Elizabeth: October 1560, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: October 1560, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp364-380 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1560, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp364-380.

"Elizabeth: October 1560, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp364-380.


October 1560, 21-30

Oct. 21. 659. Norfolk to Cecil.
Thanks him for his last letter sent by Brown "and for them that took Payne at Dunbar." Has perused the Berwick book, which in all things he allows, saving here and there a word might be added which the writer notes in the enclosed schedule. Is much beholden to him for procuring his tarrying at home. His great charges since the Queen's coming to the Crown have utterly undone him; he has wasted all the commodity that should come of his lands for many years to come, besides all his woods sold, and 300l. of land. Desires commendations to Cecil's wife.— Kenninghall, 21 Oct. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 21.] 660. Notes on the Berwick Book.
The Duke of Norfolk thinks that the Master of the Ordnance should be one of the Council of the town; if the present one is not fit, then he should be put to his pension and another appointed of authority and skill. The Governor and Council should always keep one ordinary day in the week, in the open Council house, as well to commune of the state of the town, as also that the gravity thereof should be a great fear to all offenders.
2. The Scots market should be kept without the new wall; without offence to them it might be kept between the new wall and the Bell tower.
3. Whereas in divers places in the Book things are appointed always only to be shown to the Governor, and in some other place his band at a muster to serve only for a pay, he thinks it were not amiss to name both Governor and Council of the town to . . . . [ends imperfectly]. Orig., in the Duke's hol. P, 1.
Oct. 21. 661. Randolph to Cecil.
Immediately upon the Ambassador's departure he repaired towards the Earl of Arran at Castle Semple, who after long cumber and much ado had the same delivered unto him; having before beaten down the chief tower of their defence. He remained at it ten days, of the which seven were so evil, that neither approach could be made or artillery planted. The Master and his brother with the chiefs have yielded to the Earl, and are presently at this town; the others dismissed above three score, besides eighteen slain and divers hurt. The custody of the house is committed to Captain Forbes, with ten soldiers, to be used at the Lords' will. The little fort that Lord Semple built on the Loch is determined to be overthrown, rather for the name's sake than anything it imports. As simple was his device to name it The Defender of the Faith, as he has been simple in all his other doings. The Earl of Arran requires no other reward than to dispose thereof. TheLord Semple and the Laird of Blanerne are departed out of Dunbar towards France. The Lords intend shortly to assemble at Edinburgh to put in order such things as are amiss. The Earl of Arran shall be for a space at Melrose, to put such order as he can unto the Borders. It was reported this night to the Duke that there were eight score of the Grahams and Fosters of England that are broken out and ride at liberty, unto whom it were a happy thing if some order might be put.—Hamilton, 21 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 21. 662. Randolph to Maitland.
1. On his way to Castle Semple the writer visited the Lairds of Hauton and Cawdor, and Lord St. John's wife, thence to Hamilton and so to the Earl of Arran. For seven days after the Earl's coming to the castle neither could the pioneers work or the artillery planted in battery. On the eighth day the artillery astonished his enemies. Next day, about 3 p.m., the gatehouse tower fell one half from the other, which the soldiers possessed. On the fall of the gate tower on the tenth day the soldiers entered and held it for two hours; but fearing that the rest would have fallen, retired with the loss only of two soldiers, and James Baxter hurt in the thigh. Next morning early they hung out a white flag, and the Lairds of Grange and Stenhouse and Captain Forbes being sent to them, the Master of Semple said that what they had done was by commandment of their father, rather than of their own goodwill to offend; wherefore they would be content to submit themselves without further conditions, which the Earl willingly received, and has him and his brother presently at Hamilton. The castle and the house in the loch are committed to Captain Forbes and ten soldiers. Such things as were in the house were reserved unspoiled, which in value were not worth forty crowns, besides artillery and victuals, whereof they had good store. The soldiers are all dismissed and well pleased, the one side happy to escape with their lives, the other well rewarded above their wages. The country round think themselves well delivered of so cumbersome neighbours. To rehearse the incommodities they sustained both by wind and rain were good pastime. For such a number there was never camp better furnished with provisions, save the lack of house room and fire. The Earl of Arran lodged with the rest of his friends in a barn, where Randolph was the least of six that lay in one bed. There was daily in company Lord Boyd and Lord Somerville, and their friends, the Earl of Glencairn's brother, and many other friends, of whom assurance was taken until the 20th November.
