon no one so much as he did upon Cecil, knowing his credit with her gave place to none, and he trusted he would not deal unkindly with him.
2. Cecil writes in his last that the navy attends upon the coast of Normandy for a good opportunity, thereby he thinks he intends to put men either in Dieppe or Newhaven. If Cecil sends any succours to the Prince of Condé, what his designs are he knows not, nor would he be thought to be more curious of the Council's intent than becomes him; but whichsoever mark he shoots at, it would not have been impertinent that he should have had some watchword given him.—Paris, 27 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
August 27. 536. Thomas Cecil to Sir William Cecil.
1. They have remained two days at Spires awaiting the arrival of Dr. Mundt, and have determined to go to-morrow to the Court of the Palsgrave.
2. Knolles has shown them great courtesy, and has not allowed them to pay for anything.—Spires, 27 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 27. 537. Windebank to Cecil.
1. They have arrived with Mr. Knolles at Spires, who would not suffer them to pay anything, telling him that he would warrant him against Cecil's displeasure. They have hitherto come by waggon and by water, and for a while will use the waggons, but afterwards will be constrained to buy horses The bill made to Gresham for the 200 dollars (making 50l.) must be understood as fifty pounds Flemish. Has been in danger of his old enemy the ague.—Spires, 27 Aug. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—They intend to go the whole journey with Mr. Knolles.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 28. 538. Challoner to Mr. Thurland, Master of the Savoy.
Although the number of letters pestering him at every despatch might excuse him, yet because of the old friendship between them, he writes. Has often during these vehement peals wished for his cold hall to play at "slyde grote," and much more for a jug of his cold nappy beer. Sorely covets to understand how their friend Steynbergh has acquitted himself. Desires him, when he has said over his service and holy meditations, then dined with a good piece of beef and a cup of claret wine and sugar, in the afternoon, to put off his tippet and long robe, and bestir himself a little in his sleeveless damask jacket. "Farewell good parson." —Madrid, 28 August 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner.: Sent by Mr. Moffatt. (fn. 5)
August 28. 539. Challoner to Henry Killigrew.
His letter of the 8th ult. requires such thanks as a thankful friend can yield. Many of his Court friends promised gayly, but none have acquitted their promises. Sends Killigrew's French rhyme translated. How soon that promised meeting is turned over to another enterprize. If a punishment were devised to him for former sins, this Spanish captivity would be a just satisfaction, in which his mind, body, and purse suffer largely.—Madrid, 28 Aug. 1562. (fn. 6)
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
August 28. 540. The Queen to Throckmorton.
Complaint having been made by those of Exeter and Lyme that their ships have been arrested at Morlaix, the particularities of which shall appear in a schedule here enclosed, (fn. 7) she orders him to require redress from the Queen Mother and Council.—Greenwich, 28 August, 4 Eliz. Signed and sealed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 29. 541. John Hume to Thomas Bishop.
Has spoken with Ralph Lacy's sister, who was exceedingly glad of his [the writer's] coming, and the matter of his being at Pocklington is so well handled that no suspicion is taken. Lacy is nothing strait kept, but may be spoken with when he will, and looks next Monday to be let at liberty. She suspected Bishop was the cause of her brother's trouble, to whom he answered that he meddled in no man's affairs, whereof she was very glad, and communed merrily with him, and made him drink and offered him money. Is going to Scotland, where he will participate all things to Randolph. Is the more stirred up to the same when he remembers the cruelty and the intolerable misery that the Church of France suffers under the insatiable bloody beasts, where they can get the upper hand; and rather than they should get an entrance in these realms he will resist them with all his strength to the last drop of his blood.—York, 29 August. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Bishop, at Pocklington. Pp. 2.
