Elizabeth: August 1560, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: August 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp227-246 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1560, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp227-246.

"Elizabeth: August 1560, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp227-246.


August 1560, 11-20

August 12. 414. Brigantyne to Cecil.
1. Has been with the Lady of Emden since answering the Treasurer's letters, and showed her what the Queen had done with the Ambassador of Sweden concerning the liberty of her two sons and her city of Emden, for which she thanks the Queen and puts herself and her territory at her commands. The Lady is advertised that Duke Eric of Sweden will shortly be in England, and her two young sons with him. Understands that the youngest shall marry the other sister for whom he had so much to do. She desires that the Queen might have her in remembrance for the city of Emden.
2. Wrote in his last letter touching factions in religion in certain cities maritime by the preaching of Doctor Albert of Bremen, where have been of late the chief preachers of Duke Adolphus of Holstein, of the Duke of Lunenburg, and of the city of Lubeck to hear him and advertise and testify to four Princes and four universities, to whom he has appealed. The Princes are the Duke Augustus, the Count Palatine, the Duke of Wurtemberg, and John Frederick Duke of Saxony, otherwise named the Lord of Weimar; the universities are Thubingen in High Dutchland, Heidelberg, Wurtemberg, and Leipsic.
3. Last month George Von Holl, being in pension with Duke Augustus, and Herbert Von Langen with the King of Denmark, rode to the King, and eight days past returned to Oldenburg to Earl Antony, whose coming was looked for by the Earls of Swartzberg, Isemberg, and others. After their arrival they were three days sundry times in counsel, so that it is thought somewhat will follow. One cause is for the earldom of Delmenhorst, which Earl Anthony bereft from the Bishop of Munster in 1552 by a fine policy and stratagem; the Bishop has sued him at Spires, and he is enjoined to re-deliver the castle and the territory, but means little to do so.
4. The King of Denmark makes great preparations for the wars. Has been of late with the Bishop of Osnabruck, who, although he understands of no pension nor reward, yet bears good will to the Queen and her realm. His father, the Count of Hoye, being in Sweden in the aid of the King, the wars being finished, the King gave his sister to him, so that the Bishop and Duke Eric are first cousins.
5. Craves none to be a means of preferment for him near the Queen but Cecil. Is glad to hear of the good success in Scotland.—Bremen, 12 Aug. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[August 12.] 415. The Queen to the Duke of [Norfolk].
Requests him to pardon young Carrol, Mr. Carrol's son and heir, who last summer took the Duke's hawks in Sussex from his keepers, if he shows penitence. He has already acknowledged his offence before the Privy Council.
Cecil's draft, on the back of the previous document. P. 1.
August 13. 416. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Has learn from good authority that last month by the French King's command the chief officers of cavalry and foot were convened at Meiningen in Franconia, where the remainder of their stipends was paid by Petrus Clarus, a Hessian, and the King engaged to continue them in his service. Duke John William of Saxony remains in the French service; the town where they met belongs to his elder brother. The schism in France goes on; very free sermons have been delivered in the churches at Bayonne, and the Pope's Legate has left Avignon disgusted with the licence of the Lutherans. And further, the Cardinal of Lorraine has written to the Pope, that the Lutherans can no longer be kept down in France, and that a General Council is necessary for abolishing these heresies; but that especial care must be taken by the Emperor and the Kings of France and Spain to decide what shall be settled therein. It is the opinion of the wisest that the late peace was forced on the French rather by necessity, occasioned by their internal discords, than from their desire for concord, and that it would not be for long; and therefore they should be watched lest they should take Scotland unawares, for the Guises, in order to remain in power, would tolerate and feign anything.
2. There is no news of the Emperor, except that he and all his children are at Vienna, except the wife of the Duke of Juliers, who was in ill health. Maximilian is with his father; his preacher is now staying at Nuremburg. The Bishop of Rennes, the Ambassador from the French King to the Emperor, has just set out.—Strasburg, 13 August 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 14. 417. John Shers to Cecil.
1. The French King, as he has M. De Manna at Rome, so he has M. De Rains for his Ambassador with the Emperor; the greatest piece of whose charge is to persuade for a General Council, declaring into what terms not only Germany and France, but Spain and all Christendom, are fallen for matters of religion; and he has so far persuaded him that both these Princes sent into Spain to King Philip to enter and conclude with them, to this effect. In case the Pope do not conclude out of hand, then they protest that they, not yet separated from the Church and the rest of the Christian Princes, for the preservation of the obedience of their subjects must grant a General Council as far as their authority lies.
2. The fortress that the Spaniards keep at Gerbes is yet in their hands, and (as they write from Naples) they doubt not of the keeping of the same. There are other advices that it must fall shortly into the Turk's hands. The Caraffas are still in prison, daily examined, and (as they write this week) they are like to know their pain; because by the first of September the Pope will towards Loretto. This week Cardinals Ariano and Trani died.—Venice, 14 Aug, 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp.3.
August 15.
Knox, vi. 109.
418. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Since his letters of the 10th, the Lords of the Articles have consulted of many matters concerning the state of the realm; besides which they have travailed severally with divers of the Lords that have not yet adjoined themselves that they should be content to show themselves lovers of their country, and embrace the friendship of the Queen, by whose support they are delivered of such suppression. How much they shall be able to prevail with such kind of men he cannot tell; howbeit, whatsoever blinds them or enchants from seeing their own destruction, what persuasion or means soever can be made unto them, he finds not one that is willing to give ear unto reason; insomuch that as yet there is not one nobleman of as many as are here present that has subscribed the contract more than those he saw at his being here, though he does not mistrust but that before their departure it will be satisfied by Parliament, and much more done for the confirmation than is yet done; otherwise he is sure it will turn to a greater breach of amity between some of these noblemen than can be stirred up upon any other occasion. For he sees some of them so determined, that either they will break friendship with the dearest friends they have, or they will have that confirmed that they have for the common weal subscribed and adventured their lives for. Of the whole number it stays most in the Earls Marshall and Athol. Their goodwill never appeared more plainly than in the letter of Lady Fleming, which she desired to be subscribed in her favour for a passport; unto which these two denied only to put their hands, for that it was a request to be made to England. Their obstinacy has sore grieved divers noblemen that favour the cause. Their nature is esteemed diverse: the one is fearful and loath to enter into any matter of controversy; the other obstinate and singular, without understanding what danger may ensue unto his country, whilst he is careless thereof. The Earl of Crawford has been twice moved in the writer's hearing to subscribe; the first time he desired advertisement with his friends, the last he gave answer that since the law of oblivion was granted, he saw not how any man could, reserving his duty to his Sovereign, give his consent to any such contract. Howbeit he would speak a word in Council, which was that if he could be sure where it would please the Queen to place herself in marriage, he would not stay to do more than that, and so he knew would many more do. The first part of his answer was put into his head by Mr. James Magille.
2. The writer has spoken with Lord Gray, but finds nothing to any effect; he has promised to give a better answer before his departure. The Duke has this day been very earnest with his wife. The Earl of Eglington has also arrived. The Lords Drummond, Yester, and Somerville came yesterday. It is said that the number of noblemen is greater than of long time it has been at any Parliament. The Bishop of St. Andrews was content to talk with the Sub-Prior of St. Andrews, the rector, and two others; they had much communication without hope; he is stout and bold enough; he rides and goes at large. He came to the Duke's to supper, invited and convoyed by Mr. Gawen of Kilwinning; he was as homely as welcome. The Duke after supper talked long with him; he was better willing to hear him than believe anything he spake. They concluded in these words: that for his conscience he was determined in that mind that he was of at present to end his life; for his body, goods, and livings he was content to yield all into his hands; what besides matters of conscience he would command him he was always ready to obey. So that the Duke thinks to bring him to subscribe the contract.
3. The Bishop of Dunkeld remains as obstinate as ignorant; being moved to hear Mr. Knox. he answered that he would never hear an old condemned Heretic. Mr. Knox has been with him for it since that time, so have also divers others that have preached. Sermons are daily, and great audience. Though divers of the nobles present are not resolved in religion, yet they repair daily to the preaching, which gives good hope that God will bow their hearts. The Bishop of Dumblane has also now come; it is not to reason upon religion, but to do whatsoever the Earl of Argyll will command him. If God has prepared him and his metropolitan to die obstinate Papists, yet the writer wishes that they, before they go to the devil, would show some token that once in their lives they loved their country, and set their hands to the contract, as hardly he can believe they will. The night that the Bishop supped with the Duke, many, both nobles and others, were offended that he should receive such humanity in that place, and amongst those men whom so spitefully he had offended. How grateful soever he was to the Duke, the writer is sure there was never man worse welcome to the son. For the doings of the Parliament he refers him to the report of Lethington; whatsoever he omits, the writer will supply.
4. For the demolition of Leith there is much less done than the case imports; where so many matters are in hand some are negligently overseen. Wrote to know his pleasure for Mr. Blunt and Mr. Strude, who are determined to return; there is no further use for them, except there were some more men to set to work. Little London, which is next the sea on the east, and Loggens (fn. 1) bulwark stand clean whole. The Lords are loath that they should depart, and yet are they over slow to see things done. To Dunbar they have sent 100 pioneers with a captain, with special commandment to Sarlabois to admit them to work; he has written very humbly to the Duke; doubts not but to send Cecil a copy of the letter, for certain points contained in the same. The shot that were found in the demolition of Leith are now shipping, to be transported to Berwick.
5. The (fn. 2) Lords this day consult upon the choosing of the 24, in which number neither the Earl Marshall nor Athol are like to be. That being ended, they intend to propound the confirmation of the treaty with England, of the which the Lords that are already adjoined make themselves assured, being the greater number. Of those that shall be sent into England he sees Lethington must be one, otherwise the Duke can be in no ways satisfied. Would that the Master of Maxwell, who labours to be Lord Herries, might be one, and that the Lord Robert might be the other. Lord Arran has more deeply weighed things since Cecil's departure Over much suspicion, where no cause was, somewhat transported his spirits. There has been sufficient said unto him in that matter; he understands his errors. His father yields more to reason than his nature bears. The pestilent council of three or four in the town seduces many honest men from good and their country; Mr. Knox spares not to tell it them. He and Mr. Willocks were yesterday before the Lords of the Articles, with the Bishops. St. Andrews desired to have a copy of the Confession of the Faith. It was not denied him to have it shortly, though it is doubted that it be to send into France before the Lords send, than that he has any mind to examine the verity or reform his conscience, be it never so reasonable. Being but yesterday concluded, it was not possible to send a copy therefore so soon.—Edinburgh, 15 Aug. 1560, 8 a.m. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
August 15.
Knox, vi. 114.
419. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Has received his letter from Richmond of the 1st August, and another from Oatlands of the same date. Confesses he has not lately written so oft as his duty requires, waiting while some matter should fall out in the Parliament worthy the writing. Remembers not to have ever seen so frequent a Parliament. It began on the 8th inst., on which day the treaty with the French was ratified by the whole number, and it was ordained that one should go into France for the ratification. It is thought that that voyage will light upon the Lord St. Johns. (fn. 3) For all other matters the order of Parliament was observed; which is, the first day to choose the Lords of Articles, (that is ten of every estate,) who shall advise and consult upon all articles preferred unto the Estates. There is already past the Confession of Faith by uniform consent of the Lords of Articles, to be sent to the King and Queen; whereof within three or four days he will send the copy. The whole estate of the clergy is on their side, a few excepted, as the Archbishop of St. Andrews, and the Bishops of Dumblane and Dunkeld. The religion is like to find many favourers of the whole of all estates. Now they mean to proceed to the naming of the twentyfour of whom the Council must be chosen, and thereafter to the ratification of the treaty made at Berwick. In the meantime no labour shall be omitted to allure every man either to condescend to the old, or to make a new of as good effect. As yet there is no appearance of division. They thought good before all things to pass the Confession. It is concluded that some noblemen shall come towards the Queen to give thanks. Thinks that the Earl of Glencairn, the Lord Robert, and the Master of Maxwell, or at least two of them, shall be sent. He must perforce go with them, or else he sees not how he can maintain amity with the Duke and the Earl of Arran, so earnestly have they pressed him, and he neither may nor will lose their friendship.
2. Marvels what Cecil meant to write that he [Maitland] was reserved for the voyage of France, and thinks it was not in earnest, for he had rather be banished Scotland for seven years than take that journey on hand. The Earls of Arran and Argyle and the Lord James desire to be commended to him. Sends his hearty commendations to Cecil's bedfellow.— Edinburgh, 15 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 16.
Act Parl. Scot. ii. 605.
420. The Queen's Marriage with the Earl of Arran.
1. The Lords of the Parliament of Scotland have thought good that suit shall be made to the Queen of England to join in marriage with the Earl of Arran, who (failing of succession of the Queen of Scotland) next his father is declared by Act of Parliament second person of the realm and heir apparent of the crown. For this purpose an embassy shall be sent to make suit to Queen Elizabeth and to thank her for the goodwill she has ever borne to Scotland. Power is given to the Lords of Articles and others underwritten to prepare the necessary instructions.
2. Appended are the names of the persons who have subscribed the above. (fn. 4)
Orig., the body of the document in a Scottish hand, the list of names written by Maitland of Lethington and dated by him. P. 1.
August 16. 421. Sir Francis Leek to Norfolk.
1. Being required by Mr. Thomas Randolph to see letters safely conveyed to Cecil he has addressed the packet to him; but whilst his letters were in writing Captain Styrley declared to him that there passed in his band three of Sir James Crofte's servants, to whom Richard Overton had allowed "corslet pay" of 10d. per diem, though they neither mustered, watched, or warded. Sir James Croftes had also commanded him to allow in his band one of the Mayor's common sergeants, who likewise passed. He has also heard that of Lord Grey's halberdiers, three were of Captain Markham's band, four of Captain Reed's, six of Captain Somerset's, and the rest of Mr. Denny's and others, and that they were allowed wages of their captains.—Castle of Berwick, 16 Aug. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—Encloses a letter from Captain Cornwall to the Duke. The 2,000 soldiers who were cassed and mustered on the 13th, though they are allowed pay till the 19th, call for conduct money; 100 of Mr. Somerset's band came to the castle, calling out for it.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 16. 422. Sir F. Leek to [Cecil ?].
1. Has received letters addressed to his correspondent, which he forwards, together with a letter from Captain Cornwall to Norfolk, touching the demolishment of a house of munition, being within the new fortification at Dunbar.—Berwick Castle, 16 Aug. Signed.
2. P. S.—Has despatched this packet for life, not knowing the importance of the letter for Scotland.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
August [16]. 423. Sir W. Ingleby to Cecil.
1. While Cecil was in these parts the writer, by command of the Duke, delivered over to Mr. Brown 2,000l. of the 3,100l. which he had received from Mr. Asheton for the payment of the orpinary garrison at Berwick, and now Brown only offers to repay him 1,500l., with which he will not be able to pay the men, and which he has refused to take. He declares that no such sum of money remains in his hands to make up the rest of their pay, and therefore begs that money may be had to pay the poor men, who think they have sustained much wrong.
2. P. S.—Encloses the dues and pensions owing to the garrisons unto the 16th August, with the benevolences unto the 21st July.—Berwick, [blank] Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[August.] 424. Valentine Brown to Sir Francis Leek.
Prays him to signify to their Lordships that with the money appointed him for the field, being the portion for July, he has not only paid and discharged the army, the 2,000 last cassed and the 2,000 remaining, unto the 18th inst., but also the debt due to those here, behind for the most part eight months and twenty-two days, amounting to 9,500l. This has not all been done with the Queen's money, but with money borrowed from Newcastle and otherwise, for which the Queen is in his debt alone 50l.; so to relieve the old garrison he has nothing. Told him yesterday that the Treasurer has for that purpose sufficient. He is ready to pay Sutton, without deducting anything save 40l. for Mr. Markham. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
[August.] 425. Stores at Berwick.
"A certificate of the armour, shot, and powder at Berwick."
1,080 calivers, courriers, and harquebusses, nearly all unserviceable; armour, about half serviceable; 107 barrels of powder, and 700 lbs. of match.
Endd. Pp. 2.
August. 426. Charges at Berwick.
