Elizabeth: November 1560, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: November 1560, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp401-416 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1560, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp401-416.

"Elizabeth: November 1560, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp401-416.


November 1560, 21-30

Nov. 23. 728. The Queen to Lord Grey.
Warrant authorizing him to receive John Cunningham, the son of the eldest son of the Earl of Glencairn, as hostage in exchange for James Cunningham, the said Earl's son.
Copy. Endd.: 23 Nov. 1560. Pp. 2.
Nov. 23. 729. John Shers to Cecil.
1. Advices from Rome of the 23 Nov.—The Duke of Florence has departed from Florence to Sienna and thence to Rome, which he entered with much pomp in rich apparel, with above 1,000 horses and 400 arquebusiers for his guard. He is lodged in the Pope's palace and entertained with all kinds of banquetting. The Duchess also is there, and daily plays with the Cardinals and others; they write that this week past she lost 6,000 crowns. The Duke is daily at least two hours alone with the Pope in consult. Most men judge his being here will breed no purpose. Mr. Pasquin and "Morphero" talk at liberty with schedules upon each corner "non sine quare lupus ad urbem."
2. The Duke of Urbino is also at Rome, and on Sunday last the Pope made them a solemn feast. The Duchess and the Duchess of Braciano and Marc Antonio Colonna were there. After dinner they had the Pope's blessing, and then each returned to such pastime as they most delighted in.
3. On Monday the Cardinal Farnese by the Pope's order, or with his assent, made a solemn year's mind and Dirige for Paulo Tertio. The same day Cardinal Borromeo was put in possession of Monte Cibo, that was before of the Cardinal Ariano. The Cardinal Farnese with eight Cardinals accompanied him.
4. On Tuesday the Pope had a public consistory in the ordinary hall for the Duke of Urbino, but he entered quietly and without ceremony.
5. On Wednesday there was read the Pope's " Motu Proprio," by which he alienated Civita Nova and Monte Consero, within the Marquisate of Ancona, to II Signior Cesarini for ever. On the same day the Cardinal of Trent was admitted to his new office for the extirpation of heresies.
6. On Friday there was much ado for the Caraffas, but nothing determined. The Pope, (being earnestly provoked by the Emperor, and the French and Spanish Kings for a General Council,) determined for the continuation of the Council at Trent; and the charge for the composition of the Bull for that purpose was committed to the Cardinals Saint Clement and Sarazeno, to be published next week.
7. To-morrow the Pope, the Cardinals, and all the clergy will go barefooted in procession to pray that all such as are separated from the Church may return again to the obedience of the same; and with the same there shall be an absolution granted a pœna and culpa to all such as will. The talk for the General Council is great. Venice is quiet. Professes great zeal and desire to do service. Has seen an extract of the English proceedings and government, from the 20th year of Henry VIII. to this time; be it true or false, it is full of strange matter.—Venice, 23 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Nov. 23. 730. Storehouses at Berwick and Holy Island.
Warrant to John Abington, authorizing him to give up to Valentine Brown the custody of all the brew and bake houses and store houses in Berwick and Holy Island.
Copy. Endd.: 23 Nov. 1560. Pp. 2.
Nov. 25. 731. The Queen to the Lord Treasurer.
The Merchant Adventurers trading to Flanders, having received certain privileges from Antwerp, she, at their request, permits the Adventurers to carry over five brewings of beer, each brewing to consist of six tons, paying the old customs only.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by his secretary Pp. 2.
Nov. 25. 732. The Queen to Lord Grey and the Council at Berwick.
Commission appointing Thomas Jenyson to be Clerk of the Check.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 25. 733. The Lords of the Council to Sir Richard Lee.
The Queen having appointed [Thomas] Jenyson to be Clerk of the Check in Berwick, and comptroller of the works, they desire Lee to make a declaration to him before Valentine Brown of all the emptions and provisions remaining on hand. She also wills that no one be entered to wage in the works without the said Jenyson being first made privy thereto, as also to all bargains or compositions concerning the works and the provisions for the same.—Westminster, 25 Nov. 1560
Draft. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 26. 734. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On the 22nd inst. there arrived a gentleman from the King of Denmark with letters to the Duke and Lords of the Council, of which he sends a copy. The answer thereunto will tend unto the like effect as has been given in times past, which was, that a free quittance had been made of the whole by his predecessors for themselves and their heirs for ever.
