Elizabeth: January 1561, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: January 1561, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp512-526 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1561, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp512-526.

"Elizabeth: January 1561, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp512-526.


January 1561, 21-31

Jan. 22. 913. Border Charges.
A tabular statement of the pay and allowances of the governors, officers, and men of the old and new garrisons of Berwick, Holy Island, Farn Island, Carlisle, and Wark, and also of the wages of the architects and labourers employed on the fortifications, together with the number present at the musters. Total of the quarter's pay due to the garrisons, 5,133l. 14s. 11d.; due to those on the fortifications 2,678l. 10s. 11d.
Endd. Pp. 32.
Jan. 22. 914. Charges at Berwick.
Pay and allowances of the different officers and soldiers of the garrison of Berwick, during the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth.
Orig. Roll of five sheets, defective and the beginning stained.
Jan. 22. 915. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Cecil will perceive some discrepancy in this letter from that which the writer sent on the 18th by a Scotchman, named Cunningham. The Queen of Scotland has changed her determination in treating with her subjects concerning her marriage and the state of religion in her realm. She will win all sorts of men to serve her turn by, if it be possible.
2. On the 20th inst. there arrived a servant of Lord Robert Dudley, a Scotchman named Archye Cragge, with a letter from his master, testifying that the cause of his repair into these parts was to recover certain goods due to him on the late death of one of his kinsmen in this realm. Understands that he has another errand in hand that tends little to the Queen's service or Throckmorton's credit. "Sir, it is not amiss that Princes and their Councillors use more ministers than one in matters of state, but if I were not party, me thinketh it advanceth little their service that such base personages should so use their practises as the Princes' Ambassadors' credit at home and abroad should be brought in question." Hopes that on their return they will speak truth. —Orleans, 22 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22. 916. Throckmorton to the Earl of Arran.
Has received his letter of the 3rd inst. Professes goodwill towards Scotland and himself, and that he will aid in nourishing long and mutual good amity between England and Scotland. Refers to the bearer for occurrences here.— Orleans, 22 Jan. 1560.
Copy. Endd.: 23 [sic] Jan. 1560. To the Earl of Arran in answer to his of the 3rd of the same. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22. 917. Charles IX. to the Estates of Scotland. (fn. 1)
Sends the bearer, the Sieur De L'Isle, his counsellor and Master of the Requests, to inform them of his desire for the continuance of the amity between France and Scotland, and desires them to give him credence.—Orleans, 22 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Copy. (fn. 2) Fr.
Jan. 22. 918. Catherine De Medicis to the Estates of Scotland.
The King, her son, being anxious to preserve the former good amity with Scotland, sends thither the Sieur De L'Isle, whom she has charged to declare her goodwill towards them. —Orleans, 22 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Copy. (fn. 3) Fr.
Jan. 23. 919. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Wrote last on 18th inst. Upon occasion of letters out of Scotland the Queen of Scots has revoked her commission to certain to treat with the Estates that she might be at liberty for her marriage, and that matters of religion might remain suspended. She writes severally and kindly to them all, and amongst the rest to Lethington, Balnaves, and Grange, promising oblivion of all things past; though next to the Earl of Arran there are none in that realm to whom she bears less affection. As for the Earl of Arran, she has used such kindness in words and good usage of his messenger as it is not a little to be marvelled at. The same persons that were appointed to the other commission have charge of the new; Craigmillar, Blenerne, and Balfour will go by England, and Lesley and Finlater by sea. Craigmillar has sent him word that at his coming into England he will declare to Cecil the effect of his charge. Within two or three days after the forty days of the Queen of Scots' mourning, she removed two leagues out of the town, and there continues; she is visited every other day by the King, the Queen Mother, and the Princes of the Court; the Spanish Ambassador and his wife are very often with her. Don Juan Menriques is not yet arrived, but is looked for daily, and his lodging provided.—Orleans, 23 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. A few passages in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 23. 920. Throckmorton to Maitland.
Has received by the bearer his letter of the 1st of January, wherein he desires to know the state of things here. Since the late King's death the writer has written more than once. Refers him to the bearer, his [Maitland's] friend, for information of the present doings here, he having had so good means to inform himself of all, and to have resort in all places and to all estates where the same may be known.—Orleans, 23 Jan. 1560.
