Elizabeth: July 1560, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: July 1560, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp201-206 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1560, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp201-206.

"Elizabeth: July 1560, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp201-206.


July 1560, 21-30

July 22. 359. The Lords of Scotland to Queen Elizabeth.
They request (in the name of Queen Mary) safe conduct for Henry Kinloch and Mark Browne, merchants and burgesses of Edinburgh, to pass through England, and thence to France, or other parts beyond the sea.—Edinburgh, 22 July 1560. Signed.: James Hamilton, James Hamilton, Ar. Argyll, James Stewart, Morton, and W. Maitland.
Add. Endd.: Queen of Scots to the Queen. Broadside.
July 22. 360. Sir Thomas Cornwallis to Francis Yaxley.
Begs him to use his influence with Lord Robert Dudley, Mr. Treasurer, or Sir William Petre that he may be excused coming to Court to welcome the King of Sweden.—Brome, 22 July. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 23. 361. Sir William Cordell to Francis Yaxley.
Begs him to use his influence that Sir Ambrose Jermyn be excused from coming to Court to welcome the King of Sweden.—Melford Hall. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[July 24.] 362. The Queen to the King of Spain.
She has already had many proofs of his regard for her, both before her accession to the throne and since. The letters and message lately brought by Pacheco confirm her in the conviction that his regard is not only unimpaired but is on the increase. The mission of Gajon also proved this, and for all she thanks "her very dear brother." If Pacheco had arrived before the peace between her and the French had been concluded, he well knows what weight his embassy would have had.—24 July 1560.
Draft. Add. Endd.: Sent by Don John Pacheco. Lat. Pp. 4.
[July 24.] 363. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
July 24. 364. The Queen to Chamberlain.
1. Has received letters of the 20th ult. addressed to her from Montague and himself, whereby she understands the conference they lately had with the King of Spain and the Duke of Alva; and perceives the good assured friendship the King bears towards her, the like whereof has been declared to her by his letters, and by the bearer thereof, Don John Pacheco. Although she has answered his message, as by her letters herewith sent he may perceive, yet Chamberlain shall declare to the King that, understanding through Pacheco his brotherly love and friendship towards her, she is much beholden to him for this and many other tokens of his goodwill, and so has willed Chamberlain to render him most hearty thanks, and to assure him that she will never forget his sincere and constant amity towards her, nor omit to declare by deeds her goodwill and inclina tion for the continuance of the ancient amity that existed between their progenitors.
2. As for her doings in this late treaty with the French in Scotland, he may say, that like as she has by him given the King to understand upon what necessary occasions she was compelled to enter this late charge, so has she from time to time made his Ambassadors privy, partly by her own declarations and partly by her Council, of the true and plain order of her doings therein. And now, things being concluded between her and the French King and in many parts executed before Pacheco's arrival or Chamberlain's letters, she sends him the particularities of the said agreements, which he is to declare to the King, as she has already done by word of mouth to Pacheco. If the French perform what they have promised, she trusts to live in long peace; and yet has good hope so to provide in the meanwhile, that she may be able to withstand any injuries to be offered to her by the French or any others.
3. And where in one article it is ordered that the recompence to be made for the injuries done in bearing her arms and using her style shall be referred to Commissioners to be appointed on both parts for that purpose, and if they shall not agree, then it shall be referred to the King of Spain to be determined within one year, Chamberlain is to pray the King to consider what injury has been done, and how dishonourably the French King has dealt with her, what he has attempted by way of Scotland, and what charges she has been compelled to enter into for the stay of his ambition.
Corrected copy. Endd.: 1560, July 24. Minute from the Queen to Sir T. Chamberlain, sent by Don John Pacheco. Pp. 4.
July 24. 365. Sir Richard Lee to Cecil.
Encloses a plat of Leith truly drawn. As he is in great want of filling stones, he desires that the Queen's commission may be sent to him, for his warrant in taking down such proportion of the old walls as may be thought meet. Trusts that money will be sent before the end of August for the charge of the works, which will be seven months on 21st September next.—Berwick, 24 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[July 27.] 366. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
Taken up of Classe Johnson, 27 July 29,800 florins.
Taken up of Sebastine Fleachamor and the company 34,383 florins.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil.: Pentecost mart. Pp. 2.
July 28. 367. The Emperor Ferdinand I. to the Queen.
1. She will probably remember what he wrote to her last year about the events which had occurred between the Prince of Muscovy and the Teutonic Order in Livonia, to the effect, namely, that the Prince was waging war with the Order upon the plea that a certain tribute was due to him from the bishopric of Dorpt, and had most cruelly ravaged the disputed district, which he had seized and was attempting to separate from the Roman empire.
2. In the Conference lately held in 1559 at Augsburg it was resolved that aid should be granted to the Order, if the Prince of Muscovy persisted in keeping possession of these districts. It was further decided that all Christian Princes should be solicited herein to afford some assistance. The messenger sent by the Conference to the Prince with letters to the above effect has now at last returned to the writer, but the information which he brings in reply is so vague that the future proceedings of the Muscovites are most dubious. This much, however, is certain, that the Order cannot sustain the expenses, past, present, and future thus imposed upon them, and that Livonia is likely to be separated from the empire.
