Elizabeth: February 1561, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: February 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp526-543 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp526-543.

"Elizabeth: February 1561, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp526-543.


February 1561, 1-10

[Feb.] 949. Charges at Berwick.
"A book of provision for Berwick," consisting of an estimate of the cost of the implements and materials required for 2,000 workmen employed on the fortifications for the space of one year, amounting to 667l. 12s. 10d.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 6.
[Feb.] 950. Gresham's Accounts. (fn. 1)
"A brief note of all such sums of money as I, Thomas Gresham, have received in Antwerp for the behoof of the Queen, since the first of October, 1558;" sum total. 310,458l. 14s.
Copy. Pp. 3.
[Feb.] 951. Gresham's Accounts.
"A brief note of all such sums of money as I, Thomas Gresham, have paid in Antwerp for the behoof of the Queen since the 21st December 1558;" sum total, 279,565l. 10s. At the Queen's coming to the throne there was owing of this sum by Queen Mary 65,069l. 17s. 4d.—Signed: Richard Candeller.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 10.
[Feb.] 952. Gresham's Accounts.
An account of monies borrowed in the months of July, August, November, and December, 1560, and February. 1561, which amount to the sum total of 247,303l. 10s. Also of the cost of armour and munitions, which amounts to the sum of 108,956l. 13s. 4d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
[Feb.] 953. Demand for Allowances to John Weller.
John Weller of London, armourer, having been continually employed, from the 10th April till the latter end of November last, in the Queen's affairs beyond the seas, concerning the transporting of 500 corselets and 500 courriers from Cologne and other parts of Germany to Bremen and Hamburg, prays to be allowed for the charges of carrying the same, 59l. 7s. 8d. Item, for his diets for eight months, and for horses and waggons hired, and such like, 48l. 12s. 5d. Total, 108l. 0s. 1d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 1. 954. The Queen of Scotland to Queen Elizabeth.
Desires permission for William Henryson, burgess of Edinburgh, to pass with his goods through England on his way to and from France for the space of one year.—Edinburgh, 1 Feb., 19th Mary. Signed: James Hamilton, James Hamilton, Argyll, Morton, James Stewart, Glencairn, and Ruthven.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Broadside.
Feb. 1. 955. Shers to Cecil.
1. Nothing worth his knowledge this week. The process against the Caraffas is framed of a hundred and odd sheets of paper. By the last letters from Rome, the Pope still brought the Council of Trent towards. Last week the Pope was at Ostia, with the Duke of Urbino, devising to fortify that plat, and this week will go to Civita Vecchia, to fortify there. M. Da Colnigues is not yet despatched to Geneva for the wars. The Pope will contribute 20,000 crowns a month for a certain time to that use.
2. They write from Milan that the King of Spain has taken order there to maintain a number of soldiers, not as before the wars, but instead of twenty Spanish captains he will have ten. The men of arms will remain, and also the light horsemen, with 3,000 Spanish footmen. Order is taken for their payment, and on the 22nd ult. they were paid the arrears due to them. There are only three governors appointed for the rest of that estate, namely, for Cremona, Pavia, and Alexandria; the rest are all discharged, and divers other captains' stipends are diminished. From John Baptista Gastaldo there are taken 1,500 crowns a year.
3. The Duke of Savoy makes great provision for harness, and by March he will have from one master 500 corslets, and divers others labour for him. Men marvel that the said Duke enters into wars without money or credit, and not yet lord of his own estate. The letters this week from Constantinople bring news that the Turk's preparation is greater than was said, to give the King of Spain a "scacco mato" for all Africa, and not for the Goletta alone.—Venice, 1 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 1 Feb. 1560. Pp. 4.
Feb. 1. 956. Lord Grey to the Privy Council.
1. Has received the Queen's letters to place Mr. Stephenson here as preacher and Sanderson as coadjutor, which he has done, and has shown them the rates of their entertainment, wherewith they seem well pleased. Now that they have seen the church and the order which is kept for divine service, he doubts not but they will make better report of their religion.
2. Has been since his last at Holy Island. The fort is nothing strong or worth any account. If the Queen will bestow 1,000l. upon it, the ground may be so altered that the enemy shall not prevail against it without great travail and charges. Will cause a further declaration of his opinion to be drawn in plat and sent to them. Has heretofore prayed them to consider this poor garrison's penury by want of their wages, the victuals in store being utterly ill, by reason whereof they are driven to so many extremities that he marvels how they continue in such awe and quiet. Desires them to give speedy order for their relief.—Berwick, 1 Feb. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 3. 957. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Has received his letter, which came with that of the Lords of the Council, together with the abstract of some treaties, which he is glad to have for answering such quarrels as Lord Hume picks with him, who has superseded the present day of truce and as yet appointed none other. The writer's man, Colwiche, has been since his last letter in Scotland. Encloses the letters sent by him from thence, not doubting but his long being there and other such journeys of charge will be reasonably considered. Will not molest him with often requests for licence to repair to the Court this Lent. Prays him to be good to Hart, who refuses such place as he can give him in his house, because he thinks the entertainment not sufficient.—Berwick, 3 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 4. 958. The Queen to the Earl of Bedford.
