Elizabeth: November 1560, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: November 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp388-401 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp388-401.

"Elizabeth: November 1560, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp388-401.


November 1560, 11-20

Nov. 12. 708. The Council in the North.
Memoranda by Cecil upon certain points of the previous Instructions respecting the Council in the North.
Endd. by Cecil: 12 Nov. 1560. Pp. 2.
Nov. 13. 709. Dr. Robert Horn to Cecil.
According to Cecil's commandment, signified by Railton, the writer has considered the honourable device for the order of divine service in Berwick, with the yearly stipends of the ministers. Is sorry that the ministry is destitute of a sufficiency of worthy men, there and in other places. The entertainment of the preacher should be 100l., the curate 60l., the coadjutor 40l. 13s. 4d., which might be so augmented that the Queen should bear no greater charge. The sum allowed by her is 153l. 6s. 8d., out of which allow the teacher 100l. the curate 40l., and 20l which the cathedral church of Durham must pay yearly; so of her portion remains 13l. 6s. 8d. To the church of Durham belongs the whole cure of Berwick, and therefore it were not unmeet that one of the prebendaries should be a coadjutor to the other ministers. The prebendaries' stipend is 33l. 6s. 8d., whereunto might be added the 13l. 6s. 8d. remaining. A convenient place for them to dwell in should be thought of. Cannot find meet men for these rooms, especially for the chief preacher. For the curate there is one Sanderson of Christ's College, Cambridge, both for his learning and honesty a very meet man, and born in Northumberland. Cuthbert Diconson is both zealous in religion and of honest life and conversation, and therefore he is a meet man for clerk. There are two prebends void in Durham, whereof one might be worthily bestowed on Adam Halyday, and the other on such a man as they would appoint to be coadjutor. —13 Nov. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 14. 710. The Queen to the Governors of the Merchant Adventurers.
Having to pay 30,000l. to her creditors in Antwerp this month, she requires them, according to their agreement, to pay the said sum to Gresham before the end of the month at the rate of 22s. 6d. Flemish for the pound, or better, as the exchange shall arise; the same will be repaid by the Treasurer of England within one month.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and endd. by his secretary: 14 Nov. 1560. Pp. 2.
Nov. 15. 711. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Since the taking of Castle Semple, the Duke and the Earl of Arran have for the most part remained in this town, where are now divers of the Lords assembled, and more daily looked for. Their purpose is to take order for the maintenance of justice, attending what answer shall be returned out of France to authorize them further. Trusts that Cecil is sufficiently assured of their affection towards England and desire for amity by the Ambassadors.
2. Forasmuch as the greatest present disorder is about the Borders, the Lords have promised such reformation of the whole as the cause requires, whereof the bearer, a servant of Lord Gray, can inform him.
3. Other matters like to breed any cumber are presently so well quelled that little is to be doubted. Lord Semple is yet at Dunbar; his eldest son by his last wife, and the Laird of Glencairn are gone to France. The Master of Semple presently labours unto the Lords for his father; it is suspected to be more of policy than good meaning. The Earl of Huntly changes nothing of his good nature. There was lately taken in Fife, one Wilson, as he was ready to set his foot into the ship, with letters into France, of which Cecil shall be privy by the Laird of Lethington. He escaped out of the hands of those that had the keeping of him, and is thought to be in Dunbar. It is said that the Earl of Montgomery intends to go into France; Lethington can show the cause thereof. This should be impeached by all means, for that his lands lie next unto the west seas in places most to be doubted, if any attempt shall be given by the French on that coast.
4. The Bishop of St. Andrews makes many crafty means to win some favour. The Bishop of Murray has agreed with Lord Ruthven, and speaks fair. Was of late, by the advice of Lord James, Lord Pitarrow, and Balnaves, in hand with the Clerk of the Register to have the confirmation in Parliament of the treaty between England and Scotland signed with his hand, as a perpetual and authentic testimony. He answered that he could give no such testimony under his hand, at any private man's request, whatever he were; however he would not refuse to give his advice, as he judged for the best, which is to tarry until the Council be established, or the contract of peace confirmed, and then suit to be made to the Council that he may be commanded to that effect. The contract remains yet in his [Randolph's] hands, subscribed and sealed by as many as he has any present hope in, though perhaps at the next assembly some one or other may be won thereunto. Encloses the last letter he had from the Earl of Argyll, with the credit of the same underwritten together with his answer. Gives his most humble thanks for his favourable remembrance, as appeared in his letters to Sir Francis Leeke.—Edinburgh, 15 (fn. 1) November 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 19 [sic] Nov. Pp. 4.
