Elizabeth: October 1560, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: October 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp352-364 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp352-364.

"Elizabeth: October 1560, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp352-364.


October 1560, 11-20

Oct. 11. 629. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Since his last letters he has received another from the Earl of Argyll, written from Inch Drynich on the 3rd inst., desiring him to advertise Cecil that he has heard nothing from the Lord Deputy of Ireland. Has received another from the Master of Maxwell, which he sends. The occasion of Randolph writing to him was to signify the Queen's continued good will towards Scotland. He writes also a similar letter to the Laird of Lethington, save in the end he gives answer to a former letter received concerning the appointment to be made with Lord Wharton, unto whom he writes these words. "And where ye desire to write my mind towards the Lord Wharton, this is my answer; I love the Lord Dacre's house best of any man's in England, and the Lord Wharton's worst, yet neither love I the one so well, nor the other so evil, but I love the amity betwixt the realms better than them both. And whomsoever it shall please the Queen and Council of England to put in office here, I am well contented, so that I may have justice; but I am sure there is no man in England may do the Queen such service upon the West Marches as Lord Dacre, nor no man I would so willingly receive it of; but whomsoever it shall please the Queen to appoint, so I may have justice, like as I shall do, I shall be well satisfied; and without justice I will never be satisfied."
2. The Laird of Lethington's care is to set forth the Queen's honour. Others there are of whom no less account is to be made, who for the setting forth of her pleasure or will would not refuse any attempt that by force, policy, or wisdom might be attempted. The Lord James is not yet returned out of the north. The Earl of Argyll is written for to be here, and divers others of the nobles, that there may be at all times a resident Council to determine of affairs. The Duke is at Hamilton, and the Earl of Arran at Castle Semple. Lord Semple is so wilful that there is no reason to be had at his hands, "his sons bred of the father," and so are determined to make a simple end. The letters that last came out of France from Alexander Clark to the Earl of Arran and Lord James have greatly encouraged them to persevere stoutly against the French.—Edinburgh, 11 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 12. 630 John Shers to Cecil.
1. The Pope remains in his former fancy as far forth as shall be in his power to disappoint all National Councils concerning matters for religion. But perceiving that without the aid of the temporal Princes it will not be, he sends forth his Nuncii to the Emperor and the Kings of Spain and France, (the Legate here has done this state to understand thereof,) to do them to wit that he will open at Trent the last-begun Council there, for which he will forthwith send his briefs. But if they make difficulty of that Council or place, they have in further commission to persuade that the canons do not bear it, neither that it can be well otherwise concluded, but that first the same must be opened again; and that forthwith with their assents he means to do it. The Pope's conclusion tends only to exclude all National Councils, and to admit no free General Council. The Pope's intent is to put the Princes in fear that if they should hazard the change of religion they must also hazard their estates.
2. They write from Rome that last week M. Nicetto (or Nicet), a secretary of France sent by the French King to the Pope about these matters, bruits abroad that there is a league concluded between the Queen, the Scots, and the Princes Protestants, into which there are also entered certain of the Peers of France, against the Papists, whom they name the Christian Princes. Also that the articles concluded upon at the late treaty in Scotland will not be ratified. The Pope also will aid the French King with 5,000 men against the Protestants, and King Philip will not want in that part. If the reading were not tedious to Cecil, and the writing painful to himself, he would have sent him divers long copies of letters written in Italian.—Venice, 12 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 12. 631. John Brigantine to Gresham.
1. There came certain who had lost their crayer of Hamburg on the 4th inst., not far from the mouth of the Ems, on the coast of East Friesland. Their lading was most with munitions, ninety five dry vats of armour, pistols, and couriers; one vat came to shore. Benedict Guderman of Hamburg did lade them. Wrote to the Chancellor of East Friesland to command that such goods might be saved as came to land. The Danzickers have procured a staple at Emden, so that they would occupy no more at Amsterdam. Is very sorry for Gresham's fall from his horse, insomuch that he was once in mind to have seen him. Prays him to give commandment to Conyers to pay the bearer 15l. and to write to his factor in London that his wife may receive the same, unto whom he has written. Has sent him a bill for this month.—Emden, 12 Oct. 1560. Signed.