On account of the sickness of Throckmorton she will send Sir William Pickering, or some other person of knowledge, fully instructed to join with him in his stead. In the meantime he is to forbear to make his access to the Court, or execute any part of his legation; but if he shall by the King or his Ministers be provoked thereunto, he is only to do the office of condolence and congratulation, without entering into the rest of his charge until he hears from her again. That his stay therein may appear less strange, he may for his excuse let the King of Navarre and the Constable understand, (as it were very secretly, to be kept to themselves,) that because he has certain matters of importance to communicate with them, which are appointed to be opened with the Ambassador, and being informed of his extreme sickness, therefore he [the Earl] has thought meet to signify the same to the Queen and desire her resolution for his further proceeding, which he looks to receive very shortly. If Throckmorton recovers so as to be in case to join with him, then they shall go forward in such sort as is prescribed by his instructions, without tarrying for him who is meant to be sent. He is to use all the best means and good words he can to comfort Sir Nicholas, and to assure him for his better satisfaction that rather than that it should turn to the hindrance of his health, she will send a successor as soon as the affairs now in hand are somewhat overpassed.
Draft, partly corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 4 Feb. 1560. Pp. 4.
Feb. 4. 959. The Queen of Scotland to Queen Elizabeth.
Requests safe conduct for Lord James Stewart and sixty persons, who are about to repair to the writer in France, about the common affairs of Scotland.—Edinburgh, 4 Feb. 19th Mary. Signed: James Hamilton, James Hamilton Morton, Glencairn, Ruthven, Ochiltre, John Lord Lindsay John Wysharte, W. Maitland.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Feb. 4. 960. Privy Council of Scotland to the Privy Council of England.
Beg favour for Cormack O'Connochor, gentleman, of Ireland, in his suit to the Queen for pardon for his former offences, committed by ignorance in youth, and for restoration of his lands in Ireland, or at least to a part thereof.—Edinburgh, 4 Feb. 1560. Signed: James Hamilton, James Hamilton, James Stewart, Morton, Glencairn, Ruthven, Ochiltre.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[Feb. 4.] 961. John Shers to —. (fn. 2)
Desires him to deliver these advices with Mr. Secretary's letter; they came but now. The Senate sent this copy with divers others to the Duke of Savoy's Ambassador since Shers' letter was closed. Signed.
Orig. Ital. P. 1.
Feb. 4. 962. Intelligence from Milan.
The heretics, advancing from Vilar, are destroying the churches and burning the crucifixes. The Duke of Savoy has sent M. Della Trinita against them with 2,000 foot, and 500 Spanish arquebusiers are about to be despatched by the Marquis of Pescara.—Headed: From Milan, 4 Feb. 1561.
Copy. Ital. P. 1.
Feb. 5. 963. Sir Francis Englefield to Throckmorton.
As he is doubtful about Throckmorton's receipt of his former letters, he sends this through Camillo Strozzi, of Venice. Sir Edward Carne died at Rome about the 18th or 19th ult. The General Council is yet determined to proceed, in the intimation whereof England is not omitted. Saw in a letter from Rome that the Bishop of St. Asaph shall be a Commissioner there from the See Apostolic. From Flanders, France, and Rome it has been so often written that the Queen is secretly married, that no man will believe the contrary, but no Englishman here has any such news to his knowledge. Young Mr. Parry and one of his half-brethren have been here two months almost, but are not yet advertised from home of their father's death. About the end of March he intends to go into Germany and there spend part of the summer, till he receives answer whether his licence may be enlarged.—Padua, 5 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 5 Feb. 1560. Pp. 2.
Feb. 5. 964. Conference at Naumburg.
The Papal Envoys announce to the German Princes assembled at Naumburg, the Pope's earnest desire for an adjustment of the unhappy dissensions in the Church; for which purpose he invites them to come to a General Council to be held at Trent in the following Easter, where free discussion of all matters in controversy will be allowed; and promises to give the most ample safe conducts to those who come.
