Elizabeth: September 1560, 5-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: September 1560, 5-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp277-293 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1560, 5-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp277-293.

"Elizabeth: September 1560, 5-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp277-293.


September 1560, 5-10

Sept. 6. 491. The Queen to Throckmorton.
The Viscount D'Amiens, one of the four French hostages, has fallen into a dangerous sickness, and the physicians say that there is no such hope of his recovery as that he might depart to his native soil. He has made earnest request to her that she would cause the French King to be moved to have compassion on him; and yet for certain respects he would not have it appear that this desire comes of himself. She therefore directs him [Throckmorton] to desire the French King to appoint some other hostage in his place before the winter.
Draft, in Cecil's writing and endd. by his secretary: 6 Sept. 1560. Pp. 2.
Sept. 6. 492. Thomas Windebank to Throckmorton.
The French Ambassador and M. De Bussy report from hence to the Cardinal and Duke of Guise that the Vidame of Amiens is as great a Protestant as may be, and so gives evil example by much going to sermons and absenting himself from such service as they use. Which report coming to his hearing has caused evil will to grow between them, and the Vidame will in no matter use their aid, therefore he has secretly wrought through Cecil to obtain licence to return, which, though his sickness is so dangerous that he might well demand it, yet he would avoid having it known that it was by his motion. In Throckmorton's request for his [the Vidame's] return the latter wishes the former to use some earnestness, to perceive how the Cardinal and Duke of Guise are affectioned towards him after the report. By the compact the hostages should be changed every six months, and their turn here should end by the last of September, yet by this request he would feel what heart the Cardinal and Duke bear towards him, whose religion and doings in deed and talk he detests, wishing he had means to live in England, and he would never return to France.— Windsor, 6 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: From Tho. Windebank, Mr. Secretary's clerk. Pp. 2.
Sept. 6. 493. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Has not heard from him since August 22, and was never so desirous to hear. Loses no occasion to let him understand their doings, but cannot tell if all his letters come to hand. Prays him to let him know his advice anent their coming to England. Received his commendations in a letter sent to Randolph, and what message the Cardinal of Lorraine sent to the Queen; there is not in that matter any great cause of complaint.
2. The clergy in Parliament presented a general complaint, neither declaring in special the names of the complainers, nor yet on whom them complained. Upon first sight thereof all men in general were inhibited to have any intromission with them from the day of the date of the treaty, when the Estates meant to go more particularly to work for redress of the things amiss and sought to be more at large informed. None of the clergy were found who would prosecute the complaint or insist in it; so if they be not fully satisfied let them impute it to no other but themselves. If the mind of the French is no better to wards them, it would be too great an oversight to suffer their domestic enemies to live so quietly as they do.—Edinburgh, 6 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 7. 494. Guido Giannetti to the Queen.
1. The most important news is that the Turks have gained the fort of the Zerbe, in furnishing which the Duke of Medina temporized so much with the Regent of Sicily as to cause the miserable defeat of the army of the King of Spain, and the great augmentation of the power of the Turk. It would have been better if the Duke, when he heard of the departure of the Turkish army from Malta, had abandoned the fort and saved the 5,000 combatants, who, between slaughter, hunger, and disease were lost in defending it. Among the small number of prisoners was the captain Don Alvaro De Sandes, an old and esteemed warrior. The Turks entered the fort at the end of July, razed it to the ground, and departed with the army, rich in prisoners and spoil, to Malta, whence they sailed, dividing the army into two portions.
2. It appears that the King of Spain had made no further provision for the relief of the place, believing that it could not hold out until succour arrived. An effort must be made to check the presumption of the Turk; and the King of Spain ought to apply himself to this before anything else.
3. It may also be hoped that the Turk will be disturbed in another quarter, as it appears that neither has the King of Persia replied to his proposals, nor is the Sultan Bajazet kept prisoner; so that the news published by his father at the gate does not receive the credit which was given to it by the Ambassadors at Constantinople, but is supposed to be merely intended to divert the attention of the Janissaries from Bazaret, his second son.
4. It is reported that in an assembly of twelve Cardinals with the Pope, on the subject of religion, it was proposed to provide for the maintenance of those English who had betaken themselves to Flanders to live according to the rule of the Church of Rome, and the Pope said he would not fail in the matter.
