Elizabeth: August 1560, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: August 1560, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp215-227 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1560, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp215-227.

"Elizabeth: August 1560, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp215-227.


August 1560, 6-10

[August 6.] 401. The Queen to Grimston.
In the matter of the 1,000 extraordinary soldiers he shall use the advice of Sir Francis Leek, and retain choice soldiers of knowledge and good order, who are to be sworn according to the ancient statutes of Berwick.
Draft by Cecil. (fn. 1) Endd.: [blank] August. M. from the Queen to Mr. Grimston.
August 6. 402. The Queen to Sir William Ingleby.
He shall discharge all the extraordinary soldiers save 1,000, and for that end shall defray all the money he can procure. The money due to the old ordinary shall be sent from London with all speed.
Draft by Cecil. (fn. 2) Endd.: [blank] August. M. to Sir W. Ingleby.
On the back of a letter, in Cecil's writing.
August 6. 403. The Queen to Lord Grey.
Directs him to come to Court so that he might be there at such time as the Duke of Norfolk, so as she may use their advices jointly about Berwick and the frontiers.
Cecil's draft. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 6 August 1560. P. 1.
August 7. 404. The Earl of Arran to Cecil.
Has seen the Queen's most gentle letter sent to his father from Greenwich the 1st of July, for which, as well as for her care in the preservation of their persons, they are very thankful. Professions of service. Commendations to the good lady, Cecil's bedfellow.—Edinburgh, 6 Aug. 1561 [sic]. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 6 August 1560. Pp. 2.
August 7. 405. Henry Paget to Throckmorton.
1. On his way from Paris the writer overtook a gentleman of the Court, who kept him company till he came to Orleans, using him very well on their journey and offering him much courtesy. This gentleman, whose name is M. Laleigre, is a Catholic and one in good credit about the Cardinal of Lorraine. Thinks he is one of the King's almoners, and shortly shall be a Bishop. Had much good talk with him as far as his French would serve, and was told by him that the French mind to send a great man to England for the confirmation of the peace, and that his brother-in-law, M. St. Pierre, shall go thither as Ambassador resident. Is lodged here at the Ecu de France, where he is very well used and better cheap than at Paris, and has continually very good company. Gentlemen from the Court arrive here daily, and yesterday was one M. Bossy, master of the King's camp in Picardy, who seemed a sober wise man, well inclined to the new religion, whereunto all in this country seem marvellously bent, and are not afraid so to show themselves.
2. "Since my coming hither I have been to seek the folly which I am afeard I shall find in some other place ere I return. I spake with Mr. Martin's amoureuse, who is but simple of degree, and of mean estate, but she hath an honest face and a good grace; her beauty seems much to be decayed and yet she is but young. In asking for him and naming Martin, she therewith blushed, whereby she showed that either she condemned herself, or else she thought that we condemned her." Has been asked divers times for Martin, who owes, it is said, one man in this town 900 francs; thinks he will take days for the payment of it. Requests to be commended to his friend Mr. Killigrew; "and I pray you tell my friend Robert Jones that if he have any more books to buy that I desire him to defer the buying of them till he come hither, whereas he shall find a bookbinder's daughter that keepeth the shop and selleth the books, who is the fairest maid without comparison in Orleans or Paris." Minds to tarry here till Wednesday at the least, and hence will go to Tours, where he will remain some time, and on leaving it make no long abode in any place till he comes at Lyons. Requests that if anything occurs what is necessary for him to know, Jones may be instructed to advertise him thereof. Hopes to hear the good estate of Throckmorton, whom he left something acrased.—Orleans, 7 August. Signed.
Modern transcript, with the outer leaf of the original. Add.: To Throckmorton, à Paris, Fausbourz S. Marceau, au logis de M. De Verbery. Endd.: Answered. Pp. 3.
August 7.
Robertson's Scotl. vol. iii. App. No. IV.
406. Parliament of Scotland.
Petition of the Barons and freeholders of the realm to the Barons of the Parliament of Scotland, reciting that they, the petitioners, are the greatest number in proportion and have the greatest part of the charges of the same; and requesting that, according to the ancient custom observed in the realm, their advice and vote may be taken, and that they will suffer nothing to be passed in Parliament without the same.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. Endd. by Randolph: The copy of the letter given into the Parliament by the Barons. Pp. 2.
August 8. 407. Tynemouth Castle.