2. The castle was delivered on the 19th, and on the 20th they were all merry in Hamilton, intending on the 22nd to be at Edinburgh, where many of the Lords will be. The Laird of Grange is farthest in credit with the Duke, for his good services done to his son. He has now gone over the water to repose himself against the next voyage, which he believes will be towards the thieves upon the Borders, whereunto both the father is willing enough, and the son desires no better life. By the report of the Laird of Grange, and by what Randolph saw him do himself, he has deserved great praise, and is notably commended of all the country about. It is written to the Earl from Edinburgh that the Lord Semple and the Laird of Blanerne are shipped at Dunbar towards France. Has more to write, but time will not serve.— Hamilton, 21 Oct. 1560. Signed.
3. P. S.—Sends his commendations to the Earls of Morton and Glencairn.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 21. 663. Randolph to Killegrew.
Went to the Earl of Arran at Castle Semple, who had been there five days before his arrival; on the tenth day the castle was delivered up, after the chief strength had been beaten down over their heads that kept it. The principal defenders are in Hamilton, to be disposed of at the Earl's will. Lord Semple has gone into France with the Laird of Blanerne, as crafty, false, and subtle a man as any in Scotland; this is he for whom Sir James was suspected; this is he who has practised for the Earl of Huntly secretly, and is now thought to have some matters of his in hand. Sir Nicholas should be advertised of them both.—Hamilton, 21 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 22. 664. The Queen to Leek.
He is directed to deliver over the charge of the town of Berwick to Lord Grey, appointed Governor of the same.—22 Oct. 1560.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 22.] 665. Throckmorton to the Queen. (fn. 1)
1. Commends the bearer, the Lord of Creky, to her good usage as being devoted to her service, and desirous of an alliance between England and Scotland; he will be able to confirm such matter touching the French disposition as he signified on the 10th. They begin to talk of the manner of the execution of their proposed enterprise; they say that when time serves they will have to do with her. MM. De la Brosse, D'Andelot, De Termes, and Martigues, with the Duc D'Aumale (who shall be their general), shall take the matter in hand.
2. On the 11th inst. the French King came to the Louvre in Paris without making further entry, and spoke to his Parliament, divers chief merchants and officers at Paris, cer- tain learned men of the Sorbonne, and divers of his Council. They being assembled, after the King had declared the trust he had in them, the Chancellor, for the better effect of the King's journey against the rebels, demanded an aid of money, and there were granted unto him 100,000 crowns. The King will be at Orleans on the 20th to meet his gendarmerie. They at Orleans will receive the King and his train, but will not permit any men-at-arms to enter into the town. The King for that cause, and to bring other his towns the sooner to obedience, takes with him divers pieces of ordnance. The gendarmerie is appointed to remain in divers countries according to an edict. Has been informed that as soon as the King has somewhat settled the garboils here, he is minded to convert his forces towards Dover, Scarborough, or Tynemouth, and that there is a league in hand between him and the King of Spain, which is very pernicious to the Queen.
3. Lord Seton desiring to speak with the writer, he went secretly to his lodgings, where he set out how evil he had been used here; and that as he did promise the Queen Dowager in Scotland to stand by her during her life, (but now finding there is very small consideration had of him,) he intends to go home and live and die a good Scotchman, and apply himself to the uttermost for the benefit and liberty of his country. Whereof the Queen is informed, so that if he goes by England he may have her safe conduct and be well entreated, being a man of whom some account may be made.
4. There is a bruit, three or four ways confirmed, that the English ships which are in good number at Bordeaux for wine should be stayed. It is to be marvelled, considering the treaty is not ratified, that they have adventured to come so many as they do daily unto this coast.
5. Since his last letter, has sent to the coast to learn touching the French preparations, and learns that De Vielleville was lately busied at Dieppe, where a great part of the victual lately was; he is presently at Newhaven, where they are rigging out three ships of good burden, very well armed and manned, and it is reported that they are equipped for Brazil. What this and M. De Vielleville mean he cannot judge, seeing that at Rouen all things are very quiet. A great part of the victuals prepared for Scotland remain yet in store at Newhaven.
6. The Grand Prior, notwithstanding his commission to bring the galleys about to Newhaven, has signified the Court that they cannot remove from Nantes by reason of the time of the year. Is informed that they begin to make provision of biscuit and other victuals for them. M. De Gourdon is revoked from his charge at Calais, and M. De Morvillier sent thither in his stead.
7. The 16th present there departed out of Paris ten cartloads of munition and artillery; but whither it is conveyed, or how it is to be employed, he cannot learn.