2. Affairs remain in the same state as they did at the writing of his last letter. The Earl of Arran, Lord James, and others of the Council repair shortly towards the Borders to put order through the whole; on the 10th of the next month they intend to have their sessions at Jedburgh. Divers are glad of Lord Grey's arrival at Berwick, and hope very well of his good will to maintenance of justice.—Edinburgh, 26 Nov. 1560. (fn. 1) Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 26.] 735. Lord Grey's Proceedings at Berwick.
1. At his arrival there, he apprehended Muschamp and Swinnow, and committing them to ward sent for the gentlemen of Northumberland of the East and Middle Marches, and in their presence examined the contention between Rowland Forster and the said Muschamp, and finding Muschamp culpable in the hurt of Reginald Forster, punished him with ten days imprisonment, and ordered that in the presence of the writer, of the Council, and Sir John Forster, Sir Ralph Grey, Sir Thomas Grey, and divers of the friends of both parties, he should upon his knees reconcile himself, confessing his fault, asking forgiveness, and offering Rowland Forster any recompence in money he would demand. This the said Rowland very courteously received, and embracing him, forgave him earnestly all his offences, and since that time has been a loving neighbour to him, and all his.
2. In a controversy between the said Muschamps and Ralph Swinnow for possession of lands, which was almost grown to a deadly feud, he made an accord that divers friends should divide the lands, goods, and children of the dead between them; and each reconciling other, with forgiveness of all offences past between them on either part, they are released of imprisonment and bonds of peace, and are now better friends and more familiar than ever they were.
3. Has also reconciled the long variance between Sir Thomas Grey of Horton and Sir John Forster and his brethren, touching the marriage of the mother of the said Forster, which he conjectures to have been the ground of all the contentions between the rest of the gentlemen of the country. There being a variance between Roger Witherington and the Horseleys, and his servant Bradley, he has in like case committed them to ward, and appeased the grievances. No contention remains in these parts, saving only a brabbling variance between the Rivelies (now at London) and the Swinnows; and when the counter party shall be come from London he will accord them as he has done the rest. Cecil's note: Thanks for this; with order that the parties under their hands and seals acknowledge their discord and promise to keep the peace.
4. Has established a watch as Lord Wharton devised; though it is chargeable to the country he must continue it until better assurance of the Scots' amity. Cecil's note: Allowed.
5. For increase of friendship with the Scots he caused his deputy, Sir Ralph Grey, to meet Lord Hume at the day of truce for redress of attempts in his wardenry, when such justice was ministered on both parts as has been seldom seen before in this country. Therefore, perceiving Lord Hume's inclination for justice, he sent to meet him for agreement of matters in controversy, and they have likewise agreed that justice shall be done on either part. Cecil's note: The Queen allows well of Lord Hume's disposition to justice.
6. For Teviotdale and Liddlesdale, which are under the wardenry of the Laird of Cessford, he could never get any reason from him; wherefore he sent his servant to Edinburgh with letters to the Council which procured Cessford's repair to them, where he received such authority as he will answer at the day of March on Tuesday Nov. 26th, and where Lord Grey intends to be. Has received letters from the Duke and the rest of the secret Council, which he sends, to show their conformity and zeal to quiet and order. As the Earl of Arran, or some other of the nobility, will come shortly to Jedburgh for a justice Court, it is necessary that the writer should have letters of licence to go into Scotland to meet them; and also letters dormant to do the same as often as shall be necessary. Cecil's note: To have letters to this effect.
7. Desires licence for Sir Thomas Grey to repair into the south, and that some stipend may be allowed him [Grey] to farm his house [Horton], which he is willing to let to the writer as a place of repair during the days of truce. Cecil's note: The Queen's licence.
8. Finds this town in marvellous disorder for negligence of service and weakness, and also in want of men to fill the circuit for any sudden event. And whereas it has been thought good that in cases of need the power of the Marches should resort thither, it has been experimented divers times, and he has been credibly informed that the inhabitants of the country utterly refuse to abandon their families and houses to succour the town, lest in their absence they should be spoiled and the whole country overrun. Cecil's note: Upon musters made, special men and nobles shall be appointed to resort to Berwick.