Report by the Duke of Norfolk on the garrison of Tynemouth, to the effect that it will be necessary to have for the garrison there one captain, at 100l. per annum, a constable and a porter at 10l. each, four gunners at 12d. per diem a piece, and thirty-two soldiers at 8d. a piece per diem.—8 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
[August 8.] 408. Garrison of Tynemouth Castle.
In the time of Henry VIII. Sir Francis Leek was Captain, at 66l. 18s. 4d. per annum, with fifty men, total charge 479l. 10s. Sir Francis had also the tithes, fisheries, pits, and revenues of the monastery of Tynemouth upon the yearly rent of 163l. 17s. In King Edward's time Sir Thomas Hilton, who was Captain, was bound to keep fifty men, and pay the rent aforesaid, having in time of war a further consideration of 10l. by the year.
Endd. by Cecil: 1560. Pp. 2.
August 8, 9, 10.
Robertson's Scotl. vol. iii. App. No. IV. (fn. 3)
409. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Since the 29th July has heard of nothing worth reporting. Most part of the nobles are arrived. The Earl of Huntly excuses himself by an infirmity in his leg. His lieutenant for this time is Lethington, chosen Speaker of the Parliament, or harangue maker, as they term it. The first day of sitting will be on Thursday next. Hitherto the Lords have communed of certain heads to be propounded; as who shall be sent into France, who into England. It is much easier to find the one than the other. It seems almost to be resolved that for England the Master of Maxwell and Lethington, for France Patarrow and Justice Clerk. They have also consulted whom to name for the twenty-four, of which the twelve Councillors must be chosen. They intend very shortly to send Dingwall, the herald, into France, with the names of those whom they shall choose, and to require the consent of the King and Queen to the Parliament. They have devised to have the contract with England confirmed by authority of Parliament, how also to have the articles of the agreement between them and their King and Queen ratified. These things yet have only been had in communication.
2. For the confirmation of the contract with England he has no doubt. for that many men very well like the same, as the Earls of Athol and Sutherland, and the Lord Glamis, who dined yesterday with the Lord James. The latter requested Randolph to bring the contract with him this day. Intends this day to speak to Lord Gray in the English Lord Grey's name, for that he promised to subscribe, and would have done so if the contract could have been had. Wishes besides its ratification by Parliament, that every nobleman in Scotland had put his hand and seal thereto, which may always remain as a notable monument, though the act of Parliament be after disannulled. If it were known by what effectual words or clause Cecil desires it to be confirmed, he thinks that no great difficulty would be made. (fn. 4) The Earl Marshal has oft been moved to subscribe, he uses more delays than men judged he would. His son said he would speak with Randolph at leisure, so did Drumlanrig. Has caused Lord James to be the earnester with the Earl Marshal for his authority's sake. When of late it was in consultation by what means the amity between the two realms might be perpetual, among divers men's opinions, one said that he knew no other way than by making them both one; and that in hope of that, more things were done than otherwise ever would have been granted. The Earl of Argyll advised him earnestly to stick unto what he had promised, for that it should pass his power, and all the crafty knaves of his council, to break so godly a purpose. This talk liked well the assisters.
3. The Barons who in times past have been of the Parliament had yesterday a convention among themselves in the church in quiet sort; their thought is to be restored to their ancient liberties to have voice in Parliament; they presented a bill unto the Lords to that effect, a copy whereof shall be sent as soon as it can be had. It was answered gently and taken in good part, and referred to the Lords of the Articles to answer, when they are chosen.
4. Touching the demolition of Dunbar, in matters of such importance he never saw men so negligent. Trusts now that it has pleased the Duke of Norfolk to write to the Lords so earnestly that they will have a good respect thereto. Of the seven ships that he wrote about, four have discharged at Dunbar, so that it is sufficiently victualled for two or three years. It is reported to the Lords that Sarlabois takes much upon himself; he inhibited a serjeant-of-arms to speak with the Abbot of Dunfermline; he has restored a cave that was within the new fortifications and filled it with victuals, and has commanded all the inhabitants of the town that no Englishman or Scotchman shall lodge in any house without his leave. This information is given against him by the inhabitants of the town. Randolph has himself seen the bill where these articles were contained against him.
5. The Abbot of Dumfermline comes not here at this time The rest of the ships are arrived at Leith to utter such things as they have. There arrived of late at Dundee, the Antelope, for the which David a Forret was suitor to the Lords of the Council; she has brought in two French vessels, taken (it is said) before the appointment with France; hears not of any suit against them that brought them in. There has been a request made unto the writer that certain bullets gathered up in Leith be left to be sent to Dumbarton; he thinks the suit somewhat strange, and shifted it off as he could. About 2,000 shot are already gathered, as he is informed by Mr. Blunt, and very many more that they trust to find. Desires to know his pleasure for their stay; and also what shall be said or done unto the master of the ship that is stayed at Dumbarton, of whom both he and Lethington have written.