Printed pamphlet, entitled: Postulata Pii Quarti Pontificis Romani nomine in consessu principum Germanorum, Naumburgi congregatorum, proposita, Non. Feb. Anno M.D. LXI. Item, Succincta principum ad eadem illa proposita responsio, Anno M.D.LXI. Quarto, no imprint.
Lat. Pp. 7.
Feb. 5. 965. Transcript of the above.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Feb. 6. 966. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Has written herewith to the Lords of the Council how both the days of march are assigned to other days; and earnestly beseeched them to remember his great necessity and penury by want of money. Beseeches him to consider what burden it is for him to feed the number of captains and gentlemen here, who otherwise cannot live, lacking money. Whereas he received a letter from the Lords to part Captain Somerset's company, fifty to Brickwell and fifty to a pensioner, he has advertised them that the band is now fair appointed, and if it be parted into a stranger's hand the furniture will be taken away; wishes they would nominate the pensioner, whereby he may avoid countenance of partiality. Thinks himself less esteemed than his deserts, being exempted from election of captains, being none other ways able to help his friends and servants. Thanks him for the appointment of Blackwell.—Berwick, 6 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 6. 967. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Desires him not to take it in evil part that he has so long delayed writing. The principal Estates have been together these fifteen days and yet continue. Things now grow towards a conclusion. Many things are determined for the policy of the Church, and order taken for establishing of religion universally, something more vehement than (for his opinion) at another time he would have allowed. As things are fallen out, this time requires some vehemence, and it will serve to good purpose. Earnest embracing of religion will join them straitly together, and make the danger appear the greater if one part should swerve from the other. It is convenient that they should have somewhat to exercise themselves with, lest too great security breed some oversight.
2. Report has been had of the embassies directed to France and England ; as for the message of France, God's Providence has varied the case and whole effect by taking away the King. In reporting their embassy in England, they have declared the Queen's goodwill and the good entertainment of the Lords of the Council ; and in the principal matter have so tempered the answer that their men are not altogether put out of hope, nor yet can take anything out of the mouths of the Council wherein to repose themselves certainly. The Earl of Arran is greatly discouraged, but makes the best of it before him [Maitland].
3. It is resolved (for declaration of the subjects' obedience and to prevent the evil advice of those whom the Queen might be compelled to trust,) to send Ambassadors to her from the Estates, whereof Lord James shall be the principal, being meetest for many respects. He is zealous in religion, and one of the precise Protestants ; known to be true and constant, honest, and not able to be corrupted. Besides, nature must move the Queen to bear him some good will. The sum of the legation is to know her mind, and whether she can be content to repose her whole confidence upon her subjects or not. It is wished that she would come without force, and take her journey through England, where her own subjects will be content to receive her at Dover or elsewhere, and accompany her honourably to her own country, thinking that the meeting of the two Queens shall breed quietness for their times. If she be counselled to bring with her a force by sea, some think there is lack of the natural love she ought to bear to her country; and in that case men are not bound to receive her with a force where so great a danger may ensue. Before they resolve to or fro, the matter shall be communicated to Queen Elizabeth, whose commands shall be followed, as without her advice they dare not enterprise any great thing ; and they have sufficient experience that she will not only advise them the best but also aid them therein, if need be. The Lord James minds to sue to her for a passport, and in his passage to make her participant as well of what he has in charge as what he minds to do. Cecil knows that he will deal frankly with her. They have heard that the Earl Bothwell and some others are upon their journey homeward with directions from the Queen. Nothing will be resolved until such time as Lord James has fully groped her mind. To make his legation more acceptable, motion has been made that he should have commission to renew the old league with France. Knowing how prejudicial it is to amity between these two realms, Maitland has been glad to shift it off as a matter rather to be granted than offered; and France will be sure to make suit for it, and will more esteem it when they shall crave it at their hands, and the Scots would have better means to make conditions. By this persuasion he has put it in delay. Understands that M. De Noailles is coming on behalf of the French King for this same purpose; whensoever he comes Maitland will be loath that he should report any certain answer. The Earl of Argyll marvels that he has yet heard nothing from Ireland; he is one that is worthy to be entertained.
4. The King's death is commonly taken for a great benefit, yet durst he never rejoice at it, for the security thereof has lulled them to sleep, and they little the more out of danger. They begin all to enter in some devotion towards their Sovereign, who must follow some advice of her uncles, and so consequently can never forget what has been done heretofore contrary to their pleasure. He fears that many simple men will be carried away with vain hope and brought abed with fair words. If Lord James can fully persuade her to trust her subjects, Maitland will enter into some courage, for otherwise no man will be in worse case than he. He is taken to be the author of many things at home, and is highly envied by those at home who would that the cause was overthrown. They take him to be a great instrument to nourish concord amongst some where they would sow division, which they judge a great hindrance to the French interests. Is taken in France to be a better Englishman than other. His friends in France have advertised him that it imports him greatly that the intelligence begun betwixt England and Scotland may continue, and he sees evidently that whenever the amity decays he must look for another dwelling place. Made Cecil some overture at London how to salve all matters, and wrote him more amply from Sadler's house. Knows that the Queen is so informed against him that, unless he can do her some service, he will not long be suffered to live in her realm. Does not please to continue in service longer than the amity betwixt England and Scotland continues. "If I can be assured that meaning honestly we shall not be neglected of Her Majesty, a good number will be found who will not fear to prosecute the matter that is begun to the end."