2. P.S.—Here will shortly break forth certain French practices, as a credible person has informed him.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary, with a list of names on the back in Cecil's hand. Pp. 2.
Oct. 13. 632. Coals for Berwick.
Coals carried to Berwick from Newcastle from the 2nd of March to the 13th Oct. 2 Eliz. [1560]. Prices varying from 3s. 8d. to 5s. per chalder, the freight 6s. 8d. Total 1,058 chalders.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 14. 633. Albert, Marquis of Brandenburg, to the Queen.
Understands from her letters dated on 1 Jan. that the falcons which he had sent in the previous year were acceptable to her; so this year begs her acceptance of ten, which he hopes will afford her some relaxation.—Königsburg, 14 Oct. 15 [60].
Endd.: 14 Oct. 1560. Lat. Broadside.
Oct. 15. 634. The Queen to Gresham.
The merchant adventurers have agreed to pay to him 30,000l. Flemish between the 15th and 30th Nov., for the discharge of so much of her debt, for which they require payment here upon double usance after the rate of 22s. 6d. Flemish for the pound by way of exchange, and such further sums Flemish as by exchange the same shall at the time of their payment be above the said rate. He is to see the money paid, and to help them in their sales; and if need be they may have the said sums prolonged upon interest, which they will of their own charges sustain. He is to advertise them what day he would have the said sums paid. He is also to have paid by the merchants of the staple 13,000l. Flemish this November for discharge of her debt.
Draft, in Cecil's writing and endd. by his secretary: 15 Oct. 1560. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 635. Morton, Glencairn, and Lethington to Cecil.
They have directed the bearer, Robert Melville, to receive a certain sum of money from such persons as thereto shall be appointed, conform to the Treasurer's writing there, which Melville brings with him. They pray him to see the same delivered.—Berwick, 15 Oct. 1560. Signed: Morton,—Glencairn,—W. Maitland.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 636. Henry Killegrew to Throckmorton.
1. Has received his letter of the 10th of October. Mr. Middlemore arrived here upon Saturday night, and found the Secretary and Mr. Treasurer. Yesterday, being Monday, they came to the Court, where he received his letter. Thanks him for having written to the Lord Keeper of the Seal. Though he hears that David Throckmorton's man is like shortly to be discharged, has thought good to write these few words by this messenger, who came with letters from Cologne to Mr. Secretary, but is returned without answer. Spake not with Mr. Secretary since, so can write nothing of the matter, but it was such as he said required no answer. Lady Throckmorton, after she had received the Queen's answer by the Marchioness, wrote unto the Lord Keeper, of whom he received yesterday the like answer, that it cannot be as yet All such as profess themselves to be his [Throckmorton's] friends say that there is but a woman only who is the cause of his stay. Is desirous to see him and expound his own letters and meaning. Knows not the news that he who carried to him the packet with the proclamation brought unto that Court, but left him in hope to return shortly and bring guests with him.
2. During his abode here there were lewd rumours; thinks he can judge the ground of them, which were so false that nothing can be more false. Trusts David or Middleton shall be able to advertise him more at length. Little marvels that he heard news there when they were so common here. For the messenger he wrote of he did rather put him in hope than despair, yet not after such sort but that he might judge he spoke reasonably.