Copy. Endd.: To the L. of Lethington. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 921. The Queen to Throckmorton.
Licenses [Nicolas] Tremain, gentleman, to enter into the service of the King of Navarre, by which means he will be the better able hereafter to serve her, and ordering Throckmorton of his own motion to prefer Tremain to the King's service; this not to seem to be at her request.—Westminster 23 Jan. 1560.
Copy. Endd.: M. for Nicolas Tremain. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 922. Another copy of the above.
Orig. Draft in Cecil's hol., written on the back of the following number.
Jan. 23. 923. The Queen to Throckmorton.
He shall assist and advise the Earl of Bedford, who is sent to the French Court on her affairs. Has not sent his successor, but means not that he should remain longer than till some matters that are in doubt may be settled.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. and endd. by his secretary: M. to Throckmorton, 23 Jan. 1560, by my Lord of Bedford. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 924. Thomas Jenyson to Cecil.
1. Arrived in these parts on Christmas Eve and after delivering the letters of the Queen and Lords of the Council to the Governor he proceeded to the calling of the check book of the artificers and labourers; and afterwards entered to the taking of the remain and conferred the state of the works. Thereby, and by the Governor's absence at Hexham, (where he remained nine or ten days,) the musters for the garrison were deferred until the 16th inst. Sends herewith a declaration of the charges for the last quarter, which he will do quarterly. Sends likewise a book of the remain of the stores being serviceable, and of the proportions requisite to be provided; before the arrival whereof it were not needful to send any workmen hither other than hard hewers, four or five smiths, three or four sawyers, and two or three wheelwrights. Will provide at Newcastle next week such things as are most needful. If the time were not far spent and riding charges excessive, would have ridden to the Court to see that the best stuff was chosen, for which the Queen well pays. The artificers inform him that there comes little good stuff hither. Takes Sir Richard Lee to be without blame, but not his purveyors and servants, who seek their private gain.
2. On the day that the musters were taken, he employed two honest painsful young men, called Thomas Barton and John Byrd, (whom Mr. Grimstone left as overseers of the works, at the entertainment of 20d. per diem, and who, by their diligence, save the Queen five-fold their entertainment,) and found that eighteen of the workmen mustered in the garrison bands. The two young men fear to be displaced. The clerks of the works here are assigned clerks over fifty workmen a piece, and have but 10d. per diem, which will scarcely find them sufficient meat, drink, and lodging. Desires to know whether he may give them sixty men and 12d. per diem.
3. Though he has charge of the stores and store-houses yet has he no lodging therein but two little chambers, a cellar, and a kitchen, wherein Sir Richard Lee's men delay him until they can hear from their master, so that he is forced to lie from his charge at no little expense, and to leave his wife at Newcastle. The sawyers are such triflers that they make easy expedition of the work, and the smiths are such purloiners that of one cwt. of iron delivered to them he cannot receive above 72 or 761bs., who would make him believe that the residue was wasted. Desires that some skil ful man may confer thereupon with the wardens of the carpenters and smiths. Trusts that by putting things out by great, double expedition may be used; for they work not seven hours and do not five hours' work. The Queen pays 16s. for every chaldron of coals with the freight, which he thinks unreasonable, and will therefore confer with Mr. Anderson or some other at Newcastle. Fears lest there should not be sufficient store of hewn stone, the want whereof caused the works to cease sooner last year; therefore it were not best to have many masons fresh before mid March, or here before mid April. If the Irish hard hewers come not this fortnight, he will have tools ready prepared for them. In the book of the entertainments of the garrison and works sent to him he has entered his own for the last quarter.—Berwick, 23 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary, with a few notes on the back by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Jan. 23. 925. Billingshusen and Others to the Queen.
The writers desire credit to be given to Elias Eisenburg to prosecute in their cause against John Ashe.—Lubeck, 10 Cal. Feb. 1561. Signed: Gerhardus Rhuiter, Henricus Billingeshusen, Joannes De Alven, Laurentius Grote.
Orig., with four seals. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 8.
Jan. 23. 926. Piracy by John Ashe.
