Elizabeth: September 1560, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: September 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp293-309 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp293-309.

"Elizabeth: September 1560, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp293-309.


September 1560, 11-20

Sept. 12. 516. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. On the 8th inst. he despatched letters to the Queen, the Lords, and Cecil. Is directly advertised from Gascony and those parts that there is no stir at all as was bruited. The King of Navarre is looked for about the end of the month, and the Prince of Condé on the 22nd. It is thought that the King of Navarre cannot like the suspicions conceived of him and the imprisoning of the Vidame, his near kinsman. The talk of the coming of the Duke of Nemours into England waxes cold; these suspicions will either send him thither in post or stay him altogether.
2. On the 11th inst. the French King came to St. Germain's, where the Queen Mother was looked for on the same night. Has sent to the Cardinal to know the King's pleasure for the ratification. The matters of Scotland are greatly misliked; the sending of great persons into England and the Lord of St. John's hither, seemed not to the French Queen equal dealing; the Queen has said that if the Lord of St. John's come hither he were best to bring his new married wife with him; and that upon his coming she would send him to Malta to have his cause judged. Some other might be sent who is without exception. Supposes that Cecil is informed in what terms the Emperor, the King of Spain, and Duke Ottavio on the one side, and the Pope and the Duke of Florence on the other, stand in to Parma, Piacenza, the duchy of Camerino, and the state of Sienna. Earl Bothwell has arrived out of Denmark into Flanders, and is daily looked for here. It is said that the Admiral is commanded to keep at his house of Châtillon. According to Cecil's desire, he sends the order taken for the men at arms presently for the most part within France to begin withall, whereby he may guess the state of their gendarmerie; and who are appointed to the governments in sundry places of the realm; also an answer to the oration of the French King's majority.
3. M. D'Oyzel is elected the Queen's Knight, and shall at Michaelmas receive the Order of France. Has word from the Court to be this day at Poissy, whither the King will send his Secretary to talk with him. Mr. Somers, returning from the Court to Paris, met with M. De Nemours riding in post towards the Court, who, knowing Mr. Somers, inquired of the writer. Sends an edict touching their moneys.—Paris, 12 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 12. 517. The Cardinal of Lorraine to Throckmorton.
If he will come on Sunday he shall have audience with the King, after dinner, who will then reply to all his demands.— St. Germain-en-Laye, 12 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 12. 518. Throckmorton to the Cardinal of Lorraine.
Has received his letter, and will be at St. Germain-en-Laye at the time appointed on Sunday.—Poissy, 12 Sept. 1560.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 12. 519. Intelligence from Venice.
There is news that on the 25th ult. the Turkish fleet passed Corfu on its triumphant return to Constantinople; it amounted to seventy galleys and some ships, the rest remaining with Dragut in Barbary. At the end of this month, the Duke of Ferrara is expected here, and on the 20th inst. the Duke of Urbino is to depart for Rome. From Milan they write that King Philip has raised a Cruciata in his dominions, which will produce several thousand scudi; every rich person is to pay two reals, and every poor person one.— Venice, 12 Sept.
Copy. Ital. P. 1.
Sept. 13. 520. Sir Francis Leek to Cecil.
1. Not having fully declared in his last letter how the benevolence money is paid to the old ordinary, he sends herewith a book to show with what inequality the same passes. His opinion is that every horseman of the ordinary, being no officer, shall have 8d. per diem, and as many of the old ordinary footmen as to the Queen and Council seems convenient shall have 6d. per diem.
2. Gives suggestions respecting the ordering of the different officers. Would have some increase of the Marshal's entertainment, who, being the second person there, must keep a good house; would not wish any of the officers of the town to haunt the ordinary boards at 6d. the meal amongst common soldiers. Knows divers gentlemen of the Clarkers. If Cecil means young Ralph Clarker who is married at Felton, six miles from Alnwick, and that he shows for the office of chamberlain, he knows him well and has served many journeys with him; he is as tall a gentleman as any in England, and if his ability were thereafter, could wish him Marshal, or gentleman porter; but there are others more grave to be Comptroller, and he has already declared his opinion touching the Chamberlain.
3. May perceive by the book an extraordinary charge for a trumpeter of 2s. per diem, and a serjeant at 1s. 6d. per diem, and yet they have the benevolence money. The office of Holy Island and Fern Island has increased from 80l. to 507l. 14s. by the year. Nothing remains of the ordinary wages but forty soldiers and ten gunners for the castle.— Berwick Castle, 13 Sept. Signed.
4. P. S. (fn. 1) —Will not cease to crave for his discharge.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 13. 521. Holy Island and Farne Island.
The yearly charge of Holy Island and Fern Island, 507l. 14s. —Signed: William Inglesby.