6. The news that the Lords lately have of King Philip's good will towards the Queen, pleases them well. They have heard also that the King of Sweden is coming into England, and of his great substance, wealth, and honour. Divers also desire to see the Queen. Captain Forbes told him lately that the Duke was in hand with him to go into France for his son David. Some think it very hasty. Others would that he were clean out of the country, fearing that his father (being a facile man) might be the easier persuaded that way, having his son in their hand.
[Aug. 9.] 7. Had written thus much yesterday night on the 8th. This present morning the Lords intended to be at the Parliament, which caused him to stay his letter. The Lords at 10 o'clock assembled at the palace where the Duke lies, and departed towards the Tolbooth as they were in dignity, each being set in his seat in the order enclosed; the crown, the mace, and the sword were laid in the Queen's seat. Silence being commanded, the Laird of Lethington began his oration. He excused his insufficiency to occupy that place; made a brief discourse of things past, and unto what necessity men were forced for the defence of their country; what remedy and support it pleased God to send them; how much they were bound heartily to acknowledge it and requite it. He took away the persuasion that was in many men's heads that lay back, misdeeming other things to be meant than were intended; he advised all estates to lay all particularities apart, and to bend themselves wholly to the true service of God and their country. He willed them to remember in what state it had been for long time, for lack of good government and exercise of justice. In the end he exhorted them to mutual amity as members of one body, using the example of the fable where the mouth denied to receive sustenance to nourish the rest of the body so long that the whole perished. He prayed God long to maintain the amity and peace with all Princes, and especially betwixt the realms of England and Scotland in the love and fear of God, and so ended.
8. The Clerk of the Register immediately stood up and asked them in what manner they would proceed. It was thought good that the articles of the peace should be confirmed with the common consent, it being thought necessary to send them away with speed into France, and to receive the ratification of them as soon as might be. The articles being read were immediately agreed unto, and a day was appointed to have certain of the nobles subscribe unto them and put their seals, so that they might be immediately sent away by a herald, who should also bring back the ratification.
9. The Barons mentioned already required an answer to their request; somewhat was said to the contrary, whereupon the Barons alleged custom and authority. It was in the end resolved that there should be six chosen to join with the Lords of the Articles, and if that they, after good advertisement, should find it good for the common weal, it should be ratified at this Parliament for a perpetual law. The Lords proceeded immediately hereupon to the choosing of the Lords of the Articles. The order is that the Lords Spiritual choose the Lords Temporal, and the Lords Temporal the Spiritual, and the burgesses their own. This being done, they departed and accompanied the Duke as far as the Bow, which is the gate giving out of the High Street, and many down to the palace; the town all in armour, the trumpets sounding, and all other kinds of music such as they have. Writes thus much of what he saw and heard. Other solemnities have not been used, saving in times long past the Lords have had parliament robes, which are now with them whole out of use. The Lords of the Articles sit from henceforth in Holyrood house, except when upon any matter of importance the whole of the Lords assemble in the Parliament house; this purpose is changed this day, and the place where Cecil conferred with the French is chosen. (fn. 5)
10. The next matter to be communed of is the disannulling of the Pope's authority, which being done they intend to have the contract confirmed, that both England and Scotland being of one religion may also make a bond of perpetual amity. It is no small pleasure to many that the two old Bishops are none of the [Lords of the] Articles. The whole number are very well liked.—Edinburgh, 9 Aug. 1560. Late, and sent away by Mr. Cornwall, that brought the Duke's letters to the Lords of the Council.
Parliament of Edinburgh. (fn. 6)
The names of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal assembled at this Parliament: viz., one Duke, twelve Earls, fifteen Temporal Lords; five Bishops; Abbots and Friars, number unknown; Lords of the Articles thirty-six.
[Aug. 10.] 1. Randolph to Cecil (continued).
1. It is too long to rehearse particularly the disposition of each of the Lords (mentioned above), but it is the common opinion that there has not been a more substantial or sufficient number of men chosen for many years. This morning Maitland made the writer privy to Cecil's letter, whose advice he will follow. He is determined not to go into France; he alleges many reasons, but speaks least of that which moves him most, which is the example of the last of that went with a more grateful message than that which he should carry, and who stood in other terms with their Prince, and yet Cecil knows what the world judges.