5. Understands that one Tennant, a Scottish man, has delivered a packet of letters to the Queen in France, which were directed to Throckmorton; does not remember any letters being delivered to such a one. Cecil would do Maitland great pleasure if at the man's returning he might by severe punishment understand that he has played a lewd part. Prays him to have the Laird of Ormiston's case recommended. Desires him to write plainly and amply what he would have done. Will never forget the favour he found at the Queen's hands. Sends offers of service to the Lords of the Council. Prays Cecil to send Lord James' safe conduct by the first post. Received a letter by Randolph and saw his of Jan. 24, for answer whereto he refers to him.—Edinburgh, 6 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
Feb. 6. 968. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Notwithstanding that the convention was appointed for the 15th Jan., it was the 21st before any number assembled, whose names he shall receive herewith. It being thought best that matters of religion should be first set forth, the same Book of Discipline, (or at least not far altered from that which Cecil saw,) was presented by the authors thereof to the Lords. In examination and reasoning thereupon, there were spent six whole days; the matter well debated; divers well satisfied, and in the end it was approved by common consent. Has not been able to come by a copy thereof, but sends the titles of the whole book. In cases yet uncertain it is hard to judge what may ensue; if things come not otherwise to pass than is likely, they are not yet fit to receive any such burden. Though God's Word for the time that it has been preached has had great advancement, yet can he not assure himself what root it has taken in every man's heart, whereof the trial will soon be taken if this discipline be universally embraced, and all points thereof duly observed.
2. On the 7th and 8th days the Lords gave their whole labour to the hearing of poor men's causes, and discharging such bills as were presented. Such articles as were sent from the Lord Governor of Berwick concerning the Borders were answered in such sort as Cecil will hear from the said Governor, whose servant attends here upon the Lords for full resolution of their minds. The absence of Lord Hume, who is very sick, caused some delay; the rest found the demands very reasonable and gave their consent for their observance.
3. These matters finished, the Lords Ambassadors who were sent into England and France discharged themselves of their commissions. The Lord of St. John had little to say that was not already known. The difficulties that might have ensued, all the points of his commission being rejected, were utterly removed by the death of the French King, which has had such security, that were it not that sometimes Mr. Knox, in the pulpit, or the Laird of Liddington in consultation of affairs, put them in remembrance in what case they were not long since, they would grow stark dull, or forget themselves. Though there was nothing in the answer out of England to cause any man to think their cause clean overthrown, yet the earnest desire they all had to enjoy the felicity that might ensue thereof, made them so far in doubt of themselves that they could neither suddenly resolve to give a new attempt in so worthy an enterprise, nor yet utterly despair, having received so reasonable an answer as was given. The Laird of Liddington showed the excellence of his wit, his love to his country, and his good will towards the English, on that day more than could be thought to be in any one man. On this occasion it came in purpose how either the amity might be maintained with England, or a new league made. Much debate there was hereupon. All agree that the like example of good will was never shown to any nation as that which the Queen showed to Scotland, and that ignominy would redound to their posterity for ever if they did not by all means show themselves grateful. To further this purpose there lacked no spokesman; in especial those that were the first authors of the last contract, which now many wish had been of longer continuance. Is sure that Cecil is not unmindful of what France will seek and do daily, and also what ministers she has in Scotland. He knows the force of auri sacra fames. The Queen's friends are not so unvigilant but something will be espied out of what coast the wind blows. The Laird of Liddington has lately written his opinion to Cecil concerning the renewal of this contract with France. The words of the contrast made at Berwick are not so absolute but that it may be doubted whether it be ended after one year of the death of the French King or no; the words being, "And the time of the continuance of the hostages to be only during the marriage of the Queen of Scotland with the French King, and one year after the dissolution of the said marriage, until further order may be had between both their realms." Of as many as consented and subscribed thereunto he only doubts him of whom never man at any time was assured; if his craft were not so well known that no man will trust him, he would be able to do too much mischief. If Lord Ruthven be as open hearted as he is fair spoken, there is nothing to be doubted in him; he trusts that his doings are other than the bruit goes of him.