P. 1.
Sept. 13. 522. Edward Grimstone to Cecil.
1. Has received his letter dated 5th August, which he thinks should have been dated the 5th inst. Cannot so well as yet furnish his knowledge with experience as he wishes, but will impart anything worthy of consideration to Sir Francis. If reformation of the old and erection of a new garrison be meant, it were well, before resolution in so great a cause, to compare the laws made for government thereof with those of Calais. Thinks it were well to send him quickly who should use the place, for he knows his earnest desire to depart who is now here. Thanks him for his goodness offered for his continuance here or repair to the Court, and begs for the Queen's licence to repair thither.
2. The cassing of so many good soldiers so shortly before the winter greatly troubles him, having no authority to relieve them with conduct money; so that the saying is here that it is but so many men turned to the gallows. Makes his complaint, that is, that he is counted as good a housewife for the Queen as he makes no more account of Berwick than he did of Calais.—Berwick, 13 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 13. 523. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Received his letter from Windsor on the 5th inst.
2. There is come to his hands in a packet from Rome an oration made to the Pope in the names of the King and Queen (which he incloses) to the effect that, reading the latter part, he may consider what is meant towards Scotland. Bids him mark the words "A qua illud dotis nomine accepit," and he will imagine the rest. Prays him to keep the original, as there is no authentic copy in Scotland.
3. Would be glad to know if there is anything in the Confession of Faith which he mislikes, that it may be changed, if the matter so permit, or at least be in something qualified, to the contentation of those who otherwise might be offended. Cecil knows the purpose for which their Ambassadors come to England; wherein, although he has ever found him cold, yet cannot he persuade himself that, being so well affectioned towards his country as he knows he is, he altogether mislikes it. If he is acted upon by the sight he had of part of the country, seeing its wealth nothing like that of England, the lack does not proceed from the ground itself, or sterility of the soil, but of other occasions which are accidents, being eighteen years destitute of constant government, so long in a continual war, and for the most part of the time oppressed by tyranny of strangers, besides many other incommodities. Yet for all those accidents, it may of good reason be compared with Sweden, whose ostentation may be greater, and who are able to make a greater show of riches, yet cannot their friendship stand England in such stead as that of the Scots, to whom God has granted a prerogative above all nations, that they with all their riches are unable to purchase. There is a general consent and agreement amongst the whole nation; the very Papists can be content, for the accomplishment thereof, to renounce their god the Pope. Enters in this discourse to stir him up to bethink what commodity may ensue to both realms, if the matter be followed. Although he owes such love to his country as becomes a natural subject, yet he protests that he thinks himself so bound to the Queen as to wish no pleasure to any his countrymen if joined with her displeasure. Prays Cecil to embrace the cause as the goodness of itself merits and the weal of both realms requires. Commendations to Mr. Wotton.—Edinburgh, 13 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Sept. 13. 524. The Count of Mansfeld to Hans Keck.
Has received his letter dated Antwerp 24 August. Theodore Hut certainly promised him 300,000 golden crowns, which he cannot honestly deny; but now he declares that he had 800,000 crowns ready, which he could no longer keep back. Mansfeld can solemnly affirm that he treated with him for 300,000 and not for 80,000 florins. Complains that Hut did not announce this in time, or say that he would not advance the money, and is surprised that he should try to avoid fulfilling his promises. Keck knows how the matter was to be proceeded with, and how long it was before he got any certain answer from the Queen or her agent. He did not promise them this loan for certain, but only said that he had no doubt that the merchants would advance the money, and wished first of all to inform them of the conditions. He therefore cannot understand how they should look upon the matter as certain.—Mansfeld, 13 Sept. 1560.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Sept. 14. 525. Shers to Cecil.
The loss of the fortress at Gerbes is confirmed. The advices describing the same are as the parties favour who wrote; of these he sends the copies. Has learnt of others that Don Alvero Di Sandi, mistrusting the defence of the fortress much longer, made an oration to the whole number, which was about 5,000, his whole tale tending to provision for the defence of the place, for which he was driven to attempt some enterprise for water. He therefore divided them into three parts; the one to keep the fortress, the other to go for water, and the third, with himself, to assault the Turks in their trenches to keep them occupied. Yet he meant to recover the sea with certain vessels that were yet safe under the fortress, and so to shift and save himself and a few others and abandon the rest. This order was accordingly used; but Don Alvero's intention of shifting for himself being perceived by his own soldiers, they followed so fast that the first vessel he entered was overladen and sunk; and forthwith the Turks at hand with their galleys recovered him prisoner with his whole company. This, as it is written from Malta, was done on the 20th July, but the fortress held out till the 30th, and then was rendered at discretion with no less provision within it than is spoken of in the advices.—Venice, 14 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[Sept. 15.] 526. The Reply of the French King and Queen to Queen Elizabeth.