Draft, corrected by Throckmorton. Passages underlined, to be expressed in cipher. Pp. 4.
Oct. 22. 666. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Repeats the information contained in his letter of the 10th inst., and in the last number. He then proceeds as follows: He is well informed that the French Queen has written with her own hand six letters to several noblemen in Scotland, and has signed thirty-seven letters, which shall be conveyed by Carr, the Parson of Roxburgh, to whom the abbey of Kelso is given, or by Cranyston, the official to the Bishop of St. Andrews. The King of Navarre is looked for at Orleans with his train on the 21st, and all bruit of any doubt of trouble by him is clean appeased. The French King determines to do very strait execution upon his subjects in all parts of his realm where there has been any stir. The money from the confiscations will amount to a large sum. The King minds, either by his Ambassador resident, or by an express gentlemen sent to her, to request Throckmorton's removal, and that rather than he should continue he would have no Ambassador. The writer understands that he is greatly misliked. The Baron of Curton, who is of Gascony, has told him that there are in those parts 200 English ships for wines and other merchandises; doubts not but that she will cause secret order to be taken for their calling back, and for their stay on their return, till things be in more quiet terms. Lingers behind the Court at Paris to understand what has become of Du Bois' levying of men in Picardy.— Paris, 22 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: This letter is wholly contained in another of 28 Oct. Pp. 6.
Oct. 22. 667. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Refers to his letter to the Queen for what has passed since Middlemore's departure on the 10th. Understands by Somer, of Craigmillar, and yet whatsoever Cecil is persuaded of him, the writer thinks of him as he did at the beginning, and is informed that he has as perilous practices in hand as may be devised, and that he follows them busily. Has received no letter from the Court save his of the 20th Sept. since Somer's coming with letters of the 27 Aug. Quotes a Latin account of the disturbances of Sweden in the time of King Eric and in the time of King Christian, 1459. Things that were done before might happen again, and instead of peace, safety, and wealth the match might bring war, peril, and expense; and when the account is made they would have a fair and far northern man, without any profitable alliance, in his doublet and hose. Desires answer touching Lord Seton's passport to pass through England, who daily "sounds unto" the writer touching that matter.—Paris, 22 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered, and portions in Throckmorton's hand. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp.3.
[Oct. 22.] 668. Advertisements from France.
1. At Brest and other havens the French ships of war are being made ready with all diligence.
2. At Newhaven, called Hable de Grace, are twelve sail, freighted with victual to be sent to Scotland. At Nantes ten galleys are come, and ten others are looked for.
3. The Spaniards lately discharged in Flanders shall come into France, to pass with the French Queen into Scotland, for which cause all this preparation is made.
4. Certain surveyors have lately at Calais devised a place fit to keep twelve galleys.
5. The old garrison there is lately called from thence (as is thought) to go with the Queen into Scotland. In their place other soldiers are come in greater number than the old was.
Enclosed in a letter from W. Cobham to Cecil of Oct. 22nd. P. 1.
Oct. 22. 669. Killegrew to Throckmorton.
Since he wrote has spoken with my Lord R. [Robert], and put him in remembrance of Mr. D., who willed the writer to let him [Throckmorton] understand secretly that he was not forgotten. Thereupon has written that he may deliver the enclosed to him, and use him as he thinks best.—London, 22 Oct. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 23. 670. Frederick II. of Denmark to the Council of Scotland.
Rejoices to hear that peace is concluded between France and Scotland. Demands restitution of the Orkney Islands, which at the marriage of Margaret, daughter of James of Scotland, to Christian I., were pledged for the sum of 50,000 florins; for which he now offers repayment. E Venatione nostra Cymbrica, 23 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Copy. Add.: To the Duke of Hamilton, the Earl of Arran, and the rest of the Governors of Scotland. Lat Pp. 3.
Oct. 24. 671. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Has commended this bearer, the Lord of Creky, to the Lords of the Council. That Cecil may know the better how to deal with him, his nature is such, that when he finds courtesy and kind handling he acknowledges it in all things that he may, and will do more with fair words and good dealing, than others with great gifts. Words and good cheer, being no great charge, are not to be spared. Cecil must beware that he moves no special matter to him, either to be a practiser therein, or to leave the French Queen's service for Elizabeth's, or any other thing wherein he may seem to prejudice his good opinion of their doings. It may be moved to him in general terms to help that there may be an assured and perfect amity between England and Scotland, and to let the means thereof and all other things tending thereto be untouched and remain to his own judgment. There is some matter in variance between Lord James and him for the keeping of the castle and park of Falkland, and the seneschalship of Fife, which he lately had; wherein the writer wishes him to be favoured, as he is a man that may stand in good stead, being cousin german to the Duke of Châtellerault and the Earl of Argyle.—Paris, 24 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. The greater portion in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 24. 672. Draft of the above.