9. Sends a book of the orders that he has devised for the watch and ward of the town and castle for them to consider. Cecil's note: Allows the placing very well.
10. In the old garrison he finds the constables so unskilful that they are utterly unworthy of their places, being men unlearned, and used generally to deliver the watchword to their children, servants, or others to read, which is very dangerous. Having taken one of them already with that offence, he detains him in ward till they shall signify what punishment shall be appointed; there being none in the statutes. Cecil's note: To consider how they might be removed. The offender shall be removed from his room.
11. Has partly touched on the town's strength in his book of orders; has commanded his man to declare his opinion, and will by Mr. Grimstone advertise further. On view of the muster he has found in the new crews many insufficient soldiers, the cause whereof is that such as have married Scottish women banished the town, not being willing to separate themselves from their wives, are departed. Also a great number of skilful valiant soldiers trained in long service are cassed because they were born in Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, or the bishopric; and albeit divers of them remain, yet he dare not discharge them, for want of others sufficient to furnish their room. Cecil's note: There be plenty of soldiers in England.
12. Desires to know whether he shall give entertainment in the bands to such soldiers as have married townswomen having houses, lands, or goods able to find them, as they are able otherwise to live, the Queen might have them both as townsmen and soldiers. Cecil's note: Upon some respects they may have dispensation. As necessity shall serve.
13. Six tipstaves are necessary, which may be in the new crew at 10d. per diem. Cecil's note: Four be enough.
14. Desires that some virtuous minister of divine service may be sent presently according to the prescriptions in the new rates and statutes, and order given to the surveyor for enlarging the church, which is not sufficient. Thinks that the people will be more devout and of better life, for he perceives that the gentlemen and soldiers have good conversation, and very willing to observe good order. Has called the companies by order to service three days in the week, and is there to see it well executed. Asks also that a skilful physician and an apothecary may be sent. Cecil's note: A preacher and a coadjutor are sent already; the rest may be appointed by Grey, and the Council, by advice of Mr. Skinner, Dean of Durham. The church shall be enlarged this next summer.
15. It is thought very raw that such a town should be without a trumpet to sound for proclamations; desires that one may be sent. Cecil's note: Allowance of 20l. per ann. for a trumpet.
16. Desires to have a wheat mill in the town, as they have only one horse mill. Cecil's note: Val. Brown shall consider it.
17. Desires to know their pleasure with respect to extraordinary warrants that are presented to him. Cecil's note: Of these he shall have good consideration.
Orig., with notes in the margin in Cecil's writing, and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 11.
Nov. 26. 736. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Wrote on 8th Oct. through Gresham's agent at Antwerp, in which he has spoken of the frequent negociations between the French King and the German Princes. The Rhinegrave has departed into Hesse from the convention of Princes lately held at Stutgard, together with Count John of Salm who is also a French pensioner; where, by the Landgrave's permission and the dissimulation of the Saxon Dukes of Weimar, they have levied 2,000 cavalry to take into France, which they have partly collected in the territories of the Abbot of Fulda, on the boundaries of Hesse. The prefect of the Rhenish circle, the Count of Salm, being informed of this preparation of cavalry, assembled his captains at Worms, where it was decided that they would not be permitted to transport their cavalry into France. For a warning had been given in the Imperial Diet, that no assembling or travelling of soldiers would be allowed, unless by the express permission of the Emperor; for whereever they went they did great damage to the inhabitants. It is probable that these cavalry have been levied through the schemes of the Guises. But though the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé, who were on different sides at first, are shut up at Court, it is uncertain how far a cavalry expedition would succeed.
2. Lately envoys have passed from the Princes of the extreme Saxon coast, (such as Mecklenburg, Lunenburg, Pomerania, and others,) who have asked aid from the Emperor against the brutal cruelty inflicted by the Muscovites over nearly all Livonia, warning them that if they once set foot in the boundaries of Saxony, they will never be driven out. The Emperor seems slow in helping them, being more solicitous about Hungary, besides which, the large sums contributed at the last Diet of Augsburg are spent. The Emperor has left Vienna on account of the plague, for Bohemia, and his son Maximilian accompanies him. There is a great stir in Switzerland between the Protestant and Catholic cantons; for the canton of Glaris has lately gone over from the Papists to the other side; which complains that this defection is contrary to the treaty, (as if it were wrong to break bad promises,) and threatens them with war. The other cantons will not neglect their defence. The Papist cantons, seeing themselves weaker than the others, have asked for aid from the Duke of Savoy, the Pope and others. If this war breaks out it will injure both parties. This question is vehemently discussed in all the assemblies of the cantons, but in January it will be prorogued. Sends a letter of Melancthon lately published, which as it will please all lovers of peace, so will it displease the Capernaites.—Strasburg, 26 Nov. 1560. Signature torn off.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 4.