1. Finds that two treaties were made on the 6th of July; the first with the nobility and people of Scotland, by which they promised that, at the meeting of the Estates on the 10th of July, they would depute certain personages to promise their obedience to the King and Queen, and treat with them of the affairs of the country. The other, made with the deputies of the Queen of England, agrees that the King and Queen should observe the conditions contained in the first treaty, provided the Scots performed their part.
2. It is reasonable therefore that the order of these treaties should be kept, and the Scots have not yet sent their deputies. Until their Majesties have seen the disposition of the Scots, the ratification of the last treaty cannot be made, because it has an obligation in favour of the Scots; and it is not reasonable that the King and Queen should remain in uncertainty of the intentions of the Scots.
Copy. Endd.: The French King's answer made by his Chancellor . . . . ; which answer was made 15 Sept. 1560, s they delivered it. Fr. Pp. 3.
Sept. 15. 527. Another copy.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 3.
Sept. 16. 528. Francis II. to the Queen.
Acknowledging her letter of 27th ult. (respecting the ratification of the late treaty made in Scotland,) received through Throckmorton, and thanks her for her expressions of amity, which he reciprocates.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 17 Sept. 1560. Signed: Francoys L'Aubespine.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Broadside.
Sept. 16. 529. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. P. 1.
Sept. 16.
Labanoff, vii. 289.
530. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen.
Acknowledges the receipt of her letter by Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. Thanks her for her expressions of amity, and professes the same.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 16 Sept. 1560. Signed: Marie,—L'Aubespine.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Broadside.
Sept. 16. 531. L'Aubespine to Throckmorton.
Sends him the replies of the French King and Queen to Queen Elizabeth's letters, which he presented yesterday; which he would have given to his secretary, if the Queen had been out of bed. We must excuse ladies when they sleep in the morning, especially when they are enceinte, as they think she is.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 16 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 16. 532. Throckmorton to the Secretary De L'Aubespine.
Has received his letters of this date, together with two from the King and Queen of France to the Queen his mistress. Thanks him for sending the answer made yesterday by the Chancellor, and for the intelligence he conveyed respecting the pregnancy of the Queen of France, of which he will inform his mistress.—Poissy, Monday, 16 Sept. 1560.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 16. 533. The Scottish Lords to Sir Francis Leek.
Thomas Kincaid and George Clapperton having complained that, having sent a boat laden with dry fish and wheat to Berwick, and the said boat on the 12th inst. being within the haven having run aground on Spittalside, the inhabitants of Spittal and other Englishmen came that night and spoiled the goods and merchandise forth of the boat, with all her apparelling. The writers desire that restitution may be made with all expedition.—Edinburgh, 16 Sept. 1560. Signed: James, Morton, Glencairn, St. John's, W. Maitland.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
Sept. 17. 534. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Signified by his letter to her of the 8th the manner of his proceeding with the French King and his Ministers, upon the receipt of her commission and letters of 27th August by Mr. Somers, on the 1st. The end of which was that he received answer by L'Aubespine, that the King had deferred the ratification till his coming to St. Germains, where the Secretary said he would be on the 10th, at which time he willed him to send to the Court, when he would know what day the King would appoint for the ceremony. Since which time, being at Paris to hear of the King's repair to St. Germain, who made uncertain journeys to and from, he has proceeded as follows: On the 10th De l'Aubespine sent his clerk to tell him that if he sent to the Court at St. Germain to M. De Bonstein, Chief Mareschal de Logis, he would appoint him a lodging at Poissy, and that at his repair thither he should understand further of the King's pleasure. The day following the writer sent Mr. Somers to the Court to speak with the Cardinal, who sent word that if Throckmorton would be next day at Poissy, the King would send thither one of his secretaries to declare his further pleasure. Accordingly he departed from Paris thitherward on the 12th; and in his way at the town's end of Poissy, meeting with M. De Randan and his brother the Abbot of Cormery, he took occasion to put M. De Randan in remembrance of his promise for his return into England, trusting that he would confirm the Queen's good opinion of him. He answered that he was quite willing, but being but a servant he must do as should please the King, who by means of the troubles here had otherwise appointed him. Throckmorton then told him that he was ordered by the Cardinal to repair to Poissy, whither he had promised to send the King's pleasure touching the ratification, wherein he trusted there would be no delay. De Randan replied that if the Cardinal had promised to send to him, he would assuredly hear from him; that as for the ratification, the King meant to entertain by all good means the amity between him and the Queen; but that the Scots so behaved themselves that the King could not be satisfied or contented with them, for they not only broke the order for suffering the Bishops to enjoy their own, and kept them by force from the use thereof, and compelled divers for safety of their lives to retire to Dunbar, but also had spoiled certain money to the sum of 10,000 crowns, which were sent into Scotland to pay the King's debts there, the same being conveyed by a herald-atarms. Throckmorton replied that he knew not of these matters, no more than he thought the Queen did. Throckmorton had scarce been in his lodgings half an hour when a pursuivant arrived with a letter from the Cardinal, to whom he wrote the enclosed answer.