A note of letters sent to the Queen in favour of Henry Billingshusen and other citizens of Lubeck, who were robbed at sea by John Ashe and other Englishmen, in Aug. 1557. It consists of the following abstracts.
1. Letters from the Emperor, dated at Vienna, 16th March 1560, to the Queen, with a supplication to him, and depositions of witnesses, under the seal of Lubeck, and translated from Dutch into Latin, by Christopher Messerschmydye, secretary of Lubeck. (fn. 4)
2. Letters of the 19 Oct. 1560, from the Council and Senators of Lubeck to the Queen. (fn. 5)
3. Letters in favour of Billingshusen, without date, from Catherine, late wife of Magnus, Duke of Saxony, of the house of Brunswick and Lunenburg.
4. Letters from Billingshusen and other citizens of Lubeck, spoiled by Ashe, to the Queen, desiring credit to be given to Elias Eisenberg, sent by them to prosecute in their cause. —Dated 23 Jan. 1561.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 24. 927. Throckmorton to Cecil.
This day it has pleased God to lay His hand upon him so sore that he is moved to think that he will not long toil unhappily in this wretched life. Thinks that some gentleman should be appointed to accompany him that shall be sent next thither, for he finds himself in such state that there is no reckoning to be made of him, though he should recover this sickness. Prays him to bestow the proof of his good will upon his wife, children, and servants, who will have need of such a patron. Lays all his sins upon Jesus Christ crucified, Does not forget the saying of the Prophet: Nolite confidere in quibus non est salus. Received Cecil's letter of the 15th on the 22nd inst., the profit that he takes from it is that he wishes, as St. Paul did, cupio disolvi et esse cum Christo.— Orleans, 24 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 24. 928. John Somer to Cecil.
1. After that the Ambassador had made up this packet, (which Captain Forbes will bring,) being not able to write or meddle any further in worldly matters, his passion of sickness increasing so sore upon him, he commanded him [Somer] to write as follows. The Queen has doubtless been advertised out of Scotland of the cause of Captain Forbes' message. Yet for that Mr. Randolph writes that his errand should be only to the King of Navarre, and now it is found otherwise, he advertises the Queen thereof. At the said Forbes' arrival in this town on the 20th inst., he went straight in post to where the Queen of Scotland lay, who not only well received him, but talked with him an hour and a half together; and the next day likewise a long while. In his despatch homeward again she has written of her own hand to the Earl of Arran.
2. As he was ending this letter, Stephen Davies, Throckmorton's servant, arrived from the Queen; Throckmorton being sick in his bed. Of the said Davis he and Mr. Middlemore learnt that there was none appointed to come in his place as was promised; and being advised by the physicians to give him no occasion of unquietness, they have not let him see the despatch yet, but only told him that the Earl of Bedford was upon his despatch hitherward with a good company of gentlemen, amongst whom they thought was his successor. His sickness is sudden and violent, and not yet by the physicians well discussed.—Orleans, 24 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp.3.
Jan. 24. 929. John Somer to the Earl of Bedford.
1. Throckmorton's servant, Stephen Davies, arrived here on the 23rd inst.. with letters from the Lords of the Council and the Earl to the Ambassador, that he was coming in ambassade, wherein he would have greatly rejoiced but for his health, which stands at present in very dangerous terms. They who are near him have great cause to doubt of his long lasting. His sickness is sudden and violent, and not yet well discussed by the physicians; they have more cause to suspect than hope. Has thought it his duty to tell the Earl of Throck- morton's case, that he might bethink him what was meet to be done in case he quailed before the Earl's arrival, and to consider whether it were meet to procure the coming of some other personage to assist him in his charge, and to reside here as the Queen's Ambassador. By the advice of the physicians has not opened to him the despatch brought by Davies; and being somewhat acquainted with his grief, he thought good to conceal the substance of it from him. Is sorry to see Throckmorton no better satisfied in expectation, not only for himself, but for such others as he has commended. If he is in case at his coming to tell him of his griefs, he thinks he will hear of extraordinary unkindness. The particularities are best known to him, his bemoaning of them Somers can somewhat witness.