3. Touching the Queen's marriage, Englishmen would be glad to find an English husband for her, therefore they were sorry to hear of Sweden's coming. Likewise of the Duke of Holstein, whose Ambassador is here presently. The bruit of M. De Nemours' journey did not a little annoy them; but of all strangers at present they fear the Earl of Arran, because the Lords of Scotland are coming to this Court to treat of marriage. They have every week a new husband for the Queen. When all is done, he thinks every man has cause to hope. For his own part he cannot tell what to say, but only that he is an Englishman by affection, and a stranger by reason he speaks in the feminine gender. James H. [James Hamilton] and the L. D. [Lord David] are arrived here, as he is credibly informed. Out of Scotland has heard nothing since the Lord of St. John's departure. News from hence he can write none. The Queen and all the Lords are in perfect good health. The Court is at Hampton Court and like to remain there unto Hallonday. Barker is now the best assay master of England, and all other men but counterfeits to him; he is this day put in the Whitehall here at Westminster to try his cunning in the separating the copper from silver, wherein by all the proofs he hath yet made he is king of that science. The Lord Admiral commends himself to Throckmorton; he has intelligence from Nantes, Brest, and other places, marvelling he could not receive the like from him. He has been since at Gillingham to see his charge there. They begin to make a buckler to defend the malice of their foes. Is sorry for the Lord Vidame's trouble. Dum brevitatem studeo, obscurus fiam.—London, 15 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 16. 637. The Queen to Wotton.
1. Forasmuch as by means of sundry advertisements and informations she considers the proceedings of the French at this day to be not very sound towards the continuance of peace with her, she has thought meet to cause the merchants trading into France to be advised not to be very hasty to send hither any such number of ships or other riches as might give occasion for the French, by gain thereof, to utter their evil meaning the sooner, which now they keep secret. And for that it might come to the notice of the French Ambassador, or the King, some other way that her subjects and merchants forbear to make any frequent trade thither, and so mistrust her more than is meant,—her pleasure is that he repair to the French Ambassador, and let him understand that she, meaning honourably to continue in her good disposition towards peace, has thought it convenient to deal most plainly with the French King and Queen, and to admonish them of such things as seem to hurt the increase of amity, so that there be no suspicion or jealousy conceived in the same. He may show the Ambassador of the depredation of a ship of Falmouth laden with tin, on the 16th of August last by a French ship set forth by the Sieur De Citeville, dwelling within two leagues of Cherbourg, and the tin known and manifestly seen to be distributed at Cherbourg to the use of the said Citeville. It is further understood that there are two other French barks of war set out upon the seas to do the like. Besides, which is the greatest matter of importance, it is not unknown that the galleys which were of late at Nantes are now either brought or are in coming to these seas. And contrary to the late treaty of accord, it is perceived that preparations are made upon sundry coasts of France to make ready ships of war to the sea.
2. She contrariwise has disarmed her navy, and although she well understands the universal arming of all manner of forces in France by land, yet, considering that in some parts there are found persons of divers estates that will not accept that the King shall be governed as he is by the house of Guise, she cannot conjecture that the preparation of a navy should anywise serve to that purpose. Moreover, the delay in ratifying the treaty, and in the performance of the covenants therein contained, make her think these proceedings very strange. Therefore as she has thought meet, like one who means kindly, to admonish the King, she has willed Wotton to impart this unto him, being Ambassador to the said King, that he may satisfy these points if he be able.
Copy, dated by Cecil: 16 October 1560. Endd. by another hand: 26 Oct. Pp. 4.
Oct. 16. 638. Another copy of the above.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 16. 639. The Queen to the Lord Treasurer and the Lord Keeper.
Because she doubts whether the French mean longer to continue their amity, and understands that her merchants give themselves very greedily to trade into France for wines with great numbers of ships and much treasure and quantity of gold, (though the same is against the law,) whereby the French might be tempted to utter their disposition sooner than otherwise they would; she has thought good that the merchants might be secretly admonished not to be so hasty and greedy to send thither such a quantity of their riches. As she means to keep peace as long as possible, their Lordships are to confer secretly with such merchants as use the trade of France, and advise them to forbear at least for a while to send their ships thither, and warn them to seem to do so upon their own dispositions. And whereas there are upon the south coast three or four score ships ready to depart into France, which hitherto cannot, as the wind remains westerly, it will be well that the owners of such as be above eighty or 100 tons burden be advised to stay their voyage for a while, until it might more clearly appear what is to be trusted of the French, which will within a short time be discovered.