"The rates of the wages and allowances of the officers within the town of Berwick as they now be."
The Captain 1,327l. 5s., the Marshal 510l. 0s. 10d., the Treasurer 542l. 11s. 8d., the Muster-master 620l. 10s., the porter 193l. 15s., the chamberlain 173l.
Endd. by Cecil: 1560. Berwick charges in August, of principal officers. Pp. 2.
[August 16.] 427. Garrison of Berwick.
Debt of the ordinary garrison at Berwick, the castle, benevolences, and patents, for one year, amounting to 3,570l. 13s. 10d.
Endd. by Cecil: Debt of the old ordinary garrison at Berwick. Pp. 2.
[August 17.] 428. Instructions to the Lord of St. John's.
"The instructions given to James, Lord S. John's, by the three Estates of the realm of Scotland, to be declared by him to the King and Queen, their Sovereigns, on their behalf."
1. To declare to their Majesties the most humble duty and obedience of the Scots.
2. It having been appointed in the treaty of 6th of July, that the Estates should come together in Parliament upon the 10th, and continue until the 1st of August, they have done so.
3. At the said Parliament were present, the Duke of Châtellerault and thirteen Earls, the Archbishop of St Andrews and five Bishops, nineteen Priors and Abbots, the commissaries of twenty-two towns, 110 Barons, with many other Barons, freeholders, and landed men, "but all armour."
4. The Estates have bound themselves to observe the said treaty, and have required the same to be delivered to their Majesties to receive their ratification.
5. To declare to them the article, providing that twenty-four should be elected, out of whom the Council for governing the land should be chosen.
6. He is to make their most humble and affectionate recommendations to the Queen Dowager and the King's brother and sister. to the King of Navarre and the rest of the Princes of the blood, the Duchess Dowager of Guise, the Duke of Guise, the Cardinals of Lorraine and Guise, the Duke of Aumale, the Grand Prior, and the Marquis D'Ellœuf, the Constable, MM. De Valence and De Randan, and pay them to give their favourable will and council to the King and Queen, to have good opinion towards the nobility and people of Scotland.
"The article for information to be made to our Sovereigns of the attemptates and wrongs committed by the Lord Semple."
1. Whereas by the treaty lately made all wrongs should have ceased, it was complained to the Council that Robert, Lord Semple, and others, had committed divers slaughters and "herrschippis," burnt houses and corn, and reft down store houses, only upon particular action and feud standing between him and his party, who for their contumacy were put to the horn, in which rebellion they have remained to this hour. They have also strengthened themselves in the castle of Semple, and of new fortified a house in an isle in the Loch of Lock Quhinzerth, making daily incursions upon the lieges. The Lords, hearing that the said Lord Semple had retired into the castle of Dunbar, leaving behind him in his castle of Semple his son with a strong garrison, sent to M. Sarlabois, Captain of Dunbar, to show him their proceedings, and that the said Lord Semple was the Queen's rebel, and that in the late treaty it was accorded that the castle of Dunbar should not receive any Scotchman, nor keep them that the Justice might not apprehend them; and therefore required him to deliver Lord Semple to the Justice General and his deputies at Edinburgh. Which charge he refused in any manner of way to fulfil. Therefore he is to ask their Majesties that Sarlabois shall present the said Lord Semple to justice.
2. The cause of the Earl of Arran's going to the West Borders is that the number of thieves has so augmented during the late troubles, that it is necessary that he should join his forces to those of the Master of Maxwell.
3. Lord James was sent to the North by the Council to reconcile the Lairds of Dunlugars and Grantly.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. Endd.: 17 Aug. 1560. Pp. 4.
August 17. 429. Mission of Sir James Sandilands into France. (fn. 5)
Letters patent of the three Estates of Scotland, reciting that article of the Treaty of Edinburgh, by which it is pro- vided that twenty-four persons shall be named by the three Estates, out of whom they shall select five or six, and the King and Queen seven or eight, for the government of the realm during the absence of the Sovereign.
2. The Estates have now appointed James Lord St. John as their Commissioner to present to the said Princes the letters of the Estates confirmatory of the said treaty, and to receive those of the Princes in return; also to submit to them the names of the twenty-four delegates of whom they are requested to choose eight, who shall be associated with the six whom the Estates will then appoint.—Edinburgh, 17 Aug. 1560.
Copy, on vellum. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
[August 17.]
Act Parl. Scot. ii. 526. Knox, ii. 93. Calderw. ii. 15.
430. Confession of Faith. (fn. 6)
The Confession of Faith of the Estates of Scotland, with the inhabitants of the same, professing Christ Jesus and His holy Evangels, being the sum of the doctrine which they profess, and for which they have sustained infamy and danger.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 1560. Religion established by Parliament in Scotland. Pp. 20.
August 18. 431. Maitland to Cecil.
1. The earnest desire that the Scots have to be joined in perpetual friendship with England has put matters in public deliberation, which (for his opinion) might as conveniently have been entreated more secretly; not that he mislikes anything either in the matter or the manner of doing for itself, but for a certain fear he has to meddle in so weighty a cause, not knowing how it would be liked of Cecil.
2. The ratification of the treaty being propounded to the Lords of the Articles and the principal of the nobility and clergy, every man acknowledged the Queen's goodness towards the realm to have been such as they could never recompense, and therefore thought it meet that continuance of the amity should be sued for, whereof God has offered a good occasion to endure for ever, if it shall please the Queen to embrace it. The matter was so heard of all; although he could have been content it should have been generally passed over, yet would they needs insist in it. Seeing that their enemies appeared no less zealous in it than the others, lest by any labour they might be persuaded to the contrary, a writing was made and subscribed by all their hands, whereof Cecil shall receive a copy herewith enclosed.