2. It is resolved by the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Council, that the King should depart on the 3rd or 4th of Feb. towards Fontainebleau. Throckmorton has given some order to have him lodged in St. Antony's Street in Paris, or else in St. Germain's Faubourg; he was minded to borrow M. Dampville's house in St. Antony's Street, if he were not there himself. Don Juan Menriques is not yet come; Throckmorton wished that he might have departed ere the Earl of Bedford came. He has given the writer charge to resort to-morrow to the King of Navarre and the Constable, to advertise them of the Earl's coming, and procure order for his lodging at the Court.—Orleans, 24 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Jan. 24. 930. Thomas Wilson to Throckmorton.
Would willingly have reported to him his practices used in Rome, and the doing of others towards him, but found that he was called to serve abroad. Has had no means of writing to him. Sends now by his dear friend Killegrew only to show his good will.—From the Court, 24 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Injured by damp. Add. Endd. Pp. 2
Jan. 25. 931. Cecil to Throckmorton.
The coming of the Earl of Bedford (to whom he refers) saves him the labour of long writing. Thinks he will be satisfied by him of all things save the following. For Har- leston's case the Council have written to him; for O'Connor's it is thought best to give him good words until the Earl of Sussex's opinion be had, who will be here in twelve or fourteen days. Thinks he will do no good in Ireland. This day the Viscount of Amiens died; and his wife desires passport for his body, and for herself and train. The Queen wishes Throck- morton to be well informed of the hostages newly named; and Cecil wishes them to be Protestants, for others of contrary opinion have done some hurt here. Has procured the chain for M. Morrette to be made richer by 100 crowns than he has authority to do. Can procure no answer to Throckmorton's letters written to the Queen, and the Earl of Bedford can state the cause. Hears from Scotland that they are assembled to make choice of an embassy to their Sovereign, and many are found inclinable to serve any part of her affections, but the wisest will, he trusts, do otherwise.—Westminster, 25 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 25. 932. Memorial to Mary, Queen of Scots. (fn. 6)
1. Now that she is at liberty to govern her realm as she likes, the Queen of England desires that she will rather govern by law and love than by force and arms. Her realm has been well and quietly governed since the removing of the men of war from thence. The proof of the Queen of England's well meaning appeared last year by her seizing no piece to her own use, nor seeking to win any of the Scots from their obedience. The English Wardens have taken order with those of Scotland, and have reduced the broken and insolent people on both sides, so that the Borders have not been so quiet for many years. The Queen of England desires to have all former unkindness and occasions of unkindness buried; but if her kindness and good offices be refused and a continuance of injuries be used, then she will be compelled to alter her friendship and love to some other affection.
2. Queen Elizabeth desires that the promises for the ratification of the late treaty made at Edinburgh may be fulfilled; she is inclined to impute the delay to the late King's ministers rather than to her affection.—25 Jan. 1560.
Copy, in the hand of Bedford's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 25. 933. John Somer to the Earl of Bedford.
1. Throckmorton, understanding that the Earl was appointed to come hither, commanded him [Somer] to write his letter of yesterday. According to his orders the writer went to the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Constable, with his message. The same evening they sent a maitre d'hôtel of the King, saying that as the King minded to depart out of this town very shortly, his pleasure was that the Earl should stay at Paris till his coming to Fontainebleau. By command of the Ambassador he has requested the Constable that the Earl of Bedford might be lodged at the house of his son, M. Dampville, in St. Antony Street at Paris, where Ambassadors have often lodged; who answered that all his houses at Paris and elsewhere should be at his Lordship's commandment. and that he would write to his son for that purpose. The Earl must therefore tarry at Paris till he knows further of the King's pleasure, which is a great ease for him. He will do well to send before one skilful a day or two to accommodate the house and other lodgings for the rest of his train. Throckmorton minds to send one hither shortly to join with him. The Constable told him that they had knowledge of the Earl's coming before he told them, and that the King had written to M. De Senarpont and others in Picardy for his better usage. The King will depart about the beginning of next month, and will be seven or eight days between this and Fontainebleau, so that his Lordship will have good leisure to repose at Paris and to procure assistance of the Queen, for so the necessity of Throckmorton's case requires, whose state is as it was at the writing of his last, yet they have some more hope of him.
