Elizabeth: June 1562, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: June 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp109-131 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp109-131.

"Elizabeth: June 1562, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp109-131.

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June 1562, 21-25

June 21. 228. The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Pembroke.
Received the Queen's letters of the 16th inst., wherein it appears he is appointed to meet the Queen of Scotland at Berwick, or at the bridge thereof, and conduct her to the Tees. He is unable to furnish himself at such a time. Was lately in the north, which as yet is far from being recovered. Doubts whether it is meant he should receive the Queen of Scots at his house at Alnwick, which is utterly unfurnished; there is not even a bed there, nor can the household stuff be conveniently had, as his wife hopes for "a good hour" in August. Has not 40l., which has forced him to ask to be excepted from this journey. If the Queen will not excuse him, then he must needs request that she will disburse 1,000l. or more unto him, and he will give a bond for the payment of one-half thereof at next Whitsuntide, and the remainder that day twelvemonths, otherwise he knows not what shift to make.—From Sir Edward Dymmock's, in his journey home from Norwich, 21 June 1562. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 21. 229. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Received his letters of the 13th inst., and delivered his letter to Mr. Treasurer, who has sent an answer thereto. Could not write so shortly to him, as he has been at Ridingburne, at a day of march, where he received justice. Has answered the letters from the Lords of the Council touching the preachers, and has also received his letter of the 16th inst., wherein he requests him to send his opinion about receiving the Queen of Scots through his charge. Cannot agree with him in thinking it would be meet for a part of her train to pass through Norham, as they would then understand how decayed and weak it is. Besides, there is no lodging there nor near it fit for such a company, and thieves would be able to enter by colour thereof; and about that time begins the chief stealing, the nights being long, and the cattle in best lust and easiest to be driven, the country being open, and the English thieves ready to help them.
2. Thinks it would be well to have her train divided into three parts, one part to consist of all her carriages, which should pass on one day before her; another part to lie at Coldingham, Eyemouth, and Blacketer the same night that she lies here; and after she leaves, they should pass through the town and remain that night at Belford. In this manner there shall be no danger to them.
3. Begs that he will procure him a licence, if but for four days, to go up and speak with the Queen about receiving the Queen of Scots, as he is not able to write his full mind therein.
4. If he should not receive the Queen of Scots in such order as would be an honour to his mistress, he should die three days after; but if the Queen will give him wherewith to do it, then he will receive her as she has never been received before, either in France or in any other town of war. —Berwick, 21 June 1562. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 21. 230. Armigil Waade to Cecil.
1. This morning, about 3 o'clock, the bearer, Peter Adrian, arrived here, whom he now sends, that he may declare to Cecil the state of things in France. Perceives by him that no good has come of the conference between the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Prince of Condé
2. His man that he sent to Horsey (fn. 1) has not yet returned. He hears from a man that came from Rouen that it is thought he is made prisoner by M. Aleyne.
3. It may appear to Cecil what hope there is of the business he came hither for by the communication that passed between M. De Lantost, the Captain of Dieppe, and Horsey, in presence of the bearer at the Captain's table in Dieppe, whereby it seems they will not admit any stranger's aid, (that being the Prince of Condés order,) unless the adversary calls strangers to their aid. An Englishman that came over with Adrian, named Thomas Jackson, who lately went over to serve in the wars, and offered his service at Dieppe, could not be accepted. His opinion of the business he was sent upon is, that it resembles an aposthume gathering to a head, but not ready to break.
4. These men are not yet in terms to be talked with; first, for the cause alleged. Again, they are in the flower of this war, and have not tasted adversity yet, but the contrary; for at Newhaven they took from the Duke D'Aumale certain pieces of ordnance, which makes them insolent, and think themselves strong, without need of foreign help. The Vidame is Captain in Newhaven, and M. De Fort in Dieppe. They both standing upon their reputations, it is not well to assay them but by indirect means; for when money begins to fail them, and they have suffered some disgrace of fortune, then a person meet for the purpose, and one who has cause to go to those parts, may give some indirect cause of talk serving for the purpose, and nourishing the same with discreet entertainment with whom he has to treat, and creep gradually into the matter without discovering his intent until the thing of itself breaks out; such a person would best serve the turn for the preparation of the matter; and that done, some one of a better sort may proceed further. If any person unacquainted, and not having cause to go there, were to attempt the same, he thinks it would not be so well.
5. For this purpose, he thinks the bearer the best that can be chosen, he having a good acquaintance in those parts, speaks the language, prompt to execute, and wise to conceive and follow instructions, and has often been used in similar service, wherein he has had good issue.
6. Wonders he hears nothing from Rockard, (the Lord Admiral's man,) whom he sent to Dieppe. They do not favour the message he sent there by him, which is the cause of his tarrying there and sending no news; for he promised to return the next day. The bearer informed him [the writer] that he would not be at Rye for two or three days.
7. As soon as the wind serves he intends to go over, unless Cecil sends commandment to the contrary in the meantime. For other things which may have happened on the other side, he refers him to the bearer, whom he wishes to be despatched hither again; for if the wind serves he would pass over with him, who might help to serve the turn many ways.—Rye, 21 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.
June 21 231. Depositions respecting the Aggressions of the French.
"The depositions of Thomas Lower, of St. Winnowe, in Cornwall, touching the great disorder of the French upon certain English merchants about twenty-five or twenty-six days past."
1. One John Trester, of Fowey, merchant, and seven other Englishmen, being at Conquet, and returning to their boat, which was lying near St. Mathew's point, were violently set upon and beaten by fourteen Bretons of the said town. They also robbed them of all their money, apparel, and twenty French crowns. They complained to a justice of the county, who promised to satisfy them, so that the merchant continued this suit four days, and spent five crowns in it, but could neither get his goods restored or the Bretons punished, although they had like in the presence of the justice to have murdered him. The said merchant says that long before this there was an English ship spoiled at Conquet, and also that the master of the English ship in which he was transported reported that he and his mariners had been used by the French in like manner.—21 June 1562.