Nov. 16. 712. Francis II. to the Estates of Scotland.
Has heard the message of the Chevalier of St. John. Is very much displeased with their proceedings, and hopes to see them return to the good path which they have left. Will send two noble persons as deputies to assemble the Parliament legitimately. He, for his part, is willing to forget past offences, as he has declared to the Chevalier of St. John.— Orleans, 16 Nov. 1560.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Nov. 16. 713. Edward Grimstone to the Marquis of Winchester.
According to the commandment of the Marquis, signified by his letter of the 1st inst., the writer has caused to be seen the provisions here and at Holy Island, the estimate and particulars whereof he encloses. The whole mass of oats with some part of the malt is neitheme et to be any length kept nor yet to be expended with the other provisions; it occupies both space and travail, and yet daily grows to decay. The Queen sustains more charge for the chambers and keeping of some part thereof than the grain will shortly be worth. The quantity of oats is great and not like of any speedy utterance here; nevertheless his opinion is that it were good if he sent commission to some trusty person to make sale of the whole mass of the oats, and such part of the malt and other provisions as is not meet to be issued out of the Queen's store. Will further discourse with him when he repairs to the Court.—Berwick, 16 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. P. 1.
Nov. 16. 714. Stores in the North.
1. "An estimate made upon grain and other victuals in Berwick and Holy Island of the Queen's provision, 16 Nov. 1560," consisting of malt, wheat, rye, oats, beans, peasen, cheese, beef, and bacon, in the Palace and elsewhere in Berwick and in sundry places in Holy Island.
2. Summa of good grain in all places, 5,687 quarters (at six score to the hundred).
3. Summa of evil grain in all places, 3,285 quarters (at six score to the hundred).
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 16. 715. Memoranda for Berwick.
Warrants to be sent to Sir William Ingleby and John Abington to close their pays and deliver their accounts to Valentine Brown. The same to Sir Richard Lee and the Master of the Ordnance. A commission to Brown to take the said accounts. Another for a survey of Berwick. Brown's patents for the offices of the Treasurer and Victualler. If it seem good to the Queen and Council, the Victualler is to bear all losses of provisions, except only those that fortune by sea. A quarter's pay to be kept in prest.
Orig. Endd.: 16 Nov. 1560. Conference for Berwick causes by my Lord Treasurer and Mr. Browne. Pp. 3.
Nov. 17.
Hardwick, i. 125.
716. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. As he signified to Mr. Secretary by letters sent by the Laird of Torwoodhead, he [Throckmorton] staid at Paris until the passing of Du Bois, who passed with 1,500 men towards Angers and Nantes; as this gives great cause for suspicion the writer went to Orleans, where he arrived on the 4th, and immediately spoke with the Ambassador of Scotland, who on the 5th at night came secretly to his lodgings; where he declared how he had proceeded with the King and Queen and Council since his arrival, of whose doings the bearer can inform the Queen.
2. The Ambassador told him that he had not, as then, had any commodity to show his commission or demand the ratification; and that on the 6th inst he was appointed to show the commission, and minded to demand the ratification Although commanded by her letter of 19th Oct. to require audience, the writer waited until he knew the answer given to the Scotch Ambassador, after which he could proceed more groundly. Perceiving on the 7th that nothing was done touching the ratification of the treaty between France and Scotland but fair words he sent Mr. Somers to speak to the Cardinal for audience, who answered that it could not be next day, as the King was determined to go hunting.
3. After some delays and disappointments, he spoke with the King and the Cardinal on the 10th, and demanded the ratification. They said that the Master of St. John's of Scotland was indeed come, but the King was so impeded with his own affairs that he had not given him audience, which he would do on the morrow, and then he [Throckmorton] should know from the Cardinal when he might have audience.
4. Having received no answer from the Cardinal, but hearing by good means that the treaty of Scotland was found imperfect and likely to be a long affair, on the 14th he again sent Somers to the Court, requiring audience, saying that more letters had come from the Queen, and it was granted for the morrow, the 15th.