5. The ruin of the Signori Caraffi was continuing. There was little expectation of a General Council. The negociation of the Pope for a league of the Sovereigns of Italy against religious disturbances which may arise in France and Germany has been brought to a stand still. The Duke of Savoy receives no encouragement from any Italian power, except from the Pope, in his project against Geneva, from which if wise he will abstain. A Council has also been held in Rome to provide against commotions on account of religion in Avignon under the dominion of the Church of Rome. It was proposed to send thither the Cardinal Farnese, as the Legate of Avignon, who did not decline to go, but required a suitable escort of Italian and Swiss infantry, which the French would not con cede, being unwilling to allow a foreign Prince to make war in their kingdom.
6. Since one returning from Spain, named Canobio, told the Pope that King Philip had said that he would consider any injury done to the house of the Farnese and the Duke Ottavio as directed against himself, the Pope has abandoned his purpose of going to Bologna, which was said to be with a design against Parma. It was said also that he intended to go from Bologna to Milan, but King Philip caused him to be informed that that city, which had so greatly suffered during the late war, was ill able to bear the expense of receiving him. He was uncertain, however, whether he would go to Perugia and perhaps farther, in case the Duke of Florence desires an interview with him. The Duke being about to make his first entry into Sienna, the inhabitants are making great preparations for receiving him. The Duchess Renea has withdrawn from Ferrara to spend the remainder of her days in her own territory in France.
7. The magnanimity and prudence of the Queen in securing the public peace is highly praised, with great honour to the crown, and to the perpetual benefit of Scotland.—Venice, 7 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Ital. Pp. 4.
Sept. 7. 495. Intelligence from Italy.
1. On Sunday 1st September a General Assembly was held in the presence of the Pope, and a bull was proposed to oblige all Bishops to go to their sees.
2. On account of the increasing tumults in France it was moreover declared necessary to summon the Cardinal Farnese to Rome, and to require him either to go to his legation in France, or to resign it; and this order was made known to the Cardinal, who will be here in four days.
3. On Wednesday the 4th a Consistory was held, to which all the Bishops were summoned; and the bull was read to them in which the Pope commanded them to leave Rome within a month. To those whose bishopric was in Italy he granted the term of two months, and to those out of Italy four months.—Rome, 7 Sept. 1560.
Copy. Ital. P. 1.
Sept 7. 496. John Shers to Cecil.
1. The Pope some days past minded to have made his progress from Rome towards Ancona and Loretto, and so from place to place towards Bologna, to have endued the Duke of Florence with the title of the old Kings of Tuscany, and to have shifted the Duke Octavio from his estate of Parma and Placentia; but he is now uncertain of this journey, upon a new determination. This is because the King of Spain has disappointed the same, doing the Pope to wit, both by his Ambassador Vargas and by Cannobio, whom the Pope had sent into Spain, that he no less tenders the weal of the Duke of Parma than of any of those whom he most favours. From the Duke of Florence he minds to revoke the estate of Sienna, committed to his government for certain sums of money lent, which shall be repaid, and so the Pope's intent seems to be disappointed, and therefore he minds not to depart at all for this time.
2. From Florence the Duke writes that the Pope will shortly be in Sienna. The Pope's busy pillers sleep not in this matter, but have devised a new way which will shortly come to light. Last week he made a congregation of ten or twelve Cardinals, in which were propounded two principal points; one to provide for Avignon, where M. Mauborne with 4,000 or 5,000 men has taken four fortresses, of which one is of importance, called Carpentras. The Pope, doubting lest he should attempt Avignon, has determined that the Cardinal Farnese shall be sent thither with 1,000 Italians and 4,000 Switzers of those that be Papists. This charge falls to Farnese, because he was formerly Legate of Avignon; yet when he shall have his despatch with the provision of men and money is uncertain. The other consult was for the aid of certain English, as well prisoners at home as those abroad in Flanders and Italy for religion's sake. The Pope, being persuaded by the Abbot of St. Salute and certain English at Rome, concluded that certain thousands of crowns should be distributed every year for that use, and to maintain also that sect in England.