Endd. Pp. 3.
June 22. 232. Advertisements from the Prince of Conde's Camp.
The Queen dined on Wednesday at Montlhery, and slept at Etampes. On Thursday she dined at Angerville and slept at Artenai, where she stayed all Friday, and where the Princess of Condé and Madame De Cursolles came to her. On Saturday morning the Princess returned, but Madame De Cursolles remained with her. On Friday the Prince encamped in a place named Vau-sous-Dun, two leagues from Orleans, on this side of the Loire. The enemy are two leagues from him. There is no river to hinder the two armies from engaging, but there are many vineyards between them, which is an advantage to the Prince's party, who have more infantry than cavalry. On Friday afternoon the King of Navarre and the Prince were to have held a parley, but the King having left the appointed place, the Prince not finding him there, returned. The next day they held a parley early in the morning. On the same day the Queen Mother came from Artenai to the abbey of St. Simon, which is two leagues from each camp, where yesterday the King of Navarre and the Prince had a conference. There is almost certain expectation of peace. The writer thinks that affairs are so embroiled that a settlement will be difficult. Every day people come in from the enemy's camp. Fears lest so much conference entrap their side.—Monday, 22 June 1562.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 22. 233. Francis Peyto to Throckmorton.
1. Being uncertain whether his former letters have arrived, now writes a fourth. Continues still in his melancholy humour, devising upon the case which so lately he mentioned. Mr. Secretary, as he formerly wrote, was made the author thereof, and from talk before come out of his mouth it is now turned to the cause of his company, with the plain words that but for his coming hither Mr. Englefield had not been sent for home. It is unlikely that such evil matter would come out of the mouth of one who is so wise. Prays to understand plainly if he has heard anything. Forbears to trouble any of his friends in England until he hears what will be resolved about Mr. Englefield, who the last of May despatched his letters, and has answer that they have been delivered to Mr. Secretary to be presented to the Queen. Besides to the Queen and Cecil, he has also written to the Lord Robert, Lady Knollys, and the Lord Keeper.
2. Two only have suffered death for the garboils of Valentiana; the rest are still in durance, to the number of forty, and shall purge their fault in the new galleys of Spain. A certain new hope is conceived of some that King Philip will be in these parts by the end of October. His presence were more than necessary. There was a bruit in Antwerp that the Prince was dead, but within five days the news of his recovery followed. France is in a marvellous pickle at present. Sends a copy of Englefield's letters from the Queen and Cecil of the 10th and 11th May, and his answer of May 31. If the Queen be pleased to seize on his lands, (in which respect partly, and also to avoid her displeasure, he left Italy for this country,) he would gladly know Throckmorton's opinion what were further to be done, and whether it can be so evil construed that he should again repair into Italy, there to enjoy his former commodity. If for any respect Throckmorton does not answer this letter, he prays him to let him know if it and his former letters came to hand. —Louvain, 22 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: To Throckmorton, nella casa di M. Di Verbery, nelli Fauburghi di San Marcello, vicina alla Porta. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 22. 234. Challoner to John Cuerton.
1. Received by the negro Cuerton's letter of the 10th inst., and he wishes his cloth had been here long since. Has received for him of Simon Leccarii (Genevois) 300 ducats in rials of plate, for which he now sends a bill of exchange addressed from Meliadus Spinola, here resident, to whom he consigned the same to one Sancho De Agurto, a merchant of Burgos. Will send the 2,400 rials as soon as he receives his bills of exchange. Has been here almost three months without any letters from England. The King and Queen, after St. John's Day, go a hunting to the Bosco De Segobia; after this the King will visit the frontiers. Is sick of a tertian ague.—Madrid, 22 June 1562.
2. P. S.—Reminds Cuerton of the three little glasses like juggler's cups, (one within the other,) to be made by the workmen at Bilboa. He would have them thick, of metal, and graven.
Draft, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 4.
June 23. 235. The Queen to the Earl of Rutland.
In answer to his letter of the 18th inst. to Cecil, she permits him to forbear going to Newcastle. He and the rest of the nobility shall prepare to attend upon the coming of the Queen of Scots.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 23 June 1562. Pp. 2.
June 23. 236. The Queen to Throckmorton.
Having received no letters from him since the 10th inst., she thinks lack in him, specially when a messenger, named De Plessie, came here to the French Ambassador from the King, upon whose arrival the Ambassador came to report the state of things there. It is reported by passengers at Rye that his servant is taken, with his packet of letters to the Queen, and carried to the Duke D'Aumale, who opened the same, and detains his servant. If it be true that the Duke has done so, she has just cause to reprehend him therein, and for that purpose sends expressly her courier to him [Throckmorton] to know the truth thereof. Whatever quarrel may be devised against his man, there can be no reason to detain her letters. Therefore the Queen's pleasure is (if true) to let the King, the Queen Mother, and the Council understand that she hearing of the same, and not being certain thereof, has commanded that if either his servant or her letters be taken, she does not allow of being so used, nor thinks her friendship acquitted. He is to request them in her name to deal plainly with her, and inform her on what terms they intend to keep amity, so that she may be answerable thereunto. Besides, she has daily complaints made to her that in Bretagne and some parts of Normandy, and upon the seas, her merchants are spoiled by the French King's subjects making quarrel in the name of religion. She wishes remedy to be made thereof, otherwise she must procure redress for them. Mention of this matter is made to the French Ambassador, since which time two or three other complaints are brought to her. Her intention is to keep peace with the King, but if this dealing is used to her and her subjects, she will think it is not so meant on their part. She requests him to return a speedy answer hereof, and if he cannot obtain the same as soon as he would, he is in the meantime to inform her of the proceedings there.
Draft, the first page in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 23 June 1562. Pp. 4.
June 23. 237. Original of the above. Signed and sealed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 23. 238. Henry Middlemore to Throckmorton.
