Elizabeth: September 1560, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: September 1560, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp309-327 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1560, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp309-327.

"Elizabeth: September 1560, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp309-327.


September 1560, 21-30

Sept. 22. 548. Sir Francis Leek to Cecil.
1. Is advertised by Randolph that the Lord St. John will be here this night, and passes hence by post. Randolph having desired the writer to have an English gentleman accompany him to the Court, he has appointed Mr. Baston, who being lately discharged now stands at 2s. by the day.
2. According to Cecil's commandment he has travailed as much as he may in aid of the poor Scotchmen, and sent his servant, Thomas Carlyle, who has served the process of Sir Ralph Grey, and Francis Phetypas, his man, and likewise on John Horseley, Lord of Houtchester, who says he will appear. Sir Ralph Grey has signified that notwithstanding the commandment of the process, he is Deputy Warden, and therefore cannot appear at London; neither shall his man, Francis Phetypas. Sir Ralph, finding that Lyell Humbell and Odnell Stanley, his servants, were in the same process, who dwelt five miles from Chillingham, so delayed Carlyle with talk that before he could ride to their houses they were gone, so as he could not meet with them. He also willed Carlyle to signify to Sir Francis Leek that his abode at Berwick should be very short, for he had received letters from Lord Grey that he is Captain of the town and castle. As for the rest of the persons contained in the schedule, he has sent two gentlemen, who have attached sixty-two of them, but he is sure it is but vain travail, for their dwelling being out of his office they will appear if themselves list; there are yet to attach seven score persons, who shall all be attached if his men escape unbeaten, and of whom few or none will appear.
3. In like manner eight days past two Scotch merchants of Leith sent a ship laden with wheat and dried fish, to sell in Berwick; the mariners missed the channel and set the ship on the sands, and leaving her (as they say) to drink, but rather to get aid to carry forth their goods, before their return the inhabitants of Tweedmouth and Spittal carried away all the corn and fish, and yet the ship remains unbroken. The Lords of the Estates have written to him in this matter very earnestly, but he cannot remedy the matter, the place where these naughty acts are committed being not within his charge.
4. Is informed that Hedly, (late Croftes' man, and now Lord Grey's man,) advertised Lambert, Lord Grey's man, who is now discharged, that although Sir Francis Leek knew that he would be discharged of his charge, yet is he loath to leave the town, and makes earnest suit to be in office there.
5. In his letters of the 3rd inst. the writer signified his opinion of the offices of Marshal and Treasurer, but did not sue for Mr. Abington's office. Knows not who keeps Cecil's letters, but wishes him more secret.—Berwick Castle, 22 Sept. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 23. 549. The Queen to Sir Thomas Ingleby.
Having caused a mass of treasure to be sent, and considering that certain monies, being parcel of the said treasure, may be decried by proclamation, she orders that such wages as were not paid out of the said treasure before the day of proclamation, shall be paid out of it according to the present rate. The chief officers, however, are to be paid according to the former rate.—23 Sept. 1560.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 23. 550. Randolph to Cecil.
1. At the time that he last wrote he was forced for the vehemence of his pains to leave many points unanswered, and omit other things that he would willingly should come to Cecil's knowledge. Is thankful that the Queen accepts his simple doings in so good part. The reasons why Cecil should retire himself are better considered of his part than coveted of his friends, who heartily wish that he would abide the consummating of the happy work now in hand, for the perpetual uniting of the two realms. Has long since despatched his [Cecil's] letters, with others enclosed, to the Earl of Argyll. The Earl of Arran thinks himself much beholden to Cecil. The passport is not yet delivered to Lady Fleming; his care is how to seclude out of her number Robert Lyslye, a mortal enemy to their cause, who pretends to the earldom of Rothes.
2. Since his last letter Lord Semple, doubting the force that was preparing against him by the nobles, conveyed himself secretly out of his castle to Dunbar, where he was received the 11th inst. The Lords thereupon sent Captain Forbes to Sarlabois to give him knowledge "that he had done against the treatment," and required Lord Semple to be delivered up to a sergeant of arms, who was there present, as an offender. The answer of Sarlabois he will receive with more ample knowledge by Lord St. John, who of purpose will devise with him of the same matter, to see how the French upon just cause may be charged with a breach of their covenants, who by false reports burden others unjustly, as that of the Bishops that were not suffered to enjoy their livings. One other thing in the treaty is not yet performed, as the demolition of the fort of Eyemouth. It is also said that the number of men in Dunbar exceeds three score, as was agreed. The house of munition remains yet standing, which Sarlabois would not suffer the pioneers to overthrow. He himself stands always upon his guard, and goes not far abroad. Captain Lucinet and those in the Inch never come aland, and very few repair to them. It is said there are more women in it than men. The merry men call it now L'Isle des Femmes, and not L'Isle des Chevaux.