2. To come into England there are some of the noblest who think themselves happy to take the journey; howbeit as yet there is nothing thereupon resolved. He will understand by Maitland's letter more at length the Lords' minds. The Earl of Argyll reminded him again this day of the ship that he caused to be arrested at Dumbarton, and promised to send the master to him; he is not the person whom Randolph suspected. He sues daily for his discharge, and the matter is only deferred until he hear from Cecil. The Lady Fleming is suing to the Lords for their favourable letters to the Queen for a passage. Remembers what honour she received at the Court of England at her coming out of France, and how forgetful she has been thereof both her words and deeds have given sufficient testimony. Though she has forgotten the kindly part of a noble woman, Cecil will consider both herself and whom she brings with her, for whose sake she was received honourably when she came home, and now trusts to have no small favour in her passage that way. Has devised to stay her suit for one or two days, until such time as Lethington knows in what sort she intends to pass, and how accompanied. She desires to see the Queen. Leaves his letter unsealed to excuse his negligence in not writing to the Duke of Norfolk, to whom at this time he wrote only one or two words.—Edinburgh, 10 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
August [9]. 410. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Though this peace is beneficial to her realm and honourable to her, the continuance of its advantages depends greatly on her order and conduct. Has heard her say that she had a great longing to do some act that would make her fame spread abroad in her lifetime, and after occasion memorial for ever. To do such she needs time, counsel, and money to bear her charges, the last of which she can only get through her Parliament, which he urges her to assemble as soon as possible; especially as the Guises have taken advantage of the accord and called an assembly of the Estates for the 20th August. Recommends this bearer for his discretion and fidelity; thinks that he could tell her a means to retain him and others worthy of service without much charge.—Melun, [blank] August 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
August 9. 411. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. He signified by De Favori the arrival of Mr. Killigrew on the 23rd July, with her letters of the 19th, as well as his sending Mr. Somers to the Court to know the time of his audience, and to have his lodging appointed at Melun. Mr. Somers in seeking for his accustomed lodging was answered by the Cardinal and the Duke of Guise that it was of long time the ordinary lodging of the Emperor's Ambassadors, and that M. De Chantonet had sued for it and should have it, and Throckmorton a better one. Hearing of the King's departing from Fontainbleau to take his pastime for ten or twelve days, he repaired to Melun on the 3rd, and sent next morning to the Cardinal to know when he might have access to the King, which was appointed for the 6th. According to the Cardinal's order he went to him on the 6th and spoke first with him in his chamber. He told the King that he was very glad of the accord, and that the Queen had commanded him to learn what order the King meant to give for disarming his forces, and obtain licence from him [the writer] to send some of his people along the coast to see the disarming put in execution, upon knowledge whereof she would grant like liberty to the King's Ambassador in England. The Cardinal thanked him for his diligence in advertising the King of the accord, and said that the King had already ordered the victuals prepared for the embarkment to be sold, had discharged the vessels that were staid, and had begun to unarm such ships of his as were in order, and to cass the soldiers from Piedmont and those on the coast. He had also sent money to pay the soldiers of Scotland who had arrived at Calais with D'Oysel and Martignes.
2. Throckmorton then asked that certain galleys (fn. 7) that he heard were on their way from Marseilles to the narrow seas might be sent back. The Cardinal said that it was two months since the order for despatching them from Marseilles was given, and that as soon as they heard of the peace, one man was sent to Spain and another to Bayonne to stop them, but that if they had passed these two coasts, they must come on and remain in Brittany; and that as the King had been advised to fortify the coasts, they would serve for carrying the things necessary for building, as he had no need of them in the Levant. This matter was determined in the late King's time, who was minded to scour his prisons and use the prisoners as galley slaves. Throckmorton answered that as the King must also have galleys on the Levant side he would duplicate his charges, and that they were unnecessary in time of peace on this side; and, when the Cardinal asked why the Queen had galleys, said that Henry VIII. having taken a French galley, built a new one, and that the Queen had since built one or two, but which were only made for pleasure. He further said that as the Queen was determined shortly to make a progress, and for that it was of late accorded that the said treaty should be confirmed on both sides within sixty days, the moiety whereof was passed on the 6th inst., she would be glad to know whom the King would send into England for that purpose and of the time of their arrival, so that she might give order before her going abroad for their receiving, lodging, and otherwise by the way; and for. the sending over on her part of some person of equal degree. The Cardinal said that he could say nothing herein till the King had heard from his Commissioners, from whom neither he nor his Council had received any letters since the arrival of Lignerol with letters from them of the 7th July, whereof the King cannot but think great negligence in them, or else that some misfortune had happened to them, and that they had but certain articles of the treaty, whereof they knew not what account to make. That they had received somewhat from their Ambassador touching the disarming, which the King had already begun to do; and that they marvelled the more at not hearing from their Commissioners, for that they had received knowledge from them that their men should be conveyed home in the Queen's ships, and that the King should pay for freight, passage, and victuals, and MM. Martigues and D'Oysel, being arrived with certain soldiers at Calais, had written to the King for that purpose, and they neither knew what order was certainly taken nor what money was to be paid. And here the Cardinal set forth the good report that they had made of their very good entreating by the way, for which they besought the King to thank the Queen.