5. On the 14th the Lord of St. John's was earnest with the Cardinal for some resolution touching his charge, who replied that the Council found that the Scots sought to reduce their realm to the form of a republic. They had seen that the Scots had sent him hither in post to the King and Queen, but a great legation with great pomp to the Queen of England. The Cardinal also told him he should have his despatch on the 17th, and that two gentlemen should be sent shortly to declare why the King and Queen refuse to ratify their treaty.
6. On the 15th the writer went to Court and first saw the Cardinal, who said that he must take patience.
7. The writer enquired whether the King meant to ratify the treaty. And when the Cardinal replied he should hear the King's pleasure anon, he said that his mistress would find this strange handling from a Prince bearing her amity.
8. First, contrary to treaty, he bears her arms quartered with his own, even on every gate of this town, and here at the Court gate very notoriously.
9. Secondly, the Queen's subjects are daily spoiled at sea, and can get no restitution.
10. Thirdly, that ships are prepared at divers ports, such as Havre de Grace, and preparations made for a great navy; also, that forces are amassed in France, Almaine, and Switzerland, and the galleys, which were to have wintered at Nantes, are victualled, and shall shortly be brought into the narrow seas. The Cardinal answered that the King had used the arms of England long before, and not without title; and he saw not why he should discontinue it, for the treaty was no treaty until it was ratified. For Scotland, the King and Queen have the name of its Sovereigns, and Elizabeth has the effect, with whom they have made a league, which the King cannot like. Therefore shortly he will send two gentlemen to tell the Queen, (who has already broken the treaty by giving passport to the Scots to enter England without letters to the Ambassador,) why he refuses to ratify the treaty, and then they shall pass into Scotland.
11. As for the spoiling, the complaint was too general; if they be informed of the offenders, and can get no redress, then there would be cause for complaint.
12. As for the ships, he said it is true the Admiral equips four or five, some for Brazil and some for Myne [Minas Geraes], and if there be any other matter in it, it will cost him his head. The French were not so jealous of five or six ships which were ready to come forth of the Thames. He also said that, for the men, the English had more cause to suspect them when in Picardy than where they now are; and assured him on his honour that not a man is levied in Almaine or Switzerland.
13. As for the galleys, he said that many of their chief men shall winter at Marseilles; that the King must move his ships somewhere, and that he is not so jealous when the Queen moves her ships from place to place. This great legation, said he, from Scotland, goes for the marriage of the Queen with the Earl of Arran; but thinks her heart too great to marry such a one as one of the Queen of Scotland's subjects. He concluded by saying that the King will see the better obedience of his subjects before he will ratify the treaty.
14. The writer was then shown into the King's presence, to whom he declared he had come for the ratification of the treaty, who answered that, as his subjects in Scotland had in no point observed their duty to him, he could not ratify the treaty, but would send two gentlemen to the Queen about this; and so, adding he was sure his uncle the Cardinal had answered the writer in all points, dismissed him.
15. The writer reiterated to the Duke of Guise this strange manner of dealing; he answered the same as the Cardinal, except that he added they had more cause to complain, as well the taking of the goods of his brother, the Marquis D'Elbœuf, as of sundry other spoils. He then desired to speak with the Queen Mother, and was brought to her by M. De Lansac. She was accompanied by the Marshal Brissac, to whom he repeated at length the injuries offered to his mistress, and the refusal of the King and Council to ratify the treaty. She answered she was aware of their determination; and as for the injuries and suspicions, she was sure the Cardinal and the Duke of Guise had opened enough to content him, adding she would do her best to maintain amity between the realms.
16. While she was talking, the French Queen came in, and upon his saying that he was commanded by his mistress to demand of her the ratification of the treaty, she answered that the reply of the King and Council should have sufficed, but that now she would tell him what moved her to refuse it. "My subjects in Scotland" (quoth she) "do their duty in nothing, nor have they performed their part in one thing that belongeth to them. I am their Queen, and so they call me, but they use me not so; they have done what pleaseth them, and though I have not many faithful there, yet those few that be there on my party were not present when these matters were done, nor at this assembly. I will have them assemble by my authority, and proceed in their doings by the laws of the realm, which they so much boast of, and keep none of them. They have sent hither a poor gentleman to me, whom I disdain to have come in the name of them all, to the King and me, in such a legation. They have sent great personages to your mistress. I am their Sovereign, but they take me not so; they must be taught to know their duties." In this speech the Queen uttered some choler and anger against them. He replied that Lord St. John was Great Prior of Scotland. She said she did not take him for such, he being married. And when the writer added that if she proceeded graciously with the said Lord, the Scots were minded to send after a greater legation, then the King and she, said she, must begin with them. The writer was sorry the ratification was refused, other injuries offered to the Queen, and the arms of England openly borne. She replied that her uncles had already satisfied him about bearing the arms, and requested him to do the office of a good minister between the Queen and her. Such was the negociation on the 15th.