3. Received a letter from the Bishop of Athens, confirmed at this Parliament Bishop of Galloway; and made answer to the effect as he has written at the end of this letter, which he sends to Cecil. Has talked at large with Mr. Knox concerning his History; as much as is written shall be sent to Cecil at the coming of the Ambassadors by Mr. John Wood. He has written only one book, and if Cecil likes that, he shall continue the same, or add any more; he says that he must have further help than he can have in Scotland, for more assured knowledge of things passed than he can come by there. It is a work not to be neglected. Mr. James Magill desires his [Randolph's] acquaintance, which shall not be refused; if no good may be done upon him, he will at least bring him into jealousy with the French. It is said that the Earl Bothwell is married in Denmark to a wife, with whom he has 40,000 "yoendallers" [sic]. The author of this tale is Lady Buccleugh, his old friend and lover. [Has heard since that he was never out of Scotland, but lay secret in some corner.] (fn. 1)
4. There came of late out of France a Scotchman called the Parson of Wilton, reputed an honest man; if he had come by land he had brought Cecil's letters. He gives good advice to all how to use themselves with the French, which is to yield nothing that they have got; he persuades earnestly the continuance of amity with England, and discourages credit in either promises or fair words. He depends on the house of the Earl of Cassilis; he promised earnestly to travail to frame him to some good purpose. The Earl of Huntly, who this last Parliament was absent, has been written to from the Lords, that at least he would confirm the messages agreed upon by some letter, which he has done; as the Lord of St. John's will show more at large, with his other charges. Lord James is not yet looked for out of the north; the Earl of Argyll will be here in twenty days. The Earl of Huntly has promised to be with the Duke on the 5th or 6th proximo. The Earl of Arran continues his journey to Castle Semple. They have of late slain in his bed an old man above four score years of age. Since Lord Semple's coming to Dunbar, his other doings have been intolerable.
5. The fortification of Leith goes down apace, there are labouring 200 pioneers. Touching the Borders, the sooner the Warden returns the better order will be kept. The Earls of Argyll and Athol and Lord James at their meeting joined themselves in a perpetual league against all adversaries that at any time in any cause may be stirred up against either of them. This has been done specially to bridle the Earl of Huntly, if he intend any mischief in those parts where he is, whose doings give occasion for men to conjecture far enough, were it only that he has sent his kinsman, Captain Culleyn, into France, and is the means that Robert Lisley should follow. Captain Forbes had private and familiar talk with Sarlabos, who condemned the opinion of as many as thought that the Queen would give ear to the suit of the Earl of Arran, for that she was determined long since to marry the Swede for the great abundance of his riches, and thereby may be the better able to withstand the force of whatsoever enemy shall invade her. The policy of her Council, seeing how necessary the amity of Scotland is to her, intends to offer in marriage to the Earl of Arran the Lady Catherine, daughter to the Duchess of Suffolk, that as she is an heir apparent of England so shall she be matched with an heir apparent of Scotland; so that if both those who are in possession of the crowns die without succession, the right shall come to them. This he asseverated with such oaths that Forbes entered in certain belief. He also offered himself to have seen letters from so sure a place, that he himself would not deny it. He offered also to lay a horse of 100 crowns that it shall so come to pass. He trusts also that this advertisement, which he sends by his servant, shall serve him to no small advancement when he returns. Though of all this there is nothing that the writer credits, save that perhaps Sarlabois has some advertisement out of England, yet he thought it not necessary that this should be told straight to the Earl of Arran, or any other that stand yet in doubt of the Queen's meaning towards Scotland. Omnes, quibus res sunt minus secundœ, sunt nescio quo modo suspiciosi; ad deteriorem partem sumunt omnia. Forbes has promised to keep these and other matters in silence, until the writer releases his tongue, which he intends not to do until he hears how far these unseasonable bruits will be blustered abroad. —Edinburgh, 23 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 6.
Sept. 23. 551. Randolph [to Cecil].
1. The writer sorrows more over other men's misfortunes than his own. Conferring the first word that he read of the 11th with the slanderous reports of the French and their faction, he was so passioned that no grief he ever felt was like to it, neither had he word or advice to comfort his friend. "We measured our affections for our country and friends as though we had seen that heart that you wrote with your pen." Cecil's comfort, quod jactas curam tuam super Dominum, also relieved them, and so they intend to moderate their cares. Both thought good to keep Cecil's letters from all men. It is yet no time to raise such doubts as men do. If there is no more allowance, he fears there is no more service looked for. Fears misfortune to this cause more than the loss of his life and all that ever he had. His life is not here so pleasant for him to wish for long stay, but he sees not how to wrap himself out. Has denied already to . . . . at Arran's hands. Rather than embarrass his poor friends he would serve the Queen for a month or two for naught. Of all the acts Cecil ever did to thank God for is his benefit and good will towards Scotland. Never wished him half the favour and good will that he has there. The affection of this country towards the Queen is such, that he believes she has as many faithful hearts of all sorts within the realm as she has for so much ground within England. Would be right sorry to see it perish. This is more than he would have written unto any man than Cecil himself, but the necessity of the cause so presseth him. Whatsoever Cecil shall adjudge him to have deserved, be it either to be rent in pieces or burnt in the fire, let it be executed upon his hasty and unadvised letter. Tomorrow they take their journey to Castle Semple.—23 Sept. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—"The copy of my Lord of Arran's letter we received from the Laird of Ledington."