Nov. 28.
Hardwick, i. 147.
737. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his letters of the 17th (sent by Jones), and others of the 18th (sent by M. Morette), understands that the Bishop of Limoges, Ambassador from the French King to the King Catholic, has insinuated to the said King that the Estates of Scotland have very evil accomplished the late treaty, much less the obedience which belongs to good subjects. Hereupon the said Ambassador, on his master's behalf, required the King, to give his advice how he shall treat the said Scots. The King of Spain asked whether the King asked sincerely for his advice, and being answered that he meant truly, said he must first know how the King minded to proceed therein; agreeable thereto M. De Chantonet, the Spanish Ambassador here, had on the 18th an audience with the French King, who answered he did not mean to use force with the Scots, if otherwise he might have them well ordered subjects. On the 19th M. De Chantonet advertised the writer of the premises by his secretary. What this brotherly participation of the Scotch affairs between these Princes means, he knows not.
2. According to her command by her letters of 19 Oct. he has advertised (by letters of 20 Nov.) Chamberlain, her Ambassador in Spain, of his proceedings with these men touching the satisfaction of the treaty at good length, a copy of which he encloses. (fn. 2) The King of Spain has given order to stay the 5,000 Spaniards in the Low Countries who were to go to Sicily, even if they be embarked. The Prince of Spain is sick of the quartain and will not be long lived. He shall be fianced to the Dowager of Portugal, his father's sister, who shall be made Regent of Flanders. The posts run apace and often between the Kings of France and Spain. M. De Chantonet would not suffer Gamboa, the Queen's pensioner, to speak with the writer, when he come on the 17th going to Flanders. Since the 17th inst. the Earl of Bothwell is suddenly departed to Scotland, and boasts he will live in Scotland in spite of all men. He is a glorious, rash, and hazardous young man, therefore his adversaries should have an eye to him and keep him short.
3. The King is indisposed and remains at Orleans until the assembling of the Estates. Sends a letter from Chamberlain to the writer.
4. Lord Seton had his despatch on the 22nd and had 800 francs paid him of the arrears of his pension, for being gentleman of the King's chamber; for money disbursed by him for their provisions at Leith, he has assignation upon the Queen's domain in Scotland. They have also given him an abbey in the north of Scotland worth 4,000 crowns of the sun yearly; and when he left the King and Queen thanked him for his service, and assured him that such in Scotland from the highest to the lowest as have offended shall know what it is to be disobedient subjects.
5. The Lord of St. John, weighing all things, lately required the writer to recommend especially to the Queen the affairs in Scotland, saying that unless she order and manage them speedily they will fall asunder and be utterly undone.
6. Lord Seton bears a letter from the French Queen and her picture to the Queen.
7. These men much depend on the advice of one Henry Sinclair in Scotland, and Lord Seton has letters to him.
8. The King has sent his Chancellor and others of the Council to examine the Prince of Condé, who refused to answer them, saying, as he is of the blood royal, his cause must be judged by the Princes of the blood royal or the twelve peers.
9. The King of Navarre's Chancellor is taken prisoner, and was taken by M. De Jarnac in the said Chancellor's house in Guienne. He was thought well affected to the King of Navarre.
10. The Abbot of S. Salute at this Court on his way from Brussels to Rome, in conference with the Cardinal of Lorraine made a very lewd discourse of the Queen, her religion, and proceedings. He tarried here eight days, and departed to Rome on the 20th inst.
11. One Villemont, servant to the late Dowager of Scotland, has advertised hither that Inchkeith must be better manned, for when the French army have this isle, they can take what places they like on either side the Frith.