Portions underlined to be expressed in cipher. Endd.: 24 Oct. 1560. Pp. 2.
Oct. 24. 673. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
1. Commends the Lord of Creky, being upon his return to his country. He is known to the Lord Chamberlain. The writer has always found him of good inclination to the Queen's service, and also of like devotion for the uniting of England and Scotland in peace and amity. This has caused him to be here of late suspected and examined, so that he departs homeward evil satisfied. Albeit he was the servant of the Queen Dowager, and has a daughter in the service of the French Queen, he may be persuaded to cause them in Scotland not yet contented with the present proceedings to like them, for he is of good credit with the Earls of Crawford, "Glantin" [Glammis?], and Arrol, and with good usage he may be persuaded to do as much as others would by pensions. He desires to be allowed to take three or four nags or hackneys into Scotland.
2. Repeats the information contained in his letter of Oct. 22 to the Queen respecting the preparations in France, etc. Is informed that at Armew [Armuyden], in Zealand, there are certain ships rigged forth, wherein the 3,000 Spaniards are to be embarked for Spain. On the 18th they sent down the Seine six double cannon. There is commission given to divers spiritual men to use all possible means with the Bishops, Abbots, Priors, and other chief ministers of the spirituality to lend the King all their plate and jewels. The Great Prior is sent for from Nantes, and commanded to bring the captains of the galleys which remain there. It is thought that all things shall be compounded between the King of Navarre, the Constable, and the house of Guise.
3. The King of Navarre is looked for shortly at Orleans; all bruits of trouble by him are clean appeased, which causes great marvel. On the 16th instant there departed out of Paris ten cartloads of munition and artillery, the destination of which is unknown.—Paris, 24 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add., with armorial seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Endd. Pp. 5.
[Oct. 24.] 674. Names of Men wounded at Leith.
Richard Nobbes, of Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, desires a pension of 6d. a day. William Raynescroft, of Chester, same demand. Thomas Jones, of Bralley, co. Hereford, desires a beadsman's place in the cathedral of Gloucester. Make a grant. (fn. 2) John Fairfield, of Kidderminster, desires a pension of 4d. a day. John Smythe, of Heanor, Derbyshire, same demand. William Dyrek, born in Flanders, desires the Queen's reward to bring him to his country. Almoner. Peter Bracking, of Dartford, desires a pension of 4d. a day. John Moone, born at Calais, same demand. John Reynolds, of Felton, Shropshire, desires 6d. a day. Edward Drinkhill, of Adlingfleet, Yorkshire, same demand. Thomas Tutbury, of Thirlthorpe, Lincolnshire, same demand. Henry Swallow, of Sibthorpe, Nottinghamshire, desires the Queen's reward, and again to be placed in Berwick. John Boreman, of Little Aston, Essex, desires 4d. a day. Richard Landes, of St. Mary's, Cheshire, same demand. John Hutson, of Pembridge, Hereford, same demand. Walter Jones, of Langeby, Cardigan, same demand. The ages of the applicants, the names of the captains under whom they served, and the action in which they were wounded, are specified.—1560.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Oct. 24. 675. Another copy of the above list (with the addition of six names), specifying "in what places of their bodies and limbs they are maimed." A few marginal notes are added by Cecil, granting or modifying their petitions.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 24 Oct. 1560. Pp. 7.
Oct. 24. 676. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
Directions for the payment of 59,886l. 3s. 4d. due to divers creditors next November. Reserves for her own use any overplus that may accrue by the augmentation of the exchange. Whereas she has the sum of 22,923l. 13s. 4d. to be paid in the end of December, she directs the Treasurer to pay it over to Gresham likewise.
Draft in Cecil's hand, much torn, on the back of a letter, apparently from him to the Lord Treasurer, in which occurs this sentence: "I send your Lordship this paper, whereby the debt is greater than I took it by 10,000l." Endd.: 24 Oct. 1560. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 24.] 677. Another copy of the above.
Endd.: 28 [sic] Oct. 1560. This is a true copy of the warrant to the Exchequer. Pp. 3.