Orig. Hol. Add.: To yourself. Pp. 2.
Sept. 24. 552. [Challoner] to the Count De Feria.
Two English merchants, Antony Hickman and Edward Castellin, most honest men, and their factors, Edward Kingsmill and Thomas Nicholas, who have traded for many years with the Canary Isles and Teneriffe unmolested during Queen Mary's reign, have been charged by the Licentiate Mortenus, lately Governor of the Islands, with heresy, and obliged to clear themselves by oath; their goods have been restored by the King, not without the said Licentiate objecting as much as he could. Begs that he will use his influence that they may go about their honest business without molestation.— London, 24 Sept. 1560. Signed: Bonus amicus, W.
Orig. Draft, in Challoner's hol. Add. Lat. Pp. 4.
Sept. 25.
Affairs of Scotland.
553. Affairs of Scotland.
A declaration of the late proceedings of the Queen of England with the French King and Queen for continuance of peace and amity betwixt them and their kingdoms and countries.
1. Although the Queen was constrained to amass a certain power both by sea and land to frustrate the French attempts and injuries, yet because thereupon followed certain motion to treat upon the differences between them, she obtained that sufficient commission was given to the Bishop of Valence and M. De Randan, and the like on her part to Cecil and Wotton, by virtue of which, peace was by them concluded at Edinburgh, the 6th of July last. At this time, by the mediation of the Commissioners of England, a reconciliation was obtained betwixt the French King and his wife, and the nobility and people of Scotland; who, as they manifestly declared, had sustained such oppressions by the ministers sent out of France, that it was hard to persuade them but that as long as the King gave credit to such, they should not be sure of the favour of their Sovereign, with the liberty of their country. The Commissioners of France accorded, by a special article with the English, that the King and Queen should fulfil all those things which were granted to the Scotch, provided they fulfilled whatsoever was contained in the covenants to be by them observed. The French besieged in Leith were licensed to depart, wherewith all hostility ceased, and the Queen's Commissioners provided all things necessary to relieve the army in Leith at their departure, and transported them into France. For the safe return of the Queen's ships and for the repayment of the money prested, were bound the Bishop of Amiens, M. De la Brosse, and two other Barons of France. Likewise the Bishop of Valence and M. De Randan stood bound for other sums lent to them by the English Commissioners to be paid within twelve days after July 6th. And for a further proof of the Queen's good will, when the said Bishop and De Randan were at Richmond, (who also have bound themselves by a special article in the treaty as soon as possible to treat at London of a matter not fully ended at Edinburgh,) they required licence to repair to the French King and make an account of their negociation; whereunto the Queen was well content. One or two days after, the Bishop of Amiens and De la Brosse made a like request, giving their faith that if the money due was not paid in twenty days, they would return; in this also the Queen was not found very hard to them, and so they departed about Aug. 4th. The Queen, continuing in full purpose to take fast hold of peace, immediately disarmed her ships, and caused a universal restitution to be made of all prizes. And after the day was past when the said Bishop and La Brosse should have paid the money or returned, and nothing thereof was heard, she of her own treasure paid the charges of the transportation of the French. At length the money was paid, but the sum due by the Bishop of Valence and M. De Randan, being demanded at sundry times of the French Ambassador, was neither paid or the lack thereof excused.
2. During this time also the Queen, (remembering that the treaty should be ratified before the 6th Sept.,) about Aug. 27 addressed her letters to Throckmorton, commanding him to require the French King and Queen to ratify the said treaty. Accordingly he sent from Melun on the 1st Sept. to Fontainebleau to the Cardinal of Lorraine, requiring that he might have audience of the King. Answer was made that the King would come the next day to Melun. Throckmorton sent again the next morning, specifying that his desire was for the ratification of the treaty; whereunto the Cardinal answered, that the same night he himself would come with the King to Melun, as indeed he did; and to him went the Ambassador, reminding him that it was specially covenanted that the treaty should be ratified before the 6th of the same month, which was within three days after, and also how it was agreed that every of the Ambassadors resident should receive the same at the other's hands. The Cardinal answered that the King meant to send his own part ratified to his Ambassador in England to be delivered to the Queen. Herein Throckmorton found some inconvenience, as by the very words of the treaty it plainly otherwise appeared; and further that the Queen could not be assured of the oath of the French King, which ought to be given in the presence of her Ambassador according to an article in the treaty. The Ambassador showed the Cardinal the said articles; which having read, he said that the Chancellor not being there it could not be done before the day limited, but should be done upon Saturday the 8th. The Ambassador required that it might not pass over many days, lest it might be hindrance to the amity; whereunto the Cardinal assured him that they weighed nothing of the time, and would not have things so narrowly scanned. He also required him to send his commission and a copy of the treaty to the Secretary L'Aubespine; who promised to solicit the matter forward. Throckmorton also desired to deliver his letters to the King and Queen, but the Cardinal advised him to stay the same until the time that he should receive the ratification.