2. Don Juan Menriques arrived this evening in post with twelve in his company, and was received two leagues out of the town by MM. De Vielleville and Lansac, and by them brought to his lodgings, being first put to his choice to go either to the King booted as he arrived, or to his own lodging. —Orleans, 25 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Jan. 25. 934. John Shers to Cecil.
1. No news. The General Council by this week's news seems to be at a point. "He has his heart's ease in that point; for so that he may end his time with his estimation he will remit the care for the world to come to his successors." He has "tramed" some wars for this spring, whereupon his excuses may appear more apparent. The Cardinal of Mantua makes excuses, and refuses the legation for the General Council at Trent. The Caraffas do not know yet their pain, and the Cardinals would not that they should be condemned, lest it should be an example for some of them in time to come.
2. The Turk continues his preparations for the Goletta, and for Malta. The Duke of Cessa is expected at Milan. The Duke of Mantua prepares to receive Leonora, the Emperor's daughter, who is to be his bedfellow. It appears by the Duke of Savoy's Ambassador here that his master would fain be in hand for Geneva. There is much talk here of the new government in France, and also of the new Diet in Germany.—Venice, 25 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 26. 935. Volrad, Count of Mansfeld, to the Queen.
1. Some months ago he mentioned that there was about to be a great assembly of the German Princes at Naumburg on the Saal. It is now reported that they are hastening thither in great numbers, so that there will be there more than twenty Princes, and several representatives of the more important towns. The Count Palatine, Elector of the Rhine, Augustus, Elector of Saxony, and John Frederic, Duke of Saxony, Christopher, Duke of Wurtemberg, the younger Landgrave of Hesse, the Margrave of Baden, with many other Princes and a large number of followers will be present. The Elector of Brandenburg on account of a sudden fever cannot come, but sends his son John George. The assembly is held on account of some differences in religion and for the purpose of unanimously subscribing the Confession of Augsburg; when these differences are settled they think that they will be better able to resist the Popish tyranny. The Pope trusts that whatever is determined on at the Council of Trent will be enforced by arms by the great Princes. The Princes also hope that the Elector Palatine may be converted from his erroneous opinions about the Lord's Supper.
2. The affairs of Germany with respect to Turkey are in great danger, for not only has the Turk refused peace to the Emperor, but also the young Vayvode of Transylvania has declared himself an enemy, and the Turk has demanded a transit for his army across Poland, and has determined to send another army into Moravia and Bohemia, whilst he himself, with a third army, will besiege Vienna.
3. Some serious discord has arisen in Switzerland because the Papists at Glaris have come over to the reformed faith. The people of Glaris are therefore accused of violating a certain agreement by which neither party should seek to coerce the other. They affirm that, perceiving the Papistical abomination to be contrary to the Word of God, they have left it of their own accord. Nevertheless, at the instigation of the Pope, the other four parts have joined themselves to the Duke of Savoy. Complains that Gresham will not pay his pension, although he has been pressingly solicited to do so. —Mansfeld, 26 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 6.
Jan. 27. 936. John Fleming to Cecil.
1. On his coming towards London fell sick of an ague, and now is somewhat better and intends to return to Berwick to his charge as soon as he is able to ride. Sends by this bearer the model of the fittest manner of stocking the flankers in the new work at Berwick (where many of the pieces have to be stocked) both for saving of charge as also good service. Undertakes to save five marks in every common stock; Sir Richard Lee can declare the doing thereof, that order of stock may be made of oak.
2. Desires to know the Council's pleasure touching the converting the serpentine powder into corn. Undertakes to recover the powder so decayed and convert it into corn with the loss of five lbs. in the hundred, which is now to small purpose if it be not amended; the charge is little to the Queen as it shall be done by the gunners. Has been at no little charge in making the powder mill with a house to work in, as also trays to dry the same in, and sieves, and other instruments appertaining to the doing thereof; and as yet small recompence.
3. Whereas the repairing of the furniture of the ordnance has been done at Newcastle by Mr. Bennet, and they cannot come to Berwick suddenly, and when they do, do not fit the piece, and the artificers must travel to Berwick, and so lose time, therefore he desires that the doing of such affairs might be appointed to the Master of the Ordnance at Berwick.— Holmes Chapel, 27 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 27. 937. Mundt to Cecil.