Oct. 25. 678. The Privy Council to the Warden of the Cinque Ports (fn. 3)
Direct him to keep up the garrisons of the castles on the coast until the Spaniards from Zealand be passed westwards. The coast is to be watched as it was wont to be in time of war, and the gentlemen of the country required to reside at their houses in readiness for the defence of the sea-coast. He is to use such discretion that it may not appear that any doubt is conceived of any unkind part to be done towards the realm by the King of Spain.
Draft, in Cecil's writing and endd. by his secretary: 25 Oct. 1560. P. 1.
Oct 25. 679. The Privy Council to the [Governor of the Isle of Wight].
It having come to their knowledge that a great number of Spaniards out of the Low Countries are in readiness to transport themselves towards Spain; notwithstanding the perfect amity between the Queen and the King of Spain, the writers have thought meet not only to admonish him of their passage, but also to give him strait commandment to be the more careful presently of his charge. If they shall seem to hover thereabouts anytime without any probable reason, or otherwise attempt to land in suspicious manner, he is to use despatch first to admonish them to forbear the approaching any suspect place and to offer them courteously the aid of any necessary thing that they shall lack; and if they shall presume any further enterprise he shall do his endeavour to impeach them. The Lord Treasurer has written to the shire of Hampton to put their power in readiness to be sent to him upon any admonition by beacon or otherwise. He is to send to the Lord St. John to accord for such as have been hereto appointed.
Draft, in Cecil's writing and endd. by his secretary: 25 Oct. 1560. Pp. 4.
Oct. 25. 680. News from Switzerland.
The five Catholic cantons have agreed to a meeting proposed to them by those of Zurich, which will commence on 28 Oct. The cantons have not granted to the King of France the troops which he desired to have, but have consented to delay the payment of the sums in which he is already indebted to them. The inhabitants of Berne and Zurich are enrolling troops and officers. A league has been concluded between the Duke of Savoy and the cantons of Lucerne, Schweitz, and Unterwalden.—25 Oct. 1560.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
Oct. 26. 681. Petition of the Estates of Touraine.
The nobility of Touraine, assembled at Tours, 26 Oct. 1560, drew up a petition to be presented to the King and the States General, to be assembled on 10 December. It consisted of the following Articles:
1. That the King will be pleased to have the religion reformed according to the pure Word of the Gospel.
2. That he will punish all rogues, robbers, leachers, adulterers, and blasphemers, and suppress all brothels.
3. That he will give safe conduct to the Estates to go and return from the Council, and that no one shall be persecuted for any opinion expressed there.
4. That the widows of gentlemen who were in the Gendarmes des Ordonnances, or otherwise in the King's service, and their children, who are not able to bear arms, gentlemen over sixty or incapable of serving, and widows whose children are in the King's service, shall not be liable to contribute to the arrier-ban.
5. That it shall be forbidden for gentlemen to insult or give one another the lie, or for the insulted person to have recourse to arms, without having first summoned his insulter before the King, or the Marshals of France.
6. That whereas certain of his officers have in spite of their privileges assessed certain gentlemen for the payment of certain loans, the King will be pleased to direct that this shall cease.
7. The rigour in levying the taxes and the losses consequent on war having reduced many noblemen to extreme poverty, they pray that they may carry on some sort of traffic for their sustenance without losing their privileges.
8. That judicial posts shall not be venal, but shall be filled up by election, and that laws against vexatious suits shall be observed.
9. That judges shall not take any presents, under pain of deprivation of their offices.
10. That ecclesiastics shall have no separate jurisdiction, but shall be amenable to the ordinary process of justice.
11. That each person shall be tried by the Parliament of the province where he resides, and that all summons to other Courts shall cease.
12. That no one shall be allowed to commence a suit, unless he shall have first endeavoured to settle the matter amicably with the assistance of his neighbours and friends.
13. In order to remove the present discontent as to the management of affairs, that the King will be pleased to take the advice of the Princes of the blood, and other Princes and Lords, and if it shall seem good, take the opinion of the Estates.
14. That all games of hazard be forbidden.
15. That all bridges, roads, and public ways, be repaired at the expense of those who have the tolls; and if the tolls do not suffice, the deficiency shall be levied on the surrounding country.
16. That regulations shall be made each season by the officers of the provinces fixing the prices to be charged by the innkeepers.
17. That every one shall dress according to his position, avoiding all superfluity.
18. That he will maintain them in all their privileges and franchises, and they for their part will acknowledge him for their King.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
Oct. 26. 682. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 4.