17. Is told by the Duke of Guise that MM. De Noailles and De Croc are to be those sent into Scotland.
18. (fn. 2) The King of Navarre, on his way to Court, had letters informing him of the good opinion of the King. On his arrival with his brethren, the Cardinal of Bourbon and the Prince of Condé, the Prince was taken before the Council, who committed him prisoner to MM. De Bressy and Chauveney, two captains with 200 archers, and he hears he will soon be sent to Loches, the strongest prison in France. The King of Navarre goes at liberty, but is as it were a prisoner; every other day he is out hunting, and lies out of the town at his pleasure. He seems to allow his brother's handling. The King has sent one to the Pope to acknowledge his obedience. He foregoes his governorship of Guyenne, which shall be given to M. De Termes.
19. Madame De Roy, the sister of the Admiral of France and mother to the Princess of Condé, is taken prisoner. It is said the Vidame of Chartres will come to Orleans, where the Knights of the Order shall be assembled. The President and Council of the Parliament of Paris, in whose hands the Prince of Condé's trial is, have said that he may only be judged by his peers, being of the blood royal.
20. The Duchess of Ferrara, mother of the present Duke, arrived at Court on the 7th, and was received by the King of Navarre and other Princes. M. De Martigues has lately been at Paris, and committed himself to justice, for manner's sake, for the late outrage there. He is pardoned, and is now much made of, and waited on by twenty of the bravest captains of France.
21. The King keeps his estate at Orleans, and all armour is taken from the townsmen. Marshal Termes is at Poictiers, where the townspeople are used as they are at Orleans.
22. The Cardinal of Tournon, the Pope's Legate in France, is arrived here. All places from here to Bordeaux are very quiet, but all the coast is furnished with soldiers, as he is informed by one Swanne, the Queen's subject.
23. The house of Guise practises to have the Queen Mother made Regent at the next assembly, so as all the power shall be theirs.
24. The French King minds to convert all his abbeys into commanderies of divers orders, as in Spain.
25. Ferdinand of Austria levies men in Almaine. The Rhinegrave is still there, it is not known why, and goes from one Prince to another.
26. The Sophy is dead, and his son has joined with Bazajet, the Turk's second son, to deprive the Turk of his dominions, which news so displeased him that he is thereupon dead.
27. The King's Court goes to Chenonceau, the Queen Mother's house, on the 19th, and does not return hither until the Estates are assembled.