1. Last Thursday night he arrived at M. De Guise's camp, and the next morning he spoke with the King of Navarre, who seemed thankful for what Throckmorton had sent by him, and allowed of the Queen's messages tending for pacification, and had in payment praises in the Queen's behalf. The King said he had done and did all he could to appease these troubles, and had now sent again for the Queen Mother to see whether they could accord, but if in the end it cannot be, he will seek it by the extremity of the sword, if it costs him all he has. He said it was a pity to see brother thus against brother. From him the writer went to M. De Guise, who thanked the Queen for having such consideration of his honour and his house; but concerning these troubles, they were not his, nor do they otherwise touch him than that he is there for the King, who seeks the obedience due to him, and that lately the Prince of Condé said he demanded nothing at his hands for any private quarrel betwixt them. The King of Navarre and the Queen Mother would work all they could for an accord to end these matters, and that it was thought now all things would be agreed upon and accorded, whereof none would be more glad than he. He took much better the news sent him of the Queen of Scots than the others, although he made much of them, and said there was nothing he desired so much as the interview between the two Queens, whereby he trusted an assured amity would ensue, and he desired Throckmorton to advance the same from time to time by his advice and letters.
2. The Constable thanked the Queen for her remembrance of him, of whom he saith she had (after his King) most power to command, with more fair words than good meanings, so far as the writer could see. He not only found him to dislike the Queen's meddling in this matter, but also against his going to the Prince, for when he came to speak of some accord, and how the Queen desired the same, the Constable said the King was beholden to her for her desire herein, but that she did not know so well, being stranger to the realm, how matters stood, and that the way and best remedies were known to him and such others as were in that camp with him, and he thought it not meet he should go to the Prince at this time.
3. On Friday afternoon he spoke to the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable in the King's chamber, and desired of the King a passport to go and declare what he had said to them to the Prince on the Queen's behalf, whereupon they told him they thought it not good that he should go. He said Throckmorton's commission from the Queen was to seek to bring the troubles to some accord at the Prince's hands, and that oftentimes before he had assayed to send to the Prince, but was not allowed, as though the Queen had some secret intelligence with the Prince and favour to his doings, which she thought very strange, the more so that her meanings had at their hands so suspicious an interpretation. They answered the Queen must think nothing therein, because all other Princes and their ministers were dealt with the same way, and being the King's subjects none had to do with them but the King; and in the end they would not allow him to pass, but said he must return to Throckmorton with their thanks for his good offices, and desire him to return their thanks to the Queen. M. De Guise said he would write two or three words to Throckmorton, and so kept him there till Saturday afternoon. As soon as he had the letter he took his way homewards, but took Orleans in his way that night, and how he came the bearer can show him. At his coming the Prince had gone into the field with his forces, and was camped two leagues from Orleans towards Beaugency on the side of the water towards Paris, and within four leagues of M. De Guise's camp, wherein there are twentyseven ensigns of footmen, whereof most are arquebusiers armed " à la legiere" with morions only. The greatest force in Guise's camp are horsemen, which muster 7,000. M. D'Aumale lies on the other side of the water at Clerie, midway betwixt Orleans and Beaugency. They have the town and the bridge in their hands, and so send and take in whom they will. Beaugency stands this side the river next Paris. Nothing has been done on either side since his coming, because of the truce, yet they take daily straggling prisoners.
4. Blois is summoned to yield to M. De Cipierre, who was sent thither on Friday. If they refuse they are threatened to be besieged. The Duke D'Aumale hastens hitherwards to join the Duke of Guise. The Duke De Montpensier is in Anjou with 700 horse, and exercises great extremity. The King of Navarre's camp lies at a village called Vernon, a league from Beaugency. They have thirty pieces of artillery and a great store of munition. The footmen are divided in two camps, half a league off each other.
5. The Queen Mother is three leagues from the camp, and will not come nearer. On Saturday afternoon the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé spoke together, but how they parted few can tell. The King, the Queen Mother, and the Prince met on Sunday; for the writer went to speak with him that day, and he had gone to speak with them, where he remained till 6 o'clock that night, and then returned to his lodgings without speaking to the Prince, he not having returned. In the Prince's absence he spoke to the Admiral, and declared what Throckmorton had given him in charge, which he liked very well, and said he had cause to thank the Queen, and for the rest he should first speak with the Prince, and they would afterwards give an answer.
6. The Prince has here thirty-four ensigns of footmen in the field, which he saw last in order of battle, but they were weakly armed. He has not yet seen their cavalry, but they are reckoned at 5,000 horse, whereof he sees many brave and lusty young gentlemen. They all wear long white coats of serge, kersey, or stamell, after the old manner, with long sleeves upon their armour. The Prince, the Admiral, and the rest are apparelled after the same sort, excepting the Cardinal, who wears black. The other side are dressed in all sorts of liveries and colours, whereof many are rich. He hopes within three or four days to bring Throckmorton word which way these things go, and to what they will turn.
7. The Prince has got into his hands great riches of the churches of this town, Bourges, and other places.
8. M. D'Aumale marches as fast as he can towards M. De Guise, and M. De Morviller follows his tail with 4,000 men, which come from Rouen, and so means to bring them to the Prince. He can learn nothing of these parleys, but it is said that peace will follow. Victuals here is good and cheap enough, considering the number of people in this town. Bread is plentiful. Last Sunday the truce expired, but two days more are granted. He is lodged at the Barillet, in Orleans.
9. The Prince and the Admiral look to have some help of money from the Queen, and he secretly perceives it is time that her credit be by some deeds conserved in these men's estimations; for some of Throckmorton's friends in the Prince's camp have delared to him that hitherto they hoped words would have turned to effect, but as yet they have nothing but fair speech at his hands. It is also told him that not long since the Prince sent to him [Throckmorton] to solicit the loan and speedy delivery of 100,000 crowns from the Queen, whereof no answer is made, and for assurance of repayment has offered his bonds and those of most of the principal in his camp, or else the bonds of the most notable reformed churches, as Rouen, Lyons, and others.—Orleans, 23 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
June 23. 239. Throckmorton to Cecil.