12. Lord Seton, departing hence on 22 inst. left his servant behind to bring after him his despatch to Paris. The servant is now informed that the French Queen will not write to the Queen at this time nor send her picture, it not being yet made, which Lord Seton takes so evil that it will make him a worse Frenchman and better Scotchman.
13. On the 25th inst. 25,000 francs were paid for the use of the galleys at Nantes.
14. The Duke of Savoy has fortified Salviano [Savigliano], and made a league with certain Protestant cantons in Switzerland, which somewhat offends these men.
15. The Lord of S. John's had his despatch from the Queen with good words from them on the 26th. He took not leave of the King by reason of his indisposition. He has a letter from the King and Queen to the Estates of Scotland, a copy of which the writer encloses.—Orleans, 28 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
Nov. 28.
Hardwick, i. 155.
738. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Recommends the bearer, Alexander Clarke, one of the archers of the guard, of whom she has often heard in his letters. He has stood the writer in such good stead, that he could not well have done without him. He now goes into Scotland, partly being vehemently suspected as a doer in these late stirs, and partly being procured by him to do so for her better service. Understands there are great practices in hand to win some and to breed dissensions between the Earl of Arran and Lord James; and he [Clarke] being in good credit with Lord Seton, shall see into all his doings, and by that means into the French faction's workings. Such a minister of trust is to be made of.
2. Was occasioned to stay this despatch from the 23rd by the King's sickness, which begins now so to succeed that men doubt of his being long lasting. "The constitution of his body is such as the physicians do say he cannot be long lived, and thereunto he hath by his too timely and inordinate exercise now in his youth added an evil accident." Some say that if he recover this sickness he cannot live two years. Therefore there is talk of the French Queen's second marriage. Some say the Prince of Spain, some the Duke of Austria, others the Earl of Arran. The Duke of Florence arrived at Court on the 5th; men talk much of this his sudden journey.—Orleans, 28 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 28.
Hardwick, i. 153.
739. Throckmorton to Cecil.
The bearer, Alexander Clarke, gentleman of Scotland, has leave to go to his country, which going shall be for very good purpose. Cecil will be made privy to Throckmorton's letter to the Queen, so will not reiterate it, and for the rest the bearer will satisfy them. Has besought the Queen to consider him [Clarke] both for the past and for what he may do. His journey at this time rises of the writer's desire, though it may be otherwise coloured. There shall hardly be anything practised in Scotland by the French faction, but he shall know it. If the Queen speak with him, it must be done with great secresy lest the French know it. He accompanies Lord Seton, and will make great show of offers of service to the French Ambassador, yet his nature is so honest that he can very hardly dissemble. The writer has given him a memorial how to will the Lords in Scotland to proceed presently, which he will show Cecil for alteration. Had not at the despatch hereof heard from the Court since the 19th Oct. This Prince is sick, and very casual, whereon depends great matter, and the discourse is made thereafter.—Orleans, 28 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 28. 740. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Wrote to the Lords of the Council of his proceedings at the day of March holden with the Laird of Cessford on the 26th Nov. In his letter sent by Colwich to Cecil, the writer prayed for his friendly persuasion for some allowance towards Horton, Sir Thomas Grey's house, to resort unto in these marches. For after he [Grey] has ended late in the evening at Ridingburn, he must either return that night to Berwick or else overcharge Sir Thomas Grey, with whom he and his company were the night before. He travelled the foul deep marsh ground in the dark and entered the town of Berwick at 9 or 10 at night; wherein is much trouble, and much danger if their neighbours were enemies.—Berwick, 28 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 741. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Has been informed by Scotchmen of credit, and this day by the Laird of Cright, that the French have entertained a great number of Almaines and Switzers on foot and Swartzritters on horseback, and that galleys are already come down to Calais, and that there are preparations of ships along the coast of France to do some exploit on the south part of England. Desires that Sir Richard Lee, or some other skilful engineer, may be sent to provide some better ability of defence of this town, for as it now lies there is no account to be made of force or resistance. Desires to be further instructed of the Council's opinion and of any news from France.—Berwick, 29 Nov. Signed.