3. On the morrow the whole Estates were assembled in Parliament, where they would needs have the same of new propounded. He was not glad to see the matter so published, yet he rejoiced to see the whole Estates, although in other points of divers opinions, yet with one uniform consent so earnestly wish the consummation of that matter that he well perceived it is the only means to join them in an indissoluble union. The whole Estates ratified the act made before, declaring the Duke the second person of the realm and heir apparent to the crown; and conform to the same acknowledged the Earl of Arran to be next unto him. The Confession of Faith was passed by common consent, whereunto no man gainsaid, all being present. It is true that the Archbishop of St. Andrews, the Bishops of Dunkeld and Dumblane, and two of the temporal Lords excused themselves that they were not ready to speak their judgment, for that they were not sufficiently advised with the book. Thus far they did liberally praise it, that they would agree in all things which might stand with God's Word and consent to abolish all abuses crept into the Church not agreeable to the Scriptures, and asked longer time to deliberate, whereby they did in a manner confirm the doctrine; whereas they, having liberty to speak what pleased them, durst not impugn it, and uttered their ignorance to their own confusion. It was no small wonder to see what victory the truth obtained by so uniform consent.
4. They are not like to have many enemies at home. This day some of the principal nobility have been with the Duke for naming of the Ambassadors; he thinks the Earls of Morton and Glencairn, the Master of Maxwell and himself, will be put to the journey, and that with all haste. In the meantime he would be glad of Cecil's advice if he may have it with diligence. Thinks they will go forward within ten or twelve days. Wishes he may rather die in the voyage than that it turn not to the union of the two realms. The Estates have committed the direction of the Commissioners' instructions and other things appertaining thereto to the Lords of Articles. Desires to be recommended to Mr. Treasurer and Cecil's bedfellow.—Edinburgh, 18 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
August 18. 432. Gresham to Parry.
Has as yet heard nothing of the 300,000 dollars which Count Mansfeld promised to furnish by the 10th present. Will have much to do to content the Queen's creditors. Trusts that he is through with the merchant adventurers and staplers. On the 17th the writer sent by land to Dunkirk the young "corttall," which he gave Parry, with the Queen's Turkey horse. Has likewise sent four dozen of the same black buttons he spoke of, which cost 48s. the dozen.— Antwerp, 18 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[August 18.] 433. Fra Antonio Maria Pagliaro to—.
1. Has been unable to answer his correspondent's letter sooner, the sixteen galleys and two galleons which set out on the 10th inst. for Barbary under Jno. Andr. Doria having prevented the departure of any other vessel. A frigate which went to Sicily did not carry letters.
2. They are said to have gone straight to Tripoli, to land 2,000 men and plunder the town, which was understood to be poorly garrisoned, and to have been helped by a ransomed slave of that country.
3. They are reported by a brigantine, who, it is said, was with them, to have arrived on Thursday, the 15th, off Tripoli; and being prevented from landing by N. and N.E. winds, to have run before the wind to the beach of Pallo, where he left them.
4. This impediment fortunately prevented their encountering the army, which, having left the Gielbe, had returned to Tripoli with Dragut, not without danger of being lost, as explained below.
5. Neither they nor Pallo had been informed of the arrival of the army, believing it to be still engaged against the fort, which was taken with little credit to the garrison on the 1st inst., as he will learn from the letters of the Commendator Avogadro. After which they remained three days, and having put on board the artillery, the ammunition, and provisions, with the money which they found (said to be about 40,000 ducats), went to Tripoli; whence they despatched a frigate commanded by a Spaniard, who had a safe conduct, and who treated for the ransom of great personages; which frigate went first to Sicily, and then brought hither the news of the discreditable loss of the fort.
6. The whole army appeared on the following day, the 16th, and put on shore "un Golitano," whom they had taken for ransom; and although the Grand Master and Council had determined that James Calorito, the scribe of our large galleon, should go to Bassa to redeem some, and to send him presents of some refreshment and two slaves of four that Bassa had demanded; nevertheless, having delayed, the army rose at noon, passing before the port, not however without a salute from St. Elmo and from two galleys and a galleot which were here, and departed. Only one galley fired a shot at the new galley of the Grand Master. The only other injury done was the burning some stacks and a few houses and damaging some vines. A boat was also taken with persons on board, while crossing to this place from Gollo. Nevertheless, the Grand Master sent to Bassa two Turks with other small presents, although they had set sail; and to Don Alvaro De Sande some biscuit, wine, cloth, and other provisions; so that nothing happened but the killing of two or three Turks by Maltese, and the affair ended.
Copy. Described on the back (in Ital.) as the copy of a P.S. written by the Commendator Fra Antonio Maria Pagliaro to a letter of his of 18 Aug. 1560, from Malta. Ital. Pp. 4.
August 19. 434. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On the 15th inst. somewhat late at night the Lord James sent for him to his lodgings, where he found the Earls of Argyll and Morton, the Lairds of Patarrow and Lethington, and Mr. Henry Balnaves. The occasion of his sending proceeded upon the question that was had that day in the Parliament of those that should be sent to England, and upon what points. The one was to give the Queen thanks for the inestimable benefit they had received; the other to devise what order might be taken for the disorder upon the Borders; the third, and that of most importance, how to maintain the amity with England.