Draft, in Cecil's writing and endd. by his secretary: 16 Oct. 1560. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 640. The Queen to Parry.
He is commanded to make inquiry as to the armour and artillery provided by Gresham, and as to its price, what part is expended, and in what sort, and what money is answered or answerable to her thereof. Also to charge the detainers of any armour of the late Queen, and to redeliver it to the armourers.—16 Oct. 1560.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. by his secretary: 16 Oct. 1560. To Sir T. Parry. Written on the back of a letter from the Lord Treasurer to Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 641. Leek to the Privy Council.
Since publishing the Queen's proclamation, which he received yesterday, one Thomas Sampson, an Englishman, (sometime a linendraper in Cheapside, and now of late fallen into poverty, and who was a soldier unto Captain Sutton, who dead is,) who since their coming from the camp has become a dweller in Leith, and has trafficked a kind of merchandise in selling leather in this town; but his merchandise is such that yesterday after the proclamation he was taken by two soldiers, with 23l. in new money and one angel of gold, as he was passing without Berwick towards Leith. As he confessed that he had bought part of the said new money, Leek has committed him to prison, and stayed the money in the keeping of the under Marshal, and has not delivered the same to the two soldiers who took him, according to the proclamation, the rather that the Earls of Morton and Glencairn, and the young Laird of Lethington, being presently here, have very earnestly required him to do so, who it seems will be suitors for the prisoner at their coming to the Court. Desires to know their pleasure herein. If it seems good to the Queen to extend her mercy to the poor man in favour of his life, yet he would wish for example's sake that the soldiers had the money.—Berwick, 16 Oct. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 642. Leek to Cecil.
1. Yesternight arrived the Earls of Morton and Glencairn, and the young Laird of Lethington, with seventy-four horses; the colours and passes of which he encloses, with the like of the Lady Fleming's. The Lords intend to be at London on the 26th, and have delivered to the Treasurer 1,422l. 10s. Has appointed Captain Reed to pass with them to the Court, who has not ceased this month to have passports for his going thither, hoping to have an extraordinary allowance for those soldiers whom he calls gentlemen of his band. If there be any consideration for that matter towards him, there is more to be considered towards Mr. Somerset and all the bands in Berwick, who have but their only entertainment, whilst Mr. Reed has the Island, which is worth almost 500 marks the year, and yet keeps as small a port as the meanest captain in Berwick. There has been no small ado about the order of pay lately established. Has no other defence but to show them the Queen's order lately established. Wishes Cecil to see the names of those they call gentlemen of their bands. Hears that Mr. Somerset is minded to go shortly to the Court for the like suit.
2. Asks him to command Captains Fitzwilliam, Tremaine, Carew, Carvell, and Yaxley to repair to their charge; they required licence, alleging great affairs of importance; their passports are determined, and the writer declared to them at their departure, and has since advertised them, that unless they bring warrant he will not allow their wages from the expiration of their passports, which was twenty-eight days. In the book of the establishment there are allowed eleven captains at 4s., and one at 2s. per diem. Proposes certain arrangements whereby three of the captains should be cassed. Mr. Grimstone, the muster-master, is almost ready to depart; Leek therefore desires to know how he is to use the taking of the musters. Sends herewith a letter which Sir Thomas Grey sent on the 11th, touching the state of the wardenry.— Berwick, 16 Oct. Signed.
3. P.S.—Finds by the letters of the Lords of the Council no mention of the benevolence money, and that the number and pay of the tipstaves is omitted, which he begs him to consider.
Orig. The P. S. in Leek's hand. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 6 Oct. Pp. 3.
[Oct. 16.] 643. The Horses of the Lords of Scotland.