3. The Caraffas are yet in prison, and last week their servants were separated from them, and new keepers appointed to them of a stricter sort. On July 30 the fortress of Gerbes was lost, and all they that were in the same are either prisoners or slain, so that there escaped not one man of the 5,000 and above. The 13th August the whole army came to Malta and there burnt all that was anything worth. The old Duchess of Ferrara returned towards France on Tuesday last, minding to end there her latter days for religion's sake.—Venice 7 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 7. 497. Count Mansfelt to the Queen.
As 1,000 crowns are owing to him at this time for his pension, he has given his receipt for the same to the bearer, who will hand it over upon the payment of that sum.— Mansfelt, 7 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 7.] 498. The Queen to Valentine Brown.
He shall deliver so much money to the Treasurer by indenture as shall pay all the soldiers who shall be cassed, and the labourers who shall be dismissed.
Draft, in Cecil's writing, and endd. by him: 7 Sept. 1560. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 7.] 499. The Queen to Sir William Ingleby.
Has directed Valentine Brown's deputy to deliver to him the remaining treasure, in order that he [Ingleby] may discharge such of the extraordinary soldiers as Sir F. Leek has order to do, and pay the workmen, who for lack of pay remain in the town. He shall not pay Croftes 33s. 4d. extraordinary wages during the time that he was allowed 3l. per diem in Scotland.
Draft, in Cecil's writing and endd. by his secretary: 7 Sept. 1560. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 7.] 500. The Queen to Sir Francis Leek.
He shall not discharge the extraordinary soldiers, but let the whole number amount to 1,400 by pole. He shall cause Edward Grimston to see such labourers and workmen as by reason of sickness or otherwise are to be discharged, and using the advice of Sir Richard Lee so shall do. Has taken order that money shall be paid by Valentine Brown's deputy.
Draft, in Cecil's handwriting and endd. by his secretary: 7 Sept. Pp. 2.
Sept. 7. 501. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received his letters of the 29 August. If his poor advice might have been heard, the Confession of Faith should not so soon have come into the light. It passed men's expectations to see it pass in such sort as it did. Before it was published or many words spoken of it, it was presented to certain of the Lords to see their judgments. It was committed to the Laird of Lethington and the Sub-Prior to be examined. Though they could not reprove the doctrine, yet did they mitigate the austerity of many words and certain measures, which seemed to proceed rather of some evil conceived opinion than of any sound judgment. The author had also put in a chapter touching the obedience or disobedience which subjects owe to their magistrates; it contained little less matter in fewer words than has been otherwise written more at large. The surveyors of the work thought it to be unfit matter to be entreated at this time, and so gave their advice to leave it out. Touching the story it is not yet absolved, he believes Cecil will have the first sight thereof; further he shall know as soon as Randolph can speak with the author, who promised him long since to see the same.
2. Cecil has been advertised by Lethington that it would be very near Michaelmas before the Ambassadors would be at London. The Lord of St. Johns departs on the 12th inst. Cecil's absence from the Court, if it so chanced, will be more grievous to some than the loss of half their lives. Dares not as yet give them any token thereof. When Cecil leaves the place he occupies the writer greatly doubts what will become of the cause. Sent Cecil's commendations to the Laird of Lethington where he was at his father's house. Unto the letter which the writer sent with Cecil's letter enclosed, he gave the answer which Cecil shall receive.
3. The other matter of which he so obscurely writes is his. Mr. Grimstone, being here for the payment of the money that was laid out for the sick and hurt soldiers, gave him secretly to understand that information was given to the Captain of Berwick that the Earl of Morton was a man to be suspected, and therefore the unfitter for the journey he was appointed unto. Of this matter Cecil receives Lethington's answer as he gave it unto Mr. Grimstone when he moved the same. Of that man he can give no assurance, but that by appearance of words and deeds he is the same towards the English as he would be esteemed, and never saw act or word why he might suspect him. Whatsoever was said of that matter touching the Cardinal of Lorraine was false, as he trusts that Cecil will find many other reports, as well from hence as other places. The Earls of Argyll and Athol and the Lord James met at St. Johnstons "at a treast" upon Sunday last. Has not heard what they have concluded, but has sent to the Laird of Grange to know. Their meeting was to confer what might be done to bridle the Earl of Huntly, if at any time he would become enemy unto the cause; wherein though there be no open appearance, yet his nature and behaviour gives occasion of mistrust. It was determined that the Earl of Arran should have besieged the Lord Semple. The matter is likely to come into communication, which many judge best. The Lords are all absent, save the Duke and his sons.