The bearer, Mr. Barnsbie, having brought him a few words from Cecil, he sends a few in return. The bearer can tell him many of the particularities of the troubles here, having paid somewhat lately for his learning. In his coming hither he had his letters broken up. He does not write by him now of matters of any consequence, fearing he might find in returning as little favour as he did in coming. He thinks shortly to send a courier of his own, who will arrive there before the bearer. He delays the despatch thereof to see how the Queen Mother's last voyage may turn out, who went towards the camp on the 17th inst., and he hears fell sick by the way before she could arrive. She was not in a fit state to travel, having had a fall from her horse at her last return from the treaty. Cecil has heard already by the French Ambassador there of the success of her last journey. He hopes this will succeed better than the other, of which she had good hope at departing hence, for he spoke to her by the way.—Paris, 23 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 23. 240. Cecil to the Lord Keeper.
1. Last Wednesday a skirmish took place between the Prince of Condés men and those of M. De Guise, whom they met coming to Orleans to besiege the town, and also met the Constable's army, and took three or four of his. The Constable was shot through the arm, and his head hurt, so the spy who came to Dieppe thinks he is dead. This done, the Queen Mother went straight to Orleans to entreat for peace between them, (but they could not agree,) and in returning from the town her horse fell, and she broke her leg, and so remains at Orleans with the Prince.
2. The spies this afternoon brought word that D'Aumale is at Darnetal, and that M. Senarpont has arrived here because he could not pass to Rouen by Darnetal.—Dieppe, 20 June 1562.
3. Cecil (fn. 2) has just received this news, whereof part he had yesterday. His Lordship may impart them to the Earl of Bedford. The Queen, in conversation with him, seems to expect his Lordship being here to-morrow.—Greenwich, Tuesday, 23 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[June 23.] 241. A Letter sent from Orleans to Dieppe.
1. The attack lately made on the enemy by the Prince near Orleans succeeded so well that they put to flight his cavalry and infantry with the loss of 700 or 800 horses. The Duke of Guise was wounded, the Marshal St. André slain, and M. D'Anville taken. On the Prince's side M. De Grammont was badly wounded. The enemy only brought off about 400 horse out of 1,200. The enemy only seek to abuse the Prince under colour of negotiating with him through the Queen Mother.
2. List of thirty-one towns which held for the Prince.
Fr. Pp. 3.
June 23. 242. Armigil Waade to Cecil.
1. There is a boat of Dieppe come into this haven that two days since left Calais. The master reports that about five weeks since there was a division in the town between the Papists and Protestants. The Protestants having recourse to a captain of their faction, the other captains accused him, alleging that he went about to betray the town to the English. Not long after the Papist captains gave a false alarm to the town, intending to have slain all the Protestants, which was stayed by M. Senarpont, who at that time thought to have taken the town for the behoof of the Prince of Condé. This done, the Governor sent all the Protestants out of the town to Becque, from whence they went to Dieppe, where they remain. After this the Duke of Guise sent for three ensigns of the best soldiers, and in lieu of the Protestants sent away he has sent a number of "rascalls" to supply their place, so it is thought now Calais is slenderly furnished. It is said there are Protestants in the town who wish it to be under the English again, amongst whom is one Jaques Mouple, who dwelt formerly at Dieppe and Rouen, from whence he went to Calais through religion.
2. If Cecil would know the truth hereof, and any practise attempted, there is one Briskie, dwelling at "Batersey," who was Alderman of Calais, a fit man for the purpose. He might lie in some convenient place in "Brede Ward," and some of his old acquaintances, (merchants of Calais,) would inform him of the whole state of the town, and enter into such practise as Cecil should think meet to be attempted. He is an honest man, and one who would not refuse to travail in this behalf. Is still detained by contrary winds.—Rye, 23 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
June 23. 243. Borghese Venturini to Cecil.
Continues to vindicate himself against the persecutions of the Spanish Ambassador, whose whole design is to place this realm in the hands of the Papists. Asks for execution against him in respect to certain sums in which he is indebted to the writer, and for which he holds vouchers.— Lambeth, 23 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
June 23. 244. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Wrote in his last on the general condition of Germany. The Papists seem much more united and earnest for their superstition than the Protestants are for their faith. The Protestant Princes have not yet assembled to publish the refusal, but ere long the Prince of Condé and his party will ask the Elector Palatine, the Duke of Wurtemberg, and their neighbours for assistance. They hesitate to spare their troops and money in so doubtful a contest, although the equity of the cause and the common peril calls for the assistance of all. The Envoys of the Elector Palatine, the Dukes of Deuxpont and Wurtemberg, the Landgrave of Hesse, and the Marquis of Baden are here, waiting for letters of safe-conduct from France, for which they sent twenty-four days ago. They are perhaps delayed through the craft of the Guises until they can get assistance from Germany. Fifteen days ago Rogendorf led 1,200 cavalry across the Rhine and through Treves into France for the Guises. The Protestant Princes have done all that they could to hinder the passage of troops into France, and have expostulated with the Bishops of Treves and Cologne for allowing them to be levied in their territories; but as France is so near to the territories of the Bishops and Ferdinand they cannot hinder them. It has also been declared that these levies are not to be used against the religion, but only to defend the King from Condé, who seeks to deprive him of his throne. The Rhinegrave is collecting twenty ensigns of foot, which he says are for the same purpose. It is to be hoped that this may turn out to be a true excuse, but good faith is rare in those who follow the profession of arms. Some of the Swiss Papists have also wished to set out, but the Bernese have refused them a passage through their state.
2. Lodgings were lately provided for the Emperor and Maximilian at Frankfort, but the Diet has been deferred until October. It is likely that the Emperor will move the Electors in order to create Maximilian King of the Romans. Many doubt whether Maximilian will relax somewhat in his zeal for religion in order to please his father; but although the Emperor was somewhat offended, still he is his father, and would prefer that this dignity should remain in the family.—Strasburg, 23 May 1562.