28. Two sons of O'Connor, who have been in France eight years, are lately despatched into Ireland.
29. It is secretly said that something is in hand touching the isles of Guernsey, Jersey, and Scilly.
30. There is advertisement come from the French agent in Flanders that the Duchess of Parma has put to death two subjects of the Queen of England for religion, and the French seem very glad of it. An Ambassador named M. De Moreto is come from the Duke of Savoy, who shall shortly go to England, and De Lignerol also. Sarlabois shall leave Dunbar, and Croc remain in his stead. The King of Spain makes ready 100 galleys and a great army to renew his enterprise of Tripoli, but many doubt this. He owes twenty-one millions of ducats, and were it not for his new mines, he had been brought very low. The Pope has allowed him to sell 50,000 crowns of spiritual revenue, and the profit will be at least two million crowns. The said King has sent to the French King a present of six beautiful jennets, and suffered his servants to buy fifteen others in Spain. The General Council, is by the consent of the Pope, the Emperor, and the Kings of France and Spain, appointed to be at Trent, where will assist the Kings of Portugal, Poland, and Navarre, and the States of Italy. Monsieur De Ferme (who went with M. De Bourdeziere to Rome) is returned with the Pope's grant for taking 100,000 crowns of the spiritual revenue to be sold, and the money thereby procured is to be employed against the Protestants and heretics. The Queen's arms have been set up, quartered, when the King made his entry into St. Denis, and also here, where they still remain upon the town and Court gates. The King hopes to have of his suspected towns and subjects about three millions of francs. There are four ships of war at Newhaven, said to be for Brazil, and four more in Bretagne for Peru. A great personage of this Court has said that if the King had not been constrained to punish his subjects, the Queen's realm had ere this felt him. He will make a citadel at Calais, stretching to St. Peter's Church, where the haven shall be conveyed into the town, and order is given to Mons. De Trez, Master of the Ordnance there, to bring about the galleys, and let them remain there. In order that the galleys may turn better, it is devised to make a part of them shorter, and also a new mould of galleys. An Englishman, Hector Wentworth, who has been in France twelve years, being withal a proper man with an auburn beard, has robbed his master, Captain Boys, Master of the Camp, and is fled into England. He before served Charlebois, and was in Leith when it was besieged ; good heed should be taken of him. Is by secret and credible means told that the King has taken up in Auvergne and Bretagne 800 oxen, part being already in Normandy, feeding. Earl Bothwell, who promised to do great things in Scotland, shall be despatched hence forthwith. He is now staid from going, and has had a present of 600 crowns, and is made a gentleman of the King's chamber. (fn. 3)
31. MM. De Noailles and De Croc shall not be sent for a long time, if at all. The King has sent to Marseilles for bringing eight more galleys.—Orleans, 17 Nov. 1560. Signed.
32. P. S.—Recommends the bearer. (fn. 4)
Add. Orig. A very few portions in cipher, deciphered. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 19.
Nov. 17. 717. Another copy of the latter part of the above, extending from § 18 to § 31.
Pp. 5.
Nov. 17. 718. Throckmorton to the Lords of the Council.
1. After having recapitulated the account of his audience, as in his letter to the Queen of the same date, the writer proceeds thus :
2. Certain merchants of London have complained to him of the loss of tin depredated on them by one Citeville, of Normandy. They have brought a letter from the Privy Council for him to set forth their request. Has preferred their complaint to the Council, who within four days despatched a commission under the Great Seal to M. De Villebon, Governor in Normandy in the absence of the Duke of Bouillon, to see them restored to their goods. This was the good expedition that the Duke of Guise spoke of. Recommends Mr. Jones to them, and urges them to give him some reward.—Orleans, 17 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Pp. 12.
Nov. 17.
Hardwick, i. 144.
719. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Wishes that others would, as Cecil will, weigh these men's proceedings, which be of such danger as to be cared for in time. They will assay their fortune, and the King of Spain will suffer the Queen to be in such a case as that she will be driven to pray him to do what he please with that state and realm ; to which point he accounts England must come, as she displeases all, and satisfies none. The Lord S. John of Scotland has behaved most discreetly. The Queen has had good cause to be pleased with him for her own particular affairs. Prays Cecil to see when he comes to England that she allow well of his doings. Hears from Chamberlain that he can obtain of the King of Spain little favour to keep one of his servants from the Inquisitor's apprehension. That amity will prove worse than enmity ; it fears him more than the French ; and he will occasion more inconvenience. Trusts the Queen will believe he means not well.
2. Although these men promised to send their ministers to satisfy the Queen for the stay of the ratification, yet she shall not hear of them these twenty days. Peradventure M. De Sevre will say something to retain them in hope, so that the spring may be advanced before they think of the matter.
3. Will say shortly how the refusing of the ratification comes to pass. First to save their honour and interest, whereunto they were egged by the Spanish practice. Then the hasty disarming of the English, and especially the navy ; the Queen's great inclination to live in pleasure and quiet, that neither counsellor or conductor was rewarded. That all men who did at this time service were displeased that the Queen would do her pleasure in all things, so that there was none to take special care of the affairs. "And chiefly, that they take it for truth and certain she will marry Lord Robert Dudley, whereby they assure themselves that all foreign alliance and aid is shaken off, and do expect more discontentation thereby among yourselves. Thus you see your sore, God grant it do not with rankling fester too far and too dangerously."—Orleans, 17 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Nov. 17. 720. Throckmorton to the Marquis of Northampton and Lord Pembroke.