A descriptive list of the horses belonging to the Earl of Morton, twenty-five; to the Earl of Glencairn, twenty-seven; to Lethington, twenty-two.
Copy, enclosed in Leek's letter. Pp. 3.
Oct. 17. 644. Killegrew to Throckmorton.
1. Immediately on receipt of his [Throckmorton's] letter by Middelmore, the writer had occasion to answer the same by a Scotchman sent hither by La. Col. [sic] and has thought good also to write these few lines. James Hamilton and Lord David depart hence to-morrow into Scotland; they were at the Court well used. In Scotland they are all quiet, notwithstanding the rumours he has heard. From which parts since the Lord of St. John's coming (who by this time is with Throckmorton), they have heard no news. Lidington and the rest are on their way hitherward, and will find the Queen at Hampton Court. Has heard this day that the Prince of Sweden was carried by tempest into Norway, so many hope that he will come hither; in like manner do they of the Duke of Holstein, whose Ambassador here is yet unanswered. They looked also for M. De Nemours, but thinks that Lignerolles has stayed him. Is sorry for it, as one that did rather put him in comfort. By all likelihood the common fame was better liked of him than more reasonable persuasions.
2. For such rumours as he has heard there some came from hence, where they have been very rife, but the Queen says she will make them false. For his part, for all there be so many wooers yet can he make no better judgment of her disposition to marriage than Throckmorton could in Mr. Pickering's time. Leaves to his judgment what he will not write. Has therefore sent word by Jones and Summers what account he wished him to make of my Lord R. [Robert Dudley], and puts him again in remembrance thereof, because he has more occasion now than then.
3. For the trial of the pure silver in the base coin Barker excels all England, and is now in the Whitehall about the fining of 1,000 weight, wherein he will get the gain above a grain in every ounce more than the rest.—"At your house," 17 October 1560. Signed.
4. P.S.—Is sure if the peace be ratified that De Nemours will come; therefore prays him and the Lord of St. John's to make speed, to whom with the Laird of Crecky and all good Scots there he begs to be commended. "The Pope hath of late written very kindly to Her Majesty, persuading her to play a good daughter's part; but fear you not, he shall do no harm."
Orig. Hol. Injured in the outer margin. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 17. 645. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Pp. 2.
Oct. 18. 646. The Duke of Savoy to Cecil.
Desires credit for the bearer, M. De Morette, sent to the Queen and Cecil.—Mont Denis, 18 Oct. 1560. Signed: E. Philibert.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 18. 647. The Queen to Throckmorton.
The Vidame of Amiens cannot obtain any resolute answer with respect to his revocation, and as he is in great extremity of sickness, she orders Throckmorton again to press the subject on the French King.—Hampton Court.
Draft by Cecil, and endd. by his secretary: 18 Oct. 1560. Pp. 2.
Oct. 18. 648. Wotton to the Queen.
1. Received on the 17th her letter of the 16th, of which having well considered the contents, he went in the afternoon to the French Ambassador, to whom he declared the effect of his instructions. The Ambassador answered that he was very sorry, and that he trusted that all would be well. And as for the ship laden with tin spoiled by the French, he said that about six weeks since complaints were made to him, and against the Sieur De Citeville, and that he [the Ambassador] at the request of the merchants had written not only to the Admiral of France but also to the Duchess D'Estouteville for redress, and thereupon divers who had bought the tin were arrested for it; and what was further done he knew not. Citeville was a naughty man and kept himself in his castle, so that justice could not as yet well be ministered to him. He said that Citeville does this for wrongs that he sustained by Mr. Winter. As for the two barks he knew not what they should mean, save that he hears that the Admiral of France prepares three ships of war to send against the Portuguese, who have sunk three ships of Rouen, (wherein he had a good part,) for going to Guinea; and that Villegaignon returns to his new France in the Indies and prepares two great ships of war. Afterwards he called a chaplain, who said that he understood that Citeville had set forth the two ships; which the Ambassador said was strange if true. He said that he had no certain news of the removing of the galleys. By a bruit amongst the French hostages and his own household he heard that they should be sent to Rouen to help to keep the country, and though he did not think they would receive that answer as good payment, yet this is not the time of year for galleys to make any enterprise abroad.