3. P. S.—Since writing the above he has received a letter from the Duke of Wurtemberg, which he forwards for the Queen. If she is minded to send anyone, she must make haste, as he does not think that the envoys will tarry more than ten days. Fulda is in Hesse, six days journey from here. The Princes have not arrived but their orators have Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary Lat. Pp. 3.
June 24. 245. The Earl of Pembroke and Cecil to the Earl of Northumberland.
It appears by his letter to Pembroke that he thought his charges therein would be more than he should be able to bear; whereas he is only to attend the Queen of Scots from place to place, without any charge for her diets or any of her train, as they will be provided and discharged by the Queen's officers at every place; and the Queen of Scots will bring with her all manner of stuff, as plate, bedding, hangings, vessels, and such like things of her own, to occupy by the way; and her train will not accompany but follow her; and as they think that she will always have him at her table, so his charge will consist in the furniture of his servants' horses, which, they think, would be best to show for his honour, at two or three distinct places, without having others continually following him, but with a convenient number. Assures him that if the meeting shall take place it lies not with them to alter the Queen's command to him, but he must needs receive the Queen of Scots, because of the estate he holds as Earl of Northumberland.
Corrected Draft. Endd. Pp 2.
June 24. 246. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Informed her by his last despatch of the 9th inst. that the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre should confer with the Prince of Condé, for an accord twenty miles on this side of Orleans, in a champagne country, named La Beauce.
2. On the 9th inst. the treaty took place in a field, where the Queen Mother was accompanied with the King of Navarre, Madame la Mareschal, De Montmorency, and two dames of honour, three knights of the order, viz., MM. De Randan, Descars, and De l'Osse; with 100 armed lances on horseback. The Prince of Condé came accompanied with MM. De Grandmont, De Janlis, and De Pyenne, Knights of the Order, and 100 armed lances on horseback.
3. The armed troops were 1,000 paces apart. The Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Prince conferred together on horseback, and the ladies and knights on both sides retired. The conference lasted two hours, and the Prince remained in his former determination. The King of Navarre proposed new articles, which the Prince thought very hard, namely:—
4. The edict of January to be annulled. The ministers and preachers to be banished from France. Such forces as are gathered on both sides to be rendered into the King of Navarre's hands, and he to retain or cass as many as he liked. All towns surprised by the Prince's party to be rendered to their ordinary governors, or such as the King appointed. All Knights of the Order to be of the Privy Council, and they to judge the acts of any of their fellews who have offended the King or his laws.
5. To these articles the Prince answered, that as the King of Navarre had answered him, that he would not accept, refuse, nor conclude anything upon the articles which he [the Prince] last proposed to the Queen Mother and him, without the consent of the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André, so the Prince will do the like upon the King of Navarre's articles, and have the advice of the Admiral and M. D'Andelot. This seemed to put the King in a choler, and the Prince did not spare him more than was meet, being his eldest brother. The Queen Mother then desired them both to have consideration of the King's youth, and France. The Prince said all his doings tended to the surety of the King and his realm, and he desired to have it in the same quiet estate as it was before the House of Guise last left Lorraine; and he desired the Queen Mother and King of Navarre to remember how their actions had often put the state in danger.
6. In conclusion, the Prince told the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre that he would declare their matter to the Admiral and M. D'Andelot, and to-morrow would send word how they would accord, and whether it may be brought to pass, as here moved, that the Cardinal of Lorraine, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André, may be brought to confer with the Cardinal of Châtillon, the Admiral, and M. D'Andelot. Upon this the conference finished, and the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre returned to Etampes the same day, and the Prince with his company, to Orleans.
7. On the 10th, 12th, and 13th inst., (which days the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the camp on this side remained at Etampes), nothing was accorded. Thereupon on the 14th inst. the Queen Mother left Etampes, and arrived next day at Bois de Vincennes, where she left the King. On her journey she fell from her horse, and hurt her arm and thigh, so that she was compelled to keep her bed two days after.
8. The King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable, perceiving no towardness for an accord, caused their camp to march towards Orleans, but left the highway to carry out some of their designs, which were to take a town upon the Loire, above Orleans, named Jargeau, eight English miles from thence, which when taken might impeach the provisions brought down the river to Orleans.
9. The Admiral and M. D'Andelot prevented this enterprise, for they destroyed the bridge of Jargeau, whereof these men (being informed, and within six leagues of the place) changed their intentions, and traversed the Beauce and Marches, so as to surprise a town named Beaugency, fourteen English miles from Orleans, upon the Loire, midway betwixt Orleans and Blois, where there is a bridge to cross the river.
10. The Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and M. D'Andelot, having intelligence of the change of march, and that they took their way along the Loire to surprise Beaugency, caused their camp to march on the other side of the river, to impeach the passage to these men at the said town.
11. On the 15th inst. the camps arrived as it were together at the passage, whereby each party might view the other's force, and a fight seeming to be so imminent, there was a motion offered by the King of Navarre, that a surcease from arms might be made for six days, and in the mean time matter might be proposed to accord them, which the Prince accepted. Immediately the King of Navarre sent M. De Fresne, on the 16th inst., to Bois de Vincennes, to the Queen Mother, requesting her to make another journey to the camp to compound these differences. She left Bois de Vincennes again on the 17th inst. for the camp, but through her illness was compelled to be carried in a litter.
12. The same day the writer met her on her way to Etampes, and spoke to her in crossing the Seine, two leagues from Paris. As soon as she heard of his attendance of her arrival on the other side of the water, she requested him to enter her boat and speak with her. He said that since her return from the camp he did not perfectly understand the success of her journey, and also perceiving now (although ill) she was content to make another journey to the camp, he on the Queen's behalf desired to know in what terms these matters stood, and whether there was any likelihood of agreement. He also said that the Queen had lately commanded him to offer to her his services, and that he continued in the same disposition to be employed to bring these troubles to an end. Further, that although the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable, had hitherto made difficulties to allow any of his folks to pass to either camp beyond Etampes, yet he trusted that she conceived so well of the Queen's amity, that she would allow some one of his to pass to the camp, and from thence to the Prince of Condé.