August 29. 542. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
1. The Governor having yet a claim for money due upon the wages of the soldiers who served at Guisnes, has required him to advertise Cecil what he knows thereof. He [the writer] was appointed by Queen Mary to receive so much money as should make unto the crew a thorough pay unto the loss of the fort; whereof in her lifetime he received one parcel, and out of the 2,400l. which has not been received his Lordship claims 460l. for victuals which he delivered from the store, whereof he answered him for more than 52l., and so would have done the rest if the pay had passed through his hands.
2. Captain Brian Fitzwilliam has been here, to whom he has made a full pay for himself and his band unto the day of his despatch into Ireland. — Berwick, 29 August 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 29. 543. Cecil to Throckmorton.
1. The Queen has accorded with the Prince to aid him in this manner:—Newhaven shall be delivered, and there shall be delivered to the Prince at Strasburg 100,000 crowns, and further 40,000 crowns to help Newhaven and Rouen with men; and Newhaven shall be restored when Calais shall, and the whole sum of 140,000 crowns. The Queen's subjects are spoiled in all parts of Brittany; their ships stayed by commandment of the Duke D'Etampes, and they do the uttermost to provoke a war. The Ambassador says that these doings arise only of the opinion they have of England breaking. Marvels that he has not heard from him for ten days. Can hear no news, save that the King's army is gone towords Bourges, which M. D'Yvoy keeps.
2. The Duke of Aumale is massing his numbers. Prays him to decipher the enclosed paper, and send it to the Prince; it comes from La Haye. "My Lady Marquis" is in great danger upon a jaundice and a continual fever. Thinks none shall be more grievously lost of a subject in this Court.— 29 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp.2.
August 29. 544. Somers to Throckmorton.
All things here are in good stay; they have good cause to thank God for it. The Queen has all this summer kept herself here, without accustomed progress or hunting pleasures, to attend to that whereof she shall have honour. Can write no more than he shall know by this despatch in covert writing in his cipher. The man of whom he wrote in his last is not come again, nor anything from him, on whom depends much. Upon Francis's return with answer and promise of good usage of his successor, Sir Thomas Smith shall relieve him. M. and Mme. De Piguillon have been at the Court, well entertained. The Countess of Bedford is dead of the smallpox. "My Lady Marquis" is in great danger by the jaundice. The physicians half despair, but Burcot, the Dutchman, at a pinch is like to do some good, if he may be suffered. Sends a letter from Mr. Thomas Wotton to Mr. Guildford's son.—From the Court, 29 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., sealed with Cecil's seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 29. 545. M. De la Haye to the Prince of Condé.
1. The aunt is very willing to help her nephew in his suit, and is vexed that she did not know about it before, in order that she might have looked for his title deeds. Of the ten pieces to which her nephew referred in his writing she can only let him have six, which will he sufficient to defend "Pende, Le Coudre," and their chief. She can only send them by a messenger on foot, as she has no horses in her house at present.
2. For the expenses, she can only offer one-third of what her nephew has demanded. She intends sending a factorgeneral, who will explain the case to all parties, in order that it may not seem strange that she takes part in a suit that affects her so much. The solicitors are in great trouble, and desire a reply from the nephew by an express messenger.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: 29 August 1562, M. De la Haye to the Prince of Condé. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 29. 546. Guido Giannetti to the Queen.
Forwards a copy of the articles upon Communion in both kinds, which have been proposed to the Council. The Archbishop of Prague will be the person to crown Maximilian as King of Hungary. The King of France has asked for a suspension of the Council, to enable the French prelates to be present at the next deliberations. One of the three French Ambassadors has left the Council to return to France. The French King has asked the Signory of Venice for a loan of 200,000 crowns; they have agreed to lend 100,000, with other aid. A loan has also been asked from Florence. The Duke's secretary says that 50,000 crowns will be lent. The Bishop of Auxerre has represented the difficulties of the King of France to the Pope, and has solicited 200,000 crowns, which the Pope does not care to grant. Other assistance has been solicited. Troops are being raised in Italy.—Venice, 29 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
August 29. 547. Guido Giannetti to Cecil.