3. At the same time he moved the Cardinal for the return of the Bishop of Valence and M. De Randan, according to their promise. The Cardinal said that it was not in their power to promise; (although most true it is they did, and also were bound by the treaty to have treated at London on certain points not yet decided;) but to avoid this matter, he said that the King meant to send the Duke of Nemours into England, who would satisfy the Queen. After this the Secretary L'Aubespine, on Thursday the 5th Sept., told Throckmor ton that because neither the Queen Mother, the Chancellor, nor the Council, were there, (in whose presence the King would have the ceremonies done,) he had deferred the same until the 10th, at which time he meant to be at St. Germain. So, four days being past, L'Aubespine required him to come to Poissy, and the day following the Cardinal also sent him a message that if he would come thither the King would advertise him of his pleasure. Accordingly he went thither on the 12th, when the Cardinal required him to be at St. Germain on Sunday the 15th, after dinner, which also he performed. Throckmorton, finding the King accompanied with his mother, wife, the Guises, and others of his Court, looked for the ratification to be there done; but, delivering his several letters to the King and Queen, and his whole message of request for the ratification, he received by the King's appointment, at the Chancellor's mouth, answer that it seemed reasonable that the Scots should first do that which they were bound to do; and that if the Queen of England would have her treaty ratified she must first be means that the Scots do their duties. The Ambassador replied that the treaty betwixt France and England did not depend upon the treaty with Scotland; and that there was no reason why covenants should not be observed with the Queen. No other answer could, however, be had of the King. Throckmorton required to have a memorial of the Chancellor's answer in writing, which was sent to him. The words of the Chancellor in some points vary from the words of the treaty. Where the Chancellor takes it that if they should ratify the treaty with England they would be bound to the Scots, and not the Scots to them, the Scots have no part therein; neither is the article that touches them a simple article to bind the King and Queen, but conditional on the Scots performing their part.
4. This audience was given to the Ambassador on the 15th. In the meantime the Queen and her Council, making account that the treaty was ratified, the same day (by reason of letters sent from the Ambassador on the 8th and 12th), sent to London Cecil and Wotton, with commission to be ready to treat with the French King's Commissioners. For that end they declared on the 20th to the French Ambassador the cause of their coming, who showed them that he had no certainty of the French Commissioners' return; but they thought that, their impediments being known to the Queen, they would be excused. They showed him Throckmorton's letters, by which the Queen perceived that the French King would ratify the treaty on the 15th; and therefore expecting that he would have required the like of her (as indeed the same has been ready written and subscribed by her before the last of August, and sealed with the Great Seal of England on the 2nd inst.), her pleasure was that her said Commissioners should present the same ratification to him. The Ambassador answered that he had no commission to receive it; and understood that the King would not ratify it until the Scottish treaty was ratified. Cecil and Wotton marvelled much thereat, because they had not yet heard from Throckmorton. On the next day, being the 21st, there came letters from France of the 18th containing the whole proceeding upon the 15th.
5. Notwithstanding the strangeness of this matter, the Queen, conferring hereupon with her Council, has determined to abide some proof of time, especially as she understands that a gentleman of Scotland is on his way to France from the three Estates assembled in Parliament, to certify to the King and Queen their service to perform all that was accorded on their parts. Besides, she thinks that when the King knows the truth of the behaviour of the nobility and people of Scotland, he will have council of his Estates to be more favourable to them, and to reform this disorderly proceeding with the Queen. In the meantime she will pass over all these scruples and stumbling-blocks, and impute these lacks to those who do not desire to see Scotland in quiet obedience with liberty, or England in amity with France and Scotland. Contrarywise, if she perceive that the French still refuse to ratify, she must defend herself, nor neglect the proceedings in France or Scotland that may be to her hurt. She trusts that the French King and his wife at the assembly of the Estates of France in December shall have better counsel how to use themselves towards her, whereby England and France may rest in perpetual quietness, and Scotland be quietly governed by her own laws, to the behoof of the Queen of Scots, without such oppressions and torments as have lately been laid on them.
6. This declaration she has imparted by her Ambassador in France to such of the Estates as shall seem desirous of peace, and has also caused the Spanish Ambassador to be made thereof privy, so as his master may not be ignorant; who has (like a dear brother and friend to both parties, and a Catholic Prince that desires the common tranquillity of Christendom) not neglected the frequent solicitation of both parties to accord, upon whose requests the Queen did much the rather pass over divers unkind parts, and has remitted certain differences to his arbitrament.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 14.
Sept. 25. 554. Corrected draft of a translation of the above into French.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 30.
Sept. 25. 555. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 20.
Sept. 25. 556. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 20.
Sept. 25. 557. Draft, chiefly in Cecil's hand.
Endd. by his secretary. Pp. 16.
Sept. 25. 558. Another copy, corrected by Cecil.