The bruits lately risen from England are marvellous and marvellously talked of ; they are accompanied with much spite, and set so full with great horror. They are no mean persons that give in these parts these rumours ; he never heard or read of sorer or more slanderous discourse. The writer speaks as he ought to move them to do as they should, which he trusts he would do though he held his peace. The Marquis was never deemed a busy body, and specially in matters accompanied with peril, therefore he begs him not to begin to wrestle in a matter so beset with dangers, and to esteem the marriage matter the most beset with great hazards of anything that he was ever acquainted with, and begs him to be only a looker on. If he be so happy as not to mind it, or so zealous as to hinder it, he may think himself wise for his judgment. Will send his key when his coffer is ready.
Hol. Draft, slightly injured by damp. Endd.: To my Lord Marquis and my Lord of Pembroke, 17 Nov., persuading to be no furtherer, if not a hinderer of the marriage. Pp. 2.
Nov. 17. 721. Throckmorton to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. Has received his letter of the 20th October. Upon receipt of the Queen's letters of that date he demanded eftsoons ratification of the late treaty from the French King and Council; at whose hands has had hitherto but barren words with delays, which shows well that they are not so easy in performing as ready to fall to agreement by treaty. This has not deceived him, for it has happened as he ever declared from the beginning. Much the Queen and her realm have to bethink themselves, knowing these men's meanings. Unless the Queen leave other things of less weight undone till another time, he sees before his eyes that she shall hear a French cast (as Dudley terms it) sooner than he would be glad of.
2. As for the garboils here, whose continuance Dudley writes were a ready way to get him home, he does not see that any great one is like long to reign here, things having grown to such silence and quietness by the imprisoning of the Vidame of Chartres, the Prince De Condé, Madame De Roy, and others, that he is sorry to see it, not that he would have [discord] amongst Christians ; but he fears (fn. 5) . . . .
3. The King of Navarre is here, where, though he be no prisoner like the Prince, yet as he cannot depart ; for all the good countenance and cheer that he is of, he holds him tanquam captivus. Though the writer has begged the Queen to determine of his abode here, and thereof made his account, still he must conform himself to her will and pleasure like a good subject, though he is well persuaded that his being at home would serve her better than his stay here. For further particulars of his proceedings here, he refers him to the bearer.
Draft, injured on the outer margin: Endd.: 17 Nov. 1560. To my Lord Robert Dudley; and then, in another hand. Fearing a peace, adviseth a disturbment, Pp. 3.
Nov. 17. 722. The Duke of Châtellerault to the Lord Grey.
Has received his letter from Berwick of the 14th inst. Seeing that the affairs mentioned therein required the advice of the Council, he has communicated the same to them, and they have made answer accordingly. "Our son has been evil at ease, but, thanks to God, he is convalescent," and if he may be spared will be at Melrose about the day appointed for the justice Court.—Edinburgh, 17 Nov. 1560. Signed: James.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 19 [sic] of Nov. Pp. 2.
Nov. 17. 723. Warrant for Valentine Brown.
The exchequer shall pay him a quarter's wage for the garrison of Berwick, amounting to 5,655l. 13s. 10d., and forty-five days pay, for the old garrison 463l. 6s. 8d., and 115l. for the Captain and garrison of Tynmouth, and 1,680l. for provisions, etc., which together with other sums altogether amount to 10,914l. 4s. 6d.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 18.
Hardwick, i. 146.
724. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. The bearer is sent Ambassador from the Duke of Savoy to congratulate with the Queen on her accession to the crown, which has been prevented before by the unquietness in his master's kingdom. He is son and heir to old Morette, who was Ambassador from the late King Francis to Henry VIII., and is well known to Lords Pembroke, Northampton, and others. He is also, in his master's name, to break with the Queen for her marriage with the Duke of Nemours. He was told by the Pope's Ambassador that he would come in good time to Her Highness' marriage with the master of her horses. He says that the Kings of France and Spain are most desirous for the marriage with the Duke of Nemours to take effect, whereof the writer warns him [Cecil] as he does the Queen by letter.
2. Recommends that this gentleman have good entertainment.—Orleans, 18 Nov. 1560. Signed.
3. P. S.—Has written to the post at Dover for his better usage at his landing. Cecil may write to him [Throckmorton] by this bearer on his return.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 18. 725. Francis Edwards to Cecil.