3. After some more familiar talk Throckmorton was conducted to the King, who was accompanied with the Dukes of Orleans and Angoulême, the Cardinals of Lorraine, Lenoncourt, and Guise, and the Dukes of Lorraine, Guise, D'Aumale, and Longueville, the Princes of Roche-sur-Yon, Mantua, and Joinville, and divers Knights of the Order; to whom he declared the Queen's pleasure touching the disarming, whose answer was not discrepant in effect to that of the Cardinal. After he had ended with the King, the Duke of Guise took him apart within the King's chamber, using as many good words and kind offices as could be, with some communication not discrepant from the Cardinal's.
4. In order to be better able to judge of the sayings of the King and Cardinal, and to try whether they all agree in one tale for their affection to the peace, he thought it convenient to see the two Queens; whereupon, being conducted to the Queen Mother's chamber of presence, both the Queens came out of an inner chamber to speak with him. He first addressed the French Queen, who requested to him in Scottish first to talk to the Queen Mother, and on his saying that he took it he should first speak with her, replied that after he had spoken with her mother she would be glad to hear him. Whereupon he delivered the Queen's commendations to the Queen Mother and signified her desire for amity, and hope that the Queen Mother would try to preserve peace. To which she answered that she had always desired the same, and would as much as in her lay endeavour to continue it. He then said as much in effect to the French Queen, adding that however much she might have been persuaded of his mistress's sinister and unkind dealing towards her, she now saw whereunto it tended, and that she had kept her word and not proceeded further for her surety than she had always promised, and that she had means (if she had not meant well), to have possessed herself of what place she would in Scotland, notwithstanding which she had retired her forces and kept the obedience of that realm unto her, having only left an ordinary garrison at Berwick, whereby the French Queen might perceive her sincerity for the maintenance of peace. He further thought that she would not be so bent to serve the affection of the King as utterly to neglect her country and suffer it to be suppressed by strangers, and under a foreign government For her answer hereunto she first thanked the Queen, and said that the duty that she ought to bear to her husband was none otherwise than to have a care for her country, which she could not easily forget. Throckmorton trusted that she would also consider that the amity of England could not at any time be hurtful to Scotland. She said that she was glad of peace, and hoped that Elizabeth would continue it, which she would do. Hereupon, seeing that she had ended her talk, (which was all in Scottish,) he took his leave of the two Queens.
5. Is informed that the ten galleys departed from Marseilles on the 10th ult. whereby they could not be so far forward but that they might have been easily countermanded before they should arrive so far as the coast of Spain. On the 20th of this month the Princes of the blood and the Knights of the Order are appointed to assemble at Fontainebleau, to consult upon their matters at home; some think it will be the end of September before they can be assembled. The King of Navarre has been sent for post by M. De Carrouges, who was heretofore sent to the Queen. It is judged that though the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé be sent for, they will not be here both together at this assembly for fear of entrap. The French begin greatly to mislike this Spanish amity, and to murmur against the marriage, saying that a daughter of France has been cast away. Her governante comes for her into France, as does the Duke of Montpensier's daughter, and there are no French left with her save one man and a dwarf.
6. The Bishop of Glasgow and Lord Seaton arrived at Paris on the 3rd. MM. Martigues and D'Oysel remain at Calais to discharge their soldiers, who mustered 3,400 and were paid for three months, though they were due unto them for twelve months. The Lord Davy, the Duke of Châtellerault's son, who has a good time been prisoner, is the 3rd present turned to the world without entertainment, or any order otherwise taken for him. Sir Richard Sackville has given the writer to understand that it has pleased her to sign his suit.—Melun, 9 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. A few words in cipher, undeciphered, the last sentence in Throckmorton's hand. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 9.