Endd. Pp. 38.
Sept. 25. 559. Another copy, with additions by Cecil and Wotton.
Endd. Pp. 17.
Sept. 25. 560. Draft of portions of the above in French, in Wotton's writing.
Pp. 4.
Sept. 25. 561. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Pp. 19.
Sept. 25. 562. Edward Grimstone to Cecil.
Has received the Queen's letter for his return, and one from Cecil of the 21st inst. Having been commanded in their Lordships' letters of the 7th to enter some dealings in the works, by taking view of the numbers and seeing the manner and order of the pays of all sorts of people and doings belonging to the same, he has accordingly done so, and desires to be informed of their resolution herein. For, comparing the Queen's licence for his return at Michaelmas with the Lords' letter, he rests in doubt whether he may take the advantage given him in the Queen's letter, or whether he will have to stay until the wages be paid. Has signified in his former letters the cassing of the sick and hurt men left at Edinburgh, for whom there is neither pay nor other relief but by special warrant from the Queen. Desires a warrant for his entertainment, without which he rests as a ship without sails. The Treasurer, having been commanded to stay all extraordinary payments, says that he counts Grimstone's to be such.—Berwick, 25 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Sept. 26. 563. Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, to the Queen.
Has received her letters of 29 July, desiring licence for John Godgaffe, a merchant, to transport fifty tons of beer into Germany.—Cassel, 26 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 27. 564. Cave and Wotton to the Privy Council.
1. On Wednesday the 25th Wotton received their letter of the 24th with certain other writings. The next day, as Sir William Petre was before departed to his house, he [Wotton] went to Sir Ambrose Cave, to communicate the matter with him. He found there Sir Richard Sackville, who took pains with them to consider the whole matter; and having read all the writing, and specially the declaration devised to be published, they agreed what should be declared to the Bishop of Aquila, which was in effect the whole substance of the said declaration. They found a few places in the declaration which they judge to be somewhat dark, rather by the fault of the writer than otherwise, whereof they wrote more largely to Cecil.
Sept. 27. 2. This day in the morning they went to the Bishop of Aquila, and having opened to him the effect of the said declaration, he said that he had well perceived the whole matter, and that he had been made privy to a good part of it before. He could not well allow the Chancellor's answer to Throckmorton for the delaying of the ratification, and liked well some of the reasons made against that answer. He thanked the Queen for communicating these matters to him, and said that he would not fail to signify the same to his master.
3. He said that if his master's party might have been present at the making of this last treaty, these difficulties would not have arisen. To which they said that like as they know that M. De Glassion was here to see whether he could do any good by mediation between the Queen and the French, so they knew not that any request had been made that any man for his master should be present at this meeting in Scotland, and think (though they said it not to him,) that the matter would have been never a whit the better if any such had been there. They fell afterwards into other discourse with him of his master's affairs in Africa, where he said his master had sustained great losses, and that all the soldiers left at Gerbes are slain. He has also heard that others of his master's men have taken Tripoli.—London, 27 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 27. 565. Sir Francis Leek to Cecil.
Lord St. John arrived before the return of Leek's servant from Edinburgh, by whom he finds that the Ambassadors appointed to the Queen tract time of themselves; he passes with only four horses and his guide. Continent to the desire of the Lords of the Estates, Leek has appointed this bearer, Mr. Baston, to accompany him, whom he commends. Calls attention to the answer of Sarlabois to the Lords, touching the revoking from Dunbar of the Lord Semple, thereby to judge the mark the French shoot at.—Berwick, 27 Sept. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 28. 566. The Earl of Arran to Cecil.
Recommends his dear and special friends the Earls of Morton and Glencairn, and the Laird of Lethington; who, at the instant suit of the whole Estates of the realm, have taken upon themselves an enterprise upon which the weal of the whole country, their own honour, and the life of the writer depends; and requests that therefore Cecil will be favourable to them.—Edinburgh, 28 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 28. 567. Sir Francis Leek to Cecil.
1. Received yesterday a letter from the Council at York, with a proclamation directed to the Mayor of Berwick, for decrying certain coins to be this day proclaimed, which he has done. Forasmuch as the Treasurer has paid before the arrival of this mass of treasure both the ordinary garrison and sick labourers but [blank] l., since the receipt of Cecil's letters on the 25th, yet he has called on him, Sir Richard Lee, and Mr. Grimstone to make all expedition. Yesternight Mr. Hughes arrived with 5,200l. on horseback, in testons and twopences, and has left the residue at Alnwick, which will arrive this night. He says that the mass of the treasure that he has brought is 16,218l., and that thereof there is but 1,200l. in gold and good money. If he had not a good opinion of Hughes, there might grow a suspicion in this small sum of gold and new money, considering what gains have been proffered for it these four days. Now that the treasure arrived but yesterday, and this day proclamation is made, the labourers and soldiers look to be paid according to the proclamation, which will be no small loss to the Queen. Has given order to the Treasurer to pay the labourers hereafter their wages at the rate of the proclamation, and to stay payment of the soldiers until the Queen's pleasure may be advertised.