2. The first point all men incontinent agreed to. The second was found so godly that they thought she would consent thereunto. As for the third, they judged it deeply to be considered, well to be weighed, and wisely to be handled. After many consultations and devices (far from what they shot at,) it was resolved that there was one only way in which the appearance was great if it were followed in due and convenient sort, which is known to Cecil well enough. They concluded in this manner. It seemed good to the nobles of the three Estates of Parliament, whereof two should be Earls, to entreat with the Queen and her Council on these three points; trusting, that as they had found her favourable to them, so she would now consummate such a work as may redound to her immortal fame and the perpetual felicity of both realms. The Earl of Argyll showed himself very affectioned unto this matter, and Lord James marvellous earnest; the others spake no less herein than he knows their hearts desire. Lethington rather consulted upon the manner of the doing than that he thought it not expedient to be put in execution. It was at that time thought that a couple of noblemen should be sent first to give thanks and entreat of the reformation of the Borders; and to understand whether it would please the Queen that any such suit should be made unto her. To this voyage were appointed Lord Robert, the Master of Maxwell, and the Laird of Lethington, whom the Duke so pressed that it could not be denied.
3. The next day a new resolution was made with the advice and common consent of the three Estates, that there should be an open embassy sent in all their names for all the three purposes. Whereupon it was fully agreed upon Friday by the Lords of the Articles and ratified upon Saturday by the common consent of the three Estates, every man giving his goodwill and free voice thereto. Forty-seven of the Lords have set to their hands, the copy whereof, with that of the Confession of Faith, he shall presently receive. Never heard matters of such great importance sooner despatched, nor with better will agreed unto.
4. The matters concluded and past by common consent upon Saturday last, are, first, that the Barons (according to an old Act made in A. D. 1427,) should have free voice in Parliament. This Act passed without contradiction, as well of the Bishops Papists, as all others present. The next was the ratification of the Confession of Faith, which the Bishop of St. Andrews said was a matter that he had not been accustomed with, and had had no sufficient time to examine or confer with his friends; howbeit, as he would not utterly condemn it so was he loath to give his consent thereunto. To that effect also spake the Bishops of Dunkeld and Dumblane. Of the Lords Temporal the Earls of Cassilis and Caithness said, No. The rest of the Lords with common consent and glad will allowed the same; divers, with protestation of their conscience and faith, desired rather presently to end their lives, than ever to think contrary to it; many offered to shed their blood in defence of the same. The old Lord Lindsay, as grave and goodly a man as ever he saw, said; "I have lived many years, I am the oldest in this company of my sort; now that it has pleased God to let me see this day where so many nobles and others have allowed so worthy a work, I will say with Simeon, Nunc dimittis." The old Laird of Lundie confessed how long he had lived in blindness, repented his former life, and embraced the same as his true belief. The Lord James, after some other purpose, said that he must the sooner believe it to be true for that some other in the company did not allow the same; he knew that God's truth would never be without adversaries. The Lord Marshall said, though he were otherwise assured it were true, yet might he be the bolder to pronounce it for that he saw there present the pillars of the Pope's Church, and not one of them would speak against it. Many other spoke to like effect, as the Laird of Erskine, the Laird of Newbottle, the Sub-Prior of St. Andrews; concluding all in one, that that was the faith in which they ought all to live and die.
5. The third was the Bill, a copy whereof he encloses; as there were not many words, so was it sooner concluded. There dissented never a man; he saw it pass with such good will that he marvelled whence it proceeded. Has at other times talked with many who have neither regard to profit or commodity, and are without hope to attain any great favour that way, that heartily desire the same.
6. As the charges to send the Ambassadors into France and England are like to grow unto a great sum of money, the Lords with common consent have granted a tax to be levied of the whole people to the sum of 6,000l., if the Lords of Articles find the same expedient. When all these things were fully agreed upon by common consent, the Duke gave a piece of silver (as the order is) to the Clerk of the Register, to have an instrument of the same.
7. The next matters to be motioned are the election of the twenty-four, the confirmation of the contract at Berwick, and a resolution of a Bill given in against the Bishops. Because on this day (by reason that the Earl of Argyll requested him to be with him, to see certain letters that came to him out of Ireland,) he will have occasion to write again, he for the present takes his leave.—Edinburgh, 19 Aug. 1560, "rathe in the morning." Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 19. 435. Charges against Croftes.
"Matters with which Sir James Croftes hath been charged before the Lords of the Council."
1. That he discomforted the Lords of Scotland by showing them that the Queen would withdraw her army and ships, who thereupon wrote to the Duke of Norfolk, who encouraged them and sent Sadler to them.
Answer. As he understood the Queen's disposition sometime to alter, according thereunto he used speech with the Scots, meaning no hurt therein.
2. That he used conference with one Blanarn, a Scot, and a principal practiser of the French, making not Sadler privy thereto, until he understood at the Council table, upon Gower's complaint, that Blanarn had sought to corrupt Gower, the Master of the Ordnance, to destroy the powder.
Answer. He never talked with the said Scot but by licence of Lord Grey, and after Gower's report he never spoke to him. The said Scot came from the Queen Dowager to move him to bring the matter to a communication. To this Grey says that he had told him he might speak with any Scottishman sent from the Queen Dowager, if he made him privy to it. That one morning early at Lestarick, Grey came to speak with him, and knocking three or four times ere he could be let in, at length he found a Scotchman unknown to him, and on Croftes praying him to forbear with him he departed and abode half an hour away, and returning found him still not gone, but on his telling Croftes that he must needs speak with him the Scot departed. On Grey asking him who the man was, Sir James said that he came from the Queen Dowager, who would have the matter taken up by communication, and that he had a sum of money offered him to further the matter. After this Grey never heard that the said Scot had been with Croftes, until one day when Gower disclosed his practice with him, and Sadler asked whether he knew that the said Scot had conferred with Croftes, when he said that Sir James had told him of such a matter at Lestarick; but of his being with him at Cannymills, where Sadler saw him, he never heard.