Forwards the above letter to the Queen. — Venice, 29 August 1562.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 29. 548. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Since his last of the 25th inst. there has been and is such practising by M. De Guise with the King's jewels, and otherwise, for taking up 200,000 crowns, and also by the Court here, that it is incredible to write of. None of them have any credit, and there never was such scarcity of money here. He has not yet received one penny of the 24,000l. he has taken up, which sum will trouble all this Bourse more than in times past 300,000l. would have done. He has intelligence from one of the brethren to whom the Queen gave the chain, that the Cardinal has a great view upon him, and has done all he can to discredit the Queen and him upon the Bourse of Antwerp. Schetz, Paullus Van Dalle, and others have asked him the like question. He answered that the most part was taken up in London by exchange to be paid here.
2. This day, at 8 o'clock a.m., received Cecil's letter of the 24th inst., whereby he perceives the Queen's wishes to have done with this money, and that he must make it up 21,000l. sterling, which must be done with all the secresy possible, for fear it is interrupted by the Court here. He will pretend to repair home on the first of next month, whereby to give this Bourse to understand that she needs no more money, and that this money is remitted for London; and by the time he has conferred with Cecil he doubts not but to have the whole mass in his house. The Queen takes the right way for preserving her estate in aiding the Prince of Condé. It is thought here, if she sends over 15,000 or 20,000 men, that all Picardy, Normandy, and Gascony will belong to England again. The Duke of Saxony and the Landgrave have sent to the aid of the Prince 3,000 horsemen and 8,000 footmen, who have passed the Rhine, and march through Lorraine to destroy the country of the Duke of Guise. M. D'Andelot commands them, and 7,000 Swiss will join them that are at Lyons. Cecil's horse has arrived, and has been presented to Paullus Van Dalle, who was pleased therewith. Commendations to Lord Robert Dudley and Lord Pembroke.—Antwerp, 29 August 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—Look well to the Bishop of Aquila, for he and the Cardinal work all the mischief they can to the Queen; it is said here that she assists these men from Germany with 100,000 gold guilders.
4. Since writing hereof Christopher Prewen came to him, to whom the Queen owes about 16,000l., who said that the Princes, knowing he was great with Gresham, had charged him to find out what he would do with this money he had taken up. The Cardinal is at his wits' end that they cannot know what the Queen will do with it.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Injured by damp. Pp. 4.
August 29. 549. Robert Frampton to Challoner.
Perceives by his last letters to Mr. Tipton that he pretended to put a certain complaint before the Duke of Alva touching the business of Mr. Castling and Mr. Hickman, so that he had good hope of success. Will not let to tarry now fifteen days for his answer, as the ships of the Indies are come, and couriers will be passing between here and Madrid daily.— Seville, 29 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
August 30. 550. Articles for Cuthbert Vaughan.
He shall inquire as to the situation of the town of [Newhaven], and the nature of the ground about it. How many men requisite to keep it from a sudden attack, and how many for a siege. From how many parts it may be beaten with ordnance. Whether it may be mined, and how many ways the fresh water is brought to the town, and whether it can be kept, though it be besieged. The number of men of war there, and under whose governance. How broad the mouth of the Seine is at low water. How near Newhaven shall ships going to Harfleur come to it. What imperfections there are in the fortifications. What distance may any battery be made to offend the town. What quantity of artillery, shot, powder, maunds, and saltpetre is there. What number of ships belong to the town, of what burden, and how many are there. How far distant is Montevilliers, Fécamp, Harfleur, Caudebec, and Honfleur. How deep are the ditches, and their width. What is the disposition of the town, both soldiers and townsmen, towards the Prince, and towards aid. What merchandise is in the town. How is the haven at low water for ships to enter, and how many fathoms. At low water what road is there for ships of 600 or 700 tons. What perils are there to enter with ships, and of what strength are the two castles at the entrance of the haven.
Orig. Draft. In Cecil's hol. Pp. 2.