2. Randolph writes that the Lords of Scotland will be here on October the 6th. They sent yesterday for answer of the exchange of the 3,000l. they desire to deliver here and receive the like sum at London; he declared to Archy Greame, servant to Earl Morton, who came for that matter, that he had not yet received answer therein from the Lords of the Council. Yesterday the Duke of Châtellerault and the Earl of Arran departed from Edinburgh towards Glasgow, as Randolph writes; from whence the Earl takes his journey to Castle Semple. It is doubtful amongst the Scots of the good success of this journey, for that it is said that there are 100 harquebussiers in the castle, French and Scots, and the same well furnished with victuals and munition. The Earl of Arran has embarked his artillery and munitions at Leith, and disembarks the same at Linlithgow and Blackness. Leek wishes they might have been employed against Lord Semple and his neighbour, Sarlabois.—Berwick Castle, 28th Sept. Signed.
3. P. S. (fn. 2) —The Treasurer cannot declare what sums he has paid since the 24th inst. Has presumed to allow the sick and others whom Sir Richard Lee now discharges, their present pay; desires the Queen's warrant for the same, and also for his despatch from hence, and somewhat for his entertainment.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Sept. [28]. 568. Edward Hughes to Sir Francis Leek.
Has perused all the money by his book, and finds only about 1,200l. of good money amongst the treasure. If more is found in the telling it shall be delivered to the Queen's use. The whole mass brought from London is 16,218l., whereof he brought to Berwick on 27 Sept. 5,200l.—Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Leek. Pp. 2.
Sept. 28. 569. John Shers to Cecil.
This week brings nothing worth the knowledge, except news from Rome of the burning of a poor man of Cuneo in Piedmont, who openly and even at his dying hour cried out of the Pope and against the abuses of religion. Others, who at first took his part, when the fire approached cried "Creke," and are now committed to perpetual prison. Also of a new Bull for the residence of Bishops, and other particularities. There is a new rumour of a General Council. The proceedings in France trouble the Pope much, who would upon the same devise a train to maintain the last-begun Council at Trent, and not a new general and free Council, as the world and perchance the Princes also of necessity now desire. To this there rises a smoke that this Diet in France on the 10th of December next tends not to a reformation by a good accord and a national Council to begin the 20th of January, as appears abroad in print, but rather to the ruin of divers of the nobility, for persuasion will not serve long; and that therefore the Princes will bring it to cruelty if the French King may use the help of the Emperor and King Philip, as they think themselves assured of the Pope, persuading that by this means they may of new set up the old religion. There are English at Rome who look for a like world. This week there passed towards Rome, to abide there, a young Englishman called Andrea Phangha [?], or such a name, and brings bills of exchange for almost 2,000 crowns, which are accepted; his only acquaintance in Venice is with Donato Rulla, of the late Cardinal Pole. Hears many things, and therefore forgets the common proverb, "Quœ supra nos, nihil ad nos."—Venice, 28 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 29. 570. Edward Grimstone to Cecil.
1. At the return of the camp from Leith, Stroud and Blount, two Englishmen, were left to give advice for razing the fortifications of Leith. The appointments taken for their aids therein are so neglected that they yet remain there; their charge is sustained by themselves; and from Randolph he understands that their money and credit begin to fail, for one of them has borrowed money from Randolph upon promise of repayment here at Berwick, where there is neither warrant or other order for their relief.
2. John Londen, a gunner, left for the gathering of bullets out of the ramparts, and to save the ladders and other munitions and to see the same shipped, has already sent home one ship load of bullets. He still daily finds bullets; he has found above 600 in men's hands in Leith which he cannot get unless he pay one penny apiece. Has written to him to pay the price. There is neither warrant for this or other needful things. Reminds Cecil that he has not received warrant for the relief of the hurt men to be discharged at Edinburgh. There has been a fray between Rowland Foster and Mustyan, Laird of Barmoor, whereby is stirred (to their accustomed evil) many gentlemen of Northumberland, as the Greys, Mustyans, Collingwoods, and of the other party the Fosters and Swynnows. There is daily armour and weapon used both to the church, the market, and the field, as in time of war; as no man here minds to deal in the matter it is needful that some be sent from the Queen and Council to make an end hereof.—Berwick, 29 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 29. 571. Sir Francis Leek to Cecil.
1. Since his last letter there has arisen some question between Sir William Ingleby and Mr. Hughes for receipt and pay of the treasure. Considering the variety of values of testons, they have both in the enclosed letter made request to have one William Ledham, a goldsmith, living at the sign of the Mermaid, in Cheapside, or some other, to divide the said testons. Sends a note of the money paid by the Treasurer of this mass brought by Mr. Hughes only by testons, whereof he brought about 700l. In the meantime the pay passes only of twopences.—Berwick, 29 Sept. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S. (fn. 3) —Randolph writes that Lord Semple has retired to his own castle with twenty harquebussiers, whom Sarlabois has lent him, and that the Lords of Scotland leave on October 3rd or 4th.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 29.] 572. Knights of St. Michael.