4. Is required to desire Cecil to have the Lady Fleming's passport in remembrance. Prays him to be good to Patrick Cogborne, whose letter he sent long since. The Lords are fain to hire pioneers for the demolition of Leith, as they have done at Dunbar, whereof there is as much overthrown as the treaty imports. Mr. Blunt and Mr. Strude remain both here by express commandment of the Lords till there is an end of the same. Wrote long since of a ship of one Lessingham that was stayed at Dumbarton; he has liberty to go, as no man charges him, the ship is stayed and the goods kept. There is a controversy in the Admiralty for a prize taken by Thomas Wallace under a letter of marque given by the Lords, there is good appearance that the ship was taken before the peace.—Edinburgh, 7 Sept. 1560. Signed.
5. P. S.—Has so much offended Dr. Wotton with his silence that he knows not how to excuse himself.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Primo Sept. 1560. Pp. 4.
Sept. 8. 502. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Received her letter of 1st inst. by Mr. Somers, together with two others to the French King and Queen, with her commission to receive the ratification of the late treaty; together with the directions of the Lords of the Council. Mr. Somers remained almost a day and a night upon the sea. Immediately he sent Mr. Jones to the Cardinal of Lorraine with a letter, a copy whereof he encloses, who answered that the King would remove next day from Fontainebleau to Melun, and would there receive such things as he had to deliver from the Queen. The next morning he sent Mr. Somers to the Cardinal to tell him by word of mouth what he had written, who answered that both he and the King would be at Melun next night, when Throckmorton might come and talk further of the matter.
2. As soon as the Cardinal was arrived at Melun, he repaired to him, and found him talking with the Bishop of Viterbo, the Pope's Ambassador, whom he shortly dismissed. First, the writer reminded him of the order agreed upon at his last audience for the manner of the ratification, and told him that the Queen had sent her commission for that purpose; praying him (as there rested but one day out of the sixty limited in the treaty unexpired,) that the ratification might be despatched before the King's departure. The Cardinal answered that if he took it that the King would deliver his part sealed and signed to him there, he had mistaken his meaning, for it was meant that the King should send this to his Ambassador in England to be delivered to the Queen, and that the Queen should send hers to be delivered to the King by the writer. Throckmorton said that it could not so stand neither with the order agreed on, nor with the article of the treaty. The Cardinal replied that it was usual for treaties to be sent by special persons, and that the last treaty of peace between the French King and Philip was by him carried into Flanders. Throckmorton answered that the treaty made at that time between the Queen and the French King was sworn by the King, and delivered to the Lord Chamberlain, Mr. Wotton, and himself; and the treaty made afterwards between her and Scotland was sworn and delivered afterwards to her; and how could the King swear and deliver the treaty in the English Ambassador's presence if he sent it to England to be delivered by his minister there? He then showed him the articles of the treaty, touching the ratification, together with his commission to receive the oath. Having seen these things he then said that the Chancellor was not there and he doubted if it could be done so soon, but that if it were not done, it should be done upon Sunday next without fail; which is the day of the date hereof. Throckmorton said that he would not be against that order if the Chancellor could not come thither in time, but wished it might be done there, because the last day should expire on the 4th, trusting that in case three or four days were overpast it would be nothing to the hindrance of amity between the Princes. The Cardinal assured him that they weighed nothing at all the time only for the order's sake; and, being thus agreed, he willed him to send his commission and a copy of the treaty to M. De l'Aubespine, which he did; of whom he had answer that he would solicit the matter, and that although the Chancellor were not there all diligence should be used. Throckmorton told the Cardinal that though the King was not pleased to go through with the ratification forthwith, yet he desired to deliver the Queen's letters to him, and declare such further credit as he had to say; he answered that it would be better for him to wait the ratification.
3. After this the Cardinal spoke of his own particular affairs, and expressed his inclination towards amity, and his grief that he and the rest of his house had fallen into the Queen's disgrace. Throckmorton answered that the Queen was well persuaded of his inclination to amity, perfectly knowing that this reconciliation had been chiefly made by his means; and as for such things as she had caused to be set forth, the exigency of the case was such as she could not choose but do it. The Cardinal thanked him, and said that he would write and thank the Queen for her good opinion of him, and for her favour in this behalf. In talking with the Cardinal of the disarming of the force, he charged the writer with passing his commission in making request to send some folk along the coast to see it done in all places; of which matter he has written more largely to the Lords.