13. She answered that she so trusted the Queen, that she would that he should send some gentleman with her, because he might pass more safely, but on drawing nigh the King of Navarre's camp she had rather the messenger was there before her for avoiding suspicion. Concerning the success of her last journey, she informed the Queen thereof by an express messenger she sent from Etampes. The cause of her present journey was that the King of Navarre had sent for her yesternight in post.
14. She told him that their camps were so near each other that they could hardly part without fighting, and they would have fought before this had it not been for the river keeping them asunder. She would do her best to compound this matter without fighting, but if they cannot persuade the Prince to come to reason, she trusted the Queen would help the King to compel them to do their duties.
15. He answered that hitherto the Queen had judged the Prince and his party as innocent as the other side, and therefore no less meet to be favoured; and when it shall appear that he is faulty, then the Queen Mother may be sure she will act like a friend to the King and her. The Queen answered that she always esteemed all as good servants to the King, and was as careful of their safety as they of hers. All their difficulty is about the edict of January, how it shall take place at Paris, the people being unwilling to consent to it.
16. He said the Queen Mother could see what it was to put arms into obstinate people's hands. And for the edict she saw it quietly observed for two months when the Prince of Rochesuryon and Marshal Montmorency had the governance of the town. The Queen said it behoved the King to abate the pride of these Parisians, and she did not doubt (if accord was made) but that they would together take order to make them know themselves. She desired him to send one of his folks to the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable, to move them on the Queen's behalf to embrace peace in such manner as the King's state may not be put in jeopardy. He promised to do so and then took his leave.
17. The Queen lodged that night (17th inst.) at Etampes, twenty-eight English miles from Paris, and the same day he sent Henry Middlemore to the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and to the Constable, with letters of credence addressed to each, and gave him instructions according to the Queen Mother's desire, using the Queen's name in that behalf; copies of which letters he sends to the Queen herewith. In his instructions to Middlemore he willed him to set forth the Queen's desire to have these matters amicably compounded. The success of his negotiation, and how the Queen Mother has employed her time since the 17th inst., until the despatch hereof, with the state of both camps until this present, the Queen may be informed by a letter which Middlemore sent him from Orleans on the 23rd inst., and also by another letter sent to him by a friend, both of which he sends herewith.
18. He also charged Middlemore to tell the Duke of Guise particularly from him, that the amity between the Queens of England and Scotland was as well as could be wished, and that there was mutual affection on both parts to have an interview this summer, which was likely to take place if an accord was made amongst them here this season. This not coming to pass might hinder the meeting, a matter so desired by the Queen of Scotland's uncles.
19. The Conte Rocquendolph has assembled 1,200 pistoliers in Westphalia, Geldres, Cleves, and the Bishoprics of Cologne and Treves. The Conte has not yet come on this side of Metz. The captains of the pistoliers have some difficulty to make their musters, and to take an oath absolutely to serve without a provision for the matters of religion, whereupon an Almain gentleman named Buno was despatched on the 22nd inst. from this camp to the Conte to satisfy the pistoliers and their captains in their difficulties.
20. The Duke of Lorraine has refused the musters of the said pistoliers to be made in his country, which matter is not well taken on this side.
21. M. De Favanes, Lieutenant to the Duke d' Aumale in Burgundy, has recovered Chalons, and besieged Macon, but is too weak to prosecute his enterprise.
22. The Bishop of Rome has offered these men who favour his quarrel 400,000 crowns, and to make payment forthwith to their use in Antwerp.
23. The Duke of Saxe, the Conte Palatin, the Landgrave, the Duke of Wurtemberg, and the Duke of Deuxponts, have lately sent hither an ambassador to negotiate an accord betwixt these parties. He has spoken to both parties, and sped as others have done. Throckmorton has intelligence that the said Princes have secretly solicited the Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and M. d' Andelot to accord with them in the Confession of Augsburg, and he hears the Prince and others do in words show themselves very conformable to the desire of the Almain Princes. Whereupon it is thought the Protestant princes will support the Prince of Condé and his cause.
24. The Duke d'Aumale has returned from Havre de Grace to Rouen, and has taken Harfleur and another town not far from thence by the side of the river. In his passing too and fro in the country of Caux, he has done much harm, and allowed his soldiers to make great spoils. It is said he has razed M. De Bangaville's house.
25. On the 22nd inst., eight battery pieces were sent from Paris to M. d'Aumale which seems it is meant he should assail Rouen. Notwithstanding, the Queen can see by Middlemore's letter that the Duke of Guise and the Constable attend with good devotion, that the Duke d'Aumale and his force should repair to their camp with all possible speed.
26. The Rhinegrave is ready to make his musters about the end of this month, not far from Chalons in the skirts of Champagne. He has assembled two regiments of footmen and 300 pistoliers. The Protestants hope that he will do no harm when he comes.
27. Since his last despatch the Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and M. D'Andelot sent a gentleman to him to renew again to the Queen their suit, and request to borrow 100,000 crowns, for the repayment of which they offered not only their own bonds, but also the obligation of any other noblemen in their fellowship, or else the bonds of as many churches reformed in this country, or the best of them, as Rouen, Lyons. The said gentleman told him that M. De Sechelles was charged from them to open this request to the Queen at his being there. They desire to know her resolute answer in this matter.
28. He forebore to inform the Queen of the issue of the first conference betwixt the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Prince of Condé, on the 9th inst., in the Beauce, betwixt Thury and Jenville, until this time, for the Queen Mother informed the Queen by M. De Foix of the sequel of the same, unto whom she despatched a groom of the King's chamber for that purpose, about the 14th inst., from Etampes. Judged it to be of more importance now to send a courier, the rather for it appeared by her letters of the 8th inst. (which he received by Middlemore, on the 13th inst.) that she had suspended her resolution for her interview with the Queen of Scots this summer until she saw some end of these matters here, or at least to where they would tend. It seeming to him that they will not end within two or three days, he will defer no longer his sending to the Queen; nevertheless, considering how close each army is to the other, and that the Queen Mother has spoken twice with the Prince of Condé in an abbey, an equal distance from both camps, it cannot be long before the Queen hears from him of some issue one way or another.