August 30. 551. Articles for Horsey.
1. Respecting Dieppe, he shall inquire into the state of the fort, its compass, and the number of men now keeping it. How the same may be maintained with men, victuals, and money, and with what monthly charge. What aid is requisite if it were besieged. What is the disposition of the people to receive aid. The state of the haven and the depth of the channel at low water. What store of victuals is there. What ordnance, powder, and other munition they have. What number of ships belong to that port. What ports and towns on the one hand and the other of Dieppe be friendly to the Prince of Condé, and which be his adversaries.
2. Respecting Rouen, he shall inquire into the situation of the fort of the Mount, its compass, the strength, the ditches and bulwarks, the furniture, with artillery and munition. The disposition of the people to receive aid, and what aid is needful. How the passage betwixt Rouen and Dieppe may be made safe to pass from the one to the other. What straits be betwixt them. What victuals be at Rouen, and from whence they come thither. What artillery and munition are in the town. How the passage by water is from Newhaven to Rouen. Where the Duke D'Aumale is, and his force.
Orig. Draft. In Cecil's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
[August 30.] 552. Answers to the Articles concerning Rouen.
The people desire to receive the English. All are ready to resist, if they have aid. There is no fort to hinder the intercourse between Rouen and Dieppe; only a few cavalry. The town is abundantly supplied with provisions. There are abundance of muskets and "arquebusses-a-croc," and some pieces of artillery, but there is need of powder and more artillery. The passage between Rouen and Havre by the river is stopped by Caudebec and Honfleur. The Duke of Aumale is at Louviers, and the Duke of Guise is before Bourges.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 30. 553. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Received this day his letter of the 22nd inst. from Madrid. Challoner will receive by the bearer, Lenarys Mollatyro, two "ferdels;" in one there is a barrel of raisins of Corinth for the Countess of Feria from Mr. Chamberlain, and sixty pairs of shoes; in the other are ten doublets, ten pairs of hose, ten pairs of nether stocks of kersey, and twenty shorts. The half of black cotton which they are wrapt in cost 24 rials; there he shall sell it for more, and he must pay for the carriage. Both the "ferdels" weigh eight "arobas," eight pounds, weighed here. Will look whether his butter is gone. If any other come he shall be provided. A ship arrived here yesterday which left Plymouth eight days past; she brought news of the embargo upon ships in France being taken off. There is no perfect news from France, but the troubles continue there. The Ambassadors have left England for France, and all is stayed until their return.—Bilboa, 30 August 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Requests him to pay the bearer for any custom he may have paid. The post who was despatched for Flanders from the King departed two days past, and was commanded not to stop in England or France. On 1st September there is news come that there are in Brest, Dieppe, and Rouen above 1,500 English, and that these places are for England.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: By Lynares the Mulatiero. Pp. 3.
August 31. 554. Randolph to Cecil.
1. The Queen in her progress is come to Old Aberdeen, where the university is, or at least one college with fifteen or sixteen scholars. On her return she enters New Aberdeen, and tarries twenty days to establish good order in the country. The most part of her noblemen are with her, the Duke excepted, with whom she is now well pleased, and the Earl of Mar and he are reconciled. The Earl of Huntly is here not well in the Queen's favour, "and how well that man doth deserve, your Honour knoweth by his upright dealing with all men that he hath to do." She will not yet grant to go to his house, although it is within three miles of her way, and the fairest in the country. That purpose of her's will be broken, for so her Council find it expedient. Her journey is cumbersome, painful, and marvellous long; the weather extreme foul and cold, all victuals marvellous dear; and the corn that is, never like to come to ripeness. Has never heard more earnest and vehement preaching. Mr. Knox, with the Superintendent of Lothian, is ridden towards the west, and Mr. Goodman, with the Superintendent of Angus, towards the north, to visit the churches and reform the abuses. Sends a copy of the supplication given to the Queen by the superintendents and preachers. The answer has not yet come forth, nor shall be in haste with her goodwill; though there be nothing there that she thinks that obedient subjects might not require of their Prince.