1. Wrote last on the 8th and 12th inst. signifying that two of the French King's ships were at Newhaven nearly ready, set forth by the Lord Admiral to go to the Indies. Since then he has been advertised that another smaller ship makes ready to keep them company. Some are of opinion that they all three go abroad aroving, others think that if they turn their voyage they will to the isle of Bretagne, or to the river of Nantes. It is to be considered that, if they go to accompany the galleys, there may be pretended some other voyage. Cannot perceive that they are furnished with mariners, men are so ill willing to serve the Lord Admiral to go on such a voyage. Such munitions as were unshipped at Dieppe are laid up ; part of the same artillery of brass, with provision for the same, has been secretly conveyed to the waterside, to be shipped with speed to Calais. Will abroad himself within days two, and come as near the truth as may be perceived. Most men are of opinion that the French will not be able to send their ships abroad, before amongst themselves they can accord. In secret it is spoken that they make provision to keep the coasts at home. The Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise fear that the people of this country will seek aid of the Queen.
2. The Duke of Bouillon is returned to Dieppe, and will peruse the coast unto Caen. Cannot perceive any other army by sea, nor that they pretend to go to any place in Scotland ; nevertheless the galleys from Marseilles are to be considered. They will remain where they are until the Cardinal of Lorraine ends the matters in Orleans. After correction done there the Protestants look for them here, and for the galleys to come to this town. There is much trouble towards, as men think. Certain Protestants supposed to have been at Amboise are in prison, one of whom was counsel to him that made the leaguer. There is secret talk that the Constable's second son was sent for, and resisted.
3. Men suppose that the Queen of Navarre and her son are sent for to the Court. The Vidame departed from Paris to Orleans to declare against the Prince De Condé. The King has already taken from the town of Orleans 10,000 francs, and demands 100,000 more to pay his soldiers. The goods of divers Protestants have been seized, and divers men despatched by night, and sent by water in sacks to seek heaven. The King sends men into Bretagne. The Grand Prior in his own person was seen as captain in the galleys at Rochelle. These two days the burgesses of the town have assembled to choose burgesses for the Parliament, but as yet are not agreed. It was proclaimed that the Parliament should be kept at Orleans.—Rouen, 18 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 18. 726. Bullinger to Mundt.
1. Received his last letters in August, which he answered from the fair at Frankfort. The canton of Glaris (which had received the Gospel thirty years before,) made a treaty with the five subdivisions of the canton, an unfortunate war having arisen, the chief point of which was to insure freedom of religion to both Protestants and Catholics; so that in four of the divisions of Glaris it was lawful to erect altars and images, and also to preach the Gospel. In one of these, called Schwanden, there was no Mass celebrated for some years, because there were no Papists there. The five divisions did not wish that Mass should be celebrated there, and so it ceased. The Protestants of Glaris are therefore accused of breaking the treaty, which they deny. Nevertheless the five divisions threaten the inhabitants of Schwanden with war unless they celebrate Mass there. They reply that if any desired to celebrate Mass there they might do so. The five divisions demanded that the Protestants of Glaris should go back to the old religion; adding that if they did not do so they would not acknowledge them as their allies, and would demand assistance against them from the other cantons. Thereupon the Zurichers made a levy, and sent 2,000 men, and kept 4,000 more ready. The Bernese levied 6,000 and sent 2,000. Affairs began to be better after this, but the five cantons again in the Diet protested that they would not acknowledge those of Glaris as confederates, nor hold any intercourse with them. At length a pacification was brought about and assemblies appointed, and in the meantime it was agreed that neither party should use arms.
2. Burcher has repudiated his wife on account of adultery, and has gone abroad, but where is not known. The news from France is unfavourable; that tumult in France will place the sword in the hands of these furious men and afford them a pretext for persecuting the Protestants. There is a report that the Queen of England will marry the King of Sweden, but the writer thinks it unfounded.—Zurich, 18 Nov. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 18. 727. Another copy of the above. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 4.


  • 1. This date is introduced by Randolph in a different ink.
  • 2. Here begins the duplicate copy mentioned in the following number.
  • 3. Here ends the duplicate copy described in the following number.
  • 4. This P.S. is in Throckmorton's holograph.
  • 5. Defective and unintelligible.