4. The last and most difficult point considered was to find a convenient personage to send to the Queen, their Sovereign. Her own brother, Lord James, was found meetest for divers respects. Is glad that Queen Elizabeth will be able to judge the value of such an assured and faithful friend as he has shown himself from the first. Liddington will inform him [Cecil] more of this matter. Sends the Lords' letter for a safe conduct. Many desire to accompany him in his voyage, as well for the great bruit of the Queen of England as for the sight of their own Sovereign. Is sure that the Laird of Pitarrow will be one, a man marvellous wise, discreet, and godly, without spot or wrinkle. Some would send with him the Abbot of Kilwinning; the writer doubts how their complexions would accord abroad who never liked each other at home.
5. In these matters there has been much time spent, and many things are yet to be considered. Amongst other things it was at length debated whether it were better to reject all Papists that ever had enjoyed benefits of the Church, or admit as many, and restore them again to their possessions, as willingly will subscribe to the Book of Discipline. After many reasons to and fro, it was found good to admit, of what estate soever they were, as many as would submit themselves by the 25th inst., the edict being published incontinent thereupon ; otherwise to be rejected and reputed enemies to godly truth. This is the effect of their whole conclusions, except some private causes.
6. Is required by the Earl of Argyll to write in favour of Cormack O'Chonacher, of Ireland, a gentleman, who at other times served King [blank]. At the earnest request of the Earl of Argyll and his own humble submission, the Lords of the Secret Council have written to the Lords of the Queen's Council in his behalf. Besides his own promise of true service from henceforth, the Earl of Argyll has promised if he fail to become enemy to him and his whole house for ever; which he desired the writer to signify to Cecil. He says that he had no other matter in France but to sue for his pension, which was promised to be paid there; and now being returned hither with a bill assigned to be paid in this town, there is no money to be had. He refers the report of his service to Sir William Centlowe and Sir James Croftes. The Earl of Argyll marvels not a little that he has not heard from the Deputy of Ireland, seeing the promise so was, and that he has prepared himself thereto. He is determined shortly to write to Cecil, and has appointed the writer to meet with him at Stirling. The Master of Maxwell sends the enclosed letter; he has heard that the Queen intends to place Sir Nicholas Arnold in Carlisle, whom he will be glad to concur with and show pleasure to. The Earl of Glencairn conferred with him lately how he might do for the payment of 300l. sterling to a merchant of London named Hickman; by reason of the exchange he will be a very great loser. He will be much bound to Cecil if some order might be taken for the payment thereof in London, and so much to be disbursed out of hand to the Treasurer of Berwick. His goodwill towards the English has lately appeared by his reports of the honour of the country and worthiness and dignity of the Queen.
7. Sends a copy of the letter from the King of Denmark to the Lords, with their answer. There is departed to France of late the Earl of Eglington and the Abbot Dunfermling out of Dunbar. There is looked to pass through England, the Earl of Bothwell and the Lairds of Finlater and Craigmillar, with commission from their Queen. Their credit here is not such as they are able to remove mountains. Lord Seaton has hitherto showed himself very uprightly, and is like to be as he shall be used. The Clerk of the Register seeks credit at all hands, and finds it in few. The Earl of Huntley craves kindness from Lord James. The familiarity between the English and Scots merchants begins to grow great; much herring, salmon, and salt fish is carried this year from hence to England. Knows not what they bring, but doubts most the conveyance of gold and silver, wherein their advantage will be in every pound of silver, 3s., and in every crown, 9d. There are presently of murderers, vagabonds, and thieves, Englishmen, above twelve or sixteen in this town ; he caused one to be arrested at the request of the Earl of Westmoreland, who had slain one of his gentlemen, and this day he is to be delivered to two of the Earl's gentlemen.