Memorandum.—200 marks were brought from the same Scot to the camp to a wrong man; whom, when the bringer had considered, he said the party had a black beard to whom he was appointed to bring it.
3. He was charged that at the day of the assault he did not accomplish his charge, by means whereof the whole matter was lost; for first, where he was appointed by writing to be at the battery of the pale by 3 o'clock a.m., at low water, and upon a sign by fire given by Vaughan, he came not hither in time; and for lack of his direction numbers went to a place of evident danger, where a great part of them were slain. And whereas he was appointed to stand with a battle near the assault, he could only be found at Newhaven, a quarter of a mile off.
Answer. He says Vaughan began too soon, and Winter came not with his boats, and that he directed the bands when anything went amiss; and when he saw the matter quailed he went to Newhaven to stay the horsemen.
4. Lord Grey says that he never heard but that Vaughan began in seasonable time, and that the matter was deferred on his own part for lack of Croftes' coming so long, as he had almost endangered the whole; and that after Vaughan had begun, he sent to Croftes' lodging and he was not found there, nor was he at the battery, but understood that he was betwixt the town and Newhaven. The assailants if they had been directed could not have missed the way, being a plain and dry way; whereas they were forced to wade deep in the water and climb up a steep hill, and also go to a place where they could not choose but be slain.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 19 Aug. 1560. Pp. 4.
[August.] 436. Croftes to Cecil.
Sends by this bearer a note of all such things as he desired to be restored unto him at the time of his commitment, and asks for letters and warrants, as he is well assured to be hindered by Brown the Auditor. For his entertainment at Berwick had note of letters to Sir William Ingleby; and for his other allowances in the camp refers to Cecil's disposition. At the beginning of the journey he was charged with a warrant made by him to Ingleby for 100l. for espial money. Begs him to write to the Auditor and enclose his money to Ingleby. Asks him to write to Lord Grey that he may be indifferently handled, as he desires to go to Berwick with him to make full delivery of his accounts.
Orig. Hol., with three seals. Endd.: From the fleet. Broadside.
August 20. 437. The Privy Council of Scotland to the Queen.
They request (in the name of the Queen of Scotland), letters of safe conduct for John Clark, with four others, to pass through England and thence to France.—Edinburgh, 20 Aug. 1560.
Signed: James Hamilton, James Hamilton, James Stewart, Morton, Glencairn, R. Boyd, W. Maitland.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
August 20. 438. The Earl of Argyll to Cecil.
Has received a writing from O'Neil in Ireland, and has incontinent delivered the same to Mr. Randolph, together with the true translation thereof, to be forwarded to Cecil, that he might advertise him of his good advice and counsel. Has not received any advertisement from the Lord Deputy. Will satisfy all his reasonable desires, in such things as he may do to the weal of both the realms and contentation of the Queen, according to his duty.—Edinburgh, 20 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 20. 439. Leek, Brown, and Grimston to Cecil.
Sir John Conway, who, having served in the late army in Scotland, upon the breaking up of the same was appointed to remain as of the garrison, is now amongst the 2,000 last cassed with his band. Having no order from the Duke to allow him conduct money, as to all the rest of the army, they have despatched him with the payment of his wage only, unto the day of discharge. At his request they signify that, his band being all countrymen and many sick, he has borrowed as much money in this town as would amount to the conduct money, hoping to recover the same.—Berwick, 20 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 20. 440. Sir Francis Leek to Cecil.
1. Has received letters from Mr. Thomas Randolph, requiring him to forward this packet with speed; by whose letters he sees that the bullets and other munitions remain at Leith for lack of money to defray the gathering and shipping thereof. Asks to know at whose hand he is to call for the same, and for rewards for such as bring letters from thence; hitherto he has paid them himself. Some accusation is given him against Robert Holmes, servant to Thomas Gower, for sundry parcels of powder, which he encloses. Holmes denies it, but with half a good countenance; the writer is presently examining the matter. A question has arisen between John Bennet, Master of the Ordnance in the North, and John Fleming, master gunner of Berwick, for the governing of the 50 gunners appointed to remain there; "it seems they both smell some gains to arise that way." Mr. Valentine Brown has paid the captains and soldiers their wages until the 19th, and the old pay for eight months and odd days; but the ordinary garrison inhabitants are unpaid for one whole year. Sir W. Ingleby declares that he has given him 2,000l. out of 3,100l. he received from Mr. Asheton. Begs that money may be given to the poor men, whose misery is great.—Berwick, 20 Aug. Signed.
2. P. S.—The Parliament at Edinburgh ends to-morrow. Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[August 20.] 441. Peculation of Military Stores.
Information given by Henry Waller, William King, and Bartholomew Carew, for such munitions as have been kept back by Robert Holmes, viz., 14 barrels 2 firkins of powder; 2½ barrels of tallow; 2 firkins, contents unknown; one whipsaw. Signed by the informers.
P. 1.
August 20. 442. Council at Fontainebleau.
"A discourse of that that was done and determined in the Council assembled and held at Fontainebleau in the Queen Mother's chamber, 20th August, and others following, 1560."