4. Was also in hand with the Cardinal for the return of MM. De Valence and Randan for the ending of the point yet undecided, and said that they had promised to return into England for the determining thereof within the time limited for that purpose. The Cardinal answered that they had not promised directly to return, for it was not in their power, but said that they were ready to return when the King appointed; and now the King has thought good to send the Duke De Nemours, who will have in charge to satisfy the Queen.
5. After he had tarried a day and a half for this ratification, on Thursday the 5th the Secretary L'Aubespine told him from the King, that because the Chancellor and Council were not at Court, nor the Queen Mother, (in whose presence he was minded to have the ceremony done,) he had deferred it till his coming to St. Germains on the 10th inst., and then if the writer sent to the Court he would know what day the King would appoint. Thinks it not meet to defer his letter till the ratification be despatched, for it will be six or seven days at the soonest ere it be performed. Gives an account of the Vidame of Chartres' imprisonment. (fn. 1) The Archbishop of Vienne has been to the Bastile to examine him, accompanied by one of the Presidents of Parliament. Understands that the Vidame at his apprehension said that he was glad of it, for now the King would know his innocence. The substance of the letter sent by the Vidame to the King of Navarre is said to be so wisely written that it is thought there can be nothing laid to his charge. Sends such extracts as he can get touching the cause and proceedings of the late assembly. There is in the Court very suspicious talk of the King of Navarre and his brother, and that they are in some force in those parts where they lie; which has caused the King on the 3rd inst. to remove from Fontainebleau, where he minded to continue. Since then he has made uncertain journeys towards St. Germains, where are appointed to repair and lie about the Court all the men-at-arms. The Rhinegrave is sent into Almaine to levy men; the Ordinary Commissary into Switzerland, and La Mothe Gundrin into Provence and Dauphiny; another into Champagne, and every man to his charge.
6. The Constable and all his friends that accompanied him to the Court are retired home to their houses, on the 2nd inst.; he was greatly cherished and much made of on all sides, and it is said he shall do much. On the same day the Cardinal of Bourbon was despatched from the French King to the King of Navarre, his brother; and three days before, M. De Cursoles, a Knight of the Order, was sent with commission to desire him to repair to the Court and bring his brother, the Prince of Condé, with him. M. De Mande is arrived in post from Rome, whereupon it is said that the Pope presses again to have a General Council at Trent. It is said that upon this late assembly the King will send to the Pope; the Bishop of Valence was once named for that legation, who has refused for certain causes between the Pope and him.
7. The Duke of Nemours goes not to England so soon as was thought, by reason of the suspicion in which things stand. As soon as these garboils shall be overpast, it is supposed that he will come into England. The Cardinal said he would go in post; but because of his great train it is rather to be thought he will come in journey. Of the time of his departing nothing is yet certainly known. He will be accompanied with 120 gentlemen, the most active he can get. He will also bring his great horse and harness, as he minds to essay what disposed gentlemen the Queen has in her Court, and try who can do best at the tilt and tournay, whereof the writer informs her in order that he may be well entertained, and find himself well matched at all affairs; he being the greatest personage ever sent forth of this realm into England in any legation. The Bishop of Mantes has brought news from Rome that Al Gerbes is either lost, or that it is not possible that it can keep for any time. The galleys are not yet come about; the last news was that they were on the coast of Portugal. MM. De Martigues, D'Oyzel, and other French and Scotchmen, lately arrived from Scotland, are well countenanced and much made of; Martigues has in reward 10,000 crowns. All matters of Scotland pass by order of D'Oyzel, who is appointed to have the chief superintendence of them and of the French Queen's house.—Paris, 8 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 9.
Sept. 8. 503. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Complains of these delays, and is not disposed to descant what this gear means, but intends to advertise res gestas, that being (as they say) the office of an Ambassador and the safest and best way to keep his head on his shoulders.