8. Has received the Queen's commands to remain in Scotland, in her service, which he regards as a great signification of her favour, and begs that Cecil will assist him with his advice. Has received a copy of the Queen's warrant for his allowance, but has not had hitherto occasion to examine the charges to follow this Court ; seeks but so to live as he may serve. Has hitherto burdened the Duke with his meat and lodging in his house, and one nag in his table. Two geldings, one man, and a boy he nourished always abroad, wherever he was. Will be forced to take another man when he leaves the Duke's house, and has devised with Liddington thereupon, though the Duke is unwilling thereunto. Liddington has made him privy to many of Cecil's letters, wherein his affection towards him appears. Has not sought for gain from the Earl of Arran ; but has spent whilst in his house, besides the money that he has received of the Queen, above 200 crowns, and has never received from his father or him one piece of gold, his chain excepted. Thinks it gain enough to live with their love and favour. Has presumed to write in answer to the Queen's letter, and craves pardon that he has so long stayed his writing. The Lords made a very strait law for eating meat in Lent, and other days of old forbidden. Some would have had them changed, some one day augmented, it fell out that the old. custom should remain, saving the Sundays in Lent any man may eat what he can get. With the Lord James there comes, besides Pitarrow, the Lord Salton, son-in-law to the Earl Marshall. Lord Glamis or Ogilvie is resolved to go in post, twenty-four horses in train ; within one month he means to depart. The writer desires Cecil to have his passport in remembrance. The Lords are most part departed, but intend to be in this town again on the 25th inst. The Duke goes shortly to Hamilton, whither Randolph purposes to go. Sends a cipher herewith. Finds some danger in the conveyance of his letters but by some of his own, or a trusty servant of Lord Grey's. Has commended Francis Tennant's cause to divers of the Lords ; Liddington is furthest in conceit with him of any alive. George Paris has hurt his leg, and desires that it may be an excuse for his further abode here. There is a nephew of his in this town named William Paris. Randolph knows his poverty to be so great that he doubts either care will shorten his time, or he will be forced many times to absent himself where need shall require. Wishes that the Queen would please that in some secret means he might have some relief. Besides this man, Grange deserves most, both for his earnest affection and goodwill towards the Queen's service.—Edinburgh, 6 Feb. 1560, Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 13.
Feb. 6. 969. John Sheres to Cecil.
1. Sends the intelligence of this week. Master Caron [Carne] ("that so holy had bequeathed both body and soul to the Pope") is dead, and buried at Rome. News from thence states that the Pope will needs continue the Council begun at Trent, and that none shall enter but his sworn friends to ratify his decrees. It will be nothing in the end, saving it is likely to breed new wars. M. De Collignis (whom the Duke of Savoy sent to Rome to conclude for money) is still there, and is fed with fair words, but no other provision is made for the money promised. It is said it is 20,000 crowns a month for six months on the Pope's part, to make war against Geneva. The Pope by his Legate, and the Duke by his Ambassador, have tried to get this estate to contribute, but hitherto they have won nothing but fair words. Men marvel what has caused the said Duke to enter into war so soon, being yet raw in his estate, the fortresses out of his hands, himself poor and without money or credit.
2. Ascanio Della Corna raises 3,000 men to go to Malta to defend that plat with the help of the Knights of the Order there, against the Turk's army, which is expected. The King of Tunis prepares, and the more so by the provokement of Dragut Rayse, to aid the Turk's army in the spring against the Spaniards that keep the Goletta.
3. News from Constantinople state that the Turk's provision for the seas goes forward, and is greater than expected. The Turk will place a guard of janissaries at Ragusa, which very much troubles this state, which if he should do, (as he may easily,) and reduce his galleys and army for the seas to any port thereabouts, these men should have to do to be Lords of Venice long. By the practices of the Pope and the Duke of Savoy the Papistical and Protestant Switzers have fallen out amongst themselves concerning matters of religion.
4. There is a rumour that the Duke Octavio shall be Duke of Bari and Governor of Sienna, which shall be at a certain liberty, or at least out of the Duke of Florence's hands, and that Parma and Piacenza shall return again to the state of Milan. These and divers such like, which the Council will intimate at Trent, will stir up wars in divers parts.—Venice, 6 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 6 Feb. 1560. Pp. 4.
[Feb. 6.] 970. Conference at Naumburg.
The Princes at Naumburg inform Christopher Mundt, for the satisfaction of the Queen of England, that they have willingly listened to what he, as her commissioner, has proposed, and thank her for her kindness in sending him. They were more especially pleased to hear that Scotland had embraced the Protestant religion. They hope that God will enable her to live according to the divine light, (that is, according to the Confession of Augsburg, which they believe to be founded on God's Word,) and will in nowise depart from it. They also approve of that part of the message which contains her answer, if she should be requested to send to the Council, and promise in return to let her know how they intend to act. The Emperor has already asked them to appear at the Council, as the Pope has also. The Emperor's Envoys brought forward many precedents why the Princes of the Augsburg Confession should go to the Council. No definite answer has as yet been given to them, as all the Princes were not present. They enclose a copy of their reply to the Pope. Beg that she will inform them how she intends to act towards the Pope, and trust that she will further religion in Scotland, and for their parts they will not omit to inform her of all their proceedings.
Copy. Endd. by Mundt. Germ. Pp. 6.
Feb. 6. 971. A Latin translation of the above, by Mundt.
In Mundt's hol. Endd., partly by Cecil : 6 Feb. 1560. Lat. Pp. 4.