2. As for the preparations made on the sea coast for setting forth a navy, he said that he had heard nothing of it. He had received a letter nine or ten days ago out of Normandy, whereby it was signified that no preparation was made on that side. Finally, he would certify the King, and trusted that the Queen would receive such answer as she would have cause to be satisfied with.
3. In communication with him afterwards he said that the post of Boulogne (who was with him lately) said to some of his servants, that M. De Lansac would be here very shortly, which he hoped was true and for a good purpose. He also said that he heard that one Hamilton had conveyed the younger son of the Duke of Châtellerault out of France, which he was sorry for, fearing lest the King would take it in very ill part; and that it had much better have been done hereafter when the King should have given him cause of mistrust.—London, 18 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Appended is a note in Cecil's writing: Mr. Smith, I pray you copy this letter, because the copy must be sent to Sir N. Throckmorton. Pp. 4.
Oct. 19. 649. Petition to the Senate of Lubeck.
Complaining that Captain John Ashe had sunk their ship called the Bear and treated the crew in a most "cyclopic" and cruel manner. Having complained to the Emperor and demanded redress from the Queen of England, they now desire to have letters from the Senate.—Lubeck, 4 Cal. Nov. 1560. Signed: Gerard Wrighter, Henricus Billinghausen, Marcus Miche, Paulus Grinter, Johannes De Diluron, Laurentius Grote.
Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 6.
Oct. 19. 650. The Queen to Chamberlain.
He does not hear oftener from her because nothing of consequence has occurred. Since the last accord with the French nothing has been wanting on her part to confirm the same; but on the other side many delays have been used. Both their doings shall more largely appear by a "Collection" which is being put into French and sent to her Ambassador in France, who shall consider the parts which concern his own negociation and send it on to Chamberlain, who is to proceed by his advice so that the King of Spain may understand her proceedings. He may show the King that she means not to be uncircumspect of the state of her realm, but that her pieces shall rest upon a good guard as is meet. Of the matters of Scotland, whatever the French may bruit to make cavillations, the Parliament has been quietly and freely kept, and a good accord of all three Estates according to their proceedings, and no manner of things attempted contrary to the accord made betwixt the French Commissioners and the Scots. As his estate is not in good stay of health and thereby unmeet for him to continue on his own or her respects, she will shortly appoint his successor.—19 Oct. 1560.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Portions underlined to be expressed in cipher. Endd.: 19 Oct. 1560. Pp. 3.
Oct. 19. 651. The Queen to Throckmorton.
1. By his letter of the 17th Sept. she has heard of his proceedings with the French King and Council for the ratification, and their dilatory answer thereunto. Expects the coming hither of some person from Scotland to pass into France for the performance of such things as the French pretend to lack. Finding the time much spent without hearing certainly from Scotland, she has caused a "Collection" to be made containing her proceedings with the French before and after the making of the last accord at Edinburgh, and their contrarious proceedings, by which it might appear in whom the blame should rest. Yet she has thought meet to forbear the publication thereof until she might see the issue of the matter upon the coming of such personage as should come out of Scotland thither. Since however the delay of ratification was notified abroad, she caused the substance of the same writing to be communicated to the King Catholic's Ambassador, who, seeming to allow the proceedings very well, promised thereof to inform his master.