2. If the Queen do not provide to keep what is won, it had been better to have stood at the mercy of the enemy. Will tell him shortly what he means by the word "provision." To entertain the assured amity of Scotland, although it cost yearly 20,000l. To reward and cherish the men of counsel and service at home, and specially such as in this matter have shown forwardness and painfulness. To call the Parliament to furnish the Queen of what she wants. To provide so for the sea matters that they may have ships of sundry sorts, row barges and galleys. To give order that some of the force by sea may serve upon all events to apply northward, and some from the narrow seas to the Cape of Cornwall, and in time to have an eye to the Isle of Wight and the rest of the isles and havens westwards. To defer the embassy to come out of Scotland for a time, until they have sent their ambassade first; this is to be wisely handled so that the Scotch be not alienated, but, contrary wise, to secretly put them in hope that all these doings are to make a perfect and everlasting amity betwixt England and Scotland. To do which he must proceed in this fashion. To cause a bruit to be spread in England and Scotland that the Queen means not to deal otherwise with the amity of Scotland than shall be agreeable to the French King and Queen, and that the same may be brought hither and believed. It will not be impertinent that the French Ambassador be told so. (fn. 2) To give order that the Duke De Nemours be honourably received, well cherished, and much made of, that the Guises may hope that the English will join with them before any other. And this will follow of this managing; the French will be overtaken in their own traps, and moved to divert their intended enterprises another way.
3. To retain good credit with the Protestants. To entertain the amity substantially, but yet very secretly, of the King of Spain. So shall they within this twelvemonth bring all their desires to pass. That is to say, the preservation of England with great reputation and renown, the uniting of England and Scotland together for ever, the amity of the King of Spain faster and more assured than ever, and the eschewing of war and its perils. Will not trouble him with the reasons of the premises, as his intent is not presently to write logically. (fn. 3)
4. Reminds him of Alexander Clarke's services, who is constrained to retire himself out of this realm. He is in great favour with the Lord James, a good man of war, able to serve the Queen's turn in Scotland, and well affected in religion. Wishes that the Queen would bestow 200 crowns. Desires Cecil to let him know herein by his next. When in England was a motioner for some present to be bestowed upon M. De Chantonnet, the Spanish Ambassador here, who has well deserved it by divers good intelligence for the Queen's service. Renews the same now for two further considerations. The one is that it will be good for the Queen and the King of Spain to hear often from one another. The other is that it will save the Queen 1,000 marks a year, which she must spend in sending to and fro, for letters may be both speedily and safely conveyed through France in his packet; and therefore, seeing that the bestowing of 400 or 500 crowns may save so much, it will be well to bestow upon him a present of that value in some fair piece of plate, or in a basin and ewer, such as Mr. Hobbey gave the Queen, and which Throckmorton's successor may bring and present with fair words.
5. Whereas he wrote on Sept. 3, that M. De Cursoles should be sent to England, he is since that time sent to the King of Navarre in post, and the Cardinal of Bourbon also. By the despatch he intends to make after the presentation of his successor, he minds to write his simple opinion to the Queen in some things that shall be meet to be considered and executed, therefore he requires Cecil's help to make good the mislikings that may be conceived or interpretations that may be conjectured; and doubts not that he will do so, as they sail in one ship and ply to one coast. By (fn. 4) the proclamation which he sends to the Queen and the notes of their proceedings in this assembly he may perceive the art and cunning of these folk; in his opinion to serve their turn there could be nothing better penned than the proclamation. That this bearer should make better haste, he has given him to make his passage six crowns; in case his diligence should deserve more, he prays Cecil to have consideration of him.—Paris, 8 Sept. 1560.
Orig. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Sept. 8. 504. Corrected copy of the first portion of this letter.
Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 8. 505. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
Acknowledges the receipt of their letter of the 27 Aug., and gives the same information respecting his interview and conversation with the Cardinal of Lorraine as is contained in his letter to the Queen of the same date. Complains that his credit is wrongfully hazarded by the report that he acted without commission in asking that his servants might visit the coasts. Refers them to his letter to the Queen for further information. Sends herewith two supplications presented by the Admiral in this late assembly at Fontainebleau, held on the 25th August, in which the Bishop of Vienne, Marilliac, has plainly discovered himself to be a Protestant.— Paris, 8 Sept. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 9.
Sept. 8. 506. The Queen to the Earl of Oxford and Lord Wentworth.