3. Under these circumstances she is solicited to contribute towards the support of the Order and the preservation of Livonia in the hands of the Emperor.—Vienna, 28 July 1560. (fn. 1) Signed: Ferdinandus,—M. Singkmoser,—V. Seld.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 7.
July 28. 368. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
July 28. 369. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
1. Since Cecil's departure the writer has travailed about the despatch of the army with the officers of the field, who are wholly cassed and paid, whereby there rests now in growing charge for the garrisons but only 4,000 men with the diets of the Duke. The debt which the Queen owes to the end of this month amounts to 24,900l. whereof to the 4,000 men 11,200l. to be presently paid, for that they are clearly out of all apparel and furniture. 1,300l. to the Duke for his diets since March; 1,200l. to merchants, which they lent to be repayed in London, whereof 500l. to Johnson of Cheapside, which he [Brown] has promised to see paid immediately; 2,000l. to Sir William Ingleby; and the rest owing to the merchants of Berwick and Newcastle for money lent for carriage to divers gentlemen and horsemen of Northumberland cassed without payment.
2. Sends this bearer to keep him in remembrance of the 1,000l. lent to the French Ambassador. Has taken the account of Mr. Horden for the victuals, whereupon he is cassed and departed hence two days. Encloses a brief account of the charges of this late journey from beginning to end, and also the note of the doings of Mr. Croftes.—Berwick, 28 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 3.
July 29. 370. W. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Encloses a copy of the Earl of Arran's letter to the Queen. An Italian who was one of the Queen Regent's masters of the household, whom he has been of long time familiarly acquainted with, has earnestly requested him to use his means with Cecil that his letters herewith enclosed might come to the French Ambassador's hands; he has purposely left them open.
2. A good part of the Lords will be here within two days for a Parliament; they have, among other things, to treat upon the affirmation of the league with England, and to name a Council. "Of this do I doubt, if it be expedient to propone the ratification of the league publicly, whereby it shall come to our Sovereigns' knowledge that we go about the same before we send to them for establishing of our Council, in which case I fear they shall be the more circumspect and perhaps make some difficulty in the choice making; and on the other part it is like that the Council, once chosen and in authority, shall be able to make all men consent to the compact, although many were unwilling." Desires his advice for the order of propounding. Would be glad to learn through the English Ambassador how the Scotch are looked upon in France, how they were received on their first arrival, and how they behaved. It may serve to good purpose to learn if the peace is liked, and if the King and Queen mislike any head of it. As soon as Parliament begins he shall know all things.—Edinburgh, 29 July 1560. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 29. 371. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
Yesterday, the 28th, the Laird of Spott advertised the Council that there were arrived at Dunbar six ships out of France with victuals. The Lords have sent this day Captain Forbes and another gentleman to see what victuals, munition, or other things they have, as also to know their intent to bestow the same, that according to their report advice may be taken and Cecil receive advertisement. Wrote in his letter of the 23rd that the Bishops and Abbots had retired themselves where they thought to find greater security. The Abbot of Dunfermline, finding no place in Fife where he might assure himself, the rather for his own suspicions than for anything that was intended against him, came privily over the water to Dunbar, where he remains, thinking to eschew the summons that was out against him to appear before the Lords of the Council, to answer such accusations as are laid against his behaviour in Fife. The Lords have this day directed another messenger to cause him to appear. The Bishop of St. Andrews has had his private Mass since his coming to Paisley, and perseveres a sore enemy to the cause, as much as he is able with his tongue. This day Lord James and Maitland returned from Inverkeithing, where they met with the Lords Athol, Gray, Crawford, and Innermeith, who are all resolved to be at the Parliament and show themselves willing to further the cause of their country. The Earl of Huntly is sick, as it is said. The Duke is presently returned from Hamilton. Lord Semple wrote to him, craving favour concerning the money that was lost, the Lords have done and daily do what they may. Will advertise him of Forbes' answer from Dunbar. Desires to know his pleasure concerning the ship that he and Maitland advertised him of on the 23rd.—Edinburgh, 29 July 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 30. 372. Sir Thomas Cornwallis to Francis Yaxley.
Thanks him for his neighbourly care and travail in his matters. If the report be true that the King of Denmark prepares his force to stop the King of Sweden, it is not like that he will have to attend upon him.—Brome, 31 July 1560. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 31. 373. Capture of Gerbes.
1. The fort was lost for want of water on the 31st of July. Don Alvaro having divided his men into three parts for the purpose of obtaining water was repulsed, and himself driven to the galleys, where he was captured. Those remaining in the fort elected for captain the Captain Capata, to treat of surrender. The whole number of men was 5,000, of which half were dead of sickness or wounds.
2. A list of the Spanish, Neapolitan, Sicilian, and Italian noblemen and officers who were taken in the fort or at the galleys, together with those who were slain or who died of sickness. There were also taken forty pieces of artillery, which had been placed in the fort, out of the twenty-seven galleys which were taken.
Span. Pp. 4.
July 31. 374. The English Army in Scotland.
Charge for the Queen's army in Scotland between 16th Dec. 1559 and 31st July 1560, 131,886l. 4s., whereof there remains owing 24,917l. 4s. to divers persons.
Endd. Pp. 6.


  • 1. The date is somewhat uncertain in the copy in the R.O., but it is ascertained by a duplicate copy in B. M. Nero B. ix. 96. See also Sloane, 4142. f. 34 b.