Oct. 27. 683. Leek to Cecil.
1. Has already signified that the curate here is a very simple man and has only 7l. by year in wages of the vicar, who is more ignorant than the curate. "I doubt whether he can say his Paternoster truly, either in English or Latin." The Dean of Durham (who is patron of the churches of Berwick and Norham, and who is presently at London,) can declare the unaptness of the vicar of Berwick and Norham, called Sir Robert Selby, to take any cure of Christian people. The vicar is paid yearly of the Dean of Durham 20l. for Berwick and 20l. for Norham in money, without any other profits, and thereof the vicar gives the curate 7l. by year. William Morton has the parsonage in farm and pays the Dean and Chapter of Durham 11l. by the year. There belongs to the parsonage only the "Pasche book," wool, lamb, and of every person that is allowed to have ordinary hay, either soldier or freeman, twopence. "Corn here groweth none." "Here are neither ministers, clerk or sexton that I know meet to be presently placed; there be good pupils in this town; who, if there may be such a schoolmaster sent hither shortly as Mr. Sampson or Mr. Dean of Durham, will prove good scholars and meet to be ministers. But if ye tract time and do not send a preacher hither shortly, I doubt they will return to their old vomit and become too much oblivious. One here is called Cuthbert Dickenson, a honest poor man; and as he seemeth meet to be a sexton or assistant for the burial, the Dean commended him unto me."
2. The money that the Lords of Scotland paid to the Treasurer is almost all paid to the old ordinary garrison, so that the Queen can have no loss thereby. Took a muster of the old ordinary on the 22nd, whereat there wanted of the Marshal's band eighteen, and the Treasurer did not present one soldier. He declared that he looked to be revoked, and therefore will not take any wages since Michaelmas last past.— The Castle of Berwick, 27 Oct. Signed.
3. P. S.—"There be already departed from Berwick and Tweedmouth 269 abominable damoselles, and some Scots forth of Berwick. I confess I am more apt to be a bumbailiff presently than I was thirty years past."
Orig., the P.S. in Leek's hand. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 28. 684. The Queen to Gresham.
Has given order that all her debts of 59,000l. due next November, and of 22,000l. due in December, shall be paid. The merchant adventurers shall pay 30,000l., and the staplers 10,000l., which, with the benefit of the exchange, will bring down the November debt to about 11,000l., which sum the Treasurer of England shall pay to such as Gresham may appoint. He is to take up weekly as much of the said sum of 11,000l. with such policy as he can. The Treasurer will cause his bills to be paid at sight. He shall do the same for the 22,000l. due in December.
Draft by Cecil, and endd. by his secretary: 28 Oct. 1560. Pp. 2.
Oct. 28.
Hardwick, i. 121.
685. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. On the 25th inst. received the Queen's packet, and one from him [Cecil] advising him to write to the Queen for the better despatch of her affairs, which Throckmorton says have been neglected. Knows not how to begin, having hoped for satisfaction from his last, concerning the greatest matter of all, the Queen's marriage. "I know not what to think, nor how to understand your letter on that point, and the bruits be so brim and so maliciously repeated here touching the marriage of the Lord Robert and the death of his wife, as I know not where to turn me, nor what conclusion to bear."
2. Tells him plainly that until the writer hears what he [Cecil] thinks, he sees no reason to advise the Queen in the matter, for though he likes him [Lord Robert] well, yet the love he bears to the Queen and her realm takes more place in him than any friendship. If the marriage take place he knows not to what purpose any advice or counsel should be given. And if he [Cecil] thinks he [Throckmorton] has any judgment in conjecturing sequels, assures him, the matter succeeding, the state of England is in great danger of utter ruin. Begs him to signify plainly what has been done, and what will be the end of the matter, and then he [Throckmorton] can write his advice to the Queen. "And if the matter be not already determined and so far past as advice will not serve, I require you as you bear a true and faithful heart to Her Majesty and the realm, and do desire to keep them from utter desolation, and in visceribus Jesu Christi, I conjure you to do all your endeavour to hinder that marriage; for if it take place there is no counsel or advice that can help."
3. They begin to be in derision already for the bruit only; if it take place they will all be opprobrium hominum et abjectio plebis. God and religion will be out of estimation, the Queen discredited, contemned, and neglected, and the country ruined, and made prey. "Wherefore, with tears and sighs, as one being already almost confounded, I beseech you again set to your wits and all your help to stay the commonwealth, which lieth now in great hazard. . . . For your letters they be as safe in my hands as in your own, and more safe in mine than in any messenger's. Think it assuredly, I am as jealous of your safety and well doing as yourself, and so conceive of me."