In case the King of Sweden should be constrained by the weather to put into some port of Suffolk or Essex, they shall put themselves and the gentlemen of the country in order, and send commandment to the ports that he may be offered such courtesy and reverence as to such a personage belongs.
Endd.: Draft of another letter to the same effect. In Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 8. 507. The Abbot of St. Salute to the Queen.
1. He arrived in Brussels in the middle of June, and has been so well received by the Duchess of Parma and the Bishop of Arras that he has passed three months there very agreeably.
2. As concerns the business of his legation, he received immediately on his arrival letters from the Pope, with orders not to proceed to England until he should have further instructions, King Philip having signified to the Pope his desire to remind him of certain other matters very necessary to enable him to dispose the Queen to listen to the persuasions of His Holiness; and saying that any other negociations with the Queen must be postponed until the treaty concluded between the French and the Queen in the matter of Scotland shall have been confirmed, which it is hoped will soon be done.
3. Has little hope of the result of his embassy to the Queen, since she has kept prisoners all the Catholic Bishops and other ecclesiastics of her kingdom, perhaps more on account of having taken umbrage at this embassy, (which was not to encourage the Catholics, who were not likely to make any tumult,) than for any other cause. Nevertheless the Queen has expressed a high opinion of the present Pope, and is willing to listen to anything he may wish to say to her, trusting that he will only require what is just and beneficial to herself and her kingdom. The writer therefore awaits his instructions, and desires if possible to discharge his embassy before the beginning of winter.
4. The Duke Ottavio Farnese is still in Brussels, and intends to return to Parma in about fifteen or twenty days. When speaking with the writer concerning the law suit moved by the Lady Virginia of Urbino concerning some claims of the state of Camerino, he said that the said Lady claims the usufruct of that state for some years of the life of Catherine Cibo her grandmother and Julia her mother. So that the suit is not for the state of Camerino, but for the usufruct, which the said Catherine Cibo could claim in her lifetime, and which she was not permitted to enjoy from the day that Paul III. took possession of the state and gave it to the Duke Ottavio, who held it several years.
5. As concerns the state of Novaro, he says that Count Borromeo requested him to say that King Philip wished to give him the marquisate of Novaro.
6. It was likewise said that Duke Ottavio was come hither to avoid going to Rome on this suit, but this is not at all probable.—Brussels, 8 Sept. 1560.
Copy. Ital. Pp. 5.
Sept. 9. 508. The Queen to the King of Denmark.
Hears that a Bremen ship commanded by Class Jhonson, alias Dickerof, laden with warlike stores, has been driven ashore in Ditmarsh, where the cargo has been saved without any loss except by damage from the sea. The inhabitants claim certain rights of shipwreck as belonging to him and his nephews, the Dukes of Holstein; and will not believe that the armour belongs to her. She assures him that it does, and desires that Gresham's agents may be allowed to collect it and forward it to her.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 9 Sept. 1560. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 9. 509. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 9.] 510. The Queen to Adolph, Duke of Holstein.
Requests that certain warlike stores (here specified) belonging to her, which were on board a vessel which was wrecked on the coast of Ditmarsh, may be restored to her agents. Has written to the same effect to the King of Denmark.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and endd. by his secretary: 9 Sept. 1560. Lat. Pp. 3.
Sept. 9. 511. The Bishop of Galloway to Randolph.
1. Asks his help in obtaining a passport from the Duke of Norfolk for some of his diocesans, who desire to procure from the Duke a passport general for all the indwellers of Galloway to pass and repass to and from the north of England. He on his part will obtain from the Lords of Council that the Englishmen have the like privilege. The writer is about to proceed to the Lord his brother within four days, "Quhair I sall remember on [y]our haik, gif [y]e have not gotten hir already." The writer's bedfellow sends her hearty commendations.—Perth, 9 Sept. Signed: A. Galloway.
2. The answer was that the Duke's commission had expired, but that if the Bishop would get letters from the Estates to the Queen, Randolph would do his duty for their conveyance.
The letter in the Bishop's hol., the memorandum of the answer in Randolph's handwriting. Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Bishop of Athens. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10. 512. [Throckmorton to the Queen of France.]