Feb. 6. 972. Another copy of the above, differing in diction from the translation by Mundt.
Endd. by Mundt. Pp. 6.
Feb. 7. 973. Thomas Harvey to the Queen.
Hearing that she misliked his absence from his country, and fearing lest it might be thought to have been done of malice, he signifies the very cause thereof. Having served her father, brother, and sister, and got thereby some honest credit in the world, and somewhat also to maintain the same, he suddenly found himself in his own country without either one or the other. So that he determined to come to this Prince, with whom she was in league, and whom he was bound by oath to serve, and who was also in his debt, which he is about to recover. Trusts that she will take it as he meant it, that is, to serve her either there or elsewhere, whenever she shall command him. —Toledo, 7 Feb. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 7 Feb. 1560. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7. 974. Thomas Harvey to Cecil.
Has understood Cecil's goodness through the Ambassador, and declares his readiness to serve him. Thinks that the cause of his being here is well enough known to Cecil, that it is neither for malice or contempt, but only for lack. Desires Cecil to continue towards him the same as he has begun, and assures him of his fidelity and wish to serve the Queen.— Toledo, 7 Feb. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7. 975. Lord James Stewart to Cecil.
Having been burdened by the Council with going towards the Queen of Scots, he desires that Cecil will be a means for obtaining his passport, and sending it to Berwick to Lord Grey that he may have it shortly. Thanks him for his great favour shown to George Paris.—Edinburgh, 7 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 7. 976. Conference at Naumburg.
1. The Protestant Princes give the following answer [...] two Bishops, who are the Papal Legates.
2. They do not doubt that many wise and pious men of every time and nation have formerly hoped for the reformation of the Church, and that now they pray for purity of doctrine and that abuses may be removed, which ought to be a special care for the Pope. But they have been more occupied in furthering their schemes of private ambition and increasing superstitious practices in the Church, than in showing forth the glory of God and healing disorders in the Church, as must be confessed even by those who are well affected to the Papacy. The Princes are surprised that Pius IV. has dared to thrust a summons to his Council upon them; for he must know what religion they have embraced by the Confession of Augsburg, and the causes why they were compelled to separate from those who sought their own glory rather than Christ's. They will not acknowledge the authority of the See of Rome, and do not believe that the Pope has the right, either by divine or human law, of calling a Council. It is not just that one who was the cause of these dissensions, and who so fiercely fights against manifest truth, should have the right of deciding the matters in controversy.
3. Whereas they are taxed in his message with having no certain rule of faith, they point to the Confession of Augsburg, and to divers other writings, in which Papacy is shown to be so full of abuses and superstitions as to be more like a heathen than a Christian religion. They do not acknowledge the rule of anyone but the Emperor. With respect to the Nuncios, if they had not been charged with the Pope's message, the writers would be glad to show them every courtesy, on account of their illustrious extraction and learning, and the goodwill which they bear to the Venetian Republic.
Printed pamphlet, along with No. 964. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7. 977. Transcript of the preceding, along with the copy, No. 965. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
[Feb. 7.] 978. Another copy of the preceding. Mundt's hol. Endd. by Cecil: 1560, Feb. Pp. 4.
Feb. 8. 979. The Conference at Naumburg.
The following is an outline of the proceedings at the Conference at Naumburg.
1. The principal reason for which the Conference had been called was because it had been stated to the Emperor and Princes that the writers have no conformity in religion. They now declare their adherence to the Augsburg Confession, and have determined to present it with a new preface to that effect to the Emperor. In the meanwhile the Princes will signify by another writing the reasons why they have met. In the third place it was decided in what manner the nobles and states should sign the Confession, viz., that each Prince should inform his neighbours of what had been determined at Naumburg, as had been agreed at Frankfort, and that those Princes whose Envoys had left before the conclusion of the Conference should be informed of the whole proceedings; also that those Princes and states who were not able to come should be communicated with, lest they should be informed about the said Council by the Envoys of the Emperor or the Pope. At Naumburg no novelty was started, much less concluded on; and therefore those states who were not present have no cause for suspicion. They should be urged not merely to subscribe but also to defend the Augsburg Confession. Care should be taken also that the copies of the Augsburg Confession, both in Latin and German, should be similar to that signed at Naumburg. The Princes, Electors, and others likewise determined to command their preachers not to teach or write anything contrary to Scripture, and should abstain from factions, and conform in all their doctrine to the Confession of Augsburg. They especially wished to take care that nothing should be printed or published in their dominions unless it had been first inspected and found to agree with the reformed religion. Much less will they tolerate that libels, denunciations, and other calumnies should be published abroad as they have been, and have resolved to prohibit them under the most severe penalties.