1. Present, the King, the Queen Mother, the Queen, his brothers; the Cardinals of Bourbon, Lorraine, Guise, and Châtillon; the Dukes of Lorraine, Guise, D'Aumale, and Montmorency; the Lord Admiral, the Mareschals St. André and Brissac, M. Du Mortier; the Bishops of Orleans, Valence, Durancon and Valence, all of the Privy Council. The rest of the Knights of the Order also sat, but out of the Council's chairs. The Masters of Requests, the Secretaries of State and Finance. The others and Generals standing. The King gave them briefly to understand the cause of that assembly, praying them without passion or fraud frankly to counsel him. The Queen Mother very humbly requested them to counsel the King, her son, in such sort that his authority might be conserved, his subjects relieved, and the ill content satisfied. The Chancellor compared the state of their matters to that of a physician and his patient; and said they might see all states troubled and corrupted, religion, justice, and the nobility, every of them very ill content, the people empoverished, and greatly waxed cold in the zeal and good will they were wont to bear to their Prince and his Ministers. If the cause of this sickness could be known, remedy might easily be found for it. For which cause the King had called that assembly, which was lawfully made of all the estates of the realm, saving the third or commons, which were not necessary to be there, for the Knights' deliberation tended to the solacing and relieving of the said third estate.
2. The Duke of Guise gave account of the charge that the King had given him touching the men of war of France; and the Cardinal of Lorraine of the matters of state and the ordering of the treasures, whereby it was found that the ordinary charges of the realm did exceed the revenue 2,500,000 francs.
3. Next day respite was given till the 23rd, when the company assembled in the former order. When the Bishop of Valence, the last of the Councillors, had begun his tale, the Lord Admiral rose from his chair and went to the King, and having made two great courtesies before him presented unto him two supplications in the name of the faithful Christians scattered abroad in divers places of his realm, which requests were forthwith delivered. . . . .
Imperfect. Endd: 20th August 1560. A discourse of the Council held at Fontainebleau. Injured by damp. Pp. 4.


  • 1. This name is written in a different ink on a space left for its insertion.
  • 2. The remainder of the letter is written in a different ink.
  • 3. Instructions to Sir James Sandilands.
    Teulet, 1. 613.
    1. He shall declare to the King and Queen of Scotland the obedience and fidelity of the three Estates.
    2. That according to the treaty of 6 July, the Estates should meet on 10 July and continue to 1 Aug., which they have done accordingly.
    3. That at this Parliament were present the Duke [of Châtellerault] and 13 Earls, the Archbishop of. S. Andrews and five Bishops, 19 Lords, 20 Abbots and Priors, the representatives of 22 towns, 110 Barons and many others. [The names of these in Scotch he presented to the Queen.]
    4. That he shall present to their Sovereigns the confirmation of the said treaty by the Estates, and shall receive from the said Sovereigns their confirmation of the same.
    5. That he shall present to their Sovereigns the names of 24 persons nominated by the Estates, from which they shall be requested to choose eight, whom they shall commission, along with six to be chosen by the Estates, to govern Scotland during the absence of the said Sovereigns.
    6. That he shall inform the Sovereigns that on the completion of the said Parliament an account of its proceedings shall be sent to them.
    7. That he shall present the recommendations of the Estates to the Queen Mother, the King's brothers and sisters, the King of Navarre, and the other Princes of the blood, the Dowager Duchess of Guise, the Duke of Guise, the Cardinals of Lorraine and Guise, the Duke of Aumale, the Grand Prior, the Marquis D'Elbœuf, the Constable, the Bishop of Valence, and M. De Randan.
    8. That he shall ask the members of the house of Guise what shall be done touching the interment of the Queen Dowager of Scotland, to whose honour the Estates will do all that the Law of God permits them to do.
    9. That he shall speak to their Majesties respecting the entertainment of the Council, on the disorder upon the West Borders, on the abuse of the palace and park of Linlithgow, and on the violences committed by the Lord Semple.
  • 4. This varies in several respects from the list given in the Act. Parl. Scot p. 606.
  • 5. Parliament of Scotland.
    August 24.
    L. Paris, p. 464.
    In the Parliament at Edinburgh, 24 August 1560, the three Estates, considering that in the treaty between the Bishop of Valence and M. De Randan on the one part, and the nobility of Scotland on the other, it was decided that the said Estates should nominate twenty-four personages, and if they thought good they should add two to the said Council, and that their Majesties should choose one and the Estates one other. According to which article the Estates have named the following:—James, Duke of Châtellerault; James, Earl of Arran; George, Earl of Huntly; Archibald, Earl of Athol; Alexander. Earl of Glencairn; Andrew, Earl of Rothes; John, Earl of Menteith; James, Lord Stuart, Commendator of S. Andrews; John, Lord Erskine; Patrick, Lord Ruthven; John, Lord Lindsey, of the Byres; Andrew, Lord Ochiltree; Robert, Lord Boyd; James, Lord of S. John's; John, Master of Maxwell; James Douglas, of Drumlangrig; W. Cunningham, of Cunningham Head; Walter Lundy, of that ilk; John Erskine, of Dunn; John Wischard, of Pitarrrow, and William Maitland, the younger, of Lethington: and, finding it more expedient that the ordinary Council of the realm should consist of fourteen, they request their Majesties to select eight of the above, of whom the Estates will also choose six others, and that their commission be sent back by the Lord St. John, the bearer of the above.
  • 6. The R. O. transcript does not contain the ratification.