2. On the 15th he went to the Court, where he found some alteration in his entertainment, for there was no such ceremony used as was accustomed. He was fain to shift himself in the Captain of the Guard's chamber, which was more like a prison than a place for receiving a Prince's minister, and for excuse they told him that they knew not of his coming. Because the Cardinal was newly set to dinner he walked into the park; whence (after the King had dined) he was sent for into the Cardinal's chamber, who said he might have come to dinner. Throckmorton said that he came at the hour assigned, which was at the King's rising from dinner. He found with him the Chancellor, the Bishops of Amiens and Orleans, and M. D'Avanson; whom after he had saluted, the Cardinal said that he would go see what the King did, with whom went also the Chancellor, and so they committed him to the entertainment of M. D'Orleans. In about a quarter of an hour they were sent for; and he was left then accompanied with a gentleman servant of the King. After he had attended in the Cardinal's chamber about an hour, M. De la Brosse was sent to conduct him to the King, whom he found in his chamber accompanied with the Queen Mother, the French Queen, his two brethren the Dukes of Orleans and Angouleme, the Duke of Guise, the Cardinals of Lorraine and Guise, the Chancellor, the Bishops of Orleans and Amiens, MM. De Lansac and De la Brosse, Knights of the Order, three or four of the Privy Council, De l'Aubespine, Bourdin, and D'Allony, secretaries; but neither M. De Randan or the Bishop of Valence were there.
3. These Councillors thus assembled, and none suffered besides them to remain in the chamber, Throckmorton did the Queen's hearty commendations to the King and Queen, and delivered his letters. After the King had read his letter, Throckmorton said that he might perceive what authority she had committed to him, especially touching the demanding the ratification of the treaty of Edinburgh, and therefore desired that they would swear the same, and command their notaries to make a formal act under their hands for the evidence thereof, adding that after that the Queen would do the like in the presence of their Ambassador, or Commissioner having thereunto authority. The King answered that he would in like manner do all things for the conservation of amity, and that touching the ratification he had commanded his Chancellor to make answer, who said that with respect to the ratification of the treaty of 6th of July there was in the same an article that the nobles of Scotland should send to the King and Queen by such a day, to desire them to confirm that which was amongst them accorded, which they have not done; and yet there are almost three months past. And it is also accorded that the Scots should show themselves humble and obedient subjects, which they have not done, but have committed sundry disorders, contrary to their duty, their promise, and the treaty. There was also another treaty made between the deputies of the King and Queen and those of Queen Elizabeth, wherein it is said that the French King and Queen should ratify the articles agreed upon between the Scots and their deputies; and though the treaties were made one after another, yet seeing that the two nations were joined together in one quarrel and with one mind against the King, they are all one in effect, and it were not reasonable that the order should be broken. He said that Throckmorton demanded that the letter should be ratified first, which is not orderly; and so would the King and Queen be bound to their subjects and they not to their Sovereigns. If the Queen will have the treaty ratified, either she must find the means that the Scots may perform that which they are bound to by the treaty, or the King cannot ratify the treaty in sort as it is; or else the Scotch matters must be left forth of the treaty. Otherwise the King ratifying that treaty shall are bound to his subjects, and they remain at large to continue in their follies and disobedience. This was the order and substance of the Chancellor's tale; whereunto Throckmorton asked if he should take it as a resolute answer that the King refused the ratification of the treaty; he said, Yes; unless the Queen remedied the things he told him.