2. The Lords of the Council have required him to forbear the demanding of the sealing of the contract of the interview until a more convenient time. Sends a copy of it; sends also a letter from Knox. What men they are that he [Knox] writes of, he cannot yet come to knowledge. Is assured that they came in at the west borders. Such as these may work much mischief. Divers that hear of them are greatly offended with them. He doubts not to find means to have them fast enough. Mr. Knox has many times given him warning of practisers, but this is the first that he or any man could assure him of. The young Laird of Bar makes secret means to have this Queen's letters to the Queen of England for a safe-conduct to pass into France. Suspects that he has some errand by the way. Saw his letter to his friend, offering twenty crowns for the secret getting of it, which in ordinary is not 10s. Some doubt there is still of Blanehern that he conveys both horsemen and others by such means as he has upon the borders. Trusts that he shall receive sufficient warrant that if those two men, or any other like unto them, that Knox writes of, may be apprehended, he may sue to have them sent into England.—Old Aberdeen, 31 August 1562. Signed.
3. It is certainly reported that the King of Sweden is ready to embark.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 31. 555. The Queen to Marshal Brisac.
Desires his letters of safe-conduct for Sir Thomas Smith on his journey from Paris as her Ambassador resident at the Court.—Greenwich, 31 August 1562.
Draft. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 31. 556. Surrender of Bourges.
The King having heard of the desire of M. D'Yvoy and the citizens of Bourges to render to him all obedience, has commissioned the said Marshal to give them the articles containing his wishes. He guarantees the lives, goods, and liberty of conscience of M. D'Yvoy, his soldiers, and the inhabitants of the town. The troops shall be under the protection of the King. D'Yvoy may kiss his hand. He shall have permission to go to the Prince of Condé for the purpose of giving back the oath he has taken to obey him; on his return he shall declare whether he will be able to remain in the King's service, and if not he and his soldiers shall be allowed to retire to their homes in all safety. The King has heard with great pleasure the intention of D'Yvoy and the rest to fight against any English, Germans, or other foreigners who may enter France against the King.—Camp before Bourges, 31 August 1562. Signed by the King, the Queen Mother, and others.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 31. 557. Challoner to Mason.
1. Received his letter of the 3rd of July on the 15th inst. Complains of being kept without letters from the Queen from the 8th of June, and during such a world of novelties, about which this Court is kept in an uproar through the last advices from Flanders touching the proceedings of the English at home. The opportunity for the two Queens meeting will not always be so ready at the beck. Trusts that Mason will within a day or two receive his letter of the 6th isnt., sent by an English merchant by way of Bilboa.—Madrid, 31 August 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—This is the double of a letter sent by way of Flanders. They say here that the English aid rebels and favour heretics. Asks why he was sent here, and if he serves but to stop a hole; like Bishop Bonner, who was fain to go to Granvelle to ask what news from England. Has received no money from England since January last, and the 1,300l. which he brought here is spent. If he had not foreseen these old griefs of Ambassadors he would have been in a pretty pickle.
Orig. Draft, the P.S. in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: Sent by Moffett. Pp. 4.
August. 558. The Interview between the Queens.
Queen Mary declares her contentation to meet the Queen of England at York in June next.—Perth, [blank] August 1562. (fn. 8)
Pp. 3.


  • 1. This P.S. is in Gresham's writing.
  • 2. See 29 August, No. 543.
  • 3. This sentence is in cipher, deciphered.
  • 4. Quod nolim promittere per confectionem magni illius lapidis philosophici, qui non potest nisi novem mensium spatio ab eo qui diligentissime operatur, perfeci.
  • 5. On the same sheet as the following letter.
  • 6. On the same sheet as the previous letter.
  • 7. See August 12.
  • 8. Similar to that of July 15.