2. P. S.—Although the winter season will suffer no stone work, yet the spade and pickaxe may be occupied now if need shall be.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 742. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Christopher Brancston, born at Twizel, (who has been divers times apprehended for theft on the Borders, and who broke out of Norham Castle and fled into Scotland, where he has been a practiser with the Scotch thieves for robberies in England,) has crept through the Borders to London, intending to procure a pardon under colour of an offender in Tynedale or Riddesdale. Desires that he may be apprehended and punished.—Berwick, 29 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 743. The Queen to the Lord Treasurer.
Warrant to pay Sir Andrew Corbet coat and conduct money for 200 men, (less thirty-seven who are dead,) to Berwick.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29.
Hardwick, i. 159.
744. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since despatching his letter of the 28th, is credibly told that the French King has despatched two hence suddenly into Scotland, with order that by practising and whatever devices they can, they put secretly as many men and victuals as they can into Dunbar and Inchkeith. Knows not their names, nor how they go, but there are two ships at Dieppe going thither, provided with what ammunition may be carried openly, and thinks they are gone that way.
2. Whereas Lord James, Bastard of Scotland, had, out of a bishopric and abbey of this country yearly 2,500 crowns; he has made suit to the King and Queen both for the arrears and the continuance thereof. The Queen has answered that if he accomplish her favour according to the trust she has of him, he shall not only regain this, but also all the good favour that shall be showed him, whether he dispose himself to be ecclesiastical or temporal. One of those now sent to Scotland is named Pellegrin.
3. Great lamentation is made at the Court, for they mistrust the King will not recover. Thinks it well not to let the Scots know of the King's danger.—Orleans, 29 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig., § 3 in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29.
Hardwick, i. 157.
745. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Trust that Cecil is too wise to be carried away by such toys as the expectation of the French sending commissioners, to assemble a new Parliament, and is sure he sees there is no cause to look for a better issue than at the last assembly, which was done by the King and Queen's authority. He is too well experienced to think that Noailles, one of the Masters of the Requests, in no great grace here, and Le Croc, a gentleman servant to the King and Queen, should have a greater authority committed to them for ratification of the treaty than was by a Bishop of the King's Privy Council, (as was M. De Valence) or of M. De Randan, captain of fifty men at arms. These men at the same time give order (by hook or by crook) secretly to victual and reinforce their places in Scotland.
2. The writer asks that his secretary Middlemore be despatched to him with the next letters. Lord James, the Bastard of Scotland, would be recompensed in his own country by some abbey or ecclesiastical promotion. The old saying is a true one, Munera sœvos illaqueant duces.—Orleans, 29 Nov. 1560. Signed.
3. P. S.—Thinks the Queen should be as careful in ordering the affairs of Scotland as of those of Ireland or Wales. And upon all events, that matters may be so managed that England may make her surety and commodity of Scotland; and therein he thinks there is small difficulty if good conduct be used.
Orig. Hol. Portion of P. S. in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 29.
Raynaldi, Annal. A.D. 1560 § 59. Labb. Concil. xiv. 836.
746. Council of Trent.
Bull of Pius IV., for the publication of a General Council to meet at Trent, next Easter Day.—Rome, 3 Cal. Dec. 1560. Signed by the Pope and thirty Cardinals.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 6.
Nov. 30. 747. The Queen to Sir William Ingleby.
He, being chargeable for diverse great and notable sums of treasure for charges and expenses in the north parts, for the which he has not made any reckoning from his first entry, but is behind of the same for four years, or thereabouts, is directed to give up his accounts and ready money to Valentine Brown, Esq.—Ult. Nov. 3° Eliz.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 30. 748. Another copy of the above.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 30.] 749. Instructions for Valentine Brown.
Instructions for Valentine Brown, Esq., on being appointed Treasurer and Paymaster of Berwick, and the Northern Marches.
1. He shall receive at the Exchequer 10,914l. 4s. 6d. to pay such charges as shall be due at Christmas next.
2. He shall pay the garrison of Berwick, according to a book which shall be delivered to him.
3. He shall pay the charges for the fortifications, according to a book to be made monthly by the surveyor of the same.
4. He shall have, as Treasurer of the town, for his own fees and diets according to the allowances contained in the book of the new establishment, and as surveyor of the works 6s. 8d. a day, and 12d. each for two clerks.
5. He is appointed Surveyor General of victuals for Berwick and the frontiers, with an allowance of 10s. by the day, and for his clerks according to the allowance made to John Abington.