29. The Swiss, numbering 4,000, have marched almost to Dijon hitherward. Little fruit has ensued of the three sessions past held at Trent, where they made a long dispute about the clergy residing on their benefices; and being ready to conclude in that matter, the Bishop of Rome commanded them not to proceed further, saying it was a cause reserved to his prerogative to define and dispose. The Queen may hereby perceive what reformation will be had in matters wherein is great controversy at the Pope's hands, and the Council by him assembled.
30. Desires her to let the French Ambassador know in what good part she takes the favours which he [Throckmorton] and his, receive here from time to time for her service at the hands of Marshal Brisac, Governor of Paris.— Paris, 24th June 1562. Signed.
31. P. S.—He sends herewith the request presented by the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St André, entitled "le Triumvirate," with the answer thereunto by the Prince of Condé, which he mentioned in his last sent to M. De Foix.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 12.
June 24. 247. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Cecil may perceive by his letter to the Queen that the Prince of Condé has need of more help now, as at present he is weakest in force, and so in other circumstances, except their cause. By the enclosed Cecil may see how the Cardinal of Lorraine has since his last despatch played his pageant in Paris, where daily the cruelties and insolencies of the people increase. Here is a bruit that the Queen goes northward. It were good that an issue were seen in these matters before Cecil sets forth, for fear of after claps. Lately the Queen Mother sent one thither to do more than bring news of the first conference with the Prince of Conde; for the writer knows he was charged to discover from the Queen, or otherwise, her meaning in this matter; for the King of Navarre and the Constable told the Queen Mother that he set a better face on the matter in the Protestants favour than the Queen meant, and all that he said was but his own devices. He trusts the Queen does consider how near the matter concerns her, and how much more it will if the Prince and his friends are overthrown here. Besides the cause of religion, the Prince, the Admiral, and those with them are hated by the King of Spain, and therefore to be sustained by the Queen. He remembers into what opinion he was brought, and what was conceived of him for his discourses of Scotland, and there may be as much more said in this.
2. If the last messenger sent from hence has not departed before the arrival of this, he desires Cecil so to order the matter to the French Ambassador, that he may perceive the Queen is a good friend to the Queen Mother, and that she would be sorry to see the Prince and Admiral overthrown. Desires Cecil also to think of his revocation, and not let him abide here when he is so far off as York; also that his diet money may be paid him according to his warrants. He trusts Cecil will not leave him long here if these matters are compounded. He attends his resolution for his son's further travelling, and to what place he thinks best for him to go to.—Paris, 24 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 24. 248. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Wrote last by Henry King. These men are desirous that the Prince of Condé should be repressed, and they endeavour with an aid of 10,000 footmen and 3,000 horsemen to reinforce the Guisians. Sundry consultations with captains for that purpose have been held lately by the Council for the wars here, and soldiers have been levied in Biscay and other frontier places. There is some jealousy lest the Queen should give aid to the Condians, which is the rather augmented by the sending of her ships to sea, for which purpose the Bishop of Aquila had instructions to persuade her to the contrary. Has written lately sundry letters to Cecil and Throckmorton; the passages being stopped, and letters being intercepted, he has sent doubles by other messengers. A rumour was spread here the Queen was sick, which he knows came from England. Reports from Italy state that the Pope prepares 4,000 footmen to serve the French King, besides the loan of money, for the suppression of the Condians. He hears little rumour and less hope now conceived of the Protestant Princes repairing to the Council at Trent.
2. The Prince of Sienna, the Duke of Florence's eldest son, has arrived in Spain with a great train of gentlemen. The Prince of Spain is recovered, but the wound, where the bone was bare, is not covered yet, nor will be this month. The King's finances are increased. The Moors have spoilt many merchant ships about Seville and Cadiz, and amongst them three English ships, with a booty of more than 100,000 ducats. The King, Queen and ladies intend to remove fifteen leagues hence to a hunting house called Bosco de Segobia, from whence the King will visit his frontiers of Biscay, and so to the Cortes of Montzon where the Prince shall meet him.
Draft. Portions underlined to be expressed in cipher. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Stephen Becon by way of Bilboa, 24 June 1562. Pp. 3.
June 24. 249. John Cuerton to Challoner.
Yesternight he received a letter from Challoner of the 4th inst., brought by one Balderama, who goes to England. There is still much trouble in France amongst them concerning religion. Two days since he received a letter from "Rosel" [Rochelle] written the 15th inst., that within two days a battle was appointed between both parties. Trusts Challoner has ere this received his letter and cloth. It is said the King comes this way when he goes to Arragon, desires to be informed thereof.—Biboa. 24th June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner Pp. 3.
June 25. 250. Examination of John Moring and others.
1. First, John Moring, master gunner, says that Thomas Burlazon, late gunner there, procured letters from the said Governor to Rowland Foster, Constable of Wark Castle, for admittance into his room again, or to declare a sufficient cause to the contrary; that, upon the delivery of the said letter, Foster not only smote Burlazon with his fist, but would have smitten him with his dagger, if Raph Thompson and Augustin Lawther, of Leirmouth, had not letted him, as Burlayzon, Thompson, and Lawther declared to him.
2. That the Sunday after Easter certain of the company of the Lord of the May Game of Wark went to Cornewall [Cornhill] in the night, and took the Lord of the May Game of Cornewall, and brought him in sport as a prisoner to Wark Castle before day, whereupon certain men of Cornewall and Tylmouth assembled, and three of them suddenly entered the breach in the said Castle wall before the watch was discharged, and so would the rest, if he and his mate, Richard Husellwood, had not letted them; and so they went through the Castle gate into the town by their tolerance, where they made merry until nine or ten o'clock, then both they and the prisoner returned to Cornewall, accompanied thither by those of Wark.