4. Throckmorton then addressed the King and said that the ratification of the treaty did not depend upon any condition; that as the treaty with the Queen was made first, so it could have no relation to anything in the other treaty, and that nothing therein should be an impeachment to the ratification of that made with the Queen. The Cardinal of Lorraine then said that it appeared by the words of the treaty that he mistook the matter, and so he read the sixth Article, beginning, Cum Deo optimo et maximo; and when he came to the words "Quod dicti Christianissimi Rex et Regina Maria adimplebunt," he pressed the matter greatly how inconvenient it should be for the King and Queen to ratify that article, whereby they should stand bound to the Scots, and they at liberty to do as they do; and then he quoted passages to prove that the Scots' treaty was made first. Throckmorton replied that he did not look for any of these objections, and that there was no cause why the faults of the Scots should impeach the ratification of the treaty made between them. The Cardinal said that the King accepted in good part the Queen's doings, and meant to recompense her with the like, and that, as soon as he had heard from the Scots, meant to do as her good brother in all things. Throckmorton told the King that he was sorry that after he had promised the ratification such delays were used. The King said that whatsoever his Chancellor had said in this matter, he must take for an answer. Throckmorton replied, that he must receive at the King's hands what he pleased, and advertise the Queen of it. Then, converting his speech towards the assistants, he said that being loath to misreport the King's answer, he desired to have it in writing; which the Cardinal promised, and commanded M. De l'Aubespine to make him a memorial.
5. This done the writer addressed the Queen, to whom he said that she would perceive by his mistress's letter that she was glad of the goodwill and affection she bore to her, and that she would be sorry to be therein vanquished, and that she regretted these delays; for that now the amity which seemed perfect would be deemed suspected. The Queen answered that the King had showed reasons enough to satisfy him in this matter. As to the Queen's letters, she perceived that he had always played the part of a good minister between them, and so prayed him to continue, and she for her part would deserve no other at her hands but that shall become her good sister and cousin. "I think," quoth she, "she would not be contented to be used with her subjects as I am used with mine; and I trust she will not support them in their disobedience." Throckmorton said that his mistress would be sorry if they forgot their duties, and would use all the best means she could to do good betwixt them, and wished that too light ear be not given to reports against them, to irritate her displeasure against them. "Neither the King, nor I," quoth she, "will find fault with them if they do as it becomes good subjects to do." And so he took his leave of her.
6. He declared to the Duke of Guise that the Queen had commanded the Lord Admiral to see all the King's subjects, and their ships which were taken by Englishmen in these late troubles released; and thereof their Ambassador was advertised, which testified her disposition to amity, and therefore he desired that she might find the like. The Cardinal answered that there was no doubt of it, and that the King meant to entertain the amity as she did. He also said that it was not fully resolved for the time of the Duke of Nemours going into England; and thereon Throckmorton took his leave and returned to his lodging.
7. Upon the Cardinal's promise that the King's answer for stay of the ratification should be delivered in writing, he left Mr. Somers on the 15th inst. behind at the Court, to solicit the Secretary L'Aubespine for the same, who promised the next day to send it; whereupon Somers repaired to the Court in the morning, and received it at the Secretary's hands; which he sends herewithal. Mr. Somers in his way homewards on the 15th inst. met with the Duke De Nemours, who knowing him, said unto him that since the time the King had appointed him to go into England to visit the Queen on his behalf, there had come a bruit abroad that his going was for another purpose, wherein they gave him more honour than he ever thought himself worthy of. Because this might come to Throckmorton's ears, he thought good to tell him that his going into England was but to see and salute the Queen from his master. Mr. Somers asked him how soon his journey might be, whereupon he said that he thought it not meet to go till the garboils in France were in better case; for besides the matter of religion (which being alone, might be easily ended) there were mixed withal a revolt and rebellion, which ought not to be suffered; and therefore he, having charge of 100 men-at-arms, would do his duty towards his master against the same, which he thought would be fifteen days at the least.
8. As the writer signified in his last letter to Cecil, the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé are looked for at Court about the end of the month. The Constable is looked to arrive at St. Germain within a day or two. The Bishop of Amiens and M. De la Brosse are much cherished. Is informed that the Bishop shall be made a Cardinal with the title of Lizieres. It is said that the King of Spain has already put Spaniards into Parma and Placenza, which does not like the Venetians; and the Pope seems to be offended that he was suspected to have meant anything towards Duke Octavio. The Duke of Lorraine, with the consent of the French and Spanish Kings, shortly goes into Almain; whether his going be touching the matter of Denmark or some other matter is not known as yet. Lord Seton, since his coming, being at the beginning somewhat countenanced, seems now in the end so evil satisfied that he desires to return into his own country. His discontentment grows upon two causes. The one for that he has assignation given him for receiving 10,000 francs in December, being the worst and most uncertain payment that can be, which sum he disbursed partly in money of his own by selling his plate, partly by taking up cattle and money of others upon credit, in Scotland, for the succouring of the French in Leith. The other, for that being due to him in arrears 8,000 francs, for his place of a gentleman of the King's chamber, there is paid unto him but 300 francs. Is informed that he will ere long go home through England, where he doubts not that she will cause him to be well entreated, for he is a man as good to be won as lost. On the 16th Leveston (who was taken passing into Scotland) arrived at the Court; he came by sea, and brought news that the Parliament in Scotland is dissolved; that the Duke of Châtellerault uses himself as Governor; that the Lord of St. John comes through England; and that there goes out of Scotland a solemn ambassade towards Her Majesty. Such as meddle here in the affairs of Scotland are the Cardinal of Lorraine, the Duke of Guise, the Bishop of Amiens, La Brosse, D'Oyzel, and the Bishop of Glasgow, and no Scottishman besides him hath anything to do among them.