Received the Queen's letter on the 26th, and this day will set out on his journey. Hopes to arrive in Saxony before the Convention is dissolved. The news from France is bad; the person from whom they hoped so much in the cause of religion is slothful and lukewarm; and (what is most of all to be deplored,) not only does he not assist the excellent work of "Neptune," but even opposes him, and has lately bound himself by a disgraceful oath to " the woman." The Pope has notified to the Emperor, and several Prelates in Germany, that the Council of Trent will be held, and the inns at Trent have been engaged by several Italians. Men wonder that, the times being so unsettled, the Emperor does not convoke the States, for the Muscovites are devastating Livonia most cruelly; the Turk is preparing a fleet against Sicily; and in the meantime the Pope intends to play the tyrant by means of this Council. There is no news from Switzerland.—Strasburg, 27 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
Jan. 28. 938. The Privy Council of Scotland to Queen Elizabeth.
Desire permission for John Hart, merchant of Edinburgh, to export 1,000 quarters of barley or barley malt, and 500 quarters of wheat, into France, for one year.—Edinburgh, 28 Jan., 19 Mary. Signed: James Hamilton, James Hamilton, James Stewart, Glencairn, Ruthven, Ochiltre, Morton, W. Maitland.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 28 Jan. 1560. Broadside.
Jan. 28. 939. Walter Carr, of Cessford, to Sir John Forster.
Received the twelve bills of England in a roll appointed between them at their late departing from the Staweford, from his officer George Wilkinson, on the 13th inst., and perceived that eight or nine of them were upon Liddlesdale. Notwithstanding, he immediately rode to the Council and showed the manner, and got Lord Borthwick in their presence, who desires that Forster will take in of the bills of Liddlesdale twelve, sixteen, or twenty of theirs, and send as many of his in like manner, and promises to meet him at Jedburgh, and then either to quit or file the bills. Desires him to send his bills of complaint upon East and West Teviotdale. Must hold him excused for not sending an answer more hastily. —Edinburgh, 28 Jan. 1560. Signed: Walter Carre of Cessforth.
Copy. P. 1.
Jan. 29. 940. Jones to Throckmorton.
1. Wrote to him on the 19th by Davyes. Not being called for nor thought upon to come over he stays here still, having presently so reasonable an excuse for his continuance here. Is now become half a countryman, partly for that there is nothing for him to do at the Court, being as strange there as if he had never been in France, and partly for necessity, as one of late a freeman become a prentice during his life. After that Mr. Germin was gone from his wife, (for she was made sure unto him by words,) Jones made suit not so much to have his leavings as to set himself with honesty at liberty, which he had hope of obtaining until Lord Paget [stirred] in the matter, and procured him a plain answer that [Sir] Gilbert's daughter was not for him. Having determined if he was required to return into France, he repaired unto the country to visit Mr. Waade, where he found such bait that he was suddenly caught with one that likes him well and has done long time, (viz. "Mr. Waade his daughter,") and entered into such favour with the maid that they may both say, "Blessed is the wooing that is not long a doing," for the wedding gear is already provided, to be used the first Sunday before Lent. After he saw that worldly men only care for worldly things, and more for what a man has not than for what he has, he determined never to be a suitor but for virtue's sake, and where he might before he began perceive some good inclination towards him. He was moved to proceed in this matter partly in respect of the maid, who is very sober, wise, and discreet, well brought up in fear and godliness, and has many virtues, amongst which good skill on the virginals is one, wherein there are not many better. He also knew the father to be a wise, honest, and godly gentleman, and he himself has need of the advice of such a father-in-law. Will shortly say, Uxorem duxi.