6. He shall receive at the Exchequer 3,000l. (parcel of the mass above-said), to be employed in procuring provisions for the above store. He shall also receive certain commissions under the Great Seal for levying provisions wherever he may think most convenient.
7. The castle of Berwick and all the best houses that were reserved for the lodgings of the Captain and head officers being now defaced and plucked down for the furtherance of the fortifications there, except the house reserved for the Treasurer and Victualler (whose rooms Brown now supplies), which house is now taken for the lodging of the Governor there; Brown shall allow the said Governor 40l. per annum if he will have that house, but if he refuse, then he [Brown] shall have that sum for himself.
8. While he is Treasurer of Berwick he shall exercise the office of Chamberlain without any payment made to him by the Queen.
9. He shall pay himself for his charges out of the sums which come into his hands.
10. He shall every month declare unto the garrison and Council of the town the prices at which he can utter his provisions.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and Article 10 added by him. Pp. 12.
[Nov. 30.] 750. Another copy of the same, embodying the above corrections and addition.
Pp. 6.
Nov. 30. 751. Commission for Valentine Brown.
A general commission for Valentine Brown, a special commission to divers shires to furnish provisions, and a letter to Sir William Ingleby, directing him to deliver over his accounts and treasure to Valentine Brown.—Westminster, 1560.
Draft, with a few corrections by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 8.
Nov. 30. 752. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
1. Sends by this bearer, the Laird of Galstone, a letter to the Queen, together with certain letters and credit from his friends in Scotland, which he desires Cecil to participate and deliver to her and also his furtherance for her answer.
2. Whereas the Earls of Morton and Glencairn being there at this present, (the one being the chief keeper of his wife's inheritance unjustly [taken] from her, and the other having most ungratefully deceived King Henry VIII. and the writer, with whom he was confederate in the said King's service, in his last journey to Dumbarton, as Sir Peter Mewtas can declare,) which Earls will sooner set forth and advance his enemy's cause than his own, he therefore desires that his affairs may be kept secret. Hopes that if he and his wife prosper, it will redound more to the Queen's commodity than anything they go about. Desires pardon for writing thus plainly, but has been informed that immediately upon the receipt of his pedigree and letters which he sent to Cecil last year, copies thereof were sent to his enemies in Scotland. Those that saw them, and were made privy by Hamilton, have advertised him thereof.—Settrington, last of November. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 30. 753. The Earl of Lennox to the Queen.
When he was a suitor to her for licence to travail in his wife's and his own affairs, concerning their rights and livings in Scotland, and to know her pleasure to whom he should sue, whether the French Queen or the Council, (being wholly determined to follow which way she should command,) her pleasure was that he should first know the advice of his friends in Scotland, and afterwards he should know her pleasure. He has now received the full minds of his friends, as may appear both by their writings and by the credit given to the bearer, the Laird of Galstone, by whom he sends the same. It has been always his trade to participate unto her such intelligence as came at any time to his hands forth of Scotland. Is answered from his friends to sue for his pardon and living to the French Queen. They impute great negligence to him in their letters; notwithstanding which he intends still to follow her pleasure, trusting that she will so graciously use the matter that he may have comfortable answer. Perceives by the bearer that there is a good meaning in the nobility of Scotland who have not written to him, that are as much his assured friends as those that have.— Settrington, last of November. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[Nov.] 754. Answer to be made to the Earl of Lennox.
1. If he allege strait handling, or ingratitude, or brag upon the covenants of Henry VIII., he shall be answered as follows:—That all covenants are fulfilled, and 100,000 crowns more are disbursed without fruit, for the Earl's advancement.
2. That by the Earl none are fulfilled, and no commodity got by the same.
3. If any were to fulfil, the Earl and Countess have lacked the benefits thereof; he being sworn a perpetual subject, promising that he should never enter any private bond, nor practise with any state, without the Queen's licence.
4. Where he excuses his practice with the Queen of Scots for marriage, by communing with Lady Latimer for one of her daughters, it is to be answered that since the death of the last French King, the same was never in talk with her or any other within the realm, and the Lady Latimer and they have been cold in friendship for this year and more.