4. If Cecil minds not to send a post as soon as he will write, H. Middlemore, his [Throckmorton's] cousin, a faithful young man, can bear the letter. Prays him to deal with his letters as Throckmorton does with his, for all is not gold that glitters. Asks that this bearer and Lord Crekie may find courtesy at his hands.—Paris, 28 Oct. 1560. Signed.
Orig., in Throckmorton's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 28. 686. Leek to Cecil.
1. The old ordinary are very glad of the Scottish silver, as the testons are not so current in Berwick. Has himself exchanged 40l. with the Treasurer for the like sum of that money, to buy salt salmon, herrings, and saltfish, and to satisfy withal in Scotland for his own store. The silver is not current in Tweedmouth. Trusts Mr. Melvyn did not make him believe that the writer would have refused French crowns, if he could have got them. Thinks Lord Grey makes information against him for spoiling of water, for in good faith he [Leek] takes no other commodity belonging to this office save a little hay which Croftes' servants and his own hired to be made and brought into the castle, and which cost more than it was worth. Has no cattle to eat the pasturage, but keeps ten geldings in the stables, which good provision makes his purse empty. As for the fishing he has not had one fish since his coming, nor has he taken one corn of the tithes, neither will until he knows Cecil's pleasure therein. Can find small pleasure in giving them to Lord Grey, who he is sure would be content to give information against him if he could find matter.
2. There is no herald, but a pursuivant called Harry Berwick, a very honest man; he has one of the gunners' rooms for his allowance, and a footman in wages; his enterment should be increased. Found a groom porter at his coming, but there was so unquiet order kept that he was forced to take away that office; before his coming Captain Brown was groom porter.
3. Thanks him for the news that Lord Grey will be here within eight days; trusts that his coming is his [the writer's] sufficient discharge, yet would crave the Queen's warrant. Lord Grey had so much corn growing this year at Harbottle as he heard him say will find his house malt for one year, therefore he needs not covet the tithes. Will as soonas he may advertise him of Randolph's mind. Likes his choice, but he must needs amend the entertainment. The profit of all checks is due to the Queen. Marvelled at the report that Richard Overton should be clerk of the checks.—The Castle of Berwick, 28 Oct. Signed.
4. P. S.—Could wish Mr. Randolph gentleman porter, he is an apt man for the office. Although none are named, there must be a muster master and controller of the works, or else perhaps the Queen will have to pay hereafter. Has despatched this letter for life, because he doubts whether Cecil is satisfied with this Scotch silver and the utterance thereof.
Orig., the P.S. in Leek's hand. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 29. 687. The Queen to Lord Grey.
Requests him to appoint one special day to sit in the Common Council house, there to direct such causes as shall be needful. She also orders that the Scotch market be removed from within the town to the void place betwixt the new wall and the Bell tower without the town.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 29 Oct. 1560. Pp. 2.
Oct. 29. 688. The Queen to Lord Grey or Leek.
Thomas Sampton, who was found by certain of the garrison to have carried away a sum of money contrary to the proclamation, shall be ordered according to the same, and his arresters shall have their part of the money. The Lords of Scotland being wise men may easily be persuaded that the commandments in such a town should not be dallied withal.
Draft, in Cecil's writing and endd. by his secretary: 29 Oct. Pp. 2.
Oct. 29. 689. Leek to Cecil.
1. The bearer, Robert Cornwall, having been left by the Duke of Norfolk to see to the demolition of the forts at Dunbar, has not had his charges allowed him for divers voyages between Newcastle, Berwick, and Dunbar. Leek now desires a warrant to grant him allowance in that behalf.—The Castle of Berwick, 29 Oct. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—Has touched this matter in a former letter and beseeches him to consider it.
Orig., the P. S. in Leek's hand. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 29. 690. [Throckmorton] to Chamberlain.
1. Forwards a letter from Lord Robert Dudley. Cecil has desired the writer to send also a copy of the treaty betwixt the French and the Scots, which he omits to do, having already sent one to him from Poissy by Gamboa. All things in France are pacified and quiet in all places, and yet they daily amass both horse and foot. He sees daily more and more occasion to suspect their meaning.