A list of the Knights of the Order of St. Michael assembled at Poissy on the festival of the Order, 1560, consisting of the King, six Dukes, and eighteen other noblemen, with eleven new Knights; seven others were created who were not present.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
[Sept. 29.] 573. Another copy of the above. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
[Sept. 29.] 574. Another list, with the names of the remaining Knights who were not present; the number of the whole being eightynine.
Add. to Cecil and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
Sept. 30. 575. Safe Conduct for Eric, King of Sweden.
The Queen directs all her officers to show hospitality to Eric XIV., King of Sweden, and his train, who have her licence to enter and leave England.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Sept. 30. 576. Another safe conduct to the same effect.—Hampton Court, 30 Sept.
Draft, in Cecil's hand, and endd. by his secretary, 29 Sept. Injured by damp. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 577. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Has received her letter of the 6th, containing as well the estate of the Vidame of Amiens by his sickness, as also that he should move the French King for the revocation of the Vidame, and for the sending of another in his place. Has spoken with the French King thereon, who answered that he would think upon the matter, and let him know his pleasure. The Cardinal of Lorraine also answered in like sort; saying that he marvelled that the King had not been advertised of the Vidame's dangerous sickness from his Ambassador in England; and wondered that he had not made means through him for his return, rather than through the Queen.
2. Certain English merchants going towards Bordeaux to the vintage, and understanding that the French King has set certain new imposts upon wine that merchant strangers levy to carry away, (the same being against the privileges of her subjects and an article of a treaty provided in that behalf,) declared their griefs to the writer, who moved the Cardinal therein, not by way of complaint, but to know how that matter stands. The Cardinal answered that when he sent word of the former matter he would also let him understand this other.
3. On the 23rd inst. there arrived at Court by post Don Antonio De Toledo, from the King of Spain, accompanied with twenty-two in his train; he made no long abode, and is already departed; men discourse diversely of his legation.
4. The galleys are come about to Nantes in Brittany; they are twelve, and four "fuysts." The French King kept his feast of St. Michael's at Poissy; at which he has made twelve or eighteen new Knights of the Order, whose names are enclosed.—Poissy, 30 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 30. 578. The Earl of Argyll to Randolph.
Has received his writing, with letters from the Queen and Cecil, to whom he will ever be ready to do service. Will use diligence to do Cecil's direction, but has received no word from the Earl of Sussex, Deputy of Ireland, which he desires Randolph to certify unto Cecil.—30 (fn. 4) September 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[Sept.] 579. Eric XIV. to the Queen.
1. His fortune has hitherto been harder than steel and more cruel than Mars, yet he wishes to let her know how matters stand with him at this time. He is uncertain, however, in what spirit she will receive his communication, since all that he has hitherto done for her love has been ineffectual.
2. Has received her letters through Dionisius Burr and Nicholas Sture. Having a great desire to go into England as soon as his coronation was past, he put his affairs into order and directed that his fleet should be prepared, although in the meantime he received letters from his Ambassador in England announcing his ill-success as regarded the question of marriage, that he could not obtain a safe conduct, and that he considered the affair as hopeless. Nevertheless the writer determined to proceed, and on the last day of August he set sail; but the wind shifting he was obliged to return. On the next day they started again, but when he reached the Seagon [Skagger rack] they encountered a very stormy west wind; whereupon most of the pilots and seamen recommending him to return, he did so, more grieved at the failure of his voyage than pleased at his escape from danger. His brothers, the Dukes Magnus of Westenstang and Charles of Sudermannia, with his cousin Duke Magnus of Saxony, not having returned, he sent out ships to look for them, who after some time found them, after they had been nearly lost in the Skagger rack and brought them to Helsingborg. One of his ships with his horses on board has not yet been heard of. His pilots and captains tell him that it will not be safe for him to continue his voyage this year.
3. He will not grudge all this toil and trouble if it will only induce her to consider his proposals of matrimony. He will not depart from his promise, nor permit his constancy to be questioned. Desires that a safe conduct may be sent to him, with clauses to the effect that he shall not be compelled to agree to anything, and that he shall be allowed to leave England when he likes. Loves her better than himself; but if she refuses this, it will not be his fault that his matter has not come to a good issue. No one is so stupid as to continue to love without being loved. Laments his hard fate that compels him to love one whom he cannot induce to reciprocate his affection, and wonders why she torments him so long. As he has attempted to come to her through the stormy seas, so would he at her first summons rush through armies of foes. Will set out next spring if she will forward certain articles conditionally framed, along with the safe conduct. . . . .
Imperfect. Lat. Pp. 8.
[Sept.] 580. The Merchant Adventurers to the Queen.