9. P. S.—Sends two letters from the French King and Queen, with a copy of a letter sent to him from L'Aubespine. —Poissy, 17 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig., a few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 12.
Sept. 17. 535. Throckmorton to the Lords of the Council.
Gives the same information respecting his audience with the King and Queen, and Council, etc., as is contained in his letter of the same date to the Queen. Reminds them of his revocation, and earnestly urges them, seeing that the time of year draws on apace in which no man would gladly travel. Although he himself had rather abide the sharpest showers and harder weather than he could feel between this and England, than to remain, yet his successor may excuse himself upon the time.—Poissy, 17 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 12.
Sept. 17. 536. John Brigantyne to Cecil.
1. In his last he wrote that the young Lords of East Friesland would pass into England with the young King of Sweden. There is of late a gentleman come out of Sweden to the Lady of Emden, who declares that he is on his journey, and also the Ambassadors of the Elector and of other Princes, who were sent thither on his behalf; his eldest brother (for that his wife is brought to bed) remains there. The young King departed from his father towards his ships the 15th of the last month; his brother, Duke John of Finland, conveyed him thither.
2. Whereas Cecil wrote ere his journey to Scotland that the Chancellor of East Friesland should practise with Count Christopher of Oldenburg and with the young Earl of Emden to have pensions, the one of 1,000, the other of 700 crowns a year, he received letters from the Treasurer concerning the same and a reward for the Bishop of Osnaburgh, that the Queen would suspend the granting of any pensions or rewards. The best way to maintain the good will of the adjacent noblemen will be to grant to the city of Emden the same liberties as the other Hanse towns. In Mr. Treasurer's letter he had a good answer concerning the same. The King of Sweden and this country are franchised, the one with the other.
3. There are repaired into Denmark certain colonels and captains to the King; it is thought that if the peace between Denmark and Sweden were expired it would turn otherwise, which is two years yet and a half. The Chapter of Brandenburg, their Dean being dead, elected another, which election Marquis Joachim, Elector of Brandenburg, refused, and placed a Dean of himself; the Chapter sent to the Pope, who sent a mandature to the Elector to leave his election, or else appear at Rome with his Dean, who stoutly stands to the contrary. The writer has been of late at Hamburg and Bremen, where he saw much munition, some embarked, and much in houses ready to be sent forth. The same has all this summer passed out of the Elbe and Weser; in which mass the strangers do not a little muse.
4. The writer solicited a pension both through Cecil and the Treasurer; he has served in many affairs of importance for eighteen years, his living is nothing, his diet being taken away. There is arrived the Chancellor of the Free Cities, with one of the Council and the Secretary of Dantzic. Understands that they are not in hopes to have any liberties in England, wherefore they intend to seek new friends, as the French. They have abode here some time, which they say is to see the Lady of Emden to have some liberties here and so to abandon Amsterdam, which charges them with great exaction. But this is a suggestion only to prevent the Queen having any benefit from the Emden river. They have made a great inquisition of the writer's doings here and elsewhere. —Emden, 17 Sept 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 17. 537. Sir Francis Leek to Cecil.
1. Yesternight received two small letters from the Queen. By one of the 10th inst. she signifies how 800 of the soldiers extraordinary should be cassed, which he has this day accomplished, and to-morrow they shall be paid. In that of the 12th, he is commanded to cass the soldiers, so that only 1,400 of all sorts remain; but if 800 be taken from the present number there remains 1,482, so that he desires to know from whose band these 82 shall be taken, and whether the captains who remain shall be charged with the number of gentlemen in their bands who are loath to depart, and whether (considering the cassing of this number of 50 captains) the wages of Somerset and his officers shall be defalked. Every captain should have 200 soldiers under him to entertain the gentlemen of his band. Mentions different officers of the garrison and their pay.
2. The curate here is a very simple man, void of all learning; his living is 7l. by the year. If preaching be needful in any place in Europe, the like and more is it to be had in this town, with strait commandment to the captains not to be absent from sermons. The Dean of Durham has been here and preached; but both he and honest Mr. Sampson like them so well that they are departed weary of their company. Their assembly is not so great but that a less church than this will easily hold them, and yet it will not hold half the extraordinary soldiers.