August 9. 412. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
1. Repeats the intelligence given in his letter of the same date to the Queen with respect to his difficulty about his lodgings, his interview with the Cardinal of Lorraine, and the King, along with a briefer notice of his conversation with the two Queens. He mentions incidentally that the Spanish Ambassador now occupied the rank of the Emperor's Ambassador, and that the distance from Edinburgh was fifteen or sixteen good journeys.
2. The King having agreed to grant him a certificate for the persons whom he should send to see the progress of the disarming, he [Throckmorton] sent to the Cardinal of Lorraine for it, who said that he should have it immediately if Throckmorton would specify the names of those persons whom he wished to send. In saying that he had not determined whom he should thus employ, the Cardinal stood on that point, so he named William Vincent, Thomas Savage, and John Rogers. Begs that the Council will send him over expert seamen and men of war for executing this matter, who shall name themselves after those names, and come first to him for their certificate and orders. He sent of late a friend to the coast, who reported that all things agreed with what the Cardinal said about selling their victuals, disarming their ships, and discharging their men.
3. This bearer, Mr. Henry Killigrew, who has done good service in Scotland, will be forced through want to leave the Court, unless the Queen is a good and gracious lady unto him. Now that all things are agreed and compounded there is no reason why the promise of the writer's revocation should not be kept.—Melun, 9 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. A few passages in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 13.
August 9. 413. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. As he fears crooked measures touching his revocation, he begs that Cecil will assist him. They are disarming in France, both upon the land and the coast. Knows not what account to make of the galleys, for after the accord made they sent order in post that if they were not past the Straits of Gibralter they should return to Marseilles, whence they departed the 15th July; but, perceiving that they were past the straits before their post could arrive, they were uncertain what to do touching the same. How things proceeded upon his audience he refers him to his letters to the Queen and Council.
2. Whosoever shall be now sent over to reside in France must follow a new trade and seem void of suspicion to the French; and though he should be a careful minister to advertise what he can of the French proceedings upon the sea coast and otherwise, yet the special means to learn things certainly must proceed from home. Would have him seem more grateful to these men, to cause them to think he means well towards them, who assuredly will, when they are able, cause the English to feel them before they give warning. "Non minor est virtus quam quœrere parta tueri."
3. On the 20th there will be an assembly of the Princes of the blood and the Knights of the Order at Fontainebleau for their matters at home, but they think it will not be before the end of September. The King of Navarre is sent for in post by M. De Carrouges. Though the King of Spain through the late matter has not showed himself friendly to the Queen, still he thinks that his Ministers should be treated in such sort that upon their return they may cause him to think that the Queen and her realm make great account of him. Would have the Bishop of Amiens and De la Brosse well looked upon and their doings eyed narrowly, but nevertheless well used. And so likewise De Randan and the Bishop of Valence, as men who are partly in disgrace and suspicion for the late accord making, and by means of good entertainment, usage, and presents, brought as much as may be in more suspicion. As the Guises make their commodity of the peace and call together their Estates, he would have the Queen call a Parliament by Michaelmas for the settling of her proceedings and furniture of finance. Asks him to give knowledge to the French Commissioners and Ambassadors that their King finds it strange that he has heard nothing from them of the treaty whereby the ratification is deferred; he thinks the French do not greatly care though they do not ratify it at all. Begs that he will press them to send it. Sends him herewith a book touching the French King's majority, wherein he may perceive one has taken upon him to play the lawyer to please the Guises, but has not dared to put his name.—Melun, 9 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. The last sentence in Throckmorton's hand. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.


  • 1. See next Number.
  • 2. This and the preceding Number are on the same page.
  • 3. A few passages are omitted by Dr. Robertson.
  • 4. Opposite this clause Cecil has written, Nota.
  • 5. This last clause is a marginal note, but in Randolph's hand.
  • 6. See Act Parl. Scot. ii. 525, Keith, 1. 311, and B. M. Calig. B. ix. 144. In the present copy Randolph has underlined certain of the names, those (apparently) who were favourable to the English alliance.
  • 7. The Cardinal of Lorraine to the Grand Prior of France.
    August 3.
    L. Paris, 453.
    He will perceive by the letter written to him by the King that an agreement had been come to with the English and Scots; consequently, when he meets any of their ships he must not attack them on any account. He must proceed, however, and when off the coast of Bretagne he shall receive intimation of what he is to do and where he is to stop.—Fontainbleau, 3 August 1560.