Whereas by her letter of the 28th August, from Basing, she has required them to pay for her two sums of 3,000l. each to such persons as Sir Thomas Gresham should declare, to be repaid in London at double usance after the rate of 25s. Flemish for every pound of English money; they are most sorry that they are not able to accomplish the same, partly because they are already straitened for the furniture of the 30,000l. already prest, and partly by the great imposts upon the cloths shipped to Antwerp, amounting to 12,000l. or 13,000l., as also by reason of the great losses sustained by them through the doubt of the continuance of amity with Flanders.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept.] 581. Petries' Memoranda.
To answer the French Ambassador touching the wines, cloths, etc. In the signing of the docket to consider whether any sureties be required of Martin Perry for fulfilling his covenants. To consider the taking out of the gold from the Tower, and the coining thereof. To consider the suit of London touching the assize of wood.
In Petre's hand. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 582. Stores for the North.
"A brief note of the principal and special kinds of munitions remaining in the north parts, with a remembrance of the like kinds very needful presently to be supplied for the better furniture of those parts:" viz., at Newcastle, Berwick, Holy Island, and Tynemouth.
Endd. Pp. 3.
[Sept.] 583. Ordnance for the North.
A note of all such ordnance as is necessary to be had for the new fortifications of Berwick, at Berwick Castle, Alnwick, and Newcastle, specifying the localities on which they were placed. Amongst those mentioned as being at Berwick are, one cannon perrier of eight inches, a Venetian cannon of seven inches, and two Scotch cannon of 6¾ inches. Signed: Richard Lee.
Endd. Pp. 4.
[Sept.] 584. Munitions in the North.
"Munitions delivered by Thomas Gower, late master of the ordnance for the army before Leith, to John Bennett, master of the ordnance for the north parts;" consisting of a list of almost every kind of warlike stores. Signed.
Orig. Pp. 4.
[Sept.] 585. Munitions in the North.
"Munitions and habilliments of war gathered and taken by Mr. Bennett." Signed.
Pp. 2.
[Sept.] 586. The Queen to Sir Francis Leek.
Specifies in detail the numbers to be discharged from each captain's band, amounting in all to 800. Such captains as are without men and are desirous still to serve, are to have 2s. a day if they commanded formerly 100 men, and 1s. 6d. if they commanded fifty.
Draft by Cecil, and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
[Sept.] 587. Charges at Berwick.
"A brief abstract as well of all the certain number of men of the ordinary garrison there, as also of the whole year's charge that the Queen is at for the maintenance of the same," amounting to 2,620l. 8s. 6d.
With a few marginal notes by Cecil, and endd. by him. Pp. 4.
[Sept.] 588. Memorial for Berwick.
"A memorial for the charge of [blank] Jenyson, the controller of the works and keeper of the store at Berwick."
1. Upon the arrival of every workman at Berwick he shall take his name and the place whence he was pressed, and according to its distance make allowance of conduct money. After that, with the advice of the officers of the works, he shall rate their wages and divide them into hundreds and fifties, and appoint some honest man over them to see their work. He shall be diligent to see to the goodness and price of provisions, and abridge the excess thereof, and if necessary shall take the advice of the Governor and Treasurer therein, and use circumspection in the rating or cessing of the freights. He is also to take charge of the provision to be safely kept and delivered to be spent. He is diligently to peruse the work of the smith, carpenter, and wheelwright, for such stuff as he delivers to them, and control the excess and waste of the same; and to keep a perfect reckoning of the tools and such things as the workmen are accustomed to pay for. Every half year he shall make a ledger book of all the provisions that shall come into his hands, which shall declare the expenditure and issue; this the Treasurer, Surveyor, and master carpenters and masons shall peruse, and finding the parcel thereof to be true shall affirm the same with their own hands.
2. A letter to Sir Richard Lee to deliver the remains. A like for a house for the stowage of the provisions.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[Sept.] 589. Orders for Berwick.
1. Touching the fortifications, that the captains be made privy from time to time what is meetest to be done.
2. Direct order to be given to the master of the ordnance, and what proportion of artillery and munitions shall remain in store. That a sufficient mass of victual may be appointed to remain in the custody of the Surveyor.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept.] 590. Fortifications of Berwick.
Estimate of charges for 500 labourers for twenty-eight days: Wages 886l. 13s. 4d.; coals, 100l.; freight, 200l.; brickmaking, 100l.; total, 1,286l. 13s. 4d. Total until Michaelmas, six months, 7,720l.; provisions, 300l.; total, 8,020l.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[Sept.] 591. Memorial for Berwick.
Short notes for the ordering of the officers and garrison of town and castle of Berwick, the old and extraordinary garrison of the same, their pay and entertainment, their numbers, also for the fortifications and management of the Marches.—1560.
Orig., in Cecil's writing and endd. by him: 1560. Pp. 3.
[Sept.] 592. Garrison at Berwick.
"The names of such as had charge and were captains before the Duke of Norfolk's coming to Berwick that now remain there," giving the names of all the captains with the numbers of their men, and the number of the gunners with their wages.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This sentence is an addition after the completion of the letter.
  • 2. This P. S. is in Leek's autograph.
  • 3. This P.S. is in Leek's autograph.
  • 4. The date has been altered; it was originally the 23rd, as it would seem.