2. As the Electors and Princes have been unable to come to any decision with respect to the Council, they have determined to send divines to Erfurt on the 22nd, to consult as to what is best to be done.
3. Lastly, they have determined that they will follow those articles which were concluded at Frankfort, offering to make a fuller declaration of them to those who are not satisfied; and also that they may see by the new preface of the Con fession and Apology, how much the said articles agree with them and the Scriptures.—Naumburg, 8 Feb. 1561.
Orig. Endd.: Sent from the Conte Mansfelt. Lat. Pp. 6.
Feb. 8. 980. Richard Shelley to Cecil.
1. Encloses a petition to the Ambassador, excusing himself for not accomplishing the effect of Cecil's letter, and promising to declare his meaning and the reason of his absence.— Signed.
2. P. S.—Complains that the Ambassador has rejected his remembrance most discourteously, exacting forthwith such resolutions in writing, with such eagerness, that out of doubt the commission that he showed could in no wise extend to. This has forced him for very haste of the post thus to scribble under the said petition, to the end that Cecil may judge of both their behaviours. Is as true English as the Ambassador, and so will live and die. Signed.
Orig. Add. in Spanish. Endd.: 1560. Out of Spain. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 981. Chamberlain to the Lords of the Council.
1. Has declared to this King the purport of their letter of the 13th of December, (which he received on Jan. 26,) and received the gentle answer mentioned in his letter to the Queen. Has derived great comfort from their letters, as he has to answer divers bruits spread about England, for the most part not pleasant to his hearing. Touching the trouble offered by the Inquisition ; he is sorry that the Lords proceeded so far therein. Doubts not but that they will perceive by this time by his other letters how the matter has quailed of itself, as a thing of small moment and a mistake. Desires that they will persist as they have begun in moving the Queen for his revocation. He wants health among other lacks, whereby he will be evil able to follow so great a journey as the King shortly intends to make towards Aragon, Catalonia, Valentia, Grenada, and Seville, in all which places it is meant that he shall make as it were his first journey together with the Queen, his son, and his sister; his son is to be sworn in each place as is the custom, and himself in somewhere he has not been yet. This progress is to begin about March.
2. As for the King's repair into Flanders, as was meant before the French King's death, upon good intelligence of the French preparations and pretences against England by the colour of Scotland, it is conjectured that he will not depart from this country this year or the next, unless like occasion were offered. The King has good intelligence that the Turk makes horrible preparation against this summer, whereby he is driven to proceed to resist the same, if any attempt should be made to such places as he has in the Mediterranean.—Toledo, 9 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 9 Feb. 1560. Pp. 3.
Feb. 9. 982. Chamberlain to Cecil.
1. Writes in answer to Cecil's letters of the 4th and 13th of Dec., brought to him on the 19th and 26th of Jan. By the one he perceives what has been done with the Bishop of Aquila touching the trouble offered the writer by the Inquisition, which was more than he meant to crave by his letter. For as he thought meet to make signification of the matter, and in what sort he had proceeded, so he concluded that if the worst should have happened he would have given advertisement thereof. As he has been able to learn, an English boy who serves in the Court had accused another, his like, who served Chamberlain's cook for that whilst they kept company together, before his arrival, he did not put off his cap in passing by a cross. So that the matter being towards, the cook was mistaken, and they have not found it worth the following. Trusts that Cecil does not consider him so simple and unadvised as that he would for such an occasion have wished the amity to have been touched. What passed between him and the King, he may see by his answer to the Queen's letters.
2. All good corresponding in friendship is here looked for. Cecil will do well to move the Queen to the consideration of the King's requests in matters that he travails in, to please some about him, whom he favours. At the first arrival of the man, whom he writes of, with the Countess, the King went in person to welcome them at their lodgings; the Queen, the Prince, and Princess did the like by their deputy; and since then they have been fetched to the Court with all the nobility, so feasted and made of as more could not be wished. Chamberlain has received no countenance at any man's hand at this Court but his.
3. Desires that he may be revoked. If sickness be not a reasonable cause, he does not know what to say. Has so stretched his poor ability to advance this service that he can no more. Could never get himself out of Gresham's books, since he served King Edward in Flanders, which he has found such a moth in his garment as has almost eaten the same bare. Complains of the bruit spread of England, the evil liking thereof, and the dis-estimation of the same, and regrets that he is not better advertised to answer the same. Will make search for the things Cecil writes for, but is greatly discouraged by being bid to send them by sea, as he hoped to be the bringer himself. Has declared Cecil's friendship where he willed him.—Toledo, 9 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 9 Feb. 1560. Pp. 3.


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