2. About the 6th Oct. came hither the Prior of St. John, who excused his slow coming, for that the Estates after prorogation of Parliament were so scattered through the realm that he could not in so short a time obtain their hands to his instructions and message. The sum of his charge was to signify to the French King and Queen the quietness of Scotland, the accord of all the Estates in their Parliament, the universal request of the realm to have the treaty at Edinburgh confirmed by the King and Queen, and their determination to observe the things concluded on their part. He departed on the 8th. If the former delay rested but on his coming, as has been alleged, there will now appear what is meant indeed. She therefore forbears the publishing of anything concerning this matter until she might see what is done upon the coming thither of the said Lord of St. John. Sends a copy of the Collections in French for him to read, and if he finds their proceedings continue in the former manner of cavillation and delay, she wishes him to return it with the more speed, with such observations for altering it as he thinks convenient, so that she may cause it to be notified to the world. But if they shall reform their doings and accord plainly to the ratification, then he may the longer detain the same, and abide the end of the ratification.
3. Sends a letter for Chamberlain, to whom, he being in Spain, she cannot conveniently send any message this winter time but through France, in like manner advertising him of her proceedings with the French, remitting him to understand the further doings there to Throckmorton's letters, which he is to send him from time to time, with a copy of the writing which she sends. Has caused the French Ambassador to understand that she takes these matters somewhat strangely, as by the copy of her letter to Dr. Wotton at London may appear, which he is to show to the French King and Council, except he find any such alteration of their doing as may move him to forbear. He will perceive the French Ambassador's answer to Mr. Wotton by the copy of his letter sent herewith, wherein is much smoothness either of plain meaning in him with ignorance, or of evil meaning with much "fynenesse." If he is perplexed that he is not revoked, since the ratifying of the late accord hangs, she thinks it meet for him to hold on a while. Sends herewith a passport for Lord Seton, which he is to deliver when he sees cause, and advertise before his coming what he finds in him meet to be considered at his passage through England.—Hampton, 19 Oct. 2 Eliz. Superscribed by the Queen: Rec. 26 ejusdem, per David, Parisiis.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 19. 652. Draft of the above.
In Cecil's writing and endd. by his secretary: 19 Oct. 1560. Pp. 5.
Oct. 19. 653. The Queen to Sir John Foster.
On the recommendation of the Duke of Norfolk and Lord Grey she appoints him to the wardenship of the Middle Marches. He is to obey Lord Grey, who is Governor of Berwick and Warden of the East Marches.—19 Oct. 1560.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 654. The Queen to Leek and Ingleby.
One Godale having been recommended to her for his singular knowledge in mining and ability in war, she is pleased that he should be one of her garrison at Berwick. If there is any room of a captain void, he shall have it; if not, he is to have 4s. a day until one is void, his pay to commence twenty days before his arrival at Berwick.
Draft, in Cecil's writing, and endd. by his secretary: 19 Oct. 1560. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 655. Paulus Van Enzen to the Queen.
Philip Melancthon having induced him to publish the first book of his Commentaries upon Genesis, he begs leave to dedicate it to her.—Hamburg, 19 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig., with fragment of seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 19. 656. Paulus Van Enzen to Cecil.
Having often heard of his virtues rom Adam Thraciger, is encoured to request him to present to the Queen the book that he sends by Robert Kellinghusen. He proposes to illustrate the entire text of the Bible by short annotations, and has now published the Book of Genesis by the advice of his late master, Philip Melancthon. He also sends a copy for Cecil's acceptance.—Hamburg, 19 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 19. 657. The Senate of Lubeck to the Queen.
They complain of the cruel conduct of one of her naval captains, named John Ashe, towards certain of their citizens— 14 Cal. Nov. 1560. Signed by the Consuls and Senators of Lubeck.
Orig., on vellum. Add. Endd.
Oct. 19. 658. The Farming of the Customs of Antwerp.
Conditions upon which the Treasurer General of Brabant shall in the King's name, (under the precinct of Antwerp, in presence of Hieronimus Van Hamme, master of the accounts in Brabant, and Francis Dolman, greffier of His Majesty's finance,) let out to farm the customs of Brabant at Antwerp, from 1st Nov. 1560, till 31 Oct. 1563.
Endd. by Clough, 19 Oct. 1560. Pp. 25.