She will understand by the letter which the Queen, his mistress [Elizabeth], has written to her, how glad she is to be informed of the affection which she [Mary] entertains towards the writer's mistress [Elizabeth], of which the writer informed her after his last audience with the King and Queen. His mistress commands the writer to inform her [Mary] that she [Elizabeth] will be rejoiced to receive her [Mary's] portrait, on the receipt of which she [Elizabeth] will forward her own. He is also directed to inform her [Mary] that her affection is fully reciprocated.
Copy. Endd.: A memorial upon letters of 10th Sept. 1560. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10. 513. Sir Richard Lee to the Privy Council.
1. Has received their letters of the 4th September on the 9th, whereby he understands the Queen's pleasure is that the fortifications proceed with expedition. Except the hardhewers mentioned in his notes be sent, he will not be able to proceed. The winter is hastily approaching, and the seas are so rough and stormy that they will be able to convey nothing from Newcastle; also the lack of coals for the works next year should be forthwith furnished, or he can compass nothing. He therefore asks them that all things needful for the fortifications may be had.
2. Where there might have been divers discharged if there had been money for their payment, they are driven to continue them in wages, as also such men as fall sick daily more and more through the like lack. If they have not money speedily all the layers and those who serve them must continue in wages and have nothing to do.—Berwick, 10 Sept 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 10. 514. Sir Francis Leek to Cecil.
1. Has this day received his letters dated the 5th inst., the post having made small haste. Finds only those things forgotten in his late letters that he delated unto the Duke of Norfolk; as the late alteration of the old orders, wherein the Mayor of the town and Aldermen have presented their opinions for reducing the same to order; the common resort of the Scots into the town, with the place thought most convenient. The like made the eight constables for alteration of the watch.
2. Has already sent the statutes of the town, which lack execution, and the ordering of the extraordinary pays of the officers and soldiers. Has hitherto felt no profit by the commodities. Thinks that the fishing and tithes are worth 40l. by the year; the demesnes are good, if the captain's purse be able to stock them and peace continue. Is most loath to trouble him with the use and abuse of the old ordinary garrison, yet are there of them more than enough of murderers and thieves. This town is now become a receptacle for such good people, and this number of the ordinary is so divided into sundry offices that he finds no other remedy but only that the Queen by severe laws should give order for the punishment of all such offenders as shall make their abode within the said town. Pray him to send a captain who will see the same executed, otherwise the disease of the town is incurable.
3. The Chamberlain has 20l. by the year, but the Treasurer has not paid him since his coming into that office, because Sir Robert Clark, the Chamberlain, gives no attendance here. Has signified how much he can do towards execution of the cassing of the soldiers, and asks whether the fifty of the ordinary of the castle and the thirty watchmen are to be counted as parcel of the 1,400 appointed to tarry.
4. Mr. Valentine Brown declared at his departure that he had 1,500l. or 1,600l., which Leek desires may be used for this purpose, as he knows no other way to put this matter into execution, considering the Treasurer has but 300l., and cannot or will not borrow any great sum to serve this turn, Desires to know the names of the captains and their number of soldiers that shall tarry, and those that shall be cassed. Encloses the Treasurer's note of the money already paid to Croftes for his extraordinary allowance, the rest shall be stayed. Knows no other allowance that is either of ordinary to the captain, officers, and garrison; or extraordinary, (that is, to the captains and soldiers extraordinary,) but only unto John Baker and Sir Thomas Bamborough, either of them 4s. by the day; for his own part he finds such gains and profits thereof, that he asks for his discharge. Is so enriched with his journey in Scotland and his abode here, that notwithstanding his entertainment he must sell a piece of his land for his travail.—Berwick Castle, 10 Sept. 1560. Signed.
5. P. S. (fn. 5) —Desires to know his pleasure by the 15th in respect to cassing the soldiers.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[Sept. 10.] 515. Treasurer's Note.
Sir James Croftes is paid his extraordinary allowances by 13s. 4d. per diem, and 20s. per diem until the last of May 1560.—Signed: William Inglesby.
P. 1.


  • 1. As in his letter to Cecil, 3 Sept., No. 483.
  • 2. In the original draft (see next No.) this sentence is an addition, in Throckmorton's hand.
  • 3. Here ends the draft described in the number following.
  • 4. This sentence is in Throckmorton's hand.
  • 5. This P. S. is in Leek's writing.