3. In his further examination touching Burlazon he said that he was not present when he delivered the said letter.
4. And also touching the Lord of the May Game of Cornwall, he says that they were young men of Wark who took the said Lord prisoner to the Castle, and three of the men of Cornewall and Tylmouth who had thereupon assembled, entered the house at the breach in the wall of the said Castle at the break of day and took the said Lord, and the deponent, his fellow. The porter resisted the rest with force, and finding fault with their usage, and being at first afraid of some inconvenience, caused them who entered to depart with the said Lord. And there were none ready in the house beside himself, his mate, the porter, and the watchman who ran off the wall. Among other of Foster's servants in the Castle is one John Ramsey, a Scotsman.
5. Edmond Ewerd says that he was at rest in the slate house in the said Castle, and hearing a noise upon the entry of the Cornewall men, ran forth in his shirt and saw that Jerrold Hudspeth, of Cornewall, had entered the Castle, and further confessed that the watch was not discharged. Upon noise and cry being made, the horseman of Lermouthe prepared to answer the call, and come to Warke. Taken at Berwick before the Governor, John Selby and Thos. Jenyson, 25 June 1562.
Endd. Pp. 3.
June 25. 251. Lord Robert Dudley to Cecil.
The meeting of the two Queens is like to take place, if the let come not from France. The place is Nottingham, and the time the end of August. Lady Throckmorton has made him her gossip; he named her son Nicholas, because he would not have him Robert. All things are well here. They marvel much that they have not heard from him for twelve days, as this journey wholly depends upon the proceedings there. M. Dampville has not a little relieved him with his present of horses; they excel all he ever saw since he was born.
2. They have news that his letters were intercepted near Rouen by M. D'Aumale.—25 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 25. 252. Armigil Waade to Cecil.
1. The captain of Dieppe having received by Rickard (of whose sending there he wrote of on the 19th inst.) the come mendations he sent, has by the said Rickard sent word that on the 17th inst. M. De Guise issued from his camp towards Orleans with 1,000 horsemen and 3,000 footmen. The Prince of Condé having intelligence thereof, left Orleans, met him, and slew 800 horsemen and 1,100 footmen. Amongst the slain was Marshal St. André; and the Grand Prior and M. Danville were taken prisoners. The Duke of Guise received three or four coups of the arquebus upon his breast which did not pierce his harness, but he was shot through the thigh with a pellet, whereupon he retired to his camp and immediately sent for D'Aumale at Rouen, who marches towards him. This Rickard received in writing from the captain. He also said the Constable's son was taken at this conflict, who was secretly enlarged, whereby it is supposed the Prince should have some secret intelligence with him.
2. The Dieppians intend to-morrow to give the assay again to Arques, for which purpose they will take with them seven pieces of battery. They have fortified St. Nicholas Hill wonderfully in so short a time, so it is now thought to be tenable. The same with the hill that stands west from the town towards Newhaven. Pollet Hill, standing on the other side, they "mell" not with. In Paris only the Papists reign, they having expelled the Protestants.
3. Considering the present state of things, his being here is to little purpose, so he intends to return to-morrow towards the Court unless Peter Adrian returns this night, or he receives word to the contrary from Cecil. What report soever [Horsey] made, Cecil shall perceive at his coming that there was no such meaning in those parts, especially at [Dieppe] and [Newhaven]. As for [Rouen] there is no account to be made of it for the Queen's purpose, for that it stands so far within the country as it cannot be succoured in time of need. [Dieppe] and [Newhaven] are so stout as they for the present will hear of no aid. The best way to work with them for the beginning will be that same that he mentioned in his letters sent by Peter Adrian; and it must be time and further adversity than they have yet suffered to bring them to it, the which must be watched by some acquaintance with the [Captain of Dieppe] that may from time to time stir up some talk meet for the purpose. In which behalf he judges none more fit than Peter Adrian.
4. He hears no news from [Horsey] or from his man that he sent to him, which causes him to fear all is not well.—Rye, 25 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
June 25. 253. M. De Guise to the Cardinal of Lorraine.
Sends the bearer in haste to inform him that all was yesterday settled, and that the foundation (of the accord) was the honour of God, the King's service, and the tranquillity of the realm. The bearer is trustworthy. "Our dear Cardinals" should only know part of this letter, as also the Marshal De Brissac, who will know that there are points in it very contrary to their wishes. Their mother and her brother only swear by the faith they owe, and that they will only take council of those who go in the right path. The reformed religion is not prospering. All their force continues entire, whilst their enemy's break away from their billets and surrender without speaking of edicts, preachings, or the administration of the Sacrament according to their rites. "Ces bon "seigneurs" may believe if they like what the bearer shall tell them, on the part of three of their best friends.—Beaugency, 25 June 1562.
Copy.: Headed: Extract de la lettre de Guyse, escripte de sa main, au Cardinal. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 25. 254. The Admiral of France to Throckmorton.
Has received his letter, and is very glad to hear of the Queen's resolution of favouring the [Protestant] religion, Desires him to give credence to the bearer.—The Camp at Nausoudun, 25 June 1562. Signed: Chastillon.
Modern transcript. P. 1.
June 25. 255. Conditions of the Peace taken in France.
1. That the Catholic religion be restored throughout France.
2. That all heretical ministers leave the kingdom.
3. That the rebellious yield themselves to the King without any conditions, except the Prince of Condé, who is promised pardon.
4. That those of the house of Châtillon leave France and remain absent during the King's minority.
5. That all cities possessed by the heretics be out of hand restored to the King.
6. That the King shall receive their army which was at Orleans, that he may use both armies to subdue those provinces which were not obedient to him.
7. That restitution be made of all goods taken from the churches.
8. That M. Tenolyn be captain general of the King's army at Orleans.
9. That the Duke D'Aumale subdue Rouen, which he would have done before if he had not wanted cannon.
10. That no suspected person remain at Paris except he have given a confession of his faith, written with his own hand.
11. That the Presidents, Councillors, and officers have openly protested to the King that they will live and die after the laws and faith of the King of France.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This name is always expressed in cipher.
  • 2. From this point to the end the letter is in Cecil's writing.