2. The Vidame of Amiens is dead, and will be buried at Pequiny. Some here greatly fear the matching of Spain with Scotland, and yet he sees no reason why it should be so, for it cannot much serve their turn who depend upon the Scotch Queen. It is bruited that the French and Spanish should practise against England, and are contented to make them fair weather, and that they will accord in God's religion. M. De Morette shall be considered with an honourable present. The Queen has lately taken some cold, which caused her to keep in for two or three days, but is now well again. It is talked secretly that if the General Council be agreed upon, and France and England agree in the orders and going to the same, the Earl of Bedford and Throckmorton shall be sent thither as Councillors, with two or three of the spirituality. The Bishops of the old crew are stiff-necked, and will not condescend to order; which he fears will cause more constraint to be used. The money mends daily in goodness, fineness, and fair stamp. The bruit is here that the King of Sweden is poisoned. The Duke of Holst's Chancellor departed with good contentation on the 27th. Mr. Peyto would very gladly come into France, but is afraid of the former precedent of the story of his journey into Spain.—London, 29 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. A very few words in cipher, deciphered. Injured by damp on the outer margin. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Jan. 29. 941. Intelligence from Vienna.
On Innocent's Day the Turks made an irruption into Hungary, where they took more than 4,000 prisoners and burnt certain villages. The fear is increased by finding that the Emperor has done nothing to prevent these inroads. The Duke of Muscovy has made himself master of all Livonia, excepting two strong cities. The issue of the proceedings of M. Dolfino with the Duke of Saxony and of II Commendone with the Palatine in the matter of the Council, is expected. They will set out from hence on 17th inst.—Headed: From Vienna, 29 Jan. 1561.
Copy. Ital. P. 1.
Jan. 29. 942. Sale of English Cloth on the Continent.
1. White cloths of Wiltshire, Gloucester, and Somersetshire, with others of the like nature termed sorting cloths, are for the most part consumed in Germany; and a small quantity in the Low Countries, Brabant, Holland, Friesland, and Groningen.
2. The better sort of white cloths, and also the Kentish cloth, are for the most part consumed in the above said Low Countries, and the residue in Italy, Germany, and Spain.
3. Suffolk cloths in colours, western reds and blues, are wholly consumed in Eastland, Spain, Portugal, and Barbary.
4. Hampshire kerseys, and such like, and northerns are consumed in Hungary, Italy, and countries beyond the same.
5. White kerseys, called Devonshire dozens, the finest being the least number, are consumed in Spain and the Indies; the middle sort in the Low Countries, and the mean sort in France.
6. Bristol friezes, Welch, and the most part of Manchester cottons, are consumed in France, the rest in Italy, Spain, and the Low Countries; also there are consumed in France divers kinds of coarse cloths made in Devonshire and other countries, Melton whites, and such like.
7. Wool is for the most part consumed in the Low Countries, some of the best in Italy, and a small quantity in France.
8. Lead and tin are for the most part consumed in France, and the residue in Italy, Spain, and the Low Countries.
9. Such commodities as are consumed in other places except the Low Countries may be uttered in other places; so as none of the same be brought into the Low Countries, but nothing so commodious to the merchant, considering how that country is traded with all other nations.
10. And leaving upon occasion the said Low Countries, for serving Eastland, Germany, and Italy, Emden and Hamburg are the fittest places.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 29 Jan. An answer to 1 and 2 Articles, amended by the Governor and six other merchants only. Pp. 2.
Jan. 30. 943. The Earl of Bedford to the Lords of the Council.
Was advertised this day that the Ambassador in France is very sick, and has been in danger. Desires to know whether they will enlarge upon his [the writer's] former instructions, or appoint some other in the Ambassador's place.—Boulogne, 30 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 30. 944. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
1. Sends Somers' letters announcing Throckmorton's sickness, and desires further instructions. Would be loath to do anything in this business, being of such charge, without special orders. Since it is thought that his sickness grows of melancholy that he cannot be revoked, it would not be amiss to procure some letter to him, to comfort him with the good hope of his short return. Encloses his letter to the Lords, which Cecil, if he thinks good, may deliver to them.— Boulogne, 30 Jan. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—To-morrow he will despatch one purposely to the Ambassador, of whose case he will write to Cecil.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31. 945. The Privy Council of Scotland to the King of Denmark.
The writers have received his letter of the 23rd Oct., addressed to the Governors of Scotland, but decline answering him about the restitution of the Orkneys, on account of the absence of the Queen.—Edinburgh, Prid. Cal. Feb. 1560. Signed: James Hamilton, James Hamilton, Argyll, Alex. Glencairn, Morton, Rothes, James Stuart, Ruthven.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31. 946. The Master of Maxwell to Cecil.