3. Has spoken with Mr. Somerset about his oath, who answered that upon talk with the Duke he delivered in writing his opinion, but has not received an answer, but is well satisfied and is this day sworn to every of the said articles. The Treasurer declares he cannot pay the writer his entertainment without the Queen's warrant. Although the writer's service seems simple, yet he spends every week 12l. at least above his entertainment, and for the little space he has tarried he owes Mr. Abington 40l. only for bread and beer. His provision is such that he has to buy every thing in the market but only water; and for any commodity of the office, has not had the value of one penny, saving a little hay which is in question between Crofte's servant and him; the getting of his part thereof has cost him more than the hay is worth. Requests his revocation. In like case stand Mr. Grimstone, John Baker, and Thomas Barnborough. Thinks that the Duke had special warrant from the Council for his entertainment before his coming. Has payed ninety-seven French crowns for matters from Scotland, and therefore is not ashamed to demand it again.—Berwick, 17 Sept. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 17. 538. M. Sarlabois to the Privy Council of Scotland.
Has received their commands by Captain Forbes to deliver up Lord Semple, but regrets that he cannot comply with their request until he receives the commands of the King and Queen. Hopes they will not be offended at what he has done; since had he acted otherwise, he would have been put to the horn, and compelled to fly the kingdom.—Dunbar, 17 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Copy. Add. in Randolph's hand. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 18. 539. The Queen to Adolphus, Duke of Holstein.
Has received his letter dated at Gottorp, Aug. 21st., in which he thanks her for investing him with the Garter. In reply she thinks that the Order is fortunate in the accession of such an illustrious Prince. Being desirous that all things may be done in her chapel at Windsor for perpetuating that honour, she has directed her cousin, Lord Hunsdon, to inform him what remains to be done on his part. As the Duke desires to know the conditions of the Treaty of Edinburgh, she has directed her Secretary to send him a summary thereof.
Draft, in Cecil's hand. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 18. 540. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Refers him for an account of his late negociations with the French King and Queen and Council to his letters to the Queen and Lords of the Council, and trusts that Her Majesty will send hither some one fully instructed, and able to answer all such objections as are coined by the Guises. It will not be amiss for him to think of as many cavillations as may be devised, to the intent he may well instruct him that shall come hither to answer them when they shall use those quarrels and evasions. This is one way, if the Queen likes to plead and contend with them in words; though the cause is not tryable in Westminster Hall. There is another way which he will not meddle with, unless he can tell him the matter and the manner both.
2. Sent him packets on the 8th and 12th of this month, but has not heard from him since the 27th of August, so that he daily looks for the arrival of his successor. They have talked that Cecil and Wotton should be presented, and yet they like the bargain so well, that they like not to ratify it. They may say, as the Emperor Charles did, when King Francis, sorting forth of prison, refused to perform the Treaty of Madrid; that though it was not well performed, yet it was well made, "and," so quoth he, "my force and cunning shall remain on record, and the French doubleness shall always be a witness of it."
3. By his letter of the 5th Aug. and credit to the messenger, Cecil sent word that the Queen was resolved to appoint Chal loner to this charge. By his letter of the 27th of the same, and his talk to Mr. Somers, Challoner was refused, and therefore not sent for, but the question was of Mr. Knollys and Mr. Danett. And lately a friend has advertised him that neither of them is abled, accepted, or put in order; and that for anything that is spoken he is as nigh to come home now as when he came forth. Complains bitterly, and at some length, of this treatment.—Poissy, 18 Sept. 1560. Signed.
4. P.S.—He will perceive by M. De l'Aubespine's letter, that the French Queen is thought to be with child.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 18. 541. Garrisons in the North.
"Sept. 18, 1560.—A new establishment made by the Queen as well of all manner officers, captains, and soldiers that shall be of the ordinary garrisons and crews within the said town and other holds in those parts; as also of the daily and yearly diets, wages, and entertainments of the same during her pleasure. The same establishment to take place and beginning the last day of this instant September." These consist of the Captain, Marshal, Treasurer, porter, master of the ordnance, etc., of Berwick, Holy Island, Farne Island, Carlisle, Wark Castle and Tynemouth Castle.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 29 Sept. 1560. Pp. 6.
[Sept. 18.] 542. Divine Service at Berwick.
"A rate of wages to be levied every quarter of the year upon the captains, officers, and soldiers" [of the garrison of Berwick] "for the maintenance of a preacher and other ministers for divine service to be daily used within the said town:" viz. a preacher, 80l. per annum; a curate, 40l,; a coadjutor, 33l. 6s. 8d.; two singing men and otherwise to assist the administration, at 13l. 6s. 8d. apiece, 26l. 13s. 4d.; a clerk, 13l. 6s. 8d.; a sexton, 10l.; an assistant for burials, 7l. 16s.; in toto, 211l. 2s. 8d.