5. It would seem that where he countenances to labour for his livings in Scotland it is not so, but a colour "for a higher feather;" for the Queen is not ignorantly advised from Scotland that he and his wife spend more in England than both the revenues of the earldoms of Angus and Morton.
6. The Queen is good lady to him and his wife in suffering them to enjoy those great livings without disturbance, considering what faint hearts they bear her, and against their own commodities seek to be her enemy. He enjoys more of the Queen's liberality yearly than he think she knows of, which is meet to be restored. The Queen's usage of him has been more gracious than that of other Princes, and his liberty not so liberally overseen as he reports.
Orig., in a Scottish hand. Endd. by Cecil: Benefits bestowed upon the Earl of Lennox, 1560. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Nov.] 755. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
A list of the Queen's debts in Flanders, specifying the principal, the brokerage, and the interest due to each creditor, amounting in all to 38,051l. 16s. 8d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[Nov.] 756. [The Queen to the Lords of Scotland.]
Has received their letters dated [blank], in the name of the three Estates, whereby it appears that they in the names of all the Estates assembled in Parliament sent the Earls of Morton and Glencairn, and W. Makland [sic] to declare certain things, and required credit for them.
Unfinished draft, in Cecil's hol. P. 1.
[Nov.] 757. The Scottish Nobility.
Genealogical memoranda, in the form of pedigrees, relating to the families of Morton, Glencairn, Ruthven, and others.
In Cecil's writing. Prefixed are the following names in Maitland's hand: The Earls of Athol, Sutherland, and Errol; the Lords Gray and Invernaith, and the Earl of Crawford. Endd. by Cecil: Marriage of the Lords of Scotland. Pp. 3.


  • 1. The date is in a different ink.
  • 2. Throckmorton to Chamberlain.
    Nov. 21.
    B. M. Vesp. c. vii. 136.
    1. wrote last on 29 Oct. from Paris, by M. Chantonnet, with letters from the Queen, Lord Robert Dudley, the Ladies Northampton and Clinton, and Cecil, with certain buttons and gloves mentioned in the said letter. Does not wonder at Chamberlain having no letters from England; he himself sometimes does not hear once in a month or six weeks. Has carefully forwarded all Chamberlain's letters.
    2. Wrote of the coming hither of the Lord of S. John's to demand the ratification of the late agreement. He has been with the Princes and had demanded the said ratification. At his first coming he was much made of; but after a few days not so much. He was answered that the Scots had assembled themselves upon their own authority, therefore the King and Queen would not ratify it, but would send two gentlemen into Scotland to declare their refusal. They are grieved that such a solemn legation is sent into England, and but one sent hither, and he in post, and that the commission and instructions of the former were signed by such as bore arms against their Queen, and that the signatures of her good subjects were counterfeit.
    3. Repeats the account of the delay of the ratification of the treaty and its final refusal; "And that rather than the King will suffer these disorders, he will quit all. They stick now much upon a league that is between the Queen and Scotland, and till that be broken, (which, I trust is not meant to be), I promise they will not be at better point with us." They will not leave the use of the Queen's arms until the treaty is ratified. Understands rather their intents of revenge than will to quietness.
    4. Hears that the Bishop of Limoges (the French Ambassador in Spain) having asked Philip how the French should proceed, has been asked whether they will proceed by force, or otherwise. He dissuades them from using force, which would give occasion of suspicion of evil intents to their neighbours. The Spanish Ambassador here has been answered that the French King does not mean to proceed by force against the Scotch, if by any other means he can win them to their duty. The writer has advertised the Queen on the 17th of these proceedings by Mr. Jones. "How the matter will be taken I know not, but (as I judge) not the best."
    5. On 19th inst. received a letter from Chamberlain of the 3rd, sent by Gamboa (who went by Flanders), and sent back by the Spanish Ambassador. Thinks the arresting of the cook to be to fear Chamberlain, "or else I trust like measure will be measured to those which occupy like charge in England." Recommends the bearer, a Portugal by nation, who may also stand him in stead. "Though he is the Queen of Spain's servant, yet he beareth that affection towards the Spaniards that all Portuguese do."
    6. "This King thought to have removed hence for a fortnight, but the day before his intended journey he felt himself somewhat evil disposed of his body, with a pain in his head and one of his ears, which hath stayed his removing from hence."—Orleans, 21 Nov. 1560.
    Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.