2. His friends advertise him that the Lord Robert's wife is dead, and has by mischance broken her own neck; and here it is openly bruited by the French that her neck was broken with such other appurtenances, as he is withall brought to be weary of his life; and so evil are the reports that he is ashamed to write them. Chamberlain as a wise man can conceive how much it imports the Queen's honour and her realm to have the same ceased, so that he trusts that Challoner will by his letters thence, (as the writer does by his from hence,) help to do some good for the appeasing of the same. Though there be wise men at home who know what is meet to be done in such cases, yet the advertisement hereof from ministers abroad has a great deal more force. As they are both in one ship, the tempest must touch them both alike. Is not to return home yet, but understands that Chamberlain is in towardness of revocation, but that his successor is not yet named.
3. The Lord of St. John is come from Scotland, it is said to demand the ratification of the treaty. Minds to repair after him to the Court at Orleans, to renew his request for the same. Sends a letter from "my lady Marquis" of Northampton, for the provision of some things for her. Perceives that Challoner's judgment is allowed in the furniture of things meet for ladies, wherein the writer wishes him better success than he has had himself of late; "but both your skill is better than mine, and you are further off; and 'far-fetched and dear-bought is good for ladies.'" Sends also a letter from Lady Clinton, with two buttons of gold, set with pearls, which being dainty gear and carried so far (by he knows not whom) he wishes good receipt. Sends also a perfumed glove from the Queen, so he perceives that Chamberlain is taken to be very skilful in delicacies. "But Mr. Chamberlain, our time requireth them not, and a great many of things of a contrary quality are more meet for us a great deal. For we are altogether too delicate. Thus you may see how bold I am with you as my friend." Also, two proclamations, "whereby you shall perceive how our money goeth at home."—Paris, 29 Oct. 1560.
Orig. Draft. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 31. 691. The Duke of Savoy to his Ambassador in Venice.
1. The district of Lucerne and the valley of Angrogne, against which M. Della Trinita was to be sent to chastise the heretics, have resolved to accept the preachers and the rules which shall be sent them; it is hoped therefore that bloodshed will be prevented.
2. To-morrow the Duke will set out from here to arrive early at Vercelli.
3. Last Monday the Duke of Urbino was to arrive at Rome, and the Duke of Florence on the following day was to make a solemn entry accompanied by 800 cavalry, bringing with him his wife and two sons, and Paul Giordano Orsino, who is to receive from the Pope the title and rank of Duke of Braciano.
4. The Count of Tendiglia, who goes to Rome to sell the obedience to the Pope, sent by King Philip, will go as Regent to Sicily, and the Duke of Medina Cœli will return to Spain with the galleys.
5. Letters from Malta state that the King of Tunis has made an alliance with the Turk, and has promised to pay him tribute for the recovery of the fortress of the Goletta, and is having the canal of the port of Bisenta prepared for the reception of the Turkish army.
Two half sheets of paper, headed as: The postscript of a letter from the Duke of Urbino to his Ambassador at Venice, 31 Oct. 1560, from Moncaglieri in Piedmont.
Oct. 31. 692. Throckmorton to Cecil.
By his letter of 28th sent by the Lord of Creigh [sic] the writer signified that he was minded not to depart out of this town till Dubois, master of the camp, was passed by. Is advertised that the 30th of this present he passed, bringing with him out of the places and forts in Picardy 1,000 footmen, who marched between this town and Rouen towards Anjou; but the very truth where they shall go is only known to himself and the Duke of Guise. They keep together strong, as if they were in an enemy's country. After them come 500 more. The places whence they are taken are filled up with the legionaries. Anjou is not far from Nantes where the galleys lie, therefore the matter is to be looked to. And the more, if there be any ships or bottoms rigging near there, it will be well to have an eye thither by such as trade from England. Is now upon his departure towards Orleans. Sends the last order for the men at arms to assemble at Orleans, and also an almanack and prognostication of Nostradmus, which he doubts whether that person ever saw. Cannot yet learn that the King of Navarre is come to Court. Commends the bearer, Alexander Foster, Laird of Torwoodhead.—Paris, last of October 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 31. 693. Draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 3.


  • 1. On the margin of the last page occur the following notes:—"Carr, Parson of Roxburgh, Abbey of Kelso; Craigston, official to the Bishop of St. Andrews. Mr. Secretary. Craigmillar. I know not all his doings here. 20 Sept., 17 Augusti. A good token; I trust all be well."
  • 2. The notes here printed in italics are in Cecil's handwriting.
  • 3. The draft of a letter to a similar effect occurs on the back of this document.