P. 1.
Sept. 18. 543. Garrison at Berwick.
Fees of the Captain and officers of Berwick, according to the establishment made 18 Sept. 1560. Sum total 1,090l. 13s. 4d.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 18. 544. Francis Englefield to Throckmorton.
Sends this by Mr. Dudley, coming from Malta. Arrived here yesternight from [Sienna?] in the Abbot of Colonas' country, where he spent more than four months. In two or three days goes into Lombardy, being minded to winter in Padua and Venice, as he did the year passed. This his departure from this part of Italy is to give place to his friends' advice, who from home advertise him that his being here in the spring was of some held suspicious. To avoid these malicious calumnies he is driven from his own choice. Cardinal Morone has lately gone to his mother in Milan; the Abbot of St. Salute, sent away in the end of May as Nuncio, remains by counter commandment from hence in Brussels. The Duke of Paliano, his brother Cardinal Caraffa, and his nephew Di Napoli remain in hold, not without danger. Likewise does Cardinal Di Monte. Wrote three letters to him from hence, one on April 20, sent through Mr. Sheares at Venice, one on the next day sent by the ordinary post of Paris, the third a fortnight after by the same Scottish gentleman who brought him his [Throckmorton's] of the 24th March. Begs that he will write now and then, whether he remain in France or return home.—Rome, 18 Sept. 1560. Signed: His "poor cousin," Franciscus Englefield.
Orig. Hol. Add., with seal. Endd.: Received 5 Nov. by G. Dudley. Pp. 2.
Sept. 19. 545. Adolph, Duke of Holstein, to Cecil.
Thanks Cecil for his letter containing an account of the Scottish transactions; and congratulates the Queen on the honour which she has obtained, and Cecil on the skill with which he has managed the affair. Sends as Envoy to the Queen, Joachim Hinck, Provost of Bremen, and Dean of Osterbolt. Begs that Cecil will further his suit.—Gottorp, 19 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
Sept. 19. 546. The Earl of Glencairn to the Earl of Arran.
1. The writer at his home coming spoke with Lord Boyd, who showed him a writing from the Earl of Argyll, making mention that his piece was ready, whenever the Earl of Arran or his father "would call for her; yea, and it were but myself that would care for her," and that he should have 500 men ready, the best he has in Argyll. Thinks there will be no stop in that piece. Has delivered the Duke's writing to the Captain of Dumbarton, who has prepared all things conform to the same; and the things that the Captain has not pertaining to the drawing of the piece he has written to the Duke. Will be at the Earl of Argyll's on Friday; on Saturday the Captain of Dumbarton has promised to have the carriers [?] ready at the castle of Carrick to receive the Earl of Argyll's piece. Thinks it better for Arran to be at Hamilton on Tuesday, bringing with him the small pieces which the Duke promised, and twenty hagbutters more. On Wednesday the few hagbutters that had come to Castle Semple, and they that were within, came forth to the yard as was their custom, and more wilful than wise came plain upon them, "and dang them out of the yard into the castle;" when they shot little pistolets out of the windows, and durst not come to the wall heads; and to verify this, they took sheep that they had within the close away, and never a man hurt or slain, except one, who will not be the worse; but divers of the enemy were evil hurt, as his brother has written unto him this day. For horses and oxen to draw Argyll's pieces they will make provision. Desires him to let the bearer know where the writer shall meet Arran with his friends, whom he will deliver to him and so depart.—Dumbarton, 19 Sept. Signed.
2. P.S.—The man who took their commission to be sealed is presently at Dumbarton, and passes with the writer to the Earl of Argyll, for his seal, and will come again by Lord Erskine, who is presently in Erskine, and who the writer thinks will be in Edinburgh [?] on Tuesday evening at the furthest.
Add. Endd. by Cecil, and again by Randolph, with the words: Castle Semple. Pp. 3.
Sept. 20. 547. Leek and Grimston to Cecil.
1. Having now cassed such number of the soldiers as by the Queen's letters was appointed, they have found those men, whose names are contained in the schedule here enclosed, to be hurt, maimed, and very unmeet to continue in the garrison, and therefore have cassed them. These men are very humble suitors to the Queen that pity might be taken, and some charity used towards their poor estate. The writers have seen so much of their misery that they seek the most easy way to convey them hence. Though they dare not write thus boldly to the Queen, yet have they emboldened themselves to write to him as to one that will pity.—Berwick, 20 Sept. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S. (fn. 2) —There is delivered to every man named in the schedule 6s. 8d., for which he trusts to be repaid.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This P. S. is in Leek's autograph.
  • 2. This P. S. is in Grimston's hand.