Reminds Cecil that when he was at Edinburgh the writer spoke to him of the redress of the West Marches, since which time he has sought Lord Dacre very affectuously for the same; and to the terror of notable offenders has given him one of the most principal truce breakers of Scotland that dwelt forty years upon the West Marches, who was "justiseit," and took from him but one Scotch fellow in like manner to be punished. Now presently Lord Dacre has one Scotch fellow born under Maxwell's father, who has been a principal slayer of eleven Englishmen, and a known truce breaker both in theft and slaughter, and Maxwell has an Englishman who of late slew one of Carlisle; yet Dacre will not deliver up this notable thief and murderer of both English and Scots for this other who committed such a heinous crime. Maxwell desires to know the Queen's pleasure herein.—Edinburgh, last of Jan. 1560. Signed: John Maxwell.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: The Master [of] Maxwell to my master. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31. 947. Humphry Colwiche to Lord Grey.
This day the Justice Clerk and Mr. Magyll answered Lord Grey's articles, (but not in such sort as he looked for,) and moved the Lords, who thought them not answered to their meaning, and required him to write to Grey to continue the next day of march for eight days longer; and that they, having found his articles so honourable, will take order for their execution. They have passed the book of reformation of religion to be kept through the whole realm, and have also nominated Lord James, the young Bishop of St. Andrews called the Abbot of Kilwinning, and Lord Erskine to go into France.—Edinburgh, 31 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Copy. P. 1.
[Jan.] 948. Remembrances for Colwiche sent to Randolph.
1. To make declaration of the two several incursions done by the Scots and their cruel part used unto the English.
2. To complain of the Laird of Cessford's lack of doing justice, and how he caused Lord [Grey] with the whole country to come "in waste" to the place of meeting.
3. To charge the Laird of Cessford with the nightly robberies that his tenants make in the East Marches.
4. To charge him for not making delivery of the following bills according to his indenture in writing, viz., Thomas Forster's bill upon Liddlesdale, Mr. Nevett's, Thomas Grey's, Thompson's bill, Thomas Hoburn's, Humphry Colwiche's, John Scot's, upon Liddlesdale, William Collingwood's upon Liddlesdale. There are also ninety-four bills, as appears by the rolls.
Copy. P. 1.


  • 1. Instructions for the Abbe De L'Isle.
    Jan. 23.
    MS. Paris, Teulet, i. 641.
    1. Gilles De Noailles, Abbe De L'Isle (despatched into Scotland from Charles IX. of France) on his arrival shall present to the Lords of the Parliament of Scotland his letters of credence, and shall declare the regret felt in France in consequence of the separation of that close alliance which had existed between the realms through the marriage of the late King of France with the Queen of Scotland. Charles hopes, however, that the amity between the two crowns shall continue as heretofore. The Queen of Scotland informs them, for her part, that she is willing to forget the past, and Noailles (acting in concert with the deputies sent by herself) is instructed to use his influence to induce the Scottish Lords to accept with the gratitude which it deserves this proof of her goodwill towards them, which is only the prelude to her kindly intentions for the future. He shall state that he has been instructed to offer to the Queen the formal renewal of the treaties of alliance between France and Scotland. According as he shall see expedient, he may extend his credence to such matters as shall appear to him to be for the Queen's interest.
    2. Should the Queen of England wish to see him as he is passing, he shall explain to her the occasion of his journey, and endeavour to discern the nature of her sentiments towards the Scotch. If she inquires as to the ratification of the last treaty (about which she has always been so urgent), he shall answer that all arrangements had been made for the despatch of the two deputies from France, when the sudden death of the King intervened. A good understanding, however, between the two Courts would assuredly continue.—Orleans, 23 Jan. 1560. Signed.
  • 2. This copy is one of a series of documents of various dates, which are written by a Scottish hand upon four leaves of paper, and endorsed apparently by Randolph. The writing is much faded.
  • 3. See the last note.
  • 4. See the previous volume, Nos. 833, 834, and 867, the chief contents of which are here repeated.
  • 5. See the present volume, No. 649.
  • 6. This paper is a summary of the Instructions to the Earl of Bedford, see 20 Jan. No. 898.